Part 2 of a story about a boy named Gray who discovers he has the power to stop time at will. And how he uses it to mess with friends, strangers, cute boys and anyone with a nice pair of sneakers. Just to get himself off.
Walking to school gray immediately started thinking of his next target. There was a cute guy in his soccer team that he had had a crush on for a while, Jake was his name. Jake was slightly taller than Gray and worked out, his abs had been a big point in Gray’s fantasies. Jake had short, dark blonde hair forming a quaff in the middle that always got a little messy after a long day, which Gray just loved.
While lost in thought Gray walked through the doors and was greeted by one of his friends. Dylan, a skater with longish black hair, tanned skin and baggy clothes “Hey man, what’s good? What’s got you smiling so early?” Dylan said.
“Ah, nothing. I just feel well rested today” Gray said, with an even bigger smile than before.
“Good, don’t see that often with you, haha” It seemed like he had more to say, but was cut off by the bell.
“Let’s go, don’t want to keep Mr. bolder waiting again.” A mean dig at Gray, which he brushed off with an eye roll.
They moved through the crowded halls into the classroom, and the school day officially started. The lesson quickly grew to bore Gray, almost sending him back asleep. So he decided to get a break from the dullness and softly snapped his fingers under the desk.
Everything was frozen once more. The teacher, mid speech to the class and all the students. Some seemed to be paying attention, most were on their phone or talking to friends. Gray stood up and walked past everyone looking at them more closely than he had ever before. None interested him until he got to a boy in the front of the class, sitting alone.
He was small, and thin, with light blonde hair just long enough to cover his eyes. What was his name again? Gray thought but could not remember it. So he decided to search his pockets for his ID. His name was Sam, 16 years old. Yet he looked a couple years younger. He was always very shy and never talked much, Gray couldn’t even remember If he’d ever exchanged a word with him over the years. Curiosity about this kid grew though. Enough so that Gray decided to look through his bag next. It seemed like there were only books and other regular items in there at first but then he found something far to the bottom, stashed below was a small remote vibrator egg, and remote controller. It's always the quiet ones Gray thought.
It was perfect, this cute kinky boy had provided exactly what Gray needed to be entertained today. He put the vibrator in his pocket and lifted Sam up from his seat, bending him over his desk. Completely vulnerable to Gray’s next act as he pulled down his shorts to reveal white and yellow striped underwear. After feeling them up for a bit he pulled them down as well. Leaving Sam’s ass exposed to the whole class behind him. He tried putting the toy inside but found it wouldn’t go in without something to lube it up. So, he spat on Sam’s hole and fingered him slightly, before slowly sliding the toy inside. He stood Sam up again and noticed his decently sized dick. Unexpected for a guy otherwise so tiny. Gray felt it up a little, pulling the skin back and forth without much response. Gray Guessed that his body won’t respond while time is frozen. He put Sam’s clothes back on and sat him down like before.
Gray walked back and sat down in his seat, he snapped his fingers once more, releasing time from his grasp. Sam immediately sat up straight, probably from shock as he felt something gliding into his hole. He seemed embarrassed, as he quickly readjusted his position and shrank into his seat. Time for the main event Gray thought as he reached into his pocket where he had kept the remote and turned the toy on to its first setting.
Immediately a small shriek could be heard coming from Sam’s direction, embarrassing him even further.
The teacher stopped his lecture and asked Sam what was wrong.
“Nothing sir, I’m sorry” Sam softly replied, the rest of the class was seemed unbothered. Although some did chuckle at the sound he had made. Mr. Bolder continued, a bit disgruntled.
Gray left it on the first setting for a couple minutes, just watching Sam as he kept adjusting his posture while the toy stimulated his prostate softly. It seemed he’d gotten used to it after a bit however. So, it seemed only right for gray to turn the setting up a couple. Sam could be seen tensing up each time the power went up and was physically holding tight onto his desk as he tried desperately to keep the other classmates from noticing his reactions.
Watching from afar was fun, but Gray desired a closer look now. He stopped time again and made his way over to Sam. Sam’s face was flushed red, clearly it was taking a toll to hold back the pleasure from escaping. Looking under the desk gray could clearly see Sam’s hard dick standing upright forming a big tenting bulge in his shorts. This was probably why Sam was slouching over his desk so much, he was desperately trying to hide it.
Gray moved the desk aside and sat Sam back up right in his chair, his bulge clearly visible to anyone looking in their direction, if they were able. He thought about exposing Sam like this, making the whole class witness his massive boner, but it felt too cruel. Instead, gray decided to enjoy it in it’s full glory by himself and removed the shorts and underwear completely to spread Sam’s legs wide.
Sam’s fully erect dick now stood bare and pointing right up towards Gray. A more tempting invitation there couldn’t be. Gray went down on his knees in front of Sam and let his dick tower above his face. The smell was oddly sweet, and not at all as musky as one would expect from a guy’s dick. There was already clear pre-cum leaking out, as had there been a small stain in the underwear.
Gray moved his head above, opened his mouth wide and took in the entirety of Sam. He had never sucked a dick before, but now he was doing it for the first time, to a cute boy he had just teased. All this in front of around 20 other kids in class. Even his experience with the girl from before could not compare to the excitement from this.
Sam’s dick was incredibly hard, he felt a little bad for how much it must have hurt to sit with it untouched for so long. Gray made sure to pleasure him as best he could because of this. His mouth and hands slid up and down Sam’s shaft, stopping now and then at the top to delicately lick his tip and then taking it all to the back of his throat.
Gray had gotten so caught up in sucking action he’d forgotten completely about his own hard on growing below. He was simply enjoying the act of sucking dick now.
Looking up at Sam’s face brought up a new desire for Gray and he slid up to meet Sam’s face with his own, placing his lips firmly on Sam’s. So soft, was the only thought that came to mind before he started passionately making out with Sam while still tending to his dick.
This was all very exciting, but he needed to see Sam’s reaction. He wanted to see him cum.
Gray pulled Sam’s shorts back over his black vans, stopping for a second to admire them on their own and put them back on Sam, not before taking some pictures first. He decided to keep Sam’s underwear though and stuffed them into his own bag after putting Sam back into the position he had been before, as best he could remember.
Gray sat back down and flipped the switch of the vibrator to its maximum setting before resuming time with a snap of his fingers.
Sam could not compete with the overwhelming amount of stimulation he was receiving all at once. Being violated at 3 separate points on his body by an invisible force. He could not stop himself as he was brought to an unimaginably intense orgasm, shaking his entire body, and forcing out a long and loud moan as he filled his black Nike shorts with cum. It took almost 5 complete seconds for his orgasm to stop and made him curl backwards into his seat with his back arched and his groin humping the table uncontrollably as each wave of cum was flowing out.
The whole class fell silent and only stared at the scene playing out in front of them. This shy boy, that up to this point had never been the point of attention had caught everyone’s eye now.