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The new guy on the lake has made some connections with the kinky crew of a float boat.
It was pretty much a repeat of the prior week as far as showing up to the float boat. He had spent a bit more time on his hygiene, knowing what was to come. He was surprised to discover that Worm and Weasel were already out from under the tarp and sitting on the benches. Their outfits were pretty much the same, except their hands were fastened to their hoods.

“Good morning, James! Ready for a bit of fun?”

“I think so.” He wasn’t as enthusiastic as he had been the last two visits. He hadn’t slept well and certainly didn’t want to seem too eager. But he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to last very long on the machine. And wished there was a way to make sure it didn’t appear that the prostate portion of the machine was the difference, but he shouldn’t have worried.

“Ever had your prostate tickled before?”

James shook his head.

“Trust me, you’ll like it, never saw a guy that didn’t. Between the vibration and the size, don’t expect to last very long. And we’ll give you some other things to enjoy as well. All right, strip!”

His t-shirt and trunks came off quickly. Miranda was tasked with lubing him up, she even had a latex glove ready to keep her hand clean. She bent him over the control console and it only took a minute or so for her to liberally coat his asshole and insert a couple fingers in. The invasion of the rubber coated tube was not an easy thing, but it was obviously already having an effect on him, as his cock was standing at full attention even before she moved around to the front. She pushed him back into the chair, covered with a towel this time and strapped his legs and arms in place. Then came the wrap around the waist, holding him firmly in place. Then the sleeve was put in place around his shaft, a bit difficult considering he was already at maximum hardness. James focused on watching Camilla, sitting watching and sipping on a glass of wine.

She looked fantastic as always, her long legs seemed to stretch out forever from the small bikini she had on. The strappy sandals didn’t hurt, calling attention to her feet and the bright red nail polish on them. Her fingernails had a matching red on them, they contrasted nicely with the glass of white wine. Just being able to watch her for a while made it worthwhile, even if he never managed to copulate with her again. Finishing the set-up down below, Miranda put the gag in place. And James realized that Weasel and Worm also had gags in place. Something different for sure!

Camilla stood up and brought over a timer, which she sat on the table, turning him to squarely face the table in front of him. “Okay, last night the W’s spent a lot of time between our legs. And they did a very nice job of satisfying us, so today, they are going to get a bit of a treat, but that will come later. We know that we may be losing you to Jennifer in the near future, but right now we want to get a baseline, so that you feel like it isn’t the end of the world if things don’t work out. As long as you don’t hurt her, and we are more concerned with the emotional aspect than the physical, we promise not to hold it against you. Are you ready, James?”

He nodded. He was already pretty aroused, and wasn’t sure he would last more than a minute or two once the device was turned on. Camilla took the control box and turned the knobs, while Miranda wrote down the settings in a little notebook. Once they were satisfied, Camilla turned it on. There had to be at least three devices going, and everyone of them was different. The shaft that was buried in his ass was a slow rumbling vibration that he could feel through most of his body. There was a short cycle run of slow fast medium vibrations shooting through his shaft from the sleeve surrounding it. And there was something tickling his balls in a steady rocking motion. According to their timing, he lasted a full three minutes and twelve seconds before his ejaculation shot out the end of his shaft and splattered across the table. Some of it went so far as hitting Worm in the belly.

“Well, Camilla, I guess you won. I didn’t think he’d make it past two and a half minutes!”

“I knew it wouldn’t be too long, but certainly longer than either of the Ws ever got. Okay, so ready for the next round?” James looked at her a bit puzzled. He couldn’t ask a question, and wasn’t sure he wanted to know what the next round was all about. But there was little he was going to be able to do about it, whatever it was.

Miranda put on another rubber glove. James wasn’t sure how she was going to do anything to him given that he was tied in pretty tight, but a moment or two later he realized that the next round was going to be focused on the W’s, not him. She proceeded to apply lube to both of their assholes, following the same procedure that she had done on him. Camilla spent a minute or two cleaning him and the mess he had made up and even went so far as to add some lube to the sleeve. The coolness felt good and his erection had faded away almost to the point of slipping out of the sleeve.

Then she went to the bag sitting on the far end of the seat. She pulled something out of it and began wrapping it around her waist. He couldn’t see what it was, but it reminded him of garter straps. And a few moments later she turned around. She was wearing a harness! She pulled out a double headed dildo and began inserting one end into her pussy, stretching the lips as she slowly slid it in. Once she was happy with how it fit her, she tightened up the harness to hold it snugly in place. She pulled another set out and helped Miranda put it on, taking a few minutes to slowly thrust the substitute dick in and out of her vagina. James felt himself getting hard again.

The W’s seemed excited, James could see their thighs trembling. They were already moaning. And then the ladies moved over to them. “So James, they were really good last night, and we were very pleased with their efforts. They are probably thinking that they are about to get the vibrator inserted into their butts and get a prostate orgasm. But you were very good and lasted long enough that we are going to celebrate and really reward them! So they are going to have a new experience today. On a few occasions we have given them a good ass fucking with the harnesses, but never have they gotten one like this!”

And the ladies giggled and took the keys from around their necks and used them to unlock the cages around their partner’s gonads. It was a matter of seconds for their shafts to be a full length once released! James could see that they were really excited, there was pre-cum dribbling out of both of their cocks. The cages and keys were set on the table next to the timer. Camilla reset the timer to zero and then reached over to the controls and turned the device buried in his ass back on. The settings weren’t changed. The ladies proceeded to lay the W’s on their backs on the bench seats and slowly started to enter their partners. Before they bottomed out, James realized he was fully erect once again.

The two women went slowly, trying to focus on their own pleasure as they slowly pumped their shafts of rubber in and out of the bowels of their respective males. The two beautiful women were stroking in and out, their breasts bouncing nicely with the motion, their own asses jiggling beautifully with the action. The men’s cocks were slapping against their bellies as they were screwed. The sound added to the overall excitement. It took several minutes for the women to reach their peak. Miranda hit first, her moans matched the moans coming through the gag from the Worm. Once her shudders had subsided, she reached down with her hand and stroked the cock, looking like she was masturbating herself. It only took a couple of strokes and a fountain of sperm pumped out of Worm’s shaft for a long time, completely covering his belly and dripping down his sides.

The image did nothing to slow down his own impending ejaculation, it was building in his balls as they were rocked back in forth. Camilla’s orgasm finally hit and she collapsed to her knees, her body shaking. To his surprise, she actually turned her head and sucked the top of Weasel’s penis into her mouth, which immediately set him off. She jerked back her head, but still caught a blast in the face, while he sent spurt after spurt onto his belly. And then the memory of the feel of stroking Jennifer’s hair the night before invaded his memory. He wasn’t sure what triggered it, but her face suddenly took over his vision, that shy smile with a bit of a blush and suddenly he was blasting his own load into the air. While it wasn’t nearly as large as his last one, the volume surprised him. And Miranda slapped the timer on the table and reached over and turned off his machine. The heavy breathing of all of them slowly subsided and soon the only sound was the light slap of the waves against the pontoons.

Camilla was the first to really move. She grabbed a towel and wiped the cum off her face. Pulling herself to her feet, she moved over to James and removed the gag from his mouth and then leaned in and kissed him, a long hard kiss with her tongue fishing for his tonsils. She went over to the side of the boat and dropped a bucket into the water. Pulling it up she splashed about half of it on Weasel's crotch and then carefully put his cock and balls back into their cage. Hanging the key around her neck, she turned back to James and unfastened his arms and legs, while he removed the waist constraint. The rubber cock bouncing as she walked around was rather amusing.

“Nice, James! Almost seven minutes for the second round! Go slowly, you should be able to pull it out without a problem. Then jump in the lake and clean up.” The two women proceeded to use the bucket to splash water over the W’s and wash the sperm loads off the upholstery and carpet. He worked the device off and out of himself and jumped into the lake. The cool water was refreshing and certainly made him feel better, but he was wiped out. After some chit chat and finishing getting dressed, they said their good byes. James wasn’t sure he would be able to paddle back to his place, but he managed to make it back and got a pretty serious afternoon nap in to recover.


Friday night the doorbell rang at exactly 5 o’clock. James almost raced to the door and had to collect himself before he pulled it open. He came to a complete and total stop. Jennifer stood there and looked amazing. Her red hair cascaded around her face in loose curls. She was wearing a green and white sundress that contrasted nicely with her hair and skin. It was starting to cool off and she had a nice sweater over her arm. She took his breath away. When he was able to speak, he said, “I don’t know if you are a good girl or a very bad girl, but I definitely like it!!”

He was actually able to see the blush this time and the smile was bigger than he’d ever seen on her before. James stepped back and motioned her to enter.

“How can I help you, sir?” She had her eyes down. He reached out his hand and tilted her head up.

“Please, your eyes are too beautiful to hide from me! And call me James, or Jim, if you want. And really, I don’t need much help now, but later with the dinner itself. I actually did more than I expected ahead of time. I think I’ve got everything under control. But you can double check me on what is ready to go. I also wanted us to be able to talk for a few minutes with no one around. I’m really not sure where to start. I know you must have questions about me, so maybe you can start. I’ll answer any question you have and I will only answer with the truth.”

She looked at him. He could see there were lots of questions boiling around in her head and wondered what she was going to ask.

“Have you been talking to Camilla and Miranda about me?”

“Yes, of course. Any smart guy would learn what he could about someone he was interested in.”

“So you are interested in me?”

“Ah, yeah! You are beautiful, so any man is going to be interested in you.”

She looked at him for a moment. “Have you been intimate with Camilla and Miranda?”

He hadn’t thought this line of questioning would come up this early in the discussion, but figured it was going to end up there eventually, so he wasn’t totally caught off guard by it. And the fact that she used and between their names indicated she knew the two were joined at the hip even now.


She was chewing on her lower lip now. He could tell she was struggling with which direction to take the questioning now.

“Let me help you out. It didn’t take the two of them long to figure out that I am, how did they put it, wired very differently than Weasel and Worm.”

The look on her face was a combination of surprise and relief, “So you know about Weasel and Worm. And you aren’t like them?”

“Nope, no interest in being controlled like that. The two ladies indicated that you weren’t wired the same way they were, either. Look, like I said earlier, you are beautiful. I would definitely like to get to know you better, what you like and don’t like, what makes you tick. I have no desire to be dominated the way the two W’s are. I really have no real desire to dominate someone. I get no thrills from being humiliated or humiliating someone. But I certainly wouldn’t mind taking a lead role in a relationship if, and only if, that is what makes the other person happy. What I know is that I would never intentionally hurt you, physically or mentally.”

She nodded slowly, “I think those two ladies are pretty sharp. And I trust their assessment of you. And they’ve had a lot of years to observe me. I’m interested in learning more about you and given that we both seem to agree that we don’t want the same sort of relationship that Miranda and the Worm have, it would seem safe to move forward. And trust me, that is a bigger relief than you can imagine. I do like being told what to do and even how to do it when I’m not working. I feel more relaxed just being able to react to what I’m told to do rather than having to figure out what I should do. So I’m all in for spending the time and effort to get to know you better.”

“Look, those two couples are into some rather kinky stuff. I’m not saying it’s bad, but it just isn’t what I’m into. It doesn’t sound like it’s the kind of thing you are really into. It can be fun to experiment and explore. It would appear that you have had more time to do some of this experimentation. I haven’t. And I’m not sure just how much I really want to experiment. I mean let’s face it, the worst sex I ever had was pretty damn good.”

Jennifer laughed. He liked that, a nice laugh, no over the top snorts, but a solid laugh. It seemed very natural and without any of the hesitancy he had seen in their few encounters.

He noticed her eyebrows, not sure why he hadn’t seen them before. They were crisply outlined and really set off her eyes, the dark brown seeming to split the difference between the light brown freckles and the red hair.

“Jennifer, we’ve had pretty limited contact with each other. But we have both had, shall we say, extended contact with a couple of the same individuals. I’m not sure why, but I do trust Camilla and Miranda. They recognized that we are different from them, and think we may have more in common with each other than with them. I think that is a pretty solid starting point and I am more than willing to spend the time to figure out if they are right.”

Considering the topic of the discussion and all the undertones and baggage it contained, the fact that she was still standing there seemed to be a positive for James. She was certainly beautiful, but that would be obvious to anyone that saw her. She was smart, he knew that from the short conversations they had over the few meetings, but he had also done a bit of a background investigation. He knew she was an attorney and her bio indicated some good honors from school and participation in a couple of key committees of the bar association.

“Now that the uncomfortable part of the conversation is over, you claim to be a consultant. What do you consult on?” She was still leading the questioning, which was okay by him.

He reached over and took her hand; directed her up the half flight of stairs to the upper level of the house. And admired the way her dress flowed over her ass as she moved. Walking down the hall he entered what was obviously an office. There were shelves full of books and a fairly elaborate computer set-up on the desk facing the door. He brought her into the room and shut the door behind them. And pointed to the wall behind the door, where there were three diploma’s hanging up, the only things on the wall in the room and normally hidden behind the door. She looked at them and then turned to him.

“Okay, you are pretty smart. Did you pass the bar?” James pulled out his wallet and handed her his bar card, valid for the current year.

“So, given those degrees, what would you think I consult in?”

“Engineering degree and a law degree, patent law would be the logical guess.”

“Exactly, though I’m a bit broader than that. I joined a patent firm once I passed both the state and the patent bar exams. I was pretty much the low man on the totem pole, and someone came in with a big copyright case. It had a lot of potential, but no one wanted to handle it, so I got stuck with it. I handled the case, was successful, very successful, and there was a lot of money involved. A great deal of it came to me, so I was pretty well compensated. They also made me a junior partner. I no longer have a quota of billable hours and can pretty much work when I want to and can goof off when I don’t.”

“So lots of free time to pursue the, ah, pleasures of life?”

James laughed. “To pursue? Yes. But there is a rather big difference between pursuit and capture. I have not been very successful in the ability to finish the pursuit with a successful closure. Oh, I’m not saying I’ve been celibate, but not as successful as you seem to be implying. And a great deal of the pursuit has been on other activities, such as the music room you’ll see in a few minutes.”

“I, on the other hand, have been rather too busy with my career to do any pursuing. My satisfaction has been limited to the same avenues as I followed in college. My social life is entirely centered around Camilla and Miranda and it has been since my freshman year in college. They have had little incentive to disturb the status quo, but lately they have been making a bit more of an effort. Every party they have thrown in the last couple of years has included a small number of eligible bachelors.”

“And none of the offerings have met your requirements?”

“They all seem to be at the extremes. They either remind me too much of Weasel and Worm or they try to come off too strong and domineering. I have on occasion dallied with one of the wimpy ones just to get some relief, but frankly, Camilla or Miranda do a better job satisfying me than any of the guys have done.”

“Okay! I think that both of us are looking for something more middle of the road than our match makers have in mind. And we seem to be thinking many of the same things, so given that we have very definite understandings of what we don’t want, maybe we can spend some time working together to figure out what we do want. Oh! Given the time, we should get ready to welcome the other guests!”

He quickly finished the house tour. His office, the main en suite, another full bath, and a guest bedroom on the upper level. He led the way to the lower level. She was a bit surprised by the rooms there. One was a large open space with large windows looking over the lake and a door wall to a patio. It included a wet bar, a fireplace and lots of seating, a nice place for cozy conversations. The other room was a music studio. It had a keyboard in one corner and a full mixing and recording console on another. A wide variety of instruments were hung on the walls and a number of guitars were staged on stands among the microphones and amplifiers. There was even a small drum kit in one of the corners.

“Before you ask, no, I don’t play them all. I putz around with them, and I have friends and relatives that are really good with them. I like doing the mixing. Basement is there, full of boxes and things I haven’t figured out where I’m going to put yet, and there’s another full bath through that door.”

The main level had a large open plan living room and a dining area attached to the large kitchen. A double sided fireplace split the rooms with large archways on both sides. The kitchen had enough space for up to six people to sit at the island and eat if they wished. There was a laundry room and half bath there as well. There was also a doorwall that opened out to a large deck. Here was where James had staged the dinner. The food and plates were laid out on the island, ready for cooking and serving. A ***********ion of appetizers were being prepped for the island so that each of the guests could help themselves to what they wanted and move to the deck and enjoy. He had a couple bottles of wine ready to go and had matched them with his food ***********ions.

The other two couples arrived together promptly at six. He led them around the house for the grand tour and then ended in the kitchen. The evening went splendidly, he managed to time everything properly and Jennifer helped with the plating and serving. She seemed more relaxed than when she arrived and participated in the conversations a bit more than he had seen in the past. She was a great help in clearing things up as well. The weather was perfect for a nice dinner on the deck, with a beautiful sunset as they finished up.

When Camilla and Miranda decided it was time to leave, it wasn’t quite ten o’clock. There was vague talk of when they would get together again and lots of thanks for coming and thanks for a wonderful time before he and Jennifer waved goodbye as they drove off.

He turned and looked at Jennifer. She still looked fabulous, a bit less crisp than when she arrived, but he was pretty sure she was going to look amazing in any situation. “How about another glass of wine?”

“I think that would be lovely.”

He led her into the house and sat her on the couch and went to the kitchen, returning with a couple of glasses. He sat down next to her and pulled out his phone. With a few swipes he turned on the tv, turned on the fireplace and adjusted the lighting throughout the house. He placed his arm around her and put on some light sitcom and just enjoyed being with her.

“This is nice,” she whispered.

“Yes, it certainly is.” Jennifer snuggled into his side. He sat there just relishing the feeling of her so close to him. After a while she stirred and sat up. She carefully sat her glass down and then stood up and turned to face him, flopped herself on top of him, straddling his right leg. She placed her hands on his face and kissed him, a long deep kiss that definitely told him she was not going home very soon. He returned it with fervor, their tongues dancing together in unbridled lust.

Finally coming up for air, “I’m not sure I deserve you! But I’m glad you are here.” He pushed her up to her feet and got himself up. He then swept her off her feet and was glad that he had spent a lot of time in the kayak, his arms barely noticed her weight. He didn’t even struggle as he carried her up the stairs and into the main bedroom. Standing her back on her legs he kissed her again. Her hands began to unbutton his shirt and he slid the zipper of her dress down to the small of her back. She stepped back and allowed the dress straps to slide down her arms and stepped out of it. Her panties and bra were white satin with a touch of lace, contrasting nicely with her freckles. James slid his own shorts off to reveal black silk boxers.

Jennifer reached over and gently grabbed his crotch, feeling the outline of his hard cock and balls through the silk. James struggled with the sensuousness of it, wondering how long he could possibly last.

“So, how does this compare to the Worm and the Weasel?” She asked as she gave it a squeeze. “I don’t know as I never saw them out of their cages. Did you?”

“Actually, I have. And I can say you got the better deal. I’m not making that up, you can check with Camilla or Miranda!”

He reached around her to the night stand and pulled out a condom. She saw it and took it from him and returned it to the drawer. “I’m on birth control, and I know those two wouldn’t let you touch them if they thought you were a risk.”

James pulled the covers back and gently pushed her back onto the bed. He slowly slid her panties down her legs. Her pubic hair had been trimmed neatly into a red heart, the color matching her head perfectly. He bent over and gently kissed the heart, before diving his tongue into the slit below. Dropping to his knees he applied himself to her creamy thighs and the treasures between them. As she got more and more excited, she pressed his face into her crotch as she emitted a constant stream of moans and squeals. When it finally hit, she let out a scream and her entire body shuddered, drenching his face with her fluids. She tasted sweet, almost of honey, and he swirled his tongue around to collect the ambrosia.

Jennifer grabbed his ears and pulled him up. She unfastened her bra at the front and her breasts appeared, two scoops of creamy skin with a nice red cherry on top. He kissed them reverently, the nipples hardening as he licked them gently. Not wanting to wait, Jennifer wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in, using her hand to guide him into her hot tunnel. Well lubricated, he had no problem burying his hard cock all the way into her. His moans joined hers as he bottomed out. Her red hair cascaded around her face on the white sheets, the jiggle of her tits as he stroked into her, the moans of delight and the feel of her legs wrapped around him pretty much limited him to a minute or so of pumping into her hot snatch before his cum began spurting out of his shaft, filling her with the warm liquid. He struggled not to collapse on her, the intensity of the orgasm draining the strength out of his arms.

Catching his breath and willing his arms to push him off of her, he staggered into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, turning on the water in the large shower. Applying the towel to her genitals, he pulled her up and they walked into the shower. The multiple shower heads soon covered their bodies in warm water and he sat down on the bench with Jennifer in his lap. As the water revived them, they began exploring each other’s bodies with more and more intensity. A bit of soap soon had them giggling with the foam and slipperiness as they washed each other up. A couple of big bath towels were soon applied and they returned to the bedroom clean and dry and complete naked.

“Um, does this mean you are staying for the night?”

“Would you like that?”

“Well of course I would!”

“Do you make as good a breakfast as you do dinner?”


“Then I’m staying!”

They snuggled up with each other and talked, their hands exploring each other’s bodies slowly, without any urgency to them and eventually fell asleep.

James woke in the morning and it took a moment or two to register the arm intertwined with his own. He opened his eyes to a tousle of red hair and glimpses of a body beyond. Jennifer stirred and stretched, the warmth of her body near his gave him a comfortable feeling. After a moment or two she struggled to crawl over him and slid out of the bed.

“It would have been a lot easier if you had gotten out on the other side.”

“But not nearly as much fun!” She teased before disappearing into the bathroom. A few minutes later and she returned, crawling over him and giving him a quick kiss that brought the minty aroma of mouthwash to his nose. “Your turn! It’s actually rather nice not to have to worry about checking restraints and cages and all that stuff, you can let the other person take care of themselves without worrying about them!”

He laughed and went and took care of things, including a quick swig of the mouthwash to clean things up. Returning to the bed, she grabbed him and pulled him into a deep kiss, pulling him down. Jennifer then rolled him on his back and proceeded to sit on his face, while starting to lick on his already substantial hard on. They spent the next half hour experimenting on each other, discovering what patterns the other liked and eventually bringing them each to an orgasm, the bed rocking rapidly with their bodies as they shuddered and spent. There was no doubt that some serious laundry was going to have to be done. The two of them lay there for a few minutes, their breathing slowly returning to normal.

“Do me a favor? And I’m really asking a favor, not trying to order you around!”

James laughed again, it was getting to be a habit around her! “Of course! And at this point, I don’t think I’d even think twice if you had just told me to do something.”

“I think that probably goes both ways. You know where I parked my purse last night. My car key is in it. Would you get the bag I have on the floor of my back seat?”

“Interesting. You thought there was a possibility of being here all night, but weren’t so sure that you wanted to bring it in? I like your thinking, lady!”

Jennifer’s turn to laugh. “Something like that. I figured if nothing else, I’d be ready for the day at Camilla’s place, this is likely to be the last Saturday the lake is warm enough to get into. And they might have invited me to go back to their place if they felt you weren’t going to ‘put out’ for their sorority sister. Meanwhile, I’m going to clean up.”

James got up and pulled on a bathing suit, he pretty much had been in a suit or shorts since moving into the place. Once she was out of bed he gave her a light swat on that gorgeous bottom and stripped the bed. He took the mattress topper as well. After heading to the basement and starting a load of laundry, he got her car key and headed outside. It was a bit cool, but the forecast was for the mid-80’s in the afternoon. He fumbled with the buttons and managed to open the car and the trunk as he walked down the drive, she had parked at the bottom. He noted a couple of gym bags in the trunk as he closed it, but grabbed the one from the back seat. A quick glance inside confirmed what he expected, some clothes and what was probably a makeup kit.

Back in the bedroom James opened the bathroom door to find Jennifer drying herself off. He placed the bag on the counter and watched her, enjoying the movement and bounce of her body, the breasts jiggling with her motions and her legs stretching as she moved the towel over her body.

“Enjoying the view?”

“Very much! Need some help?”

“Ha! Like that would really help! No thank you, I do want to do more than prance around in my birthday suit all day!”

He pulled a shirt out of the closet, and managed to actually think about something that went well with the blue suit he had on. “Breakfast will be ready soon, coffee? And how do you take it?”

“Definitely coffee. A splash of cream if you have it. Milk is fine.”

“I have some half-and-half, kept for guests, so you’re in luck!”

When Jennifer walked into the kitchen ten minutes later, James could do nothing but stare. Her hair was in a loose ponytail and she was wearing a pair of loose shorts that highlighted her long legs. The t-shirt was tied in a knot, showing off her waist and belly button. He really couldn’t tell if she had makeup on, but then realized that she must, as some of the freckles he had admired on her nose earlier had sort of disappeared.

“Like what you see?”

“Very much!”

She slid into the seat at the counter and he pushed the coffee over to her. She took a sip and watched him for a couple minutes. Then she asked, “So, how come I feel so comfortable with you? It’s almost as if we’ve known each other forever, it just seems so natural.”

James sat down the knife he was using to chop some sweet onion. This was a pretty serious question and one he didn’t want to mess up, and he certainly didn’t want to lose a finger in the process.

“Let me venture a guess or opinion or just whatever you want to call it. You and I are not a couple of hormonal teenagers. We’ve survived the teenage years and have had some time to mellow out. Over that period we have pretty much realized what it is we want and now that we aren’t playing games, we can cut through all the bs and recognize what we want when we see it. You are right, it has been less than twenty four hours, but it does feel right. We cleared a lot of air of our obviously mutual concerns when you first got here yesterday. So, the big question is, what do we do from here?”

“I think we spend as much time as we can with each other and try to poke holes in what seems a good thing.”

“That sounds pretty good. So the first item is the fact I’m going out of town next week, I leave Wednesday and come back Saturday.”

“Where are you going?”


“So why are you going to Nashville? I’d think they already must have a lot of copyright lawyers down there!”

“Well, here’s where things get a bit more interesting. You correctly identified that I do IP type consulting. But that’s only one type of consulting I do. It’s my bread and butter, pays the bills and allows me to create a fairly decent budget. But my extras, like buying a lake house, come from other types of work.” He wiped his hands off and came around the island, and held his hand out. She took it and he led her back down to the music room in the lower level.

“What type of music is your favorite?” He opened the closet door.

“I can listen to pretty much anything. When I’m working, I like classical or jazz. When I’m at a party I like pop or rock.”

There was a stack of frames leaned up against the wall there. He flipped through the stack and pulled one out.

“Here, take a look at this and read carefully.” He handed her what was very clearly a gold record album. She read through the credits and gasped. “That’s your name, you wrote most of these!”

“I did, and I was the executive producer for it, I actually laid out the entire album and got the permissions for the covers he did.”

“So you obviously know him!”

“Yep. He stops by here whenever he is in town.”

“Are all of these gold records?”


“No? Then what are they?”

“A couple of them are platinum.” She took a swat at him.

“So who are you consulting with this week?”

James named a couple of relatively well known artists. “I’ve actually been given the nickname of ‘Grammy Maker’ as at least five artists have gotten a Grammy for things I wrote. When someone is struggling and looking for that bit of extra push, they call me. Sometimes I add a single line to a song, get credit for it and the royalties roll in. My specialty is the self-deprecating aside or poking fun at the artist themselves. It seems to make the artist a real person to the audience and they eat it up.”

He watched the gears turning in her head, she looked really cute when she was focusing on something. Not that she wasn’t pretty cute all the time! “So, how about this song? Was that you?” She named a popular hit from a year or so ago.

He looked through the stack and pulled out another gold record. “Yep, that was me.”

They eventually sat down on the deck with a couple of fresh omelets, more coffee and enjoyed the lake. The day had started a bit cool and there had been a mist over the water, but the morning sun was burning it off. They were cleaning up the kitchen, with a few short interludes to tease each other, when he pointed out the window.

“Well, Camilla and Miranda have sent out their scouts! Larry and Sam are out for a jog!”

Jennifer giggled, “I expect I’ll get a text in a bit asking about how things went!”

“And what will you say?”

“We’ll see!”

True enough, about 20 minutes later her phone buzzed, almost the same time his did. She showed him the message from Camilla. It was an emoticon of a smiley with question marks around its head. She let him watch as she replied with three exclamation points. “That will keep them guessing! I think they will still have a lot of questions, particularly as to what happened. How much do you want me to share? They typically want a blow by blow, emphasis on the blow, of what happened on all my dates.”

“Given that they know me and I mean they really know me, there really isn’t anything I’d be embarrassed about. Whatever you are comfortable with. And we’ll have to figure out where the lines are now. You have a lot of background with them, me not so much, but certainly more than one would expect.”

He checked his text. It was from Larry, “Thanks for the great dinner! How’d the rest of your evening go?” with a smiley face at the end. He showed Jennifer and responded with the same three exclamation points. “That will show them we’re in sync!”

“So, now what do we do? You have any specific plans for the day?”

“Not really. My Saturdays are usually sort of a free day, sometimes there is a party or event in the evenings, but I don’t plan on getting much done. I do my chores like laundry and vacuuming on Sundays.”

“Pretty much my routine as well. Given that, some of the options are, Farmer’s Market, Flea Market, taking the kayaks out, I can borrow one from the neighbor for you, a combination of the above. Any of those parties scheduled for tonight?”

“No plans for tonight! Though a vague sort of maybe with the girls. Let’s go to the Flea Market! I haven’t been in years and maybe we’ll find something interesting! And then we can come back and either kayak or just float in the water for a while. We could even kayak over to Camilla and Larry’s place.”

“I like the way you think! And I’ll get to see you in a bathing suit!”

“A bathing suit? And you think that’s better than a birthday suit?”

“I like being teased a bit! Besides, I’ve never seen you in a bathing suit.”

The two of them finished cleaning things up and James drove them over to an old K-mart where an impromptu flea market sprang up every Saturday. It was a fairly crowded mess of some people with things on blankets and others with full tented stalls and tables.

After they came in from the lake, they jumped in the shower to rinse off, and things naturally got pretty heated. Jennifer reached out of the shower and grabbed the bottle of aloe on the counter and slathered up his cock with it. She then spread a great deal of it over her ass before bending over with her hands braced against the back wall. James wasn’t going to pass up the offer and slid his rigid member between her ass cheeks. He slowly explored with his tool and his fingers to find the rosebud and lined things up. Once in place he slowly pressed into her, the initial relaxation came suddenly and he found himself buried in her tight ass. He shuddered from the sensation and just savored the feeling for a few moments, reaching around and caressing her breasts with one hand while holding her hips tightly against him with the other. Then he started a slow rocking thrust of an inch or so in and out. It felt wonderful to him.

“So, do you come here often?”

Jennifer giggled, “I cum as often as I can! And I plan on cumming here very often! Come on, faster!”

He obliged and began thrusting with more urgency, moving in and out further with each thrust. James didn’t want to pop out, that could be painful, but he wanted the full sensation along his shaft. He slid his hand down to her slit and began rubbing her clit with some pressure, the aloe lubrication making her slippery and smooth. It only took a couple minutes before she yelped and shuddered, the vibrations pulling his own orgasm out, shooting into her bowels. He extracted his shaft from the tight home and pretty much collapsed onto the bench beside her as they allowed the water to cascade over them. It wasn’t the first time that James was glad he had put in the on-demand water heater system, they would never run out of hot water!
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