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This is my favorite chapter in the Lacey and Ricky series. This rewrite tries to correct the tense errors and is written more in the active tense. It also has significant enhancements to the story line and more de***********ive language. I think it is the hottest, most believable mother /son story on this site! If you know of a better one, I would like to know about it. Please leave it in the comments. Also, let me know if you want me to rewrite the other chapters in the series.
Chapter 6: Ricky helps his mother (new and improved version)

The time passes slowly for Ricky while his friend, Lacey, is gone to California. He is very lonely and now knows that Lacey is much more than his best friend. He also finds himself to be sexually frustrated. Sure, he knows how to beat off and does so almost daily. But it is not the same without Lacey. He discovers that he really loves Lacey, deeply, as more than just a childhood friend.

To help Ricky while she is gone, Lacey provided him with one of her brother's girly magazines. He was hoping for the one with the centerfold that Lacey herself had modeled for him, once, but that issue has somehow disappeared. The one that is now hidden at the bottom of a drawer in his closet has lots of pictures of men and women fucking. That is something that he and Lacey have never done. Ricky is sure that some day they will do just that. Sometimes he wonders if he will really know what to do?

Another reason for his loneliness is the fact that he is an only child. Ricky has often wished for a brother or sister. Since he has come to know Lacey, he wishes for a sister just like her. Ricky's dad, Jim, had been killed in an accident at work when Ricky was just six. Now he can barely remember what his dad looks like. Mom used to have pictures of him around the house, but a couple years ago she put them away, explaining that it hurt too much and that it is time to move on.

Mom tried dating, but it makes Rickey uncomfortable when other men come around. He never met one that he could imagine as "Dad". Mom hasn't found any that suits her taste, either. She says she just compares them to Jim when they are together and they don't measure up.

Ricky is learning that his mom is lonely, too. Sometimes he comes in the house and can tell that she has been crying. She tries to conceal her unhappiness, but Ricky sees right through her. Some nights she soaks in a hot bath tub for more than an hour. He suspects, from the sounds, that she is masterbating. He dearly loves his mother and knowing that she is hurting disturbs him deeply. He would do anything for her.

The porn is a great help in keeping Ricky's imagination going and promoting his fantasies. He mostly imagines the things that he and Lacey will do together. But sometimes he fantasizes about sex with magical beings like fairies, avatars or superheroes like bat girl and wonder woman. He imagines what it would be like to fuck his third period Civics teacher, the pretty Ms Gilbert. She often wears short skirts and high heels. He once glimpsed her panties when she sat in front of him to help another student. She caught him gazing at her, smiled and promptly crossed her legs. Ricky confided to Lacey that he once had a crush on Ms Gilbert. Lacy admitted that she enjoys watching her too and that she would love to see her naked. There is something about being with a mature woman; a woman with experience. He has even fantasized about making love to his own mom.

In Ricky's fantasies about his mother, he imagines finding her, broken down and crying, and trying to comfort her. She would lay her head on his neck, sobbing, and he would take her into his arms in a hug. In this very vulnerable position, something inappropriate would begin to happen to both of them. A pleasant tingling sensation would surge through her whole body, but especially deep in her womb. He would feel his dick growing and twitching in his pants. He wondered if his mom would feel it moving, since, in his fantasy, it is pushed up against her. He imagines her moving her hand down between them until it reaches his crotch. She would grab and squeeze his tool, through his pants. A wry smile would spread across her face as she opened the button on his jeans. She might snake her hand down into his underwear as she pressed her boobs into his chest. When she found his tool, all charged and ready for action, she would wrap her long fingers with their shiny pink nails around him. She would gasp in surprise with what she found and begin tugging on him.

“Hi, Ricky!” his mom says, bringing him back to earth. “Could you please bring the groceries in from the car for me?”

“Sure. How was your day?” Thinking about her like I do makes me feel horny, but it also makes me feel guilty. Somehow I know that thinking like this about my mom is not acceptable. I can't ever share this fantasy with anyone.

Since school is out for the summer, I take long walks around the fields and woods near my house. At odd times, Lacey pops into my mind, and I wonder what she is doing in California. “I hope she is finding some kind of fun.” Going down by the creek, I fish, or just lay in the grass under the trees, or go up into the tree house where Lacey and I have had so much fun together. Each day I go over to the farm where Lacey lives with her mom and dad and her big brother to feed her dog, Rex. They have chickens, pigs, goats and miniature horses which they keep on their little farm. It is good to have something to do and I am genuinely glad to be able to do something for Lacey while she is gone. I wonder if she is as lonely as I am. Does she think about me while she is at her uncle Steve's place? When she left she seemed to be dreading the trip. While walking through the barn lot, I notice one of the animals has a huge hard-on. The miniature horse is about his height, but his dick must be 18 inches long! I will have to tell Lacey all about this when she gets home!

I walk the short distance back to my house. It is a little early for lunch. I can't get that horse cock off my mind. I wish I would have climbed into the pen and tried to touch it. The horses are tame and used to being pet by people. I wonder if I could jerk him off? I bet the horse might like that. But, alas, I let the opportunity pass. I am not sure what I will do when I get back home. Maybe I can offer to help mom with some of the yard work, since today is Saturday and she is not at work. I walk in the kitchen door and am surprised that mother is not there. It seems that when she is home, I often find her in the kitchen doing something. I pause in the doorway and I think I hear her chuckle somewhere further back in the house. Following the direction of the sound, I move down the hall towards the bedrooms.

I hear something rustling from my open bedroom door. Stepping into my room, I am horrified to find mom sitting on the edge of my bed, looking through the porn magazine that Lacey had given me! My first instinct is to run out of the house, but I am frozen in fear, like a deer in headlights. I know that my mother will be furious and ask questions. She will want to know where I got this filth from, and I cannot tell her that Lacey gave it to me! I can already imagine her crying in disappointment, and I hate to make her cry. When she realizes that I am standing in the door, she looks up at me and smiles. I am amazed at the expression that I see on her face. It is not anger at all, but amusement mixed with a little sadness. The flood of adrenaline that hit me began to subside.

Closing the magazine, she pats the bed next to her. "Come here, RIcky." With my eyes lowered, I reluctantly come and sit next to mom and glance over at the magazine laying on her lap just to make sure she had been looking at what I thought she was. Sitting next to mom, I feel just a little ashamed and dread hearing her disappointment as I study my tennis shoes.

Mom hesitates for a beat, then says, "It's OK, Ricky. You are well into adolescence now and this kind of thing is not unusual. But I won't lie, it did take me by surprise. These things have gotten a lot more risqué over the years," she admits. "I have not talked to you about these things, and I know you are thinking about girls in ways that are different from when you were mommy's little boy. Heck, I haven't even had the talk with you about the birds and the bees." She continues.

"I know about all that stuff already". I say indignantly.

"Oh, I can see that" mom smiles, looking down at the magazine. "I have been negligent in not teaching you about these things myself. To me you have always been my innocent little boy, but when I look at you now, I see a fine young man. I want you to learn about these things in a healthy way." She adds. "It’s a little awkward for me since your dad would have normally filled this role for you."

I feel bad for my mom that she is feeling guilty. "I have been exploring my sexuality on my own and with a friend in a healthy way", I speak out quickly without thinking ahead to the obvious next question. "Mom raises her eyebrows and says, "You and Lacey! I should have guessed that! I hope you two are using protection." She says in alarm.

"We haven't done that, mom. Lacey is still a virgin. We have just been talking and exploring." I say hoping to calm her fears. I am hoping that we won't get into the details of what we have been doing. Mom can be so curious and can't stand to have a secret held from her.

"I will get some materials from the library and try to teach you the right way and answer all of your questions." She states in a way that brooks no argument. “But for now, let's get lunch. And please put this away in another hiding spot. I would rather not run into this again." I smile at my mom and take the magazine from her. How lucky I am to have a mom as cool as this! I love her all the more.

After lunch I take the book I am assigned to read for school during the summer and go down by the creek. Sitting on the grass, I spend a few hours in the shade, reading, and making notes for the report that will have to be written. The book is actually pretty good. The young man in the story was brave and did a number of things to help his widowed mom, some at great risk. He also had a romance with a girl that he had to keep secret because she was from a poor, lower class family. His mother eventually found out about their romance and, to the heroine's surprise, she did not discourage him. Unfortunately, the story did not get very steamy. But I am good at making up lots of salacious details along the way. I will have to be careful about what makes it into my school report.

After a while I get up, needing to stretch, and decide to go over to Lacey's house again to check on the animals. I secretly hope to be able to see the horse's huge cock again. I arrive to find everything in order, but no boners. Looking over the gate into the pig's pen, I notice a female turned away from me, standing near the gate. Her pussy is very close and I squat down to get a better view. I note the difference between the pig's pussy and that of a girl. In science we had learned that a pig's anatomy is close to that of a human, so I thought it worth exploring. Reaching my hand through the gate, I run my finger down her slit. It must have surprised her, for she squeals and runs a few steps before turning to look at me, accusingly.

Moving on to the next stall, there are a couple of goats. Looking in at them I note that one is male and the other female. I knew that Lacey's father milked a goat, and I noted her udder. The goat's udder looks full and has two tits. Full of wonder, I climb over the gate and get into the pen with the goats. They are friendly and the female nudges me gently.

Kneeling down at her flank, I reach out and feel her udder. It is heavy, and it did remind me a little of the feel of Lacey's breast. The nanny goat's tits are much different from the nipples of a woman. They are like handles. I grab one with my fingers to see what it feels like. They feel warm and pleasant and the goat has no objection to me fondling her. I had once watched my grandpa milk a cow by hand. He explained the technique to me, but I had been afraid to try it at the time.

Now I encircle the tit at its base with my thumb and forefinger and gently squeeze. Then I wrap my remaining fingers around the tit and apply gentle pressure. I am rewarded with a steady stream of milk that lasts about three seconds. The goat stands at attention without moving and allows me to continue. I grab the other tit with my free hand and try the same thing with it. A perfect little stream shoots into the straw, foaming a little. This is exciting. I actually begin to feel my dick stiffen.

I alternate squeezing first the left tit, then the right in a rhythm as I had seen my grandpa do when milking a cow. Jets of hot milk spray into the straw on the stall floor. My grandpa had playfully tried to aim a tit at me when milking the cow. Now I tried aiming a tit at my mouth. It is awkward and I end up soaking my hands with warm, creamy milk. I desperately want to drink some. Getting my head down under the goat, I reach up and grasp a nipple with my fingers. Parting my lips I suck the tit into my mouth and begin to suckle. Instantly my mouth is flooded with delicious warm milk.

The goat is getting tired of these games and begins to walk away from me. I get up and wipe warm goat's milk from my mouth with the back of my hand. The whole act somehow feels erotic to me. My right hand is soaked with milk from my milk play. I look at the goat that I had been milking and notice her cunt. It looks like that of the female pig. I walk over and touch the lips. She seems to like it and lifts her tail high. An idea comes to mind and I try to insert a milk soaked finger into the little pussy. Pushing gently past the folds of her pussy, my finger slips into her warm cunt all the way to my knuckles. It feels warm, velvety and snug inside. The goat stands still as if at attention. Her tail twitches but otherwise she does not move. Her ears stand up almost as though she is listening for something. I move my finger in and out rhythmically and she stamps her feet, but otherwise stands still. My dick is at full attention and I have to make some adjustments to my crotch with my left hand due to the growth down there. Then I slip my hand down my pants and find my hard, swollen cock. I jerk my dick in time with the thrusts of my finger in and out of the goat pussy.

As I watch my finger, sliding in and out, awareness dawns that my dick is at the same level as her pussy. Why not? I withdraw my finger and wish that I had a condom. What the heck, that is not going to stop me now! I fumble with my pants, opening the fly. Taking my cock out, I spit on it and stroke it to prepare for action. Spreading her folds with one hand, I can see her tunnel within and I hesitate. It looks so small. Will it be able to accommodate my dick? But thinking about it, a baby goat comes out of there and that has got to be a lot bigger than my girth. I guide my cock to the entrance and rub the tip around in preparation for entry. Behind me, the billy goat makes a grunting sound. Looking around, he seems to be agitated and puts his horns against my legs. Twisting his head about, he pushes against the back of my legs. I try to move away from him, but his horns are tangled in my jeans. He trips me up and I fall flat on my face on the stall floor. Quickly scrambling to my feet, I fear that the billy goat will get on top of me. But he is just standing there, glaring at me with unspoken accusations. Anyway, the mood is broken and I decide that I have had enough for the time being.

It is getting on towards evening and I know mother will be expecting me for supper soon. I wash up with a hose outside the barn and set off for home. Opening the kitchen door I am met with a wonderful aroma. The air smells of garlic and rich tomato paste. Great news, homemade lasagna is on the menu for tonight! Mom is a terrific cook, and she gives me a broad smile as I come in the door and she plants her customary kiss on the cheek. I flush remembering her finding my magazine earlier today.

Mom enjoys dressing up for dinner and she is wearing a lightweight black sweater that accentuates her boobs. Through the holes in the open weave I can make out her lacy black bra and small swatches of pale skin beneath that. She turns away from me and bends to take the lasagna out of the oven. As she bends over to remove the steaming pan, I get a view of her shapely ass in her yoga pants. Mom is no slouch, does yoga every day and is an enthusiastic runner. She takes care of herself.

We sit down across from each other at dinner. As I bite into the buttery garlic toast, mom says "I went to the library today and found a nice book that we should look at tonight after dinner." Mom is not one to procrastinate.

I feel a little uncomfortable about ‘The Talk’ and say "you really didn't have to do that. I think I have things pretty well figured out." if only she knew!

"Nonsense" she replies "it's time we get some of these things out in the open and talk about them. Porn magazines are not accurate representations of real human sexuality." In my dirty mind, I imagine mom explaining boobs to me, opening her bra to show me the real thing. Mom breaks into my revelry. "Besides, I went through the gauntlet to get this for you. You should have seen the look I got from old Ms Cratchet at the library when she checked the book out for me. That prude!" We both have a laugh, thinking about that old hatchet!

Who knows. Maybe I can learn something? Mom seems at ease with the topic, and that makes it easier. My hormone charged teen mind is titillated thinking about it. There is naturally a little guilt since she found my hidden magazine. That and all my secret extracurricular activities, which she knows nothing about.

For some reason a memory comes back into my mind. Last summer I had come into the house one afternoon and slouched down on the floor beside the couch to watch some TV. I had been cutting a neighbor's lawn and was sweaty and did not want to mess up the couch. I could hear the water running in the bathroom and I knew mom was in the shower and that I would have to wait my turn. As soon as I settled down on the floor, the phone rang. I jumped up to get it, but when I saw the caller ID I realized that it was my mom's friend, so I went back to the floor beside the couch and let it ring.

As I sat down I heard the water stop and my mother muttering. The bathroom door flung open and she came prancing out, dripping wet and as nude as the day she was born! I was concealed by the couch and she didn't see me sitting there on the floor. She ran with one arm around her boobs as they bounced in her grasp. She spoke with her friend on the phone for about two minutes with her back to me. She held the phone in one hand, and had the other on her hip, which nicely accentuated her rounded, firm runner's ass. I held perfectly still and couldn't breathe. My hungry eyes took it all in. She was turned enough that I could see the side of her plump left breast. It heaved from her sprint to the phone.

She told her friend she would call her back as she nervously looked out the window across the room from where I was at. Her body was highlighted by the light from the window and I sat on the floor in a dark area in the den. I was excited and scared at the same time. She soon hung up, turned back toward the bathroom providing me with the full frontal. Her face was turned away, nervously watching out the window as she paraded right in front of me. She had no idea that I was there. Her boobs swayed seductively as she walked and I got a birds eye view of her beautiful shaved pussy with a little V shaped landing strip. Just below the V was her slit, which disappeared down between her long legs. It only lasted for a moment as she walked past the other end of the couch. That image is burned into my brain! When she had closed the door to the bathroom, I got up and slipped outside, delirious at what I had witnessed.

I had caught glimpses of my mother before, but nothing like that. It could not have been better if she had paraded on purpose to try and seduce me! I made my way down to the creek and up in my tree house where Lacey and I had often gone to fool around. I took my pants off and took my dick in hand with thoughts of what I would like to do with my naked mother. At school a couple days later, I shared the experience with Lacey. I was afraid she might be grossed out, me looking at my own naked mother, but she thought it was hot. She even shared with me about walking in on her brother masterbating.

Mom's voice brings me back to the present. "What was that, mom?" I stammer.

"You were really spaced out there for a minute. Can you please help me with the dishes, honey?"

"Oh, sure, mom." I say. I mostly enjoy doing kitchen work with mom. She is interesting to talk with and has a great sense of humor. Mom rises first from the table, facing me. Looking at the front of her yoga pants, I can plainly see her camel toe. She seems to sense my gaze and adjusts her sweater in response. We begin to clear the table. Turning around with dishes in my hands, I crash into one of mom's boobs. I had no idea that she had been behind me, reaching over me for a plate. "Oops, I'm so sorry!" I say, blushing.

"That's OK," she says with a nervous laugh. "What did you do today?"

We stand, elbow to elbow talking and laughing as we work at the sink. My eyes are drawn to the open spaces in mom's sweater. When we are close, the flesh of her breast is visible through her lacy bra. When the dishes are done and put away, she says, "I will take care of the leftovers if you want to do something else." Going into the den, I plop myself down on the couch. Looking at the floor beside the couch, my mind briefly flashes back to that afternoon a year ago when I watched my nude mother from that very spot.

Soon mom comes into the den and sits down next to me. She is situated with her hip against mine, the library book in her lap. I cringe a little, wondering how this is going to go. She smiles, recognizing my discomfort. "What's the matter?" she grins.

"Can I just get my magazine and we can try to work from that?" I joke.

"Ha, ha!" she replies sarcastically, "that would not be a good idea, and I think you know it." Mom looks over at me with a touch of sadness. She probably wonders what kind of a horny bastard she is raising, or maybe she is just a little sad to realize that her boy is so grown up. "It's high time we have this talk." mom states with determination. Then I think, this cannot be easy for her.

My expectation is that we will read through the book together, front to back, but that is not what she has in mind. "First I want you to know that you can ask any question. I will answer your questions honestly if I know the answer. If I don't know, I will try to find out." She takes a deep breath, then begins. "Let's start with the basics". Opening the book, she turns to a specific page. "This is a boy's penis." She points to a drawing on the page.

I grin, "mine doesn't look like that anymore."

"No, I didn’t think so." she replies with a smirk.

When has she seen my penis, I think to myself. "How do you know?" I ask, out loud.

"I haven't seen it directly, but I can look at your pants and tell", she replies. I look down at my pants and notice the bulge from a growing hard-on.

Flipping to the next page, there are two illustrations of a handsome cock, one flaccid and one erect. “This is an adult male penis, and these are testicals.” In the illustration of the flaccid penis, the testicals are large and pendulous. She continues, “This is the same penis, erect. When a guy becomes sexually aroused, blood flows into the penis, making it grow in length and become stiff to prepare it for entrance into the female's vagina.”

“That's more like mine,” I speak out impulsively and immediately blush, realizing how that sounds. I did not mean that I had an erection, though in fact, I do. I just meant that the illustration of the adult penis more closely matches mine.

Mom also blushes a little and gives a nervous chuckle. I am not making this any easier for her. Glancing at my crotch, she says “Yes, well, men are easily aroused by visual stimuli. Just looking at illustrations like these are enough to get a man going. It's a little different for girls. For us it's more about the relationship, about security, about love. If a girl says ‘I love you’ it means you are meeting her needs, making her feel secure. If a guy says, ‘I love you’, it means he finds a girl attractive and wants to go to bed with her.” I ponder that, filing it away in my mind for future reference.

Mom turns several more pages to a picture of a vagina. An illustration near the bottom of the page shows the internal structures. Mom explains the purpose and features of each part. I had not realized there was so much going on down there. Most of it has to do with reproduction. She explains how the penis goes into the vagina to deposit semen, which makes a woman pregnant and ultimately results in a baby. Then she points out the clitorous, complete with the underlying structure. "The exposed tip here is very sensitive and the source of the majority of the stimulation that a woman gets when having sex. The remainder of the structure also provides stimulation, but since it is deeper in the perineum, it is stimulated indirectly and requires other techniques than direct contact," She says.

"So the purpose of all this stuff is to make babies?" I ask.

"Not entirely," mom says thoughtfully. She pauses for a moment trying to figure out how to say it. "When two people are very much in love with each other, the sex act is done with the goal of each partner pleasuring the other. It causes two people to bond together in a special way. Babies don't always result from this kind of activity, but it requires special precautions to prevent pregnancy." she responds.

"So, how do you prevent pregnancy?" I ask.

"I'm glad you asked" and mom gets into the details of birth control.

"Wow, that's really complicated," I say thoughtfully.

Mom nods "that's why sex is reserved for people who are mature enough to handle the responsibility."

"Lacey and I have not done it yet, " I confess. "Does it hurt?" I ask.

Mom looks puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"When you have sex. Does sex hurt?"

A look of understanding passes across mom's face, and she gives a little chuckle, "oh no! Quite the opposite. It is usually very pleasurable." Then she adds thoughtfully "except for the very first time for the girl. It can be a little painful for girls the first time."

Yeah, tell me about it! I think to myself.

"Well I have another question," I say. "What is it really like to fuck… I mean, have sex?"

Mom is taken aback. I'm not sure she will answer, but she had urged me to ask questions, and I really do want to know. Mom looks right past me with a thousand yard stare. Her lips are parted and it looks like she has stopped breathing.

She finally pulls herself together and it looks like she is going to give me the answer that I crave. "Sex with someone you love more than anything, someone who you would be willing to die for, is just amazing. I don't have words to explain what it is really like. You give yourself completely and become like one person, instead of two." She hesitates for a moment and then continues. "Anything else I just call recreational sex. It is good in the moment and, I guess, it serves a purpose. Does that make any sense, Ricky?"

I reflect on my feelings for Lacey. I love her and miss her so much since she is gone the past couple of weeks. I wonder when she's coming back home? "It sounds wonderful! I'm really looking forward to it!" I say with enthusiasm.

Mom chuckles, reaches over, and musses my hair. "you have plenty of time for sex. You need to grow up a little more first." she teases. "I think this is enough for now. There are other things about the birds and the bees that you need to learn, but we can work on that later."

"Can I ask one more question?" I add.

"Sure, what you got." Mom waits as if for a punch to the gut.

"Do you miss sex? With daddy I mean?"

Mommy's eyes brim with tears, "god, yes! Now off to bed with you! No more questions."

I lay in bed for a long time, but can't sleep. I learned a lot from what we talked about. But it had never occurred to me how lonely mother is. She has friends, but she still misses dad. She doesn't have a man in her life. Except for me, of course. Does she have sex anymore? I don't even want to think of her having sex with a stranger. Probably just some of that 'recreational sex' that is second rate. My heart aches for her and I wish there were something that I could do to help her.

After wrestling with these thoughts, tossing and turning, sleep is far away. To clear my mind, I think maybe I should go to the kitchen and get something to drink. Passing mom's bedroom door, I can hear sound coming from within. She must be having trouble sleeping, too. After a glass of milk and a chocolate chip cookie, I return to my room. I pause outside mom's room, Listening at the door. It is evident that she is softly weeping inside her room. What can I do? I can't stand it that she is hurting and alone. Swallowing hard, I reach deep inside for courage to do the right thing.

Hesitantly, I push the door open and the hinges creak a little. "Ricky, is that you?" she calls out, startled. I used to come to my mom's room a lot when I was younger, but that had been a while. "Hi, mom. I can't sleep." That's a line she had heard a lot in the past. She moves over a little and pats the bed beside her. She tugs her night shirt down as she slides over a little to make room.

To her surprise, I lift the sheet and climb in right next to her. Alarmed, she instinctively rolls over on her side away from me. As I lift the sheet to get in, the aroma of wet pussy permeates the air under the sheets. Had I caught her masterbating? I wonder wryly.

I snuggle beside her, laying in the spot still warm from her body. Rolling over towards mom, I sort of spoon her, being careful not to press my advancing erection into her. "Are you afraid?" she asks. "You haven't done this in a while." she remarks a little nervously.

"I was thinking about our talk tonight and realized how lonely you must be." I confess. "You really miss daddy, don't you."

Fresh tears flow freely and mom fights back sobs. I never could stand to see my mom cry. I snuggle up a little closer behind her. I place an arm over hers, brush her cheek with my hand, and gently massage her shoulder. I sense that she appreciates my concern. She begins to relax and nestle into me.

"Mom, I hope you know that I love you more than anything! I would do anything for you." She seems to stiffen a little when I say that. Is she thinking about our talk earlier in the evening, making a connection?

"I know you do, honey. You are a great comfort to me and I don't know what I would do without you" she says. “As you grow into Manhood, you remind me more and more of your daddy. You have grown so tall. Taller than me now, and so strong and kind. Just like Jim.” Mom stops crying and her sniffling is tapering off. We relax and enjoy the closeness for a time.

She repositions a little and I slip my arm down over her breast and settle across her stomach. My arm is nestled lightly beneath her breast. I can sense their weight and fullness. I lay there in my boxers and now my growing erection is nestled snugly against mom's ass and she is only wearing a thin nightshirt with no underwear. I can feel her bare thighs against mine. She feels so warm and her skin is buttery soft. Since she has her legs drawn up a little in front of her, I imagine her wet pussy peeking out from the rear between her thighs towards me, though I can't see it. My boner is only a few inches away! When I entered her room, it was only out of a desire to comfort her. Now something sexual is growing. I am still concerned for her, but I sense a potential opportunity to help her out in other ways.

As electric as all this is, and with my arm cradling her breast, I feel an overpowering compulsion to inch my fingers down her stomach towards her nether region, but I don't want to spook her and spoil the mood. Then I notice that mom's breathing is coming more rapidly. I realize that I am having an effect on her. Before I can make a move, she says, "Ricky, maybe you should go back to your own bed now."

"Nonsense. I just got here and you still need me." She still needs me and I need her. I feel my boner flinch a couple of times, involuntarily. I know she has to feel that. She actually nestles into me more, twisting her upper body, and pushing my hand back toward me and away from her breast. Bummer! I consider snaking it back down and playing with her nipple. My hand still lay on the side of her chest so I slid it down to her taught buns and knead her ass about like I have seen her knead bread dough. While I have my hand down there, I slide my shorts down to my thighs. Mom's shirt slips up a few inches due to the twist in her upper torso. My engorged dick fits nicely along her bare crack, and she let out a sound somewhere between a sigh and a moan. Her breathing increases even more and in the pale moonlight leaking into the room, I can see her breast rise and fall rapidly. I reach up and kiss her on her upper jaw, just below her ear lobe. I move her ear lobe around playfully with my nose.

She turns her head toward me with a troubled expression. "Ricky…"

"Shhhh," I interrupt, and I kiss her gently, full on the mouth, partially to keep her from voicing any more objections. I want to get in a little tongue action, the way Lacey taught me, but I'm not sure Mom is ready for that.

When we break our kiss, she says, "I don't want us to do anything that we will regret tomorrow."

I pause to reflect on what she just said. Then reply, "Mom. I love you so very much. I have to believe we are placed in this situation at this time for a reason. I am sure I will always treasure this time. But if you have any doubts, I will go to my bed and we can forget this ever happened." I reply sincerely.

Mother is quiet for a moment, trying to decide how to proceed. I hold my breath, unable to breathe. This could go either way. Then she rolls over to face me, wraps her arms around my neck and says "you have to swear to me never to say anything about this to anyone, ever!"

"Never" I gasp and she pulls me in for a real kiss. Our bodies press together hard, crushing both her breasts into my chest. She did use a little tongue with me, now.

We roll around on the bed and mom laughs and kisses my neck and chest. I manage to wriggle out of my boxers and then turn to pull her night shirt over her head. The moonlight spilling into the room illuminates her body and I pause to drink in the sight. She sits cross-legged on the bed in front of me, totally naked, the covers lay forsaken on the floor. She sweeps her hair from her shoulders and it perfectly frames her mischievous, smiling face. She unconsciously licks her lips, as if in anticipation of what is to come. Her boobs are glistening in the light that filters in through the windows, and her nipples are like pebbles, protruding out at me. She grins and coyly wraps her arms around her breasts like she is trying to hide them. That just makes her more adorable. My eyes wander lower, tracking down her flat belly noticing her narrow waist. Her hips flair, giving her a classic feminine hourglass silhouette. My attention drops down to the apex between her legs. She has that triangular, dark landing strip, just as I remembered from my stolen look, a year ago in our den. Her engorged clit is just visible between her luscious pussy lips, peeking out like a pearl from an oyster.

"Are you about ready to fuck me yet?" she teases, a little uncomfortable with me drinking her in that way.

"I want us to be one body, just like you described tonight" I say seriously.

Throwing her arms around me, she pulls me in and nearly crushes me with her embrace. We kiss again and again with abandon, rolling around on the bed, and laughing like kids. She is very energetic and uninhibited. It is clear that all her cautions, the last inhibition, the final shred of restraint have slipped away. I love her like never before and want this to last forever. Our hips press together and I feel my raging hard-on, pressed against the slit of her wet pussy. She grinds against my pelvis from on top of me. Then I find myself on top, and grinding my pelvis into her.

I pause, raise my head up, and look her in the face. She is smiling like she is having the time of her life! And her body, it is magnificent. I look down between us, down between my legs, and see my throbbing cock poised above mom’s gorgeous pussy. Her labia is engorged and glistening with her juices. It hits me that it was through this very gate that I entered into the world. Now it will be my privilege to cross this same threshold.

"Are you sure this is what you want? No regrets?" mom asks, smiling mischievously. I don't think we could stop this train now, even if we wanted to.

"I confess that I have never wanted anything more in all the world," I reply earnestly. "But this is my first time and I don't know if I am any good at this!"

"I know that," she says. Bending at the waist, she takes my little soldier in her hand and kisses him right on his helmet. "You look exactly like your father down there. It even has the same curve.” She lets go and says. “Now would you please just come on and fuck me already? I want to feel you inside of me."

Most happy to oblige, I lower myself while she grabs my dick to guide it home. This is the first time she has ever held my erect penis, at least in my memory. As the head of my dick parts her lips, I briefly worry that I might hurt her. I think back to the time when Lacey and I tried to make love together. We had to stop before I could get it in because of the pain.

Then mom thrust her hips up into mine and at the same time pulls me down with the hand that she has on my ass. I feel my dick part her pussy lips, then stretch open her canal as I enter her. I am in heaven! I half expect the angels to begin singing. The warm feeling that envelops my cock is cataclysmic. Holding still, I take a moment to savor the sensation, my dick in my mother's pussy all the way down to the hilt. There is an overwhelming feeling of love and belonging. My biology teacher would probably say that my brain is being flooded with oxytocin. To hell with my biology teacher! This is more akin to a religious experience. I never want it to end, but at the same time I feel compelled to move ahead to the climax that awaits.

I lay down along the length of my mother's body and kiss her deeply, even using a little tongue. Then I kiss her breasts and nipples. Taking one of her hard nipples in my mouth, I suckle gently. Her gasps and moaning provide encouragement. Withdrawing for a brief moment, I survey her heaving breasts, and revel in their beauty. I want to imprint this sight on my brain forever. The blue veins beneath her transparent skin are even visible, from this close. Lowering my head again, I plant kisses in a circle around her areola. My warm breath on her nipple, still wet with my saliva, makes it pucker and stand out even more. She pushes her chest up towards me, aching for me to take it into my mouth again. Instead, I take her other nipple in my mouth, and increase the intensity of my sucking.

All the while, I am aware that my dick is cocooned in her soft moist flesh. Gently, we grind our pelvic bones together. She moans hungrily and I notice that she has some of the bed sheet clenched in her fist. I can feel her pussy constrict on my dick, then relax. Clench then relax. What I didn’t know at the time is that the grinding motion is simultaneously directly massaging her clit, and the the tip of my dick is massaging her cervix at the back of her vaginal canal.

I look into my mother's eyes and she looks into mine. We both smile at the same time. Clearly there are no regrets. Her brow has a light sheen of perspiration, and some of her dark hair has been dampened and is sticking there. Lifting my hand to her face, I brush the hair back from her forehead, then slide my hands down to the back of her head and pull her head to mine. We kiss hard, once, twice, then three times. Mom's tongue parts my lips, and she enters my mouth, searching. My tongue joins hers, and the thought enters my mind that she is making love to my mouth with the only phallus that she has.

Nature takes over and something primal happens to us. I begin to thrust, balls deep, then almost all of the way out, then back in again. In and out, in and out. Every time I back out, I can feel her kegel muscles clamping down like she is afraid of losing me. Slow and deliberate at first, our thrusting is building speed as we go. Faster and faster, reaching a frenetic pace. She meets my thrusting with thrusts of her own. We are so wet that we make a sloppy, swishing sound. Mom's legs open wide and her knees pull back, trying to get all of my length. She has her hands on my ass now, gripping my ass cheeks hard and pulling me in deep. Her body rocks up and down the bed under the barrage of our thrusts.

A change comes over mother. Her face turns red, she arches her back and thrashes her head, side to side. I am alarmed at first; am I hurting her? Then she screams, "ohhhh yes, oh yes, oh yesss! She ends with a little jerk and shudders. I cannot stand it any longer. My dick begins to have a seizure, spasming as if it has a mind of its own. I pump hot spunk, deep into her love hole, pushing my little six inch cock in as deep as it can go, not wasting a drop. The pumping seems to go on and on. When it finally stops, I feel totally spent! I withdraw a very happy cock, and roll over on my back next to my mother. We just lay there panting, unable to say a word. I feel as if I am levitating, not exerting any of my weight on the bed.

"Wow," I exclaim when I catch my breath, "that was something!” Turning to face her, I say, “I love you so much." This is my first time actually fucking and it could not have been better!

Mom says "I needed that." We join hands and lay side by side and quietly contemplate the happenings of the night. "Other people would not understand, but there is no way that what we have is wrong" mom says.

With that, she hops out of bed and goes into the bathroom. While she is up, I fall into a deep, contented sleep.
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