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WARNING, this is a brutal chapter with more horror and torture than sex. It is noted that there is also a significant theming in regards to transsexuality (which I have not researched and is therefore described unrealistically and exploitatively). It is definitely not for the faint of heart (however, no cannibalism, scatology, or snuff).
II. Awakening

Ethan slowly wakes up in a hospital bed. His mind feels dazed and his body is so weak that it takes him a while to understand that he is tied down to the bed. Upon the realization, he drops his heavy head back into the pillow and tries to remember what happened. However, not a single clear thought can form in his head.

His thought process is interrupted when he notices a monitor at the lower end of his bed starting to play a video. In his daze, all he can register is that the video shows a woman and that she has great tits.

“Hello Ethan, I’m sister Casey and I am one of many people here you are going to have sex with. Your entire day will revolve around it. Personally, I come many times each day. And so will you. I, for one, look forward to swallowing your cum soon. I hope you will still want to suck on my tits. I like that a lot.”

Even in his confused state, Ethan’s basic instincts still positively respond to his favorite pleasure: sex. Despite being alone, he musters a small smile. But he still can’t make sense of what is happening. Why is he in this lucky position? Why is he in this bed? Maybe he had an accident? Did he receive compensation for pain and suffering? Is that why he is offered sex? Fine by him, if she says so he will come alright.

“Apologies for having to sedate you. But it takes time to get the body ready. The length of your penis was increased from 18 cm (7.1 inches) to 20 cm (7.9 inches). But we expect you to keep gaining in size. Don’t worry about the method, you will be provided a machine that does it for you. Your penis won’t grow as much anymore though. It is not uncommon to gain maybe 1 cm (0.4 inch) or less per year.”

Huh? That is weird. Sure, he does not mind a large cock, but why is it expected? Why did they increase the size already? He didn’t agree to that. Ethan should be mad, yet looking at sister Casey already makes his cock swell, but he can’t touch it yet because of the restraints.

“Eventually, it might even get long enough that you can suck it yourself.”

Uh, does he even want that? Maybe? His train of thought is interrupted when Casey spreads her legs and reveals a 30 cm (11.8 inch) cock that she subsequently pops into her mouth. Ethan is perplexed. She has a penis? But she looks like a woman. What genitals do women have again? What does it have to do with his penis? His mind is too foggy to process the information.

“You will also have to come a lot. You probably will start at around five times per day, but a good target is to come 10 times a day. It helps if you properly hydrate. We also provide medicine that helps you. But the medicine can't do too much, it is mostly on you to make progress.”

Casey starts sucking herself off and eventually comes in her own mouth. After swallowing, she catches her breath and smiles at the camera. Ethan is glued to the screen.

“With time, the size of breast implants will be increased as well. You start at 500cc, but soon they can be expanded to a larger size.”

Wait what? Starting with what? Which implants is she talking about? Her breasts are much bigger than 500cc. What is going on?

“You will also train your ass. You start with a small dildo and gradually work yourself to larger dildos. Such as this one.”

She slowly gets up, and an enormous, glistening dildo starts to emerge below the whimpering girl. Is that a dildo? Was that in her ass? No, there is no way anybody can insert that into her ass! Wait, what does she mean ‘such as this one’? It sounds like she is talking about him!

“Not bad, right? But don’t worry, you can get there as well. I believe in you, Ethan! I hope to see you soon!”

She blows him a kiss and the video ends. He is still staring at the screen, hoping that more information would be provided. But it stays dark. He looks around and tries to get free. But since his body cannot break the restraints, he starts to scream.

“What is this?!?!”

Ethan pauses.

“What? What is with my voice? It is so high. It is... I have ... a woman’s voice?”

He keeps clearing his throat, coughing, and swallowing, hoping he only had a raspy voice or a dry throat. But it is to no avail. His voice stays the same.

It slowly dawns on him. All the things sister Casey said: She was talking about him. They want to make him into whatever sister Casey is. Was Casey originally a man? But she looks like girl. She even had breasts. Wait, what was that about implants? He tries to look down at his body. It is difficult to make out under the bed cover, but it seems that two mounts show through. Ethan moves his upper body and sure enough, he can feel that his nipples are elevated.

This is not possible. This can’t be happening. He has to get out of here. This has to be undone. The implants need to be removed. He needs a doctor. Who knows what to do about the voice. Can it be reversed? Is it already too late? Every further thought induces more panic in Ethan. He needs to escape this horror. He struggles against the restraints and screams for help. After some time, he is too exhausted to fight more against his shackles. A few moments later, he gives up screaming as well, as no one responds and because he does not want to hear that unfamiliar voice anymore.

After a while, the door opens and a tall man walks inside. Ethan is both angry and scared.

“Who are you?”

“Good morning, sister Riley. I am father John.”

Ethan clenches his teeth.

“Are you talking to me? What the fuck do you mean? Sister Riley?? I am Ethan!”

“Not anymore, you are now sister Riley.”

“You can fuck off with this bull shit. Whatever fucked up thing you have going on here, I won’t be a part of it. Let me out of here. I swear I’ll fucking kill you, if you don’t let me out!”

He tries to lash out but is held back by the restraints. After only a short struggle, he is again too exhausted and falls back into the bed under heavy breathing. He can’t fight himself out of this. Maybe try talking.

“Man, just let me go. This is fucked up. You gotta let me go.”

Suddenly a painful shock shoots through Ethan.

“Aaaaaaaah, fuck, that hurts, what was that?!?!”

“You address me as ‘father John’, do you understand?”

Ethan stares at him with shock and anger, but then rolls his eyes.

“Father John, ok, got it. Ok, so, what can I do for you to let me go? What is it you want? I have some money. You can have it all ... and I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

“Sister Riley, you will stay here forever and do as you are told. This is what we want from you. Don’t worry about your money, we have already seized it all. It was not a sizable amount anyway.”

“What the FUCK is it you want from me? Let me the fuck go, you assholes!”

Ethan gets shocked again.

“Sister Riley, this is neither how you behave nor how you address me, do you understand?”

In his powerless situation, Ethan expresses his frustration and anger in a wrathful stare at father John. A moment later he gets shocked again.

“Aaaaaaah, okokok, I understand, mister ... uh, father John. I just don’t understand. Why me, why am I here?”

“Money, sister Riley. We can make a lot of money with you.”

“That is what this is about?? How am I gonna make money for you? ... I mean, Father John.”

“That’s better. There are many people who pay handsomely to have sex with you.”

Ethan looks at him for a while.

“People? Is it... is it sex with... women, father John?”

“No, it is mostly men.”

“But I am not gay, father John. You got the wrong guy.”

“That is part of the reason why our clients pay us so well. We got exactly the right guy.”

“What is up with the woman in the TV? She has tits and ... and a dick and it sounds like I am supposed to become like her. Is that what you had planned, father John?”

“That is correct.”

Ethan looks at father John, trying to understand what that means.

“Father John... did you put breast implants into me?”

“Yes, about six months ago, at the start of our procedure.”

Ethans gasps open in disbelief.

“Six months ago??? I don’t remember anything. What the hell happened?”

Ethan gets shocked again.

“Yeah, yeah, ...Father John, father John, sorry I forgot.”

“We administered drugs that essentially reversed most bone, muscle, and brain growth that occurred in your puberty and subsequently gave you drugs and hormones that caused growth according to a female anatomy. It would have been an incredibly painful procedure, and is therefore performed during an artificially induced coma. Don’t worry, it did not affect your sexual organs.”

“Father John, I don’t know if I understand what you mean.”

“Then let me show you.”

Father John lifts off the bed sheet, revealing Ethans naked body. He is shocked to see that he has a female body with wide hips and a narrow stature. Except for a large cock and balls in the middle, no part of his body looks male anymore. His eyes widen in terror and he starts screaming.

Eventually, out of breath, he continues to look at how much he has been altered. It does not look like a change caused by a diet or muscle atrophy, but an entire restructuring. When he realizes all the modifications of his body, his panting gradually turns into sobbing. In the meantime, father John removes the restraints and eventually helps him on his feet. However, Ethan struggles even to just stand on his own.

“Due to the long coma, most of your muscles have atrophied. You will have to do lots of physical training to build them back.”

Ethan touches himself, sliding his hands over his body. His skin is milky smooth and not a single hair is there anymore.

“Did... did you guys shave me? Even my body hair is gone?”

“We extracted it, reconfigured it and attached it to your skull. You need to look beautiful for our clients and that includes good hair.”

Ethan runs his fingers through his dense hair and then over his face, whereupon he now realizes that he has not seen his face yet. He looks around for anything reflective in the room.

“Father John, what about my face? Did ... did you change my face?”

“There is a mirror next to the door.”

They walk together to the mirror and Ethan sees his new face for the first time. He cannot believe it. He has to walk up and touch his own face to make sure this is not an illusion. In the reflection he does not see Ethan anymore, but some woman’s face he never saw before. No matter what angle he turns his head, he can’t recognize himself. This can’t be happening; it can’t be real. Is this a nightmare? Ethan is about to collapse, but father John catches the sobbing mess.

“Please... please, change me back. Whatever it takes... please father John, please give me back my body. I want to be me. I want to be Ethan ...”

“There is no more Ethan. You are sister Riley now. I suggest you accept it sooner than later.”

Accept that? This is wrong. He can’t do that to him. Kidnapping, drugging, modifying, imprisoning ... father John took everything from him. And it seems he will want even more from him. He has to get out of here. Ethan winds up with his right arm and hits father John with all his strength. However, his fist bounces off the muscular body, rather hurting himself than father John. He is absolutely helpless against his capturer. Father John calmy talks into a microphone.

“Bring in the chair.”

The door opens and a woman in a tunic and a veil pushes a wheelchair into the room. Ethan is placed inside the wheelchair and pushed to an elevator, going up a level. As soon as the elevator doors open, he jumps out of the wheelchair and starts running. After two steps he screams out in pain and collapses to the floor.

“Aaaaaah, what the fuck are these shocks?”

While father John approaches him calmly, Ethan tries to drag himself along the floor, trying to get away.

“Please, just let me go. This is not fair. I haven’t done anything to you. Let go of me, nononono ... I beg you, father John! Please, have fucking mercy.”

Father John places him back into the wheelchair and resumes pushing.

“Sister Riley, during our procedure we also implanted a chip in your brain. We can activate it remotely to induce a painful shock. This gives you a choice: Obedience or pain.”

Ethan does not know what to do. He is completely powerless. The longer he tries to come up with a plan, the more he becomes aware of his hopeless situation. There is no chance in fighting him physically or with arguments. It can’t be, he is supposed to stay in this chair, transported against his will. Ethan eventually breaks down crying while being pushed to his chamber, where he is shown his bed and bathroom.

“There will be an alarm waking you up at six o’clock in the morning. Then you take your daily pills. You know what will happen if you don’t.”

Father John hands him a container with pills and a cup with water.

“That is a lot of pills. What the hell are they for, father John?”

“A mix of everything, hormones, drugs, antibiotics. It keeps you young and healthy and helps you with your training.”

“This is so fucking sketchy. I don’t know what happens when I take that, father John.”

“The medication is nothing new. We have given you these drugs for the last few months. The alternative is that we force them down your throat. Now, don’t make me wait, there is still much ahead of us.”

With a look of resignation, Ethan swallows the pills and washes them down with water.

“You then eat your breakfast and start your stretching routine. Over there is a bed with a hole. Just lie there face down and put your penis through the hole.”

He does what he is told, whereupon his cock is sucked in and grabbed by a device that starts pulling his cock in different directions.

“Aaaaaah, fuck, that hurts. It’s gonna rip it off. Shut it off!!!”

“No, it won’t. We attached you to this machine in the last few months as well. How do you think your penis grew so much? Calm down and let the machine work. You will use it for half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. In combination with the drugs and some monthly injections, it will cause your dick to grow.”

After the initial shock is over, Ethan calms down a bit. The machine hurts nonetheless, but his bigger issue now is the duration of the procedure.

“Half an hour?? This takes forever, father John.”

“This is where the second part of your training comes in. You will also have to stretch your ass. Our clients will want to fuck you or put toys inside.”

“Nononono, I am not into this shit.”

“Why do you think that is relevant? Here, take this butt plug.”

Father John hands him a huge plug with a length of 20 cm (7.9 inches) and a circumference of 18 cm (7.1 inches). Ethan’s jaw drops when he sees the monster.

“This has to be a joke. There is no way that fits in, even if I wanted to!”

"Yes, you can. We already stretched your ass while you were in the coma. We started with a circumference of 6 cm (2.4 inches) and increased it by about 1 mm almost every day. Now push it in or I’ll do it.”

Ethan shakes his head in disbelief, when he puts the toy against his anus and starts pushing. First, his sphincter is still too tight, as the machine pulling on his cock tenses up his body. But after some helpful instructions, he relaxes and his ass opens up. His eyes widen as his sphincter keeps stretching while the toy keeps sliding deep inside his rectum. It slows down a bit at three quarters of its length, but eventually his ass closes around the base.

“That’s a good girl. Now try this larger size with a circumference of 19 cm (7.5 inches).”

Ethan tries to ignore being called a girl and slowly pulls out the first toy. His groans in a female voice still sounds unfamiliar to him. However, he is weirded out by the fact that the sound seems to turn him on, regardless of it being his own voice.

The second toy is more difficult and he needs to withdraw a few times until he is finally able to push it all in. Ethan pushes his face into the bed and groans out loud.

“This was the largest size we inserted while you were sedated. Let’s see if you can go one larger with 20 cm (7.9 inches). I even lubed it up for you.”

Ethan tries to work it in, but just can’t get the thickest portion past his sphincter. After minutes of trying, he lets go and catches his breath. However, when father John walks up to him, he gets scared and quickly resumes pushing in hopes that father John won’t try to force it in. But it was too late. The tall man pushes with a surprising amount of strength. Slowly but steadily, the toy keeps sliding under the female screams of Ethan, until it is fully inserted. Ethan tries to buckle under the shock, but his penis is still stuck to the machine. All he can do is lie still and wait until the pain subsides.

“Good job sister Riley. You did it! Keep practicing with this one until you can take the next toy. You can find them in the closet.”

Father John opens the closet door revealing an endless amount of butt plugs and toys of all sizes. Feeling how the toy stretches him out, Ethan can’t fathom how they expect him to go even further. He will just keep it at the current size. There is no point in going any further.

“At 8 o’clock you perform an enema to clean your ass. From 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock you normally receive your masters, followed by half an hour lunch break and then 5 more hours of time with masters afterwards.”

“What the hell is a master, father John?”

“That is what you call our clients.”

“And they want to ...?”

“Have sex with you.”

“You can’t be serious. You expect me to have sex with these men? Every day? For what ... eight hours? You must have gotten the wrong guy, father John. Find someone else who is willing to take it in his ass for you.”

Ethan is screaming, as he gets shocked again.

“What the fuck did I do wrong? I put that toy in my ass, didn’t I?”

“It’s not ‘his’ ass, it is ‘her’ ass, do you understand?”

“But I’m a ‘he’ ... a ‘HE’... aaaaaaaaah!”

“You better get your pronouns right or you get shocked again.”

“I ... I have always been a man ... father John.”

“Not anymore. Our scans have shown that your brain has already restructured itself a lot under the influence of the drugs. It is already more female than male. Your mind is in the process of assuming that you have breasts, that you want to be treated as a woman, and that you want to look feminine. But since your brain is not going to be entirely restructured, you will probably also feel comfortable with few male aspects of your body ... which is pretty much only your cock and balls. If it is any comfort to you, it’s common for our slaves to struggle with abandoning their old gender. I believe it is caused by the mismatch between the new self and older memories. But those will fade eventually. So far, they all get over it in the end.”

“They? You have done this before, father John?”

“Too many times to count or rather care.”

“... and ... what happens in the end, father John?”

“They all gradually submitted to their new self, naturally or rather artificially due to their new brain structures, not through our force. We could just wait for your brain to adapt, but we won’t. These few months of your mental state in which you are still confused about your identity is highly sought after by some of our clients. They enjoy fucking a beautiful girl who still thinks she is a man.”

Ethan just lies on the bed in silence, not knowing what to say. Father John walks up and applies pressure to the toy in his ass.

“So, what is it going to be for you. ‘He/his’ or “she/her’?”

“Aaaaaaaaah, she/her, she/her, okok! Aaaaaaaaah fuck.”

“That is better. I know that you are not there yet, but that is a good start.”

Ten minutes later, the machine is finished and releases her cock. However, apart from some groaning, Ethan stays still face down on the bed. Father John continues his explanations.

“While some masters want to please you, most of them want to be pleased by you.”

“What am I supposed to even do? I mean ... please, be reasonable, father John. I can’t have sex with a man.”

“No, you can, as a matter of fact, we will start right now.”

“What do you mean, father John?”

“I want you to suck my cock and swallow my cum.”

Ethan looks at him, pauses for a second, jumps off the bed and dashes for the door. Once out the door, after a quick glance to the left and right, Ethan randomly turns to the right, sprinting as fast as she can, despite the dildo in her ass. At the next intersection, she opts to go towards the right, just to meet a dead end. She quickly turns around and tries the other side, but finds only another wall. When she backtracks, she tries all the other doors, but they are all locked.

Back at the intersection, she can see father John slowly walking towards her. Ethan has to get past him, it’s the only way. You will have to fake him out. She runs towards him, skips to the left, right, left and wraps around him. She made it! Keep running ... but it felt a bit easy. A short glance backwards reveals that father John did not even attempt to catch her, but keeps walking towards Ethan. That is probably not good news, but for now, just increase the distance. She tries both ways at the intersection, but only meets dead ends again. The hallways are closed, but maybe she missed a door. The next ten minutes she keeps trying to find any open door, any open window, anything to get away from the tall man slowly walking towards her.

At the end, she just lies in a corner, gasping for air, trying to calm down her burning lungs. Her body is spent and she achieved absolutely nothing. Father John just calmly stands there, towering over the gasping mess.

“I don’t use the chip with slaves at this point, because it gives them certainty that there was no way out. I find that they tend to be more cooperative then. Now, I will do you the favor of carrying you back. But if you fight me, I will make use of the chip.”

On the way back, Ethan did not give him any reason to use the chip. Back in the chamber, she is put into a chair with her arms and legs tied down by leather straps. She has no energy to seriously fight back being restrained and just sits there with her head hanging down. However, she jolts up when she suddenly feels the toy in her ass start to vibrate. For a moment, she tries to push it out, but with her thighs strapped to the chair, her ass is firmly pressed against the seat.

After the initial shock is over, she realizes that the vibrations actually don’t feel terrible and would even be enjoyable if she wasn’t in her precarious situation. She would never admit that to father John, but unfortunately, her growing cock is betraying her. Once it is rock hard, father John places a cylinder over her cock, which attaches itself via suction. Her eyes widen, when it starts gently massaging her stiff cock. Fuck, that feels good, but this is not the right time for that. Father John presses some buttons on his watch and walks towards the door.

“Sister Riley, you were given a choice between sex and punishment and you made a decision. These are the consequences of your decision. I’ll be back in one hour.”

The door closes and Ethan sits alone in the chair, with the vibrating toy teasing her ass and the cylinder pleasing her cock. What happens if she comes? Will the devices stop? Better don’t find out. Think of something else, don’t think about sex, think about sports, cars, school, work, anything but sex.

In front of her is a larger mirror showing her a gorgeous woman with nice tits. Is that really her? Is she really that fucking sexy? No, don’t get turned on by yourself, look away! Fuck, her cock is rock hard. She lets out a moan and has to immediately stop herself. Goddamn, how is she turned on so much by her own looks and moans? Don’t fucking come, or these devices will become torture. You don’t want to sexually torture that woman, do you? Fuck this is hot! No, stop moaning! Ah shit, here it comes, I can’t stop it.

Her body convulses into an orgasm, shooting a huge load into the cylinder. But after seconds of blissful ecstasy, her sore cock aches with every stroke of the device. Her moans have transformed to groans and curses. However, all her struggles and fighting against the restraints can’t stop the devices from performing their duty. After a few minutes, the sensitivity has decreased enough to not be hurtful anymore. Ethan breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes now that her cock does not respond to the stimulation.

However, after 15 minutes, it starts to feel good again, which she would love to enjoy, if she didn’t know that coming again would be worse next time. She can hold herself back for a bit longer, but after a total of 30 minutes, she comes a second time. Once her climax subsides, the pleasure turns to torture and she jumps around in her chair trying to throw off the cylinder hurting her sore cock. After thrashing around for a while, she gives up and just accepts her pain. It takes a bit longer, but eventually it hurts less and less. Still, when father John comes back, she welcomes him like a knight in armor rescuing her from her predicament. He looks at his watch and then crouches down to her eye level.

“In two minutes, the devices will shut off. I’ll untie your arm and give you another choice. You can either swallow the contents of the device or repeat the procedure for another hour. Do you understand?”

She immediately nods with a frown on her face. Once her arm is untied, she takes the cylinder, takes a breath and downs the cum inside, whereupon the rest of her is untied from the chair as well.

“Now, let’s try this a second time. I want you to suck my cock and swallow my cum.”

Ethan crawls over and unbuckles his pants, revealing a massive 36 cm (14 inches) cock. She has never held another penis in her hand or seen it up close. For a moment, she can only stare at the massive tool, until she eventually closes her eyes and starts sucking her first cock. She bobs her head up and down, but can barely get the head inside. How did other girls do that? Well, for starters, they don’t have to blow a cock the size of a baseball bat.

She uses more of her tongue and starts stroking the shaft with both hands. After a while, father John grabs the back of her head and pushes her down on his cock.

“I’m coming now. Get ready to catch it all, but don’t swallow yet. Do you understand?”

With the large cock in her mouth, she can only vaguely hum an “okay”, which turns into muted screams when her mouth is filling with cum. After a while he pulls out and instructs her to show him. She slowly opens her mouth, heaving at the weird taste in her mouth. After father John nods, she swallows his load, but almost throws it up again. Too scared of any consequences, she takes slow breaths, trying to calm her stomach. Once she opens her eyes, father John is handing her a bottle of lube.

“Good start. Next, I’ll fuck your ass. But I let you lube up my cock a bit.”

Ethan gives him a pleading look.

“Don’t worry, I won’t use my entire penis. It would be a waste of money, if you were injured. Now get to it, unless you want to skip using the lube.”

Ethan quickly opens the bottle and applies tons of lube on his cock. He just came, how is it still so hard? That thing is supposed to go up her ass? Why is it still so damn huge? She tries to postpone the inevitable and keeps applying lube, but father John eventually grabs her and throws her onto the bed. She tries to sit up, but he grabs her legs and turns her on her stomach. The toy is still firmly seated in her ass, but the strong man effortlessly overpowers her sphincter, pulling it out, without regards for her screaming. After a bit of silence, she can feel pressure against her ass, but the man above her keeps pushing against the sphincter and eventually forces it open. Her breathing gets heavier and faster, the deeper his cock travels inside her. After about half way in, she lets out a loud scream. Father John just calmly whispers in her ear.

“This is your current limit, sister Riley. How does it feel to have a cock in the ass?”

“It fucking hurts! Take it out!”

He grabs her head and pushes it into the bed.

“How do you address me?”

It takes her too long to answer, so he pushes his cock deeper.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah, father John, I’m sorry, father John! Aaah, fuck, it feels like my insides are being impaled.”

“Are you telling me to pull out?”

Sister Riley has to muster all her discipline to not say yes.

“aaaaaaaaaaah ... fuck ... no father John, I would not tell you to pull out, because ... you are the master.”

“Who’s master?”

“.... my master, father John.”

He pulls out a little bit, relieving some of the pain. Once sister Riley has caught her breath, he starts thrusting. Having a stationary toy in the ass is one thing, but having such a large cock grinding against the inner walls of her guts feels like getting the intestines ripped out. She groans with each thrust and eventually keeps screaming when he jackhammers her ass. Soon after, he announces that he is about to cum. However, he pops his cock out of her ass, and grabs her by the legs in order to turn her around and to pull her face to his cock. Before she can say anything, he shoves his cock into her mouth and fills her with cum. After she swallowed his second load, she has to insert the toy back into her sore ass.

While father John gets dressed again, he instructs her to sit in the chair. Sister Riley does as she is told.

“As you can see, sister Riley, it is quite possible to have sex with a man. It has happened for years, it is happening right now and it will happen for many more years. You are not the first slave that will have sex with our clients. But you are indeed not entirely ready yet. We are not done changing you.”

Sister Riley lowers her head and starts sobbing.

“What else could you possibly change about me, father John? I mean, look at me, my body is so modified that I can’t recognize myself anymore.”

“Your mind is not ready, sister Riley. I know that, like all the other slaves before you, you won’t run anymore, because you don’t want to be punished. But preventing unwanted actions is not enough. I need you to actively participate. I need you to actively whore yourself out to our clients. And I need you to be safe for our clients.”

Sister Riley has turned her face back to father John, giving him a questioning look.

“Sister Riley, how many times have you already thought about attacking the masters? Punching them? Biting them? No, I will make sure that you cooperate, but not by threatening with the chip.”

Sister Riley does not say a word and only drops her gaze.

“Send in sister Casey!”

A few seconds later, the door opens and sister Casey comes in. Sister Riley immediately recognizes her. She even wears the same dress as six months ago. What is she doing here? Didn’t she drug me? Isn’t she complicit in this?

“Sister Casey, make sister Riley come.”

“Yes, father John.”

While she walks up to the chair, she pulls down the straps of her dress, and then bends forward, causing her huge tits to fall out right in front of sister Riley’s face.

“Please suck them again, it felt so good last time.”

Out of instinct alone, Sister Riley grabs the tits and sucks the nipples into her mouth, twirling her tongue around them. It does not take long for Sister Casey to start moaning right into sister Riley’s ear. She pulls away and kneels between her legs, gently caressing the cock that seems to slowly harden. Despite having her cock stretched in the machine, despite having been tortured for an hour, despite having her ass pounded by father John, and despite having a huge toy logged inside her guts, Sister Riley manages to get hard again.

“Sister Riley, it was not my idea to get you.”

Sister Casey kisses the head of her cock.

“They told me to get to your motel and then sedate you.”

Next, she twirls her tongue around Sister Riley’s dick.

“The best way to do that was to pretend that I was drunk.”

The head of her cock has now disappeared in the warm mouth of sister Casey.

“But I did want to have sex with you.”

She pushes her head slowly forward deepthroating the entire length, with her chin resting against Sister Riley’s balls. After a while, she pulls the glistening dick out of her mouth and slowly inserts the tip into her ass, while resting her arms around on sister Riley’s shoulders.

“But now we finally get to fuck.”

She gradually slides it in, until she sits on sister Riley’s lap.

“I think you will like it here. You are gonna have sex every day. You are gonna come every day.”

She starts to grind on top and pushes her tits into sister Riley’s face.

“You will also get such awesome tits as I have. I mean, look at your face, you are fucking gorgeous. You will entice every master here with your looks.”

She pulls the cock out of her ass and puts her own cock into sister Riley’s mouth, who starts sucking.

“Forget about Ethan. Who needs him, who even desires him? But people will stand in line in order to be with the beautiful sister Riley! Yes, suck my cock, you stunning whoreaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, she bit me! Fuck! She bit my dick!”

Ethan wants to bite through, but his jaw freezes and his entire body stops moving, eventually falling limp into the chair. Father John calmly looks over to sister Casey.

“How far did she get? Is there any blood?”

“No father John, just bruised. It will sting for a while, but it will be fine.”

“You did well, sister Casey. Please stand by.”

He turns to Ethan.

“I know you can still hear us. No, you have not died, it is a temporary paralysis. The chip in your brain can not only hurt you, it also can detect the intention of violence and will paralyze your body. As I had expected, there is still a lot of Ethan inside of you and he made a poor choice.”

Father John lifts the paralysis and Ethan is suddenly able to move again. Sister Casey stands in the back, still holding her bruised dick, but with an excited smirk.

“What’s the matter Ethan? Have you come out to play? Wasn’t it a fun game between us when I brought you here? It was so easy that I think you actually wanted to be turned into a female sex slave. I’ll fuck your ass and I bet you will beg me to lick my dick clean, because you are a whore, Ethan.”

“Shut the fuck up! It’s all your fault you stupid bitch. You dragged me here against my will and they changed me. My name is Ethan, I’m a man, and I could have crushed you in the motel if you didn’t use cheap tricks. If you try to fuck me, I’ll rip of your dick and shove it up your ass so far that you can blow yourself again!”

Father John leans quietly against the wall with his hands in his pocket and sighs.

“Come in, gentlemen.”

Three large men walk in with a narrow bench, a water jug, and a cloth. Once the door is closed and they put everything down and approach Ethan. He jumps to the side and onto the bed. But before he can jump off, one of the men grabs him by the leg and he falls face down onto the bed. He keeps kicking the hand with his heel trying to get off, but the second man grabs his other leg. Once he is held by the arms, Ethan pulls his hands in and bites the man’s fist. While he is sinking in his teeth, the third man grabs Ethan’s other arm. Now that they have all four of his extremities they can pull them apart, giving him no more chance to bite anyone. They slowly carry him over to the bench and hold him down. When the men start to bind him, father John stops them.

“No, don’t use restraints. Keep holding him down like this. It makes the struggle more ... personal. Sister Casey, you do the waterboarding.”

Ethan has no idea, what he talking about. But panic sets in, when the men press the cloth over his head and sister Casey soaks it in water. He tries to break free, but the men’s arms seem to be as sturdy as iron bars. His loud screams are soon muffled by water in his mouth. Once his movements become less coordinated, father John instructs them to let go of him. He rolls off the bench and violently coughs and spits out water.

When he manages to catch his breath, sister Casey mocks him.

“Ethan? Isn’t it fun?”

He gets up and tries to grab her, but the men are faster. He growls at her, while she is smiling and shaking the water jug in her hand.

Father John instructs them to continue with another round. He fights the men and then the water, but it is all in vain. His movements get slower and turn from jabs and kicks to weak convulsions. Eventually, the water stops flowing and they let go of him. When he is done coughing up water, he just curls into a ball. Sister Casey does not even have to step back anymore. Father John asks the sobbing mess.


“Ethan, are you ok?”

Father John gets no reply, and only sobbing can be heard. After a long pause, he continues speaking.

“Ethan, the waterboarding is now over. It is the truth, but you know already that I wouldn’t lie about that.”



“Sister Riley?”

“... *cough* ... I’m ... I’m over here ... on the ground ..."

For the first time on this day, a hint of a smile can be seen on father John’s face.

“Oh dear me, how did you get there on the ground, sister Riley? Brothers, help her up and get her a towel, she is cold and wet.”

Strong hands that had just formed insurmountable shackles moments ago, gently pick her up and wrap her in a warm and soft towel. The girl is still shivering, but rather from trauma than the cold. With an empty stare, she remains in place, barely noticing that father John tells everyone to leave them alone. Once they are alone, he steps up to her and gives her a hug. After a while she breaks down in tears, crying into the chest of father John.

“It’s alright, sister Riley, you are safe now.”

“I’m sorry, father John *sniff* I’ll be a good girl now, a really good girl.”

“Don’t worry, sister Riley. I know you will.”

Once she gets a hold of herself, she gets to lie in her bed in order to rest for a bit. After a few hours of letting her sleep, father John returns to check on her. Sister Riley has a calm demeanor and assures father John that she is feeling better.

“Father John, I would prefer freedom, but I can’t fight any more. The institute is my place and it’s easier if I come to terms with this. My hope is that I will feel different about it, just as you said, father John.”

After a pause, she sits up with a worried look.

“Is sister Casey hurt?”

“Yes, you bit her, sister Riley.”

“That’s awful. I feel terrible about that. Can I make it up to her? Can you get her back in here?”

Father John pauses for a second and then speaks into his phone to send sister Casey in. It takes her a while, because she was not waiting outside anymore. When she comes in, her cocky attitude has gone and she addresses father John with a submissive tone.

“Yes, father John, what can I do for you?”

He looks at sister Riley and nods at her.

“Sister Casey, I want to apologize for what I did. I hurt you and insulted you. I don’t ... I don’t expect you to forgive me, but would you ... would you still fuck me, please?”

Sister Casey raises her eyebrows in surprise and needs to think for a second, but her puzzled look eventually turns into a warm smile. She cocks her head and walks up to the end of the bed, where she playfully looks down to her crotch.

“Well, I would, but I am not very hard right now.”

Sister Riley crawls to her and carefully takes her cock in her mouth. With loving strokes, she massages sister Casey’s dick, causing it to grow so large that it can’t fit in her mouth anymore. When it is hard enough, she kisses it and turns around, presenting her ass. Sister Casey steps up and presses her member against her ass, until she manages to get in. At the first few inches, sister Riley’s breathing gets faster and eventually turns to moaning when she is close to her limit.

“Sister Casey, that is all I can take for now. I’m sorry.”

“That’s alright, I shouldn’t push any harder with my bruised cock anyway.”

She pulls out and pushes back in slowly, starting to thrust, gradually picking up speed until she rams the sore ass with full speed. Sister Riley groans, struggling with the rough sex, but she does not relent. Eventually, sister Casey pulls out and instructs the new girl to turn around and open her mouth. Sister Riley dutifully catches each drop and swallows everything. After her orgasm calms down, sister Casey is catching her breath.

“I thought you would rip off my dick and shove it up my ass so far that I can blow yourself again.”

“Sister Casey, I beg, may I lick your dick clean?”

She nods with a smile and sister Riley gets to work. Trying not to hurt the sensitive and bruised dick that just ravaged her ass, she gives it a tender and slow tongue bath. At the end, she kisses it goodbye.

“There you go, all clean now.”

“That was lovely. I’m so glad to have you here with us, sister Riley.”

Their sweet moment is interrupted by father John.

“You haven’t made sister Riley come yet. Sister Casey, give her a hand. Shove the toy back in her ass and show her how she can come in her own mouth.”

She lays sister Riley on her back and pulls her legs over her head. Sister Riley is surprised about how flexible her female body is. Once in position, several pillows are put under her hip to lift up her ass. She now mostly lies on the back of her head with her own cock dangling just a few centimeters away from her mouth. Breathing is a little bit difficult though.

“Wow, I can almost blow myself.”

“That is nothing, with some practice you can soon deepthroat yourself. But relax for now.”

Sister Casey starts stroking her cock until it aligns with a heavy breathing of sister Riley. Then she places the toy on her ass and gradually inserts it, while sister Riley loudly moans. Once the toy is fully inside, she picks up the pace and strokes faster and faster. When she sees the legs starting to shake, she whispers in her ears.

“I want you to come for me. Come into your own sweet little mouth and swallow everything.”

Sister Riley groans loudly, her ass tightens around the toy and her cock starts blasting. She loses control over her body and would not have been able to catch anything if sister Casey didn’t firmly hold onto her cock and aim straight into her mouth. She strokes her cock a bit longer to make sure to gather the last drops with her finger and inserts them into sister Riley’s mouth. The young girl hesitates for a second and then licks them clean. Once her balls are drained, she closes her eyes and gulps it down. Sister Casey finally let’s go of her cock and the young girl can unfold onto the bed. Once the climax has subsided, sister Casey kisses her goodbye and leaves the room. Father John explains the next steps.

“Sister Riley, you won’t receive any masters today, but we will send you a few brothers, so you can train having sex with your new body. Try to come as much as possible. At six o’clock you have physical exercise and afterwards you will stretch your cock with the machine and your ass with the toys, do you understand?”

“Yes, father John. When will I receive masters?”

“Probably tomorrow. We have to see how you do today. But you get to rest for about an hour first.”

Sister Riley walks up to one of the many mirrors in her chamber and examines her new body.

“I look like an entirely different person. What have you done with my body, father John?”

“I can’t list everything on top of my head, but we performed a restructuring of your bone, muscle, fat, and brain to be more female. Any body hair has been reconfigured and transplanted to your head and eyebrows. We still had to perform further adjustments such as feminization laryngoplasty to change your voice and larynx. Your hairline has been lowered and your eyebrows have been lifted. Your entire face has been restructured over months by gradually grinding down some features like your forehead and jaw and elevating others by including implants such as for your cheeks. You got rhinoplasty and breast implants and we broke down your pelvis, gradually pulling it apart while healing, widening your hips and increasing the size of your pelvis opening.”

Sister Riley has to sit down, being overwhelmed with all that information, even though she was unable to keep track of everything he said anyway.

“Increase my pelvic opening? What does that even mean, father John?”

“A wider hip looks more feminine and the larger opening means that your bone structure won’t limit you as much when inserting larger toys in your ass.”

She is holding her hips between her small hands, checking the width, and pauses for a moment.

“and ... you changed ... my brain?”

“Mostly specific areas thereof such as the amygdala, hypothalamus, and others. We have found that we can change, but only to a certain degree, gender identity, sexual attraction, arousal, and desire. Usually, our subjects feel sexual attraction to any gender with elevated arousal, but it will take more time for your brain to fully adapt.”

“I don’t know how to deal with all this, father John.”

“That is your problem, not mine, sister Riley. But I can tell you that every slave eventually accepted the new reality. The difference is only when. But you should rest now. The first brother will come in 50 minutes.”

Father John has left already, when sister Riley is still looking inside the mirror, her own beauty distracting her from the enslavement for life. She even strikes poses and winks at herself. Eventually she lays down in bed and falls asleep.

After some time, she is woken up by a display on the wall, indicating that she will have a visitor in a minute. Moments later, a tall muscular man comes inside with various gear in his hands. Sister Riley is wary of the unknown man.

“Who are you?”

“Relax, I am brother Francis. Masters can demand my services, just like they can demand yours. Some masters are very dominant and some are very submissive. It is a spectrum, but in either case, they always get what they want. To make the introduction a bit easier for you, I’ll play a submissive for now. For the most part, you are to seemingly force things onto the submissive that the submissive actually enjoys.”

“How do I know that, brother Francis?”

“Best case scenario is that they tell you. But they usually don’t. So, you have to hope that you can read the master well, or that you remember him from a previous time. You will learn with time, but not today. Instead, we go over common acts you might encounter.”

Sister Riley handcuffs the man and locks his cock in a chastity cage. After making him suck her cock, she fucks him, while learning aspects of demeaning, demanding, and praising dirty talk. Eventually she comes in the man’s mouth, whereupon she rewards him with a blowjob after removing the chastity cage. Once they are done, she inquiries further about the handsome guy that she was just intimate with.

“How did they get you, brother Francis? How long have you been here?”

“No one got me. I’m a pureblood brother.”

“Huh? What does that mean?”

“I have been genetically bred to be a sex slave. I was born here, raised in a special school and eventually worked here once I turned 18. It is actually fairly uncommon to bring an external sister like you to the institute.”

“Then why not bring in a ... you know ... an actual woman?”

“I guess there is no such demand. The institute offers the extraordinary and the exotic. The most attractive people in the world, pureblood sisters or brothers, or man from outside made to be a woman. Though, I think you look stunning as well. They did a great job with you.”

Sister Riley blushes with a smile, but stops herself when she remembered that she had never cared about compliments from guys about her looks. She did enjoy it though. However, the awkwardness is short-lived as brother Francis proceeds to pick up his gear and leave the room.

An hour later, another tall and muscular man enters the room, who is also bringing in his gear.

“I’m brother George. The last guy showed you what a submissive master may look like, right?”

Sister Riley gives him a silent nod.

“Then I’ll be a dominant one now. Turn around, so I can cuff your hands.”

While she moves slowly when facing away, he loses no time to bind her arms behind her back and to put her cock in a chastity cage. Once she has sucked him hard, he fucks her face for a bit and proceeds to throw her on the bed in order to ravage her ass. Sister Riley has difficulties taking him, but is surprised that her ass fits 20 cm of such a massive cock in her ass. Unfortunately, these brothers have these absurd 36 cm (14 inch) cocks, which she cannot fit in.

After enjoying her backside for a while, he instructs her to resume sucking him. She hesitates for a bit when she grabs the member that just came out of her ass, but he just shakes his head.

“You may as well get used to it, because that will happen every day.”

She takes a deep breath and pops in her mouth. Her careful tongue bath is soon after interrupted when he takes her head in order to fuck her face. The process is repeated two more times, whereupon he shoves the big dildo in her ass and activates its vibrations. Brother George subsequently starts playing with her caged cock until it starts swelling against the restraints. The pressure builds up until it gets uncomfortable for her. At this point, he pulls out the dildo and fucks her in the ass one more time, while holding onto her caged cock, until he finally finishes in her mouth.

As quickly as he had come into her chamber, he leaves her afterwards, while she can still taste his cum in her mouth.

Three more men visit her that day, two of which fuck her in the ass and one of which she gets to fuck. However, after having come so many times already, she isn’t sure anymore, if it isn’t just easier to take it instead of forcing another climax out of herself. She wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but she was smitten by these handsome men and enjoyed giving her stunning body to them. Fuck, what did they do to her? They truly messed with her head. Should she continue to object to the irreversible changes or enjoy the pleasure that she didn’t agree to?

At the end of the day, father John comes back in and tells her that it is decided that she will receive masters the next day.

“Tomorrow at 9 o’clock, your first master will come to you.”

“Did you even find clients on such short notice, father John?”

“No need to worry about that. We already had weeks of reservations for you. People have announced their interest in fucking you when you were still in the coma.”

“This is so weird. They knew about ‘sister Riley’ before I did. I’m still confused and scared, father John.”

“That is the appropriate reaction and part of the reason why there is so much demand for you. But you should be more scared of punishment from the side of the institute rather than from the masters. We will take care of you if you behave, but your life will be hell if you don’t.”

Sister Riley sighs.

“You have gone on about punishment and I have received that message clear enough, but is there any glimmer of hope for rewards as well, father John?”

“Not a lot, especially for external sisters like you. Maybe eventually, but you are still an uncertainty that rather gives me worry. Besides, we helped you a lot already. Changing your brain to expand sexual attraction and giving you drugs that increase your arousal ... we have clients that would pay handsomely for you to hate any sex while they abuse you. Instead, we enable you to come more often per day than any of your masters. I think you are rewarded plenty already.”

Sister Riley mumbles a silent thank you and is soon after left alone in her chamber. In the evening, she performs physical training according to instructions on the display in her room. It consists of basic exercises such as squats, lunges, and pushups, but her muscles have atrophied so much that she regularly can’t finish any of her sets.

Afterwards, she sticks her cock in the machine, which hurts less, as she knows what to expect. Initially, she had no ambitions to stretch her ass, but lying there, having nothing to do and thinking about her day, she eventually inserts a toy in her ass. After a while, she even plays with it and slowly thrusts it in and out, after checking that no one is in the room, seeing her fuck herself. Once the machine is done, she has such a hard-on that she jerks herself off one more time and eventually goes to bed.
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