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Janice is not aware that mind control is used to set her up with Jack and to influence her to allow Nick’s domination and then to manipulate her feelings so that eventually she joins in as a very willing participant.
Janice was quite surprised, when she answered a Monday morning knock at her door, to find a youngish Springbank student stood on her doorstep. She knew he was from Springbank because of his uniform.

“Mrs Goodall?” he enquired. Janice nodded her head.

“My name is Nick I have something for you” He responded grinning. Nick had a tablet in his hand and he turned the screen round to show her the picture that was on screen. Janice gasped in surprise!

The picture was of her and Jack Taylor laid on his bed both naked and kissing. Janice could not believe it she had totally forgotten about her relationship with Jack, which had ended only about a month ago. Jack was another Springbank pupil and Janice knew when she started the relationship with him that she would be in big trouble if the two of them were discovered. Janice was puzzled about how she had forgotten about Jack, his body was soft and supple. Jack was eager to learn in bed and very quickly became a good lover and they had made love to each other many times over a period of six months. Janice had broken off with him as he was skipping school to see her and she did not want his schooling to suffer as she had quickly learnt he was very intelligent.

Janice looked at Nick she guessed he was the same age as Jack and Nick was slightly taller and broader and his skin was jet black.

“Where did that picture come from.” Janice challenged.

A mischievous grin creased Nick's face as he replied, "Well, Mrs Goodall it is a still taken from the video that is on this tablet. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about what you did for Jack."

Janice recoiled in shock. She knew instantly that she was in trouble. She'd made Jack solemnly promise never to tell anyone what she'd done with him, but Jack apparently hadn't kept his mouth shut.

Well, she was just going to have to nip this little problem in the bud. She spoke sternly to Nick, "That's none of your business. Goodbye, Nick."

She started to close the door, but Nick interrupted by saying, "Well, Mrs Goodall if I can't talk about it with you, then I guess I'll just have to go talk about it with the police, they will take a dim view of your relationship, it would ruin your reputation and maybe even get you sent you to jail."

Janice was stunned, unsure what to do. How had she got herself into this mess? Well, she knew how, but she'd never imagined this happening. Nick appeared to wait patiently for a response from her as she hesitated at the half-open door. Finally, her voice much softer than before, she mumbled, "Very well. Come in then and you can talk to me."

A broader smile spread across Nick's face as he stepped across her threshold. His voice was nearly dripping with sarcasm when he said, "Gosh, thanks, Mrs G that’s so nice of you."

Janice led him into her front room, took a seat at one end of the sofa and motioned for Nick to sit down at the other end. He complied, taking a seat and leaning back into the sofa cushions, one arm laid across the back of the sofa.

She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to get rid of this problem, but she thought it best to take immediate control of the conversation. Perhaps she could make this encounter short, if not sweet, and get this teenage thug out of her home. First, she decided to try playing dumb.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

That possibility was instantly dashed when Nick coolly replied, "Oh, I just wanted to talk to you about this video, Nick showed her the video, it looked like Jack had installed a camera on his book shelf and it gave a good view of Jack laid on his bed with Janice straddling him and bouncing up and down on his erection.

“There are three more videos of the two of you fucking, explained Nick in a very calm voice. He just couldn't stop talking about it once you broke off with him." Nick leaned forward a bit and lowered his voice, as if speaking conspiratorially, "But, hey, don't worry, I made sure Jack understands that he shouldn't go blabbing that kind of information to anyone else. It'll just be our little secret, yours, mine, and Jack's. Personally, I think what you did for Jack is admirable."

Fumbling for words, Janice finally stammered, "Well, thank you for that." Collecting herself, she stood up and said, "Look, I was just trying to show some kindness to him. Surely you can understand that. So, if that's all, I'd appreciate you being on your way now I have some housework to do."

But Nick didn't budge from his seat on the sofa. "No, that's not all, Mrs G. I mean, here's the thing after hearing the way Jack described your tits and seeing them on the video, well, I'm kinda dying to see them in the flesh for myself."

Although she feared she was losing control of the situation, Janice stood ramrod straight and firmly declared, "Well, that's not going to happen, Nick. Now please leave."

Nick still made no move to stand. Instead, he drawled, "Well, I wouldn't want you to do anything you don't want to do, Mrs G." But Janice barely had time to feel a shudder of blessed relief thank God, this problem is taken care of and going away, before Nick dropped his voice to a slightly lower tone and said, "So, you just tell me what you want, Mrs G do you want to show me your tits or do you want me to go talk to the police about you and Jack?"

Janice stood completely still as she felt panic and the feeling of being trapped building inside her. Her heart started beating so rapidly that, for a moment, she thought she might pass out. What could she do? Was there any way out of this boy's blackmail? None came to mind. The whole while, Nick appeared to wait patiently for her response. Finally, she thought to herself, all right, if this is what I have to do to get out of this nightmare, I can stand it. After all, Nick wasn't going to touch her just look. Blushing with embarrassment, she rolled her eyes and mumbled with obvious disgust, "All right you can see my breasts," she added quickly, trying to regain some control of the situation, "But that's all." She was wearing a simple, powder blue, cardigan over a white blouse. She started to undo buttons of her cardigan, but Nick's voice stopped her. He said, "Just a second, Mrs G just so there's no understanding about me, like, somehow forcing you to do something against your will, I want to hear you tell me what you want to do show me your tits or have me go talk to the police."

This was so humiliating, but Janice steeled herself to get through it, telling herself that it should be all over in a couple of minutes and then she'd be safe again. She barely managed to get the words out, "I want to show you my breasts."

Nick smiled broadly and said, "Well, please do then, Mrs G I'd love to see them."

Janice removed her cardigan and undid the top few buttons of her blouse and shrugged it down off her shoulders a bit. Simultaneously disgusted and humiliated, she said, "There are you satisfied now?"

Nick replied, "Oh, come on, Mrs G you said you wanted to show me your tits, not your bra."

Janice gave a heavy, contemptuous sigh. "Very well." She finished unbuttoning her blouse, undid the clasp of her bra and let it fall away as her full, breasts tumbled out into the open. After just a few seconds, she said, "There you got what you wanted. Now get out of my home." She started to refasten her bra, but was interrupted by a small laugh from Nick.

He said, "Hold on, Mrs G I want to eyeball those pretty nipples of yours for a good three or four minutes. So why don't you sit back down here on the sofa and just let me get a good look."

Defeated, Janice dropped her hands down to her sides, allowing her breasts to remain exposed as she very slowly reseated herself on the sofa. She was just praying that this would end soon. She blushed more intensely as Nick unabashedly stared at her breasts and remarked, "You sure have some nice, plump tits, Mrs G." It was all she could do to force herself to sit still and resist the urge to cover herself up.

After what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a couple of minutes, she spoke up, trying to summon strength into her voice. "All right, I've done what you wanted, you've gotten your cheap thrill, now please leave."

Nick again made no move to rise from the sofa. Instead, he said to her, "Well, you know, I'd like to, Mrs G but honestly, looking at your big, ripe tits has gotten me kind of well, stimulated."

Janice instantly and sharply replied, "No, nothing else!”

“Well Mrs G, one of those videos shows you sucking Jack’s cock.” He paused just a second or two, just long enough to make her think she was going to escape any further humiliation, before adding, “But, again, I don't want you doing anything you don't really want to do...So, what do you want me to do, Ms G you want me to let you suck my cock, or do you want me to go talk to the police?

It infuriated her, the way Nick waited ever so patiently for her response. She tried to summon some resolve when she finally spoke. "All right, I'll suck your cock, if you swear that you'll never tell anybody about this."

Nick nodded and agreeably said, "Sure, Mrs G I promise not to tell anyone it'll be our little secret." He shifted slightly, so that he was sitting with his back against the back, rather than the side end, of the sofa. He leaned back, placing his feet about shoulder width apart. "Oh, just one more thing, Mrs G, again, I want to hear you tell me what it is you want first."

Disgusted, but without any choice, she managed to mumble an answer to his previous question, "I want you to let me suck your cock." After a moment's hesitation, she rose from the sofa, then moved over and knelt down between Nick's knees. She didn't make any attempt to cover her breasts her only thought was to get this over with as quickly as possible, and she figured that leaving herself exposed would be likely to make Nick cum faster.

Nick just sat quietly as she reached out and undid the front of his jeans and pulled his already hard cock through the opening in his boxer shorts. For a moment, she wasn't sure if she could force herself to do this, but there was no escaping the fact that she really had no choice. She kept repeating in her mind, just make it end, just make it end. That's all she was thinking about as she firmly grasped Nick's black engorged cock in her right hand and slowly bent her head down and guided it into her mouth. It was, of course, both hot and hard as she tasted his pre-cum on her tongue.

Janice began using her hand and her mouth, intent on ending this degrading act as quickly as possible. After about half a minute or so, she heard Nick's voice above her say, "Mmm...Damn, Mrs G, you sure know how to suck cock good." He reached a hand down and took hold of a fistful of her hair, but he didn't force her head down any further, just held her hair tightly, giving it an occasional pull.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, Nick pulled her head up, free of his cock, although she retained it held firmly in her right hand. Was it possible he wasn't going to make her suffer through swallowing his cum, that her nightmare was about to be mercifully over? She was taken by surprise when Nick leaned down and kissed her mouth softly taken too much by surprise to stop herself from reflexively responding by pressing her lips back against his.

Still holding her by her hair, Nick intoned, "Wow, that felt really good, Mrs G. You are one awesome little cocksucking whore." The word "whore" stung her, but then she thought, ruefully, that she no doubt did at least look like a whore, kneeling on the floor, with a hard cock in her hand, her blouse undone, her breasts freely exposed and pressed against the thighs of Nick's jeans, and her lips plumped and wet from sucking his cock.

It was her turn to use a voice dripping with sarcasm and hate "Fine thank you for the compliment. Now are we done here?"

Nick seemed to mull the question over momentarily, then replied, "Gee, I don't know, Mrs G. Honestly, I'm kind of torn. On the one hand, you've been really super nice and all, letting me get a look at your lovely tits, not to mention sucking my cock so good but, I don't know, on the other hand I feel like maybe I should do the right thing and go tell the police about you and have you locked up."

Janice shot back, "Wait no! We had a deal you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!"

But Nick was ready for her. "Well, yeah, Mrs G I did promise not to tell anyone about you sucking my cock and I won't, honest but I didn't promise not to tell anyone about what you did with Jack."

She thought back over their conversation and quickly realised that he had successfully tricked her. "You bastard."

Nick laughed softly and admitted, "I'd like to disagree with you, Mrs G, but in all honesty I've got to admit I am kind of a sonofabitch sometimes." With no warning, he pulled her head up by her hair and slapped her across the mouth. Grinning, he said, "See what I mean?"

The slap wasn't that painful, but it nonetheless left Janice reeling in shock.

Nick said, "So, if you'll be kind enough to let go of my cock there-" she hadn't realised she was still holding onto it tightly," I think I should do the right thing and go talk to the police.

Her mind was spinning a thousand miles a second, searching for some way out, but nothing seemed to appear. There was simply no apparent escape from this hell she'd got herself into. Finally, she stammered, "Wait!...Wait...What if...," -- she could barely force the words out of her mouth. Her voice was barely audible as she, resignedly, said, "What if I let you have sex with me? Then would you promise to never tell anyone anything not about this, not about Jack, not about anything?"

Nick waited for a moment, as if thinking over her offer, then finally said, "I think I could take that deal."

Janice spoke firmly. "Let me hear you say it. Promise me."

Nick dutifully replied, raising his right hand as if taking an oath, "I hereby solemnly promise that I will never tell a soul about what you did with Jack or about anything today with me. Fair enough?"

Janice nodded. "All right then." But she made no move from her position kneeling on the floor. She had made an agreement, but had no eagerness to follow through with it.

Nick looked down at her and said, "And now I want to hear you say it. Tell me what you want me to do, Mrs Goodall."

She knew the game by now. There was nothing she could do but play along. "I want you to have sex with me."

"You want me to fuck you, Mrs G, is that what you want?"

Defeated and humiliated again, she assented, "I want you to fuck me."

As she led him to her bedroom, she didn't bother to make any move to pull her blouse back up. What was the point? Again, she told herself that she would just have to grit her teeth and get through this nightmare as best she could.

Standing beside her bed, she turned to face Nick and pointed a finger at him. "First, let's get some ground rules straight."

She saw stars, and her knees momentarily buckled from the hard, stinging slap Nick gave her across her left cheek. His voice was nearly a growl as he barked at her, "There aren't any ground rules, Mrs G. You're gonna spread your legs and let me fuck you, period."

In shock, rubbing the side of her face, Janice couldn't manage any reply.

Nick ordered her, "Now strip naked and get your ass up on that bed."

Still in shock from his blow, Janice mindlessly shrugged her blouse and jeans off, removed her cotton panties, and climbed up on the bed. She was on her hands and knees. She looked back over her shoulder and emotionlessly asked Nick, " do you want me?"

"For now, lie down on your back."

She obeyed, trying not to think about what would come next. Nick sat on the edge of the bed and almost immediately reached down and gently squeezed and massaged her right breast. She lay still, unable to move, like a deer caught in headlights. Nick smiled and told her, "I gotta tell you, ever since you popped these big, plump tits of yours out, I've been dying to feel them and they feel even better than I thought they would."

To Janice's surprise, Nick wasn't making a hard, rapid assault on her body. Instead, he seemed content to spend several minutes alternately rubbing and squeezing her breasts. She gasped when he suddenly pinched her nipples which, much to her shame, instantly stood erect in response and she gasped again when his warm mouth enfolded first one breast, then the other, licking his tongue up across her nipples. She could barely manage any thoughts at all, she felt as if she were just falling endlessly down a dark hole.

Nick continued stimulating her breasts and nipples, she didn't know how long. She couldn't think the whole thing felt surreal and made her feel dizzy. Occasionally, Nick leaned down and kissed her. She kept her eyes tightly closed the whole time. When he pressed his lips and own tongue back between her lips, she simply opened them and let him in. She felt lost and sad, but there was nothing she could do.

Surrendering at last, she spoke angrily, but the anger was mostly directed at herself for letting this boy turn her into a shameless slut, "Oh, fuck me, I can't help loving feeling that hard cock up in me. Fuck me, I'm a whore...I'm a whore. I want you to fuck me I want you to keep fucking my pussy, fill it with your cum, I want you to use me like a whore." She was happy when Nick pulled her head back by her hair again, thinking to herself, "Yes, use me -- hurt me do anything you want to me. She hoped that her language would hurry him up and get the nightmare over with.

“Spread your legs wide Mrs G,” said Nick grinning at her. Janice opened her legs ready for his final assault on her body.

She still kept her eyes closed, but she could hear Nick removing his clothes, and as he did, a shudder of fear ran through her. Again, her mind sought fruitlessly for some avenue of escape, but there simply wasn't any.

“Gee Mrs G this is going to be fun, “ said Nick as he laid on top of her.

Janice could feel his erection against the entrance to her body, she was bone dry and as he forced his erection into her Janice felt as though it was burning her.

Nick was very quickly pumping in and out of her and to her relief he came quickly grabbing her hips and grunting as his sperm shot into her.

“Very good Mrs G,” he smiled at her

After a few moments of lying there, feeling his cum run out of her, she slowly began to come to her senses and realise the full horror of what she'd done and her situation, she had let a fourteen year old fuck her.

“Guess what?” he said a smile of delight on his face.

“You're just going to keep using me, aren't you?" She was trying to mentally pull back from her recent urging him on, begging him to fuck her pussy and give her his cum.

Nick smiled and replied, "Yeah, Mrs G, I am going to keep using you like a whore. And you're going to keep letting me use you like a whore."

She realised again that there was no escape, no choice. Crestfallen, she admitted, "You know there's nothing I can do, you sick little boy. I don't have any choice."

Nick laughed, "Oh, I'm a sick little boy now? This, coming from the same little slut that just begged me to fill up her pussy with cum? I am going now but will be back in one hour, you will be wearing clean bra and knickers and nothing else!”

Nick left.

Janice was panicking, what was she going to do what could she do? She did not want to be arrested by the police, her reputation would be destroyed as Nick said she could end up in prison. She had no choice.

The hour was nearly up she put on clean knickers and bra hoping that Nick would not turn up.

There was a knock on the door Janice swallowed nervously and opened the door. Nick was not alone he had two others with him both of a similar age to Nick.

“Hello Mrs G. I brought some friends with me to fuck you.

“Hell Nick, you were right she is in her bra and knickers!” One of the boys exclaimed.

Janice stood still in her hallway hands beside her sides as the three of them caressed her body. After a few minutes Nick unclasped her bra and pulled it off letting her breasts swing free. One of the others pulled her knickers off.

Janice stood there naked in her hallway crying while her body was groped by their young hands.

“Now Mrs G be a good whore and lead us to your bedroom,” commanded Nick.

Janice stood beside her bed and watched in disgust as Nick’s two friends each gave him a five pound note he was whoring her out, using her as a prostitute.

“Come on Mrs G coaxed Nick get on the bed.

Janice laid on the bed with her arms by her side fists clenched. She closed her eyes feeling hands grasping her ankles and pulling her legs apart. She felt sick as the first one climbed on top of her and pushed his erection into her vagina. His penetration of her body seemed to last an age. As he came in her vagina Janice opened her eyes and to her horror realised Nick was taking photographs.

She closed her eyes again as the second of Nick’s friends started to fuck her, his penetration was easier as she was now slick from the cum of the first boy. This second one came very quickly in her. Nick very quickly replaced him, laying on top of her.

Nick moved his body up between her legs and pressed the head of his cock against her now sloppy wet slit. It slid up inside her easily. Nick made a couple of slow in and out strokes, probing a bit deeper each time, before finally shoving his cock all the way up in her pussy. It felt big and hard and hot “What a whore,” he whispered in her ears as he began slowly fucking her, pulling his cock almost out of her and then sliding it all the way back in. Once every few times back and forth, he'd roughly shove his cock up in her all the way to the hilt. He only very gradually picked up the pace, moving back and forth in her pussy a little faster. But as he slowly increased the speed and intensity that he was fucking her with she tried to press herself down away from the assault on her pussy, but Nick's rough hands firmly grasped her hips and pulled her all the way back onto his hard cock.

Continuing to piston his cock in and out of her pussy, Nick reached, grabbed a handful of her hair, and pulled her head back hard. Leaning over her, he said, "I want to make sure you understand, this isn't just a one time thing, Mrs G. No, you're gonna be my whore from now on. You're gonna let me fuck you anytime I want and you are going to fuck my friends as well, and I am going to sell your body. She protested, "No! You can't!", but he replied, "Yeah, I can, Mrs G because if you don't spread your legs and let me put my cock in you anytime I want the police will be here. So, Mrs G, are you going to be a good little whore and let me fuck you anytime I want?"

Defeated -- What could she do? -- she mumbled a forlorn, "Yes."

Nick slapped her and said, "Not good enough, Mrs G. I want to hear you say it. Tell me you're a whore and I can fuck you anytime I want."

She hated him making her say all these horrid things, but again, what choice did she have? Tears began to fill her eyes as she moaned, "All right I'm a whore, and you can fuck me anytime you want."

Nick smiled, "That's better, Mrs G thanks." He began fucking her more intensely, going extra deep inside her. "You know, seeing as how you've got my cock in you, it feels kinda funny I think in future you will call me master!”

She heard Nick say, "I want to hear you tell me to fuck you, say it," she did feel even more ashamed as she responded “fuck me master”

Nick did filling her with his cum.

Janice laid still eyes closed hoping that Nick had not made her pregnant with a black baby.

One of Nick’s friends joined her on the bed.

“Kneel in the bed and kiss him put your arms around each other and make it look like you are enjoying it”

Janice obeyed kissing one of Nick’ friends with her arms around him. Nick started taking dozens of photographs putting her in different positions with his friends. At last he was satisfied.

“Look!” he said to Janice three photos, “these look as though you are really enjoying yourself!” Janice had to admit there was no way those photographs looked like she was been forced to pose. Nick had several good images of her appearing to have sex and enjoying herself.

“More evidence for the police if I need it, sex with three different fourteen year olds, the police would lock you up for years.” Janice knew she was getting deeper under his control.

As he left Nick turned to her, “tomorrow morning I will be here at 9.30 I expect you to be in your bra and knickers ready for me.

The next day followed the same path as the day before Nick arrived with two different friends who each handed him five pounds. They undressed her felt her body all over and then went to her bed where all three had sex with her. The friends left and Nick made her give him oral sex before he left. The whole session lasted about one and a half hours.

The routine went on day after day Nick turning up with two friends who paid him to have sex with her. Janice would lay on the bed staring at the ceiling her legs spread allowing them to have sex with her but not joining in. There were many different friends some younger than Nick all Springbank pupils. Weekends were a break for Janice with her husband and son at home Nick kept away.

The sex sessions carried on five days a week for about two months, Janice thought that more than twenty different Springbank pupils had fucked her.

Then the Easter school holidays arrived. On the first day Nick arrived with four friends and they spent most of the day in bed with Janice fucking her several times. The same happened on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Janice told Nick her husband and son would be at home Friday through to Tuesday.

“I will be back on Wednesday,” Nick informed her, “be ready for me.”

As usual Janice was in her bra and knickers when Nick knocked on her door. Janice let him and three boys into the house and she led the way upstairs to her bedroom.

“This is my younger brother Callum,” said Nick introducing a boy that had skin that seemed to be even darker than Nick’s “and these are his friends Ryan and Amir.

Ryan and Amir both gave Nick five pounds.

Janice stood still while Callum fumbled to unfasten a bra for the first time. Janice tried to keep calm but knew that her body was giving her feelings away, she was getting wet between her legs. Nick soon discovered her arousal as he knelt to remove her knickers.

“Mrs G! He grinned at her. Are you actually looking forward to your fucking?” Janice did not answer him, she felt loathing for herself as she knew she had lost herself to Nick, his brother and friends.

Nick stood in front of Janice and before he could say anything her restraint broke and she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. With the breaking of her control Janice was desperate for sex suddenly five days without it was too long a time.

Janice pushed Nick on to the bed so that he was laid on his back. Still kissing him she pulled his shirt over his head, her lips moved down kissing his chest then his stomach. Quickly she unfastened his jeans and pulled them and his underpants off.

When Janice saw Nicks’ erection she lost all control of herself she placed her hand over his chest and swung her leg over his hip to straddle him. She lifted her hips up for a moment then took Nick's cock in her hand and pressed it against her pussy lips. Nick’s dick head slid into her and Janice sat down, allowing Nick deep access into her hot hole. Desperate Janice felt fantastic! Nick titled his head back and moaned slightly. She slowly started to bounce up and down, grinding her hips into his groin and digging her nails deep into his chest. Nick joined in the movement, thrusting his own hips back and forth, faster each time until he was practically lifting Janice while she slammed herself back down against him. Then, right as Nick was about to explode deep inside Janice’s warm, wet pussy, he grabbed a hold of her hips, thrusting her again with powerful strokes. Janice soon started crying out her pleasure, I’M CUMING! Janice’s orgasm caused her muscle to squeeze Nick’s cock and he lost control and flooded her pussy with his cum, he came harder than he had ever cum before.

“That was good Mrs G!” Exclaimed Nick.

Janice found she needed more so laying on her back she held her arms out to Callum. He started to fumble with Janice’s breasts.

Janice was aware Nick was recording the action. She was also aware Callum needed some help and direction.

“First, let’s kiss,” said Janice. She was feeling even more desperate to have an erection in her pussy and knew the best way was to instruct Callum.

They made out, their tongues massaging each other for a few moments, then they stopped.

Callum went in with his fingers, one at first, to Janice’s wet, mature outer lips. He touched the clit and it convulsed. He slowly massaged it, thinking “wow, I can’t believe this”.

After a few minutes of clitoral stimulation, Callum took his forefinger and middle finger and eased them into Janice’s fuck hole. He set a steady medium pace for his finger-fucking and kept it up until Janice started moaning with pleasure. He stopped, wondering what she was doing, and she urged “Keep going!”, so he got back to it.

Her cunt got wetter and wetter, and her juices dripped down his knuckles. He took his fingers out and stuck them in his mouth, then went back in at a faster pace. Janice hit an orgasam, her legs squirmed in pleasure, and her vagina squeezed Callum's fingers, while hot juices came rushing out. Callum went in with his mouth and lapped up much of her sex fluid, then licked at her clit.

He started to tongue-fuck her and she pressed her groin against his face. Wanting every bit of his tongue in her. She pulled his head away, much for his own good, as he was nearly suffocating himself in his lusty frenzy.

“All right, Callum let me see that hard cock of yours.”

He presented it to her, and she took it in her mouth. She sucked on it, and occasionally took it down her throat. It was the best thing Callum had felt. On the verge of orgasm, Callum didn’t want to stop, but Janice's expertise let him down, she knew he was ready to explode, so she took it out of her mouth and made Callum suck her cunt again. After he was cooled down, Janice was ready to teach him the missionary position.

She laid back on the bed and guided his fresh cock into her warm pussy. He barely had the tip in, and he held it there, savouring the moment. Her legs pulled him in and he sank deep into her pussy. Callum began to slowly pump in and out of her pussy. He watched her breasts bounce and her juices flow out onto his hairy balls. He grunted with pleasure, and she spread her legs for the world to see. Near the moment, Callum pulled out, this time by himself as he wanted the situation to go on as long as possible and knew he needed to calm down.

Once Callum was ready again, she made him lie down and straddled his cock. She moved up and down while Callum moved his hips up frantically.

She slowed to an agonizing pace, and Callum wanted to come more than he ever wanted.

With three quick movements, Janice sunk down into him, and buried his dick as far in as it could go. Watching his black dick disappear into her body. He came for a full twenty seconds, then relaxed. His dick sank out of her, semi-limp and spent.

Janice was panting and for the moment satisfied.

“That was hot,” smiled Nick stopping his recording and lowering his phone.

Janice started to wonder how she had changed so quickly from not wanting Nick and his friends to touch her to becoming addicted to them. She was already feeling the need and rapidly pulled Ryan on top of her, guiding his erection to her slit, he plunged into her and started pumping his hips into her like an express train and within a minute his sperm flooded in to her pussy.

Still not satisfied Janice positioned Amir on to his back and straddled him, his erection was smaller than the others. As Janice moved her body up and down on him Amir lasted long enough for Janice to climax on his cock her juices running down it wetting his pubic hairs. As he lost his virginity and fired his cum into her wet hole Amir cried out drowning Janice’s moans.

Janice laid on her back feeling cum running down her legs and wetting the bed.

“On your way,” Nick ordered the other boys out of the room.

I turned to Mrs G and she pushed me onto my back and started to kiss my chest, gradually working down my belly to my cock. She took the head of my hard cock in her mouth and began to suck it at a slow pace while jacking off my shaft. With her free hand, she began rubbing my ball. With each bob, she took more and more of me into her mouth, eventually deep throat my entire cock. Ten minutes of this amazing blow job and my balls began to tighten with my pending orgasm. I moaned, and she, apparently sensing that my orgasm was soon forthcoming. With her hand, she began stoking the cum out of my organ, her open mouth moved just above my cock head to capture the cum.

"Oh, fuck, Mrs G" I gasped as the first stream of cum shot from me, into her waiting mouth. She swallowed my cum, licking the residue clean from my cock, savouring every drop, smacking her lips appreciatively. It was so fucking hot.


2024-04-17 13:04:41
I find this an amazing story, it is very interesting. I have just began to understand mind control. I love it. thank you

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