"We can't get into the hostel yet, but you can clean up in the aquamarina," Finn offered.
We walked to the aquamarnia, and Finn helped me into the shower, where I cleaned as much cum out of my pussy as I could. The warm water felt great, but my overused pussy was swollen and sore to the touch.
"That little pussy of yours got a real workout last night. The boys said you were a great fuck, Becca," Finn offered.
I didn't acknowledge Finn's offer of praise but walked out to the pool area to find men and women swimming together naked.
"Everyone's naked," I said, shocked.
"Oh, yeah, we're not uptight like you Americans," Finn responded.
Embarrassed, I took off my suit as the men looked over Finn and me.
I walked over to the hot tub and crawled in, kneeling on the seat and watching the naked people swim and play in the pool. I crossed my arms on the deck and dropped my head, resting on them. The water was lovely, and I began to doze off, hearing Finn tell someone.
"Yeah, she's in the position for it, I guess she wants to,"
I snapped to see a man sit down right in front of me, his legs spread and his balls and cock resting on my arms.
"What the fuck, dude," I yelled.
The man said something to Finn in Dutch, and Finn told me.
"Becca, you're in the position he wants one," Finn told me.
"One what?" I asked, alarmed.
"He's, waiting for you to suck his cock," Finn answered like it was normal.
The man smiled and waved his hard cock t me.
"Why would he think I'd suck his cock, is it written on my forehead," I said, getting angry.
"Well, in here, if a woman sits like you are in the hot tub, it's a signal she wants to suck some cocks. Usually, it's old married women, but they'll be happy to have you do it.
"That's fucked up," I cried.
"It's a tradition here. See how his body shields everyone from what you'll be doing?" Fin replied.
"Well, I'm not sucking his cock, and you can tell him so," I told Finn.
"Oh my God, Becca, it will be an insult if you don't do it. It will cause an uproar," Finn said excitedly.
The man knew what I had said to Finn because he began waving his arms and yelling. I watched as other men gathered, all pointing and looking at me. I panicked as the man shouted, and more men gathered around. I looked around for a way out, but the crowd got bigger. I didn't know what to do, so I reached out and grabbed the man's cock and stroked it briefly before wrapping my lips around it and started to suck it. The man stopped yelling and leaned back on his arms, taking in the view of my head bobbing up and down as his hard cock slid in and out of my mouth. The crowd dispersed, but two more men sat down on the deck, stroking their stiff cocks. The men watched me suck cock as Finn filled them in on my exploits.
"She's American and put on quite a show last night on the train," Finn started.
One of the men asked her something, but I didn't understand what he was asking.
"Well, she sucked at least twenty-five cocks last night and got fucked more than thirty times," Finn confessed.
The men mumbled amongst themselves as my head bobbed up and down. I was tasting precum already, and when his cock swelled in my mouth, I knew I was going to get a load soon. His cock jerked gently in my mouth, and sperm filled my mouth.
"Ya, Ya, good," The man moaned as his balls emptied into my mouth. I swallowed, and he filled it again. I swallowed again and sucked him till he stopped coming. He smiled and patted me on the head before getting off the deck. The man beside him slid into position, and another man sat down.
"How many cocks do they think I'm going to suck," I asked Finn angrily.
"Well, you'll have to suck off everyone that sits down," She answered calmly.
I huffed and stroked the man's cock in front of me before taking it into my mouth. He gently cupped my head, guiding me onto his hard cock. My head again began to bob up and down. As I worked the cock in my mouth, I saw a man standing there with his arm around what looked like his son. They were talking to each other before the man announced to everyone.
"My son is going to get his cock sucked for the first time today,"
The men all cheered and congratulated the boy, as he looked embarrassed. I noticed the aquamarine had emptied somewhat, which was a good sign for my sore mouth. The man I was sucking came, and I started in on the next man as the man and his son sat down.
"She's a good cocksucker," The son said to Finn,"
"She's a better fuck," Finn responded as my eyes grew wide.
"She is," The son asked excitedly.
"Yes, after she sucks your cock would you like to fuck her?" Finn asked, to my amazement.
"Nuh, Unh," I mumbled with a cock in my throat.
The son looked to his dad, who clapped his hands together.
"Oh, yes, I want to fuck her, can I, papa?" He asked excitedly.
"She'll give him a good fuck, sir, he'll be happy," Finn exclaimed happily.
"Wonderful," the dad said, beaming.
They divide up my pussy like it belonged to Finn. I couldn't believe it. I could taste the dad's cum in my mouth, and I knew I'd be eating his full load soon. The hot tub was quiet except for the squishing sound of me sucking, and it was just the dad, his son, Finn, and me.
"Oh, oh, oh, the man cried as his cum shot into my slimy mouth.
I gobbled down his offering and set to work on his son, and he jumped when my lips wrapped around it. I sucked him slowly, looking him in the eyes. I knew he was going to blow his load soon. I had been sucking him slowly for about two minutes when he sat up straight.
"Oh, oh, Papa, Papa," he screamed.
He shot a strong stream of sperm into my throat, almost gagging me. My eyes watered as I fought to get his load under control. I managed to swallow it all without a mishap. The father got up and returned with a blue kickboard used to swim laps. Finn got out of the pool and helped me out. The man put the blue mat on the deck and motioned for me to get on it. Fin guided me to the mat, and I laid down on it and spread my legs for the son. He dropped to his knees and crawled between my legs.
"Is this your first fuck," I asked him.
He blushed and nodded his head yes. I was surprised he was hard already. His cock was long but thin. I grabbed it and guided it to my sore but wet pussy.
"OK, push it inside me," I whispered in his ear.
His cock slowly descended into my depths as he moaned with pleasure. Then he slowly began to fuck me, very gently. I kissed his neck and wrapped my legs around his back as he picked up the pace. I popped my hips to meet his thrust, and He was fucking for the first time in his life. I was too sore and tired to cum, but the boy fucked like a champ, his first time lasting a few minutes before he came.
Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, papa," He cried, and his balls emptied into my snatch.
I held him and kissed him while he recovered. Before he got up, his father roughly grabbed his shoulder, signifying a job well done. They thanked me and walked off. I took a deep breath and headed to the shower.
"Finn, I don't think I want to continue traveling with you. I didn't intend on fucking and sucking my way across Europe," I said bluntly.
"No, Becca, don't say that. It wasn't my fault," Finn said, surprised to be blamed.
"Finn, you're responsible for me getting fucked the last two days. I'm not good with that, sorry," I angrily replied.
"Fine, have a good trip," Finn snarked as she walked away.
I was relieved to be on my own again and vowed to keep it that way. I walked through town, looking at the shops and cafes that littered the streets. I found a quaint café and popped in for lunch, sitting by a large window in the front. I ordered lunch and relaxed for the first time in two days. I ate lunch, and people watched as the afternoon went by slowly. I started thinking about having to take the train again, and I was filled with fear. My server was very friendly, so I asked her when she returned to my table.
"Excuse me, mame, is there a car service that could take me to the border tomorrow?" I asked.
"Um, let me ask the cook. He knows about stuff like that," She said.
She returned a minute later and said.
"Yes, mame, you can find a coach down the street. It's a shop called Bruno's," she said, smiling.
After I left the café, I walked down to Bruno's, which looked like a car repair shop. I stepped inside and was greeted by a man.
"Yes, miss, can I help you?" He asked, not looking up from his work.
"Well, sir, I was wondering if there's a coach that could take me to the German border tomorrow?" I asked politely.
He looked at me, sizing me up, and sat back in his chair.
"Most of the young folks take the train," He said, trying to help.
"Um, yes, I know, but I'd rather take a coach," I replied.
"Very well, miss. They usually show up about eight AM, but by nine, they're all gone," He offered.
"Great, and how much is the fare," I asked excitedly.
"You'll have to barter with the drivers for that. They don't work for me," he offered.
"OK, thank you," I said as I walked out.
I walked around town the rest of the day, looking in the quaint shops, until it became dark. I walked to my hostel, checked in, and entered the women's dorm. It was half full and quiet. Girls read or played on their phones. I grabbed an open bunk, crawled in, and fell fast asleep. I was awakened during the night at the sound of a girl moaning loudly, and I rolled over to look. A group of girls were having sex with a girl in her bunk. Two girls were on top of her, just like I experienced a couple of nights before. A group of girls stood over the girl, waiting their turn on her, as Finn directed traffic. I rolled over, thinking how lucky I was to rid myself of Finn, and fell back asleep.
I awoke to my alarm at seven am. The room was dark as I gathered my gear and snuck out, not wanting to face Finn. It was a bright, sunny day. I walked to the bakery, got a Danish and coffee for breakfast, and went to
Barron's to get a coach. When I got there, I noticed only one car and a wiry man around forty was leaning against it.
"Hello, can you take me to the border?" I asked, smiling.
He shook his head like he didn't understand what I was saying.
"Do you speak English?" I asked.
Again, he shook his head, signaling he didn't. I looked at the office, but it wasn't open, and my phone wasn't getting any bars, so I couldn't use my translation app. I pulled out my map and showed him where I wanted to go. He smiled and nodded his head.
"OK, good, how much?" I asked, smiling back at him.
He gave me a puzzled look and then stepped back and took a long look at me. Then he started talking, and I looked at him and shook my head, thinking I didn't understand. He repeated it, and again, I signaled I didn't understand. He scratched his chin and thought for a minute before closing his hand, pounding his open palm on it, and smiling at me. I had no idea what that meant, but he smiled at me, did it again, and then looked at me for an answer. He was smiling at me, so I smiled back and nodded yes. He opened the car door, and I got in. Then, off we went.
We had been driving for about half an hour but were still on a country road. I took out my map, clearly showed a significant highway leading right to my destination. I leaned over the seat and showed him the highway. He shook his head no, then pounded his palm on his closed fist again. I sat back, figuring we'd find a translator at the border. I fell asleep in the back seat, waking around noon. The car had stopped outside a small cottage in the middle of the country somewhere, and the driver was gone. I was getting nervous as I stepped out of the car and looked around. I walked toward the cottage, noticing the front door was open. I peeked my head inside. Five men were sitting in the parlor.
"Oh, there you are. Yuri said you were sleeping, please come in," a big man said.
"I'd rather not, thank you. Can we get back on the road?" I asked the driver.
The driver shook his head and again pounded his hand on his fist.
"Why does he keep doing that? I asked him how much the ride was, and he kept doing that," I asked, annoyed.
"He was showing you what your ride would cost, and you agreed, smiling back at him. Think about it," The big man said.
He began popping his hand on his fist, pop, pop, pop, pop. My eyes shot open.
"Oh my God, you've got to be kidding. I couldn't understand what he was saying," I screamed.
"Yes, and he gave you an option everyone understands," the big man stated.
"Well, I'll pay him for the ride, but I'm not fucking anybody," I seethed.
"Well, you agreed with Yuri to pay with your pussy, and that's what we expect," The big man responded.
"So I have to fuck him to get to the border?" I asked angrily.
"No, my dear, all five of us at once," he said calmly.
"No, no, no way," I answered.
"Fine, we won't force you, you're free to leave, but Yuri won't drive you," He added.
"Fine, I'll hike it. How far is it to the border?" I inquired.
"It's about three-hundred-thirty kilometers, give or take,"
"What, are you crazy," I responded, shocked.
"The bedroom is down the hall. Tell us when you're ready for us, sweetie.
"No, I'm leaving," I cried.
"Very well, be careful out there. There are a lot of men kidnapping young girls and selling them into the sex trade," he left me with.
I stormed out of the house, got my backpack and bag out of the car, and set out down the road. It was hot and dusty, the sun bearing down on me as I walked down the road. I had no water and got overheated very quickly, but I kept trudging forward. I walked for about an hour when my body gave out, and I sat on the side of the road, exhausted. I thought I was going to die there of heat stroke when I heard a car coming my way.
"Oh fuck," I uttered in resignation.
It was Yuri, and I watched as his car approached and stopped in front of me. He got out of the car and walked to my side, opening the door. He looked at me smiling and Pop, pop, pop, pop, he made me an offer. I hung my head and started crying, my body shaking, as he helped me to my feet and into the backseat of his car. I lay on my backpack, crying the whole ride back. I heard the car stop. I sat up and saw the cottage. Yuri opened the door for me, took my hand, and led me into the cottage as I sobbed.
"Why the tears, young one? We're not going to hurt you. Just sample your charms for a few hours," The big man said.
"Get the poor girl something cold to drink, and let her cool off in the shower first another man said.
I wiped away my tears as I was handed a cold energy drink. As I drank it, Yuri unbuttoned my dress in the back. I let it fall to the floor as the men sized up my naked body.
"You have a beautiful body, young lady. It was meant to be fucked," the big man told me.
Yuri took my hand and led me down the hall to the shower. It was cool, and it felt great. My overheated body cooled off quickly. Yuri returned naked, carrying a pile of towels for me to use. I noticed the cock between his legs hung low by his knees, and I knew it was going to be significant when hard. Yuri took me by the hand and led me away from the living room where the men had been. I started crying when I saw a bed in a room and men talking. I was led into the room, and all five men were naked, sporting large erections. I openly sobbed as I was led to the bed, crawling on with the men. I cried as men sucked my nipples, and a man's tongue began to lick my pussy. A cock was placed in both hands, and I began stroking them as I cried. I knew I was about to get my brains fucked out by five bigger-than-life cocks.
"Umm," I moaned as my clit got slapped around by the thick long tongue in my pussy.
"You going to cum a lot this afternoon, young lady? By the way, what's your name?" the big man asked.
"Rebecca," I blubbered through my tears.
"My name is Otto," The big man said.
Another man lay on his back, and I was told to face and straddle him. I was crying when I saw the size of his cock, eleven inches and super fat.
"Alright, Rebecca, put the head of his cock in your little fuck slot," Otto told me.
I sobbed openly as I slid the fat head into place, crying loudly, knowing he was going to rip my little pussy open.
"OK, Rebecca, sit down on his cock and fill your pussy with it," Otto told me.
I gingerly lowered myself onto the head of the monster cock,
"Owe, owe, please no, I don't want to do this," I cried so hard I was shaking.
"Rebecca, I'm giving you the chance to put it up your pussy. If you don't do it, Igor will do it for you, and I know you don't want that because he's not gentle about it," Otto warned me.
I was shaking as I sat on it more, the head tearing at me as it entered.
Owe, owe, fuck me," I squealed.
"Keep going, Rebecca," Otto warned.
My pussy burned like a thousand bee stings. I was crying so hard I was shaking as I put more pressure on the rock-hard cock. It slid into me, stretching my pussy obscenely. The men all watched as I forced Igor's cock into my pussy. It disappeared into me, and I could see the shape of it in my belly. I managed to stuff about five inches into me.
"OK, good start, now lean forward and put your hand on Igors's shoulders, turn your head and take Yuri's cock in your mouth and suck him off.
Yuri's cock was ten inches long but not super fat. Still, more cock than my mouth could handle. I began bobbing my head on his cock, hoping he would be happy with how much I had in my mouth. I felt a man on the back of the bed between my legs. Panic struck me, not my ass, I feared. Otto spread my butt cheeks as a man lubed up his fat footlong cock.
"Un, Uh, Un, Uh, I pleaded with a cock lodged in my mouth. I felt the head of a large cock press against my rosebud, which was still virgin.
"Yuley is going to bugger your ass for you. Once he's safely inside, your fucking will start. We're making a movie of it for the porn sites," Otto alerted me
"Umm, Umm, Umm, I moaned in pain as Yuliy's cock entered my virgin asshole.
Two me held me in place to keep me from getting away as Yuliy sank his massive cock into my bowels. He was halfway in when his cock stopped. He kept pounding me.
Umm, umm, umm," I moaned in pain from both my pussy and ass.
Yuliy continued to pound my ass, and suddenly something inside my bowels gave way, and the last six inches of his cock barreled into me.
"Umm," I moaned in pain as Yuliy's balls slapped my belly.
"Alright, boys, give it to her," Otto said as he walked around with a video camera.
The men began fucking me roughly.
"Umm," I cried with the cock in my mouth.
Yuri was not satisfied with how much of his cock I had swallowed, so he put his hand firmly on the back of my head and drove his cock into my throat. My mouth opened as I gagged on the cock. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I fought to breathe while trying not to puke. It took a minute for my gag reflex to subside, and Yuri began fucking my mouth, driving his cock into my mouth till my lips touched his stomach and ball sack. Every orifice was stuffed with a fat hard cock. Igor was determined not to have the only cock not buried in my body. He drove his cock upward into my overstuffed pussy.
"Um," I moaned in pain as, inch by inch, his cock dug deeper into my straining stretched snatch
I was moaning in pain uncontrollably when Igor drove his cock through my cervix and into my womb. The pain was so intense I passed out. I would awake occasionally to find different cocks in different holes. My uterus and bowels burned like fire as the men fucked me would come, and the new cocks took over. I woke up to a single man fucking my pussy, my legs and knees spread open; Igor was effortlessly slamming his footlong cock in me balls deep. I moaned in pain as the other four men fucked me in the same position, grunting when they filled my uterus with sperm. When I woke again, the sun had gone down, and I was in the back of Yuri's car.
It was dark when the car stopped, and Yuri got out, returning a few minutes later, helping me walk into the building. He had taken me to a hostel and got me a room. He left me at the door to the women's dorm. I crawled in and climbed into an empty bed, passing out. I awoke to a dark, quiet room at three am, trying to assess the damage to my body. My pussy was swollen shut, and the pain was intense when I touched it. I reached behind me to feel my rosebud, and three fingers slid into my anus without any trouble. My throat had been fucked raw, and the pain swallowing was unbearable.
I fell back to sleep, finally trying to get up, which seemed impossible for a while. I was finally able to stand up, and I made my way to the showers. I stood under the hot water till it turned cold, dried off, and returned to bed. I packed my gear and left the hostel to find a hotel.