Caitlyn and her father finally admit their lust for each other
The Caitlyn Chronicles Part 2
The drive home from the dance competition was going to be around 2 hours. Some of the other parents and kids stopped for pizza on the way and we met them. After chatting and laughing about the competition and talking about how the holidays were going, we all left for our respective homes.
About 45 minutes from home I notice Caitlyn texting like crazy and I thought I heard swearing under her breath. I asked if everything was ok. She appeared upset about something and turned away from me towards her window. She finally responds and says “No, everything stinks. I don’t want to talk about it right now.” I simply said “ok” and dropped it. About 30 minutes later she’s obviously crying. I take my hand and stroke her hair gently, just to let her know I am there for her. After a few seconds she turns back forward and yells “TREVOR BROKE UP WITH ME!” And tears well up in her eyes again.
“What?...Why?” I asked. She responded “He did it on text and said he wants to date other people.”
“Why now? That’s a terrible way to tell someone,” I stated flatly.
“I know right?... “I was texting with Brittany and she said she heard Trevor wants to start seeing Natalie,” Caitlyn said through light sobs.
I tried to tread softly and ask, “Natalie...your friend from cheer?”
She responded angrily, “Yeah...and not my friend anymore. She mentioned yesterday she was going to the party at his house New Years Eve too. A bunch of us are going so I thought it was normal.”
Receiving another text Caitlyn looks at her phone and blurts out “Oh My GOD! Apparently Trevor and her have been seen making out a few days ago.”
I feel horrible for her and only can manage to say “I am so sorry sweetheart….and right before New Years. You don’t deserve him.”
Caitlyn, still sobbing “Dad, I am so embarrassed. How can I show my face at school next week?”
Trying to be reassuring the best I can – “Oh honey, it’ll be ok. These things happen to everyone. You are not the first one to break up with someone.”
He turns to me with fire in her eyes, “Daaad...He broke up with me! And now I can’t go to the party…obviously!!! Can we just stay home tomorrow night? We’ll do our own party. I don’t want to be around anyone. Please?”
Of course I agreed and we quickly discussed our plans for a quiet time at home. The rest of the ride was fairly quiet.
We arrived home a short time later. We are both exhausted. Caitlyn is still teary-eyed. I embraced my daughter in the most fatherly and honest way I knew how and kissed the top of her head. We both headed to bed. I genuinely felt horrible for her.
The next morning I got up and made us some eggs for breakfast. Caitlyn comes down. Her eyes are red. She is wearing a t-shirt and tight boy shorts that show off her tush and legs. And you can see how firm her tits are with no bra. I try to distract myself with talk about tonight’s festivities before my mind wanders any further.
We discuss what food I should buy at the store. I focus on what she would like to try to help ease her pain.
A couple hours later I came home with a spread. I picked up a couple bottles of champagne. I figured what the heck. We are home and not driving anywhere, and her mother isn’t around to be a downer on the festivities.
My daughter came in and started looking through the bags at all the stuff.
“Oh wow! Look at all this stuff dad.” I responded “Yeah, I figured it’ll last us a couple days too until your mother gets home”
Caitlyn then asked “Are we getting dressed up tonight?” I hadn’t thought about it, but agreed if she would like that.
As the afternoon progressed I started thinking about all the things that went on over the past days and how I was able to pull it together as a dad to comfort my girl and be there for her. I felt a little more at ease with the situation knowing that in some ways things seemed more normal.
Around 7:00 I started preparing the food. I placed the cheeses out with crackers. Put the olives in a small bowl, and laid out some dried salamis and other bites out on trays in the living room on the coffee table.
I opened the champagne and put the bottle in an ice bucket. Laid out a couple of glasses.
I heard the water stop running upstairs and figured Caitlyn was done in the shower so I would go grab a quick shower and change.
30 minutes later I am putting on my dark gray suit I rarely wear, but still fits well. I finished getting ready and walked down the hall to Caitlyn’s room and knocked on the door. I heard her say “coming!”
When she opened the door the sight that greeted me was not what I expected. Sure all the girls wear little tight dresses with clunky shoes, and in the past I guess Caitlyn has never been the exception. But what appeared before me looked like a grown woman. She was wearing a sequin sleeveless top in a shimmery black and gold motif. On the bottom she had on a very short matching skirt. And black high heels to finish the look. She had been shopping in my wife’s closet apparently. Although she looked way better in this outfit than my wife ever had. All I could say was “WOW!” and I let my jaw drop open.
She laughed and said “I’ll take that as a compliment. You look pretty good yourself.”
I then had a moment of terror when I realized I had thrown her soiled panties I pleasured myself with a few days earlier into the closet. What if Caitlyn saw them? She didn’t mention it so I assume she didn’t see them. I made a mental note to wash them and sneak them back into her clean laundry the next day.
We went downstairs to the living room and I poured two glasses of champagne and handed one to her. We clinked glasses and took a sip.
Caitlyn commented ”Mmmmm, I like this.” I let her know that tonight she will be treated as an adult. But also stated “this stays here. We do not tell anyone...especially your mom...that I let you drink. Got it?” Caitlyn promised that she would keep the secret
We sit down and enjoy some food and our glasses of champagne. Finishing hers she asked for more. I poured her some but warned “OK but take it easy. You aren’t used to drinking and it can go to your head. You don’t want to fall asleep before midnight do you?” She promised to take it easy. I headed into the kitchen to get us some water so she wouldn’t get too tipsy.
When I went in the kitchen Caitlyn downed the glass of champagne and poured herself another.
Returning with our waters I sit next to Caitlyn.
I made an observation “Oh and you probably shouldn’t tell your mom you borrowed her expensive outfit.” She agreed and responded with “speaking of mom, when does Grumpelstilskin get back?” I giggled but scolded her at the same time “Hey that’s not nice.” Caitlyn continued her assault saying “well it’s true. She’s always yelling at me for stuff. And she isn’t very nice to you either. I’m surprised you didn’t divorce her or go out and get a girlfriend.” I was shocked and responded “Oh my god. Really? Did you just say that?” My beautiful – and sexy—daughter looked into my eyes and said “Well it’s true. You are very good looking. A couple of my friends think you are a DILF.”
That took me by surprise, but at the same time flattered me. So I say:”Caitlyn! Come on that’s not true. I’m an old fart.” She continued “Daaddd...Older guys are hot….you are hot.” She stammers a bit, looks at her wine and sips it, then continues “For being my dad that is.” She looked red, and I couldn’t tell if it was from the wine or she blurted something out she didn’t mean to and was trying to cover it up.
I hesitated, then simply passed it off and said “Well thank you. I love the compliment.”
We ate some food and sat in silence for a little bit. I guess the wine was kicking in because Caitlyn was getting more adventurous with her conversation and saying things she likely wouldn’t have if not for the wine, I thought.
After a little while she breaks the silence, “If mom won’t have sex with you should totally get a girlfriend. I’ll help you. I can keep the secret and throw her off your scent.”
Shocked, all I can muster is “Oh my god! I can’t believe you just said that. Me and your mom’s personal issues are of no concern to you.”
Then she accidentally blurts out “I just can’t believe I was getting more sex than shit! Nevermind. I’m sorry.”
I stared at her for a moment…in shock from hearing my little girl tell me she is not a virgin – which although I suspected, wasn’t reality until just now. And although I am concerned as a dad, I also feel something that I shouldn’t…Jealousy. So I simply say ”Caitlyn, I don’t know what to say. Are you having sex?”
“Well obviously not anymore,” she bluntly answers.
Trying to be an understanding, concerned, and loving father I tell her she can trust me “Ok listen, you know you can talk to your mom and me about absolutely anything right? I promise I won’t yell or anything. I just want to make sure you were safe.” She hesitates, then says “I only did it a couple times. I was probably one of the last to do it. All my friends already had sex….and it wasn’t that good…at least I don’t think it was.”
I sat there silently for a minute.
Caitlyn broke the silence, “Are you mad at me?” I turned to her and noted “No of course not. Yesterday you broke up with your first boyfriend and today I just found out you were having sex. It’s a lot to process.”
Caitlyn begged “Please don’t tell mom about the sex thing. Please, please, please!”
I promised it would stay between us.
She asks “Can I have some more champagne please?” I pour her some but say “OK, but from the way you are blurting out things I think it’s going to your head.”.
We spend the next couple hours eating and watching the performers in Times Square. Some I have never heard of and Caitlyn fills me in on the details. I do the same for her when an old school rapper from the 90’s comes on.
During a commercial break as we approach midnight, Caitlyn turns to me and says…“Dad, you really are a handsome man. You should totally get a girlfriend.”
Startled I look at her, shake my head and say “Are we doing this again? Let’s stop this conversation right now ok?”
Caitlyn gives me a snarky look and simply replies “Party pooper.”
A few more seconds of silence follow. And then she blurts out “Dad! Oh my god! Who am I going to kiss at midnight? It was supposed to be my boyfriend, but fuck him!” Taken aback by her language I say to her: “Caitlyn! Your language tonight!”
My young daughter directs the next statement right at me: “Hey, you are my date tonight. It’s your job to kiss me at midnight.”
My mind is starting to spin, both from the wine and the sudden thoughts racing through my head…well both heads actually. I mutter “Of course I will give you a kiss at midnight.” To which my daughter outright says “I mean a real kiss! I want lip action.”
I am getting turned on thinking about the prospect of kissing my daughter. I feel my cock start to grow. Is she insisting? I thought to myself. I started to get a vibe that maybe she’s having similar lustful thoughts.
Caitlyn breaks my train of thought, which was heading into the gutter anyway…stating “Dad, tonight was the first New Years eve that I had a boyfriend to kiss.” She starts tearing up.
I look at the pitiful look on her face, the cute pout she making and the tear traveling down her cheek. I say to her in the most sincere way I can, despite the bulge forming in my pants, ”Honey...sweetheart. I know tonight’s a bit rough for you, but is your dad really the appropriate one to fulfill this need? I can think of many reasons why I’m not.”
Of course inside I am dying to grab her and show her how a man ...a real, grown man...kisses. A deep passionate kiss. But I am fighting with myself to be a good father.
Then she tears through any barrier I set up in my mind by saying “Don’t you want a real kiss too? Don’t you miss kissing a woman? I don’t think mom kisses you like that anymore does she?”
We stare at each other for a second and I just put my face in my palms. And then she hits me with another zinger out of right field “I know you watch my reels I post. The ones where I am wearing sexy outfits. You liked the post with us in our cheerleading outfits.”
OH MY GOD!, she knows I’ve watched her videos, I realized. I must had ‘liked’ one of them accidentally while flipping through the reels.
I stammer, and squeak out “Your mom and I just like to monitor your posts.”
Caitlyn tilts her head and puts a “duh” look on her face and says “Uh huh..late at night when mom’s not here? I saw that you ‘liked’ the post after we went to bed the other night.......and other stuff.”
I mistakenly ask ”Other stuff? Honey, I think you are mistak….”
Caitlyn interrupts and blurts out: “LIKE PORN! Guys doing it with their daughters. Incest stuff. It’s all on your computer.”
Oh god, she’s been on my computer. This is not good. I try to talk my way out of it but she’s two steps ahead of me at this point. She interrupts my terrible rambling of excuses with “Dad, just stop. You are a terrible liar. Come on, I told you my secret tonight. Tell me you don’t have fantasies about my friends or …maybe…ME? I promise mom won’t know anything. It’s ok you can be honest. I won’t get upset.”
I am speechless. I try to mutter something about her drinking too much champagne, but it’s no use. She continues her assault “What if I want you to kiss me tonight…passionately? What if I promise to keep this secret forever? Nobody would ever know. Not mom, not friends, nobody.”
I don’t know what to do. I am faced with a situation I was not prepared for. Again I am both embarrassed she knows about this stuff, and at the same time turned on by the prospect that she actually wants something to happen between us. Not something I ever actually thought could or would happen in real life.
She stares at me with squinty eyes for a few seconds as I nervously look at the tv and eat some cheese.
Caitlyn then calmly says “Dad is it alright if I change out of this outfit into something more comfortable?”
Appreciated the reprieve from the conversation I simply say “Of course sweetheart.”
I think that maybe her wearing sweats and a sweatshirt or something will take some of the sexiness away and we can just finish off this evening like a normal father and daughter. Maybe she will sober up and calm down.
She heads upstairs and after some time I realize it’s almost midnight. I yell up to her “Honey it’s 3 minutes till Midnight..Hurry up!”
She responds with “Commming!” But she says it in a sing-songy way that sounds a little suspect.
I hear her come down the stairs and turn to see something I, nor my cock, was expecting – my daughter wearing her cheerleading outfit. The same one as the video. And looking sexy as hell.
She sarcastically asks ”Way more comfortable….You like it?”
I am floored. Words cannot form in my mouth. All I see are her flawless, smooth legs disappearing under that sexy skirt, and her perfect tits in the tight, fitted top. My cock is growing again. My mind is racing. My daughter was the first to speak: “Dad, I told you I want you to kiss me at midnight and from your reaction I think that’s exactly what you want to do. Actually I think you want to do way more than just kiss me...apparently… according to your porn collection….and this……”
As surprised as I am up to now, nothing prepared me for what she did next. Caitlyn pulls out her soiled panties, which she must have found in the closet earlier. She holds them up by the waistband so all the dried cum stains are visible.
I just sat there looking stupid. She continued, “Looks like someone has been having fun with these. I would be totally grossed out, but it’s kind of a turn on knowing my own dad thinks I’m hot. You do think I’m hot, right Dad? Don’t deny it!”
At that moment we hear “3!…2!…1! And the ball drops to mark the New Year.
I stare at my daughter with my mouth hanging open. She says “Happy new year Daddy…Well do you think I look hot? Do I get my kiss now?” Her tongue slowly peeking out and licking her upper lip ever so slightly.
There was my princess wearing the exact outfit I came too…twice. Asking for the exact thing I have been fantasizing about for days. A request, that I should have denied her, but I was weak, I was…I was …Turned on. Fuck, I was horny as hell and she just told me she wants me too. FUCK! I couldn’t take it anymore. I blurt out “Caitlyn, Yes…YES! YOU LOOK HOT AS HELL!” The blood is now rushing full force to my cock, making an obvious tent in my pants.
She smiles, acknowledging my confession of my incestuous lust for her.
I got up and walked up to her, grabbed the panties and threw them aside. I looked her in the eyes and said “You really want this?”
She looks me right in the eyes and says “Yes daddy…more than anything else in the world. Please kiss me. Do anything you want to me.”
I place my hands on either side of her face and draw her in as I lean down. Our lips met and immediately, as if in unison, we both parted our lips. Our tongues gently met and I gave my baby…my princess...the most passionate kiss I could. My daughter pressed against me and I could tell she felt my now raging hard-on.
She moaned in my mouth and pressed harder, slowly grinding her pelvis into my crotch.
As our tongues dance with each other, and some band plays on TV, I slowly lower my hands down her body, feeling the young, soft curves of her waist and around back to where I run my hands under her skirt, feeling the most incredible tight ass ever. It was also at this point that I realized something else. She wasn’t wearing any panties.
Whispering in my mouth she says “you like…I thought you might like no panties even better than dirty ones”
I squeezed her ass and pulled her into me and we both started grinding together. Her moaning into my mouth as a sign she approves.
She then pulls back from my mouth and places her mouth near my ear and says “Let’s get you more comfortable too.“
She pulls off my jacket and undoes my tie. She throws them to the side.
I lowered myself to the sofa, pulling her on top of me. We continue to kiss, and I allow my hands to wander. First running them down her legs and back up under her skirt. Keeping one there I take my other hand and run it up to her lower back and around to her front. Placing my hand on her breast and squeezing gently. It was incredible. We continued to kiss, tongues swirling , Then she pulls back and sits up straight, says “Here let me help you get to those.”
She then pulls her top off revealing the most perfect, firm tits I’ve ever seen.
I pull her in and lower my head. Grabbing her left breast I place my mouth over it. Enveloping it in my mouth. I slowly suck and flick my tongue on her nipple. I am in heaven and apparently so is she. I feel wetness on my pants and realize she is soaking wet.
I run my other hand from behind down between her legs and feel her sopping wet pussy. She appears to be clean shaven and I allow my fingers to rub up and down the folds of her pussy. I feel her press down giving me permission to go further. I maneuver my middle finger to her opening…feeling the intense heat coming from her aching hole. I slip my finger in slowly as she pulls back from my mouth and her eyes roll back and she breathes out loudly. “yes…please daddy…do it.”
I push my finger deeper inside of her. Her pussy is dripping. I finger her in and out. I feel Caitlyn’s hand slide down and over my massive erection. She runs her hand up and down sensing the size and shape, timidly asking “Is this ok dad?”
I immediately respond “Of course sweetheart. It feels really good.”
She asks me “Can I see it?”
I should have hesitated and stopped this, but I was too far gone for that. There was nobody in this world that I wanted as badly as this girl. The fact that she was so young and my own daughter didn’t matter anymore. All I wanted was her hands wrapped around my hard cock.
I reach down and undo my belt, unbutton and unzip my pants. She helps me pull them down and off. I see Caitlyn staring at my bulge and the wet spot where my pre-cum stained. I take off my underwear.
She stares as I release my enormous, rock hard cock. The head is purple and engorged, and the veins are popping out along the shaft. She can only say “Oh My God! Dad, that is huge!”
I tell her bluntly “I want you so bad right now. Look what you’ve done to me?”
She reaches out and slowly takes my cock in her hand. She caresses it up and down gently, feeling every inch. I am in heaven.
I guide her and tell her “Oohhh, yeah. Honey squeeze it tighter and rub it up and down.”
She responds and takes my cock in her hand and starts pumping up and down.
Caitlyn looks up at me and says “I always wondered what the cock that made me looked like…Would something this big even fit inside of me?”
I was so turned on, and nothing would keep me from fucking my little girl at that point. I responded with ”Do you want to find out?”
It was then that Caitlyn looks me right in the eyes, nods and says “Yesssss….please fuck me daddy.”
Those words almost made me cum right there. I was too weak to argue…to far gone to deny us this pleasure. It was an inevitability…I was about to fuck my own teen daughter.
I kiss her deeply and suggest we go upstairs. Agreeing she stands up. She asks “Should I take off my skirt?”
I quickly respond ”No…leave it on!”
I lead her up the stairs to her parent’s bedroom where we made her years ago.
I tell her to get on top of me so she can have more control. I then lay on my back. She climbs on top, her skirt draped down. I lift her skirt with one hand, and grab my cock with the other, telling her to position her hole right over it.
Placing the head of my cock at her entrance, I can feel the heat and wetness. She slowly lowers herself down, taking in the first inch or so.
She let’s out a breathless “ohhh my gooddd,” and moving up and down. Going deeper with each downward motion.
“God that feels so good…You are so tight.” I tell her
She continues until her pussy envelopes my entire cock. She is now riding me a little harder and faster. She exclaims “It’s so big and thick…it feels so good!”
I am in ravenous lust. Grabbing her tits as she rides me. I tell her how hot she is…I confess everything -- ”Yes I stalked your posts. I came in your underwear. You are so hot, I couldn’t help myself!!!”
She is in ecstasy and responds “Ohhh Dadddyyyy…I’ve thought about you fucking me like this after my friends said you were hot. I touch myself thinking of you all the time!”
I grab her hips and move her faster. I feel myself getting close. My balls start to tighten.
She says out loud “Oh My God Dad…I think I’m going to cum. I’M GOING TO CUM ON MY OWN DAD’S COCK!”
I feel her buck and scream out “I’MMMMMMM CUMMMIINNNNNGG DADDDDDY!”
I can’t hold it any longer and I explode inside of her. Yelling “Ohh CAITLYYYYYN!” I release what feels like gallons of boiling, hot cum, deep inside of her womb.
After a few seconds we both relax. She slowly pulls off of me and we both watch my thick, white cum pour out of her onto my deflating cock. She then collapses onto my chest. I wrap my arms around her. We are both breathing hard. I simply whisper “I love you sweetheart.” She responds “I love you too dad.”