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something I wrote to get my girlfriend horny. probably not the best editing ive done so hope it makes sense. mostly posting just so you guys know I'm still alive.
During the night of the blood moon a young woman is dragged down a dimly lit hall. A throbbing pain at the back of her head keeps her docile. Although she had committed no crime to deserve this treatment, she knows who ordered her to be detained. Soon she is brought to an old wooden door and thrust onto a meager bed.

as the guardsmen leave her there and lock the door behind them, she lays still while looking around the cold room. The only light comes from the windows that sit near the top of the tower like room. eerie red light bathing the stones in blood red.

Once the pain diminishes she slowly sits up and lets out a heavy sigh. "great, now that fat fuck has gone too far..." she recalls the events prior to her current situation. a rather ugly and fat noble had desired to make her his private entertainment. While this was allowed for a night within the walls of her workplace, the proprietor did not allow for any of his workers to be bought outright. "being desirable does have its flaws."

She could only guess what was in-store for her future, but she did know that the fat noble would demand to enjoy her body until he grew tired of her. While she had plenty of experience with men and even some women, the thought of having the revolting form of the noble touching her made her nauseous. she hoped that he would at least bathe before coming for her. After an hour of being alone she began to wonder if she would be visited by the fat lord at all tonight.

Then something strange happened, she felt the room become warmer and almost uncomfortable. she got to her feet and wandered around the room looking for the source. but she could not find anything that would cause such a sudden rise in temperature. Until she saw a burst of dark red lightning appear above her bed.

more arcs burst out in sets of three, then six, nine, twelve, the ceiling is soon blocked out by the energy. and then she sees something descend. the red lightning arcing around it. A leg, very large and armored?followed quickly by a second. someone or thing is using the red light as a portal to enter the room. fear grips her as she notices that what she thought to be armor is in fact thick scales. a long tail comes into view shortly before a large torso, arms. and then its head its wings were the last to pass through, massive even when furled up. as its feet touch the cool stone floor she hears a hissing sound as steam rises up from where it stands.

she slips off to the far side of the bed being as quiet as possible while ducking down to hide herself.the light quickly fades away and she hears a deep guttural groan."Come out little mouse, no point in hiding from me. I can smell your fear, and the oil you were bathed in. come to me now and i promise no harm will befall you. disobey however, and punishment will follow." its voice is deep and powerful. commanding yet not waits for a few moments, then lets you a heavy sigh. "perhaps fear has paralyzed you. Final chance, come to me now or face punishment!" his voice echoes through the room.several moments pass, the most she could manage was to poke her head up to gaze upon its form before darting back down with a scared yelp. a deep throaty growl escapes it. "Fine then, punishment it is. I gave you a warning, you can blame only yourself." it says while making its way around the bed. it towers over her, its height stretches well over the door. the dim light bathing its face in shadow, but its red luminous eyes shine as it looked down upon her frail human form.

it bends over, reaching down to grab her. her arms rise up in a vain attempt to protect herself. its single hand grasped both her arms with ease and lifted her up and off the floor. "Fear shackles you little mouse, such a shame." it tosses her over its shoulder and speaks in a strange tongue she cant comprehend.

as his words came to an end a doorway suited for his size appeared on the wall. As it begins to make it's way through, the door to the chamber opens and in walks a short fat man dressed in a simple robe. behind him stand four guards. Both the woman and the apparent lord scream in unison, the woman for help and the lord in fear.

Hesitating at first the guards rush in drawing their swords and attack the legs and abdomen of the creature. as the steel strikes the creature's scales the metal chips upon impact. "I am unsure who screamed louder, you or the plump rat over there."

It raises its hand toward the fat lord. "My pets could use a meal, a plump rat should tie them over for now." Dark red ethereal tendrils lash burst out of its hand racing across the room to bind the lord's arms and legs. with a slight motion from its hand the tendrils rapidly retract and toss the fat lord through the portal.

while this unfolds it's tail and wings had tossed the guards into the gateway as well.

passing through the portal was quite a strange experience, it felt like being engulfed by sticky bread dough and coming out into a sweltering hot kitchen.

she heard the roar of raging fire, the cries of strange creatures and the wailing pleads of the human lord. as she was carried she saw the sources of the dark red energy that had formed the portal. a massive black garnet. its size dwarfed the room she had been in before.

the structures were made of blackened red stone. it was crude in design, she could see where each block connected until she saw a pillar that had once been part of an archway. it was not built but carved out. The urge to look at this new place over took her fear, she moved to get a better view of the surrounding environment. but as she lifted herself up and turned to look forward the creature's wing quickly unfurled and covered her small form, blocking out her view.

"You need not concern yourself with the surrounding scenery. In Fact it would be best if you did not know what lay around this path."

unbeknownst to her the scenery was truly a horrific view. bodies of the dead and tormented were hung like decorations, displayed in vulgar and hideous ways. one look and a human would know that they were in hell. but all she was allowed to see was the bare stone.

sometime later after traversing several halls and large spiral staircases, she is tossed onto a huge and surprisingly soft bed. the creature then calls out in its strange tongue while looking about the massive room. moments later a burst of dark flames erupted from a corner near a high window. from the flames emerged a large black animal. as it made its way over to the creature that brought her here, found that it resembled a dire wolf, but much larger. smoke rose from its paws with each motion, its fur seemed to cover a faint red glow like embers from a fire. its tail appeared to be made entirely of black smoke and its eyes were a dark red that glowed much like her captor's.

the pair bonded over skinship for a moment. it was strange for her to see this exchange, this creature that appeared cold and uncaring suddenly playing with a huge beast. When their exchange came to an end their attention turned to her. "Now then, I will allow you to ask only five questions. choose wisely as i will not answer those you don't have the right to know."

She thought for a moment, out of the hundred of questions she can only ask five. "where are we? And I don't mean where in your castle or fortress. What did you bring me here for? will you let me return home, and what am I to call you?" she wanted to save her final question for another time, after she may need it at a later time.

He was surprised that this human female actually thought her questions through. still it wondered why she only asked four. Perhaps she wanted to gain more information before asking the fifth? "Currently we are in the infernal realm, I brought you here on a whim. but now I think you'd be good for breeding. I have yet to decide if I will return you to the mortal realm. Call me Master henceforth."

She was shocked to say the least, trapped in another realm through demonic magics, at the mercy of what she could only assume was some high ranked demon. Then told she would be used to birth more demons. though she would have put up a fight against any human, she dared not try this thing's patience. "Well then Master, am I to be bred by you? or do you have some other demon in mind?"

He gave a slight smirk at her demeanor, most of the other women he had taken from the mortal realm had all begged, cried and screamed at the thought of being bred by demons. "While I'd enjoy breaking you in, my size would ruin you for any breeding I have in mind." With that said he snapped his fingers, the dark red glow erupted from the snap and a black collar appeared around her neck. a moment later a red chain ran from her collar and fastened itself to a similar one that rested around the hellhound's neck. "this one is ready to take his first mate. I have always been curious to see if a hound could impregnate a human woman."

her eyes go wide as she turns her gaze to a massive wolf like beast, being bred by such a creature would be difficult and dangerous let alone getting pregnant from it. "surely that's impossible, two different species cant reproduce.'' She took a step back and felt the chain become taunt.

"A demon can breed with humans and demons can breed with hell hounds, so it stands to reason that a demon hound should and could impregnate a human female. whether the breeding is a success or not can only be discovered by trial." her new master said as he moved to stand by the bed. "The only difference here is if you accept willingly or through coercing."

she lowered her gaze and bit her bottom lip, her hand reaching over to hold her left arm. with her rebuttal squashed she could not think up a reason to stop him from forcing this union between human and beast. "H-how would I even attempt to... have sex with it?" she wondered if being fucked by the fat lord would have been easier to deal with then this.

"Humans often breed in various ways, surely you can think of some that would allow for an easy coupling. you can go down on all fours and present yourself to him, or kneel in front of the bed, and rest your upper body upon it. those should suffice."

her gaze returned to the beast, she could see bursts of flame flicker from beneath his smoke like fur. "Will it harm me? the flames on its body i mean." more than the pain of her body being ravaged by a large animal, the thought of being burned during sex scared her.

he cocked his head a bit, her fear was understandable. the threat of having one's flesh scorched could be overwhelming. "You need not fear his flames, they only burn that which he deems a threat. He knows that you are to be his mate."

she took a few hesitant steps towards the beast, she did not know if she could trust her master's words so easily. she inched closer and closer, her hand raised and reaching out to touch her soon to be lover.

it turned to look at her now, seeing her tentative movements, smelling her fear. it got to its feet and moved toward her. once close enough it circled her a few times, taking in her scent and becoming familiar with it.

she could feel the heat of his flames, it was like sitting in front of a roaring fire. it warmed her body more than what this hot realm was already doing. sweat glistened over her form, coating her from head to toe.

After a few laps it grabbed the chain connecting them and pulled on it. The force brought her down on all fours. it moved around behind her, sniffing at her sex for a short time before licking her sweat coated slit.

its tongue was hot upon her flesh, she let out a yelp as it lapped at her folds. it was strange feeling its tongue, like boiled meat sliding into her folds. It soon had enough of tasting her exterior flesh, pressing its muzzle against her, its tongue found its way inside her hot depths, lapping at her inner walls and tasting the scarce fluids within.

While she had experienced men licking her sex before, even having a couple tongues penetrate her hole, this beast's wriggling organ reached the deepest parts of her. over and over the hot appendage dove inside her reaching further then most cocks she had enjoyed could have hoped for. she lowered her upper body to the floor, her mouth biting down on her forearm to quell the sounds of enjoyment threatening to escape her.

the more her juiced flowed the more the beast drank from her willing cunt. as opposed to this situation her mind may be her body was more than eager to enjoy the attention. her moans and squeals of pleasure growing louder. her hips even started to gyrate in small rotations. the fire burning within her body raging hotter and hotter threatening to explode and bathe her in the heat of a powerful orgasm. but all of a sudden she felt empty, the beast's tongue did not return. She lifted her head and looked back to see what was going on, to find out why it had stopped.

she found the beast standing over top of her, the angle of her body and the size of this beast allowed her to see his cock, it was huge, far bigger than anything she had seen. it was thick and pulsed in time with its breathing, a strange glowing liquid forming a bead at the tip of its pointed head. she watched as the bead of cock juice dropped and fell upon her backside. The heat made her yelp out in shock, but it also made her shiver with delight. she moved forward a bit and raised herself up, reaching back she took a gentle hold of the monster cock and guided it to her soaked cunt. the heat of it in her hand made her pant. as its head rubbed against the opening of her eager hole it thrust forward. penetrating her with a good four inches.

it thrust again filling her with more of its length, her cunt stretching to accommodate the sheer girth. she moaned loudly and pushed her hips back to take more of him inside her. it began to fuck her with intent now, its length rapidly sliding in and out of her tight hole, reshaping it to form the perfect fit for its personal use. she had to brace herself with each thrust just to keep herself from falling onto the floor. she cried out in bliss begging for more, pleading to be fucked like a bitch in heat.

scolding hot precum kept her hole well lubed as she was fucked. During the course of this she reached orgasm three times before she felt him give a hard and forced thrust as it buried it's knot inside her, it cock head pierced through her cervix and into the back of her womb. it thrust several more times before she felt its cock swell even larger as a burning hot fluid burst from it tip to fill her womb. the force of its ejaculation forced a fourth orgasm to crash down upon her.

its cock pulsed with each jet of cum that erupted from it and it continued to cum for several minutes. it seemed to have emptied the entire contents of its large canine balls into her. strangely enough she didn't feel a single drop leave her body. she reached down and felt around her abdomen and felt its cock bulging out from her form and a rather sizable bump where her womb would be.

suddenly she felt all her strength leave her body, her form going limp as the exhaustion finally hit her. her cunt still stuck on her lover's knot refusing to let go of such a wonder cock. At the moment she did care how she looked, she was tired and on the verge of passing out. she felt the hell hound move around a bit and she felt it curl up around her small frame. she wondered how long its cock would remain inside her before darkness took her vision and she fell into a deep slumber.

When she woke up some time later she found herself still stuck with the hell hound's cock firmly lodged inside her. without the overwhelming pleasure assaulting her mind she realized how large it actually was and how full it made her feel. she could barely move due to his size, and every time she did a jolt of pleasure shot through her.

she wondered how long his swollen knot would keep them tied together. She knew that the longest normal dogs had stayed knotted was an hour. she hoped with this hell hound it would be similar. for the time being she laid back down to get more rest in case her mate wanted to go for another round.

Some time later she awoke to a strange sensation, it wasn't painful, just odd. looking toward the source of the strange sensation she found her mate attempting to free himself from her tight confines. It took several attempts but he eventually freed his shrinking appendage from her. though the shrink wasn't completely accurate considering his size. she now felt rather empty with his cock no longer inside her. slowly she got to her feet and made her way to lay on the bed to stretch out her limbs.

she reached down to examine her well fucked hole, quickly discovering that her entrance had yet to fully close up. three fingers easily entered her pussy with some room to spare. she also noticed that none of her lover's cum was leaking out of her.

what she believed to be the next day, was the start of her new daily life. her master would bring her a meal, she would be bred by the hellhound and after they separated she was taken for a 'walk' so she could relieve herself. After returning to the room, she would be bred again and then given another meal before being allowed to sleep. This went on for a couple weeks before she was taken to what she could only assume was a lower floor meant for healing.

at least she hoped that what this floor was meant for, what with all the demons laying on cots and sitting in groups while covered in blackened bandages and rags.

as she was escorted to the back of the chamber, many of the demons she looked upon had their sights fixed upon her. Some she could tell were annoyed at her presence and others looked at her with hunger. She also noticed several arachnid demons skittering around the large chamber tending to the demons. one was even using its own webbing to sew up a deep gash.

at the back of the chamber a less creepy arachnid demon was performing a surgery upon a rather large demon. what she could see was an arm and leg being sewn back to its owner' body. the many limbs moved about with a ridiculous speed. in mere moments the limbs were once again in their proper place.

she was then led to a private room off to the side. inside was a cot and some oddly shaped tools on a small table. her master then ordered her to lay on the cot. After a short time a demon entered the room, insectoid looking again at a female. it and her master spoke in their demon tongue for several minutes before it turned to look upon her.

it approached her slowly, walking around the cot to observe her body. then it raised its hands holding one over her head and the other over the slight bulge of her abdomen. as the demon closed its eyes a faint yellowish glow emanated from its hands, slowly washing over her prone form.

A comforting warmth spread over her as the glow encompassed her body. It made her feel relaxed and safe. it spoke once more to her master, its hands moving around in circular motions. Then the glow faded away, its eyes opened and it gave her a gentle pat on the head before leaving the room.

"Master, what was all that about?"

"that one was inspecting your condition. you are not with a child, but your body shows compatibility and acceptance of my hound's seed. This experiment shows promise. I'd expect pregnancy to occur in several months.

"I see, then why do I have this bulge if I'm not pregnant?"

He looked at her for a moment before answering. "The accumulated amount of hell hound semen. it has a long lifespan inside of a womb."

"Females are only fertile for a short time, therefore the seed has a long enough lifespan to ensure pregnancy. this is beneficial in the event the male dies."

Keket's hand moved to cover her bulging abdomen. shock and wonder consuming her thoughts, how long would it take for her to get pregnant and what would her body look like by that time. if the bulge was an indicator she might have a bulge the size of a watermelon by the time of conception.

Sometime later Keket found herself laying on the bed of her newly arranged room. though she saw it as more of a glorified kennel. it was a smaller room, the bed was comfortable but took up almost the entire area. Her lover lay beside her, in a mild slumber.

This day had been rather odd. After her medical exam, she was moved to her current room and her lover had yet to make a single attempt to mate. He had shown her affection befitting a canine but other than some skinship he had slept for most of the day. she wondered if his body had finally reached a point of exhaustion after all the sex.

While the sex was great, this reprieve was welcomed. She hoped that he would need to rest long enough for her bulging abdomen to shrink down to normal.

Keket's reprieve was short-lived, her canine lover recuperated after a week. while her bulging abdomen did shrink, it was still noticeable.

As time went by Keket's routine resumed. In the morning she would be given a meal and taken to relieve herself, then her lover would breed her for several hours until the mid-day meal and another bathroom break. She would take a nap with her lover for a couple of hours before waking up to find herself being bred, and then the evening meal would be served. At the end of each week the demon who had examined her would observe her for the entirety of the day and examine her body before nightfall. On rare occasions her master would be present as well but he remained silent for the most part. Normally she would feel embarrassed and uncomfortable being watched while her lover bred her, but for some reason the gaze of her master and the doctor didn't bother her all that much.

After 3 months her lover decreased the amount of daily breeding. At first she thought it was to prevent him from becoming exhausted. once when she was in the mood to be fucked, he declined her advances. Though he did use his talented tongue to bring her some satisfaction. After that she began to wonder if he no longer held any interest in her body.

his sexual attentions lessened as the week went on, even on her weekly check up he wasn't interested in sex. Even the doctor was somewhat concerned by the hounds lack of a sex drive. She examined him first, being rather thorough. Then she began to examine Keket. The demon was thorough with her as well, wanting to make sure nothing was wrong. Once the exam was finished the doctor took her leave in a rushed manner.

A few hours passed by which allowed for Keket to enjoy a nap curled up with her mate. Then the door burst open, startling the human woman awake. her eyes snapped open and she turned toward the doorway to see her master making his way to her. confused as to why he would be here she got to her feet to greet him, only to have him pick her up and carry her out of the room. the way he carried her was unexpected, his arms cradled her. His hold on her was firm yet he was also being rather gentle. "Master, what's going on? Is something wrong with me?"

"fear not you are in perfect health. We are simply moving on to the next phase of my experiment. all will be well and you will be fine."

He carried her to a part of the castle she had never been to before, she guessed it must be in the far east wing. The room was large and spacious, the Centerpoint was a huge pool filled with a dark red liquid.

her master spoke out in the demon tongue, by now she had a slight understanding of the intent behind his language and knew that he had just called for a demon to present itself. ripples began to form from the center of the pool, they grew larger and caused the liquid to spill out onto the floor. Then a figure broke the surface, its skin was a shade of red like fresh blood, a slight contrast compared to the pool's liquid. its face was more like a mask, its head sporting several spikes, and it had four arms. One set was slender and seemed to be its main pair while the other was large and muscled with long knife-like claws. while she could not see its eyes she could tell when it was looking upon her.
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