Be careful. The monster in you may not yet be ready to meet the monster in me.
You've been watching her all evening. A beautiful, delicate figure, and you couldn't help but notice how she kept looking at you when you weren't looking.
She's wearing a light summer dress that's far too airy and emphasizes her figure far too much.
When she moves, you get the impression that she's constantly provoking you.
About 10 minutes ago, she disappeared from your radar, but you will find her.
She's gone way too far with her hip swing today. You suspect she went into the woods, so you follow her in the approaching dusk.
You move silently, draw the air deep into your lungs, and have the impression of smelling her shampoo, which has been bothering you all afternoon.
The forest becomes denser, and only a narrow path is accessible. She must have taken it if she didn't want to ruin her dress and have her hair torn out by the branches.
You hear a noise and slow down your pursuit.
An old alcove is overgrown with plants and barely visible to the left of the path.
You can only see it from the side, but something bright shimmers slightly through the ivy leaves overgrowing the old scaffolding, moving in the light breeze.
As you approach cautiously, your brain can't immediately process the sight that presents itself to you.
In the middle of the gazebo is an old, large stone table. Perhaps an altar. If there were chairs around it, they have long since rotted away.
The woman is lying on her back, her blond hair spread out like a fan and combed by her hand.
You can't see the other hand because a white thigh from her bent leg obscures your view.
But there is no doubt, what she is doing here.
You hear her moan softly, and look at her face with her eyes closed, completely relaxed and blissfully waiting for the release of her self-inflicted orgasm.
The beast inside you howls with greed.
The whore doesn't hear it.
She wants to be fucked and you will give her the fuck of her life.
The last fuck of her life.
Your consciousness changes, and you feel the change coming. Your senses are heightened, and now you can smell her wet pussy, almost taste it.
And you will taste it, your cock will taste it, your claws will taste it!
You will own the whore, possess her; eat her as she deserves.
She prepares herself as your meal.
You approach silently from the side and look once more into her face, heated with lust, before you place your hand, already armed with claws, over her in moan half-open mouth.
She gasps and opens her eyes in horror. Even the hand in her pussy stops moving. You see infinite fear and surprise in her eyes, and your beast growls with pleasure.
Yes whore, just look at what you see!
That's exactly how you have to look at me!!!
Long and scared to death, until you realize what's about to happen.
Your death, your destiny, is here to consume you. To fuck the life out of you!
Her head rears up in a ridiculous attempt to get away from you, and you slam your other hand directly on her belly.
It has an effect, she trembles uncontrollably and stares up at you.
You almost hope she pees herself.
Her soft little hands shoot to your wrist to pull your hand from her mouth as you bend even closer over her face.
Now the scent of her pussy is strong in your nose from her hand directly under it, and you growl at her with bare teeth.
Yes whore, look at what you've been trying to seduce all day!!!
Now it's here, and it will take you!
You crawl onto the table without taking your hand off her mouth.
Yes, you want to hear her scream, but not just yet. No one should disturb you now.
Your scale-covered knee scrapes across her white skin, leaving small cuts as you force it between her white thighs.
Such a beautiful sight.
You know there will be more blood before your cum shoots into this beautiful, helpless body for the first time.
You want to taste her pussy, but you can't do without the sight of her face contorted with fear.
Too precious to take your eyes off hers.
You only take a quick glance at her naked, hairless, wet pussy, which is now desperately trying to close.
Like a delicious oyster that you're about to tear open.
Your cock is hard and far too big for the tender opening beneath you.
Just as it should be.
You'll open her up, fuck her bloody until she's ready to receive your cum.
Directly into her body, into her blood and into her mind.
You place your hot cock at her opening and look into those beautiful eyes that are now full of tears.
Before you give her the first thrust, you bend over and lick her face to taste the tears. She still cries into your hand, and it feels much better than as she would kiss your palm.
Very close to her face, so as not to miss a reaction, you tear her dress to shreds with your claws.
Her eyes start to disappear into her skull, and you see the white backside as she almost loses consciousness out of horror.
No, you will not faint, my beautiful prey. I have something here that will wake you up very quickly.
You see her regain consciousness as your cock slowly and pleasurably pushes into her.
Her hands let go of your wrist, and she tries to scratch you, to push you away and get rid of you.
You can no longer suppress your wolfish laughter and laugh in her face.
You laugh and start to move into this infinitely tight hole.
Your lust increases with her efforts to hurt you. You see her naked breasts start to move up and down under his thrusts, and your mouth starts to water.
A drop of your saliva hits her breast, and you trace the wet trail with your claw.
Deeper and deeper, until the skin is scratched and the first drop of blood leaks out.
Your mouth is full of foamy saliva as you lean forward and lick the blood off. Her body trembles so beautifully under your thrusts.
You wish you could hold her mouth shut with your clawed foot and have both hands free to tear her to pieces and eat her flesh.
You don't want to kill her, but you know it will end like this.
You want to put your foot on her screaming face while you finger her bloody ass, but your cock has priority today and tomorrow she'll just be a lump of rotten meat.
You look at her belly, down to her pussy, where your cock is disappearing. It's getting thicker and harder and is about to explode inside her for the first time, filling her with a load of your cum.
The white, open thighs beneath you tremble beautifully, like leaves in the rain.
Your orgasm builds unstoppable, and you growl, snarling as you dig your claw into her flesh on her white belly.
You look at her tight pussy which must be burning like hell, and you feel your balls fire the first shot.
Your exploding cock tears her open.
The ecstasy shakes your body, and you unload yourself into her violently. Your vision clouds for a second, and you think you can see her tearing apart.
The image makes you shoot into her again.
You see a ticked red line traveling from her pussy up to her neck, tearing her flesh like the earth in drought.
Your cock can't stop shooting and moving.
This is the best whore you've ever had!
She is still alive, not even unconscious.
She is still awake, and when you look into her eyes again, they seem to change color with fear and anger.
They are no longer lovely white in horror, but gray.
You feel yourself being lifted slightly at the waist and look down.
Your twitching cock becomes hard again as you realize that the red line was not a figment of your imagination.
You have torn her open. The tear enlarges like a tearing wound. In a moment, you will see her guts.
What a waste, but also what pleasure!
You hear a screech, an inhumanly loud one. But it doesn't come from her lips.
It seems to come from her now glowing eyes and arises in your head.
Instead of the viscera oozing from her ripped-open belly, you see gray scales that seem to be soaking up the blood and shreds of flesh.
Her breasts swell unnaturally, and her nipples turn almost black on the gray skin covered with tiny scales.
Pain explodes in your chest, and you see needle-fine claws tearing open your flesh.
Your cock can't stop pumping. You don't understand what you're seeing, but the pleasure almost tears you apart.
A howl arises in your throat and forms to come out, but no one can hear it because a gray foot covered with hard scales is rammed into your mouth and takes away your voice.
The body beneath you is no longer human.
The fear in the gray eyes looking out of a shimmering face turned into pure lust and greed.
The beautiful, violated white vagina now has spikes curving inward, impaling your abdomen and holding your cock inside.
The legs no longer tremble uncontrollably but clutch you painfully, and as you look, you see thorns shooting out from between the rainbow of shimmering fish-like scales around your waist.
Whatever is underneath you is just coming and sucking on your cock like a giant pump. You look at her belly, and it looks like she's got a sucking tube under her skin, sucking everything out of your wildly pumping cock.
Her vagina is like a carnivorous plant that has clawed its way into your abdomen and is trying to eat you up.
The pleasure is endless, and the screeching in your head becomes unbearably loud as she comes.
Her whole body trembles, and her monstrous cunt sucks on you.
Your senses almost fade again as your cock pumps uncontrollably and makes you howl again.
Her hand grabs yours and pulls it away from her mouth with no visible effort, but not to scream.
Her head, now covered with curved horns, shoots forward, and sharp teeth dig into your neck.
She swallows loudly as the first stream of blood shoots from your jugular into her mouth, and you know she's coming hard.
You feel as if your whole body is being sucked into her, and you know it's the most gigantic feeling you've ever had.
Your cum shoots into her again and again, and you dream of seeing it flow out of her, if you survive, along with blood and her juices, which are now boiling inside her and almost burning you.
Your mind goes blank, your cock keeps fucking, and your prey sucks on you and clutches you with her thorny legs and her hot pussy.
You can't get out of her until your bodies are exhausted and can return to human form.