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Back at the "Cess Pool"
Llisanya headed out from Archer’s Wood. She had tried to use her wages from Vishra to pay Falco’s three gold debt but M’Tun, clearly hating Falco, was being a prick and insisted Falco pay personally. M’Tun’s animosity was all her fault; she never should have told him that Falco had a bigger cock than his. At least she had gotten M’Tun to forget about killing him.

She got back to Qeynos via the Down Below about noon. As she walked through North Qeynos she was hailed by a postman. “Llisanya! I have two letters for you!”

The Norrath Postal System was so efficient one need only put a name and stamp on the envelope and they would find you. The last letter she had gotten was years ago, from her village’s magistrate asking her to return to clear herself of malicious rumours regarding the murder of her father. Probably she would ignore these letters, too.

The first letter was from Arabella, in fulfillment of her promise: ”Llisanya, Your boyfriend showed up. He’d been in jail and had his stuff confiscated. I am helping him get his stuff back. ps He was such a horny bastard when he finally got out! Don’t worry; we looked after that. What a firehose!”

The second letter was from Marshall Vishra: “Llisanya. Where are you? You certainly know how to ‘go to ground’. Even my messengers cannot find you. Please drop by the Cess Pool. I have some odd jobs for you to do plus we need to finalize our plans regarding 13 Tranquil Way. There is also a family matter you may be of some help to sort out for me tonight. It will be good coin!”

Great, more work. In the past Llisanya had had profitable but infrequent employment from the Cess Pool and the money had always been welcome. This week the work was daily. Normally the chance to earn more coin working for Vishra was great news but she was actually flush with gold right now thanks, ironically, to Vishra’s generous wages. All these extra work obligations were keeping her from finding Falco.

Well, she would need to answer Vishra’s summons immediately. She did not want Vishra sending out more messengers in search of her and having them discover that she had been out in Archer’s Woods screwing with a Freeport agent.

As she hurried to the Cess Pool she wondered what was in it for Arabella to help Falco. That scheming Dark Elf was using him somehow. She needed to head to the well to reconnect with Falco and save him from whatever trouble Arabella was getting him into then tell him to go pay back M’Tun. Instead she was running errands for Vishra.

As she stepped into Vishra’s office she curtsied as usual. “Thank you for coming, Llisanya. I was worried when I could not find you. I even told Baltazar that if he could somehow locate you he could have his way with you as a reward.” While he spoke he pulled her into his arms and casually began to fondle her breasts. “But, don’t worry. I told him that if he was going to force himself on you again he would need to be quicker about it this time."

It was nice to know Vishra was ensuring his retainers weren’t taking up too much of her time satisfying their sexual needs. “Thank you, Lord” was all she could say as she stood there getting felt up. She got the definite feeling Vishra liked the idea of Baltazar raping her; maybe would even enjoy watching next time Baltazar pinned her down and stuck it in. Vishra was not a cruel man, but he, like all men, liked to see a woman forced. It was a ‘thing’ men had and Llisanya accepted it as a fact to be simultaneously endured and exploited. You could play men like fish on a hook if you bothered to understand what makes them tick. Play them clever enough and you could get them to jump right into the proverbial frying pan.

Hoping to pour cold water on Vishra’s present mood for physical loving, she looked up at him with those big eyes of hers and asked with pretended innocence “how was your dinner with your wife, Lord?”

Being reminded of his matrimonial situation didn’t cool his desire. Vishra put his hands on her ass and pulled her closer. “It was fine and I trust a child will be born in proper time. Thank you for asking.” He pressed his big hard cock against her hip and crushed her breasts into his ribs. He changed the subject while he kept running his hands all over her backside. “So what’s this I hear about you kissing Cadwarra? Since when did you start liking girls? Seems I may be able to talk you two temptresses into a threesome sometime.” He thought how he would like to see Cadwarra and Llisanya kiss and suck tit while he switched from fucking one then the other. That would be quite a treat.

Llisanya hid her surprise that Vishra knew about Cadwarra’s affections towards her. So that was why he was so amourous today. “Just say the word, Marshall, and we can give you a show.” She kissed him, suddenly realizing that if he was quite turned on he might not ask any further questions about her mysterious whereabouts.

He answered her kiss ardently, unbuttoning her top as he stuck his tongue deep into her mouth. Llisanya’s breasts soon exposed, he lowered his hands to pull her leggings down. They fell to the floor and she obligingly stepped out of them.

Disrobed, Llisanya accepted that she was going to lose even more time by having sex with Vishra. Resigned to her sexual obligations to the Marshall, she sank to her knees. “I am yours to use” she whispered submissively and caressed his erection through his clothes.

She unbuckled his belt, undid the lacings of his leggings and pulled out that magnificent man stick. Vishra’s balls sat there near her chin, his knob hovered well above her forehead. The shaft in between was thick and elegant. It brushed the tip of her nose. She took the cock in both hands and stroked it gently. As she always did, she marveled at what a specimen of manhood it was.

She looked up into his eyes as she pumped. “Let me suck you, Lord? I promise I will forget all about Cadwarra’s kisses when your penis is inserted deep down my gullet.” She opened her jaws and took Vishra’s entire monster into her mouth, pushing it past her tonsils until a good part of the impressive length disappeared down her throat. Long ago she had learned to take a cock deep like that without puking. Vishra always loved when she did that.

She remembered the distinguished older man who dressed so impeccably and had such perfect manners when he arrived for his regular appointments at the brothel. He always asked for her. His perfect manners lasted until she took his cock in her mouth as she was now doing with Vishra.

The old gentleman had had a thing for making girls puke. Every week, he paid Fiona full price just so he could force his manhood in deep enough to make Llisanya’s pretty neck bulge. Llisanya would gag on his big Human schlong until she tossed her cookies all over it.

At first, she would spew up as soon as he pushed his big long cock down her gorge, vomit spurting out of her mouth and escaping around the base of his dick, still fucking her lips. The stuff dripped off his balls and onto her small young breasts. As she invariably hurled a second time his arousal became uncontrollable. His hips pounding, he fucked her face like a madman until his penis barfed its pecker-puke into all of Llisanya’s upchucked lunch filling her mouth.

He took to paying extra to take Llisanya to the Lion’s Mane Inn for a meal to prepare her for their evening’s ‘pleasure’. Fiona sent along one of the bouncers to sit at the next table to ensure she was safe. The gentleman ordered for her. He only ordered what he wanted to watch her regurgitate all over him back at the brothel. Fayberry ice cream was his favourite. He loved to see her barf it up. He was a sick fucker but she made a lot of silver.

Eventually she learned how to take his big cock down her throat and not throw up. No longer getting good pleasure for his coin, the gentleman chose another girl for his weekly visits of depravity. Llisanya complained to Fiona about the other girl stealing her client.

“You haven’t lost a client...” Fiona had told her, patting her young protégé on the head “’ve acquired a useful skill.” Fiona had been correct. Llisanya could see Vishra was grinning as she sucked, performing that ‘useful skill’ on his huge cock.

While Vishra was crammed down her bulging neck, nearly halfway to her stomach, Llisanya’s demonstration of her unique talent was most inconveniently interrupted by a diplomatic “ahem” from the slightly ajar door leading to the vestibule. Vishra’s clerk had discreetly opened it a crack and, careful not to peer into the room, was letting Vishra know he needed audience.

Vishra was unflustered. “What is it, Clerk?” Llisanya had no time to cover herself. Nude, she pulled her head off Vishra’s large erection. She had difficulty tucking Vishra’s hardness back into his pants. Once he was stowed away, she started to do up the lacings just as the clerk entered the room.

The clerk caught her eye, looking hurt. She knew he knew what she had been doing and she quickly looked away. She had only fucked the clerk because Vishra had given her to him yet for some foolish reason she felt like she had just been caught cheating on him.

The clerk maintained a professional facade, managing to avert his eyes from Llisanya’s nakedness. “Pardon me intruding, Sir. I have some information about that gentleman you wanted me to investigate. You had requested I bring my report to you to discuss with Miss Llisanya.” He passed the summary to Vishra.

“Oh, yes!” The Marshall looked it over quickly.

“He seems to have a problem with his gambling debts” the Clerk supplied.

”Yes, I see that. That’s quite a sum to owe to a son-of-a-bitch like Lodi Bightn.” Vishra placed the paper on his desk. “Well done, Clerk. I think we found his weakness. We’ll have Llisanya take it from here.”

Instead of bowing and departing the Clerk made another “ahem” and waited. He could not help but glance briefly at Llisanya kneeling nude in front of Vishra.

“Yes, Clerk? Is there another matter?”

The Clerk lifted his eyes from Llisanya. “Yes, Marshall. Your wife is here and wants you to hear the perfect name she has thought of for your new daughter.”

“What?! We have nine month’s to decide.”

“Oh, Marshall...!” Llisanya uncharacteristically interjected into his private affairs “...your wife is excited. It’s important to her. You need to pick a good name.”

Concluding that sexy time was over, Llisanya stood up to gather her clothes. She began dressing unhurriedly; she could see the clerk was enjoying the sight of her nakedness and she figured she ought to reward him with a good long look in thanks for springing Falco out of jail. She slowly pulled her leggings up, casually turning to ‘inadvertently’ show the clerk her bare buttocks as she slowly covered her ass.

Vishra knew Llisanaya was right about the name. He smiled affectionately at her. She looked so cute as she casually started buttoning her blouse, working slowly up from the bottom so her boobs would remain uncovered longer. The two halves of her shirtfront molded around them as each successive buttoning pulled the cloth tighter around her underboobs. Her breasts lifted up out of her undone shirt as if offering their nipples for suckling.

“You’re right, Llisanya” the Marhsall conceded. “I need to see about this name. Let’s pick this up some other time.” Vishra affectionately fastened her last, top button for her.

The sexually frustrated clerk watched the last bit of Llisanya’s chest disappear under the buttoned blouse. He could only stand by obsequiously, trying to appear like he was unaffected by the reminder-in-the-flesh of that most pleasant fuck he had had with Llisanya the other day.

The Marshall turned to the clerk and, pretending he did not see that the clerk was staring at Llisanya’s chest, told him “Please ask my wife to wait while I finish up some important business.”

The clerk bowed, gave Llisanya a furtive, longing look and departed.

“Well, let’s get down to business, Llisanya. I have a list of chores you need to get done. Do you wish to write all this down?”

She did not. Written orders could quickly become incriminating evidence. Upon receiving her verbal instructions, she slipped out the Cess Pool door.

Lady Vishra was shown in. She was exposing ample boobage above her low cut top as if in proof of the unlimited milk her big tits were capable of producing for their upcoming daughter. At the sight of his wife’s spilling bosom, Vishra pondered if they could make love right then and there. Llisanya had gotten him very much ‘in the mood’.

He was soon disabused of such hopes. Lady Vishra eschewed any loving greeting in her haste to show her husband the name she had to discuss with him. She slapped a sheet of paper down on his desk. In big, angry letters she had written “CADWARRA!!??!

Vishra remained calm. “I think someone already has that name, Darling.”

“Well, you sure are correct in that statement.” She angrily tapped the name ‘Cadwarra’ on the paper. “Who is this little Feir’Dal tramp, besides an accused rapist!? Is she your mistress? We agreed you could have that little insignificant Half Elf whore whose services you claim Queen Antonia can’t survive without! We both agreed she doesn’t count. So it’s your two side pieces plus Llisanya. Now I hear all kinds of talk about this ‘Cadwarra’ person. What’s with this conniving little Wood Elf?”

“My Dear, Miss Cadwarra is for Diamander’s use. She is busy converting our misguided nephew into a proper three-legged young man. You’ll be pleased to know she has been quite successful in that regard. My spy reports he is repeatedly taking his liberty with her willing body well into the early morning. As for me...I only laid her once and that was in the service of the Queen.”

“Oh, you poor man!” she answered sarcastically. “Working hard for the Queen! Was it a real chore to get a woody and stick it in this new whore? Let me make you a nice dinner tonight and draw a pleasing warm bath when you get home as a reward for your hard work!”

“We have servants to do that, My Dearest.”

This flippant response made Lady Vishra quite angry but she knew enough to not let him have the satisfaction of seeing her ire. She decided to change the subject. “Oh...forget it! I came to discuss our middle daughter.”

“What has Amber done this time?”

“She’s in the bars with that guard Bauer and a bunch more ne’er-do-wells and false friends, acting like a slut. Last night, she let them gangbang her in the Lion’s Mane Inn. Then she drank a Jizz Fizz to toast the occasion!”

He was already unhappily aware of the one-girl orgy his daughter had participated in the other night but a ‘Jizz Fizz’ was a concoction Vishra had not heard of. “What is a ‘Jizz Fizz’?” he asked his wife.

“You get about half the men in the tavern to beat off into a cocktail glass until it is near full. It’s quicker if you whack them off yourself. Then the bartender adds some Peach Champagne and a pretty garnish and you chug it down while everybody cheers you on. It’s actually quite tasty.” At Vishra’s raised eyebrows she quickly added “...At lease that’s what my friends tell me.”

“So...” Vishra summarized “’s something like a ‘Rum and Cum’ but without the coconut and pineapple juice added.”

Lady Vishra made a note to try that one sometime. “Anyway, can you do something about our daughter and her behaviour and then deal with the classless crowd she is hanging with?”

“I am way ahead of you, my Dear. I don’t approve of her friends, either. I have already made arrangements for Diamander to deal with it this very night. Leave this to the men in the family. I am sure you will be pleased to know that that little Half Elf you think so little of will also be making herself useful in this regard.”

“Nice to know that tiny bitch is not just a pair of impossibly firm tits on a half-pint body!” And with that, Vishra’s wife was gone, leaving Vishra to wonder how she had found out about Cadwarra.
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