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It is noted that there is significant theming in regards to transsexuality (which I have not researched and is therefore described unrealistically and exploitatively). It is definitely not for the faint of heart (however, no cannibalism, scatology, or snuff).
IV. Sow and reap

After some years, father John comes into her chamber and throws a folded robe onto her bed. She can’t remember if she has ever saw him this excited.

“Good morning, sister Riley. Here, put this on.”

“What is going on, father John?”

“You may remember that we have been breeding sex slaves for a long time. But I have been tinkering for a while with germline engineering with some mild success. I was able to get certain phenotypes, but somehow not really in combination. I needed some genetic code that stabilizes the expression of many phenotypes as a whole. After we had brought you in, I did scan your DNA as well and was surprised to find genetic code that solved some of my problems.”

“Do you mean that I am special?”

“No, not really. But it was a missing puzzle piece that I needed for my genetic design. We generated a zygote, which developed into a baby that grew up strong and healthy. That was over 18 years ago. And today, she will join the institute.”

“She? You mean, you made a girl? In a lab?”

“Correct. Her name is sister Renata and I want you to meet her. In the institute, we do not really have some form of motherhood, since our sisters are busy pleasing masters. But you did grow up with a mother; you did receive motherly love. So, you may be better suited to act as her mother, even though your contribution to her DNA is arguably miniscule.”

“I don’t understand what you want me to do.”

“You get dressed and welcome her, telling her that you are her mother, serving at the institute. But do not tell her anything about sex. That is my responsibility during her rite of passage. You will be present there as well as bearer of her ribbon.”

He first shows her to his office and then sends her to the entrance, where she waits for a car. Sister Riley does not know why, but for some reason she is anxious about meeting her, which does not make a lot of sense, as they are barely related.

When the car comes in, she waves at it with a smile. Out of the vehicle comes a young girl with an angelic face. She tries to look solemn, but can’t help but smile back at the woman waiting for her.

“Good morning, I’m sister Riley. Who are you, if I may ask?”

“Good morning, sister Riley. My name is sister Renata, I’m here for my rite of passage.”

“Oh my, you are so beautiful.”

Sister Renata gives her a confused look. In school, they were taught not to concern themselves with their appearance. Therefore, she does not know how to react to the woman’s statement. The awkward pause does not get better by sister Riley’s stammering.

“Sister Renata, I’m ... this may sound weird to you, but I’m your ... I’m your mother.”

“Oh, I didn’t know I would see you here. Have we met before?”

“Uuuh, no, we didn’t. I was always ... here at the institute. I’m ... sorry that I wasn’t there for you before.”

“Why are you sorry? That is how it is for all the other sisters as well. What would you need to be there for?”

Sister Riley, looks at the neutral expression of the little girl, who truly seems to not have missed her mother. She slowly gets an idea for how devoid of love their upbringing must me.

“A mother you give you comfort and love. Come here, let me give you a hug.”

Sister Riley hugs her little daughter, who is not used to such bodily contact. While mostly weirded out by the strange woman, there is a small part of her that enjoys the embrace. But what are these huge balls under her robe? Are these her breasts?

Sister Riley realizes that the hug went on for too long and quickly let’s go of her.

“I’m sorry, I got carried away. Come, dearest, let’s go inside. Do you have any questions?”

“I’m so eager to meet our great father John. Have you seen him before, sister Riley?”

“You can call me ‘Mom’. And yes, I have seen him many times.”

“Ok, uh mom. Say, he is the wisest person in the world, isn’t he?”

“Uh ... sure, yes.”

Sister Riley tries to look calm on the outside, but is seething on the inside. These poor little girls seem to be deprived of any affection, but are made to glorify that coldhearted man who will only exploit them. She wants to warn her daughter, but knows that she does not have the power to do so. Instead, sister Renata seems already eager to please father John.

“Do you have any tips?”

“Just be respectful ... and don’t talk back. I’m sure you will be fine.”

When they reach the office door, a managing sister nods and goes inside to inform father John. Sister Riley corrects her daughter’s robe and kisses her forehead. The little girl appears to appreciate being cared for, but still looks concerned.

“Mom, I’m nervous. Do I need to be worried?”

For a short moment, sister Riley considers warning her. But what could her daughter do differently? She probably will end up in the institute anyway, but also having incurred father John’s wrath. She notices that she pauses a little bit too long, and decides to calm her down instead.

“No, don’t be scared ... just ... do what’s right. Be a good girl and ... try to find the good in everything and follow your heart.”

“Ok, mum!”

Just look at that innocent smile. A deep sadness overcomes sister Riley, already seeing the future of the naive little kid. The masters will abuse her innocence and gullibility. And once her pure spirit has been transformed into an obedient sex toy, there will be decades of servitude ahead of her. And she has no idea, smiling about meeting father John. If only there was a different fate for her in store.

Suddenly, the door opens and the managing sister calls them in. Sister Riley stands to the side, while sister Renata walks into the middle of the room holding her hands up in a praying position. She and father John recite ceremonial words and prayers, which earns her some praise. The giddy daughter glances quickly at her mom and they exchange smiles. Father John then proceeds to the next step.

“Sister Renata, take off all your clothes.”

The room is filled with silence as the little girl’s smile fades and she looks confused into the room, while sister Riley’s heart skips a beat. Her daughter doesn’t stop giving her a puzzled look, until sister Riley gives her an approving nod.

The little girl slowly removes her clothes, hoping for someone to clear a misunderstanding, but no one stops her until she stands completely naked in the room. Father John beckons her to sit on his knee, where he starts groping her. Sister Riley is seething inside, watching him play with the helpless girl.

However, she is surprised to see that she is gradually responding to his physical contact, first relaxing and then leaning into him, and eventually touching and kissing him. After he takes out his hard cock, she promptly grabs and strokes it and when he pushes her head down, she takes it into her mouth without saying a word.

Her mother watches in bewilderment as new desires awaken in her daughter, who just moments ago did not know how to deal with a motherly hug. Now, the girl is elegantly riding father john’s cock, moaning loudly without any care about the other people in the room. Sister Renata is getting close to her first climax, now furiously slamming herself onto the large member, her hungry pussy only able to take barely more than half of father John’s cock. A loud scream echoes through the room, announcing the girl’s first orgasm. When she snuggles into his arms, pressing her face against his chest, he looks over to sister Riley, enjoying her confused stare. He then continues with the ceremony.

“Sister Renata, you just had ‘sex’. The lord can be praised through the pleasure of prayer and through the pleasure of sex. Having experienced both, you now have to decide how to devote yourself to the lord. You can either choose prayer, in which case, you will live your life in a monastery in deep prayer, or stay in the institute and have sex with any man that is provided for you. I cannot choose for you. Instead, I ask you to look into your heart and to state which path you choose to praise the lord.”

Sister Riley is subtly shaking her head, praying that her daughter is looking at her, asking for advice. Come on, you were looking before as well! Say no, don’t go to the institute! Look at me, goddammit!

But the little girl only has eyes for the man, who just gave her the most exciting sensation in her life.

“Oh, dearest father John, I want to praise the lord with the pleasure of sex.”

“Very well, I acknowledge your decision, sister Renata. You have set your path and it is now my duty to help you on your journey.”

He makes her blow him and while her head bobs once again between his thighs, he looks over at sister Riley, who is fuming about the spectacle she just witnessed.

While her daughter holds his cum in her mouth, she has to bring him a white ribbon that he binds around the girl's neck. After he declared her a level 1 sister, she is allowed to swallow. Sister Renata gleefully smiles at her mom, who immediately changes her angry look to a smile as well, in order to not raise any suspicion. Maybe sister Riley judges her daughter’s decision from the wrong perspective. Maybe, as a pureblood sister born for the institute, she gets to enjoy sex a lot more.

Father John keeps explaining.

“Sister Renata, you will be provided your own room with your own bed and washroom. But you may be a bit more special than the other level 1 sisters. I’m curious ... you had the rare opportunity to have met your mother just now, correct?”

“Yes, father John. She is very friendly.”

“She is very friendly indeed, and also skillful and experienced. As a matter of fact, I think she is qualified to live with you. Would you like that? This way, you won’t be alone in your chamber.”

“I’d love that, father John.”

While the little girl is excited about the prospect of having a caring and knowledgeable mother, Sister Riley is suspicious of the new plan. How would that even work? During the night, they would need to sleep in the same bed. But during the day? Is she supposed to have sex with the masters in front of her daughter? And watch her daughter get abused by the masters? Oh no, he wants her to witness the girl being turned into an obedient sex slave.dd

“But, father John. My chamber is from a different level. It’s not compatible.”

“Would you not rather trade all that for living with your daughter? Don’t worry, I’ll have your belongings brought to your joint room. Let’s go everyone ... no, sister Renata, leave your clothes here, you won’t need them anymore. Oh, and sister Riley, the ceremony is over. You can remove your robe as well.”

Since she is used to be naked for most of her life, she is initially happy to get rid of her restricting clothes, but suddenly she freezes. All this time, she told sister Renata that she is her mother, but she is not a ... typical woman. Slowly, she pulls down her robe, revealing her gigantic breasts under the wide robe, drawing sister Renata’s attention. Her daughter is surprised at the breasts of her mother, but she is completely flabbergasted when she sees that sister Riley has a long penis, almost as big as the one of father John. They both stare at each other in an awkward silence until the girl’s curiosity gets the better of her.

“Mom ...?”

“Yes ... my dear?”

“Why do you have a ...?

“... a penis? Well, when I was born, I was a boy, like father John, but then ... well, I became a woman. That can just ... happen ... sometimes.”

Sister Renata just stands there at a loss for words, but when her mother shrugs at her with an embarrassed smile, she eventually shrugs as well.

“Ok, I learned something new, I guess. Alright, I’m ready to go to the chamber!”

While sister Renata is happy about not having to share a room with many other sisters, sister Riley already misses her level 10 apartment. The new room only has two beds, a wardrobe, and a washing room. But she is still looking forward to spending time with her daughter.

However, the apartment inspection soon ends, when father John brings out a white box with butt plugs and instructs sister Renata to lie on her bed, with her feet behind her head.

“This is the smallest butt plug in the box with a circumference of 8 cm (3.1 inch) and a length of 5cm (2 inch). Put this in your ass. I’ve already lubed it up for you.”

She checks again with her mom, whether she understood correctly and regrettably sees her nod. It takes her a few attempts, but eventually she manages to get it in.

Afterwards, he hands the mother the next butt plug with a circumference of 10 cm (3.9 inches).

“Here, insert it in your daughter’s ass.”

So far, sister Riley didn’t have to actively participate in turning her sister into a sex slave. Now she has to try to jam the toy into her tight little ass. And sister Renata is visibly nervous as well and tenses up with every failed attempt. Eventually, father John is getting impatient.

“Your daughter is too tense. You should eat her out.”

The young girl does not understand what he means, until sister Riley’s head reluctantly approaches her crotch. When she tries to jump up, father John holds her by her feet, locking her in place while she is confused about what her mother is trying to do.

“Mom, what are you dooaaah ...”

The pleasure of having her clit licked for the first time, shuts her up and causes her to moan uncontrollably. With gentle and broad strokes, sister Riley massages her daughter's pussy, causing her to gradually relax. After a few minutes, she presses the toy against sister Renata’s ass until it fully pops in.

“There, it’s all in, honey.”

“Thanks ... mom. What did you just do to me?”

“Oral sex. You can also please another using the mouth.”

Father John, grabs the cock of sister Riley and strokes it a bit, while looking at sister Renata.

“You should pay it back then. Here, get up and grab your mother’s cock.”

Sister Riley feels weird, walking up to her daughter and watching her curiously playing with her mother’s cock. But she does not dare object to father John, especially in front of her little girl. After giving it a few strokes, sister Rinata sucks the large cock into her mouth and starts blowing her mom. Sister Riley was hoping that she would not enjoy it, but it feels so good in her mouth. Ouch, well, almost.

“Honey, honey, careful, don’t use your teeth that much. Try to pull your lips over your teeth. Yes, that is a lot better. Now, do you see the tip of my cock and the area below, those are the most sensitive portions, try to focus on those. And don’t forget to suck it.”

She is a quick learner and promptly implements her teachings.

“Does it feel good how I suck your cock, mom?”

Sister Riley is torn between hearing her say these awful words and receiving so much pleasure. Only father John notices her sad face and enjoys her inner conflict. Eventually, he stops the young girl and tells her to lay on her back.

“You did good. Now it’s time for mommy to fuck your pussy.”

With a mild grin, he spreads her daughter’s legs, while sister Riley is shuffling over to her, holding her glistening hard cock. She sees that the little girl is unsure about what to do, but trusts her mother to know what’s right. And she does know. The right thing is to not fuck her daughter and make sure the young girl knows that.

And with a heavy heart, she sinks her cock into sister Renatas tight pussy. She keeps pushing deeper until a tiny squeal indicates that she hit her cervix. While observing whether it is painful for the little girl, sister Riley starts thrusting and gradually picks up speed. It is wrong, but feels so good. Her young pussy feels so good clinging tightly around her cock and her cock feels amazing filling out every inch of her yearning pussy. After some time, both girls are moaning in pleasure.

“Keep going mum, I’m gonna come, please keep going... hgnnaaaah!”

Sister Riley keeps thrusting, but can’t take it much longer either. She pulls out her cock and grabs her daughter by the neck, pulling her up into a sitting position, stroking her cock pointed at the little girl's face.

“Open up, honey, open up for mommy ...”

She groans loudly, while shooting spurts of cum into her daughter’s mouth who promptly sucks on her dick, swallowing every last drop.

Once their orgasms have died down, father John praises the two in a mocking manner.

“What a great daughter you are, sister Renata. You met your mother just an hour ago and you already swallowed her cum.”

The naive girl, taking the praise at face value, smiles proudly at sister Riley, who smiles back in order to maintain the illusion of normalcy, while feeling deeply ashamed inside. Father John explains to her.

“Sister Renata, you are currently a level 1 sister, which is indicated by the white ribbon around your neck. Keep practicing with the toys and when you can take a circumference of 14 cm (5.5 inches) you can ascend to level 2. But since you are new here, you will also first have to have served a hundred masters. But don’t worry about it, time flies fast, doesn’t it, sister Riley? Can you believe you have been here almost 19 years already?”

“Uh, yes honey, the days go by quickly with all the sex in here, hehe.”

Oh god, it has already been 19 years? That’s terrible. It means she has spent the majority of her life as a sex slave. But keep smiling, don’t make it harder for the little girl.

Father John tells them to get ready in one hour for their first master and then leaves their chamber. Sister Riley quickly shows her daughter how to do an enema, stretches her ass with a butt plug and explains more about the masters. They are to be obeyed and some will try to push them to their limit. That their dicks have refractory periods and have a smaller size compared to father John’s cock. Sister Renata listens carefully and tries to absorb as much information as possible. At the end, they remove her butt plug and sit coy on their beds, awaiting their first master.

When he enters, sister Renata notices that he is not as tall as endowed as father John, but knows not to comment on it, as taught by her mother.

Sister Riley quickly gets on her knees and starts sucking him hard, trying to occupy him as long as possible in order to protect her daughter from him. She appears to be successful, as he mostly only probes the young girl’s skin, groping her breasts and thighs, while moaning from the great head he is getting. However, eventually he pushes her away, forcing sister Renata to blow him instead. While enjoying her much less experienced mouth, he asks her mother.

“Fetch me the largest toy that your daughter can fit in her ass.”

Sister Riley soon comes back with a 10 cm circumference butt plug. The master laughs at the small size and asks the girl working between his thighs.

“Do you know why you need to stretch your tiny asshole?”

“I don’t know, master, no one told me.”

“Your mother can show you.”

He pushes the young girl away and points at his cock while looking at sister Riley. She promptly walks over to him and sits in his lap, pushing his entire cock in her ass, and subsequently fucking herself on it. Sister Renata is astounded, not having known that a dick could also go up someone’s ass.

“Does it ... hurt, mum?”

“Don’t worry, honey. I’ve trained my ass to take a lot. It feels ... nice, you know?”

At least this was the truth. Her base arousal is already really high and taking it in her ass is pleasurable enough to have come just from getting fucked in the rear. She has seen pureblood sisters enjoying anal sex as well, which means so will her daughter. While sister Riley is pleasing the master with her ass, she has to watch the master torturing her daughter's ass by shoving the toy forcefully inside.

After enjoying the ride for a while, he pushes her off and beckons sister Renata to blow his cock. She slowly crawls up to the dick that was just in her mother’s ass and hesitates for a moment, looking at her mother for confirmation. Sister Riley gives her a nod with a smile, which does not fully hide her objection, but her daughter still dutifully takes the cock in her mouth and starts sucking.

After a few minutes, the master pushes her away and instructs sister Riley to take him in her ass again. Once he dug his dick sufficiently deep into her guts, he makes the daughter blow him again. He enjoys alternating between the two girls until sister Renata gets to swallow the first load of a master.

Once he caught his breath, he grabs the toy in the young girl’s ass and pulls it out too fast to give her time to relax, causing her to scream out in pain. Sister Riley quickly deduces that he intends to abuse her rear more and intercepts him, by smiling at him and reaching for the toy.

“Master, may I taste my daughter’s ass?”

He pauses for a second bit, but nods at her, grinning as she guides the toy in his hand into her mouth. After a few seconds, he takes it out and forces it back into her daughter’s ass and back to sister Riley’s mouth. He keeps going back and forth, but every time she tries to cover it with as much saliva as possible, thoroughly lubing up the toy and her daughter’s ass. The plan works as sister Renata gradually has less problems passing the plug past her sphincter. Once her groaning subsides, the master gets bored and therefore stops retrieving the toy, leaving it in her ass.

Both girls have to crawl onto the bed and sister Renata is instructed to insert a first onto her mother’s ass. Again, she pauses, thinking that she misunderstood. But sister Riley nods, wiggling her ass and suggesting to insert her left fist. Cautiously, she probes with her left index finger and manages to gradually insert more and more fingers. With shock she watches her mother’s ass swallowing up her fist with ease. The master does not seem to impressed either, as he promptly follows up with his next command.

“Now insert your other fist as well.”

In disbelief, she looks to the master, raising her second arm, asking him if he truly meant to insert another hand. He gets a bit impatient and urges her to just stick it in already. To her surprise, her other hand slides in almost as easily as the first one, however, not without some moaning from sister Riley. Once both hands of the young girl are in her mother ass, the master climbs onto the bed and starts fucking her pussy.

After a few thrusts, the master instructs sister Riley to crawl forward, whereupon her daughter is pulled forward by her trapped arms. Eventually, her center of mass is moved past her knees and she has to support the weight of her upper body with her hands, which she can only do by pressing down on her mother’s stretched ass.

Sister Riley starts to breathe more heavily, trying to deal with the pressure on her sphincter and her insides, but does not budge an inch, supporting her daughter. Realizing how she unintentionally is pulling on her mother’s ass, sister Renata tries to touch the bed with her elbows, which the master immediately forbids. As punishment, sister Riley has to crawl a few more inches forward, resulting in her daughter having to place even more weight on her arms.

“I’m sorry, mom, I don’t know how I can make it easier for you, I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t worry about me, my dear... All that matters is ... hngh ... that the pussy of my daughter feels good for the master.”

“Hehehe, it feels good indeed. Her body is so tense, worried for her mother. I wonder if her pussy can tighten even more.”

While sister Renata is confused by her master’s words, sister Riley knows exactly what he demands and crawls a few more inches forward. Her groaning intensifies, distressing the little girl even more.

“No, mum, I can’t put more weight onto you!”

Both sisters are shaking, trying to maintain a human suspension bridge, while the master enjoys tormenting the innocent girl. Eventually, he can’t contain himself any longer and announces that he is about to come. While sister Renata is relieved that the balance act is about to be over, sister Riley sternly looks back at her daughter and orders her to swallow the master’s cum. The little girl wants to turn around, but it still stuck between her master’s cock and her mother’s ass. Coming up with no other solution, she leans forward into sister Riley and then pushes herself off, pulling both hands simultaneously out of her groaning mother, just in time to swallow her master’s jizz.

Once he emptied his balls into the young girl, he pets her on the head, praising her efforts and climbs off the bed. Sister Renata quickly turns around to comfort her mother, who is still holding her ass. But sister Riley has a smile on her face.

“You did good, my girl. You knew to prioritize the master and you found a solution. I’m proud of you. But ... maybe next time ... try to pull out your hands one at a time, hehe.”

“I’m so sorry, mom.”

“No no, don’t worry. Don’t underestimate by abilities, darling.”

Sister Riley hugs her daughter, while regretting what she just said. But it was too late, she has already peaked the master’s interest.

“Well, don’t leave you the girl in the dark. Show her your abilities. Insert your biggest dildo in your ass.”

“Yes master, I’d love to.”

She goes to the closet and retrieves a flexible and tapered dildo with a length of 50 cm (19.7 inches) and a base circumference of 25 cm (9.8 inches) and hands it to her daughter. Then she crawls on the bed on all fours and wiggles her ass.

“Go ahead, my dear, put it inside of me.”

The little is gasping holding the huge object.

“This thing? Into your ass? Are you sure, mom?”

“Yes, darling. Now don’t make our master wait.”

She carefully places the tip against her mother’s ass and starts pushing. However, the little girl is even more surprised when she can insert it in one go with little resistance. Sister Riley stands up, seemingly unperturbed by the toy in her ass and smiles at her stunned daughter. Then she walks to the closet again and retrieves a monstrous dildo with a base circumference of 50 cm (19.7 inches) and a length of 40 cm (15.7 inches). After placing the heavy object on the floor, sister Riley proceeds to sit on it. Her daughter tries to warn her.

“Mom, wait, you still have the other toy in your ass!”

“It’s ok, honey. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

With a smile, she applies more weight on the toy and it slowly starts to dig into sister Riley’s ass. The first half goes fairly smoothly, but then her progress slows down. She now needs to jump a few times to slide more into her ass. With 5 inches remaining, her smile is gone and replaced by grimacing and clenching teeth.

Sister Renata is holding her breath, seeing her mother straining to get more inside. After a lot more groaning and forceful pushes, sister Riley’s ass finally touches the ground. Her daughter is horrified, staring with wide eyes at the impossible insertion.

“Mom? Are you ok? Are you hurt? We need a doctor!”

Having finished the insertion, the exhausted woman can now muster a smile and calms down her daughter.

“No need to worry, my dear. I told you not to underestimate my abilities.”

“How is this even possible? Where do the toys even go? Is this a trick? Are you playing tricks on us?”

“Oh dear, so many questions. No, there is no trick. I would never deceive a master. No, it is just practice, years and years of practice.”

The master orders her to get up and sit on the bed. Sister Riley carefully gets up and very slowly walks to the bed, holding her bulging stomach. Her movements worry sister Renata.

“Dear lord, please be careful. Don’t move, you need to rest!”

However, her mother is already seated on the bed, kissing the forehead of her concerned daughter. The master enjoys tormenting the two girls.

“Oh, silly girl, your mother does not need rest. I know what she needs, she needs a blowjob from her daughter.”

“But master, how can I make her cum? My mother is in pain.”

Sister Riley quickly scolds her.

“Be quiet, sister Renata, and suck my dick! How dare you object to a master’s wish!”

“I’m sorry, mom, I’m sorry. I’ll ... I’ll ...”

The little girl does not finish her sentence and instead drops on her knees, sucking her mum’s cock. Sister Riley shakes her head and gives an apologetic look at the master, who smirks back at her. It worked. She managed to prevent the master lashing out at sister Renata, by scolding her herself.

Now onto the next problem, she needs to cum. However, despite years of anal experience, the toys still pose a challenge for her ass. On top of that, her daughter is still terrible at giving head. So instead of being able to relax, sister Riley has to continue teaching her the dos and don’ts of blowing her cock. The intimidated girl is close to tears, feeling the pressure of making her come while demonstrating such poor technique as well as having to worry about her mother’s stretched insides.

Realizing how worried her daughter is, sister Riley decides to lie to her, telling how good she is doing and that her stuffed ass feels great. This seems to work, as sister Renata gives back a genuine smile, albeit with a tiny tear rolling down her cheek.

After minutes of receiving an amateur blowjob, sister Riley finally manages to muster a climax. She pushes her cock deep into her daughter’s face and comes into the little girl’s mouth.

Satisfied with the show, the master bids farewell and finally leaves the chamber.

As soon as the door closes behind him, sister Riley pushes out the dildos from her ass and cleans up the room. Then she takes her daughter to the bathroom, where they clean themselves for the next master.

Under the guidance of sister Riley, the two girls do quite well for the rest of the day, satisfying each of the masters wanting to fuck the daughter-mother-pair.

A few minutes before 6 pm, the last master leaves their chamber. Sister Riley breathes a sigh of relief and hugs her daughter.

“That was the last master for today, we made it! Good job, my darling, I’m so proud of you!”

“Thanks, mom! This is so exciting! I didn’t even know what sex was until today. Oh, it feels so good! I came so many times! I think the masters really liked me.”

Sister Riley kisses her on the forehead and hugs her even tighter. She is glad to hear that it didn’t feel like torture to her daughter. During the day, she saw many opportunities for the masters to be cruel to the new girl, but her mother tried her best to anticipate it and offered herself instead.

Sister Renate seems oblivious to her mother fighting for her daughter. To her, it looked like mom suggested all kinds of stuff to do to her. She saw so many things go up sister Riley’s ass. It is incredible what her mother is capable of.

“Mom, how did you learn to do all these things? All these toys in your ass ... and I don’t know how managed fit their entire dicks in your mouth.”

“Phew, lots of practicing. I just started with smaller toys and gradually worked myself up.”

Sister Renata walks over to her little toy box.

“Father John said I’m a level one sister and that I need to put larger toys in my ass in order to get to a higher level.”

“He is right, honey.”

“What is your level, mom?”

“I reached up to level 9.”

“Wow! You are amazing! Is that the highest level?”

“Uuuuh, no, there is still a level 10, but I never managed to pass it ...”

The young girl’s eyes suddenly light up with determination.

“I want to reach level 10! Can you teach me, mom? Please, please, please?”

Sister Riley pauses for a moment.

“Isn’t it a bit early for such goals? It puts a huge strain on your body and involves hard work with a tough competition and ...”

Sister Riley stops herself from mentioning any wolves or horses.

“... and even then, if you push yourself to your limit ... for some girls, their body is just not capable of reaching level 10.”

“But we don’t know about me yet. Why shouldn’t I try? Are level 10 sisters looked down upon?”

“Not at all, on the contrary, they are treated like the pride of the institute. I have even seen them boss around other sisters.”

“Then my goal is to become a level 10 sister, too!”

“... honey, a higher level also means they can demand more of you ...”

“If it is truly worse, then there must be sisters that voluntarily downgraded. Do you know of anyone who went down a level, mom?”

“No, I don’t ... actually, I might be the only one. Look, they gave me a white collar, just like you.”

“And do you have regrets about it?”

“No, because I get to be with my daughter.”

The comment disarms the inquisitive girl and she can’t help but smile.

“Thanks for being in my life, mom.”

“You too, my sweet darling.”

“But that means you had to weigh being level 9 against being with me. Therefore, even you actually prefer a higher level. I want that, too. Please help me ascend, mother, will you?”

“I envy your ambitiousness. Maybe you are right. What else could I teach you anyway? It is all I know, hehe.”

“Thanks, mom! When do you start?”

“Uh, what’s the time? Oh, we can start right now, I suppose. In five minutes begins our physical training. However, first, put the 10 cm (3.9 inch) toy in your ass.”


“If you want to get better, whenever there is no master, you should stretch your holes. That means you exercise, eat, and even sleep with your ass plugged ... at least until you are level 2. Then you need to practice your pussy as well.”

Sister Renata quickly gets the toy, but initially fails to insert it. Her mother instructs her to crawl onto the bed and to arch her back with her face on the bed. Then she lubes up the toy and gently pushes against sister Renatas ass, teaching her to relax her sphincter until it pops in. Afterwards, she tells her to walk around with it, until she gets more comfortable with the toy in her ass.

While her daughter is still getting used to it, sister Riley inserts a flexible 90 cm (35.4 inches) dildo fully in her ass. Once they are ready, they proceed to the physical training, following the instructions on the display. While the mother is struggling with her large breasts and full guts, her spring young daughter enthusiastically jumps around, showing off her agility.

Afterwards, they proceed to their stretching training, where sister Riley suggests her daughter to repeatedly remove and reinsert her 10 cm (3.9 inch). After noticing that her ass can handle it already much better, she is confident enough to try the 12 cm (4.7 inch) toy, but promptly experiences her first reality check, realizing that stretching does not go as fast one she might wish.

At the end of the day, the two girls go to bed. Initially they lay separate from each other, but soon after cuddle together, hugging and caressing each other. In her last waking minutes, sister Renata examines her mother’s body, her gigantic breasts, and her glorious cock. Oh, how she loves those. She didn’t know about these fun body parts until today and already can’t imagine a life without them. Soon after, the tired girl falls asleep after her first day in the institute, holding her mother’s cock in her hands.

During breakfast of the next morning, sister Renata inquires about her mother’s gigantic breasts.

“Oh, those? The institute inserted implants in my chest, which are filled with liquid. With each level they were gradually expanded with more liquid and at the moment, each has a volume of 4000cc, or 4 liters.”

“So, I’ll get bigger breasts as well when I reach a higher level?”


“When does it start, mom?”

“Uh, it depends. It usually starts around level 3, but if you get a sponsor to pay for them, you can already get implants at level 2.”

“How do I get a sponsor?”

“I don’t know how much that is up to you. If a wealthy master likes a sister and wants her tits to grow earlier, they will talk with the institute and pay them to perform the surgery earlier.”

“Can you help me convince one of them, mom?”

“Masters rarely ever do something I wish for. Most of the time, they do something to exert power or to inflict pain, be it physically or mentally.”

Sister Riley can see the frustration on the girl’s face and tries to cheer her up.

“But don’t worry, I think my daughter has awesome tits and the masters will love to play with them.”

“Thanks mom, I love them as well.”

After the breakfast, they clean themselves up and stretch their asses one more time, before the first master arrives. They get through the second day without too much trouble. Most of the masters want to fuck the new girl themselves or watch her get fucked by her mother. As a result, she has to swallow almost twice as much cum as the other level 1 girls, but with the support of sister Riley, she manages quite well.

However, none of the masters seemed to be interested in becoming her sponsor. On top of that, at the end of the day, she didn’t manage to get the 12 cm (4.7 inch) toy in her ass either. In bed, sister Riley comforts her, explaining that she can’t force it and that results show as long as she stays consistent in her efforts.

In order to feel some sense of progress, sister Renata asks, whether she can train her blowjob skills on her mom’s cock. Despite her sore cock having come so many times already that day, she agrees and caresses her bobbing head while singing her a good night song. After swallowing her mom’s load, she gleefully kisses her good night and they fall asleep.

In her stretching routine of the next morning, the little girl bravely keeps fighting to insert the 12 cm (4.7 inch) in her ass and eventually succeeds. However, she needs her mother’s help to pull out the plug firmly stuck in the still so tight ass.

Sister Riley hopes that none of the masters asks about the largest size her daughter can fit in her ass. However, her hopes are shattered in the late afternoon, when a master poses that very question and the naïve girl gleefully admits her recent success.

“Alright, insert it then, chop, chop.”

Sister Renata kneels on the bed, trying to get it inside, but can’t manage to open up enough. With the master impatiently standing in front of her, she tenses up even more and she eventually has to give up when her arms grow tired. Her mother promptly walks up and continues where her daughter had failed while apologizing profusely.

“I am so sorry, master, that she is such a disappointment. I’ll get it inside.”

“You should have taught her better to not fail on a promise, just because it hurts.”

“I’ll teach her now, master, by disregarding my daughters screams.”

“Very well.”

The young girl looks puzzled at her mother.

“... mum? ... mumaaaaaaaaah!”

Sister Riley pushes the toy against her daughter’s ass and presses against her shoulders, causing her to lean back until she sists on top of the plug. Despite the pressure, her tense sphincter refuses to open up enough. After hearing her daughter scream for a while, sister Riley proceeds to gently flip around sister Renatas nipples. Once they are hard, she proceeds to suck them into her mouth and to massage them with her tongue.

After a while, the screaming has turned into heavy breathing with some occasional groans. Sister Riley keeps sucking on her daughter’s nipples and can feel how the resistance against the toy in her hand subsides. Eventually, she applies more pressure, causing the girl to scream out and the toy pops in.

Sister Riley backs off and lets the girl catch her breath. After a while, she turns around, presenting her newly plugged ass to her master.

“I did it master! I’m sorry that it took so long.”

“Good, good... did you enjoy your nipples being licked by your mother?”

“Yes master. She gives me comfort ... and I love my nipples being touched.”

“Do you? Well, let’s see about that. You, mother, attach some nipple clamps on your daughter.”

Sister Riley quickly fetches some clamps from the cabinet and tightens them slightly around the young girl’s nipples. The master pushes her mother away and examines the new decoration on the little girl’s tits.

“Good, now comes the fun part. Let’s tighten them until you scream.”

Sister Riley gets back up and tries to offer herself up instead.

“Master, my breasts are much better trained. Please torture my tits instead.”

“Hm... I don’t know ... squeezing the nipples of your daughter sounds fun though.”

“But you can push four needles through each of my nipples. My daughter can’t handle that.”

The master pauses for a second, but waves off eventually.

“Meh, I’m still not convinced ...”

“I mean eight needles, of course. And my daughter can do some as well. I’m sure she will fuck it up and hurt me.”

Her offer stops him in his track and her turns back to her.

“Hm, alright, you have changed my mind. Get out the needles.”

Sister Renata watches in horror as the master treats her mother’s nipple as a pincushion and hopes that he forgets about the proposal that she sticks some in as well. Of course, he did not and after he finished piercing sister Riley’s right nipple from seemingly every direction, he hands her a tray with the remaining eight needles. With a shaking hand, she pauses and looks at her mother for guidance, who calmly takes her hand and smiles at her.

“Don’t worry, you can do that. First, make my nipple hard. That way, it pokes out more and you have more surface to stick the needles in.”

With careful strokes, she massages her mother’s nipple until it has fully hardened.

“Now, pull it out with your one hand and then pierce my nipple from the side. Slightly wiggle it inside, to see if there is a lot of resistance. If there is not, you know that you can keep pushing in a straight line.”

She does as she is told, but screws up at the end, when the needle painfully exits the areola. The master forbids her from retracting it and instructs her to leave the needle like that so she better understands not to repeat the same mistake.

After four more needles, she slowly runs out of space and notices now, albeit late, that she should have planned it better. The other nipple has needles in a regular pattern with even distribution, whereas the nipple done by sister Renata is a mess. However, with no chance to redo the arrangement, she has to continue inserting more needles until she has finished her chaos of eight needles in her mother’s nipple. The master corks up the needle tips and is amused by her failure.

“Wow, she did a terrible job. Does it hurt?”

“A lot, master.”

“How about I punish her by hanging weights on her clamps? I think half a kilo (17.6 ounces) should help her remember how to do it properly.”

Sister Riley strokes the head of the embarrassed little girl and gives another counter offer.

“I’m sure my daughter could take it. But you can hang that on my needles instead.”

The master gives her only a questioning look and sister Riley tries to double down.

“But you can hang 1 kilo (2.2p pounds) on each tit. And since my daughter screwed up with the needles it will hurt even more.”

“Oh right, that is a good point. Let’s punish you for your daughter’s mistake.”

Sister Renata has to blow her master and can only hear him torturing sister Riley. When he hangs the weights on the right nipple, the mother only groans in pain, but when the weights are hanged on the needles inserted by her daughter, she can’t suppress her cries in pain. However, the little girl knows to keep pleasing the master, regardless of what he does to her mother.

Once sister Riley has composed herself, he makes her another offer.

“You know, you keep one-upping your daughter with your suggestions. How about I give you two options and you decide. Option one, I connect your daughters clamps to each other and put my cock between her gorgeous mashed together tits. Option two, we put your daughter’s head between your hurting udders and lock her in place by connecting your nipples.”

Sister Riley lowers her head in thought, trying to ignore her sore tits, while her daughter pleads with her.

“Please mom, I can take it, no problem. You are already in so much pain. Please, take the first option.”

“Be quiet, little one. Let the grownups talk. Master, I chose the second option.”

He laughs and instructs sister Riley to sit on the bed and have her daughter blow her. Once her mother’s cock is hard enough, the little girl has to sit on her lap with the cock in her pussy and her ass still stretched by the largest toy she ever had in there. Then, she leans back until her neck is between her mother’s tits, whereupon the master connects a chain between the nipples and pulls them tight until sister Riley starts screaming. After fixing the chain with a lock, he uses cuffs to bind sister Riley’s arms around her daughter and gives sister Renata a vibrating toy to hold against her clit.

Once she can feel it’s pleasant vibrations, the duo has to lean forward, until the young girl bows forward in a kneeling position with a toy stuck on her crotch and her mother laying on top her. The daughter is stuck in her position with the chain around her neck, her mother’s arm around her torso and her mother’s cock in her pussy. However, she does not try to move her head too much so as to not pull on the chain anymore, as she can hear her mother suffering.

Sister Riley can contain her screams until the master starts inflating her tits with the heat gun. Her daughter panics, not knowing what just happened to her mother’s tits and hearing her scream out, but she keeps still, hoping to not further her agony.

After admiring his construction of sex slaves, he mounts the two girls from the back and starts fucking sister Riley in the ass. He initially starts slow, but gradually picks up speed, firmly grabbing sister Riley’s ass and moving her back and forth onto his cock. As a result, her tits keep getting pulled apart by her daughter’s head.

The master tells them that he will keep going until sister Renata comes. The little girl is too preoccupied with her mother’s suffering to think about getting off. Despite her pain, sister Riley calms down, suppressing her screams and tries to calm down her daughter, asking her to climax. She even manages to translate the movements of the master into her cock getting thrusted into her daughter’s pussy. It takes the adrenaline filled girl quite some time, but eventually she pulls it off, announcing that she comes while supporting her mother’s weight.

The master pulls out of sister Riley’s ass and instructs the two to girls to sit up again. He stands in front of the little girl and puts his cock in her mouth. She tries to move her head back and forth in order to blow him, but she stops, when she notices that she pulls on the chain around her neck. However, her mother keeps encouraging her.

“Don’t stop. Keep sucking his cock, dearest. It’s good if my tits hurt a bit, because it pleases the master.”

Sister Renata pauses for a moment, but then resumes bobbing her head, massaging the master’s shaft with her mouth. She moves faster and faster, causing the weights on sister Riley’s nipples to swing around furiously. The mother clenches her teeth, but keeps urging her daughter to go faster. It still takes the little girl quite some time to make the master come, but eventually she is able to swallow his load.

The satisfied man takes his time to step off the bed, while the two girls are sitting on the bed, watching him get the key to the handcuffs of sister Riley. However, he puts them into a compartment of a dildo and shoves it up the mother’s ass.

“I had a lot of fun torturing your tits today. Why did you try to prevent me from playing with your daughter?”

Her pain distorted face calms down, looking at the little girl between her tits until she can even muster a small smile.

“She is so pure and innocent, master. I know I can’t prevent my daughter from being turned into a sex slave. But if I can fight to delay her being turned into a bimbo just a few days, I will.”

“Well, I didn’t play with her a lot, but our jizz is in her ‘innocent’ stomach, your cock is in her ‘pure’ pussy and your tits are in agony. Do you feel like you delayed anything?”

“I saved her tits from you, master.”

“Well, congratulations, I guess you won then, hehe.”

“Thanks, master, then it was worth it. I’m overjoyed.”

He bids them farewell and leaves the chamber. Sister Renata tries to move, but is still trapped between her mother’s tits and arms.

“What should we do, mom?”

“We need to free ourselves.”

“What?? How?”

“Shush, little one, I’m trying to think ... the key only opens the handcuffs, but not the chain, which means we can open the chains ourselves... hm ... can you pull out the needles in my nipples?”

Sister Renata proceeds to uncork the needles on her left nipple and pulls them out one by one. However, when the last needle is pulled out, the weights are released and swing to the right nipple, causing sister Riley to scream out in pain. She quickly grabs hold of them and tells her daughter to remove the needles in her right nipple as well.

Eventually, the chain and the weights fall off and sister Renata manages to crawl out of the cuffed hands of her mother. She can subsequently remove the dildo in her ass and unlock the cuffs.

Sister Riley falls exhausted onto the bed holding her sore tits, while her daughter comforts her tormented mother.

“Are you ok, mom?”

“It still hurts a lot, but I’ve been through worse. Don’t worry, you did a good job.”

“Thanks for trying to protect me, but ... you didn’t have to. I try to get a sponsor, right? If they don’t play with my tits, then why should they pay for my implants?”

“You are right, we are trying to get a sponsor, but we need to play this right...”

“I thought, you wanted to help me, mom. Instead, you push yourself in front of me to show off to the masters. You know that I can’t compete with you ... at least not yet.”

“No, I am trying to help you...”

“How? By belittling me in front of them? He clearly wanted to play with me, but it seems you can’t stand not getting his attention.”

Their conversation is interrupted, when a managing sister opens the door and asks sister Renata to come with her. She leaves the chamber and returns half an hour later with father John, who holds a file with documents.

“Good evening, ladies. We just ran some tests on sister Renata’s tits. And it seems we can perform breast augmentation as soon as you reach level 2. It also seems you are also a great candidate for lactation, so we will put you on medication for that as well.”

Sister Renata is overjoyed about the good news and hugs father John.

“Who is my sponsor, father John?”

“The gentlemen who was with you last... Hm, you already know about sponsorship. It seems your mother is teaching you a lot.”

“She is, father John. But it is also difficult to compete with her.”

Sister Riley is still sitting on the bed, holding her sore nipples, but heard what he said.

“Father John, you already want to induce lactation with my daughter? She hasn’t even been here for a week.”

“Yes, and you are going to help her. We will provide the medicine and suction pumps, but you will suck on her tits as often as possible. In three weeks, you won’t receive food anymore. Once she starts to lactate, you can sustain of her milk. So, you better hurry.”

Sister Riley gasps and shakes her head in disbelief. Did he really just tell her to live of her daughter’s breast milk? She is even supposed to induce the lactation?

“Is that even possible? How long does it usually take, father John?”

“It varies. Maybe four to six weeks?”

Sister Riley is left speechless, not knowing what to say. Her confused daughter uses the silence to inquire about what is supposed to happen.

“Father John, what is lactation? What do you mean with food for my mother?”

“We will cause your breasts to produce milk, which comes out of your nipples. You keep taking your medicine and apply suction to your tits and eventually it will start coming. And then, you will be able to feed your mother ... well if she survives until then.”

The little girl holds her tits in shock and pauses for a second.

“Father John, is it something that high level sisters do?”

He smirks, a bit surprised about her lack of concern for her mother.

“Yes, it is not uncommon. Many masters admire sisters that can lactate. You should be proud of yourself if manage to pull it off.”

Her eyes widen and she smiles at him.

“I will work to achieve it then, father John. Do you have the medicine? I’ll take it right now!”

She swallows a pill he hands her and tests out suction pumps applied to her nipples.

“Wow, that is quite the suction, father John. But it feels good on my nipples.”

Sister Riley’s nipples are still in agony. She knew that the master was wealthy enough to be a sponsor and she tried to win him over. But she was also aware of the fact that he would not do that voluntarily. The masters love having power over their obedient slaves, but getting everything they want can get stale. However, one of the most exciting things for masters like him is when they see a glimmer of humanity that they can destroy. They love breaking a spirit or any hope that they can still squeeze out of their living sex dolls. Sister Riley knew that after torturing her so much today, the biggest joy he had was when he talked to the institute, asking them to insert breast implants into her daughter anyway. Destroying that last bit of hope in her, after she fought so fiercely, was his highlight of the day. But sister Riley could not just voice that hope, she needed to prove it, manifest it, through torturing herself for her daughter.

Her act today fooled both, the master and her little girl. But she can’t tell her daughter because she can’t trust her to maintain the lie. It will have to stay her secret, even if it means that sister Riley’s gets scolded for seemingly showing off.

But she needs to forget about that issue and handle the next one. Sister Riley needs to make her daughter lactate as quick as possible. She feels conflicted about drinking her own daughter’s breast milk, but she needs to survive if she wants to continue helping the young girl.

From then on, she tries to suck on sister Renata’s tits every moment that she can. Initially, her daughter welcomes her support, but eventually it annoys her, being immobilized so often by her mother’s mouth. However, she eventually agrees if it means she get to practice her blowjob skills on her mother’s cock in return.

The stretching routine suggested by sister Riley allows her daughter to insert the 14 cm (5.5 inches) in her ass after already six days. Afterwards, they even try to insert sister Riley’s cock in the girl’s ass during her stretching sessions. Due to the large cock size, she can only manage to get a length of about 12 cm (4 inches) inside, but her mother explains to her that she is already well prepared to take her masters once she hits level 2.

The duo can please masters more efficiently, which allows them to get through 100 of them after seven days already. They promptly request to be tested and sister Renata passes it easily, earning them both their green level 2 collar around the neck. Sister Renata immediately claims her right to get fucked by father John and bravely receives her nipple rings afterwards.

Sister Riley is already brought to their level 2 chamber, where she is joined later by her daughter with her new 500cc implants. Father John examines the result and is very happy with the result.

“The implants are arranged perfectly and there is no scarring, just as expected. As for the requirements for level 3, they are ...”

“... for my ass a circumference of 19 cm (7.5 inches), a flexible depth of 22 cm (8.7 inches), and a rigid depth of 20 cm (7.9 inches). My pussy needs to take a circumference of 20 cm (7.9 inches) and a depth of 20 cm (7.9 inches).”

Father John looks somewhat surprised the little girl already having memorized the requirements. Her mother seems to help her a lot.

“That is correct. However, don’t interrupt me again in the future. I won’t mind this time, because I like your motivation. You can be proud of yourself.”

“Thank you, father John ... and sorry.”

Father John continues.

“You are now allowed to use the shared training hall. But for the next two weeks, your training plan is changed to not include your torso, to allow your breasts to heal. Sister Riley on the other hand, you don’t use the level 2 training hall. It is already bad enough that your daughter seems to know what the higher levels have in store for her, but I don’t want the other level 2 sisters to see your big breasts. Instead, we will have the training equipment from your previous level 9 chamber brought to this level 2 chamber.”

“Yes, father John.”

“And sister Renata, the masters can now fuck your ass. But you probably already knew that.”

The little girl smiles and nods, whereupon father John leaves the room, shaking his head.

Before, sending her daughter off to the training, sister Riley makes sure she wears her 14 cm (5.5 inches) butt plug and tells her not to talk to anyone. In the training hall, she exercises according to the new plan and notices that some of the other sisters are not even plugged and that only few of the other sisters already have breast implants. For the first time in a long time, she is not around her much more advanced mother and she can compare herself with her actual peers. Even on her first day here, she can feel that she eventually will overtake them all.

Back in her room, the two girls stretch their holes and at the end, sister Renata pleads for her mother to fuck her ass as much as possible in order to prepare her for her next day as a level 2. After much time and lube, she eventually reaches a depth of 16 cm (6.3 inches). In bed, she even attempts to deepthroat her mother’s cock, but has to surrender to its enormous girth.

However, her training and preparations paid off tremendously, as she can easily handle every master in her ass. However, she does not slack off in training and keeps pushing for larger circumferences in her ass and pussy. Additionally, her mother makes sure to train her throat with a flexible dildo. Learning the proper techniques in a safe environment and not with masters allows sister Renata to progress quickly.

After only 14 days (21 days in total) she already passes the requirements for level 3 and they get into a new chamber with a window. In the evening, sister Renata is looking out their new window, while sister Riley is sucking on her tits. After a while, the little girl asks her to practice fisting. Sister Riley is surprised about her eagerness to progress, but does not want to stand in the way of over motivated daughter.

Sister Renata lies on her back, while her mother carefully inserts her lubed up fist into her pussy. After a while, they add larger and larger dildos in her ass until she reaches a circumference of 17 cm (6.7 inches). Seeing how well her daughter is doing, sister Riley proposes practicing her back side as well. She agrees and fifteen minutes later, she finally manages to take her mother’s fist in her ass. The curious young girl touches her stomach and can feel the fist her mom. After exchanging smiles, her daughter asks to be eaten out while her backside is still stuffed. Sister Riley obliges and brings her to her first orgasm while being fisted. Things seem to be going well for the two girls.

A week later, father John announces that sister Riley will not receive any more food. Her daughter has not started lactating yet and the clock is ticking.

On the first day, sister Riley tries to suppress her hunger and keeps sucking on her daughter as usual, but by the second day, she notices her hunger and sucks more aggressively.

On the third day, sister Renata tries to push her away, as her nipples start to get sore. However, the desperation rises in her mother and she forcefully holds her down, while trying to get anything out of her daughter. On the fourth day, her own mouth has become sore and she keeps attaching the suction pumps, while holding down the little girl. During her time with the masters, she agrees to do whatever they want, as long as she gets to keep the pumps on her. As a result, she fucked and fisted sister Renata violently in either hole.

On the fifth day, her lack of food shows as she has become too weak to fight her daughter anymore. Despite her behavior of the last days, she is still allowed to suck gently on her tits. With a defeated stare she hangs on her daughter’s tits, when suddenly, her eyes widen, as she notices a sweet taste in her mouth. Her hunger overpowers her promise to be careful and she tries to draw as much milk out of the sore nipples. They have done it; the little girl is lactating!

Father John checks up on her soon after, but can only see a few drops coming out, as the mother has already drunken as much as possible.

“Well, I guess I can’t measure it yet. But still, good job, sister Renata! Now, we expect your milk production to increase. We require you to make enough to feed your starving mother. We will make sure that you won’t be lacking the necessary amount of food.”

While somewhat relieved, the little girl is still very confused.

“Father John, I don’t know how I am supposed to feed my mother. How much milk am I supposed to produce?”

“Three liters (0.8 gallons) contain about 2100 calories. That may suffice to feed her. But I ultimately expect you to reach larger amounts than that.”

The entire time, sister Riley has been laying on the bed, too weak to get up. Due to the training regimen and diet at the institute, the sisters have body fat percentages below 20%. Therefore, sister Riley’s body does not have many reserves to handle such a fasting. She inquires about her prospects about nourishment.

“How long does she need to reach such a daily volume of milk, father John.”

“That is different for each woman. Maybe in three weeks? Maybe less? But it won’t hurt to keep sucking.”

Sister Renata objects.

“That is not true, father John. It does hurt! My nipples are sore, because she sucks on them so much.”

“That means she is doing a good job. Keep sucking, mama. It is only short-lived anyway, because once your milk production is large enough to feed her, her desperation will subside. Besides, it’s not uncommon for nipple sensitivity to increase with lactation. You might even enjoy it.”

He was very right about that. Initially, breastfeeding her mother was cumbersome. But with time, having her nipples sucked aroused her so much more. Eventually, she starts to masturbate while her mother is hanging on her breast. In the morning, the first thing she demanded is that her mother reliefs some of the tension from her full tits and soon after, she wanted to be drained over and over again.

Her milk production already reached three liters (0.8 gallons) after two weeks. Finally, her mother could have a full stomach again. Two weeks later, she already reached 5 L (1.3 gallons), which became more than sister Riley could handle. As a result, masters were allowed to play with her milk as well.

Less than a week later (a total of 65 days at the institute), sister Renata manages to pass level 4, when she shows that her ass can take a circumference of 24 cm (9.4 inches), a flexible depth of 35 cm (13.8 inches) and a rigid depth of 25 cm (9.8 inches). Her pussy can already take a circumference of 25 cm (9.8 inches) and a depth of 24 cm (9,4 inches).

In the new chamber, sister Renata enjoys bouncing on her larger bed, while sister Riley looks out the window towards the park. She almost overcome with nostalgia, remembering the many times she had been outside and ... oh no, she forgot about ...

Suddenly, sister Renata is screaming. But when her mother looks back at her, she sees that her daughter is screaming out of joy, cuddling wolf cubs in a basket that father John had carried inside.

Sister Riley had her first encounter with wolves when she was level 5. But she forgot that pureblood sisters may already see them at level 4. When she looks in shock at father John, he smiles back as he realizes her confusion. While he goes out the door, sister Riley quickly takes the wolf cubs out of her hands and puts them back in the basket. Afterwards she puts the basket on the ground and instructs the confused girl to lay on the bed. Before she can ask her mother what the problem is, the door opens and a gigantic wolf is led by father John into the room.

Sister Renata watches in horror how the beast approaches her mother, while she shuffles herself back to the headrest of the bed.

“Mom, what is this? Be careful!”

“It’s a wolf or rather an even larger type of a wolf specifically bred by the institute. And I assume that those cubs are his.”

Sister Riley walks over to him and guides him to the basket. After sniffing the pups, the monster seems to calm down a bit, while being pet by the human woman. Sister Renata relief is only short-lived as she watches her mother’s hand go lower and starts to massage the wolf’s groin. Moments later, a huge red shaft has appeared that her mother starts to blow. After a while, she nudges him behind her and he starts to fuck her ass. Sister Renata is stunned.

“Mom! What is it doing? Is that thing ... fucking you?”

“Yes, darling.”

“How did you manage to make him do that?”

“I have been fucked by wolves for years. So many times, that I even remember this one. They have been bred to desire humans. And just like pureblood brothers, they don’t have a refractory period. Oh, but be careful, they come a lot more than humans. Hang on ...”

The wolf pulls out of sister Riley’s ass and the woman immediately turns around to swallow his load. After catching her breath, she continues.

“About 50 ml (1.7 ounces) of cum. So, make sure that you swallow several times, honey.”

“Wait, you mean I am supposed to ...”

“Yes, honey ... and probably more. Father John, is my daughter supposed to become his mate?”

“Yes, she will be the sire’s bitch and the pups’ mother.”

Sister Riley sighs and beckons her daughter to the basket, where she is handed one of the pups. The little girl is confused but follows her mother’s instructions dutifully.

“Now take the pup and let it latch onto your breast. Feed it your milk.”

“What? But they are wolf babies. Can they drink human milk?”

“Yes, and you better hurry, because the sire is getting nervous.”

When sister Renata sees how the father is staring her down, she immediately puts the pup to her right breast. After some sniffing around, it puts her nipple in its mouth and starts sucking. After her initial skepticism, she starts to adore the little fellow hungrily drinking away. While she smiles at the little guy, she does not realize that her mother has brought the wolf father closer to her other breast. She freezes while the beast is sniffing around and licking hear leaking nipples. However, a few seconds later the wolf calms down and sister Renata can relax. Her mother explains to her.

“He understands that you feed his children and won’t see you as a threat to them anymore. Now, go on all fours and let him mount you, honey.”

“Mom, I’m scared. It’s huge ... will it hurt?”

“You get used to it. But he is quite big.”

Father John has stepped closer to the two girls.

“That is easy for you to say, sister Riley. Your first encounter with a wolf was at level 5. But your daughter is only level 4.”

“Why does the wolf already get to fuck me then, father John?”

“You are a pureblood sister and therefore more capable. If you take the wolf today, you will already do better than your mother. Do you have what it takes?”

Just as he had expected, he managed to ignite her fire.

“Yes, father John, I do!”

She immediately backs into the wolf and reaches for his cock. Her pussy struggles to take such a massive object inside, but sister Renata is too determined to give up. After several attempts as well as sucking him a few times, the wolf finally enters the pussy of his new bitch. She groans has he ravages her delicate pussy, but she does not relent. Her tenacity eventually pays off and a few minutes later she swallowed the first load of her new sire.

The little girl enjoys the praise of father John and even sister Riley seems to feel pride for her daughter.

In the next days, she learns to take her sire in her ass as well and is regularly lead to the park to get railed by packs of wolves. Despite her progress, she is reminded about her mother’s head start, who is already allowed to walk upright with her long tail plug, whereas sister Renata only manages to insert 40 cm (15.7 inches) in her ass. On the other hand, she gets to sleep in a bed with the sire and her children, whereas sister Riley has to spend the nights alone in her bed.

Despite their lack of closeness, her mother still trains her daughter to the best of her abilities. She makes a lot of progress and can deepthroat almost the entire cock of her mother. When sister Renata gets close to level 5, her mother explains to her that she will soon have to drink piss. After making sure that it is not a joke, she prepares herself mentally and asks her mother to piss in her mouth.

Sister Riley looks at the little girl, kneeling in front of her with open mouth and remembers how about three months ago, she had gained such a pure and innocent girl as a daughter. Now that very girl has just eagerly asked her to piss in her mouth.

Despite her mental preparation, sister Renata flinches when the stream hits her tongue. Her mother pauses and lets her swallow her first mouthful. She heaves once, but keeps it down and opens her mouth back up. With every gulp, she handles it better. Seeing how well she does, sister Riley shoves her cock down her daughter’s throat and let’s go. For a moment, the little girl panics, but she recovers quickly.

“Can you continue, honey?”

The little girl nods assuredly, despite a tear rolling down her face.

“I’m very proud of you, my dear.”

Sister Riley pulls out her cock and lets the new toilet catch her breath.

“Thanks, mom. I think I’ll soon get the hang of it. I’ll be ready for level 5.”

She meets the requirements a week later and can now take in her ass a circumference of 28 cm (11 inches) a flexible depth of 50 cm (19.7 inches), and a rigid depth of 30 cm (11.8 inches). Her pussy can already take a circumference of 30 cm (11.8 inches) and a depth of 27 cm (10.6 inches).

They both receive an orange collar and are brought into a new chamber with a heated floor, a fruit basket, and a music player. Sister Renata can deepthroat almost all of father John’s cock and doesn’t even flinch when he pisses down her throat.

At one point, father John suggests to sister Riley that her daughter learns to perform sounding. The confused girl does not understand what they are talking about.

“Honey, that means that an object is inserted into the urethra of a penis, which is subsequently massaged from the inside and the outside.”

“But I don’t have a penis, mom.”

“You would perform it on a master.”

Father John interjects the explanation.

“Yes, but she would need to train on a penis first. You could practice on your mother, if she agrees.”

Sister Riley is taken aback. She did indeed perform urethral insertion on her masters, but so far, she was able to keep her own cock out of the procedure. It looked painful, especially if done by a beginner like her daughter. But she understood the game that father John was playing. If sister Renata knew how to do it, more sex sessions would be about their cocks and less about her fragile little body.

Father John notices her reluctance and choses to get the daughter involved in the decision-making process.

“You know, sister Renata, being able to safely sound a penis is a rare ability at such a low level.”

Her eyes light up and she grabs her mother’s arm.

“Did you hear that, mom? I would be able to surpass even more of my peers. What do you say?”

That son of a bitch father John played her like a fiddle. But she does not want her daughter to think that she is held back by her mother.

“Sure, honey, why not, let’s give it a try.”

“Thanks mom! When can we start?”

Father John, smiles and unzips a bag in his hand.

“How about now?”

While sister Renata joyfully picks up the tools, sister Riley gives him an evil eye. The second her daughter shows her the tools, she quickly musters a forced smile, trying to hide the fact that she is not as excited as the little girl.

Moments later, sister Renata sucks her mother’s cock hard and starts to apply lubrication on top of the cock and on the sound. The thin metal rod has a smooth surface and round tip, which is thoroughly lubed up by sister Renata. She is holding her mother’s cock with one hand and the rod in her other hand while sister Riley tries to calmly explain the procedure.

“Usually, inserting it into a flaccid dick is easier, but I guess you already made me hard anyway. Try to hold my dick and the rod parallel and gently place the tip against my urethra. Good, good, ahh, stop, ouch, no lateral movement for now. Only up and down.”

“Sorry, mom.”

“It’s ok, now keep inserting moreeaaaahh, careful honey, not too fast. Just go down maybe one centimeter... oh, ok, or maybe three centimeters, but stop for now. Just keep it there and maybe rub the head of my dick a little to relax me. Ok, that feels a lot better.”

Against her mother wishes, the girl inserts another two centimeters inside. But when sister Riley cries out a little, the girl is worried and quickly pulls out the rod, causing the women to groan out load.

“Aaahh, not so quick, always more slowly. Fuck ... aah, that was a bit fast...”

“Sorry, mom.”

“It’s ... it’s ok, honey.”

“Can we continue?”

Sister Riley sighs for a moment, but then nods.

“Sure, but first apply more lube.”

Sister Renata keeps inserting more and more of the rod. After a few breaks of applying lube, they eventually manage to get 15 cm in sister Riley’s dick. At this point, she needs to stop the over-eager girl.

“Ok, ok, this is enough depth today. Now let’s see if I can come with this thing inside of me. Start stroking me cock... yes, that’s good. Keep massaging mommy’s dick. Ok, now, very carefully also move the rod up and down. But not more than one centimeter.”

This time, sister Renata does exactly as she is told. Her mother is still trying to adjust to the new sensation. After some time, the motion becomes more familiar and she can relax. The double sensation feels quite intense, it feels nice even. Her breathing gets faster and eventually she can feel the orgasm build up. But she still has 15 cm of rod up her dick.

“Oh fuck, mommy’s gonna come soon. Get the rod out, please. Get it out, fast! But not too faaaaaaahhhh...”

Sister Renata steadily and swiftly pulls out the cock and quickly throats the entire cock into her mouth. Her mother’s legs are shaking while she pumps her cum into the girl’s stomach. She has not felt such an intense orgasm in a long time. Waves of waves shower over her, while her dick is tightly logged in her daughter throat.

Fuck, she was hoping that it does not feel good, but she somehow enjoyed it, albeit with some problems caused by the beginner’s technique.

In the upcoming days, the duo keeps practicing and keeps going deeper, until sister Riley can take the rod for the entire length of her 30 cm (11.8 inches) cock.

A half months later, sister Renata ascends to level 6, where they get their own bathtub and food ***********ion on Sundays.

She now receives her first masters that she performs urethral insertions for. Sister Riley hoped that she can stay out of it, but it turns out the masters now wants to compete with her. With not a lot of training, she loses to him, but still needing a lot of time to remove the deeply seated sound.

Therefore, the duo has to keep practicing. After some time, sister Riley can take a sound with a plate at the top, that prevents the rest of the rod to slip in. Then, she has to fuck her daughter with the metal rod still logged inside her cock.

Eventually, she has to continue her depth training with flexible sounding equipment until she can go 40 cm (15.7 inches). With time, she can even insert larger diameters. However, when her daughter notices that her mother’s cock has widened while deepthroating her, she stopped going for larger diameters.

Six weeks later (a total of 212 days at the institute), the young girl manages to reach level 7.

The two get a new chamber with flowers and plants as decoration and blackout shades for better sleep. Sister Renata receives new breast implants at a size of 3000c, which can be inflated more when she reaches higher levels. She also has the right for pills that increase her arousal, which she promptly requests and enjoys the next day.

At this level, they both get fucked by a lot of machines. As their design varies a lot, sister Riley was not able to prepare her daughter. As a result, she struggled initially, but eventually got the hang of it.

Sister Riley now learns to insert beaded sounding equipment into her cock, which she enjoys even more, now that she also gets to take the pill. However, the most challenging aspect is the insertion of multiple thinner sounding rods. They have a thin wire with a wide cylinder at the bottom end. After a lot of training, she can insert four rods, wherein the four cylinders are stacked on top of each other. However, having four induvial wires poking out the tip of her cock felt weird and made it difficult to retract in time.

Sister Riley needed nine weeks to pass level 8. However, father Riley forbade the two to exchange any more information about the higher levels.

The mother already knew what was coming, when they took away her wolf family a few days ago, but sister Renata was oblivious when they stepped into the outdoor.

Father John shows them a foal, which the little girl gladly starts breastfeeding. However, her eyes open in shock, when she hears some trampling sounds coming nearer.

“Mom, what is that sound?”

“I think that is the father of this baby foal, my dear.”

“What do you mean? If this is a baby then how big is the ...”

A huge stallion has turned around the corner and is running towards the two girls. But sister Riley tries to calm everyone down by petting the foal and turning the foal to show that it is being breast-fed by her daughter. She succeeds, as the big horse slows down curiously sniffs around the visitors.

Sister Riley presses a button on the wall and a frame with two bars extend from the wall. The horse promptly approaches, conditioned to know that there is going to be some tight hole to fuck. Sister Riley is acting calmly, which removes some of sister Renatas anxiety.

“Today, this stallion is going to fuck my ass, then your ass and your pussy. Don’t be scared, he won’t kill you, because you trained your holes well. First, you pet the stud and then slowly work yourself down until you can make his cock grow.”

Sister Renata is gasping as her mother makes the horse’s cock grow to a length of 45 cm (17.7 inches).

“As you can see, the horse already puts its front legs onto the upper bar. You stand in front of it and hold onto the lower bar. But stand as much as possible in the front, so it can’t thrust too deep. Then you take his cock and ... hnnnnngh ... shove it in your ass. Wow, easy, boy, not so deep. You see? He starts thrusting in my ass, but he can only get half in. Then, you slowly back into him ... ohhh ... you keep going ... uuuaaaaah. Try to find the right angle with your upper body. Stretch yourself upwards and keep your breaths shallow and ...”

Suddenly, sister Renata hears the horse slam against her mom’s ass cheeks. She managed to get him all the way inside her ass. Sister Riley smiles at the girl, trying to take away her fear, while getting her ass ravaged.

After getting her pounded for some time, she keeps explaining.

“Ok, uaaahhh, his breath gets faster. Which means ... hgnnn ... that he is about to ... ah fuck ... he is about to come. You will learn with time. Just ... aaaaaah ... pull out in time and swallow it directly. Or, just let him come inside of you ... aaah ... and drink it from a bucket. Ah... fuck, ok, he is blasting in my ass now. That is a good boy.”

Once the stallion slows down his thrusting a bit, sister Riley steps forward, slowly pulling the entire cock out of her ass. Then she waddles over to a bucket, empties her bowls into it, and shows it to her daughter.

“It is a lot, you see? About half a liter. So, when you want to swallow it directly from his cock, you have to be fast. You go take his cock now. But start with your pussy, it is sturdier than your intestines. Therefore, if you screw up your positioning at your first try, the consequences are less severe. Phew, bottoms up.”

While sister Riley is gulping down, her stunned daughter looks at father John, who only nods for confirmation. The little girl is terrified and does not dare move. Her mother wipes her mouth and takes her by the hand, guiding her to the unknown beast. Sister Renata holds onto the bar and gets pushed forward by her mother, until she has a safe distance. Then, sister Riley grabs the horse cock and guides it to her daughter’s pussy. It takes some twisting and turning, but eventually the giant member drives into the 18-year-old girl.

Thanks to the directions of sister Riley, the stallion does can’t reach the girl’s cervix. But she gently pushes the scared girl backwards, who feels the horse penetrating her deeper and deeper. A painful outcry signals everyone that the stallion finally hit her maximum depth.

Sister Riley caresses the tits of the sobbing girl, trying to distract from getting her pussy ravaged. After some time, she notices that the stallion is getting close to climax and prepares her daughter.

“He is going to come soon. It’s easier to pull him out of your pussy than from your ass. So, I suggest that you already try swallowing from his cock this time. Ok, honey?”

Sister Renata is fighting with clenched teeth, but nods in agreement.

“When I tap your arm, you pull out his cock, turn around and take his dick in your mouth. Wrap your lips around tightly and starts sucking or else you won’t be able to keep up with him.”

Seconds later, the girl gets the signal and she swiftly turns around to shove the giant cock in her mouth. Despite his wild thrusts, she makes sure not to let go and starts drinking as fast as possible. After a while, she falls backwards and takes a deep breath, while her mother pulls her to safety.

“You did it, good job! I’m so proud of you!”

“Ouch, my pussy! He is so strong, mom. I thought he is going to tear me apart any second...”

“But you just learned how to position yourself. You can use your experience to ...”

“... take him in ... my ass? I don’t know if I can ...”

Father John slowly steps up two the two girls sitting on the ground.

“Sister Renata, your mother was able to take a horse in her ass only after being in the institute for over three years. You, on the other hand, haven’t been here for a year yet. But I know you can already do it. You are a pureblood sister after all.”

Sister Renata’s eyes light up and she gets back on her feet with determination. After a few deep breaths, she walks to the horse and holds onto the bar. While leaning forward as much as possible she guides the stallion’s rock-hard member to her ass. The beast promptly starts pushing and forces open the 18-year-olds ass, who cries out in pain, but bravely holds her ground. She wants to back into the horse, but is too scared to take more of his cock into her ass. Sister Riley tries to help her panicking daughter.

“Bend more forward, honey. Try to align you guts with his thrusts. Once you have minimized his cock grinding your intestines, you can move further into him.”

The little girl moves around desperately, trying to reduce the trauma done to her little body. Eventually she finds a sweet spot, but her ass still barely manages to cope with the oversized object.

Under the guidance of her mother, she gradually backs into the horse, taking more and more of its cock up her ass. However, at a depth of 34 cm (13 inches), she refuses to insert more. Only after some motivation by father John does she agree to go up to 38 cm (15 inches).

The stallion enjoys his new fuck hole and pays no attention to the little girl streaming in agony, as her intestines try to accommodate an incompatible cock. Sister Riley desperately sucks on her daughter’s nipples in order to help her cope with the massive insertion.

Eventually, the horse comes and fills her guts with another load of jizz. The little girl promptly pulls out the horse cock and squats over the bucket, emptying her insides while her mother is caressing her back.

“You did great, honey. Thanks for pulling through.”

The little girl sobs quietly, while father John is praising her.

“You can indeed be proud of your achievement, sister Renata. You have been at the institute for about seven months and you already start fucking a horse. Your mother was not even level 5 by that time.”

Just as he had expected, the girl starts smiling and looks at her mother.

“You hear that, mom? I’m quite ahead already. Soon, I’ll overtake you.”

“I know you will. I’m overjoyed to have such an exceptional daughter.”

Sister Riley tries to be supportive, but finds it difficult, seeing how her kindness it not returned.

“And I know I can get even better. Don’t worry, I’ll keep training, father John.”

“That is good to hear. Since you have become this horse’s mare, you can now wear butt plugs with straight hair, just like a horse.”

Sister Renata promptly inserts the new butt plug and immediately struts around with it.

Just as she promised, she keeps practicing and soon after manages to insert a butt plug long enough to touch the ground. From this point on, she tries to show it off as much as possible, asking masters to take her to the park so she can flaunt her achievement in front of the other sisters, who still crawl on the ground.

On her eleventh month at the institute, she passes the requirements for level 9 by being able to take in her ass a circumference of 46 cm (18.1 inches) with a flexible depth of 90 cm (35.4 inches/2.9 feet) and a stiff depth of 47 cm (18.5 inches) and her pussy now can take a circumference of 50 cm (19.7 inches) and a depth of 38 cm (15 inches).

In their new chamber, the girls get to enjoy a bathtub with bubbles and live in a room with luxurious decoration adorned with dazzling chandeliers and carpets.

A month later, father John gathers all the girls that have been at the institute for one year and explains the rules of the upcoming tournament. Sister Renata loves being the only level 9 sister among her peers and belittles the remaining girls who only managed to reach levels 7 and 8.

The tournament has five stages, wherein the girls have to satisfy 50 men, then 10 wolves, followed by 10 masters. Then they have to down a 1-liter (34 ounces) jar of piss and subsequently make a horse come five times. The last girl in each stage is disqualified, leaving five girls for the tournament of the next day.

Sister Riley is allowed to attend the big match, albeit while serving the masters her holes and beverages. The men cheer as sister Renata is crushing her opponents in every round. The masters eventually recognize her mother and convince father John to make her help in the second day.

As a result, sister Riley finds herself on the stage on the next morning, fastening her daughter’s legs to a chair with openings for driving dildos into sister Renatas holes.

Once all five finalists are strapped into their chair, a dildo drives 27 cm (10.6 inches) into each of their pussies and a flexible dildo drives 50 cm (19.7 inches) into each of their asses.

Subsequently, a rigid dildo pushes the flexible dildo into their asses, while the toy in their pussy keeps advancing as well. Eventually, the level 7 sisters have to stop the dildos once they are 70 cm (27.6 inches) in the ass and 33 (13 inches) in the pussy.

While sister Renata and the level 8 sisters can handle the toys pushing further inside, the level 7 sisters have to compensate by having 10 needles inserted into each of their nipples.

The level 8 sisters follow suit at the next stage, while each level 7 sister has to put a kilo weight onto each nipple.

Eventually, even sister Renata has to start compensating and Sister Riley carefully insert needles into her daughter’s nipples, trying to hurt her as little as possible. Having distributed them very evenly, the 1 kilo weights are easier to handle. At the next step, she expands her daughter’s breast implants to their maximum size. Afterwards, she hands sister Renata a liter (0.26 gallon) of horse cum to drink.

At this point, the level 7 sister are already provided remotes that allow them to control inflation of the dildo in their pussy, pumping cum into their ass, or to give up. Furthermore, 2 further liters (0.53 gallons) of cum are placed on a digital scale arranged in front of them.

A big display on a wall shows how much air and cum each of the girls were able to pump into themselves. While all the level 7 and 8 sisters fight close head-to-head battles with each other, sister Renata is far ahead of everyone.

Once very girl has reached her limit, she is untied and lead to a scale that allows calculate the exact amount of content pumped into their bowls in order to take spillage into account.

Only Renata managed to empty her jar and gets to walk her victory lap to the scale to measure the insides of the ass and the volume of the inflated dildo in her pussy. With a total of 7.2 she is more than two liters ahead of the second place.

With much applause, sister Renata is crowned the winner and the young girl basks in the glory of her achievement. Her mother tries to congratulate her, but is not given the chance until they are back in their chamber.

After the tournament, the institute harvests and fertilizes 38 eggs of sister Renata. One of them is planted inside of her and the other eggs are carried to term by surrogate sisters.

Motivated by her triumph, sister Renata keeps training tirelessly despite a little baby girl growing in her womb. A month after the tournament, she finally manages to reach level 10, by taking in her ass a circumference of 50 cm (19.7 inches), a flexible depth of 100 cm (39.4 inches) and a rigid depth of 50 cm (19.7 inches), while her pussy can take a circumference of 55cm (21.7 inches) and a depth of 40cm (15.7 inches).

After achieving this milestone, father John tells her that in order to protect the embryo, she won’t be having sex with the stallion and neither with the wolf once she is 4 months pregnant.

However, the big question of father John is whether she wants to go to her own level 10 chamber.

“Sister Riley is only level 9 and won’t be able to join you if you decide to claim your level 10 chamber.”

The young girl has tries to look thoughtful, but only comes across arrogant.

“I have worked relentlessly to get where I am. Sure, I acknowledge that my mother has helped me at the start, but she is not a pureblood sister. My efforts would be in vain if I restrict myself according to her limited capabilities. Therefore, I wish to claim the level 10 chamber.”

Sister Riley is sitting on the bed with crossed arms and disapproving expression, listening to her daughter.

“That is a lot of empty words for saying that you think you are too good for me.”

“Well, I have achieved a higher rank than you have during my entire life in just a bit over a year, mom.”

“That level 10 chamber can only make you so happy. Won’t you miss me? Won’t you miss being loved?”

“When I won the tournament, everyone loved me.”

“Yes, you do enjoy the adoration. It is always you and what people think of you. I would like to see you once make a sacrifice for someone else. Maybe that will happen once your daughter is born.”

“She will get the genes of a level 10 sister that won the tournament. I would say she is already quite lucky. I would be disappointed if she does not follow in my footsteps.”

Father John interrupts their discussion.

“There is no need to argue. Sister Renata made her decision and will be escorted to her new chamber. As celebration, you will blow your mother one last time, as a farewell gift.”

Sister Renata angrily walks over to her mother and starts sucking on her dick. Realizing that sister Riley has to say goodbye to her daughter, a feeling of deep sadness washes over her. She tries to suppress her sobbing initially, but eventually cries bitter tears. Her misery is amplified when she looks into the resentful eyes of her daughter, who just wants to swallow her cum to get it over with. As sister Riley cries out even louder, her daughter rolls her eyes and deepthroats the cock, trying to milk it faster.

After more time than usual, she finally comes into sister Renatas mouth and collapses to the ground. Her daughter wipes her face and walks up to father John, who makes her look back one more time and explains.

“You know, your body will use some of your mother’s cum to grow the baby in your womb. So, in a way, you both formed the next generation.”

“I suppose so, father John. But that does not give the last generation the right to control my life. Farewell, mother...”

The door closes and sister Riley is alone with her cries.
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