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On a dark and stormy night
The curvy redhead sat at her cheap second hand table, a bottle of cheap wine at her elbow. She held her face in her hands as tears dripped on the table top.

A storm raged outside of the little house her parents had gifted her. She had been sent to this small property they owned in the middle of nowhere to hide her shame.

Kathryn had been a school teacher and had fallen in love with one of her female students almost 3 years ago. She had been found out, turned in by another jealous student.

Her wealthy parents had been able to keep her out of jail. She was to have no contact with Alison. Her parents had also arranged for her to be moved away from Washington State and to the backwater land in Georgia.

She had an account with money to order anything she wanted. Just as long as she stayed out of town.

She had laid low for the past 6 months, she was still heartbroken over the blonde teenager though.

She pushed her curly copper colored hair back out of her eyes and sniffed.

She replaced the cork on the bottle and stood with a little wobble.

“ Great,” she said as she made her way to the kitchen. “On top of it all I am half in the bag.”

She started the coffee pot and dried her face.

Back at the table she sat her coffee down and opened some leftover Chinese food.

Halfway into her second cup of coffee, a sudden knock at the door made her give a small shriek.

The plump ex teacher was terrified, no delivery was due. No one was supposed to know she was here. Her heart was pounding in her ears, she was holding her breath.

Again three sharp knocks light, not like a cop pounding. Almost apologetic or hesitant.

A young girl's voice called out. “Kathryn, let me in please!”

Kathy felt like she might actually be dieing, was this some trick of her mind? Was it a trap?

She had visions of people laying in wait to get some revenge or vigilante justice.

Three more knocks “ Kathryn please it's cold.”

Kathy got up and headed toward the door, unable to help herself. A huge weight of impending doom over her head.

She looked out of the window in the door, and with a shaking hand turned on the porch light.

A blonde teenage girl with electric blue eyes stared back.

“Nononononono.” She said, the girl was stark naked too boot.

“Please, let me in Katherine, I can explain everything.”

On the edge of a complete breakdown Kathy fumbled with the door and opened it.

The naked girl came in and shut the door behind her. “Please sit down Kathryn, you look like you are going to collapse.”

As Kathy sat down the girl darted into the bathroom. Kathryn looked around the room with wild eyes, waiting for a bunch of cops to kick the door in.

From the bathroom the girl spoke. “Don't be afraid no one knows I am here, the port opened on the other side of the yard.”

The sounds of someone drying themselves with a towel could be heard. A few minutes later the girl came out wrapped in a large towel. Her shoulder length blonde hair hung down looking perfect.

She was five feet tall and maybe 105 lbs. Her skin was as flawless as her smile.

The girl carried another dry towel as she approached the shivering redhead. As she draped the towel over Kathryn's shoulders like a blanket, she kissed the older woman. Just a quick pick and she stood back.

“Alison sent me.” The girl said, “Or will send me? I get confused with the timelines.”

Kathy did not have any idea what that meant, her teeth began to chatter as she felt shock fall over her like ice.

Seeing the signs of shock taking hold of Kathryn, the girl got up and turned on the heater. She walked around behind the svelte woman and grabbed the back of her chair.

With no sign or sound of effort she lifted the 200 pound woman chair and all. As if Kathy was no more than a stuffed doll the girl moved her next to the heater.

Katherine no longer had any more capacity to be astonished.

This girl looked so much like Alison that she could be her sister. In a shaky voice she asked. “For the love of God, what is going on?”

“You can call me Jennifer.” she said as she rummaged through boxes Kathy had not yet had the will to unpack.

The girl dropped the towel exposing her naked back and perfect ass. She slid into a silky almost see through bit of lingerie. This sexy apparel had been bought for Alison but never given.

With her eyes bugging out Kathryn asked. “How did you know where that was?”

“Alison told me, she sent me here to help you prepare to go to her.”

“I can't even be in the same state as her!” Kathy cried, fresh tears spilled from her eyes.

Jennifer gave her a kind smile. “Yes, at this time yes. I was sent here to fix that, that's why I was made.”

The girl came to her and sat on the older woman's lap, her legs spread.

Jennifer wrapped her arms around Kathy and held her close. She whispered in the woman's ear. “She loves you and is waiting for you, she sent me to keep you safe and to love you.”

“Made you? What the Hell does that mean?”

The girl kissed her open mouth, slipping her tongue into the woman's mouth.

It was just like kissing Alison, in her confused mind Kathryn grabbed onto this familiar feeling.

She pulled the teenager to her and began to kiss her with growing passion.

Jenifer opened the front of Kathryn's robe, the chubby woman was nude underneath. Small hands pinched at her bright red nipples.

The girl kissed her way down Kathy's neck, her pale, freckled skin shining in the night.

The heartbroken woman was unable to resist the first warmth and tenderness she had received in a year.

As Jennifer closed her mouth on Kathy's nipple the older woman drew a ragged breath and had a small orgasm.

It was exactly how Alison used to suckle at her, light pressure and a fluttering tongue. The girl stoked the small of her back in that sensitive spot above her tail bone.

Kathryn ran her right hand down the girls back to cup her round ass cheek. Her left hand stroked the blonde hair, she noticed the hair was perfectly dry.

Gently Kathy pulled Jennifer back to look into her angelic face. “I don't understand, why is your hair dry? Who are you really? How do you know all Allison's tricks? Please tell me I feel like I am going crazy.”

Tears brimmed in the redhead's eyes as she spoke. Jennifer kissed the tears away.

“Alison made me and sent me here to help you. I am a construct, an artificial person.”

Kathryn was stunned again, she knew one of them was crazy at the least. Hell they both might be, there was no way this could be true.

“ But, you feel and taste like a real person, are you saying you are a robot or something?” The smallest bit of panic slipped into her voice.

Jennifer took the woman's right hand and moved it down to her hairless mound. “I am real, feel me Kissing you made me wet. Ali made me for you to help you set everything in motion.”

The girl arched her back as the MILF rubbed her little clit up and down. “Yes, just like that! Tomorrow we will go into town and I will give you the numbers for the Powerball.”

Without stopping her stimulation of the teenage pussy Kathy asked. “ why, and how do you know them?”

In a dreamy voice Jennifer answered. “ I am from the future we will set up a bank account that Alison can access for her to fund her research.”

The girl had both hands on the woman's shoulders now and was rocking her young hips back and forth. Kathryn could hear her breathing harder as her orgasm approached.

“But,” Kathy started. “ That's insane, I have to be going mad.”

The girl stiffened and her eyes rolled back in her head, her strong legs clamped around Kathy and the chair. She could hear the wooden chair creak and pop, it was close to snapping.

Ignoring the risk she plunges a finger up the girls pussy and rubbed her G-spot furiously.

The young blonde shivered faster and faster until she froze like a statue. Her pussy clamped down so hard Kathy's finger ached.

In a few moments the girl relaxed and leaned forward while taking a deep breath. “ Alison was right, you are like a Goddess when you do that.”

The little blonde girl hops up and grabs Kathy by the hand and leads her to the bedroom.

“ Lay down Kathy, I want to taste you, my mouth is watering.”
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