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Rebecca Stars In Her First Porno
Nefrititi And The Making Of A King

The morning after the pool party, I sulked around my apartment, hating myself for what I did and had to endure. I wanted to talk to someone about it, but I knew I couldn’t tell anyone that sordid tale. I cried off and on all morning, feeling sorry for myself. After lunch and a nap, I sat on the couch and opened the movie ***********s Mr. French had given me. The first one is “Nefrititi And The Making of a King” and the second is “Nefrititi and Virgins of the Nile.” I was to play the queen of Egypt in the first two movies. I opened the ***********, and the first scene was the queen welcoming eight warriors who would try to woo the queen and become the next king.

I had some dialogue where I addressed the men, and then it said “love scene.” I wondered what that meant. Nothing was spelled out, but I figured maybe it was with the warrior who beat out the others. I opened the *********** for “Virgins of the Nile,” I welcomed the of-age virgin men from the city to my chambers and urged them to impregnate the young women of childbearing age to replace the population of men lost by war. I had a page of dialogue, and then it said the ceremony for the virgins begins, but it didn’t spell out what that would entail.

It looked pretty benign, so I curled up and took a nap. When I woke, I received a text from Mr. Habel saying we were rehearsing and shooting the first movie on Tuesday. The first scene would be rehearsed and shot in the morning, and the second would be shot after lunch.

‘What happens in the “love scene”? I inquired.

“I’m not sure, I haven’t seen the ***********. I would imagine you in bed with an actor,” he replied.

“Am I having sex with this man?” I asked.

“It can be real or simulated,” he responded.

“I see,” I answered.”

“ I want to take you shopping tomorrow on Rodeo Blvd. You have to start doing public appearances this Saturday. Plus, I may have a commercial for you this week. It’s a German beer company,” He said

“Oh, wow, cool,” I replied, perking up a bit.

My driver picked me up the next day, and we went to Rodeo Blvd. I met Mr. Habel, and we shopped at all the high-end shops. We bought leather micro skirts, plaid micro skirts, micro dresses, and see-through dresses. We also bought see-through tops, chain tops, see-through tube tops, and lace crop tops. And then I got the shoes, six-inch heels, black knee-high clogs; I got everything I wanted. The back of my limo was full of boxes as I drove home. I opened the boxes like it was Christmas morning, trying on my outfits and shoes. For a moment, I was in heaven.

Tuesday came, and I was so nervous as my driver picked me up. I arrived at the studio and met Mr. Habel.

“Are you ready, Rebecca? Today’s your big day,” He said, kissing my cheek.

“I’m so nervous. I’m crawling out of my skin,” I told him.

He pulled me over to the water cooler, filled a cup with water, and handed it to me. Then he pulled a vile out of his pocket and shook three pills into my palm.

“Here, take these. They’ll help you relax,” He told me.

“What are these,” I asked.

“All the girls take these to relax before their shoots,” He told me.

I took the pills and went to makeup and wardrobe as I tried to remember my lines. I was fitted with a tiara with a serpent in front and amulets on my arms that were also in the shape of serpents. I was fitted with a breastplate that bared my breasts and a loin cloth that almost covered my pussy. I was beginning to feel very spacey and numb but still lucid. I walked into the set, which looked pretty cheesy, with a hand-painted view of the pyramids outside a building.

There was a throne on a large pedestal and large vases with plants in them. If I hadn’t been high, I would have laughed. After my makeup, I was led onto the set, and six men were brought in. They were all well over six feet and looked like bodybuilders. They wore leather Shimys like the Egyptian warriors. It took me five takes to get my lines correct. I was so embarrassed. The director asked If I wanted to break for lunch or start the next scene. Mr Habel gave me three more pills and said.

“Do the scene now while you’re in the mood for it,”

“Wait, what? I asked, confused.

“What will it be, Rebecca,” The director said.

I was very spacey, and a strange feeling was coming over me.

“Um, yeah, sure, let’s do it,” I mumbled.

I started feeling very hot. My face flushed, and my breathing was shallow. I walked to the set, followed by the six actors. The set was covered by a curtain. I looked around confused, wondering what was going on. The curtain opened, and I saw cameramen, the producer, Mr. French, and Mr. Habel sitting in director chairs, and a number of people in the backdrop. A large round bed sat on a pedestal, covered in pillows in the middle of the set.

“Quiet on the set,” The director said.

“Rebecca, take your position on the platform; stand on the X,” He told me.

A production assistant helped me onto the platform and into place, then removed my breastplate and loin cloth. I was naked,

“Wait, no, my costume,” I cried.

“Rebecca, your line is,” Come, warriors, claim your queen,” the director told me.

‘What?” I said, confused.

“Rebecca, please read the cue card,” the director said.

“Come, warriors, claim your queen,” I said, wodering what the fuck that meant.

The men climbed onto the pedestal and dropped their clothes, laying me in bed and joining me. It was happening again. I was about to fuck a bunch of men. The men positioned me on the bed on my back with my legs spread at the hips, and my knees bent. Men took up positions between my legs and in front of my face.

“Wait, what’s going on,” I asked confused.

I felt a cock slide into my fuck slot, and the tip of a cock bumped my lips.

“Come on, baby, it’s show time,” the man said.

I opened my mouth and sucked my first cock of the day.

“Um, um,” I moaned as the big cock split me open, opening my eyes.

The men began my split roast as two cocks were put in my hands to stroke.

All of the men on the bed with me were chosen by the size of their cocks; all were better than ten inches and super fat. I was going to get my brains fucked out today. The men started fucking me, and I was on sensory overload. Whatever Mr. Habel had given me had me craving cock, and I began giving back what I was getting. I sucked and fucked like a woman possessed.

“Um, um, um, I moaned as my head bobbed furiously on the cock in my mouth.

I was already feeling the fat cock in my cunt driving me to my first orgasm. The men had been instructed to pull the cock from my mouth when I came so I could express my pleasure. Our bodies rocked as we fuck, I was sweating like crazy, fighting to get all the cock I could. Two men lay by my side me and began sucking my nipples, and after a minute, I launched into my first orgasm. My body shook, and the cock was pulled from my lips.

“Oh, oh, fucking fuck me, I’m coming,” I squealed to the delight of the onlookers.

There were people behind the cameras watching me getting fucked. Mr. French was beaming at my performance; as Mr. Habel watched, he realized his talented new girl was going to be a major porn star. My orgasm was over; I sucked the cock back into my mouth and sucked it hard.

“Oh, oh, oh,” My would-be king fucking me exclaimed as he filled his queen with sperm.

Another suitor took his place, and my body rocked again as we fucked for the cameras. The warrior I was sucking was about to give up his load to his queen.

“Um, oh, fuck,” He moaned as his balls emptied into his queen's mouth.

“Um,” I moaned as I swallowed his thick load of cum.

The cock in my pussy was long and banged my cervix as our body's slammed into one another. My snatch was stuffed with cock, the feeling on the bed electric. The men could tell I was hot and wild and used it to their advantage.

“More cock, more cock,” I screamed.

The men re-positioned me on the bed, and a third cock was added to my asshole.

“Um, Um, Um, I moaned loudly, as the well-lubed cock found its home buried in my bowels.

All six men were interacting with me on the bed, and the only thoughts in my head were orgasms and more cock. My body shook again, and my hips fought for every inch of cock in my pussy.

“Fuck, oh fuck fuck me,” I squealed as I had a massive orgasm.

My mind went blank as constant pleasure coursed through my body, and I fucked and sucked the six men for the next hour, all being caught on film. And then it stopped, all six men standing around me as I lay on the bed exhausted and in a puddle of cum.

“Cut,” The director said.

“Marvelous, marvelous,” I heard Mr. French offering.

A stagehand came up and helped me off the bed, and a man taped a bag of something to my back and ran a thin tube through my butt cheeks and the small bulb at the end into my sloppy well fucked pussy.

“Ok, lay back down like you were and wait for directions from the director,” I was told.

I was helped back to the bed as the director approached.

“Alright, Rebecca. You’ll get out of bed and stand proudly in front of the men with your hands on your hips and legs spread until I give you the signal. Then, reach your hand out to Ben. He’s the man standing right in front of you. He’s the one you’ve chosen to be your king, Show him to the other men and then kneel and start sucking his cock to show him homage, then we’ll cut,” The director told me.

I was helped back to bed, and the men gathered around

“Action,” The director yelled.

I slowly got out of bed, stood on the pedestal, and felt a slight buzzing on my back. I spread my legs slightly and put my hands on my hips, and a thick white liquid began to drip from my pussy onto the floor. The men knelt and saluted their queen as fake cum dripped steadily from my twat. I reached out to my new king, and he ascended onto the pedestal as I showed him to the other men. I dropped to my knees and began to suck his cock.

“Cut and wrap. That was outstanding, people, Rebecca, you were amazing, The director yelled.

A stagehand took the cum machine off me and put a robe on me as the cast and crew came up and congratulated me on a great performance.

“Rebecca, that was amazing, you were wonderful, come to my office before you dress,” Mr. French said, winking at me.

Mr, Habel walked up to me and showed me my first check.

“So, I guessI’m a porn star now,” I looked him in the eye and said.

“That you are my dear, that you are,” he said smiling.

“I think Mr French wants a fuck before I leave,” I offered.

“Yeah I’m sure, he’s all horned up.” Mr. Habel said laughing.

I went to Mr French’s office and fucked him before I dressed and took my limo home.
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