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Rachael is down on her luck after losing her job, her boyfriend, and all her stuff due to a little misunderstanding. And then it starts raining. A girl will do almost anything under those circumstances, even if it means finding out she isn't the person she thinks she is. This is a book by Rachael Ross
I awoke in my room, on my bed with my mates. My head felt numb and my body ached and I was afraid to open my eyes, although I couldn't say why. I just felt safer in the dark. I hugged one of the dogs to my body, burying my face in his fur.

I remembered some things from the night before, or I supposed it could have been the week before, since I felt like I'd been sleeping forever and my memories seemed distant and remote. They were surreal and disjointed, and I lay there trying to put them in some order, but that was pointless. It just made the numbness turn into a little throbbing pain and I tried to shut it all out of me.

Eventually though I did have to move, mostly because I really needed to pee. That was when I got a real surprise. The dreams and memories and confusion were foggy at best, but seeing my breasts, my nipples swollen and dark and freshly pierced with gleaming white bone rings, brought some of it back. The hut or lodge, or whatever it had been, and the old medicine man piercing me. They were smaller than I remembered, more delicate seeming, and it was hard to believe they were formed of bone and not something like white gold made dull with passing years.

And below them was another piercing, one that took me completely by surprise because I truly had no memory of it at all. A much larger, more sturdy ring of bone was sticking through the swell of my sex, the fatty mound of tissue just a few inches above the cleft of my vagina. I stared at it, swallowing hard because as soon as I'd seen it I could feel the pain, like it had been there all along unnoticed, just waiting for me to catch up. There were bruises, dull and yellowish blue, and the holes in my flesh, one perhaps an inch above the other where the ring penetrated and exited, were red and sore.

It was in me deep, I realized, this thick circle of bone, and it was frightening. It was a couple inches in diameter and so neatly crafted that I couldn't see the joint where it must have been separated, but that part of it could have been inside me too, for all I knew. I wasn't going to try and rotate the thing and find out, that was for certain. It was all I could do to give the ring a small tug, just a tiny one as if to assure myself that it was real and in me. The pain, which had been a dull ache, became something sharp as I pulled on the ring gently, making me gasp and I let go, promising myself that I'd never do that again!

The lines and decorations and symbols drawn in blood were still on my body as well and after I peed in the drain I washed myself slowly, being extra careful around my three rings. Most of the blood and the ashes and paint on my face washed away, but not all. My tummy still had a large round shaped symbol of some sort, resembling a yin-yang thing, but not quite, with odd shaped lines radiating around it. It wasn't large, and centered on my belly button the way it was, I suppose it looked rather interesting. A real tribal tattoo that wouldn't go away no matter how much soap I used and I'd known a girl with a similar one, a dancer whose name I've forgotten. She'd had a sun around her belly button, but I sensed that my tattoo meant something more than hers. I just didn't know what it might be.

There were claw marks around my ribs and waist, and tooth marks on my shoulders and the back of my neck. Seeing them and touching the wounds filled me with confused memories of the wolf and our union. I'd been sure that had been a dream. Mating with a wolf? In front of all those people, even women and children? It seemed impossible and I actually blushed a little, all by myself there at my bath, realizing it might not have been so impossible after all, but that did little in the way of explaining anything. There was a conflict inside me. Fear and nervous anxiety, perhaps even anger filled me, but without direction or even a cause that I could understand.

I felt more confused than I'd ever been in my life and for just a moment I think my humanity returned, full force, and I rose to my feet, taking two steps towards the door and determined to bang my fist against it, to demand explanations and answers...

But that was fleeting and I dropped to my hands and knees, my resolve failing, and crept back to the bedding submissively, yielding to something unseen and unknown within me. I crawled back into my place, between Bandy and Bush, moving slowly and careful of the deep rooted pain in my lower belly. The ring, that one thing, was the most difficult to understand and accept; the most frightening thing too and I worried over it. My nipples I could understand, the tattoo I could appreciate and find something familiar to grasp, but my pubis pierced me so completely. It made me wonder of what possible use such a thing could be.

I received no answers, nor did I ask, and over time my body healed itself. I forgot most of my dreams, but not completely as they revisited me occasionally in my sleep. But they weren't nightmares or anything, they resembled more the sexual dreams everyone has once in awhile. Sometimes I'd dream of Whitecloud touching me, making his art on my body, piercing my flesh without pain, but rather with pleasure. Other times it was the wolf, my shadowy lover who would creep into my bed and take me, growling and thrusting with his jaws tight around my neck. But mostly I would dream of the Indian called Red Crow, who would give me something to drink and whisper secrets in my ear. But I could never remember what he was telling me when I woke up, and that was mildly frustrating.

My Master took to leashing me, which was interesting because he'd never leashed any of us before. I hadn't even considered that he might own a leash, let alone use one. But he did and the reason for my nipple piercings became clear the first time he attached the leash to them. It was a long leather leash, like anyone might buy at a pet store, except that it ended with two lengths of metal chain and clips; one for each of my breasts.

He didn't need to leash me, of course, but it was clear that he found some pleasure in it and so then did I. He would take me for walks, tugging the leash and pulling my nipples taut. They were always hard and swollen it seemed, one of the pleasant side effects of being pierced, I guess. They felt more sensitive than they'd been before and sometimes I would lag and caper so that Master would have good reason to pull my leash hard, stretching my nipples and the firm swell of my breasts. It was almost painful at times, but always pleasurable and I could cum sometimes just from that, walking behind my Master, or crawling in the deep soft grass and earth of the fields.

I also found out about the ring in my pubis, which had taken many months to heal fully. It was nearly winter in fact, late autumn, with each day shrouded with grey clouds and cold rain, that my Master fastened a large eye-bolt into the floor of our room. We watched curiously, my three mates and I, as Master drilled a deep hole as big around as my index finger and then inserted the bolt deeply into the floor and through one of the heavy oak beams that supported it. It was anchored firmly, that was obvious, and as our Master explained later, the bolt was embedded completely through the wood and fixed tightly into place with a nut. That eye-bolt, perhaps two inches across, wasn't ever going to come loose.

An hour later I was attached to it, on my hands and knees with just enough chain between the bolt and the piercing in my pubic mound so that I was able to kneel comfortably on all fours, with my arms and thighs straight. But I couldn't move much. I couldn't stand up at all. The best I could do was to squat over it, or lay down on my side little more than a foot or two away from it. I was in a cage it seemed, with no walls or bars, just a few dozen links of steel and a couple padlocks to secure me completely.

I resented my loss of freedom at first, as any pet might, especially once Master had satisfied himself that I couldn't get loose of it somehow and he left me there. That seemed unfair since I was sure he'd done it for his pleasure, so why would he leave? It didn't make sense to me and I barked and whined and pulled at the chain until I felt the pain growing too much. My piercing would rip out of my flesh before the bolt splintered the wood or the chain would break.

My mates took me of course, since I was in the perfect position for them and I found it exciting somehow that I was helpless like that. I wouldn't have resisted them anyway. I mated very nearly every day with at least one of them, but it was just the idea that now I had little choice in the matter. I could have lain down and tried to curl up, I suppose, but you'd be surprised how little freedom you really have with a short heavy chain attached to your sex. So while I wasn't completely taken against my will, there was always the knowledge that my denial would be useless. I had no choice and on the whole it made the sex even better for me. The first time felt new and exciting. and halfway through it, with Bush pumping my stretched pussy eagerly, our Master joined us, smiling and rocking in his chair. This was what he'd been waiting for, I thought, and that made it really good.

Once all three dogs had taken me, Master took his place behind me, shoving his penis into my stretched and sperm filled hole without a word. He fucked me hard and it was nice, the way he pushed and pulled at my body so that my piercing was tight inside my flesh. He pulled at my nipples as well, twisting the rings and giving them little tugs that sent shivers of pleasure spiked with pain through my feverish body. I came hard and often, panting and gazing over my shoulder at my Master's face. The satisfaction in his eyes made me proud and happy that I could serve him this way.

It was a new experience and one that we delighted in often. Master rarely kept me chained for more than a few hours, just long enough so that the dogs could have me and then, occasionally, himself. For their part, my three mates thought it was a wonderful game and they always got excited when they heard the rattle of my chains and saw our Master locking me into position over the bolt. It meant they could do whatever they wanted, since there were times when I did refuse them, just as there were times when I couldn't arouse them. Once on the chain though, I could refuse them nothing, nor could I refuse anyone else as became apparent when Master locked me to the bolt for his friend, the round faced Indian who'd spoken to Master previously that summer about Whitecloud.

He'd come around many times over the months, especially after my ceremony with the tribe. Often enough that my three mates had become used to him, just as I had. He and our Master had become friends, I thought, which was good because Master seldom spent time with anyone that I could tell and I worried over that a little. It seemed as if he should have a wife and sometimes I would daydream a little, wondering what it would be like to be a woman again and have the man for a partner, instead of a Master. But I always found myself smiling at the thought and even blushing a little because it seemed so foolish when he whistled for me, or stroked my head after a meal or a long tiring session with one of the other dogs. I was exactly what I was meant to be, I was sure, and anything else would have left me empty somehow, the way I'd been before.

The Indian man was large and round with a belly that hung over his belt, and he had one of those pleasant moon-like faces that seemed made for smiling. I felt comfortable around him, which means I wasn't afraid or intimidated. I'd felt only slight pangs of nervousness the first few times he'd watched me with my mates, a little flush of embarrassment, but probably more for him than myself. That passed quickly though as it became obvious that he enjoyed watching me a great deal and my Master didn't seem to mind. They would sit and drink beer and talk about the weather or sports or business, anything except me, which seemed strange because I was only a few feet away being fucked by one of the dogs. Or sucking one of them, or sometimes both at once. I assumed it was a man thing, to watch something exciting and pretend like it was nothing at all.

But I could see them shifting in their chairs. I heard the odd grunt or sigh and sensed the hardening of their cock's hidden safely away. I could even smell them, sometimes, the scent of their human arousal spilling from their pores and carried on the damp autumn air. It made me happy, excited even, and often filled me with even greater desire to please the two men.

But my Master never took me when his friend was there and when Master offered me to his Indian guest one night, the other man declined and I was able to hide my disappointment only because I had Barley's thick cock halfway down my throat at the time. I wondered if the man was shy for some reason, or perhaps he found the idea of having sex with a dog repulsive. Even a dog who looked like a girl, the way I did. Maybe he just wasn't in the mood, although from the way his eyes stayed on me all night, I knew he wanted me almost desperately.

It was only late in the year, after the first few snows had come and then melted and come again, did the Indian finally listen to his desires. I was locked to the bolt in the middle of the room, mating happily with Barley and just getting ready for the explosion of pleasure his knot was going to give me, when I heard my Master urging his friend to use me.

"Go ahead, looks like Barley's gonna lock her up in a second. She won't mind," my Master said with a chuckle and a swallow of his beer.

"Well, uh..."

I watched the Indian through hooded eyes, my face a mask of joy as Barley thrust into me hard and fast, whining the way he does when he's trying to get his knot inside my pussy.

"Shit. You know you want her, Joe."

"But she's your..."

"She's just my dog, man," Master cut the Indian off. "Anyway, it's up to you." He was trying to sound indifferent but I could sense Master'sexcitement and it was the equal of his friend's.

The Indian wanted me and my Master wanted to see him take me. I wanted to take him as well, mostly because it would make my Master happy, but also because I was a little curious. So I did everything I could to coax the man into deciding. I fucked myself back onto Barley's cock eagerly, surprising the dog a little, I think, and he growled at me softly. I was having small orgasms over and over, but nothing earth shattering. It just felt really, really nice. I was full of cock and I rolled my hips, whining like a bitch in rapturous heat, dropping my head at times, and then lifting my eyes, licking my lips and staring at the Indian as if daring him to take me.

Barley was cumming hard, the way he always does, and like always his tapered cockhead was nestled up close to my cervix so that his sperm seemed to shoot right through me, like a hot buttery bullet into my womb. I always came good with Barley when he climaxed and this time was no exception. I dropped my head to the floor, shaking and clawing at the hard wood beneath my hands. Butterflies danced in my belly and sparklers were glowing behind my tightly shut eyes.

I felt someone's hand under my chin, lifting my face carefully and I dimly realized it wasn't my Master's touch. I opened my eyes, gasping for air with my mouth open and my tongue resting on my bottom lip. It was the Indian and he'd unzipped his jeans, kneeling in front of me so that his large dark penis hung free in front of my face. He was a big man, as I've said, probably three times my weight, and so his penis was suitably large too. As large as Barley's I thought, and thick from the base to the bulbous head, unlike a dog's which is tapered and more oblong. It was stiff, but heavy enough that it didn't stick out straight, but seemed to curve away from his body and downwards.

I could smell him, the man's sweat and piss and the musk of his excitement. He had been leaking precum for awhile and his cockhead was shiny with it. He was uncircumcised also and the skin had been pulled back to expose most of the head, but not all. I tilted my head up so that I could take him in my mouth, coming up from underneath and he was hot and strange tasting, so similar yet unlike my Master who watched us with a smile.

"Ohhhh, good Lordy!" the Indian sighed, turning to glance at my Master and then reaching down to stroke my hair as I sucked him slowly, careful not to bite him or anything. He was thicker than the dogs and it was quite nice for me, sort of a challenge if you like, to take all of him. He uttered soft words of praise, like he was complimenting a favored pet, saying things like "Good girl, Dare ... Good doggy..."

I was burning up inside from the pleasure of Barley's hot cum filling me and trapped by his knot. His cock was still hard and long, not moving very much, but occasionally throbbing just enough so I could feel it. He'd leak sperm into my womb until he pulled out some 15 or 20 minutes later. It always took longer for the swelling to go down than our actual sex lasted and there had been times when the dogs lost patience, pulling away from me painfully, so that my cunt seemed to be turning inside out. Any of them were large enough to drag me around the room, and that had happened once or twice, but now they were more used to me and their patience had grown considerably.

So I had a good long time to work on the man's cock with my mouth, licking it first, from the tip to the base, sliding it between my lips like a long wet kiss along the shaft. He pulled his balls free for me, large heavy, plum sized orbs within a soft wrinkled sack that smelled strongly of the man's sweat. His skin was salty and I enjoyed the taste as I licked and sucked his balls. He seemed to like that quite a lot and he laughed at the way his huge penis covered my face. He just let it lay there, over my nose and eyes, curling up over my smooth forehead and into my thick shaggy hair. I didn't mind, it was warm and wet and I could feel the rapid beating of his heart through the veins that ran close under the skin.

When I returned to his cock, taking him into my mouth, I had to stretch my jaws wide, and still my teeth grazed his tender flesh, but the man didn't seem to mind. I tried to be careful, but my mouth was full of his cock and there was little I could do but wriggle my tongue beneath it and fight to take him deeper, wondering if he'd fit inside my too small throat. My mouth quickly filled with spit and precum and that helped so that I was swallowing constantly and it was just a matter of time and timing.

When I finally did take the man into my throat, pushing my face forward and groaning with the effort, the Indian lost any reservations he might have had left. He held my head in his hands, pushing forward to help me and I soon had my face pressed against his clothing, my chin tight to his heavy balls. His thickness was stretching my throat beyond all reason as I tried my best to swallow him entirely. I couldn't breathe, of course, and while he held me there I could feel my lungs aching and the blood seemed trapped behind my eyes. It wasn't exactly fun, that part of it, but very satisfying all the same. When he released me and I pulled my mouth away with a small flood of wetness that fell to the floor beneath me, I gasped for air, drinking it as I stared at the cock I'd just swallowed, feeling a little proud of myself and determined to do it again.

It was a good long blowjob and I deep throated the Indian a dozen times probably, until my throat ached from the abuse of being stretched so rudely around the man's cock. The man, and even my Master, was surprised and a little awed, I think, and listening to them talk about how good I was doing made it even better for me.

"Christ almighty..." the Indian was saying, " ... feel her throat. You can feel it in there!" His fingers were rubbing along my neck, stroking my skin as his cock seemed to make my flesh swell around it.

"Bet your wife never did that." My Master had moved closer, standing there above us.

"Hell no!" The man chuckled as I pulled my mouth back slowly until I could drink cool air into my lungs once more. "She won't even give it a kiss!" He stroked my head, digging his fingers into my black hair so he could scratch my scalp gently. "You wanna sell her?"

My Master shook his head. "Heh ... Dog like that's one a million, buddy," he said, much to my relief. I didn't really believe he'd ever want to sell me anyway, but it was rewarding to hear my Master say so aloud.

"You got that right. Shit ... there she goes again..."

It was strange, I suppose, being talked about that way. Being used and treated like little more than an object, but that's the way of men and dogs, and I didn't mind it at all. They admired me, I understood that much, perhaps even loved me, or at least there was a deep affection for me on the part of my Master. My feelings were less complicated I think. I loved my Master, and felt nothing but dedication and devotion. He was incapable of making a mistake, of being unfair or even selfish. I was his, the same way the other three dogs were, and it made us happy to be owned.

I sucked the man until Barley had finished, his knot shrinking enough so that he could pull away, but he didn't move very far. He cleaned me first, which was something they usually did last, after they'd cleaned themselves, but I think he wanted to make the point that I was his bitch, no matter what the Indian might have been doing with my face. The other two, Bandy and Bush, had stayed on our bed, watching us closely and especially the stranger in our midst. The Indian could watch, he could fuck my mouth and joke with our Master, but none of us trusted him. We were owned, yes, but inside every dog there's something wild and untamed. Hidden deep in some, but always there and people tend to forget that.

Our Master never did and while his friend was visiting, and now using his bitch, Master continually reminded all of us that he was there and it was alright. He would shush my brothers, or call them by name, like when the Indian had taken my head in his hands so he could feed me his penis. Bush had started to rise, growling because he didn't understand. Our Master had called to him, telling him to get back down, and so the animal had, but Bush didn't like it. This business of sharing me with a stranger was new to them and the Indian himself was oblivious to it, concentrating on the pleasure I was giving him, which was probably a good thing. He didn't need to know how close he was to being challenged for the right to mate with me.

"Can I, uh..." the man spoke to my Master, licking his lips a few moments after Barley had finished licking me.

"You wanna fuck her?" my Master asked. "Be my guest, just don't give her puppies," he grinned.

"I'll pull out," the Indian promised and I was just coming down from a glorious orgasm that Barley had given me with his tongue.

My Master took his friend's place, presenting his smaller, more normal sized penis to my face and I took him inside my mouth quickly, enjoying the familiar size and shape of him. But I did miss the Indian's large cock, it had been interesting while it lasted, although my jaw ached and my throat felt bruised and sore.

The Indian moved behind me and Bandy jumped to his feet, growling and lowering his head and shoulders. Barley and Bush were also up suddenly, sensing that the stranger was going to try and fuck me. Their bodies tensed and I pulled my mouth away, growling weakly even as our Master spoke to them in a stern voice, but they weren't going to listen. It was one thing to play with me, which was what oral sex was, just playing really, but quite another to see their bitch mated with the man.

"Uhhh ... Maybe I'll try it another time," the Indian decided. I guess he also figured he'd better put away his big penis before Bandy decided to take a bite out of it.

It was disappointing to me because I'd been looking forward to feeling the man inside me, wondering how it would feel. I think it disappointed our Master a little as well, or maybe even embarrassed him a bit, since it seemed he couldn't control his dogs. I felt a little bad about it, especially since I didn't even get to finish sucking my Master's penis. He and his friend left our room soon after that, leaving me chained in place and the dogs barking proudly to let the world know they'd run the stranger off. I was a little mad at them and it was almost a week before I let any of them mate with me again.


2024-11-10 02:17:45
It gets better and better l

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