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A partly fictional story based on real characters who do exist. See Ch.1 heading for more
I woke to find Elise was already up and I got out of her bed to shower. I pulled just my jeans on and went to her kitchen. In the kitchen was a pot of fresh coffee and a couple of Danish. I breakfasted and was clearing up when she returned from downstairs.

"Good morning, Rip Van Winkle. Do you know that some of us still have to work on Sundays?"

I guessed that she had been doing the bar’s books as I slept.

She hugged and kissed me briefly before taking one of the Danishes and started to eat it.

"Morning to you too. Some of us need more than six hours of sleep."

Her hair was in a ponytail that swung as she turned to pour herself some coffee. Cream and sugar went into it and she drank some to wash down the Danish. She was wearing a t-shirt dress with Havaianas on her feet and by the obvious sight of her nipples tenting the dress, nothing else. I was thinking that she could wear a trash bag and make it look sexy.

"Wait there I'll get your zimmer, it is in the hallway!"

Elise squealed and laughed as I grabbed around her waist.

"Zimmer? I'll show you who needs a zimmer."

She responded to my kiss with her hands either side of my face and pressing her breasts against my chest. I cupped her ass cheeks and pulled her hard against my swelling cock.

She pulled back from the kiss and said, "At least one part of you is wide awake! What do you intend to do with it?"

"What I would have been doing with it if you had been next to me when I woke up."

"Well what are you wasting time for then?"

Elise put her arms around my neck and jumped up to clamp her legs around my waist with the dress riding up her thighs. My hands went to her ass and supported her. She put her lips to my ear and whispered, "Take me to bed and make love to me, Ger. Make me come hard with your cock. No need for foreplay, just make me come." She put her lips to my neck and nibbled it.

We got to her bed and I lowered her onto it as she released her thighs from my waist. She wriggled the dress off in a flash and was stroking her clit as I got out of my jeans. My erect dick sprang up free from the restraint of my jeans. She raised her knees and parted her thighs still stroking her clit. As I knelt between her thighs she slid two fingers between her pussy lips and drew them out glistening with her juices. She pressed them against my lips and I parted them to let her put them in my mouth. I licked her fingers clean and sucked on them as she looked into my eyes. Her green eyes had those flecks of gold again and they were mesmerizing. Her mouth was parted and her chest heaved as she drew in a breath. She put her hands up level with her head as I put the head of my rampant dick against her outer lips. Elise lifted her hips to encourage me to enter her and I slid easily into her soaking wet hole.

I put my hands over hers and she curled her fingers between mine as our arms pressed against each other. My pelvis pressed against her mound and she sighed contently tightening the grip of her fingers. I looked at her face surrounded by her fanned out hair. She looked like an angel with a halo. Her tongue slid along her lips and I pressed mine against them. As I slowly stroked my rigid shaft in her pussy, her tongue invaded my mouth and sought out mine hungrily.

The wet heat of her pussy walls on my hardness was incredible and I could feel her muscles pulse against it. Every time I filled her I ground against her clit making her push her hips up. My strokes became faster and her little moans vibrated on my lips. I broke the kiss to suck on her neck and she swung her legs across my waist locking her ankles behind me. Elise stretched her head back, closing her eyes and gave soft whimpers as her pussy fluttered on my shaft. She was going to come soon and I wanted to come with her. I pistoned my cock into her and my balls smacked against the bottom of her ass, wet with her secreted pussy juice. She gasped to draw air into her lungs. She let out a little scream and her pussy spasmed on my cock. One last hard push into her tightened hole from me and my balls emptied into her.

I fell onto her breasts, my lungs heaving and my heart pounding. Her legs slipped off my waist to fall alongside mine. I untangled our fingers and pushed up from her heaving body to look at her. Again her eyes had filled with golden flecks. She focused on my face and pulled my head down to kiss me deeply.

"You have no idea what you do to me. I don't know what it is but you make me cum so hard that my whole body comes. It explodes from my pussy and races through me right to my fingers and toes. My nipples feel as though they would burst, my asshole tries to get inside me, my brain flashes colors like fireworks and my heart and lungs feel they are on fire. Oh my god, Ger, I wish you could feel it too!"

"I think that I have a good idea when I see you cum. It is a bit like that for me as my balls empty my load into you. They want to be a second pair of tonsils."

Elise looked at me and her face started to contort as she went into an uncontrollable fit of laughing and giggling. Her pussy spat out my wilting dick and a gush of cum followed it to flow between us.

"Tonsils? Oh fuck! How am I going to lick your balls if they are in your throat?" More giggling and laughing erupted from her. "Tonsils! Oh my god! Tonsils!"

"OK, you deserve this!"

I scooted down the bed and held her by her waist. I covered her belly button with my mouth and tongued it.

"Oh no, please, no!" Her hands flew to my head and she tried to wriggle out of my grasp but I held her tight and continued to torment her.

"Please Ger, not that, you'll make me pee myself!"

I stopped probing her belly button and she relaxed.

"Thank you, you know it tickles so much."

I raised my head and she stroked my hair.

"Apologize then,"

"I'm sorry, I mean it, sorry."

Her eyes crinkled and her mouth formed a smile.

"Tonsils!" And she burst out laughing again.

I pursed my lips together and pushed them over her belly button and blew a long raspberry on it making her squeal and try to drag my head away.

I relented and released her.

"You made me leak some pee. You cruel bastard! I don't care if you get two sets of tonsils, it would serve you right. Now kiss me and apologize properly!"

I kissed her tenderly and apologized to her.

"You're forgiven, now let's clean up and get out of here."

In the car as we pulled out of the bar's lot, Elise said, "Where are we going to get our picnic stuff?"

"All taken care of. You'll see when we get up to the lake."

She was wearing a cropped sport top in black and wide legged white shorts that revealed her flat belly, taking my advice on rubber soled shoes, a pair of white Converse ankle boots. Her hair was loose and fell over her shoulders.

"I need to stop by my house and change, luckily it is on the way."

Ten minutes later I pulled into my driveway and ran into the house alone. If Elise had been with me as I got naked I'm sure we would have been a while.

I came out wearing a black polo shirt, white bermudas and black Converse shoes. Almost matching Elise's outfit. Got in the car and we headed for the lake.

It took an hour and a half of relaxed driving before we pulled into the boat dock lot. We got out of the car and walked over to the bait shop and entered. Elise looked at all the tackle and boat accessories that were crammed into it leaving just a couple of narrow corridors leading to the sales counter.

"Was expecting you earlier, Ger" Came from an old man with overalls and a grease stained baseball cap. "It’s been a while since you were up here. Shirley would have been here but had a church thing on but she sends her love.”

Ralph and Shirley were long-time friends of my folks and always had time for me treating me like one of their own and with the passing of my parents became a kind of substitute for them. They were always pleased to see me and Ralph managed some work for me but was really just like family.

“Ralph, meet Elise. Elise meet Ralph.”

Hellos were exchanged and Ralph gave me an approving look.

“You picked a good day for going on the lake, not too many boats out and its expected to be quite warm.”

Hang on, I'll get your booze and food."

He disappeared into the back shop and reappeared pulling a large electric cool box that had wheels. "Had a bit of a problem getting that wine but managed it."

"Thanks Ralph. What do I owe you?"

"With your fuel and the food call it an even two hundred bucks."

I paid him and took the handle of the cool box.

"I gave the engines a run up earlier and they are fine. Keys are in the cockpit. Have a good trip, Ger."

"You are a gent as always, Ralph. See you later."

We exited the bait shop and I could see the boat gently moving on the waves and tied up bow and stern facing out to the lake.

Taking Elise's hand we walked along the jetty with cool box trundling behind me. Elise was looking at the various crafts tied up along the jetty.

"That's a nice one there," as she pointed to a 20 foot Criss Craft with twin outboards. "Or that one." Pointing out a 25 foot cabin cruiser.

"I think we can do a little better than that. Here we are." I had stopped at a 35 foot plus boat that rocked gently.

"This will do nicely."

"What! It is huge!

The boat I stopped at was a 5 year old Carver with an aft cabin and rode against the jetty protected by 3 fenders and secured fore and aft. I judged the little wave swell and stepped aboard with the cooler, stowing it on the starboard side. I plugged it into an outlet and held my hand out to Elise.

"Wait until it rises and step on the side."

She took my hand in a strong grip and as it rose stepped aboard. I steadied her as she came down onto the deck.

"When you said boating I thought you meant something smaller, not a cruise ship!"

"In comparison to some of the boats here it is small but it does fine."

I went into one of the underseat lockers and brought out two bright yellow flotation devices, the auto inflate type that look like suspenders as they are easier to wear.

"You need to wear this when we are underway. You can take it off when we get to our destination"

Elise put hers on and sat on the padded bench seat and stretched her arms along the top of it looking around the boat. I went up to the cockpit and turned the key, checked the fuel levels, the gps, the fish locator etc and all were fine. Making sure it was in neutral I pressed the starter button and the Volvo Pentas came to life instantly. I went onto the deck and released the forwards mooring line and then the aft one. The boat started to slowly drift away from the jetty.

"You want to steer, Elise?"

"I have no idea how to."

"Easy as pie. Come up here and I'll tell you what to do, it is just like driving a car only there are no pedals."

I stood behind her at the controls and explained what they were.

"The wheel is for steering,"

She looked over her shoulder at me and gave me a dirty look.

"OK, you got that. The levers with the black handles on the left are your forwards, neutral and reverse, works similar to a car but you can make the engines run in opposite directions. You need not worry about that just now. The other levers with the red handles are the throttles, one for each engine. OK?"

"I think I got that."

"Right, just slide the gear *********** levers down and push the throttles up a little bit."

She did that and the boat went slowly back. I let it have enough room to be able to pull past the boat in front.

"Now pull the throttles down and pushing the left side levers forwards pausing in neutral first, now give it a little bit of throttle."

The Volvos changed pitch and then evened out making the boat stop reversing and creep forwards.

"Turn the wheel a little to the right and push both of the throttles forwards a little more."

The props churned water and we moved out.

"Straighten up the wheel and give a bit more throttle."

As she did this I pulled the fenders on board and we headed out of the dock at a leisurely pace.

"Head for that red bouy and pass it on the port side.”


“On the left. Once past it you can open the throttles a bit more."

Elise was grinning like a Cheshire cat as she headed to the bouy. She gave it plenty of clearance and once past it opened the throttles a bit more and the boat gathered a bit of speed. As we entered open water the boat hit small waves and Elise lost her balance. I caught her and moved behind her reaching under her arms for the controls.

"You did really well getting us out. I'm going to take over and get us going."

I gave the engines a bit more throttle and headed further into the lake. Once I had us well past the wake distance I pushed the throttles forwards making the boat's bow rise up and Elise fell back against me.

Her hair was billowing behind her head and I put mine against the side of hers to avoid getting mouthfuls of it.

"Take over, I need to do a couple of things."

"What? It is going so fast. What if I hit something?"

"I very much doubt you will have a fender bender here and besides we are only doing about twenty miles per hour."

"Seems a lot faster than that to me."

"Look there." I pointed to the speedometer where the needle was hovering at just under 21 knots.

"OK but where are we going?"

"See that great big rock outcrop on the shore way, way up ahead? Head that way."

I ducked into the cabin and saw that there was pnew bed linen and towels in the master cabin. I checked the shower and water closet and they were spotless. I would have to thank Shirley for this.

Coming out of the cabin and climbing up to the bridge I saw that Elise was looking relaxed and was no longer holding the wheel in a death grip.

"Would you like some wine, Elise?"

"Would I? Please. You can drink and drive on a boat?"

"Same limits as a car but we won't be overdoing it until we get there."

I opened the cooler box and saw that Shirley had gone overboard with the food, so to speak. I transferred this to the fridge along with the wine. I pulled a Chardonnay out and filled two small beer mugs. Closing it up I took them up to the cockpit and gave one to Elise.

She looked at the glass and then me.

"Sophisticated in the least."

"It's a liquid in a receptacle. Posh glass or jam jar, they both serve the same purpose. Stopping it falling on the floor or in this case, the deck. Cheers."

"Cheers, Captain Bligh!"

I put my right arm around her waist and she held the wheel in her left hand and drank some wine.

"This feels so good, Ger. Fresh air and nobody around. Whose boat is this?"

"Er, it's mine."


She let go of the wheel turning to me and I grabbed it to keep us on an even keel.

"Yours? How, what, really?"

"It is. It's not new but is in perfect condition. I told you I had a good income from my parent's estate. This is partly a tax write off that my accountant came up with. I only use it in summer a few times to get away from the town and rent it out the rest of the time through Ralph. Officially he is classed as my employee but he and his wife were great friends with my parents. The rental fees pay him and the dock fees and even then I hardly pay any tax as it is a business consisting of me and Ralph. I have a really good tax accountant."

"I would say so! Any more surprises hidden up your sleeve?"

"None that I can think of just now."

After about 45 minutes we neared the outcrop and I throttled back bringing the boat around it. As we crossed the two hundred yard boundary the boat was crawling along at five knots to avoid wake damage to the shoreline. About a hundred feet from the shore I put it in reverse and then shut down the engines. I went to the bow and dropped the anchor and the boat swung until it gripped and faced into the lake. I had a secondary anchor in the stern and dropped that too, pulling on the rope until it bit. I tied off the rope to a cleat with a couple of hitches.

The outcrop formed part of a large bay with the other arm being a wooded spit of land. It was a sheltered and quiet part of the lake.

"We have arrived."

"It appears we have. What now?"

"Now we eat, bask in the sun, fish, swim or whatever."


"Food it is. Shirley has made enough for a couple of days. I think that she is concerned I don't eat enough. We can eat on the forward deck. You can take off that flotation gear.”

I took some of the food from the fridge and put it into the cool box to save going back and forth along with a couple of bottles of wine and took it up onto the forward deck and spread a rug.

"What would you like? There is chicken Caesar salad, roast beef with horseradish in bagels, spinach quiche, fruit and jello."

"Chicken to start with please and more wine."

I had forgotten to pick up the beer mugs so I handed Elise a bowl of the chicken salad and a container of the dressing and went back for the glasses. Returning to her I saw that she had already started. I filled the glasses with the rest of the wine and picked a chicken salad for myself. I put the rest back in the cooler.

"Elise cleared her mouth and took a gulp of wine.

"This salad is so good! Nothing is wilted and the dressing is fantastic. Walnuts, grapes and apples in it too. Is that not a waldorf salad?"

“I think it is one of Shirley’s mish mash things.”

"Well, whatever it is, it is great."

I was halfway through mine when Elise put her bowl down empty and drained her wine. She let out a very unlady like burp and giggled.

"Sorry, I ate too fast. I'm going to have a bit of that quiche too."

"Help yourself, it is there for eating.

She cut a small wedge and picked it up with her fingers and bit into it. Her eyes widened.

"Oh! That is delicious! The pastry is crumbly and the filling is so light! Can I have some more wine?"

I put my salad down and pulled the bottle from the cooler and filled her glass. As I ate I just looked at her sitting cross legged and could not believe that she was with me.

I finished my salad and took a piece of the quiche. Elise was right, it was delicious.

"That will do for now. I'll be having more of that quiche later on. Meanwhile Captain Bligh I am starting to get warm."

The sun was now high enough to beat down and the white of the boat reflected the heat.

I took the cooler back to the fridge putting the rest of the food into it again and returned.

"Mind yourself."

I lifted the rug and Elise moved off to the side. I gathered it and shook the crumbs over the side of the boat. I put it back and she sat down again. I lay on my side supporting my head. She took off her Converses and wriggled her toes.

"That's better, my feet were getting warm in the sun. In fact everything is getting warm."

With that said she pulled off her sports top and stood up and unfastened her shorts and let them fall to the rug. That left her wearing a black thong. She kicked her shorts to the side and stretched her arms over her head making her breasts flatten on her chest. She came to my side of the rug and got down lying with her head against my chest. She brought my free hand over her shoulder and played with my fingers.



"I don't want days like this to end. You make me feel like I have never felt. Every time I am with you I feel so happy. Happier than I have ever felt with anyone apart from my dad. You are kind and don't make any demands of me. You let me be me and don't try to change me. When we make love you make sure that it is not one sided. You give me some earth shattering orgasms the likes I have never experienced before. I don't know how you do it but it seems you can read my mind and do all the right things. It is not just us making love it is how you bring something out of me that had been kept in the dark and not allowed to surface."

Elise turned her head to look at me. She looked so vulnerable and so beautiful at the same time.

"I haven't said it outright to you. Ger, I am in love with you so much. It is not infatuation, it is love. I have thought I loved boyfriends before but when I compare what I felt for them against what I feel for you I know now it wasn't. I know that you will not hurt me. I know that in my heart."

"Elise. I fell in love with you that night on your sofa when I saw you crying and I thought I fucked up. When you made me promise I had already fallen for you. That is not going to change as far as I am concerned."

"I know that we have only been together for a short time but it feels as if you are the part of me that has been missing all this time. When we first made love, no, I'll correct that, when we first fucked because that is what it was, fucking, I felt something. Maybe that is why I told you I was not looking for a relationship. Then when you hit the nail on the head that night in my place and I broke down in tears, I knew then that I needed what you gave me. You make me feel safe and everything you do reinforces that. You don't tell me what to do, what to wear, how to behave. I have had that before and it always led me to argue and break up with those that did. You accept me as I am. I will never be some arm ornament that satisfies some misogynistic, arrogant, dominating fool nor will I be some brow beaten submissive either as I could not let myself lose me. You understand this and I love you for that as well.

When you said that we should date and I ribbed you for it, it was you giving me the chance to work this around our lives.

I am lucky that you are around just now and not some place where I could not be with you and I know that is going to have to be the case soon. I need to be able to cope with that but I will and when you are back from wherever, I will be there no matter how long.

The longer it is, the worse it will be for you as you will have to make up for starving me of you!"

"Does that mean I will need a supply of Viagra?"

Elise dug her elbow into my belly.

"Do you want me to orgasm to death? You don't need that to make me happy. Oh god, no!"

Elise got up, silhouetted by the sun.

"Come on, I want to swim."

She pulled off her thong and threw it at my face and then stood on the side rail.

"What are you waiting for? A written invitation? Get naked and join me."

With that she dived over the side and entered the water clean as as a knife. As I was getting shot of my clothes she swam underwater with strong even strokes, her hair flowing behind her, surfacing fifty feet away from the boat. I eventually got to the side and put the ladder in place then dived deep into the water and swum towards her. Because she was facing the sun she could not see me I ducked under the surface and I swam up behind her and grabbed her. She shrieked as I broke the surface with her in my arms and then laughed. She twisted around and took my head in her hands and kissed me intensely. I trod water keeping us above the surface and then let us sink under the water while still kissing. Her hair flowed around our heads and when we surfaced it was plastered all over her face. She ducked down and surfaced face up to put it behind her shoulders.

"Not too cold, just nice. I think the last time I skinny dipped I was six!"

Elise put her hands on my shoulders and let her body stretch out just below the surface with her ass just breaking the surface. She kicked her legs and pushed me off balance, caught unaware my head went under the surface. I surfaced spluttering to hear her laughing.

"Serves you right for scaring me!"

She pulled herself to me and kissed me letting her body sink down against mine. Her nipples were rock hard on my chest and her mound pressed onto my rising cock.

"Enough for now, let's swim and then we can do something about that." She said looking down.

She was a smooth swimmer and breast stroked easily, hardly disturbing the surface. I am not a strong swimmer but competent enough to keep by her side as we swam out further from the boat. We were about fifty yards away when Elise stopped.

"I'll give you a head start and race you back to the boat. First in the boat chooses the prize."

She gave me about a 10 yard start and raced after me in a fast crawl passing me with about twelve feet to go. She hauled herself up the ladder and sat on the side kicking her feet as I got to the ladder. I hauled myself up and stepped into the boat.

Elise turned her head and said," My choice, I won!"

I went behind her and gave her a push into the water.

She emerged spluttering,"Sore loser are we?"

"Nope, happy winner."

"I won! I was first."

"Not in the boat you weren't. Your rules!"

Elise splashed the water with her hands in frustration.


She swam to the ladder and put her foot on it.

"Be a gent and give me a hand."

I should have seen it coming, I leant over as she gripped my hand then she pushed back with her legs hauling me into the water beside her.

She put her arms around me and stifled what I was going to say with a kiss.

When our lips parted I said, "Sore loser!"

She laughed and climbed up the ladder into the boat. Her gorgeous ass streaming water as she gathered her hair and squeezed it out.

I followed her onto the boat and gave her ass a gentle smack as I went to get the towels.

Standing on the forward deck we dried and Elise tried to get her hair as dry as possible. She finger combed it over her shoulders. The sun would soon dry it out for her.

"Well? What are you claiming as a prize?"

"I'm claiming you and your absolute obedience to me. Now lie down on your back and be quiet."

Elise grinned and she did so, she fanned her hair out to catch the heat of the sun. I knelt down and took her left foot in my hands and started to massage the sole of it, pressing my thumbs into the muscles and the pressure points of it. I worked over her ankles to her calf and gave it attention feeling her strong muscles under her tanned skin.

Elise was biting her knuckle to stop from moaning in pleasure. I brought her foot to my mouth looking at her and sucked on her toes. I could see she was struggling to not make a sound. I lowered her foot to rest on my thighs and gave her right foot and calf the same treatment and when it came to her toes being sucked she lost it and moaned loudly, clutching the rug and straining her head back.

I put her foot down gently and parted her legs. With the palms of my hands on the top of her thighs above her knees, I ran my thumbs up the inside of them pushing them into her muscles stopping a fraction of an inch from the outer lips of her pussy making her open her legs wider in anticipation. I drew my thumbs downwards until they felt the backs of her knees. Sliding them further around her thighs and slid them up to touch the edge of her ass cheeks.

Elise raised her hips and gave a short moan of pleasure. I brought my thumbs around missing her pussy lips again until they were at the juncture of her thighs and body. I closed her legs and straddled her thighs and put my hands on her hips with my thumbs either side of her neat bush. She shuddered as I slowly smoothed them over her belly to the underside of her breasts. Avoiding touching her breasts the flat of my hands moved to the side and onto her shoulders and caressed her upper arms. By now Elise was panting with her eyes closed and the rug bunched in her fingers, her body was trembling. I slid my hands to her breasts and gently squeezed her nipples and tugged at them. This proved to be the trigger of the orgasm that shook her to her core. She gave out a short cry and shook all over. I freed her nipples and caressed her breasts and stomach as her orgasm slowly faded and the pounding of her heart below her breasts slowed down.

Her eyes opened and that familiar golden fleck was in her beautiful eyes.

"Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! That just did not happen. Oh god! That was so unreal! I've never come like that before. You didn't even touch my pussy and I can feel my cum running out of it as if you had filled it with yours. It is soaking wet!"

I helped her up to a sitting position and she shuffled her ass backwards to reveal a big damp mark on the rug and a trail leading to her pussy.

"I've turned into a snail! For fucksake!"

I laughed at that.

"Don't laugh, it's not funny. Holy hell! I really need a drink now. Do we still have wine?"

"We do. I'll get it."

I went to the cooler and retrieved the half full bottle and another one. As I had asked, Ralph had put six of them in the cooler. I rinsed the mugs and returned to Elise. By now she had moved away from the scene of the crime and was sitting on a towel on the cabin roof. I filled the glasses and Elise nearly drained hers in one go so I opened the other bottle, mentally thanking whoever had come up with the idea of screw caps for wine. Refilling her mug I sat beside her.



"That was only part of my prize."

"Part! I need to recover from that before you claim the rest! I'm still leaking like a faulty tap! That was so different, Ger, totally mind blowing."

I put my arm over her shoulder and drew her close to kiss her softly. She then put her head on my shoulder and her free hand on my knee staring across the lake shimmering in the midday sun.

"It is so peaceful here, just the sound of nature and the waves, nothing else. Beautiful too."

"Now you know why I come up here when I can. You can think clearly with no distractions at all."

“I’m glad we did this instead of shooting defenseless saucers.”

“A lot of them escape into the wild without injury so don’t feel bad about them”

“You’re taking the piss now! I’m hungry again. Roast beef?”

“I am glad I don’t foot your grocery bill. I’d be broke in a month!”

“I don’t eat all the time, only when I am hungry.”

I went to the fridge again and brought two of the bagels to the forward deck. Handing one to Elise I was still in awe of her eating ability. Normally I would have settled for just the chicken salad but I suspected that it would be a while before getting the chance to eat again so I ate mine as well.

“Mmmm, more wine please.”

Elise mumbled through a mouth full of rare beef and bagel holding out her mug.

I filled her mug again and topped mine up. At the rate we were going through the wine, six bottles might not prove to be enough!

As the last bit of her bagel was consumed Elise wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

“That was so good! The meat was so tender and the horseradish was not too hot or sweet. I could eat another one.”

I looked at her in amazement.

“Just joking, I’m stuffed now!” She smiled. “I am going to lie down and top up my tan before you do anything else to me!”

She laid out her towel and lay belly down on it, resting her face on her forearms.

I went aft and got her a cushion from the cabin and handed it to her. She put her head on it and laid her arms alongside her body. Her cute ass had my attention as she wriggled to get comfortable.

“Do you want some sun tan oil?”

“That would be nice.”

Back to the cabin again to retrieve the oil. I poured a little onto the middle of her back and smoothed it up onto her shoulders working down her arms. Returning to her shoulders I made sure that they were covered before working it down her back to her ass cheeks. I took a long time smoothing the oil on them getting purrs of contentment from Elise. From there I worked down her thighs to her feet and then slid my slick hands up her thighs to her ass again.

“Are you trying something on, Mr?”

“Nope, just ensuring you are well protected.”

“I think you are doing a good job of that. Be an angel and come up here and massage my shoulders please.”

I knelt with her head between my knees and gently massaged her shoulders, upper arms and the sides of her rib cage. More contented purrs came from Elise. My dick was semi hard and lying on my thighs away from her head. A hand came up and wrapped itself around my shaft making me harden more. Her gentle squeezing of my shaft got me fully erect as I kept massaging her shoulders. Elise rose onto her elbows and faced my engorged dick which was now leaking precum. She pulled my foreskin back and smeared the head with it and slid my foreskin slowly up and down. She was watching the precum ooze from the top of my cock and catching it with my foreskin to rub it over the head. The sensation was intense as I watched her and my balls churned. She kept sliding it up and down and it got more intense.

“You’re going to make me cum, Elise.”

“I hope so. I want to watch you cumming, I have felt you cumming now I want to see it happen.”

Her words intensified the feeling of her stroking me and I knew she would not be satisfied until I came. She increased the pace of stroking my cock and I was on the edge of cumming.

“Elise! You are going to make me cum now!”

She speeded up her motions and it was too much to bear. My shaft jerked in her hand and shot a stream of spunk up against my belly. I groaned as she kept it up and more spurts left my balls to splash on my thighs and belly. I had to tell her to stop as the sensation on the head of my cock was too intense. She stopped sliding my foreskin and watched as the last of my cum oozed out of the slit and slid down to her fingers. She squeezed my shaft hard to force anything left out and just got a globule to sit on the slit of its head. She brought her mouth towards the head of my dick and extended her tongue to lick the globule off. She released my shrinking shaft and smeared my cum over my belly and thighs.

It’s good for the skin,” she said, “or so they say! Look! I just saved on your laundry!” Giggling away at her handiwork.

I gave her ass a sharp smack that produced an ‘Ow!’ from her.

“Wait there, I’ll be back.”

I got up and dived over the side and rubbed myself clean. I got out dripping and stood over her making her squeal as the water droplets hit the warm skin of her back.

She turned over. “That was not nice. After how kind I was to you. Men!”

I toweled most of the water off and knelt astride her. I lowered my head to hers and kissed her softly.

"You want me to make it up to you?

"You bet I do!"

I kissed her again seeking out her tongue and chased it with mine. My lips then went to her neck and I worked kisses down to her collarbone then across and up the other side of her neck. This got murmurs of approval so I kissed her mouth again. This time it was her tongue that dominated. I broke the kiss and moved my mouth to the soft mound of her left breast kissing my way around it. Her hands moved to my head and stroked my hair. Crossing to her other breast I did the same before licking her erect nipple. More sounds of satisfaction came from Elise. I did the same to her other nipple feeling the hardness of it. My mouth covered it and I sucked on it while my tongue probed the end of it. Her groans got louder and when I did the same to the other one her fingers dug into my hair and curled tight in it.

I avoided her belly button and sunk my head between her thighs. She parted them wide and gave me access to her pussy. I put my arms under her oil slick thighs and lifted her ass up before covering her clit with my mouth.

Her hips pushed up and my tongue sought out the covered bud. Elise gasped at the contact and tightened her fingers in my hair. My tongue slipped down between her outer lips and tasted her sweetness. Licking up between her lips my tongue brushed her swollen clit and she moaned with pleasure. Circling her nub with my tongue had her push my head tighter against her sex. I penetrated her outer lips with my tongue again and more gasps came. Back to her clit and concentrated on flicking and probing it with the tip of my tongue. She cried out when I sucked it hard and her hips thrust upwards. I eased off teasing her clit and she relaxed a little as I sucked more of her nectar into my mouth. Very gently I moved my lips against those of her swollen sex in a not so dry kiss. This was enough to ease the intensity she had felt before and let her pelvis lower back onto the towel..

Elise gasped heavily and said, “You have me wound up like a spring that is ready to snap. I’m right on the edge of cumming!”

I slowly teased her pussy lips with the tip of my tongue before searching out the swollen nub of her clit. I raised her hips and lashed it with the tip of my tongue causing her to groan loudly. I sucked hard on it and then pushed my tongue into her sopping wet hole which took her into the spasms of an orgasm. Her legs shook violently and her grip on my hair was almost painful. A short scream left her throat as her back arched.

I took my mouth away from her pussy and lowered her hips to the towel as her legs shook.

Elise was gasping and her heart hammered wildly under her breasts. I moved up to hold her against me as the aftermath of her orgasm ebbed away.

"You are going to drive me insane, making me cum like that. My clit felt it was on fire. Oh fucking hell!"

"Well it doesn't end here. I still have to get my prize."

"No way,Jose! I need a drink, my mouth is as dry as hell unlike my poor pussy who is waving a white flag for now!”

I reached for my mug and gave it to her. She drank greedily and drained it.

"More, please."

I drained what was left in the bottle into her mug and handed it to her. She took it slower this time. I went to get the other bottle from the cooler as I need some myself. We had three left now.

Filling my mug I looked at Elise and thanked whatever fates had brought me to her bar that night and took us here.

"Hey!" Elise brought me out of my reverie. "I'm here!"

"Yes you are and I love you being here."

My semi erect dick twitched at the thought of filling her pussy. I stroked her thigh and she reached for my cock and wrapped her fingers around my shaft. It soon hardened to her touch.

"I think you are wanting to do something with that that might involve me. Am I right?"

"I have something in mind alright but first put your glass down."

"Ger, I am soaking wet. You can take me now as I think I have had enough foreplay for one day."

I knelt over her left leg and raised her right one that made her roll onto her side. I guided my hardened member to her pussy which slightly gaped open glistening with her juices. As soon as I entered her, Elise gasped and I pushed it deep inside.

"Oh my god! You're hitting my g spot!"

I could feel the texture of it on the head of my cock as it pushed back across it. She was so wet that her pussy juice was covering my balls when I was deep inside her. Looking down I watched my cock slide in and out. I could see her ass button twitch as I drew back. I leant forwards to cup her breast and thumb her hardened nipple making her gasp. The delicious friction of her pussy walls made my balls tingle. Her head was turned to the towel and her hand grasping a bunch of it. I wanted her to come with me and thrust faster in to her bringing gasping sounds from her.

"I going to cum!"

Her pussy started to flutter on my shaft and my balls tightened. I thrust so hard that I made her body rock, my balls slapping against her ass. It took a couple more hard thrusts. I erupted and shot into her as she cried out and her pussy strangling my cock with its contraction.

I was breathing hard and sat back. My cock unplugged her pussy and our cum ran out onto her thigh and slid down her ass cheek.

I lowered her leg gently and came up to lie facing her.

"Fuck me! No! Don't take that literally, I am totally fucked. Orgasm after orgasm, my poor pussy needs a holiday from you. God, what you do to me is unreal, Ger. Unreal! I think I will be needing that zimmer to be able to walk again."

We both burst out laughing. My arm went under hers and I pulled her head to mine and kissed her deeply. We lay there as our bodies gradually stopped heaving and we were able to breathe normally. She raised her hand to my face and stroked it

"I hope you have had your prize because it seems like I was the winner. Three orgasms one after the other is incredible!"

"Cumming with you puts any other sex I have had previously in the shade. You make it another level entirely, beyond just sex. It is so intense and beautiful with you Elise."

"Knowing that you love me makes it so special. Guess what?"

"I don't have to guess. Quiche and wine?"

"Yes please! We should be half hammered by now but I think that orgasms keep you sober."

"Wait there, professor of sexual science and I'll get the food."

She laughed and sat up. We sat naked on the rug with the food and wine. Elise's earlier release on the rug had dried out by now.

The sun was beating down on us and was warm.

"Come on, let's cool off a bit."

I helped Elise to her feet and held her to me as I backed us to the side.

"You're not going to do what I think you are going to, are you?"



She squealed as I held her tight and fell backwards over the side to splash into the water. Surfacing together, Elise's face was covered in her hair. She pushed off from me to duck her head under again and resurfaced with it over her shoulders.

"I bet you enjoyed doing that, you sadist!:

"I did indeed."

Taking her in my arms to kiss her she wrapped her legs around me and we began to sink still kissing. She broke the kiss and bubbled some words to me. It was easy to see that her mouth formed 'I love you' as the bubbles rose. I replied 'I love you too' and we surfaced.

I heard the horn of a boat approaching in the distance. I told Elise to swim to the ladder. I hauled myself up behind her kissing her ass and she giggled.

"You need to be decent as that is the lake patrol and you would give him a heart attack if he saw you naked."

She pulled her sport top on and then her thong.

"Is this decent enough?"

"Certainly from where I am looking."

I pulled my shorts on and we made our way forwards to see the patrol boat near. It throttled back and drifted alongside.

"I thought I recognised the boat. How are you doing Ger? Been a while now."

"It certainly has Robby."

Robby had a tanned and creased face that is gained from a long time patrolling the lake in his open deck boat.

"Robby, meet Elise."

"Nice to meet you, Elise. Are you enjoying our lake?"

"Nice to meet you too Robby. I certainly am and think it is so beautiful here."

"Indeed it is. Your not planning to motor back are you Ger?"

He was looking at the wine bottles.

"No, going to stay anchored up here until morning."

"That's fine. Remember to put your running lights on when it gets dark. You have a good time. Take care, both of you. Need to go and sort out some jet skiers. Assholes! Simple rules and they think they are above them. A couple of citations will quieten them down. See you sometime, Ger, bye Elise."

With that he expertly spun his patrol boat and made his way out to the fast channel. The boat lifted and sped away with two plumes of water jetting up behind it.

"What kind of boat is that? There is no engine on it."

"There is but you can't see it. It is a hydroplane jet boat and they are faster than any inboard or outboard motor. Just like highway patrol cars they are really fast and can easily catch anybody breaking the speed limits set for the lake. There is a sort of wing under the hull that causes the boat to lift up when the speed is right and reduce the drag on the water. The plumes are caused by the force of the water from the jets hitting the water behind them and being forced up into the air."

"Wow! I'm in love with an encyclopedia!"

I tried to grab her but she sided stepped me and went forward to the rug. She pulled off the sports top but left her thong on.

She looked at me looking at her groin.

"Out of bounds until my pussy gets back to normal. I think it wants hazard pay!"

She burst into a fit of giggling and when she calmed down came and draped her arms over my shoulders. Her breasts flattened slightly with her nipples standing out. My cock gave a twitch but decided to stay limp.

"I don't know what day I have enjoyed the most. Yesterday was a rush and today so far has been so relaxing so far. I think today is the best."

"Well today is nowhere near over so you will have to wait until it is before you decide. I think we need to relax just now and enjoy the sun and lake."

"Sounds like a plan, sailor man."

I got the rug and folded it in half stretching it out from the sun side of the cabin i put the cushion against the cabin wall and laid back on it. Elise pushed her ass between my thighs and laid back on me with her head on my chest. She lifted my arms to put them around just below her breasts and covered them with her own. She wriggled a bit to be more comfortable and turned her head so her cheek rested on my chest.

"Heavenly," She murmured. "Just heavenly."

Her breathing evened out and she sighed.

I don't know who fell asleep first but the sun was well down when I opened my eyes. Elise was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake her.


Titus AduxassReport 

2024-12-14 09:34:22
Have just finished the first four parts of this story, and wow!

Loving the way it’s going, the characters, the themes, the writing style. Hoping it will go from strength to strength as I read on.

Many thanks for posting!


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