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Wyatt is a doctor who is gifted a pen that has the ability to start and stop time.
Chapter 1:

.........................The Pen...................................

Wyatt arrived at the family physcians office feeling refreshed from a great weekend with his wife and daughter starting the process of college hunting at local schools for his daughter. He had just turned fifty, a sucessful doctor with a beautiful wife who was now forty three named Emily. Their daughter, robyn, now 19, who just graduated high school, was on the tract to follow in his footsteps as a doctor as well was taking her time researching colleges and working at her dads practice to start gaining hands on experience for the summer.

"Good morning dad" robyn greeted her dad with a huge grin. She said as she typed at the computer.

"Same to you robyn, so, busy day on tap?" He asked as he looked at the chart she set on the station raised desktop above the reception area.

"About usual it seems and Mrs. Green is in exam room 1. Rachel is already in with her getting her info logged into the chart system. " robyn cheerfully explained. Wyatt smiled "thanks honey" and headed to his office to put on his exam coat and grab his stethoscope and note pad he carried with him.

In his office he saw a box on his desk. It was small, about the shape and size of a necklace box. It had a small card that read "to dad. Your the most amazing father and such an inspiration. I found this gift at my favorite gem store and thought of you. Love Robyn.

Wyatt smiled feeling so full of love. He opened the box and inside was a pen. The entire length was of the most intriguing colors. It was made of polished gem stones. Light blue, greens browns, reds and yellows. He picked it up and it was so cool to his touch as the stone seemed to soothe his palm. It was so perfectly balanced and robust that it seemed to have been custom made for his hand.

He put on his white exam coat and stethoscope and stood in front of the mirror as he made sure he looked presentable. He stood at 5ft 10, was still physically fit and had the deepest hazel eyes. He slid his new pen in his upper left breast pocket, grabbed his clipboard with exam sheet and headed to the first exam of the day.

Wyatt entered the exam room and Mrs. Green was seaton on the edge of the exam table wearing an exam robe. She was in her early forties, shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes and an average build. She sat with her hands together fingers interlaced on her lap as Rachel typed into the computer.

"Hello Mrs. Green what brings you in today?" Wyatt greeted leaning against the counter that had the sink and all necessary examination tools.

"Good morning doctor. My right knee seems to be swollen. There is no pain, and i cant remember injuring it." She explained.

Rachel finished typing and turned to face the doctor and Mrs. Green. "Good morning doctor. I've entered all her stats and finished the questionaire." She stated in her normal friendly way. Rachel was in her mid thirties and a cute petite woman standing at 5ft 1. She had deep blue eyes, bright red hair she wore just past her shoulders and a smile that was ear to ear. In her blue nurses scrubs her body shown years of taken care for it and has always made wyatt wonder what she looked like under that concealing uniform.

"Thank you rachel, let me have a look at this knee" wyatt said as he stood and moved in front of Mrs. Green and raised her exam gown enough to expose her right knee.

"Well it is surely swollen and you say no pain?" He asked as he held her knee pressing at certain points.

"No, none at all, it just swelled up a few days ago i guess" she said watching hoping for an answer.

"Ok rachel lets give her a shot to reduce swelling and order up a blood work panel" Wyatt said as he returned to his seat and took his new pen from his pocket ready to jot notes in Mrs. Green's file.

"Yes doctor, let me draw up that shot" she said and began filling a syringe with the requested medicine.

Wyatt took his new pen, pressed the button to extend the ball roller and started writing. At first he didnt notice, but then heard that the light music that played over the office speakers stopped. He looked up and saw Mrs Green siting very still staring out the window and rachel holding a syrenge up not moving as she was about to tap all the air from the needle.

"Rachel, rachel" wyatt addressed rachel but she didnt answer.

"Mrs. Green," he said as he stood and went to her side and shook her shoulder.

Quickly Wyatt left the exam room. His heart pounding, feeling dizzy as he got to the reception area and it was dead quiet and everyone waiting sat motionless frozen in their seats.

"Robyn, Robyn, call 911!" he said but noticed she too was frozen, the phone on her shoulder, eyes down at her appt journal as her hands were locked on the keyboard.

Feeling like he was lost in a bad dream he went back to the exam room and sat down taking out his phone to call 911 himself. He stared at how Mrs green and Rachel were in the same position when he left. He dialed 911 and put the phone to his ear. Nothing, just dead silence.

Wyatt was confused and frightened at what was happening. He knew at some point he would be questioned by the authorities so he got his notepad out and without remembering his pen was already in the writing position he clicked the button to make the ink roller come out . As soon as he clicked the button rachel came to life setting the syrenge amount and Mrs Green said "i really dont like shots, hope it doesnt hurt"

"Oh Mrs Green i promise you wont feel a thing" rachel said as she turned and set the syrenge on the small rolling tray.

Wyatt was in shock...was he going mad? How could this be?

"Rachel, do, do, you feel ok? Mrs Green are you ok?" He asked both in a bit of a panic.

"Doctor, what are you talking about? Of course im ok im just getting the meds ready" rachel said with a confused look.

"Why yes Doctor, i dont like shots but im ok" Mrs Green said also confused at Wyatts questoning.

Wyatt sat stunned. He wiped his forhead and took a deep breath as he thought maybe he was coming down with a virus and had a fever.

"Rachel would you administer the shot please. I think i need a moment" he asked as he took out his note pad and reviewed Mrs.Green's chart.

"Of course doctor." Rachel excitedly commented. Being asked to give a shot showed her just how much she was trusted by him.

"Ok Mrs. Green if you just stand up and bend over the side of the table and pull your gown away from which ever hip you prefer" she directed as she walked over and stood at her side.

Mrs. Green stood and turned and bent slightly over the table and pulled her gown exposing her full left hip and lower thigh.

As rachel wiped alcohol on her hip where she was going to give the shot wyatt took out his pen, clicked the button to jot notes and once again the soft music stopped and both rachel and Mrs. Green froze.

Wyatt got up, walked over and waved his hands in front of rachels face. Nothing, not a single flinch. His mind began processing, thinking, slowly trying to piece this all together. Rubbing his chin as he though at stared at both women frozen in time like statues.

He went back to his seat and once again clicked the already opened pen to take notes about what was happening.

"Ok Mrs. Green, promise you wont feel a thing, this is a small needle" rachel said as she set the alcohol swab down and squeezed a bit of hip skin between her left fingers as she steadied the syrenge with her right hand.

Wyatt looked up in disbelief..."what the" he muttered to himself. Just as rachel was about to press the needle into Mrs. Green hip he clicked the pen again. Not so much in a knowing manner of the pens power but his fingers own muscle reflex as he witness the most bizarre scene unfolding in fron tof him.

Once again Rachel froze. The needle an inch from Mrs. Green's hip. Mrs. Green head was down. Hands clenched tighr into the paper of the exam table readying herself for the sharp pinch of the needle she anticipated to come.

Wyatt stood, walked to rachels side and pulled her hand with the syrenge away from Mrs. Green's hip and it stayed where he left it after taking the syrenge from her hand. Thinking rachel could injur the patient with the needle he admistered the shot then set the empty syrenge down before sitting down as he had done before. His mind raced...thinking "ok, when i used the pen time stopped , when i started my notes again time resumed. Maybe it is my notes causing this" he said trying to figure out what was happening.

He clicked the pen to write and instantly rachel gasped as she felt her arm in a different position and the needle gone. She turned and saw the empty needle and asked the doctor.

"Doctor, am i losing my mind? I dont remember giving the patient the medicine, what is wrong with me?" she stammered as she stood staring at Mrs Greens hip where a tiny dot of blood seeped from the shot location.

"Are you sure nurse? I didnt feel a thing, this is amazing your so good i didnt feel it at all" Mrs. Green commented with a smile as she looked back at rachel.

Wyatt was putting things together quickly. He stood , pen in hand, and answered "no,you did nurse. I saw you. You were actually speaking to Mrs. Green as you gave her the shot. Go ahead and put a bandaid on the shot spot and we will get her finished up" he stated.

Rachel got some gauze and a band aid and applied it to the injection site.

Wyatt watched as his mind was in overdrive figuring things out. He thought "surely when i click the pen time doesnt stop and if it stops no one else remembers anything or feels nothing? Just notices items or things out of place?" He mind figured .

He clicked the pen as rachel applied the bandaid and Mrs. Green was in mid sentence as she looked back.

"Nurse you are amazing. Your probably a bit tired and...." she spoke and as time stopped her own words froze in time.

Wyatt looked at the pen in his hands. Could this really be? Can this pen actually be stopping time each time i click the button.? He asked himself as he stared at both rachel and Mrs. Green frozen once more.

He walked over to and raised her gown and gave her ass cheek a small squeeze. She didnt move, didnt speak , nothing.

He inhaled deeply as a rush of all the good, and the naughty swirled in his head as he slowly licked his lips as a moment of taboo thoughts coursed through him giving him an erotic chill he had not felt in ages.

Lowering her gown, Wyatt thought to test this pens power more before he let his mind free to do all he wanted and was suddenly fantasizing of. He clicked the pen and time resumed.

"Havent been getting the proper rest at home" Mrs.Green finished her statement without missing a beat as she sat up and turned around and sat back on the edge of the table.

Wyatt watched, listened, studied. They had no idea. They acted as if nothing had happened.

"Your probably correct, i have been staying up later than usual" rachel replied as she typed into the digital chart.

"Ok Mrs. Green while rachel enters your info let me get you ready to draw some blood samples. That should help identify whats going on with that knee" Wyatt said as he continued to process everyrhing. He put the pen in his breast pocket and took her arm and tied the band around it to get her vein to be visible.

"Can rachel draw my blood?. I didnt feel nothing from the shot she gave and i really dont want to have to feel the needle from blood being drawn" she asked.

"Of course, rachel, will you take her blood please?" He asked then stepped to her side

Rachel stepped up and readied the needle. As she was about to insert it in her vein he saw Mrs. Green tense up. He gripped the pen and clicked it stopping time.

He went and inserted the needle and let the blood fill the vial as rachel held the needle and vial.

Stepping back to her oppostite side he resumed time .

"Oh wow, i didnt even feel that rachel" she commented. Rachel looked confused and stuttered "but, did i start the draw?" She said a bit confused how the needle was in her arm drawing blood.

"You must be wore out rachel, maybe take the day off and catch up on some rest " wyatt commented as he was learning what could and could not be done while time was stopped. He noted that he had to be careful moving or changing a persons actions.

"I, I, think i may do that doctor, thank you" she said as she finished the blood draw and took the vial to label it and get it in the storage cooler for delivery to the lab.

Wyatt turned to Mrs. Green "well, i think the shot should reduce the swelling in that knee. Once we get the blood work back our nurses will contact you. " he said as his mind was lost in so many ethical dilemas. He thought of the good hr could do this power the pen offered, as well as the immoral things he was also trying to push back.

"Thank you Doctor. I really hope you and your staff can figure this out. This knee is just so odd veing swollen with no pain" she said as she rubbed the swollen knee , the exam dress pulled up exposing her knees and lower thighs.

Wyatt had to fight the urges to stop time and experiment more with the limits of this power but told himself to take this slow and learn what this pen was all about. He nodded, replied thank you and stepped out.
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