The next day was interesting as Wyatt was using the pens time stop ability to aid in examining babies that were screaming and toddlers fearing shots. Being able to stop time, give a shot to a toddler with them feeling no pain was proving very beneficial for them as well as their worried parents.
Just before lunch Robyn came to her dads office as wyatt finished morning paperwork for the patient files.
"Hey dad, ust wanted to let you know my best friend Kate has an appointment today" she said leaning against the door frame.
"Whats wrong with her is she feeling ok?" He asked as he looked up from his files.
"I think she may have twisted her wrist and maybe bruised some ribs. She fell off her four wheeler." Kate said as she pulled her phone out to answer a text.
"Ill fix her up, and get all the gossip on what you and her are up to these days" he teased. He loved teasing robyn about her life. She was growing up so fast and he knew soon she would move out and start her own life.
"Dad!, stop" robyn said in her pleading voice knowing her dad was teasing but still didnt want him prodding and getting a juicy gossip from her.
"Relax hun you know i would never do that" he said as he watched Robyn text again.
He clicked the pen and when all went still and robyn was frozen standing with her phone put and open, he got up and walked over and read her phone text that was on the screen. He knew he had just said he would never pry for info but that was a small white lie. He was curious to see who she was so into texting while speaking to him.
He looked at the was a text line from Kate Green.
Kate : hey girl..cant wait to get all repaired after my four wheeler accident.
Robyn : just told my dad. Your all set for your appt."
Kate :thanks. I hope i didnt break anything. My ribs are really sore
Robyn : well he will fix you up. He is a good doctor.
Kate : oh i hope he def fixes me up really good and checks me over thoroughly for any other scrapes and cuts i may have in private areas.
Robyn : kate..stop...thats my dad.
Kate : but he is so hot cant deny that."
That was the last text before wyatt stopped time. He stood smirking. Kate was a cute girl and he thought it normal for robyns friends to maybe crush on him. Little did he know the extent. He thought he would dig deeper into robyns text...but his good moral side tried to push that away for now.
He sat back doown and started time.
He saw robyn blushing. "You ok hun?" He asked as she pulled herself from the text.
"Yes, im fine, Kate just sent a joke. Ill let you get back to work. Love you dad" she said as she walked away briskly.
About an hour later and a few patients seen, Kate green was escorted into an exam room and waited for the doctor.
She sat on the edge of the table, the sanitary paper covering the padded top crinkling under her rear. She wore a pair of sweat pants, tennis shoes and a loose tee shirt that covered her big full D cup breast in her sports bra underneath.
Kate looked around the small room, then pulled out her phone to text robyn while she waited..
A knock on the door interrupted her text and she set her phone down, and adjusted her glasses as she sat up .
Rachel walked in . "Hello your nurse. My name is rachel and i will get you logged in and then take your vitals before the doctor comes in. "
"Hello, that sounds fine" she said with a smile, her pale skin abstract againat her dark blue tee shirt
Wyatt knocked as a polite courteous gesture. He opened the door and stepped in sewing kate sitting on the table and rachel was squatting down facing away from him picking up a pen she had dropped on the floor. He paused as he saw her thin gstring panties hugging her hips withba thin piece of fabric dissapearing between her exposed upper butt cheeks where her scrubs had slod down as she was kneeling down.
"Hello Kate, how are you feeling? Robyn said you had a wheeler accident?" He questioned as he entered and leaned against the counter where the sink was . Rachel stood up adjusting her scrubs . "Hello doctor" she said with slight blush.
"You can call me Wyatt. I know your Robyns best friend, almost like family" he said as Kate smiled and nodded as she pushed her glasses up on her face adjusting them.
Rachel stood waiting for instruction as wyatt stepped up to kates side . "So, what exactly happened and where does it hurt?" He asked in a professional tone even though he couldnt get the text between Robyn and Kate out of his head.
"Well, I was riding a trail on my four wheeler when i took a turn too quick and it went in a small ditch and i was tossed off and hit a tree. My left arm hurts here near the shoulder and i have some heavy bruises on my left ribcage and it hurts pretty good" she explained.
Wyatt gently took her arm and slowly started to raise it "tell me when it really hurts" he said as he began to raise it.
"Ouch, Ouch, right there" she quipped as he had her arm about 3/4 way up.
"Ok kate, would you mind putting on exam gown so we can check these ribs out." He commented.
"Yes, of course" she said
"Lt me step out and Rachel will give you a gown to put on" he explained then stepped out to give her the privacy needed.
Rachel gave her a gown and said "here you go and you can put your clothing in this bin here so they dont fall on the floor. The doctor and i will be right back once you'e had a few moments to change."
Wyatt went to his office and sat down to prepare a file for Kate and jot notes for follow up visits during treatment. Rachel walked in and sat in the seat across from his desk.
"Kate seems like a nice girl. I hope her injuries arent too serious" she said as she worked her red hair into a hair tie up from her shoulders and away from her face.
"Wyatt smiled "yes i hope. She and Robyn are really close and constantly training for different swim meets and challenges. She needs that shoulder for sure." He said noticing how rachel listened so intensely. His mind flashed to the sneak peek of rachels gstring and wanted to try another experiement on her to help test this time stop power.
He knew Rachel was single and lived alone with no significant other but he had a suspicion she had a secret wild side waiting to be unleashed. Her soft spoken manners shown at work, just gave a hint of a bit of naughty to wyatt with that gstring peek.
"Well, i better go check on Kate doctor." Kate said as she stood up to head to the exam room. As she stood and pushed the chair back toward the desk front Wyatt clicked the pen and stopped time. Rachel froze as she stepped toward the door from the chair, her red ponytail suspended in a sway motion.
Wyatt walked up behind rachel feeling that rush of thrilling excitement only the pen stopping time seemed to offer. He hooked his fingers in her blue scrub pants and pushed them down to her knees. Rachel never moved, her eyes still staring at the door handle where her hand was resting. Her ass cheeks were so petite and yet firm. Wyatt was really suprised at how toned her thighs were. He never had seen any part of her body since she always wore her nurse scrubs everyday as her uniform and never arrived or left in her own clothes.
The gstring was a silky dark blue around her waist and dissapeared between her toned ass cheeks. Wyatt slid his finger gently pulling the thin fabric so it was out of her ass cheeks sending waves of electric sensations through his spine as he felt the warmth and softness of her ass cheeks along his fingers. He knelt down and saw how the fabric widened as it covered her rear pussy mound where what looked like she had a small vulva with no protruding pussy lips amd seemed fully shaven which made Wyatts cock throb heavily.
Wyatt moved around to her front to observe her very petire shaven pussy mound under the fabric of her g string panties. He gave a low moan as he rubbed the fabric along her tight pussy slit of her outer lips. "Oh my, rachel, your incredible." He sighed as he made himself calm down not knowing what he had done would effect the time stop. He pulled her gstring back up between her ass cheeks attempting to get it where it was before but not realizing the fabric he rubbed between her pussy lips had stayed between them. He pulled up her pant bottoms and went back to his desk and sat as resumed time.
Rachel paused. Feeling that her panties were sliding between her pussy lips. She blushed heavy as she assumed it happened feom sitting and then walking toward the door with out adjusting as she sometimes did with gstrings as they could creep deeper in her ass cheeks.
"Ok Rachel ill meet you in there" he said responding to Rachels last words she spoke. As rachel left he stood up and adjusted his hard cock in his slacks and ensured hus white examed coat was fully secured down the front .
Kate sat on the table. She had on the exam gown wearing only her sports bra and panties underneath. She sat texting swaying her legs whrn rachel entered .
"Hello Kate, i see your all changed. The doctor should be right in" she greeted then went to setting up the basic tools to check vitals.
"Yup, all changed. I did my best to tie the back up..." she smiled then set her phone down next to her.
There was a knock at the door then Wyatt entered "hello Kate...ready to check your arm and ribs over?" He said as he stepped to Ktes left arm.
"Most definietly. I really hope i can be back in the pool. Robyn and i are planning to have an intense swim later after she is off work. We are training hard for a summer relay team." she explained.
Rachel stepped over and put a pulse meter on her right forefinger. She hoped the doctor didnt notice her standing and slowly squirm as she tried to get comfortable with her panties that were wedged in her pussy lips. She had to bite her lip as she felt her own body getting warmer and the familiar release of her own wetness.
Wyatt lifted her arm slowly "ok, tell me again where the pain starts." He said as he slowly raised her arm. As he raised it, the gown which was so loosely tied gave a clear view at the side of her heavy breast in her sports bra.
"About right there" she said as he reached the 3/4 point. He moved it in different directions and determined it was a light strain and should be ok with rest and icing.
"Well, i think its a light strain and with stretches and ice youll be ok. If it doesnt get better we can send you for xrays" he said as he glanced at rachel as she was shifting from side to side which wasnt like her. He wondered if it was her panties in her ass crack he left too deep, or the panties wedged between her pussy lips.
"Lts see the ribs now." he said and reached to untie the loose knot behind her back on the gown and moved it foward.
"Can you slide your arm out, i need the left side of your ribs free to examine." He instructed.
She moved and he was able to move the gown. Her sports bra concealed her heavy breast well but to Wyatt he was having such immoral thoughts. He looked at her ribs seeing the bruises and knew only time could heal them. But he wanted to see more, especially after getting peeks at rachel, he was thirsty for more.
Wyatt clicked the pen in his pants pocket stopping time. Kate sat staring down at his hands as he examined her bruises her long black hair pushed to the side over her shoulder. Rachel was at the computer standing entering the vitals and any notes the doctor dictated as he performed the exam.
His heart raced, his knees felt weak as the rush hit him again. He stepped in front of kate and pulled the gown fully open revealing her panties and sportsbra. Her stomach was so toned, and her thighs matched the tone as well. With trembling fingers he reached and pulled her sports bra up until her heavy breast came free. Because time was stopped they didnt move when released from the bra. Wyatt thought she must be a heavy D cup but were firm with only a hint of natural breast heft sag.
He licked his lips as he gripped each heavy tit and pulled them into their natural position they would be if released from that bra in real time. The heft in his hands incredible. Her nipples were so tiny and had barely dime diameter aerolas. Looking down at her thighs he wondered what her pussy looked like compared to rachels. Was she shaven too?
Wyatt spread her legs, pushing them apart exposing the cotton full brief panties that covered her mound. He noticed in the grey panties a damp spot in line with the opening of her pussy was formed. He pulled at the hem of her panties to pull them down a bit and to the side to get a view of a very small strip of black silky pussy hair. A clean landing strip that stopped atop of where her very meaty lips began.
As he admired her thick and meaty pussy lips and how they protruded and had a heavy thickness to them he noticed she had a tattoo along her panty waist line of two hearts overlapping. He thought wondering if she had a boyfriend she got the tattoo for.
The temptation was too great as he stared at Kates 19 yr old meaty pussy as he took his finger and began rubbing it up and down her puffy slit feeling a sticky wetness coat his finger almost instantly. Wyatt moaned as he felt her warm sticky wetness coat his finger and her pussy began to swell. The outer lips becoming more and more swollen with each rub and pass over her button clit, her outer pussy so thick and puffy his finger was totally engulfed in her big butterfly lips..
He rubbed her clit as he took his left hand reaching to cup a heavy tit and squeezed it firm feeling the heavy volume of how her breast spilled from his grip as his palm enclosed on it. Wyatt was lost in her fighting every urge to take out his cock and shove it in her pussy but didnt know if she was sexually active yet. He released her titty and pulled his finger from her meaty wet pussy and smelled it. Her heavy sweet musk only made his cock harder.
Wyatt regained his composer and put her panties back in place and pulled her bra down making sure her heavy breast were snugly back in position. He then closed her legs to where they were and re attached her gown to where it was originally positioned before he stoped time.
He stepped back to her left side and stood where he was when she removed the gown enough to see her ribs and the sports bra exposed. He restarted time and with a alight gasp Kate felt an intense wetness between her legs and her body flush with arousal.
"Thanks kate, now, lets look at these ribs" Watt calmly stated as if nothing had happened.
Kate was feeling embarressed. Why was she getting so wet. Why was she so aroused. She thought Rbyns dad was sexy but this was a professional exam. Her pussy was on fire with desire as her blood pressure had her lips throbbing. She felt as if her cotton panties were soaking through and worried her big butterfly pussy lips may push out the sides pf her panty line.
Wyatt finished the exam and told her to just take it east and maybe not push it with swimming until the shoulder healed a bit. Kate agreed and thanked him for the exam.
Rachel finished up the computer files as wyatt stepped out. "Ok kate, we are all done here, go ahead and get dressed and you can set up a follow up exam with reception on the way out." Rachel said before leaving.
Kate pulled on her sweat pants and as she did she slid a finger over her pussy lip feeling how incredibly sticky she was. She felt so flush but yet aroused in a different way. She took her phone, took a picture of her sticky fingers hovering over her lips and finished dressing. She went to see robyn and set up a follow up exam feeling her legs so wobbly as she walked up to the desk Robyn sat.
"Well, how did it go?" Robyn asked.
"Im just a bit sore. He said i should feel better in a few days but to call if it gets worse." She explained as she felt as if she wet her panties.
"So i assume no workout tonight?" Robyn asked as she opened the appt book.
"Well, no swimming but...." kate said with a red face as she took out her phone to show Robyn the photo.
"Kate! What is that?" She excitedly exclaimed.
"I told you...i think your dad is hot and my body is reacting in very sexy ways" she said as Robyn smiled.
"We will talk about this more get going so we arent overheard. " Robyn grinned as she watched Kate leave the office.
You really need to proofread and spell check, never mind paying attention to proper capitalization. Once you referred to Rachel as Kate: "Well, i better go check on Kate doctor." Kate said as she stood up... I might recommend using Grammarly, a free online app, to help with the little things.
The story is great, the telling needs work.