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Wake up sex with both my sister and neice.
Chapter 63: Sex In The Morning

First thing in the morning, we ordered coffee and breakfast from room service. Kate texted El to join us for breakfast. As we waited for food and El to arrive, Kate encouraged me to relieve my morning wood in her cum hole. It was a quicky, missionary position. I was still fatigued from the Sex Olympics of the day before, so I came within moments of entering her.

While Kate was in the shower, I tended to the food cart being brought in, tipped the bellhop, and gave El a big hug when she arrived. El looked a little worse for the wear. I guess the parties in the other suites had raged until the wee hours.

Bedraggled as she was, El was still awfully attractive and sexy looking. Her hair was a mess with mats of dried cum here and there. Her clothes were askew, wrinkled and smeared with splotches of sex juice. She looked like a very pretty slut who had been passed around a fraternity party, enjoyed by all. Pretty close to the actual truth.

Her visage was erotic in it’s own unique way. It was the look of a skank who had satisfied many men and didn’t know how to say no. As we drank our coffee and compared notes, my dick was stiffening, I was craving her more than ever. The thought of fucking this disheveled trollop was distracting me. It was like pounding the shit out of clueless, dumb sluts – fucking a used-up skank was exciting.

I got bold and told El how sexy she looked and how I wanted a quickie fuck. Almost out of habit, she moved to the bed and stripped off her ratty clothes. When she spread her legs, you could still see cum caked around her cunt and in her crotch. I climbed on and lubed up with some spit, pressing my dick into her over-used slit. It was warm inside as my cock swelled to fill her raunchy hole. Like with Kate earlier, it was just a missionary quickie. I pumped it and stroked until I added to her cum saturated vagina.

Kate came from the bathroom and called out “Next.” I nearly sprinted to the bath. I needed to wash off all traces of the glorious night of sex. I needed to get refreshed.

When I emerged from the shower, I saw Kate lying on the bed, munching on an English Muffin, and holding her phone in the other hand, reading something. El was between her legs having Kate’s pussy for breakfast. Sporadically, Kate would give El some instructions. “That part’s still sore.” Or “A little softer on the clit.”

I moseyed over to the food cart. I dove into a plate of eggs benedict. I was famished, realizing that I hadn’t eaten much the night before. Shortly, El finished her ‘breakfast’ and sauntered into the bathroom. We could hear her moaning as the warm water cascaded down her body.

Kate put down her phone and addressed me. “So, what’s your plan, bro? When are you leaving? I don’t mean to sound like I’m kicking you out. But I’m curious how much longer we’ll have together.”

“That depends, sis. First, I want to make sure that you and El will be okay. Did Charles have a will? Do you think that he left anything to you girls? It’s simply the lawyer inside of me that just won’t go away.” “I visited the lawyer the day after you arrived. Much to my surprise, Charles did extremely well after we divorced. He amassed a sizeable fortune, mid-seven figures, if you can believe it. He had set up two trust funds: one for me and one for El. It has some trigger events and trigger dates to ensure that it will last a long, long time.”

“What kind of trigger events and trigger dates?” “Well, for instance, El can’t touch any of the money except for college tuition, books and modest room and board until she turns 25. Until then she only gets a modest monthly allowance. And she takes nothing if she either doesn’t go to college or she gets married before college graduation. There are other provisions, but those are the biggies.

“As for me … I get a very comfortable monthly allowance plus some very valuable stock. But I forfeit everything if I remarry. Ha! Fat chance I’d even think about getting married again. Not after my experience with him. You can read the docs if you like. They’re mostly mumbo-jumbo to me. I’m happy just to get way more monthly income than I can dream of spending.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful, Kate. I’m relieved that you and El will be financially secure. I was worried about that. And are there any strings on El’s money after she turns 25?” “Some, but not many. There are limits on how much she can withdraw annually. The trustee is a kindly, trustworthy soul who likes El and has her best interests in mind. She won’t be able to run off and buy exotic cars and villas in France or snort it all up her nose in a coke fueled spree. She’ll be fine.”

“Now that I’m satisfied about your future, all I have to worry about is breaking so many fragile teenage hearts! Given my viral popularity around here, I fear that I’ll leave a void once I’m gone.” Kate roared with laughter. “Don’t be so full of yourself, bro.”

El emerged from the shower, buck naked, drying her hair with a towel. “What’s so funny?” I stared at her fresh, nubile body as I responded “Oh, nothing, sweetie. Your mom and I were just talking about some of the fun times we’ve had.”

El pulled some fresh clothes from her bag and dressed. She sat on the bed next to Kate and asked “I don’t mean to be rude, unk, but when are you leaving? You’re all that everybody is talking about on media. There’s even talk of having a big, blow-out going away party for you. We could have it this weekend if you’re still around.”

“Whoa! Hold on there snookums! Let’s put the brakes on any more parties, going away or otherwise. Get on your “media” and put the kibosh on that idea.”

El frowned. “But why? Everyone, me included, thinks it’s a great idea.” “No dice, uh, “Waves” is it now? If you can’t shut it down, rest assured that I won’t be there.” “What the fuck, unk? You’ve been so cool, up until now. Why wouldn’t you come?”

“Lots of reasons. For one, last night and the barn incident pretty much used me up for a while. I’m not in high school anymore. And that’s the second reason: I can read the headlines already – “Perverted Old Guy Busted Hosting A Teenager Party.” I’m not a fan of being in jail and a police record would limit your chances of getting into college. Think about it.”

Dejected, El hung her head. “Well then, I’d better go downstairs and spread the bad news.” Kate weighed in. “And kick everybody out, El. It’s almost checkout time.”

El stood up and came over to me, sitting in the chair. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a solid kiss on the lips. “I still love you, unk, even if you disappoint me sometimes.” She was off like a whisp and Kate and I gathered our things.
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