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Turns out Henry's nieces are working girls too. All characters are 18+
At first I thought the guilt would come back after my most recent encounter with my sister, but to my surprise it didn’t. I guess on some level what I really felt guilty about was trying to lie to myself about what I wanted, and now that I had no choice but to face my perverse desires I felt liberated.

Just like I told Chloe, I was soon back. My sister didn’t seem surprised to see me. She took my money and let me use and abuse her body like the common whore she was. I was back the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. Soon I realized that I had become a regular customer for my prostitute sister. What can I say? she did good work. With each visit I tested the boundaries more and more, and was delighted to find that Jill appeared to have none. As long as I paid, it seemed like she would actually do whatever depraved thing I wanted. I reveled in it.

Things took a turn a few weeks later. I found myself unexpectedly horny and otherwise unoccupied, so I went by my sister’s place hoping for a quickie. Eve greeted me at at the door.

“Hey Uncle Hank, you here for Mom?” she asked, letting me in.

“Yeah, I have some time to kill, thought I would stop by. She around?” I asked.

My eyes were glued to Eve’s ass as she sauntered into the living room. Chloe was siting on the couch watching TV, and as she entered Eve splayed herself out alongside her sister, resting her head in her lap. Both were wearing extremely tight athletic shorts and tank tops, leaving virtually nothing to the imagination. Chloe looked over at me as I entered and was the one who responded.

“No, she’s out doing a house call right now. I don’t know when she’ll be back, could be a while.”

I stood there awkwardly for a moment drinking the sight of my nubile nieces laid out as if for my enjoyment. After a pause I responded. “Oh, OK. I guess I’ll be going then.”

Eve looked over at me. “No, stay! Hang out with us a little, Uncle Hank! Whenever you stop by you’re so busy with Mom you never spend any time with us.”

Chloe nodded along and the two looked at me. There was pleading in their eyes; pleading and hunger. Eve rolled onto her back and lifted her legs, indicating the space on the couch for me to sit.

I did so.

“Alright, I can spend some time with my two favorite nieces. What are we watching today?” I asked, but didn’t really care about the answer. As soon as I sat down Eve draped her legs over my lap, and I was struck by the creamy whiteness of her shapely calves and thighs.

“Some documentary, I’m not paying a ton of attention. You can put on something else if you want.” Chloe passed the remote my way but I declined. I was just enjoying being close to two attractive young women.

We watched absently for a number of minutes. At some point Chloe took my arm and pulled it over her shoulder so she could snuggle into me. Eve kept adjusting her legs in my lap periodically. They were so warm, and their alluring scent filled my nostrils intoxicating me. It was nice, but there was a clear tension in the air.

I had come because I was horny, and through this whole interaction with my nieces my erection had never fully gone down. This was brought prominently back to my attention when Eve shifted her leg, and suddenly it was resting gently on my bulge. She didn’t immediately respond like she noticed, but when I shot a glance her way she made direct eye contact and smirked, then suggestively rubbed her leg against my swelling member. I gently pushed her leg off of me, making an attempt at being the responsible adult.

The gesture was in vain. The motion caught Chloe’s attention. I watched as she looked from her sister’s leg, to my increasingly tight-fitting pants, then licked her lips and pulled Eve’s leg back so it was resting atop my cock. Making it clear that she knew what she was doing, she then draped her arm over her sister’s leg, preventing me from moving it again and leaving her hand resting lightly against my inner thigh.

We sat in tense silence for another few minutes until finally Chloe spoke. "You know Uncle Hank, just because Mom isn't here doesn't mean you can't get what you came for."

I inhaled sharply, and responded with all the equanimity I could muster. "What do you mean?"

Eve chuckled as Chloe continued. "I mean, I think you've already realized Mom isn't the only working girl in the house. Eve and I are really proud of how much we help pay the bills around here. I know we don't have as much experience as Mom, but we have an amazing two-for-one rate."

I had expected there to be a little more beating around the bush, but Chloe was in full sales mode. I tried to screw up my dignity and replied more sharply than I intended.

"Chloe! What on earth are you saying? I'm your uncle! Totally independent of how fucked up it is to have your own mother pimping you out, why would you think you could proposition me like that? What kind of man would I be if I thought of you two that way, let alone acted on it? I should call the cops so they can take you out of this obviously deranged situation."

I thought I'd done a decent job of selling the outrage, but Eve's chuckling turned into outright laughter.

"C'mon Uncle Hank, don't try and give us that bullshit." She said between guffaws, "You aren't exactly subtle about what you and Mom, who is your own sister I might add, get up to when you come over. So just stop pretending the incest grosses you out. Not only do we know what you've been paying her to do, she told us how you used to look at her back in the day. As for calling the police, Mom isn't 'pimping us out'; she never forced us to do anything. I know it might be hard for you to understand, with your shiny Lexus and lucrative job that daddy set up for you, but we're struggling around here. Mom gave up so much for us. Chloe and I are happy to do anything we can to help out. Besides, we're good at it and love getting railed. And we're twins, we wouldn't keep anything from each other."

As Eve finished Chloe leaned down and pressed her face into her sister's. I knew they were making out for my benefit, trying to entice me, but god damn if it didn't seem like they were enjoying each other. Eve's legs kept me firmly trapped in place on the couch and let her know exactly how well their little show was working at getting me turned on.

After what seemed like forever Chloe pulled away from her sister. Eve was loathe to let her go, and she lifted her head slightly as Chloe pulled back to keep sucking on her sister's tongue for as long as possible. A strand of saliva hung between Chloe's tongue and Eve's lips as they both turned to look at me with what I knew were "fuck me" eyes honed by years of professional practice. The quirked their identical eyebrows in sync and I knew I was beaten.

"How much?" I asked stiffly. They laughed, and gave me the rate. I slapped the money on the table without hesitation, and then we sat in awkward silence for several heartbeats.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Now just lean back and let us take care of you, Uncle Hank." Eve said, standing up. She pulled Chloe up after her, and the two pressed their bodies together and began making out again. I leaned back like I was at the strip club and marveled at these two beautiful women. Nothing in the way they desperately sucked at each other's faces and ground themselves into each other seemed staged. I couldn't detect a single undercurrent of hesitation or revulsion. Either they were incredible actresses, or these were two women who genuinely delighted in each other's bodies.

Finally they parted and looked down at me, still sitting on the couch.

"Do you want to come join us in our room Uncle Hank?" Chloe asked.

"Or maybe he wants to do it out here, so that Mom can come home to the sight of her brother absolutely tearing her daughters apart. Would you like that Uncle Hank?" Eve replied.

Instead of saying anything, I stood up suddenly and grabbed Eve by the chin. She gasped as I pulled her face towards mine, but didn't resist at all as I shoved my tongue down her throat. Reaching out with my other hand, I placed it on top of Chloe's head and gently applied pressure. She allowed herself to be guided to her knees as I continued making out with her sister. I couldn't see, but I felt her fumbling with my pants. It only took her a moment to pull my cock out, and like a true professional she didn't waste any time wrapping her lips around it.

I didn't waste any time either. They might be by nieces, but whores are whores. No sooner did I feel the head of dick slip past Chloe's lips than I started thrusting my hips, fucking her mouth. Keeping a firm grip on Eve's chin, I pressed my tongue even deeper into her mouth. Soon, I could feel my tongue probing past Eve's uvula while my cock slipped down into her sister's throat. The feeling of their throat-holes spasming on my invading body parts was exquisite.

I guess they were used to slightly more tentative customers, however, because at virtually the same time Chloe slid gagging off my cock Eve started pulling back from my tongue, likewise having trouble with the invasion of her throat. I let them both go and stood back for a second, my cock turgid and shining with my teenage niece's saliva. The both breathed heavily and coughed for a moment, before looking back at me.

"Well," I said, "Is that all? If I wanted some tonsil hockey and a shitty blowjob I could get on tinder. If I'm going to pay you for it, I expect the good stuff. The rough stuff."

Part of me expected this to finally scare them off. To my satisfaction, they instead looked at each other with determination. Eve helped Chloe up, then spoke.

"We get it, Uncle Hank. The point of whores is you can do things to them your girlfriend won't let you. You can hurt us."

"Good." I strode over and without missing a beat a slapped them both as hard as I could across the face. They had their cheeks pressed together so I was able to get them both at once. Chloe, who was closer to me, merely winced. Eve was almost knocked down by the blow. But she righted herself and looked me dead in the eye.

"I bet you can hit harder than that." She said.

I went nuts. The next several minutes were a flurry of violence as I unloaded all of the darkness in myself on my poor, sweet, nieces. The relentless sound of palm hitting cheek filled the room, accompanied by their gasps, whimpers of pain, and the occasional "again Uncle Hank". Their tiny bodies were whipped around the room under my assault, leaving them to help each other up and attempt to support one another. I'd have felt bad about it, except in their panting I could clearly hear not just pain, but arousal.

Sooner than I would have liked, I'd worn myself out pummeling the girls. I could tell their faces would be bruised for days to come, and in the back of my mind I realized that my sister would require some explanation. I didn't care.

Seeing that I was spent for the moment, the girls leaned into each other and started making out again. This time, however, it wasn't the playful kissing of twin girls trying to appeal to the male gaze. There was something primal, violent even, about they way the pressed their faces together. Making sure I was looking, the girls reached their hands out to one another's throats, and soon were choking each other as the kissed. Eve broke first, pulling her head back and attempting to get a better breath. Chloe put her other hand around her sister's neck and squeezed harder. Eve was turning purple, her attempted breaths taking on a rattling quality.

Never slackening her grip, Chloe pushed Eve by the throat over to where I had sat down on the couch. She pushed her sister so she was sitting legs once again draped over my lap. Eve had stopped choking her sister in turn and was instead grasping her by the wrists, fumbling at them ineffectually. Coldly, Chloe turned to me and said "Why don't you torture her nipples, Uncle Hank." Then to her sister, "Get your hands off my wrists and start jacking him off. I'm only letting you breath again when he cums."

Both of us took Chloe's advice. Eve's hard nipples were clearly visible through her thin, white tank, and I didn't hesitate to cup her breasts and start tweaking them. The tweaking turned to twisting, and I noted with some satisfaction the tears forming in the corner of Eve's eyes every time I twisted particularly hard.

Eve, in turn, let her hands fall from her sister's wrists and weakly started fumbling for my cock. I'd never put it back in pants, so she had it in no time. Normally, the low grip strength and irregular motions would have left me extremely frustrated, but something about the fact that it was happening as a result of my niece being on the verge of passing out from oxygen deprivation made it feel amazing to me. Grunting, I started thrusting my hips into her hand while twisting Eve's nipples as far as they would go.

I made eye contact with her. Her face was a lurid, swollen purple. What I saw in her eyes drove me over the edge. Pleading, genuine fear, arousal, all buried under a glassy dimness that suggested it was all she could do to cling to consciousness. Giving her nipple one last savage twist I grunted and sprayed my cum all over the two girls.

As soon as my cum started shooting out Chloe released her sister's throat. Eve fell rolling off the couch, rubbing her throat and choking down breaths as quickly as she could. With Eve out of the way, Chloe swiftly brought her head into my lap, locking her lips around my cumming cock and slurping down as much of my ejaculate as she could. As Eve finally raised herself back up to her knees Chloe pulled off my dick, the suction of her mouth making a satisfying popping sound as it did. She opened her mouth wide to show me all the cum held on her tongue, then with a performative grace swallowed and stuck her tongue out so that I could see it was all gone.

Eve stood up on wobbly knees. "Fuck Uncle Hank, what the fuck was that?"

With post-nut clarity, guilt was starting to set in. "I'm so sorry girls. I never should have done that. There's no excuse, you must think I'm a monster."

Eve looked at me while still rubbing her throat and swaying woozily. "Don't fucking apologize, that's the first time I've ever cum with a client."

"See Uncle Hank!" Chloe exclaimed, sliding up my body to rest her head on my chest, "We can take care of you too!"

Suddenly, there was the catastrophically loud sound of a throat being cleared from the other side of the room. Whipping our head around, all three of us were surprised to see Jill standing the apartment's hallway, and intense but unreadable expression on her face.

I pushed Chloe off of my chest while attempting to slide up the couch. Ineffectively attempting to get my deflating dick back in my slacks, I started stuttering incoherent excuses.

Jill held up a finger silencing me. "I don't want to hear it. Girls, the living room is in fucking shambles. Clean it up. Hank, get the fuck out right now. We'll talk later but I need to see to my girls first."

I hated to abandon my nieces to whatever was about to happen, but I practically sprinted as I got the hell out of that apartment.
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