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Wife explains cheating and they get a very enticing offer.

After a shower in the en-suite bathroom of the downstairs bedroom I slept in occasionally, I threw on a robe and went to change clothes in the bedroom we usually shared. Sometimes his snoring was loud enough to wake me. A few times a month he was overloaded with work and used his laptop in bed, sometimes until one in the morning. I loved my husband, I truly did, but things were complicated.

When Ken shouted my name, “VALERY!”, I knew I was in even deeper shit than before. I prayed silently as I slowly walked toward the kitchen. He was sitting at the table with Emma, a beautiful chesty blonde I’d had fun with at one of the neighbors’ sex parties. She blushed and smiled as I approached, but the expression on his bright red face showed he was angrier than I’d ever seen him before.

He took several slow breaths and relaxed his hands, which had been clenched into fists. “Valery, did you…”

I knew what he was going to ask, and figured it would be best to admit it. “Yes. We had a good time at the Joelsens’, but only once.”

He glared into my eyes. “I gave you whatever you wanted, and you barely even sleep with ME! You SCREWED her! And a bunch of other people? Why? How could you?”

The stunningly pretty blonde cluelessly asked, “You two don’t have an open marriage? You don’t sleep with other people?”

He turned and told her, “Sort of … ah … not really. We ah… went to an orgy once. I hoped it would make her want it more at home, but… but last week I was out of town!”

Thinking quickly, I replied, “If you wanted to take me to Berlin, or Tokyo, or all the other places you go, you could have asked me.”

“But… but why? At the orgy we went to, you screwed two other guys and played around with three other women. And you let the twins in your ass! Why won’t you do that for me? Am I ugly or something?”

Emma rested a hand on his arm and said, “You’re not ugly. You’re kinda hot!” I felt a rush of jealousy.

His face showed he was overwhelmed by grief and disappointment as he asked, “Valery, why?” There was the glimmer of a tear forming at the corner of his eye.

I swallowed hard and told him, “I grew up in the church. My mom and dad are both ministers! Until I met you, everybody around me knew sex is only for making babies. You and I agreed we wouldn’t have any kids until next year. Any sex that doesn’t make a new life is a sin. Especially uh… especially blowjobs or anal. Every time we do it, I feel guilty. Terribly guilty.”

He angrily asked, “Then why do you fuck around all the time?”

“Not all the time! I didn’t want to go when the Joelsens invited us to the first orgy. I was horrified! I only went along to make you happy. After a few drinks and watching other couples do it, sex… it felt like I wouldn’t be in trouble since everybody was doing it. I don’t feel guilty if I’m just one of the crowd.”

“So, fucking ten people is okay, but not if it’s just the two of us? What the Hell! The gardener, but not me?”

“Emelio showed me a hot video of him and his wife with two other women. I … I couldn’t control myself. I’m SO sorry!” I was extra embarrassed discussing it in front of a woman we barely knew. “I don’t feel bad about it if others are having sex too. I can’t explain it any better than that. Uh…” I suggested, “I’ll do whatever you want if we’re part of a group. I don’t feel guilty if there’s a crowd.” I felt blood rushing to my cheeks as I blushed.

I was surprised when Emma had a helpful suggestion. “You can come over to my house tonight. My husband and I like group sex. We have rules… Uh… Do you want to?”

Ken smiled and eagerly asked, “Valery?”

I thought a while and bashfully agreed, “If it’s at least six people, okay.”

Emma jumped up and said, “Great! I’ll invite some friends over for a barbecue. We lick the barbecue sauce off our fingers, then our friends’ fingers, and then… Hehehehe! We’ll have a blast! See you there at seven!”

Ken asked, “Wait, where do you live?”

“Oh, I didn’t tell you that. Three blocks down, 3800 Rosewood. I have to go call people and set it up!”

Ken lustily offered, “I’ll drive you home.”

I cleared my throat. “We! We’ll drive you home. Let me get dressed quick.”


Emma’s large house was nearly a duplicate of ours, two downstairs bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, three on the second floor, and a master suite on the top floor. Like ours, there was a commercial-sized kitchen, flower garden and lawn out front, large patio, and a small pool in back. I was surprised her husband was so much older. She was a college-aged blonde knockout, but he was bald and looked around seventy. She introduced us, “Henry, meet my new friends Valery and Ken. Friends, my husband Henry.”

He was seated in a plush chair with a walker next to it. He held the walker tightly with one hand and offered us the other as he stood. “Doctor Henry Hollinger. What do you think of my masterpiece?”

I asked, “What do you mean?”

“Emma. She’s very kind and sweet, but she was only a little better looking than average when I met her. Tell them about the work I did, Emma.”

“First I got collagen in my lips and 38 triple-D boobs, then liposuction for my belly, braces on my teeth, butt implants, then a rino… ah…”

He continued for her, “Rhinoplasty to give her a cute little nose, otoplasty to make those small pretty ears, and half a dozen others. The last was my favorite, an analplasty to make butt sex easier. That was the final procedure I performed before I retired. I think she’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in person!”

The proud, smug look on his face annoyed me, and I was angry he thought of Emma as a trophy, an object. I restrained myself and politely said, “Um, very nice.” I felt jealousy again when I noticed a bulge in my husband’s pants as he agreed. “She’s gorgeous! Just wonderful!”

Doctor Henry asked, “Have you discussed our lifestyle with them, Emma? And your rules?”

“Only a little.”

“Then why don’t you go have a cigarette and fill them in?” A creepy smile appeared on his face.

Emma held our hands and said, “The patio is this way.” We followed her to a table by the pool. She sat and explained, “Henry doesn’t like it when I drink or smoke, but he lets me if I follow the rules he gave me. If somebody sees me smoke and asks me to smoke their… parts, I need to lick and suck them until they cum in my mouth.”

She lit a long white cigarette and exhaled a cloud of smoke. The light breeze blew it away from us. “And if a guy sees me drink, I need to let him in my stink, my pussy or butt. Hehehe! The rules are only if I’m somewhere that Henry can see, though. The back yard, bedroom, or living room; or when we go to adult parties. With his health troubles he can’t do it anymore, but he loves to watch. I like doing it in front of people, too.”

Ken was practically drooling. She blew smoke in his face and he smiled even more intensely. She inhaled another drag and blew a thin line toward my chest. She asked, “Do you like watching me smoke, Valery? Would you like a cigarette?”

I was strangely turned on by her sucking a ‘stink stick’, as I imagined her sucking my clit again. I nervously looked at Ken and saw Henry staring out the window. I told her, “I don’t smoke.” Emma stood up and said, “Too bad. But if you ask me to lick your pussy, I have to. Or if he asks for a blowjob…” She blew her final puff of smoke toward his lap. A dampness began between my legs, but I wasn’t about to admit it.

Ken stood and I hurriedly pleaded with him, “Tonight? Please wait until tonight, when more people are here?” I stood up and tried to distract him. “I think there’s a baseball game that you wanted to see. Instead of the 7th inning stretch, how about I give you some 7th inning doggy style? Let’s go home, until tonight?”

He sighed and nodded. “Okay, tonight.”

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