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A solar flare contains massive amounts of radiation, us humans call gamma and x-rays and many more, most of these dangerous forms of radiations are absorbed and distributed throughout the earth's atmosphere, however, occasionally a few radicals, not at “harmful” levels penetrate the air and strike the earth.
Hi all this is my second story, My first, The Family, i lost a chapter sorry guys.


Let me Begin, my name is Jordan and as with all humans, in-fact all life on earth, it begins at conception my life is no different in that aspect.

my dad's dick was in my mums pussy, and he cums unprotected inside her, a few hours later, they made me. However, around 11 minutes prior to his sperm joining with the egg there was a minor solar flare, not a big one, not even remotely noticed by the various earth space agencies. However, this one small flare, like millions possibly billions of times before it was nothing spectacular or even out of the ordinary and it sent solar radiation hurtling towards the earth.

A solar flare contains massive amounts of radiation, us humans call gamma and x-rays and many more, most of these dangerous forms of radiations are absorbed and distributed throughout the earth's atmosphere, however, occasionally a few radicals, not at “harmful” levels penetrate the air and strike the earth.

It is also true, that sometimes, some of these radicals, come into contact with humans and other animals, usually with no noticeable effect as the amount is so tiny that the human body doesn't even respond.

We in my case, one such radical, entered my mums body, pierced the skin proceeded into the womb and at the exact time the sperm fertilized the egg it hit the egg and stopped depositing a minute (tiny) amount of gamma radiation into the Ovum,. This radiation, is not anticipated buy the reproductive systems of the body and causes a very small mutations. But does not make the zygote unviable.

A little about my mum and dad, my mum, Larissa, was a high school student, nothing exceptional grade wise, B grade average, her hobbies and after school activities included, ten pin bowling, modelling/dance, swimming. She like most of her family(her mum, brother, Nanna and Granddad) were well respected in the Tenpin bowling community and has been for many years.

My Dad, even though I never met him or even know who he, was her model/dance teacher pretends to be gay and not interested in woman, however, this is just an act so he can swoon drug and fuck little girls, yes he is/was a paedophile.

As I said, on the day I was created, my dad, had been drugging my mum over a few months, giving her tiny amounts of cocaine, in her sports drink that he provided, increasing her libido while around him, then a few weeks after her birthday, 13 days after her last period he arranged a one on one training session, her does this regularly and so it is not out of the ordinary, especially when a dance or model comp is approaching. That day, he gave her a slightly higher does of cocaine enough to get her very giddy when mixed with vodka and Orange juice,. Well suffice to say he got her very drunk and high, and when he kissed her and started caressing , that was enough to get her doing the deed.

A couple of weeks later as he would do to all his victims, he gets her to pee into a cup, he tells her that this is for drug testing to see if she and all other models are drug free, what it really is for is to test for pregnancy for girls he fucks, of course the test came back positive.

The next Saturday night, it was a Monday when he did the test, he arranges a party for all his models, boys, girls, men, he even hires a couple of prostitutes for the night and he arranges enough, beer and spirits to keep everyone happy and an orgy happens,

well my mum, not knowing she was pregnant or even that she had sex before was “virgin” until that party and ended up having sex with lots of guys and girls and it was later found that a few girls got pregnant from that party, my mum being one of them.

8 and half months later I was born, my mum still in high school,

My mum, uncle, Nanna, and granddad all had a hand in raising me as my mum dropped out of school, yes I was “normal” and everyone seemed to be happy in life.

I grew up and over the years I became a tall (183cm 6ft1in) 82 kgs, and please do not ask how many pounds that is

I did what most 80's boys do, went to school, played games, got into trouble, although not much, rode bikes played with friends, tried various sports till I fully decided to keep to tenpin.

I also was a bit of a geek, and was into Dungeons and Dragons, and various other role playing games.

Wait wait wait, I here you all asking, so what was this mutation I ,mentioned earlier, , well I will explain.

All my life, I noticed that whenever was around people they would feel happy and content, when I hit puberty I noticed that I could see “auras” and started having dreaming premonitions, and if I concentrate really hard I could see others persons and areas natural energy. I guess that my conception could be the reason for evolution.

Over the years, it got slightly easier to read aura's and see energies. So I started working as a psychic, aura reads, and energy cleanser, yeah yeah I know what you are all going to say, I'm a fraud and scammer, and I prey on gullible people.

However, no matter what the majority of society believes, I was happy, and working, paying taxes and enjoying life.

Now my story really begins.
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