I berated myself for at least the fifth time of the morning, "Katherine Svensen, how the HELL could you be stupid enough to get yourself into this! You're such a worthless idiot!"
Due to my recent discovery of alcohol and men on my 19th birthday, I was in deep shit. When I drunkenly offered, five guys and a girl had felt and tasted my boobs in front of the crowd. I suspect somebody put ecstasy or another drug in my drink, because normally I'd be far too shy. I even let three guys screw me from behind, as over 20 people watched. Most of them applauded and a few bought me totally unnecessary drinks. I was very ashamed later, but that night I was a major bar star. I only had two friends I hung out with most of the time, but that night, over 20 loved me.
On exam day 1 I woke up terribly hung over, with a naked man I didn't know. The only good part of that day was noticing two used condoms in the bed when I woke. At least I probably wasn't knocked up or infected with something horrible. I missed my first two exams completely and scored less than 50 percent on the third one. I passed one of the three I took yesterday, probably.
With terrible grades, I wouldn't be able to get any financial aid for school in the fall. To continue my education, I'd need to come up with fifteen thousand in only three months! The dorm was closing for the summer so unless I got some money quick, in a week I'd be living on the street too!
There were only three types of jobs available that I was qualified for. There was no way I could earn what I needed as a babysitter, waitress, or cashier. I had to expand my horizons and look for something out of town.
I gritted my teeth in indecision, when I saw an online job ad. "Ladies 18 and up, make $1,000 a day as a lingerie model! Email bikini photos or nudes to..."
If my parents were still alive and I took the job, they'd die from shame. But first, they'd kill me slowly by saying how disappointed they were.
I was on my own and I didn't have a choice. I did my hair and makeup as nicely as I could, took a bunch of photos in the bathroom mirror, and decided which were the best. I pondered and debated with myself a long time. "What if this is just a scam? What if my friends see the pictures?" My thoughts kept returning to, "This is the only way I can get the money." I could worry about it endlessly, but I really had no option.
I sent a photo of my face, smiling with my mouth closed. Another was me from behind, wearing only frilly black panties. I thought the last was the best, one of me topless and sucking on a finger. I hoped they wouldn't have too many blondes with curly hair and big boobs. Because of my body, wherever I went, lots of guys and even a few girls stared at me, until I smiled. I'd love to have enough money to fix my teeth.
I was very embarrassed when I tapped "Send". I felt a little better, as I remembered that twenty-five or thirty people had seen much more at my birthday party.
Two hours later I got a reply, "Our company XxXx Productions will pay you $300 for a one-hour bikini photo shoot, and as much as $5,000 a day for intimate videos, depending on your comfort level and willingness. Transportation, meals, medical, and hotel will be provided. When are you available?"
When I read "Intimate videos" I swallowed and had to clear my throat. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks. I knew they meant porn. On the other hand, five thousand a day nearly blew my mind! If I got that much every day for a week, I wouldn't have to worry for a whole year! If I did it for a month, I'd be set until I had my degree!
I also wondered, "Medical, from somebody I might only work for a few hours? Some full-time jobs don't even include medical."
I replied that I was available immediately, the sooner the better. I was surprised when my phone dinged only two minutes later. "A car will pick you up in an hour. Please bring clothing and any personal items you may need for three days."
I had to move out of the dorm by next Thursday, and I had nowhere else to go. I packed everything I owned into my purse and duffel bag and waited for the taxi. A huge, stretched limousine drove up and parked across the street from my dorm. It was the length of three regular cars! A chauffeur in a suit and cap stepped out. He asked, "Miss Kate Svensen?"
I nodded as my jaw dropped.
He said, "I'm John, and our security person today is Daniel." Daniel waved from the passenger seat. He wore a nicely tailored suit and was easily the size of a pro football player.
"Please have a seat in back, ma'am." He held the door for me, and I climbed into a space more luxurious than I'd ever imagined. The comfortable leather seats were long enough for two of me to lay down on each side. The trim, handles, and many of the buttons were real gold! There was a nice video and sound system, a mini-fridge, and even a tiny microwave!
A bouquet of flowers and an envelope with a card were on one of the seats. Next to them was a small box of chocolates from Switzerland. I noticed its "made on" date was yesterday!
The card had a rainbow above a white horse walking on a beach on the front. Inside was a picture of at least two dozen horses in a large pasture, and a cursive note in feminine handwriting. "We hope you'll join us." Along with the card, the envelope held a hundred-dollar bill.
I sarcastically thought, "Very nice, for people who want to sell videos of me fucking!"
I was a little offended at first, but the baroque interior of the vehicle mollified me a bit. I hadn't even noticed the car wasn't moving yet. I must have been admiring everything several minutes, by the time the dark partition slid down and John said, "Apologies, ma'am, but we'll have a brief stop on the way. I need to refuel and check the tires. We'll stop at a convenience store in about twenty minutes. If you'd like to smoke or have a drink and a snack, feel free. If you have any questions or need anything, just push the orange button to talk to us."
The partition slid up and the huge limo gently pulled onto the street. I thought that if I had a car this nice, I'd go two miles an hour everywhere. I'd want everybody to see it and be jealous.
Out of curiosity, I slid open a wooden door. I saw several packs of cigarettes, a few cigars, ashtrays, and lighters. On the other side were drinking glasses and six kinds of liquor. The mini fridge had fruit cups, fancy sandwiches, and two bottles of champagne. I slid open another wooden door and found a full ice maker, several sodas, three kinds of beer, some wine coolers, and two bottles of wine. Another small cupboard held bags of chips, pretzels, and cookies.
I quietly squealed to myself as I thought, "Other than going to the bathroom, I'd love to live in here!"
I turned on some dance music and started moving a little to the strong beat. I had only smoked 5 or 6 cigarettes before, while I was drinking, but one might help calm my nerves. Some wine might help with that too, but I realized it might be a test from my new employer. I put the bottle of wine and pack of cigarettes back and had a diet cola and a fruit cup instead.
At the convenience store, I picked up some mints and a dozen condoms. I realized if I was going to do porn, I should be prepared with fresh breath and protection.
As we walked back to the car, John said; "You have two options for your trip to the island. You can either take a twenty-minute flight from the airport near here, or if you prefer, we can drive an hour to the marina, and a yacht will get you there four hours from now. Either way, you'll have a brief medical check-up when you arrive, and meet our employer tomorrow afternoon. Would you prefer to fly, or take a boat ride?"
I wondered if this was a test too. "Better to get there sooner, I'll fly."
"Very well. We'll be picking up another lady on the way. I hope you enjoy the rest of your journey."
A few minutes later, we picked up a chesty and very pretty redhead a little older than me. She wore bright green thigh-high boots with four-inch heels, a nice faux fur coat, a lacy pastel green bra, and light green panties. I could see the shape of her nipples, and even a bit of their color. Her breasts were even larger than mine, probably triple D instead of my doubles. A little of her red pubic hair stuck out the edges of her panties. Her image screamed, "FUCK ME!"
Besides the crazy birthday party, I had never been with a girl before, and only four guys. I wasn't sure if I was Bi, but knew I loved dick too much to be a lesbian. If any girl could change my mind, she might be the one.
She sat opposite me and I continued to stare. She said, "I think you're beautiful too." I blushed as we shared a nervous giggle. "Are you new? Do you mind if I smoke? Would you like one too?"
"My first time, and please."
She pressed a couple of buttons and two sunroofs slid partway open. She had obviously been in the car before. She took a pack of cigarettes from the cupboard, put two between her bright red lips, and lit them. After taking a big puff, she passed me one. The smoke stung my mouth and throat a little but felt nice in an odd way. The lip gloss she left on the filter tasted like strawberry. As I looked at her again, I wondered what a kiss would be like. Gradually my anxiety faded. She had a wine cooler, but I stayed with diet cola.
I saw her flip two hidden cupholders out from under the seat. She put an ashtray in one and her wine cooler in the other. I followed her example. This was SUPER convenient, and nice!
"If you want a pack for your purse, or some chips, or something, just grab 'em. That's why they put 'em in the car. I'm Rachel, but everybody calls me Red." She offered her hand and I shook it. "I'm Kate."
"I see you're nervous, Katie. You don't need to be. The first month can be a little stressful, but the last four years have been Heaven! Just follow the rules, do what Mister X wants, and you'll be happy. They'll tell you this later too, but the big rules are no drugs and no sex outside the family. Everything else is easy and fun!"
I showed her my sense of humor. "Mister X? Do we work for a supervillain? Is James Bond gonna kill me with an exploding tie or a laser pen?
She laughed. "No, seriously, his name is Xander Xyllopo. Mister X."
I asked, "So, what do you do, and how's the pay?"
She giggled as she exhaled a white cloud of smoke. "I do everything Mister X says, absolutely everything." She licked her lips and adjusted her panties.
"I haven't needed to touch money or pay for anything since I met him. I don't even know how much is in my bank account, probably three or four million by now, and my son has five million in a trust too. If I ever decide to leave, me and my boy are set for life, but I'm more than happy to stay. Just do what he says, and everything will be great! But remember, no drugs and no fucking around outside the family."
I noticed she had two small "X" tattoos behind each of her ears, one red and one black. I pointed and asked, "What are the tattoos for?"
She just said, "If you're smart, you'll have them soon too. No sex, without the X." She giggled for some reason.
"I thought the job was modeling for pictures, and maybe doing porn movies? You said something about a family?"
Her eyes widened and she suddenly looked afraid. "I said too much. Forget I said that stuff! Modeling and porn movies are all. Really. The job pays great."
I tried to engage her in more conversation, but she stared out the window, replying with just "Yeah", "No", and "It's ok."
The plane ride went about the same. I wondered why she was worried and didn't want to talk any more. As we were about to land, I saw the island only had an airstrip and about ten buildings on it.
The 'quick checkup' the driver mentioned was a more than hour-long exam from a nurse and doctor. They measured, poked, and prodded nearly everything. They took more blood for tests than I thought I had. They checked my teeth in a dentist's chair, did a full pelvic internal, and used a long plastic tool to get a stool sample. They even used some kind of electronic balloon to measure how much they could stretch my vagina and anus until they hurt!
The nurse tried to reassure me, "If you're not 21 yet, don't worry. We don't test for alcohol or tobacco, but almost everything else. If there are any problems, we'll make sure you get them taken care of. We check for heart and lung issues, skin cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, thyroid issues, hundreds of contagious diseases, you name it."
Instead of it calming me, I was worried that I might have five kinds of cancer, aids, or dozens of other scary things.
The nurse had me stand by the wall naked, and said they needed pictures of me 'for medical reasons'. I made sure to smile and stick my chest and butt out. She said, "Really, this is just for comparison in case you have any problems later. You don't have to look pretty. Just stand like you usually do."
To finish off, they asked if I had pins, implants, or anything else metal or artificial in my body. They gave me a full body MRI, without me even saying there were any problems! A friend of mine had an MRI on her injured elbow last year, and just that cost a few thousand bucks!
When the medical exam I considered mild torture was over, a blonde lady around 35 in a light gray pantsuit greeted me. I thought she looked good for her age. If she were a little younger, maybe I'd want to...
"Hello. I'm Mister X's representative on this island, Jane. Your schedule will start slowly and work up to the level you're comfortable with. Tomorrow at 10, you have a half-hour bikini photo shoot on the beach. The day after that, they want to do a video of you swimming nude. I hope you can swim? Is that alright?"
"Sure! I love to swim! The more pictures and video the better! I really need money for school."
I noticed she had two "X" tattoos behind each of her ears too. I was curious but decided not to ask.
Jane said, "Let's go to my office, and I'll get you oriented before your first day tomorrow."
She pointed out things on a map of the island, "The office building we're in is here. You were at the clinic a little while ago. The hotel you'll stay at is this building. This one we call the grocery, but there's no charge for anything. You can get bathroom items, snacks, and so on there. You'll get most of your meals through room service and at the daily picnics we have for lunch, unless you love to cook." I didn't.
"The big one here is the gym and indoor pool. It only rains a few times a month on the island, so we usually swim in the ocean and exercise outside..."
Near the end of her speech, she said; "Trash and recycling bins are in many spots around the island, please help us keep the place clean and beautiful. Smoking is allowed on the third and fourth floors of the hotel, in the tavern, and anywhere outdoors away from building entrances. There are rooms available on all four floors, which would you like?"
"Four, please?"
She sent a text from her phone, then said, "It's nearly six already. Let's have dinner, while they get your room ready." She sent another text.
A minute later a man in a suit picked up my duffel bag. "I'll take it to your room, miss. You're in 407." The bag only contained a few books and some cheap clothing, but other than my purse, it was all I owned. I reluctantly let go of it and said, "Thanks."
After a wonderful Thai meal made in front of us by a chef, she led me to my room. It wasn't a room, it was a whole suite! It had a king size bed, couch, reclining chair, a small kitchen, and a nice bathroom with spa tub and separate shower. There was a video projector on the ceiling of the sitting room which showed video the size of the whole wall! There were two game consoles and a couple of video players hooked up to the projector. It was amazing!
A carton of the cigarettes I liked and a very nice laptop computer rested on the kitchen table. Jane sat in the kitchen with me, as we went over the list of rules.
1. No drugs other than mild over the counter ones, unless prescribed by a doctor. Everyone is randomly tested for drugs at least three times a year, after weekly tests the first month.
2. For the first 15 days, no communication is allowed with anyone off the island, no phone calls, no social media, and no email.
3. For the first 15 days, no physical contact with any other people is allowed, for disease prevention reasons. No visiting other people's rooms or having visitors for the first 15 days.
4. After the first 15 days, sex with other people will be allowed only at the discretion of Mister X and Jane.
5. For purposes of safety and cleanliness, smoking in bed is not allowed.
6. Physical violence will not be tolerated, and heated arguments may be cause for dismissal.
7. Everyone must respect the safe word "KITE". If any person uses the word "KITE" during romantic or sexual activity, they will be allowed to return to their quarters immediately, and alone.
8. People will have a medical check-up every 7 days for the first month, then monthly checks unless they notice a problem.
She said, "Let me shake your hand one last time, then you can't touch anybody for the next 15 days." She had a kind look in her eyes. As I shook her hand, I felt the urge to hug her, but resisted.
"I'll give you a little while to make any last calls, posts, or send emails. After that, no communication outside. I'll keep your cell phone and tablet in a safe place, and the internet in your room will be disabled until your 15 days are up."
I put up a post that I was happy I got a new job, but I'd be out of touch awhile. I tried calling my two friends and left voicemails. I sadly handed over my tablet and cell.
"Report any problems to me within a day. Disagreements and other issues between people are resolved by either me or Mister X. If you're not satisfied with the decision, you can choose to leave on the next boat or plane if you wish. If there are any problems with your room or anything in it, call the facilities team. They'll either fix it or get you a different room. Their number is on the list by the desk phone."
She said, "Somebody noticed your purse has seen better days. Let me replace it for you."
She went in the bathroom and brought out a beautiful purse. It was black like mine, but a little larger, with a large gold "XxXx" on both sides. Mine was a cheap one from a big box store, but this was very nice, hand-stitched, from a famous designer!
I reached for the new purse, but she insisted; "Please, let me."
She took everything out of my old purse, condoms, tampons, my ID. After looking at everything on the kitchen table, she said; "Sorry, but we need to be certain nobody has recording devices or illegal drugs. I hope you're not offended?"
I was a little but said, "I understand."
"Some things may seem strange or stressful, but if you follow our guidance, you'll be fine. If something bothers you so much that you want to quit and leave, you can. If you choose to go, you'll get the greater of a thousand dollars, or whatever money you've earned. We'll also provide your choice of an airline ticket to any major city, or transportation back to the place you were picked up.
Please, don't worry so much. I'm sure you'll be happy with us. I was the second one Mister X chose, and I've been overjoyed most of the time. The third one he chose is my wife Rita. We have over ten million in the bank and six children, but we're still happy to be here. In nearly twenty years, many people have broken the rules and been dismissed, but only ten or eleven have retired, all happily. Only two women and nine men have ever chosen to quit."
I wondered aloud, "Why more men, and out of how many?"
"A lot of men don't like getting anal or doing oral with another man. I don't really know how many people have tried out over the years, but there are eleven new girls, and six new men on the island right now. Mister X plans to choose three or four women this summer, and a man or two. If you're one of them, you have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life. If not, you'll have your money for school, unless you quit.
You'll get a wakeup call at eight in the morning. Order breakfast before you go to sleep, and it'll be delivered at nine. One of the film crew will knock on your door at ten.
One last thing. When you throw out your clothes, there's another trash can at the end of the hall if you need it." I nervously wondered what she meant, but she walked out and closed the door before I could ask.
I looked in the top dresser drawer and saw three kinds of sexy panties in five colors each, with ten matching bras. The next drawer had bikinis and swimsuits in nine or ten colors, and half a dozen assorted t-shirts. The next had slacks in four colors and five shorts, and the bottom drawer had jeans in four styles. In the closet I saw at least ten dresses, twenty other outfits, several sandals, and six pairs of shoes.
I tried on a lot of things, and saw every piece was exactly my size! Even the bras and jeans fit perfectly!
The doctors had measured me, but I wondered how they got everything so quickly? This was the largest amount of clothing I'd ever had, and the nicest!
I'd never stayed in a place so luxurious! The thought that I might be able to live here didn't seem real. There were rules and some stress, but so far it was the happiest day of my life!
Becoming a porn star was the best thing that ever happened to me!
I stopped myself when I realized how fucked up that seemed.
I looked around some more and saw there was champagne, wine, soda, and beer in my fridge, along with fresh fruit and several other snacks. The freezer had fruit bars and frozen yogurt. There were utensils, pans, and anything else I might need for cooking. I got another surprise when I opened the nightstand. There was a handwritten note, "Since you're not allowed contact with other people yet, hopefully these will relieve your tension. Channels 469 to 490 may also be helpful."
Underneath the note were a bottle of lube, two vibrators, and two dildos sealed in plastic. I wondered about the sizes, they looked about right. The doctor supplied sex toys too? I blushed and chuckled to myself. The drawer underneath held five more toys, all smaller, and a dozen batteries. When I tried the tv, the channels on the note were all porn.
I saw it wasn't even 8pm yet, and I didn't have to be awake for over 12 hours. I got a beer from the fridge and a pack of cigarettes and walked out to my balcony. I saw the balcony floor and railings were made of a clear plastic. I was a bit worried but felt the thick plastic and realized it was very strong. There was a table with two chairs, also clear plastic, and an ashtray. I sipped the beer and had a few relaxing puffs from a cigarette, as I watched the sun go down over the ocean. As it started getting dark, lights automatically went on above each balcony and near the doors entering each building.
I heard a door open and a nude man walked onto the balcony next to mine, not even ten feet away! He saw me and stared. I happily looked him over. He had sexy muscular arms, big pectoral muscles, and six-pack abs. His chest was very hairy, which I thought was hot. He had a nice face and short brown hair. The appendage hanging between his legs was far from short. I watched it begin to grow as he looked at me. I thought it was a bit narrower than average, but I'd never seen a longer penis in person before! I saw it slowly rise, as he looked at my chest. He licked his lips, as I licked mine.
I felt my hand move downward involuntarily and stopped it. He had a few sips of his beer and lit a cigar. I watched him puff on it and imagined him sucking on my boobs.
After an absurdly long time, I said; "You're naked."
Both of us smiled. "No, I'm Andy. But I'll put some clothes on if you want?"
I pulled off my shirt and reached for my zipper, saying; "Not if you're comfortable. I'm Kate."
He slowly started to stroke his huge cock, watching me. Fully erect it was almost twice the length of my foot!
"I'm much more comfortable now."
As I finished stripping, I said; "Me too!"
I sat in my chair, slowly rubbing myself, as I watched him jerk off.
I wouldn't have even imagined doing this just yesterday! I was masturbating with a total stranger! In public!
"Play with your nipples, Kate. You don't want them feeling left out."
I pinched and twisted one and got even more aroused. I slid two fingers into myself in time with the stroking of his cock.
Our gazes bounced back and forth between each other's eyes and pelvises.
Seeing semen spray from him set me off, and I climaxed too. "YUH! UNGH! YEAH! AAAIIIEEEE!"
I heard clapping behind me, as I struggled for oxygen. I saw Andy had a huge smile and he took a bow. When I turned my head, Red was on the balcony behind me! How lucky could I get! Super-hotties as both of my neighbors!
Red smiled saying, "The two of you are CRAZY sexy! I'm so sorry I missed most of it! How about you rest up, and we meet out here again in an hour?"
I smiled and looked at them. Andy said, "How about you match our uniforms, and start now?"
"YES!" Red undressed rapidly, and the three of us had another hot jack and jill session. When we finished, six or seven people on the ground clapped. They thought we were hot too. Instead of being ashamed at my nakedness, I was proud they liked us. I bowed and blew them a kiss.
Poor Andy only had three orgasms in him, but Red and I went another round, as the crowd below grew to at least twenty.
After my shower I crawled into bed, thinking about the two of them. I wondered which of them would feel better if we fucked for real. I'd be lucky to get a chance with Red, but Andy had a great dick. I like a pretty face and big boobs, but I NEED dick. Andy won, but it was close. I fell asleep masturbating again, imagining kissing her as he fucked me.
I woke and went to the bathroom before my wake-up call, and felt like a cigarette might rouse me from my sleepiness. I was happy to see Andy having a cigar on his balcony, nude again. I started rubbing myself once I had a cigarette lit.
As I saw him take a puff from the cigar, I imagined he was sucking one of my nipples instead.
He must have read my mind. "Yeah, Kate. Imagine that cigarette is my cock. I'd love for you to suck it!"
We rubbed and stroked ourselves to climax and started on a second time. I heard a door open. Red yawned and said, "Lemme guess, the early bird gets the ... huge furry snake?"
We laughed so hard we had to stop.
Red said, "I'd love to join you right now, but I need some coffee first."
The three of us had another shared orgasm before breakfast arrived.
At ten a man and woman knocked on my door. "I'm Carol, and he's Nate. Are you ready to take some bikini pictures?"
"I'm having a little trouble deciding which one looks best."
"Just bring four or five, you can change on the beach."
"But I don't think there's a changing room, is there?"
They laughed and laughed.
"What's so funny?"
Nate calmed himself enough to say, "You blew us a kiss last night, and a little of the guy's cum hit her hat. Don't try pretending you're shy now."
I turned at least five shades of red.
Carol reassured me, "You've got a great body, don't be afraid to show it. What's the worst that can happen? Some guy gets excited, and stares at you as he jerks off?"
I laughed until I couldn't breathe. "You have a good point!"
They took hundreds of pictures of me in four different bikinis, and many more of me nude.
We also made several short videos of me walking in bikinis, and naked.
Carol wanted to do some video of me jogging in the sand. She thought it'd be very sexy. I tried running nude, and one of my boobs hit me in the nose hard enough to hurt.
"Sorry, but I think jogging is a 'no' today." We all had another good laugh.
When the picnic bell rang at one, they'd been taking pictures and video for three hours, but it only seemed like a few minutes. It was a lot of fun, and I made nine hundred bucks!
As I got near the tables, Jane reminded everyone; "New people are not to touch anybody, so spread out. If your elbow can touch somebody else's elbow, you're too close."
I sat at the end of a table, next to the nurse who checked me the day before. Across the table were two young brunette girls who looked like clones of each other, except one had a small scar on her cheek. I thought they looked 15, maybe 16.
"I'm Kate. I was wondering, are you sisters? And are you old enough to be here?"
"I'm Carrie, and my twin is Mary. We turned 18 on Monday."
Mary added, "The no touching is really hard. We have to stay in separate rooms. That's the farthest apart we've been since we were kids."
I thought to myself, "Since they were kids? Last week?" I said, "I wish I had somebody I was close with, like you two."
Carrie cried a little, and sniffled as she said, "It's been really hard since mom and auntie passed away, they were twins too."
Nurse Linda got up and left, and I quietly said to them; "You're cute, and I like you two. Once the fifteen days is up, I'd love to give you some hugs."
"I'd like that a lot, would you, Mary?"
"That would be great! Maybe the three of us could share a room! You could rub us, and hold us to your big boobs, like auntie and mommy..."
Carrie cut her off, "SHHH! Mary means, hugs would be really nice."
As they left, I saw they had to push themselves to walk farther apart, and not hold hands. They needed comfort and love very badly, and I wanted to give them some. Maybe even the exciting kind of love. Their faces and little boobs were cute.
I was nearly back to the hotel when I heard a quiet noise in the distance, which got louder and louder. I saw three helicopters fly near the airfield. One landed, and four men with machine guns ran out of it! A second one landed, and four more soldiers jumped out! I started to panic, until a lady I didn't know said; "It's ok! Mister X is here, and those are his bodyguards."
The third helicopter landed, and a jet flew over, close to the ground. Was that a fighter plane? I thought only countries can have...
I saw two men in suits roll out a red carpet, for two other men in suits to walk on. A very tall and wide man in a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals walked behind them.
They stepped into a stretched limo, like the one I was in earlier, and it drove them the two hundred yards to the hotel. The businessmen walked past me into the main entrance. When I saw the much larger man up close, I was instantly in love, or lust, or something even more powerful. I didn't know why, but I had to have him!
I followed him into the hotel and heard the guy at the front desk say, "Mister X! It's great to see you again, sir! How can I help you? Anything at all!" The male receptionist appeared to be in love with him too.
Mister X spoke, and my life changed. His voice was powerful, confident, and seductive, as he said; "Get me the list of new recruits." The words were mundane and business-like, but I'd never heard anything so hot! The way he carried himself, and the feeling of extreme authority he broadcast drew me to him like magic. He had to be six foot six, and 300 pounds. He was built like a gorilla, or a great wrestler.
I suddenly noticed I had walked across the room and stood only a step behind him. I'd be happy to kiss his feet all day, just to be that close to him. He turned and did me the large favor of looking at me, before he said; "Hello?"
I recognized his accent as Greek and smelled mustard and onions on his breath. Steamy, sexy onions. I noticed a sudden dampness between my legs. I didn't like those flavors or scents until today, but I'd enjoy them for the rest of my life. I HAD to have mustard on all my sandwiches. I even started making myself fried onion and mustard sandwiches once or twice a week, to remember that aroma.
I squealed like a teenage girl seeing Elvis in person, as I said; "Mister X! I'm so happy to finally meet you! I'm Kate, and if there's ever anything you want me to do, or anything you want to do to me, or..."
He lightly touched a finger to my lips, and I tasted it. I detected a bit of mustard and sweat. Such amazingly SEXY, MANLY sweat!
I nearly fainted from joy, and tears formed at the corners of my eyes, as he gave me the happy news, "I see you're number nine on the interview list. Wait in your room, I'll see you later."
I was so aroused and happy I almost messed my panties.
"Thank you, sir! I'll see you soon!" I had to work hard to suppress a scream of "I love you!"
I ran so quickly my breasts nearly touched my nose a few times, as I sprinted to the elevator.
The second I had my room door shut, three fingers imbedded themselves between my thighs. I frantically masturbated to a climax, before I was three steps into the room. I collapsed happily onto the carpet, as I had a shattering orgasm.
Before I could collect myself enough to stand, I noticed I was rubbing myself again. I had no choice, and finished myself a second time.
I wondered what the hell it was that made him so INCREDIBLY SEXY?
As I stood, my rational mind switched back on for a moment, and I realized I shouldn't seem so slutty and pathetic. I planned what I would do when he came to my room. I'd wear something pretty, but easy to remove. I'd sit in a chair, with my legs crossed, to not seem easy or eager. I'd ... I'd ... I'd keep MASTURBATING UNTIL HE GOT HERE! I was SO HORNY! I came for the third time in an hour, just as there was a knock at the door.
I said, "Come in."
I saw him again and liked what I saw very much. Too late, I realized I was still standing in the middle of the room, with two fingers in my vagina. I froze.
He said, "It appears that you have a problem." I turned beet red and nodded. I used the last of my willpower to move my hand away from my crotch.
He continued, "I have an easy solution."
I pulled my bikini bottoms off and leaned over the kitchen table. "Please! Put it in me! I don't care where! Please, sir! Even my ass! PLEASE!" I held my butt cheeks as far apart as I could, hoping he might be generous enough to buttfuck me.
He said, "There's something I need you to do."
I turned around and fell to my knees. "ANYTHING! PLEASE LET ME SUCK YOU!" Tears fell from my eyes, in my extreme desperation.
"Get in the shower and wash me."
I ran to the shower and turned the water on. "Please, Mister X! Please hurry!"
He stepped into the bathroom, and his shoulder was the same height as the top of my head. I hugged him from the side, straddling one of his huge thighs. I thrust my hips, pushing my vulva against his muscular leg, again, and again. "You're so SEXY! MMMM!"
As he lightly kissed my forehead, my vagina exploded again. When I regained a slight bit of composure, I blushed in shame. I had just humped his leg, like a dog. He still had his sexy white briefs on.
I noticed he had a small bald spot near the back of his head, but the rest of his hair was very handsome, and attractive. After removing his underwear, he stood under one of the shower nozzles. He poured some shampoo on his hair and leaned down a little.
"Go ahead, Kate, wash me."
I lathered the shampoo and rubbed a bar of soap all over his back, and buttocks. He had such incredibly sexy ass muscles! His thighs were nearly the size of my waist! I rubbed the soap over his upper legs, and when he turned around, I saw his penis and scrotum mere inches from my mouth.
"Just wash, nothing else."
I was sad but obeyed my super-magnetic master. I gently washed his enormous penis, stroking it slowly, then his scrotum. I felt his testicles move below the skin, as I rubbed the soap on and rinsed it away. I started washing his giant cock again, enjoying the feeling as it slowly swelled in my hand. It was only halfway hard, and it was already bigger than any of my old boyfriends'!
He guided my hand away, causing me almost physical pain at the loss. I washed the front of his legs, then his nearly flat belly. Again, I resisted the urge to take him into my mouth and moved up to his hairy chest. I love hairy chests because they seem so primitively masculine. I was crying, at not being able to suck him. He held my face against his chest a minute or so, as my crying faded.
He washed and rinsed his arms, as he told me; "Wash yourself, then meet me on the balcony." He stepped out and I briefly cried again, at losing him for a moment. I did as he commanded and cleaned myself. I reluctantly did it without masturbating for the sixth time since I woke that morning, though I wanted to. After quickly drying with a towel I briskly walked to the balcony, and saw him sitting in a chair naked.
"Have a seat."
I wondered what happened. He was an attractive man and I'd like to date him, but he wasn't the god-like Adonis he was ten minutes before. I thought I might like to kiss him but I wouldn't sell my soul to taste his feet, like I would have when he first walked in. I liked his voice, but his words weren't the overwhelming commands of a supernatural being any more.
"I like you, Kate, and I want to apologize. A lot of my success is based on a special cologne I developed. It seems that today I used a little too much. I also didn't take into account it's extra effectiveness on ladies of Scandinavian descent."
I was very confused. A few minutes ago, I was begging him to do anything he wanted with my body, and HE was apologizing to ME? I said, "It's ok. Things are fine now."
"I'm glad. If you keep the cologne a secret, maybe I'll use it with you again. I'll see you next week, my needy baby kitten. My Kitty-Kate." He kissed my forehead and touched my cheek gently with his huge hand.
I watched him dress and leave. I'd like to see him again, but I just couldn't wrap my head around needing him so terribly, then only kind of liking him after just a shower. He called me his Kitty-Kate. I liked that. He had compassion for me and apologized when I had a problem. Maybe I did love him a little.
I laid on my bed, slowly and casually massaging my vulva, to the thought that someday I might want him that badly again. I had a very good orgasm, and then a smaller one. It was nice, and almost calm. I decided that I'd keep his secret. All his secrets.
I put on a light blue dress and went back to the balcony for a smoke. Andy was having a cigar and smiled at me. As I lit up, Red walked out, saying; "Damn, Mister X is sexy! I had to jill off three times to keep control of myself!"
Andy said, "I had to once. How about you, Kate?"
I hugged myself, as I said; "Seven times today! Seven wonderful times! And he called me his Kitty-Kate!"
Red playfully said; "You lucky slut! You've only been here a day! I didn't get a nickname for a whole month! But I bet you don't know WHY he calls me Red."
I said the obvious; "Duh! Because of your hair!"
She got a huge smile, before telling us; "Nope. He asked how I reacted when my first serious boyfriend had sex with me. I kept on reading my history homework."
Andy and I laughed uproariously.
Andy asked me; "So, I'm guessing he calls you Kitty-Kate because he got your pussy?"
I chuckled. "Nope. I whined and cried like a lost kitten, until he took care of my problem."
The two of them cracked up, laughing intensely.
Red said, "When Mister X is away Jane oversees the island, but her real name is Jacqueline. I bet you can't guess why her nickname is "Jane".
Other than a bad contraction of her real name, we had no ideas.
"It's from Tarzan and Jane. Jane of the jungle. She loves rubbing her face in lots of chest or pubic hair."
The three of us chuckled.
Andy asked, "So, how about we have another jack and jill session?"
Red said, "I just did three times. I'm too sore and tired. Tomorrow night."
He asked, "How about it, Kate?"
"SEVEN! I just told you I did SEVEN times! Men!"
I walked inside then took a nap. I dreamed of tiny rice-sized women swinging from a man's pubic hair like vines.
The next day Carol and two other ladies took a lot more pictures, and over an hour of video with me swimming nude in the pool. Again, I was having a lot of fun when they said they had enough and I was done for the day. I couldn't believe my job was so easy and fun. Life was great!
During the rest of the week, they got video and pictures of me swimming in the ocean and putting suntan lotion on myself on the beach. A lot of the pictures were beautiful, with fish swimming near me, as I looked down at the colorful coral reef through goggles or a face mask.
The morning before my one-week medical check-up, they had me masturbate on the beach with a small vibrator. Nine or ten men watched, and I had a great time. At my check-up the doctor told me my magnesium was a little low, and gave me some supplements. He also said I would need my birth control implant removed for some reason. I knew to be careful. I wasn't allowed to touch other people for the next week anyway, so I let him take it out. The removal hurt a lot less than having it put in.
Our nightly masturbation sessions started to become a tradition. Every night a few dozen people would watch Andy, Red, and I jack and jill for them, and each other.
My "job" before my two-week check-up was very exciting. Carol had three video people recording, and eight men went to the beach with us. I masturbated with several dildos, as the men jerked off and squirted their cum on my chest and back. Six or seven more men were watching, and happily took a turn or two. Carol said we were done, but three guys and I kept going until we climaxed again. I got a shower and reported for the big day. My check-up went well, and the doctor told me to report to Jane's office tomorrow after lunch. After I saw Jane, I could touch other people again! Maybe I could have sex with Red and Andy! I couldn't wait!
Jane called me into her office. "Have a seat. I have good news for you, all your medical tests came back fine. News you might think is even better, is that you earned nearly ten thousand dollars with us so far. If you keep doing similar things, but touching other people, you could easily have thirty thousand in another two weeks. That's assuming you want to leave us after a month."
I was very indecisive. I wanted to go back to school, but I LOVED it here. "I ... uh..."
"Now is the time you decide. I'll show you the schedule, then I'll give you a few minutes to choose whether you want to leave two weeks from now, or if you want to join the family and start getting your tattoos.
When you join the family, your life will be a lot like the last two weeks. You'll never have to pay for anything, no bills or cash to worry about. You'll have a bank account that grows over time, and plenty to retire on, if you ever choose to quit or retire.
Mister X is obviously the head of the family, and there is a matron at each of his six homes. I'm matron of this one. All the family does what Mister X and the matrons say, always. We decide where you live, who you can sleep with, and when.
When you have children, you'll happily turn them over to us. All children are well cared for, and you'll be allowed to see yours often, at least every week, and video chat every day if you want. Nannies and babysitters will handle most of the difficult parts of parenting, the feedings and diaper changes in the middle of the night, the dealing with school and doctor appointments.
We've shown that we like and trust you. As another big secret, look at this." She put a small perfume bottle on the table. "One drop of this on my neck turns nearly anybody into a happy slave. You'd eagerly do anything I told you, no matter how dangerous or wrong. I could use it on you right now, but I won't. You have a choice to make. Do you want to stay a few more weeks doing porn, or would you like to join the family?"
She didn't seem to know about my incident the day I met Mister X, when his cologne turned me into a horny robot. He didn't tell her. I realized I could trust him, maybe all of them. I smiled happily when Mister X walked in. I kissed his lips and said, "I love you! I want to join the family!"
"I love you too, Kitty-Kate." He held me in his tremendously strong arms and kissed my ear. "Hold still, this will only hurt for a minute or two."
Jane tattooed a small red "X" behind each of my ears and lightly kissed my lips. She said, "Unless we tell you otherwise, you're allowed to have sex with any female with an "X" tattoo, and you can do oral and anal with any males that have one. Mister X is the only male who gets your vagina, until you have the black tattoos. After your first child is born, you get to decide if you want more children with him, or if you want your tubes tied and the black Xs."
Mister X added; "After you have the black ones, you can screw any guy in the family, any time. Until then, I'm the only one that gets your helpless, needy little pussy, Kitty-Kate."
Jane said, "You just have a few more choices to make tonight..."
I immediately said, "You two! And Red and Andy, if that's ok?"
Jane laughed. "I'm getting to that, but we've noticed that females tend to get lonely without a roommate, even if they're involved with people nearby. Unfortunately, there are only two other girls who want a roommate right now, Mary and Carrie."
"YES! Please? I really like them!"
"They asked for you, when they got their red tattoos a few hours ago. I'm glad the feeling is mutual. Your next choice is..."
"You two! And Red and Andy!"
Mister X and Jane both chuckled. She said, "Since you're going to be having a lot of sex tonight, you should have a hearty dinner. But if you just want to eat the four of us?"
I took my turn laughing. "Uh ... how about lasagna? I haven't had it in a long time."
Jane said, "Nice. I'll have it delivered here. Everybody's first night in the family is spent with Mister X. Your final choice of the night is, perfume or cologne?"
I wasn't sure what she meant. "Could you explain please?"
Mister X smiled, as he said; "You saw what happens when I use my special cologne. If you prefer, Jane will give you some of her perfume. Be aware, if you choose the perfume, that's as good as consenting to any kind of sex all night, with no safe word. With the perfume, most men don't really have a choice, they go sex crazy. Just like you didn't have much choice with the cologne. If you pick the perfume, you don't get to change your mind or say no."
Having handsome, hunky, powerful Mister X desperate for my body sounded like a great idea. "Perfume, please?"
He smiled widely. "After we eat, perfume it is, Kitty-Kate." He French kissed me and squeezed my butt.
After we ate, Jane took a few things out of a drawer. "You're probably familiar with butt plugs. Notice this one is still in the package. I don't plan on it going in your anus any time tonight, but you may need it. You're also familiar with the many uses of lube." She pulled a bag from a cupboard. "And blankets are handy for sex too. The perfume doesn't work on me, so tonight I'm just a helper. Go ahead and undress, in case it starts to work suddenly. It's a little unpredictable."
I watched Mister X remove his clothes as I stripped. Again, I was impressed by his huge shoulders and chest muscles. His cock was still limp, which meant it was a little bigger than an average fully erect one.
Mister X took the top off the bottle and held it near my hand. "I'll put it on your finger, then go ahead and rub it on your neck." I nodded.
He put the perfume on my finger, handed the bottle to Jane, and backed up two steps. I rubbed it on my neck as Jane exclaimed, "No! Only one drop! She got three!"
I started to panic. Was Mister X going to go crazy and tear me apart?
He said, "It'll be alright. I can control myself, but I'll still feel it."
I hoped he could!
"Come here, Kitty-Kate. Play with me, while I feel those nice breasts of yours."
His penis swelled so rapidly I could see it moving before I even touched him. His huge hands squeezed my boobs gently, kneading them. He leaned down to kiss me, and his lips caressed mine. I felt his huge dick harden in my hand as I stroked it. I looked down and saw it was 2 inches wide, and nearly 10 inches long!
Fully erect, Andy's was longer but only about HALF the width!
I felt an extra wetness on my vulva as Jane wiped some lube on me.
He said, "I hope your kitty likes bananas?" He rubbed the head of his cock on my labia.
"I LOVE bana ... AAAAGGHH!"
He stuffed the massive thing inside me! I swear, I felt the head of it tickling my navel from the inside!
"Such a warm, wet kitty! Very nice!"
I had to rock from side to side, to make room in my abdomen for him. It didn't feel that much longer than other guys, but it was SO BIG around!
Jane encouraged me, "You're doing good, Kate. It's halfway in."
He stuck his tongue in my mouth, before I could finish yelling; "HALFW..."
I felt a serious pain as the head thrust through my cervix and tore it a little. He was all the way inside my womb! It hurt a LOT, but the rest felt SO GOOD! The pain was worth it.
He kept licking my teeth, to prevent me from screaming as he thrust into me again and again. It was so big I felt it rubbing my G spot, my clit, my labia, everywhere! I was a little surprised I didn't feel it in my throat!
He held me tight to him, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. He lifted me up and down, like a toy. I had a tremendous climax, so powerful I blacked out for a few moments. When I came to and started panting heavily, he was thrusting his hips hard enough to bounce me nearly off his very impressive rod.
I moved my legs to help the bouncing action, and had another major climax as he squirted straight into my uterus. I felt his cock pumping at least fifteen or twenty times! I kept my arms and legs wrapped around him, closing my eyes as he started walking with me impaled on him. I felt the temperature warm a little, as he took me outside. He stopped walking and started bouncing me up and down again. He said, "Sex while watching the sunset is great!"
I opened my eyes, and saw the sun going down over the beach, as well as nine or ten people watching him fuck me. He squirted again and I felt some liquid leak out of me. It felt cool and wet on my thighs in the light breeze.
Jane said, "Hold still a second." She wiped lube on my ass and slid a slippery finger into my anus.
Was he going to put his LOG in my ASS?
"Please, Mister X, please not my butt?"
"Don't worry, Kitty-Kate. Your pussy is the only thing that gets me tonight."
He was still in my vagina, but I felt something else pushing my anal ring open.
I felt a hairy chest on my back, as Andy said; "Howdy, stranger! You finally get your wish. And I get mine! Mmmmmm!"
Andy's penis slid in, and in some more, and more. I felt like I was a big shish-kabob! I wondered when one of their extensive pricks would pop out of my mouth!
Mister X reminded me, "The perfume works on all men, not just me."
I started to get VERY worried! Andy squirted into my colon. I never imagined it was possible to be that full! Then he slid at least another two inches into my ass!
"OH MY GOD! I'M SO STUFFED! AAAARRGGHHH! I feel like I swallowed a watermelon!"
I had another massive climax and woke with fluid running down my ass too. Andy must have cum again.
Mister X said, "Jane, put the blanket on a table."
He laid on his back on the picnic table, with me on top of him. He kept on thrusting into me, over and over. Andy climbed on top for a third round, and withdrew after shooting into my colon again.
Only seconds later, another dick was in my butt. I opened my eyes, as I felt something rubbing my nose. There was a penis in my face too! I happily sucked it, while the two others stroked into me, over and over.
Everything faded into a blurry carpet of sex and orgasms. I'd never been more satisfied, or sore!
When Jane retired a decade later, I took over as Matron of the island and head of our porn company.
I agree with Mister X and our daughter Xella, joining the family was the best decision I ever made. She's looking forward to getting a drop of special perfume and her pair of red X tattoos when she turns 19 tomorrow.
I can't wait to watch!
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