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Some sex and a fight with Gnolls
They got to Cadwarra’s apartment about midnight. She poured Amber and Diamander some wine.

Diamander was trying to not be so horny. His arousal was mostly caused by the thought of all those Jurors fucking Cadwarra with their lovely hard cocks and from the taste of their cum on his tongue after he had scooped it out of Cadwarra’s vagina. Then there was the memory of Amber sitting there on Uncle Vishra’s practice mats in his office with her pretty legs apart and her intimacy plainly visible for him to see. For an insane second, his heart had caught in his throat and he had felt an insane urge to stick it in her right in front of everybody. Of course he had not done such a mad thing.

He knew it was wrong to lust after his own cousin but the sight of the little teenager showing off her womanly temptations would not leave his thoughts. He thought about the beautiful, erect cocks that he saw whipped out at the Lion’s Mane at Amber’s party. He kept imagining those handsome boys sliding their pretty pricks in and out and in and out of Amber until she had a pussy full of sticky, sweet cum; the same cum he had tasted as he had quaffed that tumbler in the VIP room. Then he thought about Cadwarra and the Jurors some more. She would have been naked as she lay under them with her kegs spread just as she often lay under him naked with her kegs spread. It all made him hard.

Trying to forget naked females and all those cocks, he had had a second glass of the wine, hoping the carnal desires would subside before bedtime. The wine only seemed to heighten his desire for Amber.

Cadwarra seemed not to notice his pre-occupation. She placed the empty wine bottle in the return bin. “That’s the last of our wine” she said. “Tomorrow we need to go buy a decent keg of lager but I guess for now we better get to sleep.”

There were no clean pajamas. Llisanya’s visit in the afternoon had prevented Cadwarra from doing the laundry. There was nothing for it but to sleep in the buff. To complicate things, Amber had protested that the floor was too hard to sleep on. The three of them climbed into the narrow bed, Cadwarra in the middle Diamander on the right side.

Amber, as naked as the others, slipped her lithe, youthful body under the sheets next to them. She was shocked that Diamander got on top of Cadwarra without a by-your-leave. As his knees pushed Cadwarra’s thighs apart his cock slid effortlessly into her unprotesting quim, still lubricated by the generous donations of the Jurors.

Amber heard Diamander’s cock going back and forth inside Cadwarra’s wetness making a “fwackuh...fwackuh” sound. He’s harder than the floor, she quipped silently to herself. Her breast accidentally brushed against her cousin’s muscular arm as he moved inside Cadwarra in the single bed. She left her titty lying there against her kinsman. The movement of his fuck massaged her breast pleasantly while she lay there, her pussy getting wet. He certainly liked Cadwarra’s body. Amber was mildly annoyed he did not take any notice of her body.

Diamander knew he should not have been fucking Cadwarra with his cousin right beside them but he was so horny and was trying to forget how Amber looked with her legs open. He came very quickly.

When Diamander finished his fuck, everyone acted like nothing had just happened. They tried to go to sleep.

Cadwarra had been her usual affectionate, loving bed partner but it did little to help Diamander forget the sight of Amber on the practice mats with her legs so uninhibitedly open. He soon decided he would need another fuck with Cadwarra to stop obsessing about Amber.

He waited until Amber was asleep and mounted Cadwarra a second time. Cadwarra stole a quick glance at Amber to confirm she was not awake then allowed Diamander to put it in again. They made love as quietly as possible.

The High Elf next door came home before Diamander finished. A male voice spoke to the High Elf, telling her how much he wanted to fuck her. Cadwarra recognized the voice of the Sergeant’s son. No longer a virgin, he spoke with self-confidence as he mounted and began fucking. Cadwarra pondered if she and Diamander should have a foursome with them sometime but quickly dismissed the idea; she feared Diamander would see the size of the Sergeant’s son’s cock and start sucking away on it. Tunare did not want that and the Marshall, too, would be most unhappy.

Amber was too tense to sleep. She lay there and let them think she was slumbering as Diamander mounted Cadwarra. At the party in the Lion’s Main, she had been looking forward to all her guy friends lining up to bang her in quick succession, but Diamander and Llisanya had ruined her plans and now she was extremely horny as she listened to the lovemaking beside her. She resisted the temptation to start rubbing her clit.

Amber found new respect for Diamander. Despite all her friends assuring her that her older cousin was a ‘funny boy’ he seemed to know what he was doing with Cadwarra. In fact, he seemed better at it than all the schoolboys she had lain with. Judging by the muted moans of Cadwarra as she wantonly gave herself to him, the pretty Wood Elf seemed to endorse that conclusion.

She heard Cadwarra let several sudden exclamations of pleasure escape her lips despite Daimander’s whispered insistence that they stay quiet so as to not wake Amber. The whole thing made Amber want to have a nice fuck from a nice cock, too. She decided Diamander could provide that if he would just get on top of her and let Cadwarra sleep.

Diamander knew he should not be taking Cadwarra while Amber innocently lay there dreaming, but he was so needing it, repeatedly. No amount of orgasms that night seem to satisfy Diamander. The presence of Amber lying there beside Diamander as she slept there in the buff just inches from his potentially lecherous touch kept him achieving erection after erection. He kept fucking Cadwarra and she did not object and he kept getting hard as Amber lay there naked, innocently ignorant of her cousin’s improper desires.

Amber’s tit brushing his arm was arousing. He knew he should move to avoid touching Amber’s young breast with every thrust but he liked the feel of it. It was the same cheap thrill Cadwarra had given him when she brushed her breast against his shoulder in their ad hoc barber’s chair.

Needing to not dishonour his cousin by sexually assaulting her he kept using Cadwarra to quench his desires. He felt guilty he was not fucking Cadwarra because he wanted her; he fucked her to forget Amber’s cute little tits.

The repeated orgasms that filled Cadwarra’s pussy again and again through into the early morning brought no resolution to his overpowering desires for Amber but it kept him from surrendering to incestuous compulsion and reaching out to feel her up.

He caught a glimpse of Amber’s small nipples as the sheet fell away due to his exuberant lovemaking. Perhaps she was having an erotic dream as she slept; perhaps her subconscious was reacting to the lovemaking beside her. For whatever reason, Amber’s nipples hardened very, very gradually. Diamander watched them slowly rise. It was excruciating to not lean forward and suck on them but he knew it would wake her up and she would be disgusted that her older cousin would take advantage of her like that.

He should have pulled the sheet back up to cover her, but her nipples were so pretty, like little thumbs sticking up to show him their approval of his wicked thoughts. Tempting him to assault the honour of their owner.

Amber found it torture to lie there and pretend to sleep while getting so horny listening to how much Cadwarra enjoyed her handsome cousin’s attentions. She could not stop her nipples from becoming high little stems sitting there pleading for Diamander to suck on them nor could she pull the sheet back up without letting Diamander and Cadwarra know she was awake. She hoped Diamander would see them and know by their erect state that she was ready for fucking. Was he so naive as to not realize why they were hard?

Cadwarra knew, though. She had seen Amber’s nipples rise as she lay there pretending to be asleep. It was the third or fourth time Diamander was screwing her that she saw Amber open her eyes for an instant and see Diamander’s hard thrusting body as he and Cadwarra coupled. Amber’s eyes widened as she looked at his hard dick plunging repeatedly into Cadwarra. Cadwarra knew that that look was not a cousinly look.

The sky was starting to lighten when the three fell asleep. They woke late in the morning.

Despite sleeping so long the day would not have been too late a start but for the fact that Amber had to confess she had pawned the armour her parents had given her. They waited a half hour outside the pawn shop for it to open. Cadwarra had to pay to get the armour out of hock since Amber had partied all her funds away. Cadwarra, annoyed, had sternly told Amber she needed to repay the cost or Cadwarra would instead ask Vishra for the appropriate reimbursement.

Amber, a little scared of Papa finding out, had promised to repay Cadwarra. Hoping to seduce the pawnbroker into reducing the cost to redeem her ticket, Amber stripped off naked right in front of the pawnbroker to dress in her armour. He enjoyed the sight of her nudity but charged her full price, nonetheless, much to her chagrine.

With the sun high overhead, Diamander, Cadwarra and Amber exited Qeynos in full equipment via the South Gate with the intent of murdering as many rats as possible.

“You’ll find plenty of rodents just south of the bridge right there on the far side of the moat” Knight-Lieutenant Laughlin had told them as he opened the gate for them. “Do the farmers a favour and kill as many of those pests as you can.”

Diamander knew the gate guards from training and gave them a friendly nod as he walked past. They nodded back.

They liked Diamander. Still, the guards began to talk about the odd trio when they thought that they were out of earshot. Those silly Humans underestimated Cadwarra’s Elven hearing. She picked up everything they said even across what they thought was a safe distance.

“He’s a decent enough fellow” she heard one guard speak good-naturedly about Diamander “but being as how he is such a fruit why are two pretty girls heading out into Antonica with him instead of us?

“Yeah” the second guard laughed, pulling out his flask and offering it to his companion. “That young cutie is Amber Vishra. I hear she puts out for her boyfriends several times a night. The pretty Wood Elf was the one Penley scolded for having a massive load of Barbarian cum splashed all over her face in the common area in North Qeynos a week or more ago. Diamander lapped it all up and got himself transferred out of Penley’s squad for doing so.”

"Some people will do anything to get transferred out of Penley's command" the first guard joked. He watched Cadwarra’s round ass as she walked on. “I’d love to do it doggy style with that little Elfy Girl” he said crudely. “I’d have her squealin’ until she sounded like a Gnoll being gutted.” He sighed at the misfortune of drawing sentry duty on such a sunny day. “...But we’re stuck here on duty while Diamander dallies with pretty girls. How can those cuties think Diamander is going to please them with his limp faggy little cock?”

“What!? You think Diamander is intending to fuck his own cousin?” the second guard asked, scandalized.

“Well, I would if my cousin looked like her.”

“She’s too young” the other remonstrated. “Older but wiser is the girl for me. Maybe we better leave her bedding her school chums. We need to stick to tag-teaming that big tittied Wood Elf.”

Cadwarra made a mental note to tell Diamander what the indiscreet guards had said. It would be up to Diamander, but she was okay with it if he wanted to offer her to his friends out in the middle of an Antonican farmer’s field. If that was how they wanted to celebrate Tunare then Tunare should be celebrated though she herself did not see what was so erotic about celebrating in a dusty farmer’s field. She would also ask Diamander if he ever wanted her to squeal like a gutted Gnoll when she orgasmed. She had once witnessed a Gnoll suffer such an execution and did not think the sound was all that sexy.

The three turned right once over the bridge and walked a short way along the moat. They found the rats, just as Laughlin had said. They were huge. They saucily chittered at the small group of adventurers then bared their fangs threateningly.

“Well, poor things.” Cadwarra said, but she knew they were indeed overpopulating the area and were infesting the farmer’s fields nearby. Tunare sometimes asked cruel things be done. “I guess I’ll get started.”

Cadwarra began casting off spell after spell as she wandered along the moat. Waves of light, sheets of lightning, crackling fireballs and loud thunderbolts lit up the area around her. Rats died by the scores. Cadwarra left a trail of vermin scorched, crushed, torn, vaporized or exploded, depending on what spell hit them. She was pleased by her progress as the afternoon wore on but still felt sorry for the poor things.

Diamander was amazed by the killing ability of Cadwarra’s magic. Uncle Vishra had not been able to teach him any Paladin spells at all, though he had tried. It was impressive that Cadwarra had learned such a huge repertoire of spells in just one evening. He also, like his uncle, liked how her tits bounced whenever she cast ‘Hammer Ground’.

Amber, having had a glass of that wine before bed, found herself enjoying Cadwarra’s bouncy boobies, too, but was less impressed by anything else. She was disgusted by how many rodents there were in Antonica and she hated their shrill squeals as they died. At least Cadwarra’s spells also killed all the mosquitos and flies that were buzzing around bothering her.

Amber wanted to get back to Qeynos in time for Arleena’s birthday party but Diamander was in charge and he sternly told her she was not leaving until he could honestly tell her father she had become proficient in the use of a dagger. He was pretty sure Vishra would make a gift of it to her if he could affirm Amber had learned to use it competently but he did not voice such a possibility to Amber.

“Everytime I stab one of these filthy mice they spray blood all over my chainmail” Amber whined. She was clearly annoyed that Diamander would not call it a day after she had stabbed half a dozen but despite her petulant complaints she got better and better with the dagger as she dispatched more than two dozen “mice”.

Toward the end of the afternoon both Diamander and Cadwarra started repeatedly looking over at a large group of people way over on a distant ridge. “What are those funny looking people doing over there?” Amber asked, following their concerned gazes. “Why are they dressed up like dogs?”

Diamander’s voice betrayed his unease when he answered. “Those are Gnolls, Amber. They aren’t dressed up like dogs they are dogs. And they are too close. We’ve wandered too far off the beaten path. We’d better head back toward the city gates.”

“It’s too late” Cadwarra spoke, her voice tense. “There’s a band behind us.” Unlike Diamander and Amber she had spent a couple years wandering the more dangerous parts of the world and she was the first to realize they had allowed themselves to be outflanked. She was mad at herself. With her experience of the way Gnolls are she should have perceived the danger behind them much sooner.

Diamander looked at Cadwarrae. Wood Elves had innate senses that made them acutely aware of their natural surroundings and if Cadwarra said there were Gnolls behind them, cutting off their retreat, he had best believe her. He, too, was mad at himself for not keeping a better lookout. He had let his party get into a very bad situation.

“We need to head forward, then. I’m pretty sure that’s the Darkpaw Clan so they will only attack small parties. If we get to the guards at the Antonica dock we can join up with them. The Gnolls won’t attack such a large group of us. Let’s walk fast but don’t let them see we are scared.”

Amber started crying as they hurried forward. Diamander spoke to her as they moved. “We’ll be alright, Amber. We’re close enough to the docks that that group can’t cut us off. Keep your dagger ready, though. If we do have to fight remember it’s just a bunch of Darkpaws. They’re a very weak clan and we can chase them off. ”

The three Qeynosians walked on briskly.

Just when Diamander was sure they now had a clear path to the docks Cadwarra spoke up in warning again. “Diamander! See that depression in the ground ahead?” She waited a second for Diamander to follow her subtle nod. “There’s eight Gnolls lying there in ambush.”

Diamander did not ask how Cadwarra knew so much about Gnolls. He stood still and took a quick look at the situation behind them. “If we try to go around the depression” he concluded “the Gnolls behind us will catch up. We need to fight right through the ambush in front of us. Amber, stay right behind us and watch out to the rear. Stab any Gnoll that comes at us from behind. Cadwarra and I will fight the eight lying in ambush. We’ll make quick work of them, I am sure. Then we run for the dock” He drew his sword and looked at Cadwarra. “Ready, Cadwarra?

Cadwarra nodded confidently, hefting her mace.

The Gnolls rose up as they attacked. There were eight as Cadwarra had said. She raised her mace to cast ‘Hammer Ground’ before the Gnolls could strike. Diamander did not pause this time to watch her tits jiggle; he brought his sword up to fend off three of the Gnolls that came right at him. The other five went for Cadwarra as she brought her mace down hard onto the ground. ‘Hammer Ground’ hit the Gnolls full force.

The spell sent all eight Gnolls reeling back, knocking them on their tailends, buying time for Diamander to strike first. His sword severed the head off the tallest Gnoll. The other seven Gnolls whimpered in pain but recovered quickly from ‘Hammer Ground’ and charged back at them.

Cadwarra instantly launched ‘Ancient Wrath’. It was a spell that only did a small bit of damage but it was a very quick spell to cast and stunned any enemies around them. One Gnoll had been directly in the way of 'Ancient Wrath' and lay dead, the others were momentarily disoriented. Diamander was able to slash at two of the Gnolls with his sword, mortally wounding them. Cadwarra’s mace crushed the skull of a third. With only three Gnolls still alive Diamander was confident he and Cadwarra could end things swiftly.

Suddenly, he was also aware of the second, larger band rushing at them from the rear, right at Amber.

Cadwarra saw them, too. She suddenly shouted something in Gnollish. Though her voice was higher than a Gnoll’s, she otherwise snarled and barked as if Gnollish was her native tongue.

Whatever Cadwarra said it made the Gnolls lose all reason. Their murderous gazes shifted away from Amber. They launched themselves in mindless anger at Cadwarra, completely ignoring the more lightly armoured teen. They shouldered her aside in their irrational fury to get to Cadwarra.

Wherever Cadwarra had learned to speak Gnollish or whatever it was she said to them Diamander did not know but he was momentarily relieved to see them run straight past Amber as if she did not exist. Each and every Gnoll was snarling furiously at Cadwarra and jostling each other in their rage to get at her.

Amber was equally relieved. Those Gnolls went in one second from being on the verge of overwhelming her with those terrifying teeth and claws to venting mindless hatred at Cadwarra.

Amber, very scared and bewildered why the Gnolls had simply run past her nevertheless had the sense to know she needed to start stabbing them in the back as fast as she could. She was dimly aware Diamander was already killing the Gnolls that had also turned their backs to him, blinded by the same anger at whatever Cadwarra had told them.

There were too many on Cadwarra to fend off even with the ones Amber and Diamander were killing. She desperately fell back several feet to avoid their claws but this separated her from the other two. She was genuinely scared.

Marshall Vishra had told her “Remember, ‘Consecrate’ is your most powerful spell. Use it when you need it and never before.” Cadwarra decided this was the time to use it. As she cast ‘Consecrate’ her entire body light up in a blinding flash of white light accompanied by a loud boom.

Immediately, the stink of burnt Gnoll fur filled the air. Several Darkpaws lay dead around Cadwarra, horribly burnt and disembowelled. Several others had to pick themselves up from where the blast had knocked them down. A few turned away from Cadwarra, their anger at Cadwarra subsiding. They realized that Amber, stabbing their pack-members in the back, might be the easier to kill.

As they ran back towards Amber, Cadwarra again yelled at the Gnolls in their language and again they found renewed hatred for Cadwarra. They forgot about Amber as they turned again and snarled at Cadwarra, as angry at her as they had been before.

Diamander realized Cadwarra must have learned to use a ‘Taunt’ spell. He had heard of them but, again, had never learned such a spell. When Trandall had described it to Diamander during training he had explained “the spell magnifies any insult you utter at your enemy. The insult can be anything, just say something, no matter how slight the insult. The magic is in the spell and how it magnifies the insult: it will infuriate your enemy to a point they will cease to think clearly.”

“You mangy mutts!” Cadwarra barked in Gnollish as she cast Taunt a third time just to make sure they stayed mad at her and her alone. It was hardly a gross insult but, proving Trandall correct, the Gnolls kept their backs to Diamander and Amber as the two cousins desperately struck at the undefended backs of the Gnolls.

Amber stabbed three of them before ‘Taunt’ wore off again. Diamander got four. The remaining Gnolls finally turned back to Diamander and Amber as the effects of ‘Taunt’ dispelled.

There were few Gnolls still standing. It was easy enough to kill off the last of them. The final Gnoll snarled vindictively as he died “you wait til the Underpaws arrive...”

Amber and Diamander did not understand his growls and yips, but Cadwarra understood. His ominous threat lingered in her ears. She knew of the Underpaw Clan. She did not want to mess with any Underpaws.

The three stood in the middle of nineteen dead Darkpaw Gnolls and an immense amount of gore. Everyone was soaked in blood.

Cadwarra wiped her forehead in relief and took a deep breath, puzzled as to what business the powerful Underpaw Clan had with the lowly Darkpaws.

Amber stood there in shock; it was the first time her life was in danger. Seeing her state, Cadwarra stop worrying about the Underpaws and gave her a hug. “it’s over, you did well.”

Only Diamander realized they were still in danger. “Pull it together, Ladies. We need to start running. There must be more of them out there. Don’t stop ‘til we get to the dock.” He began to run, urging the girls to come on. The females came to their senses and followed.

Amber sobbed as she ran along, still scared. She was shaking so badly she could hardly hold Papa’s dagger. The smell of Gnoll blood all over her almost made her throw up. “And I was mad at all the mouse blood that was getting on me” she whimpered to herself.

But, for the first time in her life, as she ran along closely behind Diamander and Cadwarra, Amber suspected her father would be proud of her. She still wished she was at Arleena’s party with all those horny boys but she liked to think her Papa would be proud of her for her part in the fight, even so.

Corporal Peckett saw the three approaching his post. As usual, he was in command at the Antonica dock. He enjoyed the duties there: you saw the travellers coming and going and you were far away from Captain Penley. Captain Eitoa was his nominal commander but she was stationed over by the north gate and rarely came over to check on things. He had a pretty good job, most days.

Today was different. Peckett sensed danger. You always saw Gnolls from his post on the island where the light house was located but today there seemed to be too many bands of Gnolls roaming around in too large numbers too close. The occasional Dankfur or Darkpaw was just routine, but seeing groups bigger than a dozen was concerning.

Peckett should have had four troopers to guard the lighthouse and dock plus the suspension bridge leading to the Griffin Tower and the Norrath mailbox. Beyond the Griffin Tower was the big expanse of Antonica, but his responsibility was the docks and lighthouse.

Of his four troopers, he had sent one home sick before he realized there might be trouble brewing, the second he had sent to Qeynos to advise of the situation and recommending added troops be sent. Disturbingly, the messenger had not returned. So that meant there was the three of them on guard.

Of the civilians under his authority he had Dockmaster Larra and her three dock labourers that could handle themselves in a fight.

The Gigglegibber Goblin selling lottery tickets down on the dock was not under his authority but would fight if he was cornered . The last male, that mysterious adventurer Ghil Ventur, he deemed somewhat unreliable but would fight just to save himself. He had him over on the other side of the lighthouse keeping an eye out for the Dankfur Gnolls who inhabited the islands to the west of the lighthouse.

Of the two Far Seas employees, Lynette and Novak, he figured they would fight bravely but were merchants and would not be very effective.

The ship from Thundering Steppes was due in two hours. Anyone on board that looked like a fighter would be pressed into the defense of the docks. For their own safety, the rest of the passengers would not be allowed to disembark and would need to proceed on to Qeynos Harbour.

Lastly, the Griffin Tamer at the Griffin Tower was close by. It was not his responsibility but he still felt an obligation to ensure its safety. He had told the Griffin Tamer of his concern and the Tamer had sent word back that his duty was at the Station but he would be careful.

Well, his ad hoc command was probably enough to fight off any Darkpaws, he finally concluded. He wasn’t so sure if there was trouble from the Timberclaws or Sabertooths. He would not relax until the ship arrived with at least four more fighters on board.

Thus, Peckett watched the three figures come up over a rise, running toward him “like Fippy Darkpaw” as the saying went. They were a bedraggled, ruddy threesome that surely had been in quite a skirmish. More disturbing was the sight of a large band of Gnolls following a short distance behind them, definitely trying to overtake them.

He was glad to see the Gnolls break off the pursuit well before the Griffin Station. They surely were Darkpaws, then. The Timberclaws or Sabertooths would have kept coming.

The three figures wisely kept running toward the bridge, pursuers or not. As they got closer Peckett could see two of them were female. Their tits were really bobbing as they ran. No matter the circumstance, there was always time to enjoy the view of jiggling tits.

At last they reached the bridge and crossed, stopping as they came up to his post.

They were in rough shape but appeared more stressed out than hurt. The youngest female was crying, the other young lady, a Fier’Dal, was calm and nodded respectfully to Peckett. He looked at the male last and only then recognized he was one of Penley’s guards.

“Diamander!” He did not hide his joy at seeing a qualified guardsman arrive. “You and your fellows are just what this post needs right now. There’s trouble brewing out there but I guess you already know that. Three more fighters are a sight for sore eyes.”

He looked everyone up and down. “Are any of you hurt? I’m hoping that’s only Gnoll blood all over you folks.”

Cadwarra realized her duties as a Paladin and without waiting for an answer as to anyone’s health instantly cast one of her heal spells over the small band. It was as ineffectual as it was for Falco but it still mended a moderately deep scratch Diamander had not realized he had received from a vicious swipe of a Darkpaw claw.

Amber was unhurt. “How do I get home from here?” she whimpered.

“You don’t” Peckett answered bluntly. “You are armed and equipped which makes you eligible for military service. You’re under my command until the trouble has passed.”

Amber was not happy to hear this. “I just wanna go to Arleena’s party.”


2024-06-25 02:55:26
Good, they are exploring further out from Qeynos and killing gnolls. Getting any coins from the kills or items to sell?

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