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A yacht tour, a helicopter ride, and Jim's Get Out moment
Jim put his stylish new sunglasses on and walked back to Leizu's van, almost looking the part of a billionaire playboy and most definitely feeling it. His accountant brain chimed in with some quick math on how many new thralls he had on deck. Their faces flashed vividly through his mind, each one beautifully frozen in that miraculous moment of wide-eyed realization of her sudden desperate desire for him. He remembered each of the ten new faces from the hotel lobby this morning and the five from the agency lobby this morning, the three he met on his lunch break, the three personal stylists, and just now nine more models. Thirty. Thirty! Would they all be at this party? How many did they think he could handle? He was shaking his head as he got into the van.

"What's wrong, Jim?" Xiu asked as they pulled into traffic.

"Nothing, doing great. I was just doing some mental math."

Leizu giggled, correctly guessing what he had been counting. "Don't worry Jim, you're a superhero, remember?"

Jim laughed a little, paused, and said, "Seems a little excessive though, doesn't it? Are they all coming to that party tonight? Kai-Ming just added twelve more, so that makes thirty on deck if I counted right."

"Sounds about right," Leizu agreed. "And yes, they're all coming. But that's just who you've met already."

Jim gasped, staring at her. "Wait, more than thirty tonight? That's insane. How could I possibly?"

"I don't know if you can. I wouldn't bet against you from what I've seen. But if we have too many, it's no problem, they can just come back tomorrow or Wednesday. If we have too few, we don't get the information we need."

"Wait, what? What information?"

"Your limits."

"Oh, sweet Jesus." Two moves ahead again. Efficient. Diabolical. "Leizu, you're amazing at this. Really. You're going to kill me. But before you do, I just want you to know that really, you're the smartest, most capable, most impressive person I've ever worked with. Hands down. It's truly an honor to be your victim."

"Aw, thanks Jim!" she said, her eyes sparkling at him in the rear-view mirror. She seemed genuinely touched. "It's not all me; it's a team effort. But you're right, I'm pretty much your arch-villain."

"Stop, right there!" Xiu interrupted, pointing. Leizu quickly pulled over, lowering the windows already.

"Don't pick them up, just white card them," Leizu said. "We're almost to the harbor."

"Excuse me," Xiu called out to a group of five young women, each carrying bags from various high-end shops that this street was known for. They were young rich wives, their ridiculously large diamond rings sparkling in the afternoon sun. They were all pretty, but three of them were gorgeous. Those three gasped and stared at Jim. Noticing that two of the women hadn't reacted and thinking quickly, Xiu said, "You in the blue shirt, I think you dropped this." The woman walked to them, her eyes still fixed on Jim. Her friends watched as she approached, but the two who weren't affected by Jim didn't seem suspicious. Xiu handed her three white cards and spoke quickly and quietly, "That's our contact info. Two of your friends need it too, you'll know which ones by looking at their faces. The others won't understand, so be discreet. Party tonight, hope you can make it."

The woman tucked the precious cards safely into her purse, thanked them, and returned to her friends as the van pulled back out.

"Ok," Jim said a few seconds later, returning to the previous conversation. "Why do you need to know my limits? Once you know my limits you're going to push me to my limits every night until I leave? Or until I die? Is that the plan?"

"No. Think again. Think of what happens if we recruit too many."

"Oh... Right. Wow," he said. Again, many moves ahead.

"Yeah. We are not leaving anyone hanging. When you get on that plane Saturday, your to-do list needs to be at zero. That's the most important thing. It's not just for their own good. It's the only way I can be sure we'll keep our promise to you. I can't control desperate rogues. If, near the end, we think you can't finish more, we don't let you meet more. I will need hard data on your limits to be able to convince people they have to stop recruiting."

"Park up there on the right," Xiu cut in. Jim half expected it to be another spontaneous recruiting stop, but they had arrived at her yacht club.

Jim squinted in the bright late-afternoon sunlight, doubly bright due to the reflection of the harbor below and the skyscrapers beyond. He put his fancy new sunglasses back on, happy to have them. Xiu led them through a security gate, then up the stairs to an exclusive cocktail bar, almost all glass, with a spectacular view of the harbor and the city skyline. The doorman recognized her and greeted her as Ms. Yang, holding the door for them.

The two female bartenders were both stunning. The taller one had an elegantly beautiful face and a slender, exceptionally hourglass-shaped body, exactly Jim's ideal body type, while the other had an incredibly sweet, adorable face with beautiful, sparkling eyes and a voluptuous body, a little top-heavy for Jim's taste but still very hot. They ordered their drinks, the girls getting non-alcoholic mocktails of course. He felt no shortage of attraction to the two bartenders and he had several moments of eye contact with each of them, but they showed no reaction whatsoever other than polite, cool, friendly professionalism. Leizu, Xiu, and Jim all looked at each other, puzzled. They took their drinks and made their way across the bar to where Xiu's friends were already seated.

Xiu greeted the three women with quick hugs and cheek kisses, then introduced them as Ying, Chanxin, and Diwei. They were all elegantly beautiful high society types, with perfectly coiffed hair, immaculate makeup, and tailored clothing that tastefully highlighted their shapely bodies. They made eye contact with Jim when Xiu introduced him, but none of them reacted at all beyond polite greetings.

Jim and Leizu shared another puzzled glance.

It wasn't working. What if it was over? The thought brought a jolt of relief and hope, mixed admittedly with regret. Then Leizu figured it out.

"Glasses off and try again, Romeo," she whispered.

He took off his shades. Ying gasped, flushed, and went wide-eyed when he caught her eye. Chanxin said, "what's wrong?" then looked at Jim and was enthralled too, followed quickly by Diwei.

So, sunglasses blocked it. This was very welcome news. Suddenly he could imagine keeping this relatively under control when he went back home. He'd just have to make the minor sacrifice of becoming one of those weird dudes who wore dark sunglasses everywhere.

They chatted pleasantly. The drinks were delicious, as was the quickly rising sexual tension. Ying was directly across the table from him and soon kicked off her shoes and started playing footsie with him under the table, stroking his lower legs with her feet sensuously while she looked at him with smoldering eyes. Chanxin, seated directly to his left, had begun to lightly stroke his outer thigh with her fingers under the table. Diwei couldn't reach him with Leizu and Xiu seated in between them, but she was doing a pretty good job showing interest with her eyes and by squirming in her seat.

Xiu mentioned the party and asked if they wanted to join. They all had other plans but seemed very tempted to change them. "What's the party for?" Diwei asked.

"It's for Jim," Xiu said.

Leizu added, "It's a baby shower!" Xiu and Jim both burst out laughing.

"Wow, congratulations Jim!" said Ying, her feet still stroking his legs. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"Girls," Xiu corrected, then resumed giggling.

"What? Two girls? Jim, you beast!" said Chanxin, as her teasing fingers under the table crept around onto his inner thigh, tantalizingly close, making him gasp and squirm in his seat.

"No," said Leizu, laughing. "It's not just two!"

"Holy shit. Three? How many?" Diwei asked breathlessly, leaning forward with smoldering eyes fixed on Jim.

"Twenty-four now, right Jim?" Leizu said. Jim nodded. How did she know about Norika already?

"No way, really?"


"That's unbelievable. I mean, like literally not possible."

"But true."

There was a long silence as it sunk in. It should have been unbelievable, but looking at Jim, somehow they did believe it.

"Wait, Xiu are you one of the twenty-four?" Chanxin asked.

Xiu said, "Yes, I was the first actually," and her friends all broke out squealing and congratulating her.

"Oh wow Xiu I'm so happy for you! Why didn't you tell us? But, you're not showing. Wait, since when?"

"About 8pm last night."



The new girls all turned to stare at Jim with growing awe. "You knocked up twenty-four girls since 8pm last night?"

Jim nodded, grinning sheepishly.

"Yup. He's a superhero," said Leizu.

Diwei shook her head, stunned. It was impossible, insane, ridiculous. And true. Looking at Jim, she knew it. It was so fucking hot to think of it. This man knocking up twenty-four women was somehow the hottest thing ever. It was so right. She wanted him to have more, and especially to have her, as fucking soon as possible. She moaned and squirmed in her chair.

Nobody seemed able to speak. The sexual tension was off the charts. Diwei was tightly gripping the table squirming with desire, her mouth open, staring at Jim. Ying scooted down in her chair, stretching her shapely legs as far as she could, her feet stroking their way up Jim's thighs and finding Chanxin's hand in the way, already grasping and stroking his hardness through his pants. Xiu leaned over to whisper something to Diwei. Then Diwei spoke up in a quavering voice, offering them a tour of her new yacht.

"Sounds lovely," Leizu said, "but I think we need to head back for Jim's party. With traffic it will probably take us forty minutes. Are you sure you can't join us there? If not, we can arrange something for tomorrow."

"Where is it exactly?" Ying asked.

Leizu told her the name of his hotel, and said penthouse suite B, which was news to Jim.

"Hold on a sec," Ying said as she checked something on her phone.

"Penthouse?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, I was staying there through tomorrow night," said Xiu. "It's yours now. We already moved your stuff up. Hope you like it. We'll find something else for you after tomorrow night since it's not available after that. Oh, and your old room keycard is in your new bedroom in case you need it."

Ying put her phone away and said, "Yes, there's a helipad on the roof of the hotel across the street. My pilot will take you, and my driver will return your car. There, now you have thirty minutes. Let's all go tour her floating palace."

As they stood up to leave, Jim picked up his sunglasses and was about to put them back on to avoid enthralling the bartenders. Leizu snatched them out of his hands first, saying, "I'll hold onto these for you, superman. No kryptonite allowed this week."

The shorter bartender turned to them with a radiant smile, said, "I hope," and then stopped with a gasp as her eyes met Jim's. Her colleague, hearing the gasp, quickly turned to look and was instantly his too.

Leizu said, "Xiu and I will talk to them. Actually, you go ahead Jim, we'll drive back and see you at the party."

"Bye darlings," Xiu said, "take good care of him!"

They giggled excitedly, waved goodbye and whisked him out the door.

The bartenders both came around the bar to try to follow Jim, looking panicked, but Xiu and Leizu intercepted them, whispering in their ears.

Diwei's yacht was indeed a floating palace. The sexual tension had been building, and now in the privacy of the yacht, it was nearly unbearable. Diwei didn't even bother with the pretense of a quick tour, instead leading them straight to a large, luxurious bedroom. The air was so thick with desire that nobody could speak for a moment. The three of them moved closer to Jim, almost touching. Ying was the first to press her body against his, her breath hot on his neck. Then Chanxin leaned in from the other side, her lips brushing against his ear.

"Jim, I've never felt this way before," she whispered. "I want..."

Jim smiled, feeling a shiver run down his spine, savoring the anticipation. He turned his face toward her, his lips just millimeters from hers. "I know. I feel it too," he replied, his voice low and husky. "Take it."

They needed no further encouragement. Chanxin's soft lips found his, kissing passionately while Ying moaned and pressed herself even closer from the other side, her body writhing against him. Ying soon had the top of his shirt unbuttoned and one warm hand slid inside while her other hand groped his ass. Chanxin moved around behind him, freeing his shirt from his pants and exploring everywhere inside with her warm, soft hands. Diwei took Chanxin's place, kissing him passionately as she pressed her body against his before moving to his neck, sucking and nibbling gently.

Diwei's hands were at his crotch, teasing, feeling his growing erection, then undoing his belt and sliding his pants and underwear off, with Chanxin's help. He undid Diwei's dress clasp and zipper and delighted in sliding her dress down, revealing her elegant, gorgeous body inch by inch. He did the same to the other two, savoring every second of the slow reveal. Soon all their clothes were gone.

Jim marveled at his extreme and growing desire for these three as they pushed him back on the bed. They were beautiful, sure, but not even above average compared to the rest of his harem in terms of his ideal body type. The were slightly older, maybe early to mid 30s, and their full breasts, makeup and hair made them seem a little too much like barbie dolls. Given all of that, he was surprised at the strength of his desire to breed with them. They would make him amazing babies, sure, but this time, there was a new element, a new spice in the mix. It was the knowledge that these three could create better lives for all of his many future children and their mothers. His lust was in part for helping Wing-Yee and any of his other girls like her who needed child support. All part of Leizu's plan of course. The thought of it wasn't a surprise; he knew Xiu had rich friends and had guessed this was why they were stopping at the yacht club. What surprised him was just how much their wealth turned him on, here and now in the moment.

They were all over him, lips, tongues and fingers teasing his neck, chest, stomach, and thighs while his own hands roamed freely, delighting in their smooth skin and voluptuous, extremely aroused bodies. Ying soon straddled his hips, her breasts pressing against his chest as she reached down to guide him to her center, while Chanxin and Diwei on either side pulled his hands toward their own crotches, spreading their legs wide in anticipation. All at the same moment both of his fingers and the tip of his shaft all found deliciously eager, warm, slippery heaven.

Ying wasted no time getting him inside her. Their moans filled the air, echoing off the walls and ceiling of the opulent bedroom. Jim savored the blissful sensations of each slow thrust into Ying as she rocked her hips, her moans getting louder and more urgent, passionately driving towards the goal she so desperately craved. At the same time, with each thrust his accountant brain also delighted in a new thought of something his many offspring would gain. The best prenatal care. Thrust. The best pediatricians. Thrust. The best food. Thrust. Any and all toys they ever wanted. Thrust. The best schools. Thrust. Private tutors. He groaned as he thrust even deeper, feeling his own release already building inside him at the thought of breeding with this fantastically wealthy, sensuous, beautiful woman. Chanxin and Diwei moaned and squirmed against his fingers, nuzzling his neck and breathing his name.

Their lovemaking was frantic, passionate, and utterly consuming. It seemed as though they were all trying to crawl inside each other, to become one being. Too soon Jim felt himself on the brink of release, his hips thrusting harder and faster, his entire being focused on this elegant woman riding him in ecstasy, knowing she had been a stranger minutes ago and would soon be eagerly welcoming his seed into her hyper-fertile womb. Seeing the signs on his face, their eyes all widened and their movements became even more frantic. He could feel his seed building inside him, straining to be freed, as he grew closer with each thrust, each moan, each delicious sensation. His accountant brain chimed in with one last shrill, excited thought of college trust funds for all his offspring, pushing him violently over the edge.

He thrust deep one last time, pressing in and finding that perfect maximally pleasurable spot deep inside her, instantly spurring his release which came crashing over him in a wave of pure bliss.

The virus had been using jolts of pleasure to condition him to find and hold still at that most fertile spot when he came, in order to minimize the amount of semen it needed to release. By now Jim was well-trained, which was good. The virus knew it would need to be as efficient as possible tonight.

As soon as they saw him erupt, Chanxin and Diwei gave in to their own climaxes, their bodies tensing and convulsing around his fingers, their cries of pleasure filling the room. Seconds later Ying crested as well, arching her back and shuddering all over as she found her own release, her inner muscles deliciously squeezing and stroking him through the last few waves of his orgasm.

His seed was deep in her, filling her, claiming her as his own. And giving her purpose. Their eyes met, locked, and hers widened again, like when the miracle first took her in the cocktail bar. They both felt it take her again in a new way. She was not only becoming a joyous expectant mother of his baby but also a generous benefactor who would support his many other offspring. He had given her not only his seed but the true, heartfelt, fulfilling, driving purpose her life had always lacked. She was overjoyed as she realized how this moment would transform her existence, immediately and wholeheartedly embracing her new purpose in life, tears spilling down her cheeks as she thanked him again and again, still clenching periodically around his throbbing shaft as they both rode out the aftershocks.

He was overwhelmed by the pleasure, joy and implications of the moment, but then his desire, and, yes, his greed only grew. He had tasted something new, intoxicating, irresistible. It had lit up his whole being like a Christmas tree. His accountant brain had just popped its cherry, and it was hooked. He needed more.

As soon as Ying was off of him he rolled on top of Chanxin. Her legs wrapped around him and seconds later he was savoring a delicious slow penetration of yet another gorgeous, new, fertile, fantastically wealthy woman who was so hot for him, so ready, so eager for his seed. His accountant brain again chimed in with each thrust, its excited, nerdy voice adding further details of the needs and luxuries that would be met and exceeded for all of his children and their mothers.

Chanxin moaned and writhed beneath him, her hands running through his hair as she arched her back and met his thrusts. Their lovemaking was frenzied and passionate. It could not last long this way, each thrust driving them both quickly closer to the edge. Diwei crawled up beside them, wrapping her arms around Jim's neck and kissing his cheek, breath hot against his skin, chanting "do it, Jim, knock her up."

Jim gripped Chanxin's hips, feeling the heat between them as they moved together. He looked down at her, her eyes closed, lips parted, every muscle tense, and knew that she was as close as he was. With one final thrust, he again found that perfect spot and released deep inside her, the pleasure overwhelming and exhilarating. He groaned and shuddered as wave after wave of bliss broke over him.

Chanxin cried out his name, her body tensing and convulsing around him as she came again as well. Then he watched her face intently and felt he could nearly come again just from the glorious sight of her going through the same amazing transformation as Ying. He held her as she sobbed joyously, thanking him over and over, overwhelmed with gratitude for his miraculous gifts of seed and purpose.

He gave Chanxin a final tender kiss and rolled off of her. Diwei was ready. So, so ready. Burning up with need for him. She was on him in seconds.

Her lips found his and she kissed him passionately, her tongue darting in and out of his mouth as she guided him inside her. He groaned, feeling the tight, wet heat envelop him. She was so desperate, so eager, so unbelievably passionate, taking him deep right away and in three sensuous deep strokes she was already crashing into a quivering gasping orgasm, her first of several that seemed to come almost continuously. His accountant brain now chimed in with its nerdy voice squeaking with excitement, adding extravagant luxuries for his children. Servants. Lavish parties. Weekends in Thailand, Bali, Fiji.

Her almost continuous orgasms, her incredibly wild passion, and thoughts of the fertility of her womb and bank account were quickly driving him to the edge. He rolled over on top of her. Diwei's nails dug into his back, her legs and arms wrapping around him, pulling him deeper with each thrust, her breath hot against his neck. He thrust deeper, harder, losing himself in the sensations, rejoicing in this conquest of her entire elegant being: body, soul, womb, and finances. As he crested, he quickly found that perfect spot inside her and held himself there, pinning her down and holding her squirming body still with an iron grip on her hips as pleasure again melted his brain and his seed spilled deep inside her.

As the waves of pleasure subsided, he smiled down at her, basking in pure happiness, ultimate satisfaction. Her eyes welled up with tears as she felt the new life begin and then joyously welcomed her new purpose in life.

Miracle. Citra's word came again to his mind and he let it, not fully accepting it, but letting it be there with him, helping him appreciate this moment. Another miracle. Among so many. He wept with Diwei. It was all just so good, so perfect, so right. Such incredible joy, such perfection, such satisfaction, and with so many women. Twenty seven now. And that many again and more waiting for him tonight at the party. In this moment, filled with that perfect joy, there was no room for reservations, no tiny questioning voice in the back of his mind. He wanted them all. And so many more.

They got dressed, all of them giggling and beaming with joy. A servant was waiting on the dock to bring Jim to Ying's helicopter on her own yacht nearby. He hugged and kissed each of them one last time and followed the servant to the helicopter.

Soon he was flying high, literally and figuratively, far above the rush hour traffic, speeding toward this "baby shower" that his rapidly growing harem had planned for him.

He closed his eyes and thought of what awaited him. Thirty three. Just last night he had panicked and fled at the thought of eleven strangers craving him, eleven pussies all wet for him. Now, twenty-two hours later, there were thirty-three of them, and he couldn't get to them fast enough. The symmetry of the numbers brought that goofy word miracle to his mind again and he laughed at himself for it. Thirty fucking three. He thought of each one in the moment he had claimed them, each one staring wide-eyed with lust at his first eye contact. Those miracle moments were burned in his mind, when each girl went in a split second from being a stranger to realizing she needed him, needed his hardness to stretch and fill her, needed his seed spurting into her fertile womb.

The ten from the hotel lobby this morning had been waiting the longest. He knew they had been thinking about him all day, needing him, knowing he would take them tonight, aching with desire with every thought of him. They would be almost driven mad by now. He had to take them first. Anything else would be cruel.

Then, almost as urgent, the five models he had met when he left Kai-Ming's agency this morning. Those five sweet goddesses, two Chinese, two Korean, and one Italian, had been craving him all day too. In his mind they were writhing and quivering, clenching their sweet little pussies, gasping his name with their sexy little model voices. He had to get to them. Couldn't this helicopter go any faster? He needed to ravish and breed their goddess bodies as fucking soon as humanly fucking possible.

Then there was Lily from lunch. Oh, fuck. He whispered her name, aching with need for her. Lily. Thoughts of her sweet face, soft, smooth skin, and tall, willowy, delicate body filled him. He saw her clearly in his mind in the boutique, clutching his hand for dear life with that sweet, hesitant, pleading look, not knowing what to say, so full of desire, so overwhelmed. Since lunch, for hours and hours she has been needing me, he thought. That sweet body trembling, that perfect little pussy so wet for me. With that face, she just had to have the sweetest little pussy. Fuck. Jim shifted in his seat, so insanely turned on as he willed the helicopter to bring him to them faster.

And those two tall girls, Aimi and Rei, their perfect asses in skirts on the sidewalk. He hoped they'd still have skirts on. He wanted to take them from behind standing up. Just yank their clothes out of the way and pound them.

Then there were the three stylists, Hua, Daiyu, and Chun. Oh my god. Those three. The Yuming code. Sweet, precious, real, soulful, and absolutely ideal willowy hourglass bodies. The memory of them grooming him, standing too close, their hot breath on his skin, their teasing fingers brushing his hardness, the sexual tension barely under control until it exploded suddenly into wild insane passion in the hallway. He was glad Kai-Ming had interrupted them. He didn't want to hurry with those three. He wanted to undress them, worship their bodies, savor every inch of them. They were so ready for him, so fertile, their DNA so right to combine with his. Thinking of how perfect their combined DNA would be, he just knew the three of them would soon be bearing six of his babies. Lily would bear twins for him too. Again those little alarm bells clanged in the back of his head at this, but he was too turned on to listen.

He hoped he'd be able to take his time with the stylists. Maybe having the others he'd met in the morning and at lunch first would take the edge off. He almost laughed out loud at that thought, realizing he was thinking of fucking and knocking up eighteen women as "taking the edge off." Realistically, it didn't make any sense to expect to get through a third of them, but after eleven in a row last night he had a strong suspicion that nineteen tonight might be possible.

But that wasn't even all of them. There were still the nine more impossibly hot and miraculously sweet models he had met on the way out of the agency this afternoon. That Australian angel Abigail, her unforgettable eyes burning with desire for him. Those four impossibly hot Chinese models Ah, Anhe, Biyu, and Bo, all famous top models, the stuff of literal wet dreams for millions of men, their sweet faces pleading, desperate with lust for him. The slender, elegant Japanese model Chiharu, with her intense soulful eyes and impossibly sexy body. Ciara the Irish model, full of character and passion. Mayumi and Zeya, with their incredibly sexy exotic dark skin. And the three beautiful young rich wives from the street corner on the way to the harbor. And oh fuck, two more. Those two very shapely cocktail bartenders. It wasn't thirty-three, it was thirty-five. Thirty fucking five wonderful new pussies craving him. All wet for him, right now, all clenching in anticipation, all desperately needing him, all hyper-fertile and longing to joyfully receive his seed.

He opened his eyes as the helicopter descended. The pilot first took them for a close pass of his hotel where the party awaited. Beautiful golden sunset light filled the two-story penthouse suite, lighting up the faces of a crowd of elegantly dressed beautiful women inside looking out at him. The huge penthouse living area was crowded. It was mind-boggling to see them all there together in one room. The scale of what was happening hit him hard. He saw about a dozen newly expectant mothers, about half the women he had knocked up over the past day, radiating joy and contentment, and over thirty fertile recruits gasping and squirming in lust as they knew he was finally coming near. Their faces brought so many incredibly erotic memories of the past day to his mind in rapid fire.

And some of their faces brought no memories back at all: there were strangers in the crowd. At least a dozen of them. So many new, sweet, fresh, beautiful faces and incredibly sexy bodies chosen just for him. He felt those quick twitches around his eyes again. The sunset light and reflections from the glass made it hard for most of them to see his face, but still, five of them in a shadow near the front of the crowd flushed, gasped and stared at him. They were all Russian soccer players, standing in a group with Katerina. It was up to forty now. There were now forty new pussies craving him. Holy shit. And more he'd soon meet inside. Wasn't this too many? Could he really go in there and meet more? Was there even time to do them all by the end of the week? Oh well, he thought. That's up to Leizu. She's in charge of all that math, so it must add up, he thought.

He was wrong. For once, Leizu was most definitely not on top of it. She still had no idea how easy recruiting had turned out to be for the other girls. She had been focused on planning and organization-building and hadn't done any recruiting herself except when she was with Jim in the van. For the other girls, everything they tried seemed to work, as long as they asked in person. As long as there was eye contact. Their friends canceled important plans even without being told why. Girls they barely knew, strangers even, instantly trusted them and eagerly agreed to come to the party. Leizu hadn't been tracking their recruiting closely because she hadn't been expecting to get so soon to the point of needing to worry about recruiting too many for the week. She had been hoping they could recruit enough to learn Jim's daily limits as soon as possible. And now she was stuck in traffic and would get there after Jim, too late to stop him from meeting the crowd, and unaware of the many other recruits that were still on their way to the party.

Fen was waiting for Jim on the roof, looking gorgeous in a little black dress as he stepped out of the helicopter and joined her.

"Good turnout," he said as they rode the elevator down. "Do you think it's too many?"

Fen looked at him with her fierce eyes, that competitive spirit sparkling intensely, bringing back delicious memories of their brief time together last night. "Jim," she said, "It's time to be a legend. You've got this."

He gulped, not convinced. "I'll do my best. But holy shit, I mean, how?"

"Last night at the end, remember how you came like a freaking fountain? You painted the damn ceiling. You had plenty left. What limited you wasn't your balls. It was the rest of your body. Your muscles, cardio, maybe dehydration. You worked yourself too hard. Sorry to say this, but I suspect you're not an elite endurance athlete, Jim."

"Yeah," he laughed. "Definitely not. So what do I do?"

"You do nothing. That's your secret weapon tonight. You let them do the work. Your muscles can't fail you if you don't use them. It will be hard to resist in the beginning when you have energy, and when you get excited. Fight it, stay passive, relax and enjoy, preserve that strength. You've got this, Fuckman. Now go save the day."

He laughed and nodded. She might be right. At least now he had a plan. "Thanks, coach."

They crossed the street to his hotel, Jim keeping his eyes down to avoid any accidental acquisitions. Stepping into the elevator, he heard someone call his name. It was Mei, her lively sweet face beaming, full of joy and excitement, dragging along a tall gorgeous 30-something professional woman. He held the elevator for them.

"Jim, this is my new best friend Aihan. She's an attorney." Aihan had frozen in her tracks, just outside the elevator, staring wide-eyed at Jim. "Come on, sis, he won't bite," Mei said, laughing and pulling her in.

Jim shook her trembling hand and then just enjoyed gazing at her beautiful face as she processed her new feelings and realized her new purpose. He was already so incredibly turned on, but watching another beautiful stranger become his somehow turned it up even higher.

"I was her server for lunch today and we just bonded instantly," Mei gushed. "I've never made a friend so quickly. I feel like she's the big sister I never had!"

Aihan nodded and glanced at Mei with a warm smile, then quickly returned her hungry gaze to Jim. The strange tingling in her loins was growing intense again, and was now mixed with unbelievably intense desire. Right after lunch her period had stopped early and the cramps had been replaced by that unfamiliar intense tingling. The virus had been working hard all afternoon to get Aihan ready for Jim. What normally took at least a week had been accomplished in six hours. She was almost ready to ovulate. The virus knew that a normal-sized load of sperm could survive for about a day to meet an egg if ovulation happened after sex. But tonight, Jim's semen would be in very limited supply, so it had worked hard to make sure every one of the women recruited for the party was already ovulating. This way, even the slightest little ooze of semen delivered right at the cervix would be plenty.

"So Jim," Aihan said, "Mei told me it's your baby shower. Congratulations! Who's the lucky girl?"

"Thank you Aihan," he said. "Uh…"

Mei giggled and said, "It's us!"

"Us? What? You and Jim? Wow, congratulations Mei!"

"Yes, but I mean us, including you."

"Me?" She gasped the word, panting and squirming and staring again at Jim. Jim wanted to make it true right then and there, but there were so many others in line ahead of her. His desire for all of them was swelling urgently as they drew closer to the party, closer to his giant harem, closer to all those fertile wet pussies crying out in need for him. He felt almost like he had last night after Yuming, when all other thoughts became impossible and he was filled only with the need to breed. That feeling was rising so quickly in him as they stepped out of the elevator, thoughts flashing through his mind of specific girls he knew he would soon have, eager bodies he would explore, new wet pussies he would plunder, faces he would watch overflow with joy as he finally delivered what they longed for into their wombs.

It was so intense, so urgent, rising so quickly that it scared him. What the hell is happening to me, and to them? Is this really what we want? What is doing this? That little voice in the back of his mind was panicking, knowing it was again about to be silenced and crowded out by all-consuming lust.

Mei, again holding Aihan's hand, rushed her toward the penthouse door. "Yes! It's perfect! Our babies will be siblings, so we will be family. And not just the two of us. Oh, Aihan, I'm so happy to tell you, I'm not the only new sister you're getting today. Us includes every woman at this party." She opened the door to the penthouse and they saw and heard the crowd inside.

"Oh my god," Aihan gasped as Mei pulled her inside. So many new sisters. So much joy and arousal and beauty. She was amazed to find she felt no jealousy at all. Somehow it was the opposite, and a huge turn-on to see the scale and sexiness of Jim's harem. It was so hot, so right, so perfect that Jim would breed with all of these amazing women. She wanted that for him so much.

But something was off. Several of her new sisters' faces looked confused, surprised, worried, looking at Fen who had just stepped inside after them.

Yuming, standing nearby, was the first to ask Fen what they were all wondering. "Where's Jim?"

They turned and looked back out the door down the hall, seeing him. He was frozen in his tracks by the elevators. Staring appalled at his reflection in the mirror, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Oh, shit," Fen said.

Yuming stepped out into the hallway. "Oh, Jim," she said, her kind soothing voice full of sympathy as she slowly approached him like a wounded, trapped animal. "It's ok, sweetheart. Whatever you need, just tell us, we will make it right. We are here for you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Tell me how I can help."

Jim didn't answer, still frozen and staring at the stranger in the mirror.

Lily was a few steps behind her. "What happened? Is he ok?"

Dr. Chun came out too and closed the door behind them after telling others inside, "Don't worry, just give him a minute."

The virus had pushed him too hard. It had been trying to get him back into that state he was in last night after Yuming. It had pushed too eagerly, too unsubtly, and Jim seemed to have almost felt its presence. There was a very real danger his mind would try to reject the virus as a hostile alien influence. Jim's mind couldn't possibly succeed at that. It was too clumsy, weak, disorganized, utterly incompetent. But it was on alert, spooked, confused. It might do some damage to itself. It was a very delicate moment. The virus backed off, focusing only on subtly helping calm him down, avoiding exerting any influence when Jim was so on guard, so close to realizing that he was not alone in this body.

Jim felt suddenly free, momentarily clear-headed. He didn't know how long he had. Maybe just a few seconds. He needed to avoid looking at Lily, that gorgeous angel from the boutique, who he knew had been so hot for him all day. Fuck, stop thinking about her, he told himself. Or Yuming, who he suddenly knew had his twins in her womb. She had the extra baby that had been throwing off his count. Not that either, think of something else. He turned and quickly strode past Yuming and Lily, keeping his eyes down, focusing his entire being on avoiding them, and stepped up close to Mia. No, not just Mia, not just the gorgeous brilliant woman he had met earlier today who was bearing his twins. She was also Dr. Chun, a neuroscientist, a professor at a top university. There was something going on with his brain. Dr. Chun could figure it out, or she would know who could. He whispered urgently in her ear. "Study me. Figure this out. Understand it. Help. Please."

He stepped back and looked into her eyes. He could see her inner struggle. She was torn, on the one side her strong natural curiosity as a scientist together with intense interest in understanding this herself, plus her genuine sympathy and care for him, and on the other side… What? Something even stronger than all of that. The fear that understanding would destroy the miracle. Fuck. She wasn't going to agree, he could see it. He leaned in to her ear again. "Not to… interfere. I won't interfere. I won't resist. I just need to understand or I'll go crazy. Please, I just need to know what is happening to us. No matter what it is, I surrender to it, I just want to understand. I will… cooperate, fully, if you just study me and figure this out." He stepped back again.

She looked at him with a question in her eyes. She didn't say it out loud. He felt like he could hear it in his mind, but in his own voice, just a fleeting whisper. "Do you promise?"

A shiver down his spine. An involuntary gulp. He felt like her wise eyes could see into his soul and he was certain that he couldn't get a lie past her. But he didn't need to lie. He just had to really mean it. And he did. He whispered back to her, "I promise," his whole being full of sincerity, committing himself to this deal.

And that was it. The first direct conversation between a human being and another intelligent species. Just one question and one answer. What all the SETI researchers had been hoping for, what all the science fiction authors had dreamed about, it had finally happened for the first time in human history, in a hotel hallway in Shanghai, and nobody realized it, nobody noticed. Jim thought he was talking to Dr. Chun, dismissing the fleeting memory of his own voice whispering in his head as a moment of spooky imagination.

Finally she nodded. She fished out a card from her purse and gave it to him, saying, "My office, lunch tomorrow."

Relief washed over him. A small victory. It was a good deal, especially because he knew in the end he was going to cooperate anyway. The women they had recruited for him were just too irresistible, the desire for each of them too overwhelming, the pleasure and joy just too intense. He had at least gotten a small concession in return. There was now a shred of hope of making sense of all of this. He relaxed, surrendered, and let the thoughts of what lay beyond that door wash over him again, welcoming the desire, reveling in the anticipation. He looked hungrily at Lily and held out his hand to her. She ran to him, sympathetic tears still in her sweet angelic eyes, but overjoyed at his attention and at what she knew it meant. Arm in arm, they walked to the door.
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