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*** Author’s Note: The characters were created by Rydeordie467 for Downtown with No Money Part 1 for another site. Everything in this and future chapters going forward is completely my own work. I am a new writer and would love feedback, good or bad. Thank you.***
Ashley’s Awakening 3 – Revelations and Titillations

Ashley’s week started off rough. She woke up the morning after her visit, she was in rough shape. Her body hurt everywhere, inside and out. Her muscles hurt, her joints were stiff, and her holes felt like they had been filled with telephone poles. She had to will herself out of bed and limped into the bathroom. She hoped a hot shower would soothe her body pains. She turned on the water and steam filled the room. She let the hot water run down her sore teenage body.

She shampooed her hair and then picked up her soap. She ran the soap on her perky B-cup tits, feeling some soreness in her nipples. Her hands travelled down her taut stomach till she reached her now shaven vagina. She touched around her slit and found it quite tender. She wouldn’t get to have fun today in the shower. Her fingers travelled lower to her asshole which was raw and sore.

She finished her shower, toweled dry and looked at herself in the steamed-up mirror. She had some bruising around her hips and thighs, nothing too serious. It would heal in a day or two. She spread herself open a bit and looked at her pussy, which was still quite red instead of its usual pink coloring. She turned around and inspected her asshole, it was very red. Anal would not be an everyday activity, she joked to herself. She would do it again though, gladly, just not every time. Maybe on special occasions.

Did she regret it? No. Not at all, she’d do it all again, and hoped she could soon. At least, once her body recovered. She loved being their fuck toy. They wouldn’t call her that, but that’s what she was in her mind. And she was fine with that role because it was one she chose for herself.

She spent the rest of the weekend hiding how much pain she was in from her parents. Luckily, she had homework she could do. She was at the top of her class in grade point average. Probably due to not getting much of a social life


During the school week Nikki pestered her to say what was going on. Ash would just say she would tell her Friday night, partially to kick the can down the road. She was also scared of what Nikki would say and think of her. This continued through most of the week. Even cheer practices were a chore. Everyone was stressing about the State Finals, so practices were tougher than normal, and everyone’s nerves were frayed. The only bits of good news were that Scott uploaded all the pictures and videos from their last tryst and she loved the picture they wanted to hang of her in the gallery. The picture they chose was her in her sundress from her first visit. She was mid-spin, reaching down to stop her dress from rising. Her long brown hair was flowing by her face, and she had a big smile on. Real, natural. Not a fake camera smile.

As for the other pictures and videos, she looked at and watched them all. She looked so sexy covered in cum. Her favorite was the last one though. She masturbated a lot to seeing herself double penetrated and filled with cum, once she healed up of course. She hoped it wouldn’t be as long before she saw them again.

As the school bell ended the day on Friday, Ashley still didn’t know what she was going to tell Nikki. The two first stopped at Nikki’s place to pick up an overnight bag, then headed to Ashley’s place. Nikki was a common visitor at the Thompson family home. The two chatted about school, cheerleading, and boys but there was a weight hanging in the air. Both could feel it, Nikki didn’t bring it up though. She hoped answers about her friend would come soon. They arrived at the house and headed up to Ashley’s room to drop off their stuff. Nikki looked at Ashley expectedly. Ashley just shook her head, not yet.

The evening went on. Ashley’s family and Nikki had pizza and watched a movie together. It was a kid’s movie. Ashley’s parents were nothing if not consistent in infantilizing her. After the movie, the girls went to Ashley’s room. The elder Thompson also went to their room, which was luckily on the other side of the house. They changed into their bed clothes, oversized T-shirts and panties. The girls sat on the bed together and made small talk till they figured the adults were asleep.

“Ok, it’s after 11:00. Your parents are definitely asleep. No more delays. What the fuck is going on with you?” Nikki asked, voice elevated.

“It’s tough to explain” Ashley said, “Shit, I don’t know what you’ll think of me when you hear it.”

“Are you selling drugs? Are you a prostitute? What? I’m your best friend, I’m here, just tell me.”

Ashley took a heavy breath and sighed. “I was shopping downtown and ran out of money for a cab ride home…”

Ashley proceeded to tell her the story of being downtown with no money. She mentioned her phone being dead and asking people for money. Meeting Rick and Scott, the ride, and the offer to model. That she went back to see them last week and her parents would flip if they knew.

“I don’t believe that.” Nikki said. “You were modelling? Bullshit!”

“I’ll prove it.” Ashley grabbed her computer and logged into their drive. Everything was in the folders by date, and order taken, so Ashley knew it would be safe at first. Nikki seemed impressed.

“You look really great. You always look great, but they know how to capture your true beauty.” Nikki said, smiling.

“Thanks, you look great too. Guys don’t know what they’re missing.” Ashley replied.

“Thanks, but you’re full of shit, Ash” Nikki retorted, she did not like her body.

Nikki was short, five foot even. She had little to no breasts to speak of; an A cup which she padded. But her most telling feature was her fiery red hair. It was straight and long, it reached down to her lower back. She was teased about her hair growing up. When she got older and other girls started to develop breasts. She got teased for that too. Ashley was the only one who stuck by her but all of it destroyed her self-esteem and confidence. She preferred to stay home and read most nights. She was only a cheerleader because her mom was one and she was the smallest girl at the school. Perfect for the top of the pyramid or to be tossed around. Her parents were not like Ashley’s, they wanted her to come out of her shell and date boys, but most boys weren’t interested in her. They wanted Ashley or any of the other girls on the team.

“I…[nervously]…I have more to show you.” Ashley stuttered, clearly scared.

“Oh….ok.” Nikki replied, sensing discomfort.

Ashley scrolled down the page. Nikki saw the photos become more sexual; the dress was gone. Nikki looked shocked but said nothing. Ashley kept scrolling and the underwear was gone too. “

In front of Nikki’s eyes was her best friend naked, with photos taken by a couple of strange men. It was shocking and horrifying but she couldn’t look away. It was like a car crash but one that enraged her and, quietly, aroused her. The pictures kept scrolling to close ups on Ashley’s tits and vagina. Ashley stopped on the set of her giving a blowjob to Scott. Nikki finally spoke.

“You? Did that? Why? What did they have on you? They made you do it! You should go to the police! I’ll kill them!” Nikki angrily said.

“Lower your voice, please.” Ashley said, trying to calm her friend. “It was my choice, I wanted to do it. They didn’t force me to do anything, and I loved doing it.”

“You loved his dick in your mouth? You loved him cumming on your face? Really, Ash?” in an accusing tone.

“Yes, I felt free and alive” Ashley replied.

“I can’t even get kissed, and you are making porn” Nikki lamented.

“Why does it matter so much to you?”

“Because I want to feel like someone loves me” Nikki said, deeply saddened.

Ashley realized Nikki had never known what it was like to be wanted by another. Ashley couldn’t be with anyone, but guys were always hitting on her. She knew she was attractive on some level. In a split second, Ashley reached over and pulled Nikki in close. Before she could react, she locked lips on her stunned friend. Her eyes were as big as saucers, she tried to pull back, but Ashley held firm. After a few seconds, she released her hold on the girl, and they separated.

“Why did you do that?” Nikki asked, her mind reeling.

“You’ve now been kissed by someone who truly loves you.” Ashley said sweetly.

“But I didn’t even know it was happening.”

“Ok, be ready this time then,” and leaned in for another kiss, this time the little redhead didn’t pull away, she moved in.

Their lips touched, soft and gently, testing the waters. Ashley opened her mouth and lightly touched her tongue to her friend’s mouth. Nikki, feeling it, instinctively allowed it entry, touching it with her own. Ashley could feel the sparks flying, her nipples became hard and her pussy wet. She didn’t know it, but Nikki felt the same. Arms moved around to hold each other or rested on naked skin. After a minute, they reluctantly separated.

“So, how was that for your first kiss?” Ashley asked nervously.

“I thought it was amazing, thank you. I’ll always remember this, Ash.”

“Anytime, Nikki, anytime” and she meant it.

Sitting very close together now, Ashley asked if she had any questions. Nikki had a million but saw there were more pictures in the set. She wanted to see more.

“Are you sure you want me to keep going?” Ashley asked.

“Yes, no more secrets, ok?” Ashley only nodded in reply.


Nikki held one of Ashley’s hands in her lap as her friend used the other to continue through the photos. Nikki had her stop on the close-up image of her friend’s spread vagina, showing her maidenhood. She had never seen another girl’s pussy that close. It was very pink and very wet. The next image that caught her attention was a penis penetrating that virgin slit for the first time. Ashley was the first one of them to have sex.

As the images became more graphic, Ashley absent-mindedly slid her hand up and down her friend’s soft inner thigh. She was nervous again, having Nikki see her fucked by a man for the first time. Her mind snapped back to reality when her hand grazed the soft cotton of her friend’s panties. Nikki’s shirt and ridden up and she was too focused on the screen to notice. She was staring at Ashley’s gaping hole now filled with cum. It was the end of the set. Ashley didn’t dare move her hand.

“Did it hurt?” Nikki said, barely audible, “your first time?”

“A little, but it got better, much better.”

“Did you get knocked-up? He put so much inside you.”

“No, I got a morning after pill the next day. I tricked my parents in to putting me on the pill after that.” Ashely replied.

“Are you ok, Nik?”

“Yea, it’s a lot to take in” Nikki replied.

“That’s what I said” Ashley tried joking.

Nikki laughed and leaned in for a hug, the sudden motion caused Ashley’s hand to slide over Nikki’s panty covered slit. She could feel the wetness seeping though. Ashley pulled her hand away and apologized. This time Nikki quickly leaned over and kissed her. Ashley recovered quickly from the surprise and returned the kiss with passion. Her hands moving along the smaller girl’s body. She brushed against a small breast and hard nipple. She stopped her hand and gently massaged the soft flesh through the thin material.

Ashley continued making out with her friend and lightly guided her to lay down, laying just off to the side of her. Her hand moved down her back and under the T-shirt, finding the girl’s small breast. It was not even a handful, but the skin was so soft. Her nipple was small, like the tip of an eraser and just as hard.

Nikki meanwhile was overcome with these new sensations. Her friend was now feeling her up and she moved her hands to Ashley’s larger breasts to do the same. She touched them over the shirt, her other hand rubbed Ashley’s butt. These brought encouraging moans from the more experienced lover. Nikki got bold, broke their kiss, and pulled off Ashley’s shirt. Ashley, in turn, removed her friend’s. They resumed making out, tongues dancing, skin rubbing against skin.

Ashley removed her mouth from Nikki’s and kissed her cheek, then down her neck, finally settling on her light pink nipples; gently suckling one and then the other. Ashley felt hands hold her head in place, moaning coming from above her. Ashley moved her free hand down between Nikki’s thighs, stroking both sides to open, which they slowly did. Gingerly, she traced her fingers over Nikki’s panties, they were soaked. Ashley cupped the area and slipped her fingers along the slit, rubbing up and down. Nikki humped at her hand, trying to get more friction. Ashley obliged that request by moving inside the girl’s underwear, touching another girl’s pussy for the first time. To Nikki, the sensation and difference of being touched by someone other than herself was incredible. She didn’t know where fingers were going to go and the sporadic contact with intense areas, teasingly, made her more aroused.

Ashley stopped briefly and slid the girl’s panties off. She could see Nikki’s fiery red bush, ran her fingers through it and then back into her slit. She fingered and rubbed all over and inside the girl. She was careful not to fully insert her fingers into her though, just in case Nikki still had a hymen, that wasn’t hers to take from her friend.

Gathering up the courage, Ashley grew bold and moved lower down her friend’s body leaving a trail of licks and kisses. From the breasts to the stomach, the navel, each hip and then looking into a patch of red hair and pink slit underneath. Ashley teased her thighs open with gentle kisses before lightly licking her first taste of pussy, straight from the source. It was different than her own, a little mustier but good. She dipped her tongue in deeper and longer for another taste, licking from the base of her hole to the top of her exposed clit. This drew a squeal and moan from the prone girl. Ashley started lapping.

Nikki, feeling wonderful sensations looked down to see her friend’s face buried into her red bush. Ashley looked up and locked eyes with her friend and kept licking. Explosions would go off with every movement of the tongue. Sometimes it would dip just deep enough into her pink passage to gather a lot of her juices that it would run down Ashley’s face. She was in pure ecstasy; she wasn’t going to last long now.

Ashley could tell Nikki was going to pop. She wanted her friend to have a really great experience, so she used her fingers on one hand to rub her clit hard. She used the other to open her up wide, sticking her face and tongue as deep as possible into her juicy box. Nikki buried her face into a pillow and released a long deep moan. Ashley’s face was sprayed with wet fluid which emanated from the spread-eagled girl.

Ashley looked up at her naked friend, pussy juice covering her mouth and nose. She looked satisfied with her work and went to get up. Nikki reached out and pulled her up into a deep, loving kiss. She licked her own juices off her face and smiled. She didn’t know if she was a lesbian, but she knew she loved her friend at that very minute.

“Thank you, so much, Ash. No one’s ever made me feel so loved before.”

“You’re welcome, I love you too, Nik.”

Nikki kissed Ashley again, softly, and gently. Her hands travelled on her friend’s bare back till she reached her hips and pushed her over onto the bed. Nikki, now on top, proceeded to mimic the motions that were done to her. Kissing Ashley’s lips, then neck, and then breasts. Ashley’s larger breasts felt softer than her own, not just due to size but the feel of her skin too. Her mouth found a small pink nipple and began to suck and nibble, kneading the one on the other side with her hand. Then after 30 seconds, she switched to the other one and repeated.

Nikki’s comforts were different than what Ashley had experienced with Scott and Rick. This was softer and more sensual. They were a little rougher and more firm in how they touched her. Neither was better than the other, Ashley enjoyed both. She just relaxed and let her friend experiment with her body. When Nikki placed her hands to remove her panties, Ashley raised up till they were off and spread her legs open, inviting her in.

Nikki was nervous looking at her friend’s bald teen twat, wet and open for her to see. She wanted to return the favor she had just been given but, until tonight, had never even thought about doing this with a girl. She moved in closer, studying the outer labia of the vagina. Without any hair it was easy to see all the details on the outside. The entire thing looked like the creased side of a peach. Nothing poked out, unlike the little nub that stuck out a bit on her own. She slid her finger along the wet slit. Ashley let out a little moan, which was encouraging.

She decided to be braver and used her fingers to spread open to the inner realm of this hidden valley. Everything was a light pink color, hot, and very wet. She could see little bumps and folders on the heading inside the dark recesses of her cavity. Carefully, she inserted a finger up to the first knuckle. It gripped her finger and encouraged her to push deeper until it was as far as it could go. It felt so warm and so tight. She started to slowly withdraw the digit until it was back at the entrance and then plunged it back in. Another moan told her she was on the right track. In and out the single finger went until she added a second and then a third.

Ashley was enjoying watching her friend discover her body. She let her take it at her own pace and didn’t want to push her too quickly, but she was really turned on and horny. Ashley rubbed her own breasts while her friend worked her pussy. It was good but it wasn’t getting her off yet, she had to move things along. She upturned her hips and spread herself wide open, hoping to encourage action faster.

Nikki, noticing the movement, knew it was time to do what she was trying to put off. She lowered her face to the open slit and flicked out her tongue. The taste was sweet like honey, and she went in for another lick, fingers continuing to pump in and out. This brought more groans, but it still didn’t sound like enough. She slipped her pinkie finger inside the hole, and then finally the thumb.

Ashley felt herself being fisted for the first time and it felt incredible. Nikki had small hands, so it didn’t hurt, she just felt very full, like someone was massaging her uterus. While the fist moved in and out, Nikki latched on to her clit and started sucking and nibbling. That pushed her over the edge. She grabbed a pillow and screamed, cumming onto the smaller girl’s face.

It was 2:00am when both girls decided to go to bed. Ashley closed her computer and figured she’d tell Nikki about the rest tomorrow. They kissed and snuggled up naked together for the night. Tomorrow was another cheer practice and they needed to get some sleep.


The annoying sound of Ashley’s alarm broke the sweet silence of their dreaming. Both girls woke up in each other’s arms. There was a brief bit of awkwardness, as the flurry of last night’s activities rushed back to them. Neither one knew exactly what to say. A knock at the door from Ashley’s Mom “Girls you have to get up and get moving”. That got them up and moving out of bed. Nikki went into the bathroom while Ashley gathered the stuff she’d need for the day.

After the toilet flushed, Nikki jumped into the shower. Her mind was reeling thinking about last night. What did it all mean? Were they dating now or was that just a fling? Was she gay and most importantly, would they do that again. She was so absorbed in thought and shampooing her hair that she didn’t notice the curtain move. She jumped as a pair of hands caressed her from behind and pulled her in for a hug.

“I thought we could share the shower to save time” the voice whispered in her ear.

“Oh ok, sure that makes sense.”

“I had a lot of fun last night. I hope we can do it again sometime” as the hands picked up the soap and lathered up her front. Starting at the shoulders, then arms and armpits, before landing on her small breasts. “These seem to be extra dirty”. The voice laughed.

“Mhmmmm,” was all little Nikki could say. Hot water poured down on her, rinsing her off. Her body was on fire again. Aching to be touched. As always, Ashley knew what to do. Her hands leaving the girl’s breasts and travelling down to her hips and thighs, soaping as she went. She started on the outside of her hips and moved down, slowly and teasingly, to her feet. Her face was looking at Nikki’s butt, she gave each cheek a little kiss, before moving, gliding her hands back up slowly on the inside of her legs. Feet, then calves, knees and inner thighs. Nikki subconsciously opened her legs to allow access to her private area.

Ashley ran her hands though Nikki’s bright red pubic hair, lathering it up till it was almost white. Then she slipped her fingers down into her hidden charms. Massaging the outer lips and teasing the inner ones. Ashley knew they didn’t have a ton of time though, so she started rubbing her friend’s clit area, bringing another audible moan. She moved in a circular motion, her other hand moving back up to cup a small nipple. Nikki’s moans increased.

“Cum for me, lover” she whispered.

“Ngh!” was all the girl could reply before she stiffened into a strong orgasm. Ashley had to support her weight as her legs became too rubbery. When she recovered enough, Nikki finally turned around and kissed her best friend. It was a passionate kiss, warm water cascading over their young bodies. Breasts rubbed against breasts. Nikki reached down to return the favor for her friend, but Ashley pulled away.

“That was just for you. We have to get ready for the rest of the day still.”

Disappointed but understanding, Nikki kissed her friend once more before getting out of the shower. Ashley was very aroused but knew she didn’t have time to take care of it. She quickly finished showering and got out.

They changed into their workout clothes, ate some breakfast, and headed towards practice. Ashley’s Mom drove them, and they chatted about normal girl things until they got close to school.

“Mom, would it be ok if Nikki spent the night again?” Ashley asked, surprising Nikki.

“Sure, of course dear, if it’s ok with her parents. Just try to keep it down tonight girls, you woke us up a few times last night.” Mrs. Thompson answered.

“Oh, sorry about that. I guess we got carried away. She’ll call them and ask when we get to practice. Thanks Mom.”

Nikki looked at Ashley, questioningly, but Ashley just downplayed everything, implying ‘just be cool’. They arrived and hopped out of the car, Nikki quickly messaged her parents and they said sure. They confirmed the plans with Ashley’s Mom before they said goodbye and headed inside.

In the noise of the locker room, Nikki finally asked why she was spending the night again, not that she didn’t want to.

“We didn’t finish last night,” said Ashley.

“What do you mean, I’m pretty sure we did,” said the small girl, blushing slightly, “Not that I don’t want to finish again.”

“Me too, but I meant I didn’t tell you everything about what happened with the pictures. We kind of got distracted.” She smiled and wry smile and winked.

“Oh yeah, I didn’t even think about it. I kind of thought that was it. How much more is there?”

“More,” was all she replied. Coach called in to hurry up the stragglers, they had to hit the field.

Practice went well. The routine wasn’t too much harder and the team picked it up quickly. The girls finished up, showered in the locker room, and decided on what to do tonight. Nikki was going to go home and get some clean clothes and meet back up at the Thompsons after dinner.

Nikki arrived around 7:00 and things went like the previous night. They made popcorn and watched another movie. This one was a live action comedy, it was funny but safe. The movie finished and they went to Ashley’s room. They both waited till her parents went to bed at 11:00 again. There was a knock at the door and then goodnights exchanged. They waited about a half hour for Ashley’s parents to fall asleep before they got back into it. Well, first they took off their shirts and made out for a bit, but then Ashley pulled her laptop back out.

“How much more is there? You showed me everything in that folder” Nikki asked.

“I did but that was all from the first day I ran out of money. That wasn’t from the next time last week.”

“You did all that in one day? You little slut” she joked.

“So, you have a choice, would you like more pictures or this time there’s video.”

“There’s video? Uh, I guess that.”

Ashley went to the video folder and started the first one. Nikki could see Ashley getting fucked from behind while she takes a cock in her mouth. The video was edited together from different camera angles, highlighting different things from facial expressions to better visual angles. The cameras were clearly further away but very clear, they would also zoom in on their own. Focusing on specific body parts, mostly Ashley’s. Finally, the video ended with Ashley being covered in cum from both guys.

Nikki wasn’t sure why, but it turned her on watching her friend be fucked and degraded slightly. She was absentmindedly playing with herself on top of her panties while watching the video. Ashley noticed this and smiled to herself but didn’t act upon it.

“That was hot, Ash. I can’t believe you took two guys at the same time.”

“Yeah, it was really hot,” Ashley said, thinking back to that day. “But that was just the beginning.”

Ashley played the next video of her in her cheerleader uniform posing for seductive pictures. Ashley pulled up a few choice pictures while the video played. The images were stunning and very sexy as you would expect from professional photographers. It then continued to her stripping from her cheer uniform and blowing Rick. Nikki’s fingers were inside her panties watching her friend get roughly face fucked by Scott. Ashley showed the picture of her mouth full of cum, and then her swallowing it.

“What does it taste like?” Nikki asked.

“Cum? Kind of salty and creamy, but I like it.” Ashley said, “the next thing is just pictures. They wanted me to pee in front of them, so I did it in the shower.”

“They wanted you to what? Why?”

“I don’t know, but it was kind of naughty to do. I want to see them pee one of these days, guy’s penises are really neat.”

It was time for the final video. Ashley hit play and put her hands around her friend, cuddling up close. Her fingers lightly making circles on her skin, driving her crazy. Nikki was soaked, her fingers still playing with her slit through her panties. She watched as Ashley sucked and then got fucked by Scott. Things stopped for a moment when something was passed to Scott, then it looked like he was back inside of her. But something seemed different. Suddenly it dawned on her.

“You didn’t!”

“I did, keep watching.” Ashley moved around behind her friend, breasts against her back, and slipped her own hand into Nikki’s panties. She could tell Nikki really enjoyed watching her to all these perverted things, like watching her get ass fucked. Rick entered the picture and Ashley repositioned, and then there was suddenly two people fucking her holes.

“Did that hurt?” Nikki said in almost a whisper.

“Kind of at first, but I got used to it. Hurt like hell the next day though.”

Ashley decided Nikki’s panties were in the way, so she motioned to remove them. Down and off they went onto the floor, legs spread open again. Nikki was transfixed on the screen watching the scene transpire.

“Why do I like watching this? Watching you getting fucked and used like a whore? I get so wet from it.” She asked.

“I don’t know, maybe the same reason I like getting fucked and used. It just feels right.”

“What does it feel like to be fucked like that?

“You feel full and your whole-body tingles. If done right, it hits spots you didn’t even know you had. We’re right at the end, watch this.” Ashley didn’t need to tell her twice. She saw Ashley shake and explode, juice flying out of her pussy and the guys both looked like they came too.

“That was incredible! How did you squirt like that?”

“I have no idea, but the feeling was overwhelming.”

“Did they both cum in you?”

“Yup, here’s a picture of it.” Ashley pulled up a close up shot of her pussy and asshole both gaping open with cum running out of them.

“What’s it like to have a guy cum in you?”

“You feel them swell and tense up inside you, then a warm wet feeling fills your hole. It’s amazing. I wish you could meet the guys.”

“I wish you could fuck me.” Nikki said.

“Well, there is one thing we could try.” Ashley kissed her friend, then pulled down her own panties. She had her lay back on the bed then positioned herself between her legs at the other end of the bed. Her smooth vagina rubbing up against Nikki’s furry one. Ashley gyrated her hips, smashing the two wet pussies together. Occasionally, clits would get bumped and stimulated, this caused moans and groans from the two girls. The grinding got wilder and both girls grabbed each other’s hips to hold each other tight together. It didn’t feel like regular sex but was feeling good.

For good measure, Ashley slipped one finger between their scissoring thighs and rubbed her friend’s clit. Nikki felt this and did the same for Ashley. Their thighs and pussies were soaking everything. The room smelled sex and wet panties. A few moments later, Nikki came hard, burying her face into the mattress to keep from screaming. Ashley followed suit. They were sweaty and covered in each other’s fluids. They crawled up together and kissed tenderly.

“Thank you for that. Is that what sex is like?”

“Kind of, but you have something inside you. Moving around, hitting all kinds of fun spots.”

“We are really wet right now.”

“Yeah, let me help you with that.” And Ashley went between the girl’s legs and lapped up the juices.

“Ngh, no fair. I want some too.”

Ashley stopped and swung her legs over her friend’s head, putting her pussy in her face and went back to licking. Nikki returned the favor, eating out Ashley in a 69 position. Both girls were still buzzing from their last orgasm. Clits were licked and holes were probed by tongues. It didn’t take the girls long to cum again. This time wasn’t as strong but still shot through them and made them feel amazing. It was also the last bit of energy they had for the night, so they curled back up in bed and fell asleep. Naked and happy, once more.


2024-07-09 01:01:58
Hello mainer, part 4 should be up on the next update (hopefully). After that, chapter 5 is the last unless people want more.
-Thanks for reading


2024-07-07 04:16:27
don't stop this story!


2024-07-07 04:16:16
don't stop this story!

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