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If there's any suggestions to make it better, comment or PM me. These are meant to be tales in the life of an average person in a high tech low life cyberpunk story. But with more sexual liberation.
This story was inspired by the cyberpunk genre, freeuse genre, and noir stories. My other idea was to make the male protagonist as unidentifiable as possible with no specific race, hair color, or defining characteristic other than early middle age. In that regard inspired by stories like the Halo series Protagonist, Master Chief.


He continued to take the bus. It was mixed emotions. On one hand he was ecstatic to have met someone with mysterious life long potential. A chemistry which was in some ways ethereal yet concrete. Who knows if we would have connected without support of AI, who knows if we would have orgasmed without uber-corporate authority and a weak government which betrayed its mandate daily.  On the other hand he was sad that he had no idea when they would meet again. He respected her desire for mystery and an erotic Masquerade-esque romance. Sure they know each other's face but they don't know each other's names, or anything about each other other than Kinks and the sound of each other's voice as they spoke with ecstatic orgasmic passion. He had faith his AI Guru would take care of him. It had been years which the two had been paired, the second major cyber upgrades he purchased in his youth.

I admit that my Kinks are numerous, there are many fantasies I have which involve clothing everything from leather, fishnet, and school girl outfits… and military outfits… and fantasy sci-fi outfits… and the list goes on and on and on.  One of the blessings of augmented reality was that my AI could mimic a sensation of leather,  fishnets or any fabric as well as the sight of it. In  reality we could see each other naked if we wanted to do so. This was helpful for winter sex because nobody wanted to be naked when it was snowing outside but still horny as hell. He silently chuckled in his mind HAHAHAHA. The weather was lovely today so I need to take advantage. No acid rain, lightning storms or hints of nuclear fallout. Just unadulterated sunshine and clouds which could be interpreted in many ways. Of course it would be nice weather in the day he had to spend 24 hours underground in religious service.

As he reflected on the last 40 years of modern history, two thirds of his life he couldn't help but have mixed gratitude. Sure, violence was the norm and today he was glad not to hear gunshots echo in his surrounding area, or random mugging which he sometimes assisted against or assisted the muggers. Who cares about rich corpos anyway. Yet the technology which made his morning possible was on his mind. He witnessed people waiting for the next bus giving each other lap dances underneath the rusty and corroded rain shelter, on the “steel” bench. 

It was several decades since the free use app called Consent was used on smartphones for subscribers (the irony that it should be called payuse is not lost on anyone in city limits) to know each other's Kinks and limits. This app transformed dating in the 21st century as the biggest improvement to relationship finding since matchmakers began their profession centuries or millenia ago. This app allowed for constant consent and empathy. Women were allowed full independence and assurance about motivations for friendships.There were no missed signals, it was crystal clear what was wanted, when it wasn't wanted, a person's interests, types (blonde, brunette, red head, five inch dick, soulkiller cock), and every granular detail to indicate compatibility of all kinds. Hell, just because someone wants to fuck you doesn't mean you are interested. You may have a very specific type. Men (outside of movies, when does this happen, honestly) would have all their curiosity satisfied; When red heads passed, they could find out if the curtains match the drapes. The app was just for sex originally but such was its success that it expanded to relationships of all kinds. It was a multi billion dollar corpo overnight. Probably the only corporate undertaking I support outside of the cyber research.  Friends knew if they were interested in each other or were there ulterior motives. Like did they hope to fuck you doggy after a year for pity sex. Were they better suited for platonic friendship, lust, or something more erotically intimate? How much were they meant to be? AI upgrades helped to support simulations of these metrics and scenarios.

He remembered the day he  lost his virginity. His great grand parents waited until marriage. He subscribed at 16, the age of consent in the city, and five minutes later popped his cherry in the library. There he was at his desk in sweat pants and a denim jacket with patches from his favorite rap artist and punk artist when she walked up in a miniskirt and a g-string, grinded on his lap to the rhythm of the latest hit pop song (played in their headset  you still have to be quiet, silence is golden).

When my hard on couldn't take it anymore, I put on my condom, slipped her g-string to the side and then bent her over the table. My balls acting as wrecking balls as they smacked her clit. In the digital age, libraries were the only quiet place to do homework even if most books were old and decorative.
Cyberspace and the infamous Matri-net was where all knowledge can be accessed and downloaded if you can pay. If not you have to wait after an hour of advertising… hence sex in a library to pass the time. She and I didn't need the gym as we waited five hours to watch enough advertisements to collect our college books. In that first  bent over session, I lasted five minutes. But sessions two,  three and four each lasted twenty minutes or more. Eating her out under the table while an advertisement played for canned soup… no the moment wasn't ruined… we were making our own music video. Orgies became common in the daytime library, and at night time they became common in clubs. 

Then came along bio nanite cyber tech which allowed for a new sexual revolution to take place. This revolution was the biggest of its kind since the Swinging 60s of the 20th century. Or Caligula's orgy from thousands of years ago, or the invention of fishnet clothing to circumvent nudity laws in 19th century French Cancan performances…. Or was it burlesque? Or the vibrator … lube… let's say it's fucking significant and hats off to the nerds who programmed this shit.The headlines on the side of the building, in between its holographic advertising, read "what is it about the 60s and now which makes people horny?" People now wondered what life was like 50 years ago. Their grandparents may have told them about condoms, STDs, unwanted pregnancy- all things of the past. It saved on Healthcare costs and was a joint government and corpo sponsored initiative. Everything else medical related still costs an arm and a leg  and most poor souls (read- 85% of the city population) still choose between paying rent and having shifty processed food on the table, never mind the luxury of basic medical insurance.

Hell, calling a cop requires security insurance, but violent crime was always “handled”. It may be the mass executions of the draconian law system by city police, the paid over zealous bounty hunters who exceed at dead rather than alive when given the option, or corpo security. Some may be glorified mall cops with literal licenses to kill (a lovely two hour course you can do from your bedroom, costing only slightly more than a fast food value meal).  Knights, samurai and other glorified warriors once existed for “honor” but in this day and  age, you get a risky job or die from homelessness. These days the criminal element have more honor than most legal organizations, and these outlaws take things by force on a whim. Corporations have more authority than the government. Good luck going  into credit card debt or you will be sent to the Armatech penal mines. Nothing says cheap labor than the prison industrial complex.

My grandfather knew it was the sign of decline when the anti-monopoly and anti trust laws were repealed. Then we watched the remastered HoloVid "Aliens" and understood how a government military could be bossed by a corporate authority.

In a society which 75% subscribed to freeuse, you would think rape wasn't always a concern.  “They” say, now society is so happy with the bio nanites reporting every violent illegal activity to the police rape is a thing of the past…. Yea… propaganda material abounds in corpo media. The underground knows the truth and street justice will make it happen when rule of law doesn't suffice. Bionanites did help with evidence for quick automated decisions for police to execute people with the new Judge AI. Nothing says efficient use of a Data led AI approach like a program legally allowed to sentence death instead of lawyers talking in a courtroom. Gangs, mafia, shady corporate operatives and corrupt politicians of course learned to bypass this tattle tail software, but ordinary people still had it activated. 

I asked my therapist if I overthought things, but  contemplating the above occupied my thoughts for the remaining bus journey to church. My cock becoming semi erect again as I recalled the virginity erasing  library marathon. As a teenager I came on average 12 times a day. Now I average five times. Getting old has its drawbacks. But today is still my favorite part of history.

It was a five minute walk from the bus to the church. The megabuildings and crowded streets in the distance but the industrial back alleys led to all manner of hidden gems. Under an overpass, low traffic at this time on a Sunday,  a truck passed by transporting military-esque vehicles likely for corporate security of goods. You can't trust intercity transport. If you thinking the neighborhoods with Gangs were dangerous, highway robbery was atrocious. As he made his way towards the former warehouse  he ensured vigilance. 360 degree overwatch as well as looking up to make sure he wasn't about to be shot  from a window or roof top. His gang did the best to maintain peace around the church, especially on Sundays but you can't be too careful. It may be a sprawling metropolis but with the bodies on the streets, gutters and skyscraper staircases, it could be worth calling it a necropolis. 

His naked body jiggled and his cock dangled left to right with each step he took. His towel in his left hand as his right hand is always ready to unleash his hand cannon from its intraleg holster. It's dual revolver and sub machine gun setting perfect for all potential violent entanglements. One thought to fire single fire mide, and another thought to lay some suppressive fire. But he still maintained a trigger because he likes it semi old school. His left eye scanning heat signatures, and right eye occasionally going into sniper scope mode to check glares, one came from the third story of the building 50 meters away. He is happy to going to church, and potentially finding a lifelong partner this morning but he can't be complacent. That's the sure fire way to get taken out.

The “cult-gang” or so corpo media called his beloved religious group

(how I hate Capital Digest with a motherfucking passion, shit journalists, sellout and propaganda pushers)
, had been located in this converted warehouse for twenty years. He began attending at 17, two weeks after it opened. He could see the sentries inside the entryway of the transparent high impact resisting non glazed material. It protected all inside from most small arms fire and shrapnel from explosives. The Revo-orgy-lutionites (Members of the Church of Universal Egalitarians) were the next generation of evangelical Christians who embraced modernity. An offspring of pentecostal and unitarian congregations, they embraced the Sexual Revolution of bio nanitites and cybernetics technology. They prioritize the Christian teachings against empire, anti poverty and anti colonization. It's modern interpretation being anti-corporation and anti-government  corruption. Fuck the rest of the Bible. The rest were written by power hungry proto fascists anyway. 

She started it. Reverend Emily Quick. Ethnically British, Dutch and German but her big round ass made her appeal to all African and African heritage cultures. She walked and it was like watching the ocean waves move around. She was raised Quaker but then her life lead her to dual ordaintion with Pentecostal and Unitarian groups. She reflected on the role of church in society. With technology the way it was, poverty and gangland norms,  corporate take over, Draco-nian legal Governance and a sexual revolution  her orgy masses become infamous. Traditional Roman Catholic mass could be boiled into the basic order: procession, openings prayer, readings, sermon, communion, benediction and a procession exit. Singing sprinkled throughout. Whilst Pentecostal and Unitarians weren't known for “high” church, heavy rituals and ceremony,  she brought it back. This time in a royal purple leather trench coat instead of a priestly robe. Instead of a crucifix it was a chrome metal figure of Jesus and Mary Magdalene nakedly embracing each other with erotic passion on top of a three meter pole. The rest of the pole had imagery of the other disciples  not just the 12 original, but all the women of the new testament included. Various sexual acts performed, Judas being  whipped at the bottom while tied to a tree by the not so virgin dominatrix Mother Mary. 

The first service he attended as a teenager only had two dozen attendees. She had wore a traditional Christian minister robe and then stripped it off to be nude during the communion. One of her minister buddies was the security usher at the front door making sure no one would disrupt, as well as ensure order in case someone stepped out of boundaries.

I walked in nervous. Sure I had sex plenty of times but religion was something which fascinated me as much as it made me angry. But he saw the ad on the Matri-net and thought to give it a try. Nowadays the service has hundreds in attendance.
Rev. Quick strutted down the aisle from the entry way down, the middle in between the sofa bed pews. Equal parts dominatrix, Goddess, Empress, and sass. Everyone kneeled as she walked, heads turned toward the center to see the coat hugging her every curve. Her heels were 20cm high, and a matching purple. The concrete floor echoed each step she made. 

The warehouse was retrofitted into a quasi industrial cybernetic chapel. Metal beams crisscrossed along the roof. The stain glass was all bulletproof. Images of naked artwork from cultures around the world were placed along the walls. Servers could be heard from a locked room, with their soft  humming as AI protected the facility with sentry turrets and cybersecurity. The faith group needed it as it had become a small non-profit neocorporation unto itself. Even with all the freeuse and nudity laws around, sexual practices forbid us from being a true charity or non profit in the eyes if the law, so its been incorporated. The only exception we make to the auto corporate ethics, but hey what religion doesn't have its hypocrisies. Body types of all shapes and sizes were congregated today. He had a front row seat, kneeling on his towel. As she got to a few sofa pews to the front, she began to unzip her trench coat. She wore a matching purple half cup lace bra, her brown areolas showing on the top, with her hard pierced  nipples poking through visibly. Her torso and neck showed she was wearing a matching purple leather body harness with steel circles. She wore no under wear. She was one of the few people he knew to not have any tattoos, but she had a clit piercing, two nipple piercings, and her hair was short with a flat top. She wore a garter belt on both legs and behind the altar was a shot gun for emergencies. 

When he first met her, she had shoulder length wavy hair, but the more authority she amassed the shorter her hair became. She once joked in her sermon that if she became mayor of the city she would shave her head, and if she was empress of the world, she would have her skull skin replaced with borg chrome.  Only leaving her face untouched. He hopes it happens one day, she would make an excellent benevolent dictator; the only authoritarian ruler he would allow. She is 165 centimeters tall, with a slim waist. Not a 6 pack, but a little bit of flesh. She had two kids who were members of the gang. Twins, a boy and a girl, now 18. This congregation didn't look negatively on incest as long as they didn't have kids. For health reasons. And God loves diversity. 

She walked up four stairs to the glass podium and spoke her blessing into the microphone. “Dearly beloved we are gathered here hoping for peace in these shadow filled times, hoping for love to overcome the hate throughout the world. We work so all may experience the consensual erotic pleasure of the flesh so that our spirits may be lifted up to the God  or Goddess or the universe. Please be seated, remember to hold your orgasm for the eucharist”. The congregation all got up from their kneeling. Except for a few who were pleasuring or being pleasure by cock, tongue or sex toy.

One of the reasons I fell in love with this place was that she and the community were the first religion to embrace freeuse sexuality. One successful program we had as a community was a sexual education To kids, adults and the few remaining senior citizens who survived the last biochemical plague. Life expectancy isn't high with the random gang violence but these weekly orgies always give me such joy.

She went in to read a section from the Songs of Solomon and then give a seven minute sermon on freeuse and love, vulnerability as being powerful even if you need to always be on the defensive and shoot first. Loved ones deserve your vulnerability and even in Auschiwitz people found love, in that hell on earth. That's the general jist of it. His hardon grew as he looked at his Goddess on earth as well as the crowd in various states of clothed to nude spectrum, plain outfits to more kinky outfits. Due to his participation later in the service he didn't partake in free use but half the congregation were engaging in sexual pleasure. And his AR vision cycled through a few variants of outfits. It hept him rock hard, beyond the usual wood lumber.

The couple next to him were enjoying a lapdance, the female partner teasing the male partner. A male same sex couple were 69-ing on the floor while a lesbian couple had a vibrator in between them as they scissors each other. As she closed the sermon she gave him a nod. He stood up and walked behind the altar to grab a velvet red cushion to place at the front of the altar in the center. He then stood to the side and bowed his head pentinently. 

She walked from the podium to the center of the altar. She rested her ass along the edge of it and spread her legs further than shoulder width apart, each foot on the opposite side of the cushions. She said “the eucharistic originated in sharing  bread in communion and giving charity to the group. Giving to fellow congregation the gift of life and God's love. Now I give to you the gift of my flesh, the body of your Goddess on earth. Eat me and then go forth to let others eat or suck you. Give the gift of your lust, love and life to others.” She then bowed her head briefly and said  “Blessed are you universe, creator of life. Through your gifts we have food and present ourselves. Let us be your bread of life. Amen”. To which the crowd gave a heartfelt and excited amen. 

They all formed a line but he had the honor of kneeling in front of her first. He placed both knees on the red cushion  kneeling in front of her. He then placed his mouth toward her pussy. He looked forward to this every week, whether not not he was first or last, alpha or omega. He opened his mouth and proceeded to lick her pussy, and her clit, sucking on it slightly. The time varied everytime he did this. It always depended on how many people were there and their sexual preferences. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him, how much she was worshiped by him. She was the beacon of religious freedom and salvation for him, the embodiment of liberty which allowed him to have a transcendent connection to the divine as well as a connection to nature and the people of the earth. Yes even the corporate fuckwads. Sometimes he wished he believed in hell so they could burn but he made it his life's mission to make them burn personally.

Sure, she encouraged him to have that relationship with the divine but he appreciated everything she taught him and helped him with in life. She then placed her weight on the altar and wrapped her legs around his face, squeezing his head in between her legs as her head rolled back in bliss. It was only for fifteen seconds but she knew what to expect and later he would indulge more. She released him from his sacred duty, embracing the sacrament in between her legs. He then got back on his feet. His sandals firmly holding him as he walked to her side and then mounted the altar. He laid is towel down on it, covering the majority of this sacred place. Today he had the honor to suck and be sucked. His preferences were for woman only. Two other members of the congregation came up and grabbed cushions to stand, like the Goddess Reverend Quick. One a Trans (MTF) woman and the other a Trans (FTM) man The building scanned the Sexual preferences and found between the Goddess, himself and the two to her side, all preferences were accounted for. He waited as disciple Congregants went up to the altar in an orderly fashion. Two women came up to him, one more dominant, the other Submissive. The dominant woman, a latina in a latex crotchless body suit, hugging her curves, formfitted to her thin waist, bubble butt runners ass and small but firm tits, kneeled above his face and proceeded to sit on his face. The other submissive east asian woman, in all denim jacket and pants, with a spiked collar on her neck, began to lick his cock head and pull back his foreskin. She wore a g string and a white tank top with no bra. She deepthroated him easily, whether from practice or a cybernetic enhancement…probably both but he didn't care in the moment.

Our dearly beloved Goddess Reverend then chose someone she hadn't fucked yet. A new member of the congregation. “And the first shall be last and the last shall be first, how do you want me, or one of my deputies.” She is pansexual but always asks. Even with the freeuse app, it's part of the ritual and has been since the founding of this congregation. He bowed his head, this 6’5” beast of a man, covered in tattoos and practically a cyborg with all of his enhancements sings. His skin the kind of ebony you would see from only a few people of African decent, the darkest and smoothest obsidian colors, a man who could be a model, actor or celebrity of some kind. Maybe he will one day. That's how the congregation got started, a celebrity donated significant portions the first few years. He said, “I want to fuck you like an animal”. A song known to a few, but many were looking around wondering what he referred to when he spoke. The Goddess rose her arms and the music changed to this decades old song. In these moments, she let whomever have their way with her  within her limits which were quite few and far between. He opted to grab her by the throat, turn her over and place her hands on the altar. Her hands next to my shoulders and hips. His cock was absolutely massive at 30 cm with a 20 cm girth. 

He placed the tip of his larger than life mushroom cock to the tip of her pussy and pushed in forcefully.  She was prepared with their AI coming to terms the instant instant she called him to the altar. His mirrors shades covered a third of his  face yet he still revealed the overjoyed excitement of a kid's jubilation at Christmas. He was likely only in his mid twenties and maybe hadn't felt freedom to be himself with all the stereotypes which came his way. 

After all, while the freeuse system is common  it still requires money. No one choose freeuse over food…well maybe a few addicts… OK he made the decision for freeuse over food. But hey he joined the church so it all worked out. It's like the butterfly effect, you never know where the smallest decision will have an impact across the world. In the next few weeks we as a congregation will be potentially spreading around the world as a religion. Around town and scattered throughout the surrounding Enemy nation there are hundreds of thousands of adherents. There's a potential for us to go into space on the next colonization attempt on the Moon.

They are making progress with mushrooms feeding off of solar radiation… weird since they grown in the dark but hey, science bitch.

On the altar, there he was, naked but on a towel. After having his face sat on, bringing his momentary mistress to orgasm, wanting nothing in return, his momentary slave also was close to bringing him to orgasm. However, as good as her deepthroat was, he needed to join the new member in a doggy style circle. He encouraged others fucking partners best over in some way to join around the altar.

Inscribed on the altar are the values of the faith: equality, consent, liberation, self defense, diversity, connection, reciprocity and community. Each at the point of a star similar to the old Christmas trees, with an 8 pointed star. What with all the shit show with climate change, no trees are allowed to be cut, but holograms are lovely enough especially with a scented candle. 

He pulled down the pants and g string that his momentary slave wore. He placed his cock at the entrance of her pussy, grabbed her hair with his right hand, and her shoulder with his left and went balls deep into her, forcefully. Guru assured him, it's what she wanted, a rough fuck. She didn't even care if she orgasmed. He was of a mind to try before he blew his load, if not there's sure to be a sissy or cunt lapper somewhere to eat her out and clean his spunk.

His balls slapped her clit like a wrecking balk with each thrust. He was fucking her like a jackhammer, watching her tight ass bounce slightly and the moans of everyone present turning him on even more. He made eye contact with the newbie as he ingratiated himself with the congregation. All the couples around the altar looked at each other. Some were trying to play with each other, groping and spanking each other. At the moment he was too close to the edge to do much else other than fuck and focus on the object of his orgasm, the  piece ass in front of him. 

It always starts unsuspecting, a twinge in each testicle the feeling of pending eruption as his balls release the pent up semen. Today he probably only twitched a few times into his slave's shaved and tight pussy. Had he not cum earlier with his Goddess, he probably would have been more potent. She opted as most usually did, to maintain her current pregnancy status and remain without child. He of course supported this decision and Guru ran his usual diagnostics regarding sexual health to ensure all was well. He kept his cock in her for a few moments as she was close to orgasm so she kept on going. She braced herself on the altar and pushed her ass back into his pelvis a few times.

Goddess, she is going to make me beg for mercy if she keeps this up, but holy Cosmos this felt amazing.

She kept this up for another minute while he somehow maintained his election with her tight grip and now increasingly pulsating pussy. It spammed and gripped him over and over and over for 30 seconds while she orgasmed. Her nipples poked through her white tank top, the sweat on her chest making it as if she were in a wet shirt contest. He spammed over and over again due to his hyper post orgasm sensitivity.

As the orgy subsided, orgasms had by all, everyone began to move towards the refreshment area on the side of the worship area. The Goddess led a procession to another suite down stairs. There was a kitchenette to the right, if you're facing the worship space from the pews. It had its classic neon lit appliances each with AI serving drinks the way their requestor  wanted. Most places have this as a separate room but this is a chapel of life. Even the bathroom didn't have walls on this floor, but certainly vents and clear glass. Some of the drink servicing appliances worked better than others.

 His momentary slave came up to him after the service as everyone was cleaning themselves saying “Dearest Brother Chaplain, how have you faired this week?” I chuckled as even my closest friends here still stand on ceremony when equality is our first and highest value… well highest as all things being equal. The king Arthur of values at a round table, the first among equals like the origin of Prince in ancient Rome… well etymological speaking. It was all ancient rhetorical bullshit.

He nodded after he chuckled. “Grace, its always a pleasure to see you and of course be inside you. All is well on my end. The world outside keeps shit real. I'm spending the next 24 hours in Freeuse Meditation, the month goes by fast but I enjoy the rigor it involves. A true test of discipline I somehow always fail even after years of practice.” He took a sip of his coffee mixed with chocolate. “Work is good at the government essential services. I'm having to do more chaplaincy for the privatized utilities and privatized first responders ever since they privatized firefighting. I miss the days where taxes covered it, instead of having to pay insurance to receive support. How are your loved ones?”.

Grace responded, “Well my husbands and wives are good. We have 8 in our circle now, Jenny has decided to give birth again to the 4th husband. The three kids are as happy as any can be  in Tower 10. You know how it is in the megabuildings, even with the church running the floor, there's still asshole gangers and scavs from other floors trying to sneak in. Corpo gangers recently trying to play pranks with the holo ad screens as they dressed up like Star Trek characters. Can you believe its been over a 100 years since it first aired?” She laughed and we took our drinks to a sofabed pew nearby. I deactivated my freeuse as I will need my strength for the coming 24 hour monastic prayer. There were always at least 2 of us who led silent meditation and prayer and another two of us who led chanting and music. In the basement of this warehouse, its the safest sanctuary in the city, in Brother Chaplain's view. Nuclear proof, emergency shelter ready and beautiful. Like a massive industrial cave with excellent acoustics, the truest test of silence. And in the adjacent sound proof room down the hall from it is where the organ played its synth rhythms. The choir chanted and sang holy music in addition to it. Metal instruments are “easy enough” to fabricate but wood and string are absolute bastards to get a hold of in the city.

My favorite holy song was the remastered 4 part harmony of the near 100 year rap song “The Revolution Will not  be Televised”.

 But of course these ritual vigils and practices involved more than just cliche spiritual enlightenment, we had to be silent while giving sexual pleasure and being sexually pleased. One who could control their orgasm the whole time without AI assistance would  be canonized as a Saint. The silent meditators and prayers must not utter a  moan  and the singers could not go off key or rhythm. Only one had ever done so in the past decade and he looked forward to being in the presence of Deepika, the South Asian Saint of my beloved faith, the Church of Universal Egalitarians. She would be his partner in silent meditation today .She would be robed, and even he would don a monastic robe, forsaking his nudity to fulfill his duty.

But he looked forward to seeing Her again, the pseudo stranger from the bus, his Goddess Incarnate. His future life partner.
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