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Interesting school work!
When one talks about a “work affair”, the vision that comes to my mind is the executive that is banging his hot secretary on his desk behind closed doors. It seems that it is less often a topic involving his wife at her place of employment.

My wife and I have been married for a very long time (over 40 years) and have had our ups and downs. We started dating as teenagers and I always felt like she was the prettiest girl in our school and was lucky to have snagged her as my girlfriend. I also knew that she had feelings for other boys and I was in stiff competition during those early years.

My persistence paid off and she chose me over others, and we got married after dating for over five years. We waited to start a family until after she had finished college, and I was more established in my career. Our sex life was great as far as I was concerned, we made love often and both seemed to enjoy each other’s company in bed. There was not a lot of adventure, and our lovemaking could probably be considered rather vanilla by many, but it was enough for us.

When the kids were yet toddlers I made a career change, moving into sales in the hopes of making more money to provide better for our family. That change also meant a move to the city from our small-town life. It was a bit of a change.

One of the things that I did not expect with my new job was the attention that I got from some of my female coworkers. At first, I was feeling pretty good about the attention, as any guy would, but there was one woman in particular that started to take it a bit farther than I felt comfortable with.

I mean, what young guy does not like good looking women fawning over him? There was the normal innocent flirty behavior at first, looks, comments, and a touch that lingered a bit more than it should. At first, I really did not pay attention to how I was responding to her because I was not looking for anything that I did not have at home.

Then one day as I was getting ready to leave the office, I opened my briefcase to put some papers in it to take home when I found an envelope. On the outside was just my first name and I did not recognize the handwriting. I opened it and found that it was a letter from her. She wrote about her feelings for me and that she wanted more of a relationship with me.

Again, initially I felt kind of good that she wanted me like that, but of course, I then thought of my wife and kids. I realized that I needed to try and put a stop to this. Initially I did not tell my wife about the note. I felt I could just talk some sense into this woman it would end.

The next day at work I called her into my office. As she walked through the door, I could tell by the look on her face that she was expecting me to greet her with open arms, and she was very disappointed when I told her this was not happening. I told her that I was happily married, and she immediately responded that it was the fact that I was married that drew her to me even more.

To be very honest, it was difficult to not give in to her charms. She was very pretty and had a great body. She always dressed very sexy, not over the top, but still very alluring. However, I was indeed very much in love with my wife and had no intention of pursuing any kind of an affair with this woman.

I again told her that nothing was going to happen between us and told her she needed to get back to her desk. She looked at me with her sad eyes and started to leave. She stopped at the door and turned had this sultry look on her face and just said, “I am not giving up!” She then turned and left.

That night I showed the note to my wife, and I told her about the conversation I had with this woman, and I also told her that I was going to look for another job and as soon as I found something I was putting in my notice. My wife was so happy and yes, I got very lucky that night!

Well, as luck would have it, it did not take long and I found another job, and it was a step up as well. When I went in to my manager to tell her that I was leaving she could hardly believe it. She started talking about how well I was doing and how happy she was with my work and that I seemed happy working there as well.

Then, I told her the reason and she almost started crying. She gave me a hug, told me she was very proud of me and wished me luck in my new job. It was as happy and sad parting.

Looking back many years later I realized that was the closest that I had come to an affair with a coworker. My wife never seemed to question my working relationships and long hours and even times that I went to conferences with female coworkers on the trip. My actions with that first incident set the groundwork for her trust in me.

Many years later, and a couple of job changes on my part, my wife started working fulltime. Before the kids were in school she did some daycare for extra money and then did some part-time work at the pre-school where our kids went. When they were both in elementary school she was asked if she would be interested in a job as the school secretary.

It was the perfect job, having basically the same hours that the kids had at school and summers off and full-time pay and benefits. She loved it because she loved being around kids. She ended up working in the school district for nearly 20 years, with an 8-year break in the middle when we moved out of state for my job. When we moved back, she was right back at the same school.

I never had a second thought about her relationships with coworkers. Among the staff, there were a couple men, the janitor and a facilities manager. The teaching staff was a mix of some older teachers that had been there when our kids were little, along with a number of younger teachers. Among the younger teachers were a couple of guys, both of them married and both of their spouses taught at the same school.

My wife would talk about things that took place at school just like I talked about work. We each knew our coworkers both through those conversations as well as some social gatherings each of our places of employment had. I did not think about her conversations regarding the male teachers. She talked about how some of their group discussions at lunch would get a bit raunchy as she called them. Meaning that many of the younger crowd was pretty free with talking about sex!

I also recall her telling me about one of the male teachers and how nice he always was. How polite and caring he was. I had always thought he seemed to be a little effeminate, so I did not question his behavior around my wife.

Then one evening as she was telling me about an angry confrontation she had with the father of a student, she mentioned that her coworker, David, came to her aid and helped calm the man down and get him to leave. She then mentioned that David came around behind her desk and asked if she was okay. She said that as he asked, he happened to place a hand on her shoulder. I did not find that unusual and thus said nothing. She went on to say that as he left his hand on her shoulder, he commented how tense she felt after that encounter and he proceeded to rub her shoulders. My wife said that he gave a great shoulder rub. She did not say anything more about him and went on to talk about things that took place later in the day.

Over the next few weeks, I happened to notice that David’s name was coming up more and more in her conversations about the happenings of each day. Her voice even sounded different when she talked about him. At first, I just found it interesting, but over several weeks I started wonder.

My wife was twice his age, but she is still very pretty. A little about her, she is 5’4”, blonde and has a great smile. She was a cheerleader in high school and thus always had a very fit body. I have always found her to be very sexy! Now these many years later, like everyone our age, we had put on a few extra pounds, but she was still in great shape at around 140 pounds.

I started to think about her in terms of what a younger guy would see in her and it brought back memories from my younger days when I knew a couple of women that were ten to twenty years my senior that I found very attractive, and I realized this David seemed to be very attracted to my wife.

At that point I started paying closer attention to her comments and how she interacted with David. I noticed that there were times she talked about conversations with him in the teacher’s lounge during the day when it was just her and him in there. I started wondering if there was anything more going on. I thought how earlier in our marriage younger female coworkers of mine were attracted to me and how it made me feel. I thought maybe my wife was feeling the same thing.

Here was a younger attractive man paying a lot of attention to her. Their conversations had been flirty for a long time and there were the shoulder rubs, which happened a few times that I knew of. She was obviously very comfortable around him, and I do not think she even realized how things seemed to be progressing, or at least she did not let on to me if she did.

Then one day it seemed like David disappeared from her conversations. I mean it was obvious enough that I noticed the lack of his name being mentioned. After about a week of hardly hearing his name even once, I asked her if David had taken some time off. She looked at me with a questioning look and said he had not but wondered why I thought so. I told her that it just seemed like she had not talked about him much for a while.

She sort of stammered a reply and seemed to be very flustered and nervous acting. I stopped her and asked her if anything was wrong. She was very short with me in saying she was fine, and she got up and walked into the kitchen, ending our conversation.

I sat there thinking about what had just taken place and her reaction. I could not help but wonder if there wasn’t a whole lot more to the story. After dinner that evening, she was kind of back to normal and started talking about the plans for a family gathering coming up and we moved away from the work conversations. I decided not to press it at this point.

We went to bed and things were pretty quiet. She picked up a book she was reading and so I went back out to the living room saying I was going to watch some TV. I did turn on the TV, but I really was not watching anything. Instead, I was trying to figure out what I should do next. How was I going to learn what has been taking place at her workplace?

I was not close friends with anyone there that she was not closer to, so I knew there would be no one I could talk to there without raising suspicions and word getting back to her. By the time I headed for bed, the light was off, and she was asleep, or at least appeared to be. I quietly crawled into bed and after a bit of rolling around I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, she was up before me, had the coffee on and was ready to go to work. She said she had to be in early for a staff meeting before school. I was left sitting there, still trying to figure out what to do. I decided not to go into the office that day. I ended up getting in my car and driving past the school. I am not sure why, but that is where I ended up.

I parked down the block and walked up to a park that was across the street from the school. I found a rather secluded picnic table to sit at where I could still see most of the school building. I really had no plan, just felt like that was the place to be as I thought. I must have been sitting there for over an hour when I saw someone coming out of the building.

It was my wife. She headed for her car and got in. A few minutes later someone else came out of the building. It was David. He also walked to her car and got in on the passenger side. I just sat and watched for a few minutes, not really able to see what, if anything, was happening in the car. Suddenly the car moved, and I was not prepared for that.

I jumped up and ran to my car down the block, got in and quickly turned around. By the time I got back to the school, I could not see which way they had gone. I just picked a direction and started driving around. I was mad at myself for not paying better attention to which way they went before I ran to my car.

I was kind of driving around aimlessly when I turned the corner and I saw my wife’s car parked on the side of the street. I did not know where they were, but they were not in the car. I did not know anyone that lived on that street, so had no idea if they were in a house or if they just parked there and walked somewhere else. I was kind of panicked then.

I went down around the corner and parked where they would not see my car if they went back to her car. I got out and started walking back towards where her car was parked. There did not seem to be anyone around on that side of the street, so I assumed the house she was parked in front of was the house they must have gone into.

I decided to approach the house from the rear very carefully. I did not detect any movement in the rooms that I could see into. It was a walkout basement and so I quietly made my way to the sliding glass door which led into the basement. I was surprised to find that it was unlocked. I opened it very slowly. I stuck my head in and looked around. I did not see anyone and so I stepped in.

The room I was in was a very nice rec room and there was a bar at one end, and there were three closed doors that I could see. I checked the first one and found that it was the furnace/storage room. I listened at the door of the next room before slowly opening the door and it was a bathroom.

I was assuming the next room was a bedroom. I listened at the door, and I could hear voices, not much louder than a whisper. I could hear movement of some kind but could not really tell what was going on. I looked around and could not see any other entrance to that room. I decided to go back outside and try to look in through the window.

I was very careful in opening and closing the door again as I went out. I made my way to the window and very slowly tried to peer in. The window covering was closed, but it an almost sheer section in the middle. I moved to where I could see in the best, and I saw David and my wife sitting on the edge of a bed facing to my left. The head of the bed was against the wall where the window was located.

They were just talking when I first looked in. I would peek in, then move away, and then look again. They did not seem to notice me at all, so the next time I looked in, I stayed there watching them. Then David turned toward her, leaned in and kissed her. She seemed a little reluctant at first but soon they were kissing very passionately.

It was at this point that a sense of urgency must have taken over. Clothes came flying off, and in a matter of seconds it seemed they were both completely naked. They had not turned off the light in the room, which made it easier for me to see them more clearly.

My wife was on her back as David started kissing and sucking her breasts. I could hear her moaning and knew how much she loved having them sucked. I heard her tell him harder, and I almost laughed knowing how she really loved it when I would nibble on her nipples as I sucked her tits.

It was almost like I was watching a porn video of one of my favorite fantasies only it was real and happening right before my eyes! He moved from one to the other and then I saw her hips lifting off the bed and I knew he had his hand between her legs. I almost looked like I was watching a younger me with my beautiful wife.

She had not really been much for oral sex, but when he moved down between her legs and started licking her, she practically screamed with pleasure. Her hands were on the back of his head holding him between her legs as her body writhed. She moved one hand away and up to her tits, squeezing one then the other as he continued his oral attack.

It was kind of hard to tell if she was having multiple orgasms, which I had never witnessed, or if it was one huge orgasm, which I also had not witnessed. Suddenly she grabbed him, pulling him up on top of her. She was kissing him, obviously tasting herself on his face and then another scream as he had obviously thrust his cock into her very wet pussy.

They were fucking, they were not making love! It was not long before he yelled that he was about to cum! My wife yelled at him to pull out, and he did. Instead of just letting him cum on her stomach or tits, she pulled him up farther and took his cock in her mouth. He appeared to be a bit longer than my 6.5 inches, but was not as thick, which made it easier for her to take him in her mouth.

It had been some time since she had sucked my cock, but now I was seeing her take this guy’s cock like it was the greatest lollipop in the world. Sucking, licking and stroking, all at the same time and it did not take long, and he was shooting his load in my wife’s mouth, something she did not like to do with me. I could see her sort of gagging and some cum was dripping out of the corner of her mouth, but she was swallowing as much as she could.

I was rather stunned at this point. What I was watching was so fucking erotic, and I was hard as a rock. Yet, I was so torn between being jealous and mad or being so turned on that I wanted join them! I did nothing but kept watching.

They lay in each other’s arms for a few minutes kissing and whispering to each other. I could not hear what they were saying. When I saw them start to get up, I realized I needed to get out of there before they left. I did not want there to be any chance that they would see me or my car. As they were picking up their clothes, I got up and took off running.

I got to my car, drove home as quickly as I could. When I went inside, I had no idea what I was going to do next. I made myself a stiff drink and sat there trying to think. All that kept running through my head was seeing my wife fucking this younger guy and have a great time doing it! I realized I was still hard and so I just whipped it out and jacked off.

After lunch I decided to go to the office. I could not get any work done but did not want to be home when my wife came home from work. She always got home at least an hour before me. On my drive home from the office I kept trying to figure out what I was going to say to her.

I decided to make up a story about calling the school that morning. I walked in and she gave me a hug and asked me about my day. I just told her it was rather boring, and then I said that I had called the school that morning to talk to her since it was so boring, but she was not there. I said I was not sure who I spoke with, she just said you were out of the building. She asked if I wanted to leave a message and I said no.

My wife kind of stuttered a bit before saying that she had to run down to central office to get some paperwork. It was something that she does from time to time and so she must have figured it would fly. I just nodded my head and walked away. I was thinking to

myself that she had handled that better than I thought she would. She has never been a very good liar. Maybe she was getting better, and I was not aware of other times she had lied to me.

It was a rather quiet night. After we ate, I told her that I was going to do some work and she said she was going to take a bath, shave her legs and go to bed. I actually had a lot of work to try and get done that evening since I did nothing at work that day!

A couple of days later I came home from work, and she said she needed to go to the school to help with preparations for some library day or something that was scheduled the next day. I knew something was on the calendar, so I did not think anything of it. It was not until she had been gone about 30 minutes or so that I started to wonder if she was not meeting up with David again.

I got in my car and headed toward the school. When I turned the corner and saw only one car in the parking lot, and it was not hers, that I knew my suspicion was probably correct. Instead of being at a loss of where to look for her, I knew exactly where to start. I drove the few minutes from the school to his street. There in almost the exact same spot as before was my wife’s car.

I have no idea where his wife was, I just figured she was not home since my wife was there, unless the three of them were actually doing some school planning stuff. I parked down around the corner again but had to be more careful getting into the backyard this time since the lights were on in nearly every house and people were around.

I walked up the alley and lucking their back gate of their fenced-in yard was not locked. I looked to the house and there were some lights on upstairs, but the light was also on in the bedroom in the basement. I made my way back to that window and peered inside. After witnessing what I had the last time I looked in this window, I figured there would be nothing that would surprise me.

Boy was I wrong! I looked in and saw David standing off t one side of the bed, completely naked with his hard cock sticking out in front of him, with a camera in his hand. I looked to the bed, and I almost lost it right there. On the bed, completely naked, with her legs wide was David’s wife and between her legs, also completely naked, was my wife!

I had no idea that she would ever do anything sexual with another woman. But here she was licking this beautiful woman’s pussy like it was the best tasting thing in the world. David’s wife was playing with her tits as my wife pleasured her. She must have been doing great because David’s wife was obviously having multiple orgasms!

I glanced back at David, and he was stroking his cock while watching them. The two women had moved into a 69 when I looked back to the bed. Both appeared to be having a great time licking each other. My wife was on top and after a few minutes she started moving into kind of an alternate 69 with both women sucking the others’ tits.

It was now getting dark outside, so I took advantage of that, pulling out my cock and jacking off as I watched these two beautiful women going at it. As I watched and stroked my hard cock, David moved over to the bed, he had put the camera on a tripod and he moved up behind my wife and slid his hard cock into her from behind, fucking her doggy style as she was sucking his wife’s tits.

The site was making me so fucking turned on. I so wanted to burst in and join in the orgy, but instead just kept jacking off and watching. After I shot all over the outside wall below the window, I kept watching.

The three of them had sex in so many different positions and combinations. It was so erotic watching them. I actually got hard and jacked of a second time as I watched.

I was not paying close enough attention and when I looked back into the window, the three of them were walking out of the bedroom, still naked. I quickly stuffed my cock back into my pants and zipped up when I realized they were coming outside! I jumped behind some bushes and watched as the three of them got into the hot tub.

It did not take long, and they were starting at it again. The girls were taking turns sucking his cock as he sat on the edge of the hot tub. Then my wife sat up on the edge and David and his wife took turns licking her pussy. The women traded places and David and my wife were licking his wife. Damn if I was not hard again! I pulled it out and jacked off a third time while watching these three having sex in the hot tub.

They appeared to be done with the sexual play and sat down to relax in the hot tub. I just stayed hidden watching and waiting until they decided it was time to get cleaned up and dressed. As soon as they went back into the house I headed for my car and drove home.

Again, making myself a very stiff drink, I was sitting there contemplating what I was going to do. I decided I was going to confront my wife. As soon as she walked into the house, I asked her how the preparations had gone. She replied that everything went well.

At that point I said, “That’s funny, when I drove by the school I did not see your car there, nor any lights on in the school.” My wife had this deer in the headlights look on her face, and before she actually said anything I continued.

“So when I did not see your car there, I drove down the street a couple of blocks and saw your car at David’s.” “I walked up to the front door and rang the bell, but nobody came to the door, so I decided to go around back.” My wife was just sitting there dumfounded, not knowing what to say or if she should even say anything.

I moved closer to her, put my hands on her shoulders and looked her directly in the eyes and said, “I then noticed a light on in a room in the basement and I went to that window and looked in.” I continued, “Can you guess what I saw?”

My wife started crying and saying she was sorry and that she let things get out of hand, etc. I stopped her and said to her, “If I was really mad, I would have barged in and stopped you, but having already seen you with David on that same bed last week, I was only surprised by the fact that his wife was participating too.” “What I witnessed was the hottest thing I had ever watched that was not in a porno!”

I then said, “If you want to continue with David, then you have to let me join you guys in the fun!”

My wife jumped at me and hugged me and kissed me and we ended up on the floor, and were soon making love. When we finished she said she needed to make a phone call. She picked up her cell phone, dialed a number, and when someone answered, she said, “Do you guys want to come over to my house for a nightcap?”

I could not hear the response, but my wife said, “Don’t worry, everything is fine, just get ready and come over right now!” The other person must have said yes because she told them thanks and that she would see them in a few minutes.

She then turned to me and asked if we should just get naked and greet them at the door that way or take it slowly? I smiled and started taking off my clothes. In a few minutes the doorbell rang, and we both went to the door, completely naked. On the count of three we opened the door. The looks on the faces of David and his wife were priceless.

My wife pulled them in, closed the door and we headed directly to our bedroom. I had drinks prepared as well as some finger food should we get hungry, and for the next couple of hours the four of us were like animals. David and I swapped wives, fucking them and sucking them, then watched as the wives went at it. When they stopped my wife looked at me and said, “It’s the guys’ turn now!”

David and I looked at each other and then back at our wives. While they were having sex, David and I were sitting side by side and stroking our own cocks, but now the wives were expecting us to stroke and/or suck each other. I reached out, grabbed his cock and we went at it. There was some stroking of each other, some frotting, end then we mimicked the girls with our own brand of 69 and sucked each other to completion! The women loved it watching us.
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