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Man goes away on business and his second wife suddenly becomes nasty to his 14 year old daughter.
My Horrible Step-Mother

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

Of course I was wrong.

The day started with me going into Tim’s room and seeing him naked on his bed with his cock pointing to the ceiling.

“Sorry Tansy, but you have to do it.”

“I know.” I replied as the naked me knelt beside his bed and leant over.

This time Tim gave me more warning of his pending ejaculation and I backed off but leaving my face so close to the tip of his cock that I could see his sperm shooting out. String after string of it landed all over my face, some going into my mouth.

When his cock dried-up I straightened up and swallowed.

“Hmm.” I said and licked all around my mouth.

“Does it taste nice Tansy?”

“Yeah, it’s err, different.”

“So you’re not going to throw-up?”

“No, no, I might actually enjoy these mornings, but don’t tell Mum.”

“No chance, if she says anything I’ll tell her that you nearly puked.”

“Good, I’d hate for her to realise that she’d done something good.”

I left Tim’s room and just as I got to the bathroom I heard Stacey say.

“Well that looks like a good start to the day girl, did you enjoy it?”

“I nearly puked, satisfied?”

“That’s another 10 for you later this morning slut, get on with your chores.”

“Yes Mum.”

Tim came to the bathroom a minute or so later and shampooed my hair for me, then he soaped me all over telling me that his mother had said that he has to shampoo my hair, soap me all over and shave my pussy every morning until my dad comes home.

As he was doing the last part I thought, but didn’t say, that my step-mother’s big downer on me did have it’s nice parts. Yes what he was doing to me was all wrong but my step-brother does have gentle hands and he does appear to like playing with my clit.

It was late morning when Tim and I were called into the lounge and what had become my daily spanking got started. Again, Tim had to hold my ankles at his hips affording him an excellent view of my spread and wet pussy. I still can’t understand why I get wet when I am about to endure such unbelievable pain.

On and on it went and my eyes shed more and more tears. That woman really is a sadist.

Strangely, I did tell her when I was close to cumming and the bitch denied me my release by just pushing me off her lap.

“Turn over onto your back and spread those legs slut.” Stacey ordered.

I did.

“Tim, give her 15 minutes then come and diddle her clit until you think that she is about to cum then stop and leave her for 15 minutes. Then do the same again for the next couple of hours, then we are going to that new leisure centre to let this slut flaunt her little girl’s body.”

“Won’t she get thrown out for not wearing a swimsuit Mum?” Tim asked.

“I doubt it, look at her, she looks half her age, especially without any clothes on.”

“That bitch really does know how to hurt me both with her hand and her words.” I thought, “It’s not my fault that by body looks like it does.”

My crying had stopped and the adrenalin, or whatever it was, was wearing off and my butt was really starting to hurt again. I so wanted to rub some lotion on it but I daren’t move to go and get some.

Fifteen minutes later Tim came and stood beside me looked down at my naked and spread body.

“I think that you look beautiful Tansy.” He said as he knelt by my right hip.

His right hand went to my pussy and his left hand to my tits.

“Enjoy this Tansy, but not too much, you can pretend that you’re about to cum if you want, I won’t tell Mum.”

I said nothing and Tim’s hands got busy. For a 15 year old boy he sure does know how to get a girl worked up. Maybe it just comes naturally to him. Whatever, he soon had me getting all hot and bothered as he played with my nipples, rubbed my clit and finger fucked me.

I so wanted him to take me over the edge but I just knew that if he did, and Stacey found out, my butt that would suffer more that it already was. I felt like asking Tim got get me some bags of frozen peas to put under my butt.

“Tim, stop, you’re going to make me cum if you keep going.” I said a few minutes later.

Tim got to his feet and left, leaving a quite frustrated 14 year old girl, naked and spread on the lounge floor.

Fifteen minutes later Tim was back and he repeated his administration.

Then another 15 minutes and when he left that time I was really getting frustrated. As I was alone in the lounge I was thinking about finishing my self off but just as I decided that I would, Stacey came into the room, looked down at me and said,

“You look a little hot and bothered girl, is Tim doing his job properly.”

“Yes.” I said in a grumpy tone.

“Good, one more time then we are going out. I want you really horny when we get to the leisure centre.”

I was sure that if Stacey carried out her threat and made me walk around there totally naked, I would get asked to leave, but that would be a good thing.

Fifteen minutes later Tim did come and nearly make me cum again then Stacey appeared with a dress and some shoes for me.

Let’s go girl. Time for a swim. I hear that they have some great slides there.

The 3 of us went out to the car but as I went outside I saw that 2 of Tim’s mates were there waiting, and it wasn’t same 2 as before.

Tim got in the front and I had to get into the back and sit between Dave and William. Stacey started the engine then turned to me and said,

“Take the dress off girl. Let Tim’s friends have a good look at you.”

My jaw dropped.

“You cannot be serious bitch.” I thought but I slowly did as ordered.

Both Dave and William stared at my little tits for the whole journey and I was at least grateful that I was sat so they couldn’t see my pussy. That was until we got there and we were ordered out of the car before I could put my dress back on.

“Please get us inside so that I can put my bikini on.” I thought.

The leisure centre has one big changing room with rows of changing cubicles, the rows having signs above saying which gender that row was for, and Stacey led me to the Family row.

Inside the cubicle Stacey put the bag down and told me to take my shoes and dress off which I did, then as I looked in the bag for my bikini Stacey said,

“What are you looking for girl?”

“My bikini.” I replied.

“You just hold it right there girl.”

I watched Stacey get undressed and put her bikini on and I had to admit her naked body did look good. Her tits are much bigger than mine but they are much smaller than most women that I have noticed, and they weren’t sagging. Below is her trim waist then her pubis which is a bald as mine. I could see why my daddy liked her.

As she was putting her bikini on I observed that it was a small, string, thong bikini that only just covered her tits and pussy.

“And she calls me a slut.” I thought.

Stacey took the towel out of the bag then put my shoes and dress in, and then hers on top.

“Where’s my bikini?” I asked.

“No bikini for you my girl, you’re going out there like that.”

“But that’s not allowed, I’ll get thrown out.”

“Let me worry about that girl, and that’s another 10 swats for tomorrow morning for questioning my decision.”

Then I remembered her little conversation with Tim earlier, Stacey was serious, I was going to have to go out into the very public area totally naked. I felt sick to my stomach, but strangely, my nipples and clit were hard, and they were tingling.

“Stupid body.” I thought.

I looked both ways as I stepped out of the cubicle with both my hands under my chin and my arms covering my little tits. Thankfully. No one was walking our way, but when Stacey saw where my arms were she gave my still red and sore butt a quick swat.

“Hands down girl, and walk in front of me.”

It was only seconds before we saw other people and they saw me. Although they didn’t say anything, most of them did at least do a double take.

Near the door to the pools were Tim and his mates. When they saw us approaching I saw William elbow Dave and tell him to turn and look, which he did.

I heard Dave say,

“Fucking hell Tim, you were right.”

My face turned a deeper shade of red.

“Come on guys,” Stacey said,” into the big pool first, I want to check if the girl can swim.”

I was more than happy to run and jump into the big pool so that my body would be hidden, and to cool my butt and face down a bit.

Tim and his mates jumped in as well, but Stacey lowered herself in. I was facing her front as she did that and again I thought how good her body looked for a woman in her thirties.

Stacey swam over to me and said,

Right girl, swim to the end of the pool and back.

I did, and I discovered the pleasure of swimming naked. The water rushing passed my nipples and pussy felt really good.

When I got back to her, Stacey told me to do it again, but this time on my back. I was half way there when I realised that my pussy was near the surface and that I spread it wide each time that did a stroke.

I looked around but didn’t see anyone looking at me.

When I got back to Stacey she told me that I had to mess around with the boys for a while.

The 3 of them were horsing around at the shallow end of the pool so I swam over to them. I quickly discovered that boys horsing around with boys was very different to boys horsing around with girls. Okay they were still jumping on top of each other to push them under the water but I saw no evidence of them groping between each other’s legs like they were doing with me.

The also took it in turns to lift me out of the water and throw me into an empty space. I’m sure that if anyone was watching they would realise that it was a naked girl that was getting thrown around.

When the boys tired of that we all swam over to where Stacey was sitting and Tim got out and went and asked if it was okay for them to go on the slides. Stacey said it was okay so the 2 mates got out and I stayed where I was.

“Come on girl,” Stacey said to me.

“But I’m naked.”

“Girl out, now, and that’s 10 for tomorrow morning’s spankings.”

I pulled myself out of the pool and was just about to run after the boys when I saw a lifeguard approaching.

“Excuse me madam, but is this girl with you?”

“Unfortunately, she is my step-daughter.”

“Well she can’t be in here without a swimming costume on.”


It was obvious that the man hadn’t expected that answer.

“Because the rules state that genitals and breasts have to be covered.”

“Tell me young man,” Stacey said, “this girl’s breasts are much smaller than yours or even 80+ % of the men here, but you aren’t demanding that they are covered. Why pick on an innocent little girl?”

“Well err ….. “

“And tell me, okay, male genitals have to be covered because society considers them to be a threat to women, but look at the girl, how can you possibly think that what you can see is a threat to anyone? All you can see is a little crack where her legs meet (I was standing with my legs squeezed together so my clit was hidden. I was also cursing Stacey for putting me in that situation.), yet that crack is tiny compared to the one that I can see at the elbow of your bent arm. Surely that crack at your elbow is much more of a threat than that girls vulva.”

“Well err ….. “

“It’s not like the girl is a teenager with huge breasts, a forest of pubic hair and a puffy vulva with labia that hang down, she’s a little girl who couldn’t harm or offend a fly never mind anyone here.”

“Well err ….. Okay, this time I’ll ignore the rules, but if you bring her here again please get her to wear at least a bikini.“

“I’ll think about it.”

“Thank you madam.”

With that the man walked away, Stacey was smiling, the 3 boys were sniggering and me, to be fair, I had admired how Stacey had handled the man, but I wasn’t about to tell her. What I did do was ask her if we could go home right then.

“No we can’t, you’ve caused enough trouble already, go and ride on the slides with the boys.”

My admiration quickly turned back to hate.

“Come on Tansy, we’ll look after you won’t we guys.” Tim said when I caught up with them.

As we walked to the slides I again hated what my life had turned into.

“Maybe I should just dive into the deep end and try to drink the pool dry. That would end this nightmare.” I thought, but of course I didn’t.

I don’t know which part of going on the slides was more embarrassing, queueing on the steps to get to the start, or the expression of the staff at the top of the slides. Going up the steps I got comments about my pussy from the boys below as well as the nipple tweaking from Tim’s mates, and at the top I twice got asked where my costume was. Each time Tim answered for me saying,

“She forgot to bring her costume and the manager said that it was okay to be naked because she’s a little girl.”

My problem was that as soon as I was on my back waiting to go down, everyone up there could see my clit, and little girls don’t have protruding clits.

Anyway, apart from those embarrassing moments I was actually enjoying going on the slides. The water rushing against my pussy was much stronger than just swimming and each time that I came off the end of a slide I was feeling a bit horny.

Another embarrassing moment was when we were walking from one slide to another. I suddenly heard a familiar voice,

“Tansy, that is you isn’t it, where’s your bikini, you’ll get into trouble like that?”

“Oh hi Lucy, yes it’s me, my horrible step-mother is making me do this. My dad’s away on business so she’s got a big downer on me, and this isn’t the only horrible thing that she’s making me do. Expect some horrible photos to land in your Inbox soon, she’s making my step-brother send some explicit photos to everyone at school.”

“Oh Tansy, I’m so sorry, is there anything that I can do to help you?”

“Other than murder my step-mother I can’t think of anything. Oh, maybe you could murder me instead, then I won’t get humiliated any more.”

“Hi Ben.” I said to Lucy’s boyfriend when he appeared next to her.

“What the fuck Tansy, you can’t be here like that.”

“Don’t you like what you see Ben?” Lucy asked.

“Hell yes, you’ve got a cute little body Tansy, but you’ll get thrown out of here without a costume on.”

“No I won’t, my step-mum has fixed it with the manager.”

“Wow, Lucy, can you get naked as well?”

Lucy thumped Ben’s arm.

“So you can flaunt your naked body all around here then Tansy.”

“I’m not flaunting anything Ben, my step-mother says that I have to be here like this, Do you really think that I like being here like this Ben?”

“Well the photo and videos that I’ve seen imply that you do like being here like that.”

“You’ve seen some photos and videos of Tansy naked Ben, and you didn’t show them to me?”

“I didn’t think that you would be interested, neither of you are lesbos are you?”

“Guys, stop it, it’s my step-mother’s fault. Please don’t forward the photos and videos to anyone Ben.”

“I think that it’s too late for that Tansy, but from what I see you have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Thanks, but I have no choice in the matter, Lucy will explain, gotta go. The wicked witch is walking this way.”

I quickly joined the boys but Stacey stopped me and asked me if there was a problem.

“No, that girl and boy are from my school and they told me that the photos and videos that Tim’s other mates took are getting passed around the school, I hope that you are happy STEP-MOTHER.”

“I am, and that’s another 10 for insolence girl. Now go and join the queue for the slides and stand with your feet well apart, I want all the boys behind you to see your pussy. Two more rides Tim, then we’ll go to the cafe for a snack and a drink.”

“Okay Mum.” Tim replied.

I was rapidly getting to the point where I just didn’t care who saw my tits and pussy.

Two rides later we all found Stacey and headed to the cafe. I got some strange looks from both other customers and the staff. At the check-out the woman looked me up and down then shook her head before scanning what I had got. At least Stacey wasn’t going to starve me to death.

We sat on the plastic chairs round a table but as soon as I was sat Stacey said,

“Sit with your legs as wide as the chair will permit girl, I want these boys to stare at your pussy while they eat. Maybe you will get lucky and some boys walking by will see it as well.”

“I hate you.” I thought but managed to not say it.

We swam a bit, my nipples and my clit got tweaked by Tim’s mates again, and we rode on the best slides again before Stacey found us and told us that it was time to leave.

“At last.” I thought, but my embarrassment wasn’t over.

“Get a shower guys,” Stacey said, “and Tim, shampoo Tansy’s hair and soap between her legs, I’m sure that the slut will forget to do it.”

My mouth started to open then I quickly shut it.

It was a big, round communal shower and I guess that everyone was supposed to keep their swimsuits on in there, and guess who was the only naked person in there. There must have been 9 or 10 people showering, and most of them were men. They all slowed down their showering when they saw the naked girl, and all of them watched as Tim did what his mother had told him to do, but he did whisper that he was sorry when he soaped my pussy.

Finally my humiliation was over, Stacey dried me with a towel and told me that I had to put my dress on.

I wasn’t told to take my dress off in the car and I spent the time thinking back on the experience.

Yes, I had been totally humiliated, but I also remembered the moments when something nice had happened, something that had aroused me. Strangely, overall, I had enjoyed being a naked girl in amongst all those people at that leisure centre, but I wasn’t going to tell Stacey that.

Shortly after we got home Stacey dropped another bombshell when she told us that she had invited some of her friends over for drinks that evening and she had volunteered me to serve the snacks and drinks.

“At least they’ll be females.” I thought.

As I was on my bed killing some time before I had to be a nude waitress, I tried phoning and texting my dad yet again, but I cursed him when I got no response.


I heard shortly after I’d heard the doorbell.

The still very naked me went own the stairs expecting to see a handful of Stacey’s girl friends but what I saw was 3 guys and I girl, all around Stacey’s age.

“Oh no,” I thought, “more men to stare at my naked body.”

But my body was betraying me again because my nipples and clit started tingling and I felt my vagina start to leak.

“Guys, this is my slut of a step-daughter. As you can see she doesn’t like wearing clothes and she’s very generous with sexual favours, help yourself whenever you want.”

My jaw dropped as I thought,

“The sick bitch was going to whore me out.”

“Girl, get my guests a drink then offer them some snacks.”

“How old did you say she is Stacey?” One of the guys asked.

“Older than she looks, 14, but don’t let that stop you, she’s an experienced whore.”

My jaw dropped again.

“She has cute little tits.” The girl said.

“Yes, and look at those nipples.” A guy said, “you could hang your coat on those.”

“I like her pussy, can you tell her to spread her legs please Stacey?”

“You tell her Joe, she’ll do anything that you tell her.”

“Okay, get on the floor, what’s her name?”

“Call her slut, she responds to that.”

“Okay slut, spread you legs as wide as you can, let us all have a good look at that pussy.”

I looked up at Stacey and she held 10 fingers up. I knew what that meant so I spread my legs.

“Oow, and innie.” the girl said, “I bet that she tastes good and I’m going to love chewing that amazing little clit.”

“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “this woman is going to have sex with me.”

And it wasn’t just that woman. Over the next couple of hours, that woman and the 3 guys all fucked me after I’d had to give the guys blowjobs. Stacey also made me use my mouth on the woman’s pussy, something that I had never done before and didn’t really know what I was doing, although Stacey was stood over us and telling me what to do.

The guys were stood watching me as well. The whole 2 hours were like what I imagined a gang-bang and an orgy combined would be like, but they did make me cum 3 times so it wasn’t all that bad.

One very humiliating thing that those men and that woman did do me was something that I’d never even thought of. One of the men asked Stacey if he could borrow some of daddy’s golf balls.

When she got back with them I was told to spread my legs as wide as I could then the man took one of the golf balls and moved it towards my pussy.

“No, no, not that, anything but that.” My panicky voice said.

Stacey put her hands with spread fingers up and I shut up.

That man put the golf ball at the entrance to my vagina and gently pushed.

“Oh my gawd.” I thought as my vagina seemed to grab the ball and suck it in. I was confused, I had no idea why that would happen. I could feel the golf ball inside me and it felt weird, different from when one of those men put their cocks inside me.

Then my eyes went wide open as I saw a second golf ball going towards my pussy. I closed my eyes as I thought that I could never take a second golf ball.

But I was wrong, my vagina grabbed that second ball and pulled it in and I felt even more weird.

My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped as I saw a third golf ball coming my way.

“Nooooooo.” I thought but I didn’t dare say anything.

This time my pussy didn’t grab the ball but I felt the entrance stretching as it was gently pushed. It went in but it started to come out again so Stacey said,

“Push it in deep.”

I felt a finger pushing the ball and when the finger withdrew the ball didn’t come out,

Then I saw a 4th ball heading my way.

This time I did say,


But the ball kept coming and I felt it being pushed in.

“There, oops.” The man on the end of the hand said as the ball started to come out.

“Try again,” Stacey said,

“Yes, oh no.”

The hand tried 3 more times but the golf ball just wouldn’t stay in.

“Oh well,” Stacey said, “3 is a good number. Now girl, squeeze them out.”

“How?” I said.

“Squeeze like you do when you are having a pee. Come on girl, it isn’t rocket science.” Stacey said.

I actually amazed myself as I did managed to squeeze all the golf balls out but I was relieved when the people who had raped me decided that it was time for them to leave.

After they had gone Stacey told me to go and get a shower then go to bed. That made me happy because I was worn out.


The next morning I woke up with a sore pussy but I had a slightly new task to perform each morning. Tim was hard, but asleep and I woke him by riding his cock. When he woke up he looked a bit shocked that I was fucking him.

“What are you doing Tansy, you shouldn’t be doing this, it’s not right, you’re my step-sister.”

“Is this any more wrong than having to give you a blowjob every morning? Last night your mother told me that you have to fuck me each morning from now on, didn’t she tell you Tim?”

“No, but if she said that then I guess that it’s okay, what else did she say?”

“That you have to get your mates to fuck me as well, and that they have to video us doing it. I think that she wants them to share the photos and videos of me being fucked with everyone at school.”

“OMG, I worry about my mother at times.”

“Only ‘at times’?” I replied, “your mother is crazy, I’ll be glad when my dad gets home and I can tell him what she’s doing to me.”

“You mother also told me that I have to get used to being seen naked by men and boys, that it’s normal. I guess that I am getting used to it but please don’t tell you mother Tim. Actually, I’m starting to like being seen by men and boys when I’m naked, it makes me horny.”

“If it helps Tansy, I can come and look at you naked any time that you want. I wasn’t joking when I told you that you have a beautiful body.”

I started riding Tim faster and we both orgasmed a bit after we stopped talking.

Whilst I was in the shower I was thinking, My step-mother had, and still is, being real nasty to me and making me do things that I never imagined before, but she has opened a whole new life to me, and to be honest, as well as the really bad and painful parts, it really does have some good points.

Tim stopped me from thinking any more about it because he came and washed my hair and shaved my pussy for me.

Shortly after breakfast Tim and I were called into the lounge for my daily spanking. Stacey reminded me that I had ‘earned’ quite a few sets of 10 whilst we were at the leisure centre, and with Tim holding my legs wide apart whilst staring at my pussy, Stacey administered them.

“Don’t forget to tell me if her pussy muscles start contracting or she gives any other signs that she might be about to orgasm Tim.”

“Yes Mum.” Tim replied.

The spanking started and it was as painful as ever. After having so many spanking over the past few days I’d given up counting them so I had no idea how many swats I’d been given when Tim said,

“Her pussy muscles are moving in some sort of rhythm Mum.”

“Were you about to have an orgasm slut?”

“No Mum, honest.”

“Are you sure because you’d gone a bit quiet as well slut.”

“Honest Mum, I wasn’t.”

But I was lying, I’d gone through the pain barrier and I had that lovely, warm feeling in my pussy.

I’m guessing that Stacey wasn’t sure if I was telling the truth but she couldn’t prove it. However, she did push me off her lap saying that she’d continue after I’d made her a cup of tea, which I did. Then she did continue, again with Tim holding my ankles at his hips.

My arousal had waned and the rest of the swats weren’t enough to make me cum.

I was kept busy doing all my chores all of the rest of the morning but after lunch 3 more of Tim’s mates arrived.

“Oh no,” I thought, but my pussy started tingling.

“Good afternoon boys,” Stacey said when she saw them. I’m sure that the girl is ready for you. Fuck her hard and you can cum inside her if you want, she won’t get pregnant.“

The 3 new boys looked at Tim, presumably looking for confirmation of what they had heard was true, and when Tim told them that they should fuck me on the garden table out the back, their eyes lit up.

Yes, it was a gang bang with a 14 year old girl who was trying to decide if she was being raped or if she wanted it to happen. I was certainly less reluctant to participate than the previous times that unknown males had fucked me.

I only orgasmed once, with the second boy being lucky. For the rest of the time I was trying to decide if Stacey was actually breaking me and turning me into a whore and a slut. I didn’t come to a conclusion.


The rest of days that daddy was away followed the same pattern as that day with more of Stacey’s friends coming over and using me, except for the day before daddy came home when after yet more boys came to fuck me (by then I was sure that every boy in Tim’s year at school had fucked me), Stacey said,

“Girl, old Mr. Jones has been watching you a few times and he must have a bad case of blue balls by now. Go round there and ask him if he would like to take some photographs of you, you give him a blowjob or fuck you.”

“WHAT?” No, he’s ancient, older than the dozen or so of your friends that you’ve invited to fuck me.”

Stacey lifted her hands and spread her fingers.

I got to my feet and started walking down the drive. After all I’d been through I just didn’t care if people going down the road saw me.

Mr. Jones was just coming out of his house when I saw him.

“Mr. Jones,” I said.

“Oh hello Tansy, haven’t you forgotten something?”

“No, my mum has taken all my clothes from me.”

“Ah, that explains why I’ve seen you in your back garden like that, but it doesn’t explain what all those boys have been doing to you. I nearly called the police but you looed as maybe you were enjoying yourself. Are you sure that you are okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine thank you, or I will be when my daddy gets home and stops my step-mum doing all the nasty things to me. She sent me here to ask you if you want to take some photographs of me then fuck me.”

“Oh my goodness, come on in, I’ll get you a drink then you can tell me all about it.”

“Thank you, but if you’re not going to take some photographs or fuck me, I should get back.”

“Tansy, I am not letting you go back until you’ve told me what’s going on. Come with me right now.”

“Yes sir.”

In Mr. Jones’ kitchen he got me a can of cola and told me to sit at the kitchen table. I was so happy to have someone who I could talk to that I gave him almost the full story.

“Well my dear, you have had quite an ordeal, but from the way you have just told me all about it I think that maybe, just maybe, you have been enjoying yourself. There’s certainly been times when I’ve been watching you that you looked like you were enjoying yourself.”

“No, it’s been horrible, ….. well maybe there were a few times. I did cum quite a few times and that was good.”

“I thought so, now, are you here against your will, or do you really want me to photograph you and fuck you?”

“Well I was told to come here but I like you Mr. Jones, you’ve always been nice to me so if you do want to photograph then fuck me I’m okay with it.”

“Thank you Tansy, if you don’t mind I’d like to fuck you first, the camera always catches that ‘I’ve just been fucked’ look on a girl’s face.

I’d never thought about that before and I wondered if it was true, do girl’s faces change when they’re been fucked, and how long does that look last? I was going to have to look into that.

Mr. Jones wanted to fuck me over the side of the kitchen table that I was sat at and I was happy about that because he was ancient and must have wrinkly skin that I didn’t really want to look at.

But I was amazed. That old man must have a cock the size of a horses, and he pounded in and out of me with much more stamina than any of the men or boys that had fucked me. I was sure that the front of my thighs were going to be badly bruised. And when he finally came inside me I thought that I might drown. The other good bit about it was that he made me cum twice.

When it was over, I just lay there for ages, too exhausted to get up. After a while I heard a camera click and I turned my head to see old Mr. Jones pointing an expensive looking camera at my still spread legs.

“I hope that you don’t mind Tansy, these are some of the best shots that I’ve ever taken.”

“Mr. Jones, I’ve had that many cameras pointed at my pussy over the last few days that one more isn’t going to make the slightest difference, I’ll pose in any position that you want.”

Mr. Jones led me outside and to a corner of his garden that had lots of sunlight and was also out of sight from my house. That pleased me because I didn’t want Stacey to know what was going on.

Mr. Jones took lots of photos of me, not just of my pussy that had his cum running out of it, nor my little tits that he said were perfect, but full, standing poses. He made me feel like a model. He made me happy, something that hadn’t happened much over the last dozen or so days.

When he had got all the shots that he wanted he thanked me for ‘making an old man happy’.

“It was my pleasure Mr. Jones. If you want a repeat session sometime just let me know. Err, would it be possible for you to email me a copy of all those photos please, I won’t tell anyone who took them.”

“Of course. You do know that you could sell those for a lot of money.”

“Are you going to sell them Mr. Jones?”

“Heavens no, I will treasure these photos and what we did for the rest of my life, thank you so much Tansy.”

I smiled, gave him my email address and left. As I walked down his drive then up mine I thought about his cock. It was obviously much bigger than any I’d experienced before, and he had a lot of stamina. I decided that I would go back sometime for a repeat session.

I didn’t even think about anyone on the street who could see the naked me.

When I got home Stacey said,

“Since you took so long I assume that he fucked you girl?”

“Yes he did, it was horrible.”

“Now, now slut, I’m sure that you enjoyed it.”

“No I didn’t,” I lied and went to my room.


The next day started much the same and just after my daily spanking Stacey told me to go and put a dress and shoes on. I didn’t bother asking where we were going, I just assumed that it would be somewhere where I’d get put on display or fucked.

Imaging my surprise when I realised that we were heading for the airport. I’d completely forgotten what day it was.

I was so happy that when I saw daddy approaching I ran up to him and jumped up on him wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

“Daddy, daddy, I love you so much but I have some horrible things to tell you.” I managed to say as I kissed him all over his face.

“We can talk later Tansy, but first I need to kiss my beautiful wife.”

It was only when Stacey leant over me and kissed daddy that I realised that daddy was supporting me by my bare butt, but I didn’t care, daddy was going to make everything right.

When daddy lowered me to my feet I felt my dress cling to daddy and I was sure that my butt was totally uncovered for a few seconds but I didn’t care, I was sure that my daddy would put things right for me and that there would be no more rapes or spankings.

During the journey home daddy kept looking back at me, smiling and winking which made me feel all warm. Daddy and Stacey were talking in the front but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

When we got out of the car daddy said,

“Tansy, I need an hour or so alone with Stacey. After that I am all yours for as long as you want. Is that okay with you sweetheart?”

“I guess so, I’ve got lots to tell and show you.”

“I know, and I promise that we can talk all night if that what it takes.”

Daddy and Stacey went up to their bedroom so I went to mine. As I climbed the stairs I could hear giggling coming from their room and I wondered how it was possible for daddy to love such a horrible woman.

When I walked into my bedroom I instantly knew that something was different. On my little dressing table I saw some of my makeup. I was confused. I opened my wardrobe and was shocked (pleasantly) to see most of my clothes hanging there. I quickly went through them and realised that my longer skirts and dresses were not there, just my really short ones.

Then I started opening my drawers. None of my shorts or jeans were there, just some more short skirts. My warm tops were missing but the thin ones were there. In my underwear drawer none of my bras or knickers were there but they had been replaced by the dildos and vibrators that those horrible people had used on me.

I sat on my bed wondering what was going on. My brain ran through various scenarios, all of which seemed to be crazy.

I went to Tim’s room to ask if he knew what was going on but he wasn’t there so I went back to my room and just sat there.

Some time later, Stacey came into my room and said,

“Dress off girl.”

“NO, DADDY, HELP ME.” I shouted.

Stacey help up both hands with her fingers spread. I knew what that meant, and after daddy hadn’t come to my rescue after a minute or so a very confused me slowly took my dress off.

Once I was totally naked Stacey grabbed my hand and led me into daddy’s bedroom where I did my best to cover my little tits and pussy because I didn’t want my daddy to see me.

“Come in sweetheart, come and sit on the bed with me.”

Daddy was siting on the bed with his back leaning on the headboard so I went and sat next to him, still trying to cover my tits and pussy.

“Relax Tansy,” my daddy said, “you are even more beautiful than all the photographs that Stacey sent me.”

I was totally confused and very embarrassed as I turned my head to look at him.

Daddy put his arm round my shoulders and gently pulled me to him. I looked at Stacey who was stood at the foot of the bed and that angry expression had gone, she was smiling at me.

“Tansy,” daddy said, “when I found out that I had to go away for a couple of weeks Stacey and I had a discussion about you. We both agreed my sweet, loving, darling daughter was showing signs of turning into a stuck-up little bitch, you were starting to get nasty to Tim and some of his and our friends so we agreed a plan to bring you down to earth and back to reality.”

“Whoa, stop please daddy, are you saying that you knew about everything that was happening to me, and you let it happen? Stacey was horrible to me, she made Tim, his friends, her friends and even old Mr. Jones fuck me.”

“Yes I did,” Stacey said as she sat on the end of the bed and put a hand on my bare shin. “I’m really sorry that I did what I did, but we needed you to learn what the life you are growing into is really like. You have reached the stage where you transition from the closed world of children into the not so nice world of adults and we wanted you to be prepared for it.”

“Yes,” daddy took over. “and I hear from Tim, Mr. Jones and the others that you quickly adapted and learned to enjoy it. I hear that you have had lots of orgasms and learnt things like spanking can make you cum, that you get turned on by being naked in public and being seen by men, that you will make an amazing model if you want to go down that route, that you like being naked around the house and garden, and that you like oral and vaginal sex. Are all those things not true Tansy?”

I thought for a few seconds then replied,

“Yes they are true daddy.”

My shock and anger that had come when daddy first told me that he knew what Stacey had done to me was rapidly fading and being replaced by my love for my daddy and my original like of Stacey.

“Daddy, couldn’t you just have talked to me about all this?”

“I could have, but that way you would have missed out on all the experiences that you have had and you still wouldn’t have been so comfortable with your body,”

“But I wouldn’t have had such a red butt, look at it daddy, it still hurts.”

With that I got to my knees, turned around and on my hands and knees I showed my bare butt to my daddy.

“You have an amazing little butt and pussy there Tansy, you should be proud of them, do you want some moisturiser rubbing on those cheeks.”

I realised that I was showing my pussy to my daddy as well and that I wasn’t at all embarrassed.

“Yes please daddy.”

Stacey got off the bed, got a bottle of her moisturiser and handed it to my daddy who started applying it to my butt.

“Hmm, that feels nice daddy.”

“You’re so welcome Tansy.”

“Err daddy, will you be spanking me from now on?”

“Dear, sweet, adorable, loveable Tansy, I will not spank you unless you do something really bad. If I were to spank you every day you would get used to it and it wouldn’t make you cum.”

“Daddy, can you rub some of that moisturiser between my legs, Stacey’s hand sometimes wrapped round the top of my legs and hit my pussy.”

“Of course I will, anything for you my princess.”

Daddy’s hand moved down and onto my pussy which responded by telling my legs to open wide. It also responded by giving me an orgasm.

As that orgasm receded I thought,

“Oh my gawd, my daddy just made me cum. This is so wrong, but so nice, I wonder if he will fuck me.”

As I snuggled up to my daddy, Stacey sat beside us and I pulled one of her hands over me, A few seconds later she said,

“Do you want to sleep with us tonight Tansy?”

“Yes please.”

I moved Stacey’s hand to my tits and she responded by caressing it so I moved one of my hands to the big bulge in daddy’s trousers and wondered if his cock was as big as Mr. Jones’.

After a couple of minutes I suddenly remembered all the photographs and videos so I said to daddy,

“Daddy, what am I going to do about all the photographs and videos that are going round all the kids at school? I’ll be a laughing stock and all the girls will treat me like a slut.”

Stacey replied,

“What I found that worked, was to own those videos and photos. If anyone says anything keep your head up and say something like,

“Good aren’t they, I like the close up that was taken by my old neighbour, the one with his cum running out of my pussy and down my leg.”

Don’t show them that you are ashamed of the photos, show them that you are proud of them and I guarantee that they’ll leave you alone.”

That sort of made sense to me and I looked up at daddy’s face and with a pleading look in my face I asked,

“Are you going to fuck me tonight daddy?”
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