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Brad and Ann have worked together for years. They have gone on business trips together, but never to Austin, When Brad tries to slip away for his usual afternoon dip at Hippie Hollow, Ann is determined she is coming along. Their very professional relationship turns into something else. Join in the fun as they work out their midlife crises in a week of sexual abandon
Business Trip Chapter 6

Copyright © 2024 by W. Richard St. James

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental

SO THEY ALMOST ran from the car into the lobby, up the elevator, into Ann’s room where they stripped off their clothes again. “Here’s a fucking rubber. Where the fuck were we?” Ann pushed Katie down onto the bed. “Okay.”

“This is stupid. You can’t just do a fucking restart.” Katie was ready to push Ann’s head away, to put her clothes back on and get to the restaurant. But at the first brush of the tongue she was coming. And there was Brad, fucking Ann, fucking her up the ass. Right in front of Katie, who sat up to get a better view. She’d seen that in movies, but never like this, up close, so close she could smell it. The dayglo rubber disappearing between Ann’s cheeks, then coming back out with little streaks on it. Gross, it was gross, but she couldn’t take her eyes off it.

“Come on! Come on!” Ann had stopped licking Katie. She was too busy gasping, pulling her cheeks apart, thrusting back to get him in even deeper. “Okay, that’s better.” Ann stood up. “Oh, were you through?”

“Not quite.” Brad was pulling Katie down on the bed, turning her over.

“Wait! Wait! I don’t do that!” But Brad was licking her, not where Ann had licked, where she was used to being licked, but further back. Licking her, then teasing her open, tongue flicking at either side, prying open the ring of muscle, worming through it. It felt really, really strange. Really, really good. Then the tongue was gone and something even bigger, harder, smoother had replaced it and she was doing it. The thing she had never done, was never going to do. Doing it really hard. For less than a minute.

Then Brad was off to his own room to change his clothes. Ann had already pulled on some jeans shorts and a tee shirt. No skirt if she was going to be jumping around. Not that she had too much jump left in her.

Brad returned and they dashed back to the car. “Hope that didn’t take too long.”

“Ten minutes.” Katie looked at her watch and burst out crying.

“I thought you wanted to get in and out fast.”

“Yeah girl, be careful what you wish for.”

“I don’t believe you two. You are both out of your fucking minds.”

“We’re on a trip.” Ann started to sing. “A little business strip. Where you’ve got to strip. And let your hang-ups slip.”

“Jesus. This is before the beer? God help me.” Katie ran away from the car when they got to the restaurant. Harry was waiting at the doorway.

“You’ve got to save me!” She flung herself into his arms.

“Save you? From what? From who?”

“From whom. From them.” She gestured at Ann and Brad, who were sauntering towards them arm in arm. “They’ve gone crazy. You wouldn’t believe what they did to me at the lake.”

“You got it out of your system?”

“Almost.” That provoked a frown. “Don’t worry.” She gave him a little kiss. The four of them went through the door.

“Inside or outside?” That was from the hostess.


She led them to a table. “Volleyball? Two on two or four on four? Four on four means you play a different table. Two on two you just play each other.”

“Four on four,” Harry said.

“Before or after dinner?”


“How much do you want to put on it? Minimum is twenty.”

“Twenty then.” He saw the blank look on Brad and Ann’s faces. “It’s a bet. We get double back if we beat the other table.”

“What other table?”

“We’ll find out when the time comes.”

The waiter came with a pitcher beer and four glasses. “What would you like?”

“Some of the kangaroo wings to start. And I’ll have the rib eye.”

“The house salad,” Ann offered.

“Same for me.”

“And you sir?” The sir provoked a snicker from Ann.

“I’ll have the chicken fried steak.”

“Mashed and country gravy?”


“You don’t have to watch your cholesterol? Sir?” Harry could not resist that dig.


“Lucky you. What’s your secret? All the swimming?”

“All the sex.” That made Ann and Katie sputter on their beer. “Really, nothing is better for your heart.”

“So you only do it for your health?”

“And all the endorphins. Nothing cleans out your system like a good orgasm.”

Ann decided it was time to change the topic. She had been looking at the volleyball courts. People jumping, people diving. Young people, really young. College kids. “We should have gone for the two on two. We’re going to get killed. Ever play volleyball, Brad?”

“When I was growing up. At the pool. In Phys Ed too, but that was really wimpy. Used to play soccer volleyball in college. At practice.”

“Soccer volleyball?”

“Yeah, you can’t use your hands. Good for ball control. Not that you use that stuff much in a game.”

“Brad was a soccer player.”

“What about Phys Ed in college?”

“Never took it. Always on teams. Wow these are hot.” Brad broke off his attack on one of the wings to douse the fire with more beer. “Soccer and track.”

“Not swimming?”

“Nope, never did any competitive swimming. Not even the swim team at the pool. Not very fast.”

“Not fast?” Ann was rolling her eyes.

“Maybe I’m faster now. I wasn’t very fast running in those days either. Not until late in high school. And then the track coach was saying swimming was bad, that it builds up the opposing muscles.”

“What about you Ann? Ever play much volleyball?”

“I was a lifeguard. On slow days we would play to keep from going stir crazy. Still play some at the beach.”

“At Sandy Hook?”

“Yep. What’s so funny?”

“Katie and I come here a lot. We’ll be okay.”

“Yeah, right.”

“You guys are up next.”

“We’ll come back for dessert.” In five minutes.

“Just our luck,” Harry grumbled. “Next time ’round it would be another fresh team.” If you won, you got to play again. And once more after that. The team they were facing had just won its second game. Bunch of kids. Tall, skinny kids, except for one of the girls. Kids barely old enough to be drinking the beer.

“Hal.” “Jim.” “Allie.” “Carla.” Proffered sweaty hands.


“Pleased to meet you, sir.” That from Carla, provoking a wince. Old enough to be her father. That’s how she was looking at him.

“You’re students?”

“Yep. The guys here are juniors. Allie and I are sophomores.”

“Oh.” Too young for the beer, now that the age had been raised back up. Not like his college days. What would it be like on a date if you couldn’t get a drink with dinner? There weren’t too many pitchers of soda or iced tea on the tables. Maybe in this college town no one really cared.

“Want to warm up a bit?” That from one of the boys. So they passed the ball back and forth across the net for a couple of minutes. A whistle blew. The ref was up in her perch. It was time to start.

As defending champions, the kids got to serve first. One of the boys went back behind the end line, ran up a couple steps and jumped, sending the ball screaming over the net and into the sand inches inside the back line on the other side. The next time he tried that, Brad jumped up to block the ball and sent it just over the net. It caught the kids by surprise. They were standing there dumbfounded as the ref called a side out.

“We rotate,” Ann whispered to Brad. “You get to serve now.”

Brad took a step back from the back line, stepped forward, and jumped as if he was going to shoot a basketball. There was a gasp as he seemed to just float there, thinking the next part was more like a tennis serve. Not something he had done for a while. Stretch up as high as he could, get over the ball, aim it – where? That back corner. The ball hit the sand about where it was supposed to, provoking a cheer. He started to move to rotate.

“No.” Katie stopped him. “You keep serving until they get a point. Well, not a point, till they get the serve back.”

Jim had shifted over closer to the hole the ball had left in the sand. Okay, try down the middle then. That one didn’t get stuffed at the net, but Carla dove and got it just before it hit the sand. Jim managed to knock the ball higher in the air, and Hal jumped up to deliver a crushing spike. Which was blocked almost casually by Harry.

“Told you they were ringers,” Hal grumbled.

Where to now? Other corner? Too predictable. Jim came jumping over that way and blocked the shot at the net. But Katie managed to dig it out somehow, knocking it high enough that Brad could come running up to put it away.

“You’re over thinking,” Harry said. “Just blast the damn thing and get it over with.”

“I knew you would say that,” Katie quipped.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” The fact that the other six within earshot were all trying to keep a straight face wasn’t helping.

Just blast it but where? Jim was up at the net, waving his arms, licking his chops. Straight at his face, then, and he flinched, letting the ball whistle by. Out of bounds. Shit.

“Four one.” That’s what the ref said. Not side out. What? Had Jim tipped it? Maybe. Oh well, no video replay. Try that back corner then. The ball landed cleanly in the sand.

“Halfway there buddy. Keep it up.”

“You have to rotate.” That from the ref. “House rules. No more than five points without rotating.”

“What?” Katie protested. “What the fuck. You’re just making it up.”

“Look.” The ref handed her one of the cards that had been at their table. “Right here.”

“Oh okay. Sorry.”

“That’s okay. Ma'am.” How old was Katie? All of twenty seven?

Ann was giggling. “Ooh, she really knows how to stick in the knife.”

“Fucking kids. I guess we’re kids as far as Brad’s concerned. What does that make them? For him?”

Ann took the ball, tried to bounce it on the sand, which of course didn’t work at all. When they played volleyball at Sandy Hook it was not nearly this intense. More of an excuse for the ladies to jiggle their boobs. Not that Ann jiggled all that much. She wasn’t used to doing this in clothes. Especially the fucking shorts. She was almost wishing she had worn a skirt after all. Okay, if she tried one of those fancy jump serves the ball was going to wind up in the net and what was the point of that? Might as well just put the ball in play and hope for the best.

“Shit.” That was from Harry as she sent the ball high and soft toward the back of the other side. There was Allie, pushing it up with a perfect setup, and Jim, jumping up to slam down a spike, right at the net. And Brad, rising up to block it, the ball slamming into his arms, Jim’s hand still on it. It was Brad’s huge arms, his big shoulders, that prevailed. A man against a boy.

Ann decided she might as well try the same thing again. Once again Allie gave Jim a perfect setup. Once again Brad rose up to block the spike. But this time Jim let the ball drop a bit more and bounced it out of bounds off of one of those broad shoulders.

“Side out.”

That brought up Allie, who jumped, not very high, and served a flat ball that Brad repelled.

“Side out. Y’all don’t rotate on this one.”

So Ann sent up another soft serve which just kept going and landed out of bounds.

“Side out.”

That brought up Jim, who was still pissed at the way Brad had blocked him. This was the chance for revenge. Screamer after screamer, until he had to rotate out.

“Six all.”

Time for Carla, who contented herself with a soft serve. Katie set it up, Brad went up for the spike, Jim for the block. And Brad put it softly into the sand.

“Touché,” Jim said. “Nicely done. Y’all sure can play.”

“Yep,” Harry said. “We’re the over the hill gang.”

Time for Harry to close it out. He rose up heroically. And slammed the ball into the net.

“Side out.”

This was trouble. Hal had five serves, and only needed four to win.

“Crowd the net,” Harry said. “We’ll try to cut it off.”

That didn’t work the first time. Or the second. But the third time was a charm. Okay, this was it. Harry was having an intense whispered discussion with his girlfriend. What could they be talking about? Whatever it was had Katie really pissed. She bounced the ball in the sand so hard it actually bounced back up. Then she jumped, and delivered a perfect ace into the near corner.

“Three more of those,” Harry said.

“You go girl.” That was from Ann. By now most of the tables were watching the twists and turns of the match. Another ace, and it was a tie. The next one didn’t quite clear the net.

“Fuck it!”

Allie’s turn. Once again she floated the serve. Harry went up for the spike. Into the sand. On his side of the net.

“Game point.”

Allie served again. This time it sailed over the back line.

Brad’s turn. He put his first serve into the back corner.

“Tie game. Have to win by two.”

The next serve landed the same place.

“One up for the over the hill gang. Game point.”

Okay. What was he going to do now? Surely not three times in a row? Jim went over to cover that corner, leaving the middle open. But at the last minute he shifted back. And the ball plopped into the sand the same place.

“That’s game. You guys going to defend?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Okay, next two up.”

“Great game guys.” That was Jim, coming over to shake hands. “Say, are you old guys up for a swim? Cool off a little?”

“A swim?”

“River’s right out there. We swimming?”

“We need to pay up first.”

“Oh don’t worry. Happens all the time. Part of the evening, you know. You can pay up when you get back.”

So instead of going back to the tables they went the other way, out a gate, onto a little terrace. A terrace filled with naked people. Some doing things other than swimming. Jim and crew found an empty spot and started to take off their clothes. An awkward moment, as the over the hill crowd was trying to decide if they should find a place of their own. But Allie was gesturing to them. “Plenty of room.” She was almost pudgy, with really big breasts. Carla was a string bean, fairly tall. Naked she looked like she was about twelve. The two boys were both scrawny looking, but with pricks and balls that seemed outsize for the rest of them. The four of them went into the river. They were treading water, looking back, watching as the over the hill ones revealed themselves. “Oh, you two ladies are knockouts.” That from Jim when they joined him in the water. “Want to do a swap?”

“A swap?”

“It’s sort of a tradition, after a really good game like that.” That was from Allie.

“Really?” Harry said. “I come here all the time and I never heard of it.” Of course, he’d never realized there was this little swim area.

“Oh well, maybe just for the college age kids. Sorry. I guess y’all are too old for that sort of thing.”

“Bullshit.” That was from Katie. “How’s it work?”

“The girls get to decide who they’re going with. We’ve decided, right Carla?”


That was why they had been paying such close attention.

“What about you two ladies?”

“Jim,” Katie said.

“Fine, whatever.” No one had bothered to ask Ann if she was at all interested in getting fucked by some scrawny college kid. Which she was not. But what the fuck was she supposed to do?

“Stay down here? On the boulders.”

“I need to get a rubber.” Brad scrambled back up to the terrace and found his wallet. Be prepared. He had packed a couple there for the hell of it, never thinking he would actually use them.

“What’s with him?” Carla whispered.

“Married. His wife made him promise.”

“Oh. She like gave him permission as long as he used a rubber?”

“Seems like.”

“Cool.” She climbed up to the terrace to join him. “Figured I’d save you the trip back down.”

“Hi.” It had been a long time he had tried to fuck a perfect stranger. No, he never had. Even Mandy. That had been at the end of a long evening at least.

“Hi. Look at you.” She was feeling his arms, his shoulders. “So hard. I’ve done it with older guys before but they were all sort of soft. I guess you’re really experienced. How many times have you had sex?”

“Thousands of time.”

“And how many women?”

“Not that many.”

“Oh.” She lay down beside him. “Take me someplace I’ve never been before.”

“Only if you’ll let me.” The breast thing. He was going to try that first. For one thing, it would give him a little time to get going. He started to kiss those big soft breasts. The biggest he had encountered for a while. His high school girl friend had had breasts like that, although he really hadn’t seen them until they were both in college.

“Oh. That feels really strange.” He hand was sliding down her spine. “Oh, oh.” She was starting to come even before it reached its destination. When it did, the ring of muscle was already twitching. He ran a finger around it, then within.

“Oh. Wow.”

“There’s more.” He turned her over on the other side, facing away from him, and started kissing down her back, his top hand working on a nipple.

“Oh my God.” That as the kisses reached her tailbone. “You’re not going to ...” She started to heave again as his tongue followed the route of his finger. “I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

Well, neither could he. What was he doing sticking his tongue up the ass of some teeny bopper he barely knew? Raping her, with his tongue. Then moving up to finish.

“Oh my God, I never knew I could come that hard. I’m never going to get Hal to do that. Wait. If you don’t mind?” She turned him away from her, kissing down the same route he had. A bit of hesitation. Then her tongue was probing into him, and he was twitching, coming again or maybe for the first time. That was how the others found them as they came up from the boulders.

* * * * *

“HI.” ANN HAD perched on a boulder and Hal had come to join her. There was enough breeze to make it feel cold as long as you were wet but that didn’t explain how much he was shivering.


“You know, this wasn’t my idea.”

“Me neither.”

“I guess we’re sort of the odd men out.” Hal sat down next to her. He was still shivering.

“Guess so.”

“We really don’t need to do anything.”

“That would be fine by me.”

He just sat there for a while, staring at her body gleaming in the moonlight, in the lights of the bridge above them. “You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you. Want to see my pussy?” She turned and spread her legs. “That better?”

“Way better.”

“You can lick it, if you like to.” She lay back on the boulder, legs still spread. He touched her very delicately with his tongue.

“You could lick a little harder. Come on, bring me off.”

He might be a kid, but he knew what he was doing, sliding his tongue down along the base of her clit, a hand beneath it, the middle finger rubbing inside to find the little rough spot, the pinky teasing coyly as it brushed against her asshole. He knew how to keep her at a simmer, then a boil.

“You’re good. Very good. Okay, let me do the same for you.” He sat up and she gave him the full treatment, sliding her teeth down his shaft all the way to his balls.

“Wow. No one has ever done that. Can I fuck you?”

“Only my fiance can fuck my pussy.” She rolled over on her stomach.

“You’re not saying? You don’t mean?”

No answer. He was going to have to work up the nerve to do it on his own. And he did. But she stopped him. “You have to do it with your tongue first.”

“My tongue? Up your ass?” He was shivering again. A little tentative lick. A sigh. He did it. And she came again.

“Okay you can fuck me now.”

“I came already.” From her flesh in spasm around his tongue.

She propped her chin up on her hands. “How old are you?”


“And you’re already one and done?”

“Okay lady. You asked for it.” It wasn’t hard to get back into her, even though his erection was mostly gone. Far enough in that he could slide around, feel how hot, how tight she was. Enough to get hard again. Enough to be able to pound her. And there she was with her chin in her hands, looking bemused. Except her flesh betrayed her. She started to twitch again, and he came.

“Well, that’s more like it. I think I need to rinse off again.”

“Me too.”

* * * * *

“SO, UH, WHAT do you want to do?” Now that he was alone with Katie, Jim was completely intimidated by her. “Did anyone ever tell you that you were beautiful?”

“Lots of people. All the time.”

“Sorry. Stupid question.”

“It’s okay.” Katie gave a sigh. “I still like to hear it. Especially when everyone is treating me like shit.”

“Oh. Sorry to hear that.”

“Look, I’ve already been raped three times today. So how about you let me drive?”


“Okay, here’s the deal. You are going to lie on your back with your hands by your side. Tongue sticking out. Prick sticking up. If it isn’t I’ll do something about it. I do the moving. And you cooperate. Understand?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Okay, now you are going to lie like that and let me do whatever I want to do with that tongue and that prick to bring myself off. If it works for you too, that’s good. If it doesn’t I’ll make it up to you.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Katie began by sitting on his face, facing away from him so what he mostly could see was her asshole, leaning down to run her teeth along his prick. Then she scooted forward to stick that prick in her pussy, leaning forward with her cheeks spread so once again the puckered flesh was in full view. Tease him, tease him. Tease him about what? Why was she so determined to flash her asshole at him? To make him wonder if she was going to let him do something with it? Was she really going to go through with this? What was she thinking? The depravity of her friends must have caught up with her. It would never have occurred to her in a million years to be flashing her butt hole at a total stranger, let alone actually do something about it. But she lifted up a little, forward a little, and started to ease him into her. Into her butt. It hurt. It hadn’t hurt when Brad did it. Because Brad had loosened her up first with his tongue. Okay, try that then.

She squatted down over his face, and lowered herself toward a tongue held valiantly at the ready. A tongue that was willing to lick her there. A tongue that was not getting past the barrier. Damn. How the hell had Brad done that? Did he have a super strong tongue, along with everything else? Okay, squat down, try to shit on his face. God, what if she really did? She’d never live it down. And that did it. The tongue was in her.

“Like that?” Not that he could answer. Maybe he couldn’t even breathe. But he was spurting. Okay, back down to his groin, and this time it worked.

“You are one fucking crazy bitch. Ma’am.”

“Don’t you dare come yet. Not until I give you permission.” She gave him a slap on his balls, which maybe wasn’t the best idea. She needed this, she needed this. “Ah. Okay, you can come now.”

“Did already. Sorry ma’am.”

“That’s okay. God I need a swim.”

“Me too.”

They joined Ann and Hal in the river.

* * * * *

“SO, WHAT DO you feel like doing?” Harry was looking at Carla with increasing alarm. She looked even younger with her clothes off.

“Oh, maybe just around the world? Would that be okay? I like that.”

“Sure. That would be fine.” He sat back and let her start the first part of it, her head in his lap, her lips all the way down his shaft. “Just how old are you, anyway?”

She freed her mouth to ask, “Do you want this or do you want to talk?”

“Talk. For now.”

“Okay.” She sat down on his lap instead, impaling herself on his prick. “I’m seventeen.”

“Oh. And they served you?”



“Iced tea. We come here for the volleyball and the sex.”

“Oh. You do this often?”

“Once a week or so. We don’t always hook up though.” She started to rock back and forth, using him as a dildo.

“You’re a sophomore? At seventeen?”

“Yep. Came into college early. Got my GED and went in at sixteen. Figured it was easier than trying to go back to high school.”

“Back from where?”

“From juvie.”

“Why were you in juvie?”

“Keep me off the streets. Ran away from home.”

“What age?”

“Thirteen. Look, how many fucking questions are you going to ask? Yes, I worked as a hooker. Didn’t have much to learn to do it. I’ve been doing this shit since I was nine. Now shut up and fuck.”

Which he did. It was dirty, really dirty. Shameful. Especially when she turned around to complete the tour and he was watching his prick slide into her skinny butt. “That okay?”


With that she went back into the water and he followed her.

* * * * *

“WELL, THAT WAS something,” Brad said. They were back at their table with dessert and coffee.

“I never would have dreamed there was all that stuff going on by the river,” Harry added. “I’ll never think of this place the same way again.”

“Ready to go?” Brad took care of the check. They’d worry tomorrow how to split it up.

“More than ready.” The four of them were a bit unsteady walking back to their cars. Maybe from too much beer. Maybe from too much volleyball. Maybe from something else.

“So what was it like with Allie?” Ann was asking that as they drove back to the hotel. She figured she better keep Brad talking so he stayed awake. After all the volleyball. All the swimming. All the beer. All the sex.

“It was fun. I did the boobs and butt thing with her.”

“Oh. Isn’t she a little chubby? Did that bother you?”

“I have two kids, remember.”

“What’s that got to do with it? Oh, Jane has been pregnant twice.”

“That’s the way it usually works.”

“And you kept doing it?”

“Yep. Why?”

“Nothing.” Ann paused. “What was it like?”

“It was fine. Belly gets in the way, so it was mostly from behind.”


“No. Bleeding. It took a long time to convince her it was okay again. Why? You planning to get pregnant soon? Get married and have a baby?”

“I don’t know. Maybe Evan would pay more attention to me. God, why am I even talking about this? It’s such a downer. I mean, I’ve been so happy all week. Now.” She started to cry. “Is that why you had kids?”

“No. We’d been trying for a long time. Nothing doing. Must have been three or four years we were tempting fate. Then as soon as there was a house and a steady job ...”

“That’s too funny.”

“Yeah, well Jane had a lot of trouble after the first one. Pain. Depression. Then she had the second and she was okay again.”

“No more babies.”

“Nope. I only shoot blanks now.”

“Oh.” That must be why he tasted so strange. “I thought it was just because you were like, old. That you don’t come all that much.”

“Never been an issue until this week. I never even think about it.”

“Is that why your balls are so big?”


“And you always want to do it?”


“Like you can never get enough?”

“It was that way before. What about you?”

“With girls. I’d get together with a couple of sisters and we’d do it all night. Never so much with Evan. I mean, if you’re staying at a bed and breakfast you don’t just go down and eat breakfast in the morning, do you?”

“Never been to one but I know what you mean.”

“He’d just get out of bed and go in the bathroom and come out and put on his clothes. It never even crossed his mind he was supposed to come back to bed. Even though I’d be lying there with my nightgown pulled up. Yes, I wear a nightgown when we do those trips. Not that we’ve done any, for a while.”

“But he wants to get married?”

“His parents want him to get married. I think they’re trying to nudge him along. I think they’re tired of taking care of him and they want me to do it instead.”


“The thing is, I love him. I really do love him. I can’t just walk away from him. And what about us? You’re never going to leave Jane.”

“Might work the other way.”

“Maybe. I can’t see myself as the other woman.”

“My high school girl friend was always talking about how she wanted to be a home-wrecker. I thought she had no clue what she was saying. But then the first summer I came home and told her I had a serious girl friend she got really interested in me.”

“That’s too funny.

“Then one time I was the other man.”

“Really? Do tell.”

But they had reached the hotel.

“In the morning. On the way to work.”

“I think I’m going to call it a night,” Ann said as they arrived at the doors to their rooms. “Breakfast at seven?”

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