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This is chapter four. Jeff and Regina are man and wife with Khan, their stud dog, as the other male in the triad. Read the first chapters first to get where we are now.
I am grateful for the positive feedback. I could do better. I have an account with Prowritingaid but since I don’t get paid for these submissions I don’t use it and I don’t sweat over every detail. If you don’t like my stories or my writing then move along. Otherwise enjoy. Quality erotica is a life experience. Some of my stories have a bit of self experience to them and some of them are just fantasy. It’s up to you to figure them out.

Trent Chapter Four

The girls were way to fucked out to make dinner so I offered. Their special dog food consists of high quality dry food which is mixed with whole grain brown rice and home made chicken stock with bits and pieces of chicken. That leaves a lot of chicken left over so I made a stir fry with vegetables from Regina’s garden, brown rice and chicken with curry. Simple, but everyone raved over it. We split up and Amy and I retired to her room to watch TV and snuggle in bed. I always wear only boxers and Amy always wears a sexy nightie and no panties.

“Trent. Do you have any regrets about what is happening?”

“I don’t think so. It’s a lot to process all at once. But you are the sexiest and most attractive woman I have ever met in my life.” I told her.

She leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. “I really do like you. I’m ten years older than you and I feel bad about that but I’ll try to make it up to you if you let me.”

“Honey. Any man would give a testicle to be with you, so don’t you worry about a thing. I hope everything goes great for us too.”

When I woke up I was spooning her from behind and my morning wood was aching. I slid out of bed, took a pee, brushed my teeth and left the bedroom to see if anyone else was awake. Yep. Both Jeff and Regina were sitting at the kitchen island sipping coffee. I poured myself a mug and joined them.


“Morning Trent.” said Regina. “How’s Amy?”

“Fine. Still asleep.”

“Are you okay?” she asked. “Have we rushed you into anything?”

“Amy asked the same thing last night and I’ll tell you what I told her. It’s an honor that she wants me to be her boyfriend. She is smart, beautiful, fun and well, you know the rest.”

Regina giggled. “You said that?”

“Well not in so many words, but I can always amend my statement at a later time.”

Jeff said, “It’s going to take some time for you to understand what we do around here. Regina oversees the kennels but we have a crew come in every week to clean the entire property. House, yard, pool, and kennels. I have a full time job as a database analyst for a pharmaceutical company, hence the home office. Our vet in town handles all the canine advertising, marketing and paperwork. Amy asked if you could live here in her room and she will commute every Friday night from Marietta and stay the weekend and of course, we said yes. There are no rules except if you want to bringing someone on the property speak to one of us first. The dogs are very precious to us and of course, no one is every allowed near the kennels or in my office. If you want to use the boat, the mudder or any other toys in the garage, help yourself. We don’t get much time to use them because someone needs to be here at all times to watch the kennel. Oh, and one piece of advice. If Amy catches you cheating or even flirting she will never forgive you so watch your step. But don’t worry too much. She has been single for nearly two years. She is very picky about men, so you got lucky. All you have to do is be nice to her and you’ll be fine.”

Regina topped our coffee mugs and went into the living room, sat on the couch and turned on the security camera display on the big screen display. It could handle twenty-four cameras in a grid and could *********** one to see in closer. Some of the camera had automatic motion sensing that would track the target until it left the zone then revert back to the original programming. All the dogs could be watched as well as the driveway and perimeter of the property. I realized that Jeff and Regina probably had been watching me for weeks without my knowledge. They were all high resolution digital cameras and every detail was sharp and in focus. Jeff and I joined Regina on the couch.

“I guess I wasn’t so sneaky after all,” I said.

“Aw. Don’t be like that. It was cute. You didn’t spy on us. I deliberately let you see what we wanted you to see. When you beat off watching me with Khan, I knew you were ready for the next step.”

Putting the back of my hand to my forehead, I exclaimed, “I feel so cheap, used and ashamed.”

“It got you to fuck my sister, the Ice Queen,” said Jeff.

“Yeah, man thanks for understanding. She is an amazing woman.” I took a breath. “So, where do we go from here?”

“Who knows?” replied Jeff. “We will keep on doing what we do. Me with my job and breeding dogs. Amy has her dental practice down in Marietta and what you do is up to you.”

“I’m going to spend some time harvesting out the largest of the oak and maple trees. Let them cure and look for a buyer or I can put them up for bids. Some of those trees are hundreds of years old and will bring in top dollar. If I had the skills I would try to turn some of them into furniture or art but I would need an entire shop with special tools that I don’t have. As I figure it, it will take me a year before they are ready for sale. Jack left me some money and since I don’t have a lot of expenses that’s not a problem. I can work during the week and be with Amy on weekends, holidays and vacations.”

Regina put her feet up on the couch and her green satin robe parted exposing her pink pussy and fiery red pubic hair. Her small boobs were already nearly falling out but neither she or Jeff seemed to care.

It was Regina who asked, “About Amy. She likes, like really likes you. How do you feel about her?”

“Amy?” I asked. “Are you kidding me? Even if she wasn’t a total fox with a pretty face and a killer body I was still fall for her in a minute or less. She is smart, sexy and for me a total fantasy.”

“Good answer, boyfriend,” Amy said as she walked in the room wearing only a pair of high waist white panties and an unfastened kimono type robe. Her black pubes showed through sheer panties and spilled out from the edges and her nipples were hard. “Keep talking like that and you may just have found the best girlfriend in the world for you.”

“Good morning, honey,” I said as I offered up my lips for a kiss. “Sleep well?”

“Pretty well, except a piece of lumber kept poking me in the ass all night long.”

“Nah ah. Only in the morning. I was sound asleep.”

“Yeah, right,” Amy smirked. “Anyone need more coffee?”

We shook our heads and she went into the kitchen to get herself a cup.

She came back and sat hip to hip with me on the couch. “So, you guys been talking about me?”

Jeff replied, “Not much. Just what you heard. Trent is going to harvest some of the old growth timber on the property and put it up for curing so he will be here for at least a year. Is that okay with you?”

“Okay with me? It’s better than okay, it’s fantastic. I mean…” Amy thought for a few seconds. “Sorry Trent. I’m just a little bit in my schoolgirl infatuation stage with you. If you stay I hope you want me because it would kill me to see you with anyone else even that cute German girl.”

“Her name is Athena,” said Regina.

“How am I supposed to compete with her?” Amy asked. “I really hope he doesn’t date her because she is supposed to go back to Germany and start college.” She set down her coffee mug and fell back on the couch. “She’s young and beautiful and even I wanted to fuck her.”

I leaned over and said, “Amy, honey. You have nothing to worry about. I agree that she is a very beautiful and sexy girl, but you are a beautiful and sexy woman. I would choose you over her every time. Please kiss me.”

With that crisis averted we chatted and Jeff said that in a short while he would need to do a periodic security sweep of his employers network and that Regina would have to prepare the first of the dogs two daily feedings. Amy had to drive home to get a good nights sleep before work in the morning.

“Hey bro. I don’t have to leave for home until this afternoon. What are the chances I could have another romp with Jasper before I go. He’s going to have to live here because I don’t see how I could keep him in my condo, but damn, I would like to have his big doggy dick in my one more time.”

Jeff laughed. “Aren’t you going to ask your new boyfriend for permission?”

Amy looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and pursed lips and asked, “Trent, do I have permission to let Jasper fuck me once before I have to go home?”

“Hmm.” I pretended to think about it for a few seconds. “I don’t know. How do I really know that you love me?”

“Because I will let you take me whenever and wherever you want.”

“Oh well. I suppose you want me to point his dick into your wet pussy and hold him from backing out when he knots with you?”

“Fuck Trent. You are a dream come true.”

At a little after one in the afternoon while Jeff was still working, Regina was in the shower and Amy was catching up on her emails I went into the kitchen and pulled out a roasted chicken to make chicken salad. The dogs ate boiled chicken to utilize the broth. They loved it and when Regina fed them they looked at her with such affection that one could begin to understand the thousands of years of history that dogs and humans shared with each other.

I made an easy loaf of bread in the dutch oven then made a huge platter with the chicken salad in the center surrounded by lettuce, tomatoes, cole slaw, and other veggies. With a bottle of chilled Bordeaux Blanc it was ready by the time Regina came back from the kennels and Jeff had his computer program launched and running. Amy came out of her bedroom and said, “Fuck that smells good. Is that bread?”

“Hush woman. I have everything under control. Do you think you can have a glass of white wine if you are driving?”

“No. maybe with lunch a half a glass. Fuck Trent, you are probably going to wreck me. I’ve never really felt like this with anyone before.”

“Same with me. Of course, everything is so new and exciting and to have a woman as beautiful and amazing as you just takes my breath away.”

Amy pulled down her shorts, bent over the kitchen counter and said, “Fuck me!”

So I fucked her. It wasn’t difficult since I was already half hard. By the time my shorts dropped to my ankles I was stroking my cock against her wet slit and just pushed it in. I got some in and it took me a few thrusts before I was bottoming out in her pussy. She was so loud I was embarrassed but I remembered that no one could hear and even then no one would care. Her pussy was so wet and swollen that I had to slow down and just stroke it in and out but she grabbed my ass to help me ram it in and bucked back against me to make me fuck her deep. After only a short time I could feel my balls begin to blow and I was really hoping to fuck her to orgasm so I tried to concentrate on something else. Anything else. I looked around and saw Regina leaning against the doorway to the kitchen with her shorts and panties around her knees and forcing three fingers in and out of her vagina while she watched me fuck her bent over sister-in-law doggy-style in her kitchen. That pushed me over the edge and I screamed, “Oh my God, Amy I’m going to cum!”

“Cum in me! Shoot your load inside my hungry pussy! Oh! Oh! I’m cumming!”

My load blew up inside her as we shared a climax together. I held her around her waist because she seemed like she was going to fall to the floor. After a while she said, “That was the best I have ever had. Thank you my love.”

I looked over my shoulder and Regina had slid to the floor and her eyes were closed. She opened them and looked at me. “A triple orgasm? Trent you are a monster.”

Jeff walked in pulling on a pair of shorts. “Make that a quadruple. I shot my load when you all did. I was watching on the video cam.”

Once again we crashed on the couch. I asked Amy, “Do you want me to bring in Jasper for you?”

She snuggled her head on my shoulder and kissed me on the neck. “No. Thank you honey. That was even better than he could have ever been.” She knew her brother and his wife where there but she said, “I just hope you love me as much as I love you.”

After that heartfelt admission we just sat there naked enjoying our post cum moment when something occurred to me so I asked, “Jeff, you said there were other people that were into doggies. Are there many people like that?”

“Yeah,” he replied. “Mostly women who just want a doggy to give them the bone when they get home from work and on weekends. Most of them have had unpleasant experiences with men in their lives.”

“Do you know any of them?”

“No, not really. We have a chat room where we can communicate with other doggy lovers.”

“Are there many of them?”

“Our chat room has around two thousand members. The women don’t really like men who fuck female dogs so we delete their accounts and I’m sure we have some pretenders that like to lurk and listen.”

Then I got it. “Jeff. You are the webmaster of the doggy loving women website.”

“It’s buried deep under a proxy server with only members that have been vouched for by another member. It’s impenetrable. How could you know about it?”

I had to laugh. “I didn’t, but you just spilled the beans, my future brother-in-law and fuck buddy.”

He looked around in astonishment. “Trent, I don’t know whether to... Aw forget it, but you are way smarter than I first thought.”

Amy pulled my face over and brought her big lips over my thin ones and kissed me like I had never been kissed before. She kissed my face, my neck, my ears and returned her lips to mine and we made out like kids in the back seat of car on a dark and lonely road.

When she finally let go of my face, I fell back on the couch dizzy with her kisses, when I got a thought. “Hey Jeff. You said you have over two thousand members of a ‘women loving doggy’ chat site. How many of these women actually have a doggy lover?”

“Well first off, the URL is a bunch of random numbers and the official name is Girl’s Best Friend. To answer your question, not many. Most of them log in to read posts from women that have doggies.”

“So if ten percent have a doggy lover then the other ninety percent do not.”


“How much do you charge for your dogs?”

Jeff was getting impatient with me. “I told you. Two thousand as a puppy and Five thousand in ten months when they are trained. Why do you ask?”

“Just thinking. Dogs don’t really start thinking until they are a year old. Then they are smarter. While I agree that a ten month old with training is a very, very good dog. Imagine what they could do at eighteen months?”

“Just get to it Trent. You are starting to get on my nerves,” said Jeff


“Sorry. Just thinking out loud.” I sat back and thought about it again. “So you have one thousand, eight hundred horny women on your website reading about the ten percent that have a doggy lover. How many of them would like to have a doggy lover of their own? Like Amy and Jasper?”

“Probably a lot of them.” Admitted Jeff.

“What do you think they would pay for a trained sex dog” I asked.

To my credit he thought about it for a minute. “The sky is the limit. Most of these women would love to have a dog of their own and even then I get hundreds of requests every day from women who want to come here and either watch or have sex with a dog. But what’s the point? I can’t risk my job. My salary is over a quarter of a million dollars per year. If this got out I would be ruined and so would Regina. We would be shunned in town and the shame would follow us wherever we went.”

“I’m sorry Jeff. I was just bouncing ideas around in my head.”

I admitted to myself that just because I was turned on by what I now knew and was totally infatuated with Amy that most people would not agree with my point of view. But if over a thousand other women expressed their yearning for a doggy boyfriend then I could not stop my mind from racing.

“Hey Jeff?”

He ignored me at first but finally looked at me.


“It doesn’t have to be here. I live right next door and my land is in a trust. If you try to look it up it’s in XYZ trust and no one can find out who owns it. Jake took care of that so my jealous relatives would not be able to contest it in the will when he died.”

Jeff ran his fingers through his hair. “Trent. You show up out of the blue and charm my wife. Then you seduce my sister and now you are trying to get me into something I am not at all comfortable with. Besides, mister smarty pants, if anyone took the DNA of the dog it would lead right back to here. My dogs are all over the country and abroad. If someone got caught, I would be toast.”

This was the clincher. “Unless we bred a special set of dogs with smooth, sleek coats, a gentle disposition and huge doggy cocks.”

For the next two months I was harvesting logs and curing them and Amy and I were really solid as a couple. Regina and I scoured pet rescue sites for perfect dogs with the intent on finding new dogs to create a special breed of lady lovers. I lived at Jeff and Regina’s on weekends and in their travel trailer on my property during the week.

The best dog we found had legs not too long or short. Did not slobber. Sleek, short coat and a massive doggy dick. Our first prize doggy gentleman was named Peck. A play on Puck, a "merry domestic fairy" from British Folklore. Prominently featured in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, where he plays tricks on a group of humans who stumble into a forest.

We decided to house train him and let him into the house and gave him a week to learn to settle down and not jump all over the place. Once he learned to rest on his doggy bed and not bother us, Regina would rest beside him and praise him on what a good boy he was. Soon his red penis started to slip out a little so Regina slid her hand up and down his furry sheath to get him excited. He did and his red doggy dick started to come out. When it was out at least six inches, Regina leaned over and took it in her mouth. He wagged his tail and kicked a leg as he face fucked her with his rapidly expanding dick. Peck’s pre cum kept shooting out and sometimes Regina had to turn her face away because it was too much for her to handle and it dripped out of her mouth while Peck just kept thrusting his hard red cock at her face. When she got her breath back she continued to suck the big doggy cock and it kept growing in size and soon his knot popped out and his size was growing. She got on her hands and knees and offered herself up to him. He quickly hopped onto her back and thrusted his hard penis everywhere except for where it was supposed to go and got bored and dismounted. He came back and started licking her again and tried to mount her. This time Jeff and I helped him get his dick into Regina and I held his hips to keep him against her. He thrusted for about a minute and didn’t knot her held her there for a few minutes to let his doggy sperm stay inside thinking that he had impregnated his bitch.

Afterwards we discussed it. Regina led first. “He is big. The thickness of his cock in the middle really rubbed me in the right place almost at my g-spot. If he can be trained to find the pussy and last a little longer he could be a really great lover. He didn’t scratch me or bite me and licked my neck, ear and face as he fucked me like a good lover should do. I just think he needs a little practice.”

Jeff looked at me. “Want some doggy practice in your booty?”

“Fuck no. My ass is for Amy only. How about you?”

“I don’t do doggies or ass. What about Amy?”

“She’s your sister. Call her on the phone.”

“And say what? We need you here to let our new doggy practice on you?”

Damn, I thought. “No. That would not be cool. I hate to admit it but I’m totally over the top with Amy. I can’t ask her anything like that.”

Peck got up from where he was resting and started pushing his nose inside Regina’s thighs. She sighed and spread her legs. Peck licked and licked her to orgasm. When she was completely pliant he put his front paws over her shoulder and started to hump away on her. Again. Jeff came over and pushed him closer and slid Regina closer to edge of the sofa and guided him into her. I never thought a dog and a woman could mate missionary style but once Peck got it in he drilled her with senseless abandon. A young dog with that much energy fucks and fucks until he wants to shoot his sperm inside of his bitch and soon Peck’s knot was slamming against Regina’s little pink pussy. Her cries of “No! No! I can’t take it!” went unheard. He slammed the knot against her again and again until it finally plunged in and the he stopped humping and Regina stopped yelling. He pinned her down and she moaned. “Oh God! It’s growing inside me! Ugh! He’s dumping his balls inside of me! Fuck! Oh Fuck Me!”

After a few minutes in which Peck took advantage of Regina and licked her face and put his tongue in her mouth until he got bored and tried to disengage but the knot was still buried deep in her tiny little cunt. Jeff and I held and consoled him until his knot shrank enough that Peck could pull out. He accomplished his goal. His bitch was filled with his doggy sperm and the rest farted out of her pussy and dripped down her ass crack and creating a pool on the floor.

After we put Peck away and Regina took a shower we sat in the living room again. Jeff brought out the good bourbon and poured us each an inch with one cube of ice.

Jeff asked Regina, “Was he good?”

“Yeah, although I wish he could have lasted longer. But his dick is huge, his breath is sweet.”

“So.” I asked. “He has the makings of a good lover. Since you have Khan and now Amy has Jasper, what do we do with Peck?”

When they didn’t answer, I took a gamble. “What do you think one of your chat group women would pay for a fully trained, big dick dog that likes to fuck women?”

Regina gasped, “Sell Peck? We couldn’t do that!”

I had to get this under control. “Not Peck, if you say so. But what would a lonely woman pay for a sweet loving doggy?”

Jeff answered first. “Almost anything. We have lonely rich widows that don’t want to date men but still have sexual cravings. For the right person and the right dog it would be almost priceless.”

Regina said, “There is one person on the chat site that is really sweet, smart and from some of the things she said I think really rich and Jeff ran a backtrace and she lives within fifty miles of here.”

The DM to LonelyGirl on the chat site said:

Hello. My name is Thomas and I have a really lovely best friend that I think you would like to meet. He is sweet and loving and eager to please. His tail wags constantly and he is always up for some fun. He likes the ladies but he is young and although he doesn’t have much experience I hope that he can find a happy home with someone that would love him as much as he would love his new mistress.

Within the hour she sent me back an email that said:

I have no idea who you think you are talking to but you are sorely mistaken.

My reply:

I will be at the dog park on fourteenth Avenue at 5 pm. wearing a Miami Dolphins ball cap. Peck is a brindle. Park and watch us. Then you can decide if we should meet. I gave her a burner phone number.

Walking with Peck on my leash the other dogs wanted to play with him and their owners wanted to come and talk to me to because he was so calm and cool when the other dogs jumped around. He was trained very well to ignore outside stimuli and respond to my queues. If another dog got to personal he looked at me for permission before giving them a head or shoulder shove and if the didn’t get the hint, a little nip. Soon they all were rolling over on their bellies hoping Peck would give them a lick.

I was on my way home when I got a text on the burner:

He is lovely and so are you.

I took Peck with me back to my trailer to figure things out.

I flopped on the cushions of the dinette of my temporary and sort of my only home with a pillow and a beer. Peck curled up and rested at my feet. This entire thing has kind of taken me by storm. The stuff going on with Jeff and Regina and my fatal attraction for Amy was a little hard to fathom since I had spent the last four years studying and then watching my grandfather die. I took the Maker’s Mark from the cabinet and had just poured out an inch into a rock glass when my phone dinged with a text.

What’s taking you so long?

The thing is that I had no idea who this supposed lady was and I was trying to make sense of it all. After some thought I replied back:

If you want to meet Peck. Drive South out of town on the 414 three miles and turn right before the little bridge and meet us at five pm tomorrow. The gate will be open.

I told Jeff and Regina what I had done and they agreed that it was okay with them since they had chatted with her for a couple of years and she had shown no tendency to cause trouble. Sunday morning I opened the gate with Peck by my side and Jeff and Regina back at the RV with Khan. When a black Mercedes slowed down looking for the address, I waved it in. The driver’s window rolled down and a heavyset, black bearded man glared at me.

“Please roll down your back window for me,” I said.

When he did so, I saw a very beautiful woman in her fifties, in a pretty dress with expensive jewelry and makeup perfectly applied. Her hair was probably blond when she was younger but now it had some chemical help as it framed her pretty face down to almost her shoulders.

“What can I do for you?”

She hesitated for a second then said, “I was told to meet a friend here.”

I thought about making her squirm but I waved them in and chained and locked the gate behind them. When I got to the RV and the curing barn Jeff was holding Khan and Regina was greeting them while Peck danced behind me as if he knew something was up.

The woman exited the car and said to the driver, “That will be all for now Miles. I will call you when I need you.”

I rode the Yamaha down to unlock the gate and let the car out, then rode back to Jeff, Regina and the mystery lady.

Jeff was holding Peck by his leather collar, we never had to use a choke chain, we knew how to ask a dog to please us and they never let us down. He let him go and he walked cautiously over to our guest and put his head down to the mystery lady asking for some attention. She rubbed his head and ears and asked, “Is this Peck?”

We had made some chairs in my spare time and they were gathered around the fire pit. Similar to Adorondak chairs, but higher from the ground and had some special features geared to make it easier for something special. Jeff brought out a bottle of Pino Grigio and filled up our glasses.

Raising my glass I said, “I’m so glad to meet you and these are my friends who shall go nameless. The black dog is theirs and the brindle is Peck. Peck say hello to the lady.” I led him over and she petted him on the head and he rested his face in her lap. “As you can see, even though he is still practically a puppy he is a calm and happy doggy. That is unless he gets excited. Then he can get a little, well, let’s say he may get a little horny. Let’s get to know each other. I’m new to the chat site, you know me as BFtoLovelyLady. You are LonelyGirl and this is FireyGirl and her husband WebMaster. Cheers!”

As we sipped our wine I used my phone to access spotify and put some bossa nova jazz that played through the outside speakers. I nodded my head at Jeff and he got the hint and we took the dogs for a walk towards the back of the property to give the ladies a chance to talk in private. When we were out of sight and hearing he asked me, “What do you think?”

“If she took the chance and came out to meet us, I think she is very interested and she definitely has the money.” We didn’t take the dogs off their leashes because of the chance that they could get dirty. They were freshly bathed with special conditioning shampoo that left them smelling nice. We stopped to take a piss and I noticed Jeff had a stiffy as he leaked beside a thick black walnut. “Jeff. Why are you hard?”

“That woman is so fucking sexy. Did you see her tits and that beautiful ass?”

“Yeah! I sure did. I’m getting hard just thinking about Peck having his way with her.” I realized Jeff was now stroking his cock with his back towards me. “Are you beating off?” I asked him.

“Yes. I can’t help it.”

“Maybe you can’t but I can. Would you like a BJ?”

“Oh man! That would be great. I’m so damn horny.”

Jeff leaned back against the tree and held both leashes as I dropped to my knees in front of him. His massive dick was hard as stone, bobbing up and down with his pulse and drooling from his dick lips. I wanted him to appreciate me so I took him in my hand and looked him in the eyes.

“Oh Fuck! Please, Please Trent. Suck my dick!”

I licked the precum from his plum sized cock head then engulfed it in my mouth. He gently rocked his hips and began to fuck me in the mouth. With me eagerly leaning into him soon he was pushing past my tonsils and down my throat. Since I didn’t need my hands any more, I fondled his balls and circled his asshole with a finger. I couldn’t take it forever. That thick ten incher down my throat was too much for the minute I held it there. Just as I slid my mouth down his shaft he started bucking and his hot salty sperm started shooting in my mouth. He comes like a race horse and I scrambled to suck it down otherwise he would fill my mouth to overflowing. I pulled my face away from his dick and it flopped down already deflating. I swallowed and wiped the excess from my chin when he did something that really surprised me. He pulled me up, kissed me on the lips and said, “Trent, you are so incredibly amazing. I can see what Amy sees in you.”

When we got back, Jeff put another log in the fire pit while our mystery lady and Regina were chatting away a mile a minute and laughing like fast friends. We let the dogs off the leash and Khan immediately ran over and put his head in Regina’s lap. As she petted his head he started poking his nose in her crotch and his tail started wagging. Regina pulled up her skirt showing us that she wasn’t wearing any panties while Khan started licking away between her legs. She spread her legs and hooked them over the arms of the chair, scooted towards the edge giving Kahn’s big tongue complete access to her pink pussy. He lapped at her and soon she was holding his head and telling him what a good boy he was. Our guest stood up and went over behind Regina’s chair, eased the straps of her dress down over her shoulders exposing her pale little tits and pink nipples and started to caress them. Regina moaned and looked up expressing an open invitation for a kiss and the lovely lady leaned down and obliged.

When their lips parted the woman said, “I’m Emily.”

“Regina. Kiss me again please.”

Less than a minute later Regina gasped and shuddered in the throws of an orgasm. She wasn’t a screamer but I knew when she came because she froze up and shook and spaced out for at least a minute afterwards. Emily knew it too because she caressed Regina’s shoulders and upper arms and whispered sweet nothings in her ear too quietly for Jeff and I to hear.

Both Khan and Peck were excited and their doggy dicks were out about halfway. Khan had been trained to take a lady face up and he was straining to mount her since her hot wet pussy was exposed and ready for a fucking.

“Wait!” I said. “Let me get some booties.” I got them from the trailer and put Khan’s feet in them and pulled the Velcro tight.” I looked at Emily. “Even though they have their dew claws removed and their nails cut and sanded short, in the moment things can get a little rough. The booties make sure no one gets scratched.”

The second I released Khan he was all over Regina. He put his front paws on her shoulders and in an instant his doggy cock was halfway inside and with another stroke he was buried to the knot inside her little pink pussy. I don’t think Regina was ready for his ardor and cried out in a little pain and a lot of pleasure. With her mouth open, Khan took the opportunity to stick his big tongue in her mouth and I don’t think she was in any position to deny him. She sucked his tongue as he licked the inside of her mouth with wild abandon. Khan’s hips were wildly pistoning to shove his big doggy cock in and out of his willing bitch, but I don’t think this time Regina was so willing. Khan was taking her brutally and I looked at Jeff with concern.

“Honey?” Jeff asked. “Are you all right?”

She turned her head to get Khan’s tongue out of her mouth and said, “Fuck me Khan. Fuck your bitch.”

Khan the recognized that someone else was close by and Emily leaned over to give him a kiss. She soon had inches of doggy tongue being forced into her mouth while he was thrusting away inside Regina’s little swollen cunt.

“Ongggg. Oh fuck! He is going to knot me.” Sure enough, Khan forced his knot inside her and stopped thrusting. He put his head over his shoulder and remained still as his seed penetrated his bitch and his huge knot kept it from spilling out.

Jeff and I got behind him because if he tried to pull out it would be very painful to Regina and possibly damage her vagina. Emily held Regina during this time and kissed her so sweetly that I realized that they would probably become lovers.

After fifteen minutes of lockup Khan pulled back with a plop and doggy sperm and female wetness poured out of Regina’s sorely abused cunt. I had a warm, wet cloth ready for her and she wiped up the mess from her pussy and ass while Emily held her tenderly by her shoulders.

Emily said, “I don’t know about anyone else but that was the hottest and sexiest thing I have ever seen in my life,” before leaning over and getting one more deep and intimate kiss from Regina.

Regina pulled down her dress, which had been bunched up around her middle, over her hips and off and stood up wearing only her sandals and a gold necklace. She went behind Emily and began to kiss her on the neck, behind her ears while her hands slipped around front to hold her huge boobs. Emily craned her neck around for a kiss and soon their lips were pressed together as their tongues explored the depths of each other’s mouths. As Emily turned to deepen their kisses, Regina’s hands slipped behind her back to tug down the zipper of her dress. When it go the the bottom it fell from her shoulders exposing a black lace bra. Without releasing her mouth, Regina got the dress down her arms and it soon fell to a puddle at her feet exposing black lace panties and matching garter belt holding up her sheer black stockings.

I looked at Jeff and mouthed ‘Wow!’ Emily is hot!’ Her body, while full figured, had nary a trace of fat and her ass was plump and beautiful and her panties nearly disappeared in the deep crack of her ass which was soon gripped by Regina’s hands as she ground her groin against her new lover.

When I let Peck go he drilled his nose right into Emily’s ass and started to lick between her legs. She yelped then laughed when she realized what had just happened then went back to kissing Regina while Peck nuzzled her ass and licked between her thighs. Soon he was dancing around in excitement while the women kissed and fondled each other’s breasts until Regina suggested that Emily should sit down. The instant her ass hit the chair, Peck was once again between her legs and Regina had to help her relax and enjoy the attention of a very horny doggy. As Peck licked away at her expensive panties, Regina unfastened her black lace bra allowing her heavy tits to fall free then started to caress them and pull and pinch on the nipples. Peck was getting frustrated that his tongue was being prevented from tasting what he thought was his honey pot so I reached over and slid Emily’s panties down her thighs and legs and eventually over her kitten heeled shoes. She opened her eyes to see who had stripped her most private parts naked and smiled when she saw it was me. I winked and made a little kissy face back at her just as Peck took his chance and gave her a big lick right up her furry snatch. She gasped but soon scooted forward so Peck could have his way with her as Regina fondled her tits and snuggled up against her face. Peck didn’t have a lot of experience but his enthusiasm showed as he licked her from asshole to clit and sometimes plunged his tongue deep inside of her. She pulled her legs up to her chest and within a few minutes she started moaning and shouted, “Oh dear. He is going to make me climax. Oh my dear puppy make your mommy proud and make me cum.” Then she quivered and a hot mess of wetness leaked out of her cunt only to get lapped up by an overly excited Peck. I reached over to pull him back in case she was too sensitive to continue but she gasped, “It’s okay. Let him continue.” In one more minute she had her second orgasm and went completely limp. Now I had to pull Peck back and he wasn’t too happy about it as he look at us like we were crazy for stopping him from fucking his new mate.

I spread a folded up towel to protect her knees while Regina helped her to stand up and kneel on it. Regina sat in the chair and Emily leaned her chest and face into her lap while Jeff and I helped Peck up and on her back. With the three of us helping, Peck got six inches of doggy dick right in her wet snatch on the first thrust. Peck held her around her waist as his rear legs pushed forward and he began to jackhammer into her unmercifully and there was nothing any of us could do to stop him. I used my phone to take a video from under Peck to see if he was getting it in the right place because his tail was in the way and her beaver was covered with thick, black hair. Emily’s moans were soon replaced by happy screams as Peck pounded away at her neglected pussy. As a youngster I thought he would cum very soon but after five minutes and an untold amount of orgasms by Emily he wasn’t showing any sign of stopping. Finally Emily screamed as he tried to force his knot inside her. “Oh God! It’s too fucking big. He is going to kill me!”

Regina whispered to her, “You can take it if I can. I know it’s big and scary but I assure you that once you take it you will love it.”

Watching my camera on selfie mode I could see the baseball sized know pounding her pussy lips and after a few hard slams it finally went in and he stopped thrusting and pressed his hips against her white thighs to keep his big doggy cock deep inside her as he emptied his sperm.

“I can feel him cumming in me! It’s so hot! He is filling me with his doggy sperm. I’m a bitch! Make me your bitch my sweet doggy!”

After ten minutes, Peck pulled out and Emily fell to the ground on her side completely and utterly fucked and abused. Jeff and I helped her up and into the camper and set her down in my bed to rest and left Regina there to care for her. I snagged a couple of beers from the fridge and me and Jeff went back outside to talk.

“Do you think it was too much for her?” he asked me.

“Maybe. I guess we are going to find out. It’s not like she can complain or tell anyone about it. She did just get bitch fucked by a dog.”

After twenty minutes the door to the RV opened and Regina, naked, led out Emily nearly naked, still in her black bra, panties, garter belt, stocking and black kitten heeled shoes.

Emily looked right at us and said, “I would like to adopt Peck.”
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