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***Author's note: Thanks for checking out my story, feel free to rate and comment below. I do read the comments and let me know what you thought.****
Trail Head

I had started my journey 2 months earlier in late April, leaving from Campo on the Mexican border I entered the Pacific Crest Trail, the PCT. My end point was the Canadian Border, 2600 miles away. I am attempting a solo thru hike, Northbound. I walked through deserts, mountains, forests, and rock falls. I breathed the fresh air of nature and tasted the bitter aftertaste of miserable weather. But that is life along the PCT, it shows you who you are and what you are made from.

Life on the trail can be rewarding, with stunning vistas and gorgeous natural wonders. It can equally be lonely and depressing. There are sections of the trail where you are alone for miles, not a soul or man-made object can be seen outside of the trail markers.

I had been making a good pace, I had just left the Sierras, twenty days earlier than expected. The weather was hot, even in the higher elevations. It was 90+ degrees in the valleys. I had recently resupplied in Sierra City on a stretch to Belden, 89 Miles. Picked up some food, fuel, and filters for my water purifier. There wasn’t much along that stretch but trees, rocks, and a couple of roadways crossing the hills, so I didn’t want to run out of necessities.

I passed a few light hikers heading the southern route but outside of that I hadn’t seen a human since I left town. As I ascended a col, I hear a commotion up ahead of me. Two voices, sounding feminine, became closer are clearer.

“Where is it?”

“It isn’t in my bag.”

“You had it last.”

“No, YOU did, at that stream a couple days ago before we went into town.”

As the trees cleared, I could see two young women frantically digging through their bags. One was blonde, her long hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was young, maybe 19 or 20, thin but clearly went to the gym. She was wearing a white tank top, brown shorts, and was digging through a dirty red pack.

The other was around the same age, Asian, her shorter, shoulder length black hair was covering her face part of her face as she dug through her new looking, blue pack. She was also thin but looked less toned. She was wearing a pink tube top, black shorts and hiking boots. They didn’t even notice as I approached.

“Is everything ok? Can I help?” I asked, startling the girls.

“Shit!” said the blonde one.

“Sorry to scare you, I just overhead you as I was coming up the trail. Is everything alright?”

“We think we lost our water pump somewhere before Sierra City” responded the other one.

“Oh, that’s bad. Did you want some water so you can head back to get it?”

“We think it would be 3 days hike to where it might be, and we aren’t even sure if it’ll be there” said the blonde one.

“And we don’t have cash on us to buy one in town in Sierra City. I think we’ll have to bail on the rest of our hike.”

“Well, if you are heading northbound, you could travel with me until you can get another one,” I offered, “My name is Rusty Jalopy.”

It’s at this time I must interject to people unfamiliar with trail culture. We thru hikers don’t use our real names, we use trail names. It’s kind of a tradition in the trail community. Sometimes you name yourself, sometimes others name you, and on occasion, the trail will provide. In my case, I arrived at the trailhead in Camp in a rusted beater car. That way I didn’t care if it got stolen while waiting for a friend to pick it up a few days later. Some other people setting off saw it, and my reddish-brown hair, and called me Rusty Jalopy, I just ran with it. As I said, the trail provides.

“Hi, I’m Slipper,” said the blonde, “and this is Honeysuckle, but you can call her Honey. Are you sure you’re ok with that? You look hardcore.”

“Nice to meet you both. I’ve been on the trail for two month, I’m sure I look a little wild, but it might be nice to have a little company after all that time solo.”

The girls put everything back in their packs and headed on the trail. It was a relatively flat section for the first few miles, but that’s compared to what came before it. We made small talk, they were both heading into their second years as college students at UCLA who thought it would be fun to hike from Echo Lake to the California/Oregon border, which is a good 600 miles. Slipper had moderate trail experience with several 300 miles treks under her belt. Honey was still a newbie; she had done a few weekend trips but nothing on this scale before.

The girls asked about me and I told them I was trying to do a complete thru hike of the PCT. I was in my 30s and took a year off work after finally locking down a big company merger. I figured why not trade in the corporate jungle for the natural one. Mainly, I needed to pump myself up even more.

At the first water source we found, I filled up their bottles and we had a snack. They were still trying to figure out the logistics of getting some new gear. The girls’ phones had service, so they came up with a plan.

“We could order one online and have the delivery scheduled for when we should hit Chester.” Said Honey.

“Great idea. Hey J, which of these filters would you recommend?” asked Slipper, the girls having short formed me to a single letter, kids these days. I suggested a couple, ones that were good but not insanely expensive and they made the order to be delivered in 6 days. It was about 120 miles to trail head near Chester, and a few off the trail to get into town. This was going to be slower going for me, but I was ahead of pace so why not relax.

It was around 5:00 in evening when we decided to make camp. We weren’t near a designated camp site, so we moved off the trail and setup a hundred yards from a stream. I made some rations I bought in town and a muffin that got squished in my pack. The girls made some fancy freeze-dried chicken noodle thing on their stove.

It was nice to have some company after so many months alone. It also helps when your company is a couple of attractive Coeds. We all became more relaxed as the night wore on, being exhausted really helps lower your Give-A-Fuck meter.

As the light started to set, Slipper said they were going to sit by the stream for a bit and watch the sun set. I decided to stay back and check the condition of my gear and then bag up my food and hang it to keep the bears away. I suggested the girls do that too before it gets too dark which they said they would when they got back.

When the sun got low to the horizon, and they hadn’t returned yet I decided to check on them. I guess I had become their dad. I passed some shrubs and trees and turned the corner to see both girls naked, bathing in the shallow stream. The sight was like something from a beer commercial or a porno.

Slipper was taller, about 5’9” with decent sized breasts, about a C-cup. Honey on the other hand was shorter, about 5’4”, with smaller B-cup breasts with puffy nipples. They were taking turns washing each other’s backs. Hands sliding up and down young naked flesh. As they turned, I could see each of them were sporting a small patch of hair around their pussies. I guess it didn’t make sense to shave there while in the wilderness.

I wasn’t sure what I should do. Do I let them know I’m here? Do I leave and give them privacy? I chose just to freeze there watching. Every so often, one of them would dip themselves into the water and pop back up, probably because it was freezing. But the water would cascade off their tight, toned bodies in very delicious ways.

When it looked like they were finishing up, I quickly retreated towards camp. They returned a few minutes later, drying themselves off. I asked what they got up to and they said just a quick dip. They were going to head to bed.

“Hope you liked the moon tonight” Slipper said, winking at me as climbed into her tent. Did she know I was there? Honey blushed as she said goodnight. I decided to turn in as well, we had a lot of elevation changes tomorrow and I was curious how my companions would fair.


I woke up early the next day to get a quick bath in the stream. It had been a few days since I got a good washing. I’m sure I smelled terrible but usually that doesn’t matter much out here. I grabbed a small towel I had and some biodegradable soap and headed to the water. I stripped down to my birthday suit and walked into the cold water. It definitely woke me up better than coffee. I soaped myself up and let the current rinse me off. As I got began to leave the water, I saw Honey on the bank, frozen still. I awkwardly waved at her, I mean what else do you do, and she waved back before darting back towards camp. I towelled off, got dressed and followed her footsteps.

The girls had already packed up their gear and were just eating some breakfast when I arrived. Honey was whispering about something and stopped when she saw me. I simply said hello and picked up another flattened muffin pancake from my bag and ate too. I mentioned we should head out soon, get as many miles as possible before the heat of the day kicks in. They agreed off we went. Onward and forward.

The trail had many elevation changes throughout the day. Going up and down at least 5400 ft. Much of this section of the wilderness had been in a wildfire so it was scarred with dead trees and almost no vegetation. We call these areas burnt zones. They are hot and dull areas to go through, there’s no natural canopy to shield you from the blazing Sun and little place for privacy when needed to take a leak.

We made good progress on that second day. We hiked around 24 miles before we decided to rest for the night. We found a designated campsite off the trail and setup for the night. There was a tap for water and a picknick table to cook food. We had dinner and were just relaxing around the tent.

“My back is pretty stiff,” said Slipper, “anyone want to give me a massage?”

“Sure, no problem” I volunteered.

“Ok great, hold on a second.”

Slipper turned her back to me and in the magical way girls do things, she removed her sports bra without removing her shirt. She laid down on the grass while I moved my hands around on top of her shirt. I was feeling for an area of tension and stiffness. She also guided me to areas in need of some work. I must have been doing a pretty good job because she was moaning up a storm. It was pretty arousing to be honest, but I did my best to keep it tucked. Once she was finished, I offered my services to Honey, but she declined today but said maybe tomorrow. It was getting late, so we made our way to bed.

Morning was pretty standard, we filled up our water at the tap, ate some food and headed out. The trail was pretty flat, comparatively, today and we made good time. We had moved out of the burnt region and were back in some greenery. I stopped to take a piss and told the girls to head up ahead and I would catch up. I did my business and went to catch up with the group. A little way up the trail I heard a scream, and I took off to help. As I approached, I found the girls were face to face with a black bear. Usually, black bears run away from humans, but this one seemed a little to interested in my female companions. I caught up to them and they were scared. I stepped in front of them and pulled out the bear spray I keep in a side pocket, if all else fails. I lifted my pack over my head and made a lot of noise. The noise and sudden appearance of a third person seemed to be enough to scare the bear back into the wilderness.

“Oh my God, thank you so much J!” one shouted. “You saved us again.” They both began hugging me. It was nice but not necessary. Black bears are usually more scared of us than we are of them. This one probably just smelled food in their packs and was curious.

“I think we need to get you two some bear spray in Chester too. You should always have some in the backcountry, or for you too, campus country.” I joked.

“We will, that’s for sure. We can’t thank you enough, but we’ll try our best.” Said Honey, who’s usually pretty quiet.

“Not necessary, ladies. Just glad I could help.”

Hiking with other people is quite different than being alone. Alone it is always quiet, just the sounds of nature and the movement of your gear. When you are hiking in a group there’s prolonged silence and then rushes of conversation about all kinds of things, life, love, and everything above. After the bear incident, there was much more chatter and I got to find out more about my new friends.

Slipper was originally from New York State, she used to take trips with her parents into the Adirondacks, so she had some wilderness experience. She picked UCLA following her boyfriend, who had a basketball scholarship. By Thanksgiving, she found him cheating so they broke up. She didn’t know many people, but one was her roommate, Honey. They became fast friends, and they started exploring trails around the area. She got her name Slipper because she kind of clumsy and would trip and slip on things.

Honey on the other hand was new to the whole outdoors concept. She was a city girl whose family wanted her to focus entirely on school. Once she started hanging around with Slipper, she found a whole new world of possibilities beyond school. She partied, she met guys, and she learned to love nature. She was still timid and shy, but once you got her going it was off to the races. She was currently not seeing anyone; she just ended a 3 week fling shortly before hitting the trail.

I decided to share my story as well. While I was closing that business deal, I didn’t realize my marriage was falling apart. I don’t even think I realized she was gone until the ink dried on the dotted line of the divorce settlement. I didn’t know what to do with myself, so I took a year off work, got in shape, and hit the trail hoping for some clarity.

The day flew by, after the excitement of the bear and the conversations, and we were once again looking for a place to set up camp. Looking at a map I found a small lake about 2 miles off the trail. I suggested that might be a nice place to stop. The girls looked and agreed so we headed off the safety of the trail towards this oasis. The place was beautiful. Dark blue water, lots of trees, and some hills to the West. We unpacked and got on with the task of food. I cooked up an MRE, just had to add boiling water, and the girls made something similar but from a fancy supply store.

There were still a few hours of sun left so I went down to the lake to clean up. You get really grimy and dusty on the trail, as you can imagine, so it feels good to clean off. Just as I stripped down to my skin, I hear a throat clear behind me. Covering myself, I quickly turned around. Both girls were ten feet away, looking at me.

“Uh, hey girls, what’s up?”

“Well, we thought it might be a good idea to scrub our close in the lake. We can’t do actual laundry till we hit Chester, so this might be a good time to wash everything; let it dry overnight.” Said Slipper.

“Plus, we thought you might want some company to swim with.” Honey added.

“That’s not a bad idea, hopefully you two aren’t embarrassed seeing me like this.”

“Nope. Looks pretty fun.” Honey said, before pulling off her shirt and dropping her shorts. Slipper was right beside her doing the same. They tossed their clothes in the water and splashed into the water. Not one to be left behind and jumped in and joined them.

They were like kids in a pool, splashing and dunking each other. As I got closer, they teamed up and dunked me. Hands were going everywhere, a shoulder here, a breast there. I even felt someone grab my cock briefly. It was all in good fun. We were laughing and having a blast. We did slow down and just started floating on the water, enjoying the cool feel on our bodies. The girls were on their backs so I could see their tits above the water line, Slipper had larger nipples, about the size of a small stone while Honey had smaller nickel sized nips. Their pussies were covered in hair, Slipper’s was a dirty blonde and was probably trimmed at before the trip. Honeys was black and thick; I would love to get lost in those woods for a day.

Looking at their sexy nude bodies gave me a bit of a standing mast on my floating ship. I am a pretty good size down there, about 8-inches, and fairly girthy. I actually had one girlfriend in the past who couldn’t take all of me. That was a confidence booster, I’ll tell you.

“Look at the size of that thing!” I heard coming from behind me. It was Slipper.

“I knew it was big, but not that big,” exclaimed Honey.

“I think we need to give him his reward for helping us, don’t you Honey?”

“Oh yes, I think he’s ready Slipper.”

I felt a hand gently grab me by the penis and lead me to the shore. When we were in ankle deep water, I felt a second set of hands reach around me from behind, breasts pushed up against my back.

“This is for rescuing us, twice.” Said Honey, getting on her knees in front of me. She took my cock and kissed the tip before sliding it into her mouth. Slipper moved to my side, leaning over, she kissed me on the lips.

“We told you we’d make it up to you.” She said, before joining her friend on the ground. Honey released my penis from her mouth and passed it to her friend who resumed the oral activities. They passed my dick back and forth, when I would look down, they would both lock their eyes on mine. It was the most erotic thing I’d experienced in my life.

At one point they both took my dick out of their mouths and slid their lips along the shaft of my cock. One on each side, the feeling was unreal. I almost came right there but the girls slowed down. They resumed passing me back and forth until I said I was close to cumming.

“Where to you want to put it?” Slipper asked, as Honey was on dick duty. “In our mouths or on our faces?”

“On your faces, I don’t want one of you to feel left out.”

“Sounds good to us,” Slipper said before taking over from Honey. She picked up the pace and flicked her tongue over the head of my penis. That brought me to the edge.

“I’m going to cum!” I shouted, my cock left Slipper’s mouth and both girls put their heads together, mouths open, a hand stroking me off. The first blast hit Slipper right in the eye, the second covered Honey’s nose and mouth, the next ones got each of them around their mouths until there was none left.

“That was amazing. Thank you.”

The girls looked at each other covered in cum and started licking it off each other and kissing. I don’t think this was their first-time doing things together, but it was so hot to watch. When all my cum was cleaned off, we went back into the water to rinse off.

It was pretty late now, got out of the water and dried off. We went back to camp naked and hung up our clothes for the night. We stayed up talking for a little while. I had to ask about why they chose to ‘reward me’ with that tag-team blowjob. They said they talked about it the night before, just as a fun thing to do for me, but after today they made it happen. I was curious if they had done anything like that together before. The answer was not with a guy, they have come back drunk from a party and messed around before, a few times actually. It wasn’t a regular thing, but it was always fun when they did. The Sun had fully set when we decided to call it for the night. Each girl gave me a kiss before entering their tent, Honey saying my trail beard was a little scratchy. I gave her a swat on the butt and said goodnight.


The next morning was hot. Looking at the day’s weather report calling for over 100 degrees and no cloud cover. We had a group discussion and decided to call a zero for the day (Zero meaning a day with 0 miles hiked). We were within 2 days hike to Chester at the pace we were going previously so one day off wouldn’t be a problem. We’d still make it by the time their water filter would arrive. Besides, there are few nicer places to stop then a private lake in the forest. The girls were pretty excited about a day off the trail. They seemed a little sore and I think the thought of doing another 20 miles in the Sun and heat was not what the doctor ordered today.

Although we were several miles off trail, I thought it might be a good idea to wear clothes around camp, in case someone else came strolling up. The girls agreed with the caveat that they could suntan and swim naked in the lake, I didn’t object at all. Life thru-hiking makes you forget about social decency. When you start, you make sure to go well off trail to do your business. Then as the weeks and miles roll by, you care less and less and just go behind a tree right off the trail.

Since I had the time today, I decided to shave my trail beard. I hadn’t shaved since I hit the trailhead in Campo, it was cooler back then in April but here in the heat of June and July approaching, it figured it should go. I grabbed by flat razer, scissors, and some soap and got to work. It took a little while but soon my face was as smooth as silk. When the girls saw me, they almost didn’t recognize me.

I was told I looked ‘young’ and ‘sexy’, which I guess hearing from two beautiful college students is a pretty good thing. That also motivated them to do a little shaving session of their own. Soon, they were lathered up and shaving their armpit and legs. Slipper shaped her pubic hair into a landing strip while Honey simply cleaned up some spots that would be along her bikini line. Seeing them spreading and moving about got me hard. I wasn’t sure if it was rude to just start jerking off in front of them or not. Some civility should be maintained after all. Slipper noticed my erection and winked. She spread herself wide open, making it look like she was looking for an errant hair. Her pink interior drove me crazy, I wanted to take her right there on the beach but decided to cool off in the water.

Slipper finished up what she was doing and joined me in the water. Honey finished up her grooming and went back towards camp. Slipper approached with a grin on her face, I knew I was in trouble.

“Like what you saw, J, you dirty man?” she teased.

“Well, I have been out here for months alone and now I’ve got two pretty girls naked around me. What do you think?”

“I know, and that’s why I want to give you a personal thank you for everything you’ve done for us.”

“I think you did that last night.”

“This one is from me to you.” As she finished, I felt her hand grab my shaft again. This time she led me to a section of the shore away from camp. When we arrived at the shore, we found some flat grass in the shade, and she kissed me. I took the hint, and we made out, her hand rubbing up and down my penis.

“You can touch me too, anywhere you want.” She moaned, I didn’t pass this up and ran my hands over her large breasts. They were soft and paler than the rest of her skin. They were topped with silver dollar sized nipples which I decided to suck on. She laid down on her back and I brought my other hand down and slipped it into her vagina. It was hot and really wet.

I separated from her nipples and traced my way down her landing strip to her pussy. She spread wide and I buried my face in her snatch. She tasted pretty good considering the conditions out here. She held my head in place while I tongued her clit and pussy hole, my fingers spreading her open as wide as possible. She groaned and thrashed about, I’m glad we were in the middle of nowhere, until she came on my tongue, juices all over my face. She pulled me up and kissed me again, tasting herself.

“I was supposed to be thanking you, remember?” she said, before wrapping her legs around me. “Now I need that thing inside me! Just don’t cum in me, ok?”

I nodded ok and positioned my cock at her glistening entrance. I slowly pushed in; she was tighter than I thought she’d be. I had to pull partly out and push back in several times until I was all the way inside her. It was felt amazing inside this nubile girl. Slipper lived up to her name with how wet she got. I pulled almost all the way out and then slammed back hard into her, repeatedly. She was moaning and groaning loudly in my ears.

“You’re so deep in me!” “I feel like I’m being split in half!” Fuck me hard!” were the types of profanities this girl shouted. I decided to switch things up and rolled over, so she was on top. I would thrust up into her and she would slam down onto me. I used my free hands to rub her amazing breasts that bounced in my face. I even slapped her ass a few times, making a loud smacking sound.

Switching positions must have done something right because after a few minutes of pumping, Slipper came hard on my dick. Feeling her shudder and her insides attempt to milk my cock for its baby sauce brought me to the edge.

“I’m about to cum!” I yelled. Slipper immediately dismounted and took my cock in her mouth. She took it as deep as it would go as I emptied my balls down her throat. It felt spectacular, I’ve never had a girl be able to do that before. When I was done, she pulled me from her mouth and laid down on my chest.

“I hope that was a good thank you.”

“It was wonderful, thank you.” I replied, kissing her on the head.

“Sorry about making you pull out, but I’ve always used a condom with my boyfriend. He was the only one I’d been with until you, not counting Honey. I always like being safe, but I didn’t bring protection out here, so I had to make do.”

“That’s ok, it felt amazing. You are an incredible woman, and any guy would be lucky to have you.” I said as I kissed her lips. We stayed like that for a while before deciding to head back to camp. When we returned, Honey didn’t seem to have noticed our absence. She was just snoozing by the camp.

The day soldiered on, all three of us just relaxing and trying to keep cool during the hottest parts of the day. One issue we did have while at the lake was making sure we applied sunscreen to ourselves, especially the areas that don’t usually get a lot of Sun. Of course, I was asked to help rub in on to each of the girls’ backs and legs. I would put some in my hands and then spread it on their youthful skin, gently caressing their backs and sides. My fingers would go a little lower and graze against their breasts before moving back up. We both knew what I was doing. Then I would focus on their legs and asses, again apply sunscreen carefully and evenly on their asses and thighs. They would spread their legs so I could get in between better. I would bump my hands against their wet pussies. So many memories made on this trip, that’s for sure.

The girls would return the favor and rub lotion on my back and legs. They also insisted on applying it to my cock and balls. Caressing and stroking my shaft while the other massaged my nuts. They did it long enough to tease me but not enough to get me off. Such wicked girls.

Lunch and then dinner were simple affairs, dried fruits, packaged foods, and plenty of water. In the evening when it became clear that we would still be alone that night by the lake, the clothes came back off. It was freeing to be letting it all hang out in the breeze.

At night we all went for one final swim, we knew we’d have to leave early the next morning. We swam and splashed, we’d dunk each other and cop little feels of exposed flesh. Sometimes the hottest things are the in between moments and not the final climax. I would grab hold of Honey, and squeeze tight, my hands on her tits. She’d play struggle to free herself, grinding her ass against my hard cock. Then I would do the same to the other, grabbing Slipper in the front, she’d slide my cock back and forth against her pussy.

We finally got out and were drying off, the girls asked me for massages at the same time. I wasn’t sure how to do two at once but thought, why not. They both laid down on either side of me and I let each hand roam around their backs, kneading their sore muscles. My fingers would dip and dig into tender flesh, relieving tension and stress. As I worked my way down their legs, they both spread open to let me close to their inner thighs, but I moved down to their toes instead. I teasingly moved back up their ankles, calves, quads, and then thighs. I let my fingers slip along each of their wet slits. Rubbing the outer edges of their holes before moving up to their wet clits. This elicited moans from both girls. I rubbed them both like that, slowly, before inserting a finger into each of them. That was it for Slipper who came on my digit. Honey, however, turned over and laid on her back. Spread her legs and told me to keep going. I wasn’t going to say no, so I put two fingers inside her and started finger fucking her. It was sexy to watch her moan on the ground, humping back on my fingers and playing with her small tits. Finally, she came too. She soaked my fingers pretty good with her lady juice.

“Thanks J, our hero saves us again,” said Slipper, then looking at my cock, “But what’s this? J needs a massage too.”

“Well, we can’t leave him like that, no way.” Honey proceeded to stroke my cock in her hand before Slipper took me in her mouth. She took me deep into the back of her throat for as long as she could before pulling out and passing it back to Honey. Honey engulfed it as much as she could, which was most of it for a girl that small. They passed me back and forth a couple more times, Honey passed it back to Slipper and instead of sitting back, she leaned forward and started sucking on my balls. First one, and then the other. That was new for me and felt amazing. Before I knew it I was emptying those nuts into Slipper’s mouth. This time though, I didn’t feel her swallow. She waited till I was done and pulled off. She opened her mouth, showed me all the cum she hadn’t swallowed, and then kissed Honey on the mouth, cum dripping from the sides of their mouths. They seemed to pass the jizz back and forwards with their tongues before each other them swallowed what they had. They wiped up any spillage and ate that too. These two girls were like out of a pervert’s dream, and I found them on the trail. That’s some trail magic right there.

That display ended the night for us, and we went to our tents, dreaming sexy dreams and nightmares about walking. But walk we must, so at the crack of dawn, after breakfast and a final swim, we departed our lake. The trail was long and the three of us quiet. It wasn’t as hot as the day before and our legs felt fresh to walk. The scenery that day seemed dull like the sky, which, we noticed was starting to get cloudy. A quick check on the weather report revealed a storm heading our way.

I had been lucky to avoid most of the foul weather these past few months. Oh, I had rain, but nothing too bad. This was going to be a boomer. We double timed it the 28 miles to a trail campsite. It was a mile from a roadway into a small town. There was almost no one here, the weather must have made the others go into town for shelter. The other couple of tents were quite separated so while we knew we weren’t alone; we didn’t have people on top of us either.

We setup our tents quickly, no sleeping under the stars today, and made dinner. The rain held off longer than we expected. It wasn’t till the light started fading that the first drops began to fall. All the gear was put away in the tents or in the bear lockers close by.

Slipper ducked into the tent while Honey and I continued to tidy up any garbage in the area. We took the leftover scraps of food and paper waste to a garbage can before heading towards camp, but Honey stopped me. She put her fingers to her lips to say quiet and led me a little way away into the brush.

We stopped next to a small clearing surrounded by trees. “I heard you and Slipper by the lake yesterday,” she said, “she never sounded like that with her Ex.”

“Oh, we thought you didn’t know about that.”

“I think the whole trail knew about that,” she laughed, “now it’s my turn.” She then pulled me in for a kiss, just as the rain started to really come down.

“Should we go to my tent?” I asked.

“No, fuck me here in the rain.” We kissed again; I could see through her shirt that she wasn’t wearing a bra now. She reached for my zipper and yanked it down hard, along with my shorts. I responded in kind, pulling her pants and underwear off in quick succession, then her top. We made out hard, my hands mauling her small tits. I tried to put my fingers in her, but she slapped them away.

“No need for foreplay, just fuck me against that tree!” she yelled, the rain making it difficult to hear.

We maneuvered our way in the direction of the tree, and I backed her up against its’ bark, luckily it was a smooth bark. She wrapped one of her legs around my back and lifted herself up to line up with my penis. I could feel the thick pubic hairs against my shaft. I reached down between us, grabbed my cock, and lined the head up with her small entrance.

“Do it! Slam it in me.” She barked.

“Ok, you asked for it,” and I slammed it fully into her ultra tight tunnel. She kind of did a scream and a moan, at the same time. My cock was almost in pain, she was so tight, but she was starting to stretch out. I started a slow rhythm, in an out. Feeling her twat pulse and lubricate the intruding member.

“Oh God that feels good, you’re like a log in me,” she said, “You are only the third guy in me, the other two felt like pencils compared to you.”

“You like? How many times have you been fucked, little girl?” I decided on going the dirty old man role, in the sex talk.

“[moans], this is my third time. I only fucked the other guys [groans] once. I should have been looking for [grunts] a MAN!” she yelled as an orgasm rippled through her.

“You like my big, fat cock in your tiny pussy?”

“You stretch my tight Asian box out so well [groans]. Fuck me harder!” she then wrapped her other leg around my back. She was only supported by my hands on her ass and the tree trunk. I increased my speed, pulling almost all the way out, before bottoming out in her again, I could feel the head of my dick smash against her cervix.

“That hard enough for you, you little cock tease!”

“Ugh, yes! Fuck me deep! [moans] you’re splitting me apart! [breathing] I love it! Use me!” she wailed.

“You’re such a nasty little slut, aren’t you?” I said, her pussy was convulsing around my cock now, like she was having constant orgasms.

“I am, [whimpers] your little slut now! [Ugh] Do whatever you want [Oh God!] to me!”

“I am doing what I want to you! Your pussy is mine tonight!” I changed angles slightly, rubbing my pubic hair against her clit. The rain was still pouring down on us but we didn’t care.

“Take me! [breath] Claim me! [squeal] Cum in me! [breath] I’ll let you, I know she wouldn’t.”

“You want me to fill your tight pussy with cum? Spray it into your womb, little slut?” I was getting close. I wanted to hear her say it.

“Yes! Be my first.... fill your little cum slut! [screams]” She came again, her pussy tightened to almost painful levels. It was time.

“Then here it is!” I pushed in as far as I could, my cock smashed up against her cervix spraying directly inside her womb. It was exquisite, I don’t think I shot more in my life.

“OH MY GOOOOD! I feel it inside me! I’m so full” was all she could yell before the strength in her legs started to fade. I held her up and carefully guided her to the ground. As she sat down, her legs were still open and I could see her previously tight pussy was gaping wide open, a river of cum leaking out. We cuddled up together, getting a little shelter from the downpour.

“Thank you for that,” I said, kissing her head, “that was truly amazing.”

“Mmmmm, yeah, for me too. I can still feel you in me.” She reached down and slid her fingers into her battered hole, rubbed around, and pulled them out. They were covered in her juices and my cum, she looked at it and then slurped them into her mouth.

“Was I really the first to cum in you? Why?” my curiosity was picked.

“Slipper told me to always use a condom, so I did, but here, with you, I just wanted to let go and be with nature. If there’s an accident, I’ll deal with it when I get home.” Hearing that put my mind at ease. No trail babies for me.

The rain was still coming down hard, but it was time to go back to the tents. We gathered our discarded clothes, put on some of them on, and left our sex tree. When we got to the tents, I tried to get Honey to join me in mine for the night, but she didn’t want to have Slipper sleep alone in the tent. We kissed once more before she stripped naked, unzipped the tent, and crawled inside to dry off. As I watched her crawl in, I could still see a trail of cum leaking down her legs. I entered my tent, soaked, and exhausted, and passed out on top of my bag.


I woke up with the rising of the Sun, still tired. It had stopped raining overnight, my gear was mostly dry, except for what I wore in the rain. I put on some dry shorts, my wet boots, and stepped out of the tent. Everything was muddy and wet, so it would be a messy hike to Chester. Slipper was already awake and eating breakfast. A wry smile on her face.

“Mornin’, late night last night?” she asked.

“Yeah, just got caught outside in the rain.” I said with a grin.

“Honey is a little sore today, something about a tree and a log.”

“Well, the forest is a dangerous place to roam around. You don’t know who or what will find you.” I joked.

Honey appeared from behind some trees, she must have been using nature’s toilet. She was limping slightly but smiled wide when she saw me. We knew we still had some 20 miles to put on before we hit Highway 36 to Chester. I ate some breakfast, packed up camp, and we headed back out. The trail was a mess after last night’s rain. Mud was everywhere and streams flowed down parts of the trail. It was pretty country though. Some sections had been hit by forest fires but overall, there was good scenery. The best views were of my two companions walking ahead of me. I don’t know how I managed to find them, but I was glad I did. It started to dawn on me that this was probably our last day together. It actually made me sad, while I started this thru hike alone, I found some friends who brightened my days and helped me live again.

By 3:00pm, we found the highway. It was a several miles into town on a paved road, we were tired and covered in mud. By chance, a trail angel stopped and gave us a ride into town. Trail Angels are people, usually locals, who help out hikers with rides or supplies along the way. They are a Godsend to many a trail traveller.

He let us jump into the bed of his truck and dropped us off at the post office where the water filter was shipped. We got in before they closed, and the girls picked up their package. We hit up some stores for supplies, we were all starting to get low on food, and other odds and ends. It was after 6:00pm by the time we finished all the errands. We could trek to the trail and set up camp for the night before going our separate ways or we could enjoy our last night together. We were muddy and gross, so I offered to put us up in a hotel for the night. My treat. The girls jumped at the chance to shower and sleep in a real bed for a night.

We walked to a hotel, and I got us a room with two queen-sized beds. We dropped off our stuff, changed into some slightly cleaner clothes and went to a diner down the road. Oh, diner food. So greasy, so unhealthy, and so delicious, especially after eating prepackaged meals for the past could of weeks. We wolfed down burgers, fries, and soft drinks. We needed all the calories we could get, and boy did we get it. We finished our meal with some diner pie, always someone’s family recipe, they say. I paid and we waddled back to the room. The hotel had some laundry machines available to we piled all our clothes together and the girls took our stuff to get washed. As for me, I jumped in the shower to clean off. When I got out, I was told the clothes should be done so I should go get them.

When I got back, I could hear the shower running but there was no one in the bedroom. I guessed the girls were looking to conserve water, that was nice of them. I heard some giggles and a few moans; I had an idea of what they were doing in there. The water finally turned off 30 minutes later. Steam escaped as the door opened, my two naked friends came out and looked at me.

“This is probably our last night together,” said Slipper.

“And I think we should celebrate our friendship together,” added Honey, they both approached me holding hands. They stood across from me, Slipper reached for my face, pulled me in and kissed me for about 10 seconds. When I was release, Honey pulled me in for a similar kiss. Finally, Honey and Slipper started kissing; was I dreaming now? Why try to wake up and just go with it. They each took one of my hands and led me to a bed and pushed me down. Two pairs of hands removed my shorts and began teasing my rapidly engorging member.

They both laid down on either side of me, taking turns kissing and licking me. I, in turn, ran my hands over each of their tits. Slipper’s larger tits were soft but firm, while Honey’s were smaller and perky with little nipples. I would lean in and suck on one nipple, then the other before changing sides to repeat with the other girl. Hands were now caressing and rubbing any exposed skin it could find. Mine, another’s, or their own. I felt my penis get engulfed in a hot mouth, looking down to see Slipper bobbing away. I wanted a little mouth action as well, so I pulled Honey up onto my face. I hadn’t had the pleasure of tasting her juices from the source yet. Her small, hairy pussy lowered onto my tongue, licking, teasing, and sucking on her juicy twat.

She tasted different than Slipper, a little sweeter, and her inner flesh was a darker pinkish color to the pink of Slipper’s puss. I had little bits of her hair tickling my nose as she slowly grinded my face. The sucking on my cock stopped, only briefly, before it was encased in a wet vagina. Slipper must have wanted something too, and I was all the gladder for it.

Although I couldn’t see it, I’m pretty sure I could feel the girls making out and stroking each others’ bodies while I was being double ridden. The moans and groans coming from above me helped with my assessment. While this position was fun, I didn’t want it to end too quickly. We all dismounted whatever we had going on.

I had Honey lay on the bed with her legs spread open and Slipper on top of her. Both had fingers inside each other while kissing and licking each other. I got behind them and inserted into Honey and started fucking her. She was moaning and groaning, Slipper was rubbing her clit. After a few minutes, I pulled out and stuffed it quickly into Slipper, fucking her hard now. I always wanted to alternate between two girls, comparing the differences in their pussies.

Slipper’s pussy was wetter and smoother inside. She would rotate her hips more, causing me to do small circles inside her. Honey, being smaller, was much tighter and had more bumps and crevices inside herself. She was more of an in and out, pound me hard girl. She liked it rough and wild. I moved back and forth in between them for a good while until I was close to cumming. The girls had teased each other up to the edge as well.

“I’m gonna cum!” I shouted, I was already in Honey who just wrapped herself around me, I knew what that meant and released. Stream after stream of white fluid entered her body. This caused her to cum as well, making her fingers push deep into Slipper, who finished our chain reaction by having her own orgasm.

Slipper rolled off Honey, and I withdrew my deflating cock. Honey didn’t close her legs though, so I could see my cum inside of her. Slipper moved beside me, also looking at her friend’s befouled hole. She was looking closely at it, spreading it open wider with her fingers. She then did something I never thought I’d see, she bent down and buried her face in that oozing box, slurping the cum like it was Honey’s honey.

Honey moaned hard and looked down to see who was eating her hairy cream pie. She saw Slipper feasting on her insides and smiled. She looked at me and waved me to her side. She pulled me down and kissed me hard, our tongues intertwining. When I straightened up, she took my flaccid, slimy cock into her mouth and started cleaning it. It felt incredible, I was still buzzing from earlier so everything was extra sensitive.

Slipper must have sucked out every drop she could find because she moved up next to Honey, her face covered in different fluids. She pushed me out of the way and sloppily kissed her friend, who reciprocated. I decided to sit back and watch the show. They made out hard, hands groping at breasts, asses, and pussies. The sounds of squishing fingers in tight wet spaces filled the room. It was intoxicating to watch these beautiful girls pleasure each other in tender but forceful ways. Finally, Honey flipped underneath Slipper legs, her face looking up, and started lapping at her pussy. Slipper decided to go full 69 and buried her face back into Honey’s pot. They had been going at this for long enough that I had recovered and was getting hard again.

Honey, again flagging me over, took her mouth off the blonde’s clit to suck on my dick for a few moments before signaling me to an opening, Slipper’s opening. I got the hint and guided myself inside her bent over frame. She was surprised at the intrusion at first but started grinding back against me in short order. I started rhythmically thrusting inside her, feeling the soaking pussy contract and spasm around it. Honey was still underneath her, sucking on her clit and licking her around where we were connected. The feeling was unreal. Slipper was in constant orgasm; she was still trying to eat out Honey but was breathing really heavy.

At one point, I pulled out too far and slipped out of her tight vagina. Honey grabbed my dick, stuck it in her mouth for a few sucks, and they placed it back into her friend. That brought me close to the brink.

“I’m gonna cum again, Honey be ready!” I shouted. I felt a hand on my balls which I assumed was an affirmative.

A deep guttural voice said, “Cum in me!” It was Slipper, face wet with girl sauce.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, take me and cum in me!” I nodded, gripped her hips, and started hammering into her passage. Her moans were of a wild animal in heat. I pulled one hand off her hips and slapped her ass cheek. Another loud groan. Just as I was about to pop, I spanked her hard one last time before burying myself as deep as I could in her. She came hard after my first spurt coated her cervix. I could feel my cum blasting into her, seven servings of man-batter. The devout condom user was now filled past the brim. Luckily, Honey was there with the clean up. As I pulled out, a flood was released onto the Asian girl’s face. She attached her mouth to the leaking hole and stemmed the tide. From my angle, I could see her tongue snaking into the open gap, pulling out white goo and swallowing it. Slipper had one final orgasm before collapsing on the bed. We were all exhausted from the wild fuck fest. We all crawled together on one bed, cuddling close, but I couldn’t rest yet, there was something I needed to know.

“Slipper, why’d you let me cum in you?” I wondered.

“I don’t know, it just felt right. I felt like you should get to do it. I’d let you do anything to me at this point. We are all one now, even just for tonight.” Satisfied with that answer, we all fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning, we woke up, got showered up, separately this time, and made our way to the trailhead. There was quiet as we walked along the road. Fate brought us together but now it was time to part. When we finally arrived, we all had tears in our eyes.

“I guess this is goodbye girls,” fighting my sadness as much as possible.

“But I don’t want you to go, J,” wept Honey.

“But he has to, if he wants to finish the full thru hike before it gets too cold,” said Slipper, caring about my goal.

“What if I would rather just stay with you two a little longer. Till you reach the border of California,” I said, “My goal was to find myself, you two helped me do that, so my goal is fulfilled.”

“Really? Are you sure?” they both said with glee.

“Yes, I’m sure. Sometimes the trail works in mysterious ways, but the trail always provides.”


2024-07-27 05:44:11
Thanks Douglas,
I hope I gave people a reason to go out on the trails, hoping to get lucky finding this scenario, lol. I mean, you never really know, right?
I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for reading.
-ghostwritten (may the trail provide)

Douglas WiseReport 

2024-07-26 11:09:55
great story I love being out on nature trails also and have found some interesting things along the way but not as wonderful as this story

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