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Brad and Ann have worked together for years. They have gone on business trips together, but never to Austin, When Brad tries to slip away for his usual afternoon dip at Hippie Hollow, Ann is determined she is coming along. Their very professional relationship turns into something else. Join in the fun as they work out their midlife crises in a week of sexual abandon
Business Trip Chapters 7-8

Copyright © 2024 by W. Richard St. James

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental


“SO WHAT’S THIS about being the other man?” As agreed, Ann had waited until they were in the car to ask that question.

“It was out in Berkeley.”

“When you were staying with your college girl friend? At her sister’s?”

“The next year.”

“Oh.” Ann was trying to figure out the chronology. “The summer you got married?”

“No. The summer before that. I had never taken Jane out on a date at that point. We were just buddies.”

“Oh. What were you doing out in Berkeley? The next summer? Wasn’t that the year you were living with the crazy student?”

“Yep. Her family had a cabin on Lake Tahoe and we had gone out to spend the summer there. But somehow we were stuck at her mother’s place in Palo Alto. It was miserable. She didn’t want to fuck with her mother around and there was nothing for me to do and I don’t know ...” Brad gave a sigh. “We had a big blow up and she dumped me. Literally dumped me at the bus stop with my suitcases. Her idea was that I would take the bus into San Fran and then go to the airport and fly back home. But instead I called the sister. We were still friendly. She’d moved into an apartment but she took me in for a few days and then set me up to stay at the International House.”

“Did she make a move on you?”

“No. I liked her okay as a person but no attraction there. At least not for me. So anyway, the I House was coed, and I was sort of at loose ends wondering what I was going to do for the rest of the summer. There was this girl in the library who looked interesting, and I decided I was going to try to pick her up. Only time in my life I’ve ever done that. You ever pick up a guy like that?”

“Never had to. Never let myself get picked up, either.”

“Well you don’t have to prove anything. Different for a guy. So anyway, I asked her if she wanted to do dinner and a movie and she said yes and we wound up naked in her bed that first date. Well, it turned out she was only a freshman, well it was the summer after her freshman year and she went to college down near LA but she’d come up to Berkeley for the summer on a sort of sabbatical from her boyfriend. Which I understood. My girlfriend and I always had that understanding that we were going to date other people over the summer. But it wasn’t a one night stand.”

“You were fuck buddies.”

“Yeah I guess that’s what they call it now. She was a lot of fun.” Brad paused.

“And? I can tell there’s more to this.”

“Well, the next week the college girl friend came out to see her sister.”


“So I went over to see them. They invited me for dinner. I didn’t think anything of it. We were just friends. Especially when I was living with someone else, it was safe to be friends again and we both still really liked each other. You know?”

“Not really. Do you think the two of us can go back to being just friends?”

“Maybe that’s why I’m telling you this story. Maybe it’s because there never has been someone to tell it to.”

“Jane doesn’t know about all this?”

“She might. I forget how much I told her at the time. Before we started to date. When it didn’t matter. Anyway, we fell very deeply in love.”

“So you broke if off with your fuck buddy?”

“No. She became the other woman.”

“You were fucking both of them. At the same time?”

“Well, not at literally the same time. No threesomes. But maybe within an hour or so.”

“Oh. I always thought you were so upright. I thought I was corrupting you.”

“Same the other way around. I always thought you were a good girl.”

“And now?”

“Even better than I thought.”

“Brad, you know I’m doing this flick tonight.”

“Oh yeah. I guess we’ll do dinner after?”

“Brad, sweetie, can I ask you a favor? Come up with me?”

“You want me to watch?”

“Just sort of be there? I’m sure they’ll have some beer and maybe some munchies.”

“Okay. Least I can do.”


* * * * *

KATIE WAS WAITING for them in the lobby. She whisked Ann away to a corner of the coffee area. “So what happened?”


“After you got back to the hotel?”

“Nothing. We went to our rooms and got up and had breakfast and drove over here. But Brad was telling me stories about his wild youth.”

“Brad had a wild youth? He seems so buttoned down. At least that’s what I thought until we went to the lake.”

“One of his girlfriends dumped him once. Literally. At a bus stop in California.”


“And he was fucking two girls at the same time. Gee, I guess three within a couple weeks.” Ann was putting the time line together.

“So this is nothing new for him?”

“Guess not. Not for a long time, but maybe it’s like riding a bike.”

“Do you think we’re going to be like that? You know, respectable on the outside?”

“Maybe. I don’t think it’s a front with him, exactly. He’s just, I don’t know. A lot of things at once. Things you can’t be at the same time but he is.”

“Really. You know, Harry is talking about settling down. Maybe even getting engaged.”

“Do you love him?”

“Think so.”

“Even after last night?”

“Why would that make a difference? We went home and made love very nicely and it’s all okay now.”

“You still had something left?”

“Yep.” Katie giggled. “I told him he could fuck me anywhere he put his tongue. Apparently he had been watching me, at the river.”

“That’s not fair.”

“He wanted to do the same thing, just lie there and let me do whatever to him. But I said no, I was tired, other way around, I was going to lie there and he could do anything he wanted except he had to do it with his tongue first.”

“And did he?”

“He wasn’t going to let himself be upstaged by some college kid. First he French kissed me. Then, well you get the idea.”

“He stuck his tongue up your butt?”

“Yep. And his prick. Then he French kissed me again.”

“Oh no!” Ann was sputtering out her coffee. “This is too rich. And you let him, like ...”

“What was I supposed to do? They were my rules.”

“Guess you didn’t think that one through.”

“Guess not. You know what? It wasn’t so bad.”

“I’ve done it. Not with a real prick though. And done it to other girls. So exactly what did you do to Jim?”

“Well, after you two had raped me all afternoon, I figured it was time to be on the other end. So I played a game that one of my old boyfriends liked. Except I used to actually tie his hands down. I had him lie on his back with his tongue and prick sticking up and then I would use those like dildos. Except when I used to do it only up my pussy. That was before you two loonies had corrupted me.”

“It’s Brad. He’s got, like this anal fixation. The guy is a total pervert.”

“So what about you? Was Hal any good?”

“Neither of us were really into it, you know? Everyone else paired off and there we were. We just sat and talked and he was saying how beautiful I was and I decided might as well show him a little pussy. So I did. And then I thought, well why not let him have a little taste. So I did. He actually knew what he was doing. Then he wanted to fuck me but I told him only my boyfriend could fuck my pussy.”


“Oh I don’t know. That was Brad’s rule at one point before the two of them just declared open season this week. I think his wife has something going on too.”

“Oh. Think they’re going to split?”

“No. I think they’ll have a nice makeup session like you and Harry did and get on with their lives. Anyway then I rolled over to see if he could figure out the loophole.”

“Oh no. You’ve been around Brad too much.”

“Tell me about it. Here I thought I was corrupting him. Well, he did, but I told him he had to use his tongue first.”

“And he did?”

“I don’t think it was a novelty for him.”

“Maybe not. You know what Harry told me? That Carla told him she’d been doing this stuff since she was nine. That she had run away from home at thirteen and lived as a hooker. Then wound up in jail.”


“So are you going back to the lake today?”

“Yep. Coming with us?”

“I don’t know. When I told Harry I was going yesterday he said I needed to work it out of my system. Then I told Brad that and he said maybe we needed a couple more treatments.”

“He said that?”

“So I’ve been thinking how it would be fun to do the hands by your side thing with him. Think he’d like that? I mean, if you wouldn’t mind?”

“I just want to swim this afternoon. I’m doing this stupid movie tonight.”

“Oh. Forgot about that. You’re going through with it?”

“Guess so. I was all hep on it Tuesday. Now I’m not so sure. Ever do that?”

“Once. A long time ago.”

“When you did it with Sam?”

“Same time period. I was sort of a slut in those days. It was this big college orgy thing. I think I only show up in it for about ten seconds.”

“Oh. What was it like?”

“It was a lot of fun. But I was like twenty. Not even.”

“I can’t imagine how beautiful you must have been.”

“Yeah, everyone wanted a piece of me. And I gave it to them. Well, that was a long time ago. What are you doing for this flick?”

“I think it’s just me and a couple of guys. Not sure though. Guess I’ll find out when the time comes. What are we doing today?”

“More on those data classes. We’ve got a few existing data sources to work with. Mostly old stuff, IMS. Want to know how to integrate them.”

“Okay. Brad gave me some notes, but we may need to get him in to help.”

They went up to the same conference room as the day before with the same people in it. “Good morning.” This time it was easier for Ann to get them to shut up. Had Harry been gossiping about their night at the volleyball place? Apparently not. “Today we’re going to talk about how to use your existing data. I’ve got to tell you, Atlanta has written everything so far on the assumption there’s a nice clean relational database with all the data. And all the customers are telling them it’s not really that way. The next thing our group is doing is the internal version. So we need to figure this out too. So here goes.”

Ann put up a foil. “Now the way we’ve been thinking of it is that you have a data base table and a data class. The fields in the table correspond to the attributes of the class. But why does it have to be that way? Brad already has implemented the idea of related and computed fields. For example, an order line might include the customer name from the order. Or the price computed from the unit price and the quantity. But what if you wanted to get data from several different places? To instantiate the class, you need some sort of identity information. For example, the order number and line number or part number depending on how you have the keys set up. But suppose your order isn’t sitting in the new database at all? Suppose it’s sitting over in IMS somewhere?”

“Yeah, just suppose.” That from Ned drew a wry chuckle from the others.

“Well one solution is to do a mass migration over to the new database. And there are reasons to do that.”

“And a lot of reasons not to, honey.”

“That’s why we’re having this talk. So step one would be to set your data class up to look at the IMS database to get the data. But how? How do we get our stuff to do that? Well what we would need would be some sort of handler class that knows how to serve up data from IMS. So what would that look like? Any clues?”

“Some connection to IMS. And some methods to do the retrievals.”

“Good guess. But there’s another piece to it. If you look way way down in our system, you find classes that are just wrappers for C code. Any of you ever code in C? Well this is what a C class to do IMS stuff would look like.” She put up another foil.

“So the idea would be, you get the C code working. Then get the wrapper working. Then build data classes that use it. And no, we haven’t done it yet.”

“Think we can get this going in time to do us any good?”

“Why don’t we give it a crack today and see how far we get?”

Which was not all that far. Even getting the C sample class to do anything was driving Ned and Harry crazy. Along with the ladies. The four of them were staring at Ned’s terminal in frustration when Brad came.

“You guys doing lunch?”

“I guess.” Ned gave a sigh.

“Smokey Joe’s?”


Today pulled pork was the featured item. But even that was not enough to cheer them up.

“Why the long faces?”

“Fucking C. You ever do any work with IMS?”

“Lots. In PL1.”

“Us too. Our test box with IMS doesn’t have a C environment on it. Ever set one up?”


“We need Jake,” Katie said. “He got all that stuff going with DB2 in Atlanta.”

“You’re going to get Jake out here?” That was enough to make Ann choke on her iced tea. “Seriously?”

“Depends on how badly we need him.” Katie was giving Harry a look. “I’d have to, like, move back into the hotel. Just for the week.”

“How about Al?” Ann said. “If we could get him to come out?”


“I assume,” Harry said, “you would have a way of convincing Jake to come out?”

“We’d have to talk about it.”

But Katie wound up riding back with Brad and Ann.

“My first year of grad school,” Brad said, “my college girl friend broke up with me. Actually she had at the end of my senior year, but then I went out to see her in California and everything was lovey dovey again. Then as soon as school started, it was over. Except a few weeks later she gave me a call. She had a job doing poll reporting, and she wanted me to come along for protection.”

“I think I know where this is going,” Katie said. “It’s none of your fucking business. Look, what did we do at the lake yesterday? And you said you wanted more and I’m going to come over this afternoon and give you more. If you want me to.”

“I do.”

“So why the fuck is this any different? Fucking Harry does not fucking own me. We’re not married. We’re not even engaged. Did he say anything last night? No, he couldn’t wait to get his hands, more than his hands, on that little girl. So why the fuck is it such a big fucking deal?”

“It just reminded me of something that happened,” Brad said.

“Brad, could you get this working for us?”

“I’ve never set up a C environment. Maybe we could get our test system to talk to IMS?”

They walked into Ned’s office to a chilly reception. “Harry, sweetie.”

“What?” Harry gave Katie a brief scowl.

“Could you install IMS on our test system?”

“That I know how to do,” Ned said. Brad gave Ann a hush sign and the left the other three to work things out.

An hour later Brad came out and gave them a thumbs up. “Got the C code working. Did an unload reload into that box.”

“What about the wrapper?”

“Harry and Katie are working on it.”

“Let me see if Katie still wants to come with us.” Ann came back a moment later. “Okay, she wants us to take her over and bring her back here. If that’s okay?”

“It’s fine with me. You’re the one with stuff to do.”

Another foray into the Ned’s office. This time both ladies came out. “We’re going to go now? If that’s okay?”

Brad looked at his watch. Way too early to call home. Okay, he’d have to risk that he’d have time to call later.

“I need to get my stuff out of my car.” Katie went dashing away in her heels, came back wearing sneakers and carrying a towel. It was so hot she was sweating hard by the time she was back to their car. “Turn on the fucking AC!” They did that, pointing the air back at her, filling it with her musk. “Damn! Damn! I’m fucking up this fucking dress!” She had the towel draped over her, wriggling around underneath it. The dress appeared on the seat next to her, followed by her bra, then her panties.

“Watch where you’re going, damn it.” That was to Brad, who was spending far too much time peeking into the rear view mirror. “Jesus! Men! Just don’t get pulled over, right?”

They arrived at the lake without more excitement. It was even less busy than the day before, no one around as the other two traded clothing for sunscreen. Katie took her towel down with her, using it to flick the other two on the butt while they were on the level part of the walkway. It was a big beach towel, twice as big as the hotel towel Brad had with him. She seemed quite adept at using it, getting it to flick with the very end so that it produced a little sting. Able to aim it so precisely that she could get the back of Brad’s balls or Ann’s pussy.

“Does Harry know you’re that good with a whip?” Ann asked.

“Not yet.”

“How about a strap on. Tried that on him yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Really.” Ann turned back to say something more, and the towel caught her nipple. “Ouch.”

“Sorry.” They had reached the steep drop to their rock.

“Same deal as yesterday?” Brad asked.

“Maybe you could stop here on the way back. Instead of going down to the end?”

“Sure. Whatever.” It wasn’t more than a hundred yards to the end of the swim area.

“I’ll make it up to you.”

“Off he goes,” Ann sighed, “the creature of habit. The Lake Travis habit creature.”

“Like the Loch Ness monster?”

“Something like that. You know he eats the same thing for breakfast every morning? I wonder how many times he and his wife have done it exactly the same way.”

“It’s already like that with Harry. What about you?”

“If it even happens. Hard to remember from one time to the next.”

“I don’t know about you, but there is no way I am ever getting married.”

“No kids? You’re going to be alone when you’re old?”

“Jesus. Fucking. Christ. What about you?”

“I’m going to tell Evan exactly what happened this week. Show him the photos from the Bayou. Show him the tape I’m making tonight. If he still wants to marry me, I’ll do it. If he loves me enough to still want to marry me.”

“This was your plan all along?”

“No. Maybe. What the fuck are you doing to Harry? The same damn thing? Except right in front of him?”


“Where’d you learn how to use a whip like that?”

“At the other end of one. God, there he is.” They were far enough out that they had scramble to get back to the rock before Brad did.

“Hi ladies.” Brad was sitting with his legs out, leaning back on his elbows, watching them emerge from the lake. Like Venus rising from the sea, except Venus didn’t stub her toe on a rock and curse and hold her foot up to look at the damage. He had a sudden vision of the goddess being knocked over by a wave as she worked her way to the shoreline.

“Don’t move.” Katie was walking closer to him, then legs akimbo as she walked over his, right up to where his head and torso blocked her, leaning over him. Why? So he could lick her? She was up a bit too high for that. She was wrapping her towel around his arms. “Lie back now.” That trapped his arms. “Stay that way.”

“Rubber? There’s one in my shoe.”

“You aren’t ready for a rubber.” She took his little hotel towel and flicked it at the part that wasn’t ready. A few more flicks and it was. “Okay, here’s the deal. You know the game I was playing with that boy last night?’

“Not really.”

“Okay then. Here are the rules. You keep your tongue and your prick sticking up. I do what I want with them. Anything I want for as long as I want and don’t you dare come until I tell you to. Got it?”


“Yes what?” A flick of the towel.

“Yes mistress.” That was enough to provoke a snicker from Ann.

Okay, now what? Katie gave a sigh. Not much urge to use her mouth on that tongue. Or on the other end with the rubber on it. Shove them into her pussy? Not in the mood. And it was getting late, time to get back to working on the IMS problem. Why was she even doing this? Squat on his face then and get it over with. God, he liked it. He was trying to work his tongue in deeper. What kind of tongue was that? He really was a monster. His mouth was wide open, teeth upon her flesh, lips somehow finding her clit, rubbing it against his incisors, his lower fangs. Okay, to the other protrusion, throbbing in its dayglo sheathing. “Your little wifey ever do this for you?”


What? Wrong answer. How many times had they done it this way? Hundreds? Thousands? Fuck him! Fuck him! “Okay, you can come now.”

“Thanks.” And he did, straining up against her just a bit. So casually. She was nothing to him, nothing. What if he had done it with his wife this way a thousand times? What was this, a tenth of a percent? Noise level. “That was great,” he added. “You are so beautiful.”

“Better than your wife? Prettier than your wife?”

“I’ve met his wife,” Ann said. “She was wearing glasses and a clunky bathrobe and her hair was a mess. No makeup.”


“She was beautiful.”

“Oh.” Katie stood up, took the pool towel, and flicked it against Brad’s nipples. “So why the fuck are you doing this?”

“Maybe to scratch an itch.”

“Scratch too hard and it starts to bleed.” Katie went into the water to rinse off. The other two followed.


“I AM SO NOT in the mood for this.” Ann gave a little sigh as they pulled into the hotel parking lot. “What about you?”

“Me? I’m just going to sit by the pool and have a beer. But I need to call home first.”

“Okay. Don’t be too long, okay?” Ann went over to the front desk, returning with one of the gold key cards. “Use this to get up there. You might as well just wear what you have on.” Which was not much – his flimsy jogging shorts and a tee shirt. He swam in those shorts also, when he had to wear something. Okay, call home. What the hell was he supposed to say? No answer. “Hi, hope you’re okay. Ann wants to do a movie now, so we’ll be having dinner late. Leave me a message. Love you.”

A brief bathroom stop, and off he went to the elevator. The first one he tried didn’t have a slot for the penthouse key. So he took it up as far as it would go and hit the up button. And waited. Finally, one of the doors opened. He stepped in, saw the slot, and put the gold key into it. Up, very slowly, and the door opened. Sam was there to greet him.

“Hey, good to see you again. Come on.” He was ushered to the pool deck, where Ann and two guys not much older than the boys last night were huddled with a woman in a business suit. Brad had been expecting to walk into a wild orgy, but things were about as far away from that as possible.

“Brad, this is Aaron, this is Jody, and this is Rachel, my right hand gal. Rachel and I are going to be doing the shooting. Now the thing is, we’ve been talking this over and we were wondering if you would like to be written in. In a non-fucking part.”

“Don’t worry,” Ann said, “they’ll give you gray hair and a beard.”

“And something under that tee shirt to give you little beer belly. Maybe a tattoo. Scrubs right off, don’t worry.”


“Well, you and your daughter, that would be Ann here, are sitting out by the pool. You’re reading something.” Sam held up a magazine with a lot of trucks on the cover. “Ann is getting some sun.” There was a little patch of sunlight left. How much longer it would last might be an issue. “So she takes off her big floppy tee shirt and all she has under it is tiny little micro bikini. She’s reading something too. Whatever it is has her rubbing at the bottom of that little bikini, sort of pulling it away to the side. You’re pretending to read your truck mag, but one hand is under those shorts.

“Now, just when it seems like you’re going to go over and help Ann out, these two come bursting on the scene. They tie you to your chair and go on to do all sorts of nasty things to poor Ann here, right in front of your eyes.”

“I think I’ve seen this one. Okay, why not?”

“Haven’t we all. Okay, time to meet Marty, our master of disguise.”

“Give me a sec.” Rachel went inside and came back out with two papers. “You two need to sign these. Thanks.” She tore something off the bottom of each and handed it to them. “It’s your check.”

“Check?” Ann took it as if it were about to burn her hand off.

“Yep. You two are now official movie stars.”

“Porn stars.” Ann found her purse and put the check in it. She was afraid to look at it, to see how much it was for.

“This is Marty, our makeup guy.”

A couple minutes of ministrations from Marty, and Brad was seated in his chair, wig and baseball cap on his head, fake chubby cheeks with gray stubble pasted onto his face, something like a fanny pack giving him a little beer belly

“Okay honey, you come sashaying in and go over and give your daddy a nice little kiss. On the forehead. That’s it, real sexy. Brad, you just glance up from your mag. Okay honey now you take off the shirt and move those hips, not that you’ve got any butt, over to the lounge chair.”

Ann did that, showing off the landing strip that had been added above that little butt. Sam brought his camera in close to Brad’s face. “Okay, just give her a peek over the top of the mag. Maybe a little drool. That’s it. You do dirty old man really well.”

Meanwhile Rachel was trailing the enticing butt with her camera as it moved to the other side of the pool area. “Okay honey, now you just sit down real nice, play with your hair, stretch out a bit to show off your boobs. Okay, look at your mag for a bit. Now one hand down, inside the bikini bottom. That’s it. Now honey just sort of close your eyes, put down the mag. Pull the bottom over to the side so we can see what those fingers are up to.”

“Okay Brad, now you are sort of dropping your mag. Your hands are inside your shorts. Get yourself hard. Okay, let’s get a good shot of that bulge. Okay, you two keep at it for a couple minutes so we’ve got some extra footage if we need it.”

“Light’s going,” Rachel pointed out.

“Okay boys, time for you two to make your move. You’re going to come in with the nylon stockings over your faces, the fake pistols in your hands. Aaron, you’re going to cover gramps over here. Jody, you go over to Ann. Pull down your pants and stick your cock in her mouth. With the gun at her head. No! No! Jesus! It’s got to be hard coming out. Tell you what Ann, fluff him up a bit. Grab his balls. Stick a finger up his ass. That’s more like it. Okay Jody, pull your pants up and we’ll start over. Back up a little. Now come in closer, put the gun at her head, pull out your cock … Jesus! Aaron, think you can stay hard for three seconds?”

“Sure thing, boss.”

“Okay, trade places then. No, no, honey, it was okay you were doing that way when you were fluffing , but now you’re being raped. You don’t want that cock in your mouth. Keep your lips closed. Give her a little prod with the gun. That’s it. Okay now it’s going to shove into you and you want to gag on it. No! No! Don’t take it all way down like that. Honey, you’re a poor innocent little girl who doesn’t know how to swallow a man down to his balls. That’s it.”

“Shit!” That was from Aaron. “She bit me! The fucking bitch bit me!” He pressed the gun against Ann’s temples. “Do that one more time and I’ll blow your fucking brains out.”

“Now now, children. Play nice. Now, Jody, you’re seeing your buddy have all the fun and you’re stuck over here with gramps. So what you’re going to do is take your belt off – don’t matter if your pants fall down, do it? Okay, now gramps is going to put his hands behind his back and you’re going to loop the belt through the webbing and around his hands. Yeah, like that. Okay, now take off those pants, yeah all that stuff. What is it with you? Rachel babe, can you give this boy a hand? A mouth rather?”

“I’m busy. Have Marty do it.”

“No fucking way.”

“What about you Brad? You up for it?”

Brad opened up his mouth to say no way in hell. And Aaron was sticking a cock that had suddenly come to life right into it.

“Well well, looky there. Brad, just like I was telling Ann, you’ve got to fight it some.”

“Oh my God!” Ann had broken off what she was doing to make that comment. “Oh. My. Fuck. Ing. God!”

Fight it. Yeah, he should fight it. Not that he really could, with his hands tied like that. Why the hell was his own cock sticking straight up, out of the bottom of the little running shorts? Did girls actually like to do this? Did they like the way it felt, the way it tasted?

“Careful with the wig.” Aaron had one hand on Brad’s head, the other still holding the fake pistol, and he was pumping away. He stopped, withdrew, and white cream was dribbling out of Brad’s still open mouth. More was dribbling down Brad’s thigh.

“Well if that don’t beat all. Guess we’re going to have to change the *********** a bit.”

“I thought I was going to get fucked,” Ann said. She sounded really pissed.

“Well Jody, how about you take care of that right now? Except Ann here is going to be putting up a fight, using any limb she’s got free to take a swipe at you. You’ve got the gun in one hand, the other can’t keep all those arms and legs under control. So what you’re going to do, you’re going to take your belt off just like Aaron did. Now you’re going to give Ann a really hard slap with it, just to daze her a bit – no, just a pretend slap, and Ann act like it knocked you out. Then you pull her legs up, put her arms under her knees, and tie her hands together with the belt. Okay, now you can fuck her either hole and there’s not a thing she can do about it.”

Jody did that, with Rachel’s camera at close range, the right hole first, then the wrong one.

“Oh my God! That feels so good! Stick your big cock in my pussy! Shove it up my ass! God! God! I’m coming!” But then she actually did start to come, maybe just at the thought of it, of how silly it all was.

Aaron was watching it all intently, stroking himself back to arousal.

“Oh, look at that. Okay Aaron, why don’t you go over and join in on the action?”

Instead of going to the top of the chair to stick his cock in Ann’s mouth, Aaron went behind Jody. And started to kiss Jody’s butt.

“I think I got the wrong guys,” Rachel said. “Oh well, I guess we have to go with it.” She zoomed in on Aaron’s tongue teasing itself into Jody’s asshole. “You going to fuck him?”

A nod. Jody scrunched up a little, reaching back to spread his cheeks. Sam came over to catch how Jody’s cream was spurting out of Ann as Aaron was penetrating Jody. Then the two of them got up and headed over to Brad.

“Your turn, gramps.”

“That’s not in the ***********, boys.”

“Fuck the ***********. Tell me gramps, you like this cock? All covered with your daughter’s shit?” Jody was slapping Brad’s face with it, leaving little streaks of brown. “Want to find out what it tastes like?”

Brad really didn’t get a chance to answer. Or to protest as Aaron pulled off the little jogging shorts, pulled up Brad’s legs. That was enough for Brad to thrash violently, to bite.

“Rubber,” he managed to gasp as he finally got his mouth free.

“He promised his wife,” Ann said.

“Okay, we’ve got invisible ones. Just a sec.”

With that, Brad relaxed. But Jody was pissed. He went back over to Ann, shoved himself back into her butt. “Shit on it honey. Get it nice and tasty for your daddy.” It came back out even more streaked than before. “Here gramps, hows about a nice little fudgesicle.

“Oh. My. God.” Brad was coming as the thing went down his throat. Then Aaron impaled him, and he was spurting with each thrust.

“What about poor Ann?” Sam said. “You guys were hired to do Ann, remember? How about giving her a little dp?”

So the boys went back and dutifully fucked her, front and back.

“Okay, I think we’ve got enough. Not quite sure what we’re going to do with it.” Sam freed Brad, then Ann. “Want a beer? Wash it all down?”


“I don’t believe you.” Ann came over and grabbed her own beer. “I do not fucking believe you.”

“Didn’t I come out of the water to find you with your tongue stuck up Stephie?”

“That’s different.”

“Why is it different?”

“I don’t know, it just is. So what was it like to have a dick in your mouth?”

“You know what it’s like.”

“You guys want some dinner?” That was Rachel. “We can have it sent up.”

“Yeah, why not?” Brad realized he was still wearing the wig, the stubble, the pot belly. What the heck. Food first then he’d clean up. “I’ll have the ribs. What?”

“Nothing. Okay, what the heck I’ll have the house salad.”

“Okay. Want some wings in the meantime?” Rachel brought over a tray.

“You never answered my question.”

“It was like my first French kiss. It was all tingly and scary.”

“And you came. I was looking at the stuff shooting out of your dick thinking I can’t believe he’s coming just from having a cock in his mouth.”

“Maybe from the idea of it.”

“Then when it was covered in shit?”

“Didn’t you do that? As a pledge?”

“Some. Mostly to the pledges. Look, don’t tell me you didn’t like it. I was looking at your cock.”

“Why are you even asking then? Bitter, spicy. I like really dark chocolate. Sort of like that. Tell you what, why don’t you find out for yourself?”

“Didn’t you see, at the end? They pulled out of the dp and took turns sticking it in my mouth?”


“Maybe I came.”

“So you liked it.”

“Just because it made me come doesn’t mean I liked it. God, men can never understand that, can they?”

“Guess not.”

“How about getting fucked? By a real cock?”

“It was like, not for my benefit? When you were doing it with the strap-on it was for me not you. But he was doing it for his pleasure, moving around the way he liked it. I was just along for the ride.”

“So you know what it’s like for me.”


“But I’ll never really know what it’s like the other way around.”

“Guess not.”

“So tell me, what’s it like. To use that thing?” She reached under his shorts.

“Imagine your clit was that size.”

“That doesn’t help.”

“Food’s here.” Rachel came over with two dishes. “Hey, honey, I was hearing what you two were just saying and I’ve got to ask you, you ever fuck another girl?”

“With a strap-on. Sure.”

“No, I mean with your clit.”

“Is that even possible?”

“You’ve got a big one, honey. It was sticking right out there while we were shooting. Tell you what, after you’ve finished your dinner.”

“I’m through. It’s going to take Brad forever to get through his ribs.”

“Well why don’t we do a little dinner theater for him then. If you don’t mind?”

Brad mumbled something that might have been a yes. Which meant what? Yes he minded? Or yes go ahead.

Whatever. Rachel had traded her business garb for a bright orange cover up, which she shed now to reveal skin that seemed even darker in the twilight. She pulled up a long pool chair close to Brad. “Come right here honey.” Ann sat down, and pulled up the cover up she had put back on at the end of the shoot. She had not bothered to find out what had happened to the micro bikini.

“Okay honey, I’m going to do you first, just so you get an idea.” Rachel stood next to Ann’s head. “Now honey, I want you to take a real good look at my pussy. Here, run your tongue along it. You know where my clit is. And my vagina. But right in between there’s the pee hole. You ever do much with that? Except pee?”

“Nope.” Which Ann had to do right now, desperately, all of a sudden.

“Ever see a girl pee? Up close and personal?” Rachel found an empty glass. “Now watch honey. See where it’s coming out? Put your tongue right there.”

Ann did that. It was still sour.

“Try to stick your tongue in it.” Rachel tried to squeeze out a little drop. “Oh, honey, your boyfriend never does that for you?”

“Jane likes to be licked there,” Brad said. “Drives her wild.”

“Okay honey, let’s take a look a my clit. I think you’ve got it standing up now. Run your tongue up that way. See anything?”

“Not much.”

“That’s because it’s under the hood. You ever try pulling the hood back?”

“My boyfriend tried that a couple of times. It hurt.”

“Well honey, if you’re going to try to fuck with it, you need to get rid of the hood. Here, let me do it. Now what’s it look like?”

“A tiny little penis.”

“Yep. Now that little thing’s not going to feel like much up your pussy. Or your asshole even. But up your pee hole, that’s a different thing altogether.”

“You’ve got to be out of your fucking mind. God!” Ann grabbed the glass out of Rachel’s hand, just managed to get it in place before she started gushing into it.

“That’s good honey. Get’s you loosened up just right.” Rachel pushed Ann back onto the chair and mounted her, high up on her. Brad could see Ann’s pussy wide open, but something was happening above that, something that Rachel was really enjoying and Ann was sort of enjoying. Maybe starting to enjoy a bit more.

“Shit!” A stream of fluid was trickling down between Ann’s lips. “What was that?”

“Why honey, you just squirted. Never did that before?”


“First time for everything. Now let’s trade places and you’re going to do the same thing to me. Stand up first and we’ll get rid of that little hood. Hey Brad, ever see this?”

“Nope. I’ll have to try that with Jane.”

“Just wait sweetie. Just wait. Okay honey.” Rachel lay back, spread her legs. “I’m going to pee, just a little, so you can see where it is. Okay, take that little prick of yours and put it right there. How does that feel?”

“Oh my God! That is wild!”

“Okay honey, take your time. Slide it in and out some. That’s it. How does it feel?”

“Like I’m fucking. Like I’m a guy fucking. Ooh, I’m jealous.” She started to slam into Rachel.


“Sorry.” A few more thrusts and Ann gave a little sigh.

“Enough for now?”

“Guess so.”

“The nice thing about not being a guy is that you can just keep going. Okay, let’s do Brad now.”

“What? What do you mean do Brad?” That didn’t sound promising. “Do me how?”

“You’ve got a pee hole, sweetie. Here, pee into this glass. See, just like ours except it’s sticking out on the end of that thing. Okay Ann, squeeze a little, see how it opens up. Now it’s just a matter of working your way in.”

“This is nuts.”

“You’ve never had a catheter?”

“Yeah when I was getting the vasectomy. It just added to the horror of the whole thing.”

“Here, let me do it. Maybe open it up a little first.” Rachel licked the very tip of Brad’s penis, then got just the tip of her pinky into it. “Okay Brad, we’re going to let you do the work if you can keep it up like that. Ever want to pee on a girl?”


“Well, stick your cock right here, and pee. That’s right, all the way at the top. Stick it into my clit. Now push. Okay, now who’s fucking who?”

“That is wild. It’s all inside out.”

“Like it?”


“Okay, try it with Ann now. She’s maybe just a tad bigger.”

Ann moved into place, and Brad tried to skewer himself on her clit, the way he had with Rachel. Was he fucking her? Was she fucking him? The tip of his penis was glowing, burning, then he quenched it with a flood of semen.

“That was so strange. It was just washing right around me. Okay, I am definitely trying this with Evan. Who knows? Maybe it’s what he’s looking for.”

“Hey Sam, what’s up?” Sam had wandered out to the pool, possibly in search of another beer. How long had he been watching them?

“Not much. What the hell is that all about?” He came over to see what Brad and Ann were doing. Brad may have come, but Ann was still into it, pushing herself in further and further. “That hurt?”

“No. Feels strange but it doesn’t hurt.”

“Ever done that Sam?” Rachel was tugging down Sam’s shorts. “Want to give it a try?”

“Maybe with Brad at the other end? Wouldn’t that be something else?”

“Like the tranny?” Ann asked.

“Yeah. I sort of got a yearnin’ for it, watching those kids go at it.”

“Why didn’t you line up one of them?”

“Too scrawny. Well actually didn’t think about it until they were gone. Ever have that happen? You get an urge for somethin’ and you can’t quite pin down what it is? I was all ready to go out and find me some ladies, but I don’t think that’s what I need to scratch that itch.”

Brad was quite visibly not interested. The thought was making him shrivel. “I’m not that in to guys.”

“You seemed to like having the guys in you, boy.” Sam was rubbing himself into arousal. “What if I were so stick this up your butt?”

“As long as you use a rubber.”

“But otherwise it’s fine with you?”

“This week it’s fine.”

“He and his wife gave each other the week off,” Ann said. “Or something like that.”

“But other way around?”

“Maybe he just needs to get warmed up to it,” Rachel said. “Brad, you ever try to do deep throat?”

“You mean to me? Jane never could get the hang of it.”

“Other way round. Ann, show me what you can do with Sam here.” Actually Rachel had seen the photos from the Bayou. Still it was different to see that huge cock vanish within Ann’s mouth, to see her lips on Sam’s balls.

“How’d you learn to do that, honey?”

Of course Ann couldn’t answer, but Sam did for her. “College. Sorority. On dildos. It was part of hazing. Right? Straight out of the ass? The dirtier the better?”

“Okay Brad, you give it a try.”

It was one thing to have a cock shoved into your mouth, with your hands tied behind your back so you really had no choice. Another to deliberately put one in.

“Come on, be a sport.” That from Ann. She sort of shoved the thing into his mouth. Well at least that saved him from making the decision. Sam was huge. Brad’s teeth were barely past the tip and it was already at the back of his mouth. Thick too. How the hell was Ann getting all that down her throat?

“Just relax,” Ann said. He did, and Sam’s belly was coming closer to his nose. Not a lot closer, but enough to know that it was started.

“That’s it,” Rachel said, “that’s the hard part. Okay, now run your tongue down the shaft. See what his balls feel like. Now back behind. Don’t you want to know what it would feel like to go in there?”

“Not really.” Sam was old. He was fat. Well not all that fat, but not in greatest shape. He was black. Would Brad have been attracted to a black lady that age and that out of shape? There was a lady at church just like that and she was a very nice lady, they were friends, but in terms of fucking her? No. No way.

Ann was kissing down his spine, rubbing her tits on his back, nibbling his butt. Running her tongue around his asshole. Stroking him into arousal. She put a finger from each hand into his asshole, hands on his butt. Sam turned around, on hands and knees, spreading his cheeks, knees slightly apart so that Brad could see everything.

“Come on, Brad, be my dildo.” That from Ann as she aimed him towards the target glistening above Sam’s balls.

Okay, just get it over with. He was hard enough to start to get in, hard enough that he could feel the ring of muscle sliding over the tip of his penis. Okay, he was going to close his eyes, pretend it was a girl. Or maybe a very young boy, even scrawnier than the ones tonight, than the volleyball players. So young they had no pubic hair, tiny little pricks not much bigger than a clit. But balls. He reached down to feel Sam’s balls, playing with them. Sam gave a little sigh.

“Come on Brad. Fuck the fucking shit out of him.” Ann was pulling him back out, slamming him back in, leaning with all her weight on his butt as she shoved him into Sam’s. Sam was spurting at each thrust, bowels in spasm. Then Rachel was in front of Sam, trying to plug the leak with her clit.

Sam closed his eyes in bliss. And stopped breathing.

“Oh. My. God. Oh My God!” Ann was hysterical. Rachel turned Sam over on his back and started to do CPR. Within a couple minutes his eyes were open once again.

“We should get an ambulance,” Brad said.

“He’ll be fine. This isn’t the first time.” Once Sam was conscious Rachel had run inside. She came back out with a hypodermic. “Eminase.” Another needle. “Nitroglycerin. That’s all they’d do for him in the emergency room. You okay, big boy?”

“Better. Tell you what, if you’re going to go, that’s the way to do it. My mother, she had cancer, spent years and years wasting away. In a nursing home. Rotting away. My dad had a nice clean heart attack. In bed. Not sleeping, if you know what I mean? Not alone. Not with my mom, either, but that’s another story. Everybody at the wake kept saying how happy he looked.”

Sam reached for a beer, but Rachel stopped him. “No more booze tonight. No going out on the prowl. Understand?”

“Yes, Mother.”

“Do you need some help?” Ann asked.

“Honey, you’re more likely to be a distraction. Sam needs to take the rest of the night off, get some rest. Right Sam? Just watch a ball game or something.”

“I’ll see how I feel.” Sam went inside.

“So it’s like that?” Ann asked. “Day by day?”

“Day by day, hour by hour. What about you?”

“Brad is holding this huge project together. Hundreds of people. God only knows how much money.”

“When I first came down Atlanta I told them pay attention because the company has spent millions of dollars on my education. Now we’re up to tens of millions, maybe hundreds.”

“Does he do crazy things?” That was addressed to Ann.

“Like go running naked through the woods to wild lakes? Or cross country ski in the buff?”

“Wasn’t thinking of that. But yeah. What is it about men? Especially the ones we depend on. What makes them do that? You don’t know how many times I’ve been ready to end it all for Sam myself because he is just so … so ….”

“At least I’m not married to him. What does your wife think? Does she know you do all that stuff?”

“Running. Swimming. Cross country skiing. It’s what I do for exercise.”

“And it doesn’t bother her that you’re on your own? That you’re naked?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t doing it before we got married. I never went near the woods. What about Sam?”

“Sam had a health scare a few years ago. Now he lives each day like it’s his last. Which it is going to be if he keeps this up.”

“Ann likes to go naked also.”

“It’s not the same. We go to this beach in New Jersey. It’s very tame. Okay, everyone is naked, but there’s nothing sexual about it.”

“Uptight nudists,” Brad said. “What a crock. Morally superior nudists because they’re following some set of rules that justifies it to them.”

“It’s convenient. It’s legal. It’s safe. There are even a lot of regular beaches the same place so if we tell our parent we’re going there it doesn’t sound strange. I don’t think they know there’s a nude beach there.” The elevator came. “I don’t know if we’re ever going to see each other again.” She gave Rachel a kiss. “Thanks.”

“Thanks yourself. You take care now.”

“If you need help tonight ...”

“Thanks honey.
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