I was filled with adrenaline instantly. Before Kiya could react, I squatted down, grabbed her shorts, and yanked them back onto her. I snatched up the towel and quickly cleaned myself, my shoes, then mopped up her cum off the floor.
The front door chime of the gym rang.
I was filled with adrenaline instantly. Before Kiya could react, I squatted down, grabbed her shorts, and yanked them back onto her. I snatched up the towel and quickly cleaned myself, my shoes, then mopped up her cum off the floor.
“I’ll get out of the bathroom first.” I said in an urgent whisper. “I’m going to pretend I’m doing an exercise. You leave the bathroom a few minutes after me, get your stuff, then leave to your car. I’ll follow you after a while.”
She nodded, frightened. I move towards the front of the locker room, and peered out the exit. I couldn’t see anyone, so I quietly left, then walked back to the bench I had been using. I saw a young guy in sweats and a hoodie fighting some late night demons at the bench press area. It didn’t look like he had seen me. I decided I might as well do a few shoulder burnout sets, and picked up some lighter weights.
I watched as Kiya left the bathroom, and she looked completely normal. She picked up her stuff and left through the front door. I looked over and saw the young guy checking out her ass as she walked away and grinned to myself. After a few minutes, I decided I was done, grabbed my stuff, and walked out.
That could’ve been bad.
I met Kiya at our cars in the parking lot.
“You okay?” I asked.
She nodded. “That was hot. We almost . . We almost-“
“I know.” I said, and grinned.
“I have to take a test tomorrow, I need to go home and study something so I don’t bomb.”
“Okay.” I kissed her in the cheek, and she leaned in to give me a hug. “I’ll see you at your game tomorrow. Good luck on your test.”
“Thank you!” She said happily.
We got into our respective vehicles, I watched her leave safely, then headed back to my apartment. When I arrived, I made some food for myself, sat in bed, and wondered what Monday would bring.
In the morning I stopped by to get the coffee order and was disappointed that Kiya wasn’t there.
Right. She’s taking a test.
When I got to work and walked in to Amanda’s office, she immediately interrogated me for details about my night with Kiya. I feigned reluctance, then spilled.
“Oh wow.” She said, impressed. “You are a naughty boy.”
I grinned. “I won’t be able to stay late today, Kiya has a basketball game.”
“That’s fine.” She nodded. “We should get started, then.”
The next few hours were somehow even worse than Friday’s lessons, and my head was beginning to split open from information. A human mind is only supposed to comprehend so much at once, and mine was not doing so well.
“I feel so dumb.” I said, stressed. “I understand why it’s supposed to work, I just don’t get how it does.”
Amanda stood and put her hand on my shoulder. “It’s fine, baby. I have to use the restroom, just relax for a while and we’ll come back to it.”
I nodded as she pushed through the entrance of her secret bathroom. Then, I heard a knock at the office door, and Gordon cracked it open.
“Hey bud, got a sweet little lady here to see you.” He said cheerfully.
Kiya? Here?
I was not prepared on them meeting today, and Kiya being here struck lighting through my body. I nodded at Gordon and walked to the door. Kiya thanked Gordon, then walked into the office. She was wearing leggings, and a shirt that said ‘BABYMETAL’.
“Hi Mark.” She said, strangely sweet. “I didn’t get to see you this morning cause of my test, so I wanted to bring you one.” She handed me a coffee and smiled.
I smiled back. “Hey. How was the test?”
She shrugged. “It was fine. Where’s your boss?” She asked pointedly.
I knew she wouldn’t let the car thing go.
“She, uh, she went to the bathroom.” I said.
Oh boy.
I nodded. “Yeah.”
Kiya breathed in, then acted unbothered. “Wow, this office is huge. There’s a ton of cool shit in here, too.”
She walked over to the desk, investigated the papers on top, then began walking back towards me. She opened her mouth to say something when she was interrupted.
“Hello. You must be Kiya.” Amanda appeared in the doorway of the secret bathroom.
Amanda had been wearing a provocative black blouse that showed deep cleavage, and a short checkered wool skirt all morning. Her attire was part of the reason I couldn’t focus. Kiya stared at her, mouth agape.
“You- I knew it!” She said loudly, nearly yelling. “The ‘other woman’ is your boss! You’re fucking your-“
Amanda strode across the room in the blink of an eye, and materialized in front of her.
“Yes.” She uttered, her voice dripping with dominance as she cut off Kiya. “Let’s keep that a secret between us, shall we?”
Amanda was only two inches taller than Kiya, yet she towered above the younger woman, who cowered before her, instinctively submitting.
“Yes.” Kiya whispered, terrified. “I’m sorry-“
“Amanda.” She stepped back and outstretched her hand. “It’s so good to finally meet you.”
Kiya was holding her breath, but shook her hand. She looked at me quizzically. “Mark talks about me?”
“Oh yes. You’re even prettier than he described.”
Kiya blushed. “Thank you.”
“I love your shirt.” Amanda praised. “You have good taste in music, darling.”
Kiya’s trepidation and jealousy vanished, and she eagerly gushed about music with Amanda. After several minutes, she paused and checked her phone.
“Fuck, I’m gonna be late to work, I have to go. Bye Miss Amanda.” She said as she started walking towards the door.
“Drive safe, Kiya.” Amanda said. She nodded at me towards Kiya.
I gave her a weak smile in apology, followed, walked Kiya through the building, and out to the parking lot back to her car. She seemed to be struggling to form a sentence after her encounter.
“Why- I mean- You-“ She stuttered. We stopped at her car and she took a breath. “That’s like a whole ass wife in there. Why are you hanging out with . . me?”
I shrugged. “She’s the one who gave me the confidence to talk to you in the first place.”
“Really?” She was shocked. “Does . . Does she give you Mommy vibes too?”
I burst out laughing. “Mommy vibes is kind of an understatement.”
She looked back at the office with a dreamy expression on her face. She snapped back to reality and opened her car door, pulled out a ticket and handed it to me.
“I got you a courtside seat!” She said happily.
“Awesome.” I smiled. “Am I allowed to tell the other team that they’re bad and they should feel bad?”
She giggled at my dumb joke. “No, be nice.”
“Fine-uh.” I acted annoyed, and kissed her on the cheek. “See you then.”
When I walked back into Amanda’s office, she was staring off into space, sitting at her desk, and her eyes were red from crying. Panic shot through me.
“A- Amanda? What’s wrong?” I asked, worried.
She didn’t meet my eyes. She looked down at her desk and shuffled papers without purpose. “I can see . . Kiya is very special. I’m sure she will make you happy. I know that I . . I won’t . .”
She’s leaving you. Because you’re getting closer with Kiya.
“Wait-“ I whispered, my voice was caught in my constricted throat. I couldn’t breathe. My knees weakened, my heart collapsed.
“I won’t. . I won’t get in your way, Sweetie.” She said, her voice weak and defeated. She looked at me. Her mouth was smiling, but her eyes were empty and tortured. “You deserve to be happy with each other.”
If she’s done, you might as well wrap that fancy car of yours around a telephone pole and get it over with.
“Please don’t leave me.” I croaked, barely able to form words. Tears trickled down my face. “I don’t want to be hollow again.”
“What?” She whispered.
I fell to my knees. My body was drained, my soul snatched to the ether. When Amanda saw me fall, she leapt out of her chair, rushed around the desk and dropped to her knees in front of me. She cupped my face in her hands.
“Baby, you should be with someone your own age.” She reasoned. “You shouldn’t be trapped with me.”
I shook my head. “ I don’t need Kiya like I need you.” I whimpered. “I’m supposed to be yours. I’m meant to be yours.”
She pressed her forehead to mine. “What about Kiya? You like her don’t you?”
“Of course but . .” I took a breath and said what was true. “I don’t love her, like I love you.”
“What did you say?” Her voice was tender and afraid.
I raised my head and peered into her eyes.
“I love you, Amanda. I love you, Mommy.” My voice cracked, and I cleared my throat. “I don’t have to see Kiya anymore. I don’t need anyone else. I’ll do anything. Don’t make me go. Please-“
Amanda pulled me into a kiss. Our souls intertwined, and I tasted my fate on her tongue.
“I love you too, Mark.” She whispered after we took a breath. “I won’t let you go. You belong to me.”
I began shifting on the floor uncomfortably, my cock was fully erect, spurred on by our intimacy. Amanda noticed, then reached into my lap and touched me.
“I might have to keep Kiya around, if only to keep this thing from wearing me through.” She giggled.
I looked at her quizzically.
“How about I take all of us to dinner tonight, after her basketball game. I think we can come to an understanding.” She said warmly.
“Okay.” I whispered. “I love you.” The taste of those words on my lips were intoxicating.
“I love you too, sweet boy.”
The rest of the day passed quickly, and Amanda had me leave work early so I could pick up flowers to give to Kiya after her game.
After picking out a beautiful bouquet, I drove to the stadium, parked, and sat courtside to watch the game. Kiya and her teammates played ferociously. She made sure I watched when she scored points, and the teammates I had met the day earlier kept a close eye on me as well.
She must’ve told them about our ‘gym session’.
It was a close and competitive game, but Kiya’s team squeezed out a narrow victory. After the final buzzer, I stood up and cheered her. She was ecstatic, ran to me, and nearly jumped into my arms.
“We did it! I can’t believe we did it.” She said, breathless. “We always lose to them.”
Shayna, Lin, and Mindy walked over to where we were standing. Shayna gave me a seductive smile.
“You must be our good luck charm.” She drawled.
“Congratulations ladies.” I smiled. I reached under my seat, picked up the flowers I was hiding, and handed them to Kiya. “You deserve the win.”
Kiya took them, beaming, and smelled their fresh scent. Shayna looked at me knowingly.
“Have fu-unnn.” She sang, as her and the other girls walked away.
Kiya was jumping up and down, happy with her victory flowers. I grabbed her hand.
“Amanda wants to take us out to dinner, to celebrate your game.” I said, tentatively.
“Oh okay!” She said. She seemed very pleased with that idea. “Where are we going?”
“It’s some fancy place I haven’t heard of; I’m not rich enough to know about it.”
“Swanky.” She said, swaying her hips. “Can you give me a ride home so I can shower and get ready?
“Absolutely.” I said, smiling.
On the way to her place we talked about how the game went. I had never been into basketball, so I wasn’t very familiar with the rules. She ran me through how everything worked. I didn’t understand a lot of it, but thankfully we arrived at her apartment before I got too confused. She unlocked the door and brought me inside, and I saw she was a very good interior decorator. The place was modest, but very artsy and cute. She had several houseplants that livened up the living room. She pointed to the green cloth couch set up in front of the tv.
“You can chill on the couch, I’ll try to be quick!” She chimed, as she ran to her bedroom. I heard the shower turn on.
I found the TV remote, plopped down on the couch, turned on the TV, and looked up a YouTube video essay I’d been meaning to watch. I liked watching video essays about games or shows I didn’t have the time to play or watch. About twenty minutes in, I heard the shower turn off.
That was quick.
Kiya’s faint footsteps padded the floor, and suddenly she was standing between me and the TV. Her hair was wet, and her lithe body was wrapped in a white plush towel. It barely covered her breasts, and it stopped at the top of her thighs. I could almost see everything. My pants immediately got tight.
She waited until I finished gazing at her, and met my eyes. She dropped the towel, and stepped towards the couch. She stood in front of me, leaned over and kissed me while she unbuckled my pants. She rushed, pulled my pants around my knees, then dropped her legs on either side of me, and straddled my lap. She resumed kissing me as she slid her pussy against my cock.
“Please Daddy. Fuck me before we go. I need your dick.” She whimpered.
Without waiting for an answer, she reached her hand down and positioned me at her entrance. She sat down hard, taking me halfway.
“Oh fuck.” She moaned, and she wrapped her arms around my head and pressed my face into her small breasts.
I wasn’t in any position to say no. I slid my hands around her hips and grabbed her tight ass, lifted her up, then gently brought her back down onto me. She gyrated her hips, easing me deep inside her. After a few moments, her pussy accepted all of me, and she sat firmly on my cock.
“It feels so good inside me.” She moaned into my ear.
“You couldn’t help yourself, could you?” I whispered back. “You’re such a little slut.”
She whimpered, and I felt her cream seep onto me as her walls relaxed around my dick. I kissed her deeply, and raised her gently up and down myself. She was a human fuckdoll, and I fucked her body onto me slowly. I enjoyed the sensation, the conversation between our bodies. I made her cum twice, sweet little orgasms as she trembled and whimpered into me. I could stay suspended inside of her forever.
“Are you gonna cum?” She asked, after she recovered from her third orgasm.
I shook my head. My cock didn’t want to cum. It wanted to slowly salivate precum inside her, while her tight pussy massaged cream into my skin.
“Daddy.” She whined. “I’m gonna make us late to dinner. Punish me. Punish me with your dick and breed me.”
Fuck her senseless.
Her coaxing worked. “Wrap your arms around my neck or you’re going to fall.” I growled.
She did as I told her, then I slid one arm under her leg, pushed my other arm against the couch, and stood up. My pants fell to my ankles, and I deftly kicked them off my feet. I steadied my other arm under her leg, and I supported her whole weight, her legs folded over my elbows. I grabbed her ass tight with both hands, lifted her almost all the way off me, then slammed her down the full length of my cock. Her body impacted me with a wet slap, and she screamed into my ear. I spoke firmly back.
“You.” Slap.
“Are.” Slap.
“Such.” Slap.
“A.” Slap.
“Fucking.” Slap.
“Whore.” Slap.
Her body couldn’t process the intensity, so it compensated by sending her into a continuous orgasm. She came nonstop, moaning loudly, for several minutes as I stood with her perched in my arms, pounding her with murderous intent. Her cream was spattered on my stomach and coated the floor, and her screams echoed in the apartment. I was beginning to get close to cumming when I noticed her screams turning into sobs. Her pussy was less wet, and my dick no longer effortlessly penetrated her, it was met with friction. She was drying up, and crying in pain. I had given her too much.
I slowed and stopped, her head fell against my shoulder and tears streamed down my chest.
“Shhh. I’m sorry baby I’m sorry.” I whispered. I eased her off of me, turned and set her down on the couch. When I let go, I saw something amazing.
I held her as she laid naked on the couch, she was still crying and her body twitched, spasmed uncontrollably every couple seconds.
“Are you still cumming?” I asked, incredulous.
She nodded. Her sobs lessened, and soon she was able to speak.
“That was so good.” She whimpered.
“I’m so sorry. I felt you getting dry-.” I said.
“No it was so hot.” She interrupted. “My pussy just hurts so much, I’m still sore from yesterday.”
I nodded.
We did go 0-100 pretty quick.
She took a deep, rasping breath. “I’m okay. I promise. That was so fucking good. That was . . mind-shattering.” She reassured me. “You didn’t cum though.” She pouted.
I shook my head. “That’s fine. If I had kept going I would’ve torn you. It’s okay, really.”
She still looked disappointed, but she quickly collected herself. “Okay. Foreal, I need to get ready. I’m gonna pass out if I don’t eat something.”
I nodded in agreement, and she stood, then made her way to the bedroom. I collected my pants, put them back on, then fixed myself in the mirror. I was still wearing my work suit, but I couldn’t go back to my apartment and change or we would be late. After ten minutes, Kiya came back from her bedroom. She looked fantastic. She had on tight black jeans, a fancy yellow top that complimented her skin, simple makeup, and natural poofy hair. She looked like the sun, and I was blinded.
“This is all I could do cause we’re gonna be late.” She snapped, as she hurriedly put on earrings.
“You look exquisite, babe.” I said.
She gave me a warm smile, then we rushed to the car. The drive to the restaurant was short, thankfully, but parking was a nightmare. We drove around 3 square blocks hunting for a spot, until I realized something.
“Wait a second.” I muttered.
“What?” Kiya asked.
“I’m gonna try something.” I said.
I drove back to the restaurant and parked in front of it. A valet had decided my sleek black sports car was worthy, and came out to receive my keys. I handed them to him, got out, opened Kiya’s door, and escorted her inside, grinning.
The restaurant was speakeasy themed, and very classy. There were cloths on the tables, paintings on the walls, and upper class attire all around. I was overwhelmed, but feeling Kiya cling to me, overwhelmed as well, gave me courage and we charged forward.
An attendant stood at a podium near the front door. “Mr. Sampson?”
Y- yes.” I replied, taken aback.
“Right this way please.” The attendant led us to a table where Amanda was waiting. She still had her work clothes on as I did, but she was as radiant as ever. I pulled a chair out for Kiya and let her sit down, then sat down myself.
“Such wonderful manners.” Amanda purred.
“Isn’t that what all guys do?” I quipped.
“No. Not all men do what you do, darling.” Amanda said, as Kiya shook her head.
“Oh.” I said, smiling as I looked down.
We looked over our menus, and ordered our drinks.
“You look stunning, sweetie. How was the game?” Amanda asked.
“Thank you.” Kiya beamed. “I don’t know how we won, but we pulled it off. My teammates say it’s because we were motivated by Mark.” She giggled. “We’ve never been able to beat that team until today.”
“You all wanted to impress him.” Amanda said, smiling.
“It worked.” I shrugged. “They were badass.”
Kiya blushed.
After our drinks were delivered, the waiter took our order. I wanted to leave Kiya and Amanda alone together, so I excused myself to use the bathroom. I wondered what Amanda was going to say, and I had no idea if Kiya would be on board with whatever she was planning. After I used the bathroom, I walked back toward the table. I saw the two ladies engaged in what appeared to be thrilling conversation, so I decided not to interrupt them.
I found a dartboard on the wall and gave it a shot. After three rounds, I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t very good at darts. I was beginning to get frustrated when a large Black butch woman in a full suit with cropped hair struck up conversation with me.
“How’s it going?” She nodded over to my table. “Took your girl out to meet your mom?”
“Something like that.” I laughed. “My, um, girlfriend, I guess, is meeting my . . Uh, other . . Girlfriend.”
“Damn dude.” She laughed. “You must slang dick harder than me.”
“With your build?” I replied, and shook my head. “Ain’t no way.”
She chuckled, and extended her hand. “I’m Pat. P for short.”
I smiled and we exchanged a firm handshake. “Hey P, I’m Mark.”
“So you have a thruple thing going on?”
I shook my head. “I have no idea, honestly. I’m just having an amazing time and I. .” I sighed. “I don’t wanna fuck anything up.”
She nodded. “That’s honest, at least. Most guys would be bragging. Hell, I’d be bragging. They’re fine as fuck.”
I laughed. “I don’t have anything to brag about, I didn’t do anything. I don’t even know how I got here.”
She thought for a second. “You probably got here because you treat those girls the way they need to be treated.”
“Huh.” I said. “Maybe my purpose in life is just to please women.” I threw another dart, and it expertly missed the board and lodged into the wall.
Pat laughed. “Hell, I’m the same way brother.” She clapped me on the shoulder. “No shit.” She said suddenly, amazed.
I saw she was looking back at my table. I looked over and saw Amanda had pulled Kiya in. They were passionately kissing, and Kiya melted into Amanda’s embrace.
“Whoa.” I went to the wall, pull the dart out, and set the darts back into the board. “It was nice to meet you Pat.”
She gave me a big grin as I walked away. “Nice to meet you too, Mark.”
When I got back to the table, Amanda looked hungry for something other than food, and Kiya was flushed. “Hey. Did I miss anything?”
Amanda gave me a devious look. “I think we figured things out.”
“Oh.” I smiled and looked at Kiya. She smiled at me sheepishly, blushing.
I sat back down just in time for the food to be delivered. The food was delicious, but I had a difficult time focusing on eating after a few minutes. Both Amanda and Kiya took advantage of the tablecloth, slipped their feet out of their shoes, and played footsie in my lap. They giggled and laughed like it was an inside joke, and I smiled and tried to keep eating. I was thankful they didn’t have the dexterity to release my dick from my pants, and I was hard as a rock trying to keep my composure.
After our plates were clean, Amanda spoke up. “Let’s go to my house and have some more drinks. We could play a game or two.” She said.
“Oh? What kind of game Miss Amanda?” Kiya said, a little too innocently.
“I was thinking blackjack.” She replied, a grin on her face.
There’s another game I’m terrible at.
Amanda paid the bill and we left together. The valet brought her Cadillac first, then my Corvette. She took the highway route, and I followed.
She wants to race.
“Hold on.” I said.
“What?” Kiya asked, nervous.
Amanda lined up next to me and we hovered at 80mph. We waited until the road beyond us was clear, and she honked three times. I slammed on the gas, and Kiya and I were both thrown back into the seat.
“Oh my goooddd!” Kiya yelled as we accelerated quickly.
Amanda’s supercharged SUV kept up with me until 100mph, then I blew her out of the water. I was several car lengths ahead when I got to 130, then I let off the gas, having won. Amanda pulled in behind me, and we cruised together to her house.
“Holy shit. I didn’t know this thing could do that.” Kiya was breathless.
I grinned. “Were you scared or horny?”
She rubbed her thighs together. “Both.”
Our race cut serious time off of our commute, and soon we pulled into Amanda’s driveway. We met her at the door, she unlocked it and led us in. We gathered around her minibar as she made us drinks, then she set us up at a square table in the dining area. She brought out a silver case that contained a few decks of cards and a poker chip set.
“What are we playing for?” I asked, playing with my chips as Amanda dealt our first hand.
Amanda and Kiya grinned, looked at each other, then looked at me. “Clothes!” They said in unison.
“I am so bad at this game.” I said, defeated.
I had lost every single hand since we started playing, and was now sat at the table stark naked. Kiya and Amanda were looking at each other and me, and giggling. They both remained fully clothed.
“So, now what? I lost this hand but I don’t have any clothes left to take off.” I said, slightly annoyed.
Amanda stood up from the table. “Oh sweetie, we’ll just add clothes then.”
Add clothes?
She sauntered behind me, then I felt fabric over my forehead, and darkness fell my eyes. She had blindfolded me. She took my hand and helped me out of the chair.
“Come.” She ordered. I followed.
She led me to what I assumed was the bedroom. I heard giggling and clothes being tossed on the floor. I heard a drawer open and close, and the bed sweaked. After a few moments, Kiya began moaning softly. Then, I felt Amanda’s ass press against me. I reached down and felt her cheeks, then slid my hand down her slit and pressed a finger inside her. She was already soaking wet, and I heard her muffled moan.
“Good boy.” She said, her voice faint. “But Mommy doesn’t want your finger, she wants your cock.”
I was more than happy to oblige. I removed my finger, lathered my cock with her pussy juice, then rubbed it up and down her slit. I found her entrance easily, then slid myself all the way inside her slowly. She moaned as my cock filled her up, and I heard Kiya whimper and gasp.
As far as I could tell, I was standing on the edge of the bed, fucking Amanda doggystyle, while she ate Kiya’s pussy. I was frustrated that I couldn’t see the two of them, but I was still more than happy to fuck my Mommy’s pussy while she tongued my girlfriend.
I heard Kiya squeal in orgasm, then Amanda came up for air. “Deep and steady, darling. I’m preparing this little girl for your perfect cock.”
Isn’t she still sore?
My dick surged and twitched, spilling a squirt of precum inside her. “Yes, Mommy.” I grunted and groaned as I fucked her slow and deep, her pussy sent shivers down my spine and I wondered how long I would last.
I heard Kiya reach another shuddering orgasm and scream. “Oh FUCK- ungh- Fuck it’s- it’s so big.” She whimpered.
“Yes baby, but get used to it because your Daddy is bigger.” Amanda cooed.
“Oh fuck.” Kiya whined in fear.
“Holy fuck I’m- I’m so close.” Hearing them talk and Amanda’s wet walls were sending me over the edge.
“No.” Amanda stated. She moved off of me suddenly, then turned around and grabbed my dick hard at the base, sealing my orgasm inside me.
I stood, panting, her hand squeezed so hard it hurt. “Fuck.” I whispered. “I’m sorry Mommy, you just feel so good.”
“It’s okay, baby boy.” She purred, and slowly released her hand. I pushed, the pressure inside was easing and I spurted a single rope of cum. She placed her tongue under my tip and caught everything in her mouth.
“Oh god.” I whimpered. “It’s still- I still need to-“ I stammered.
“Shhh.” She whispered. I felt her get up and off the bed.
She moved around behind me, and her hands untied the blindfold. When I opened my eyes, I saw Kiya laid on her back on the bed, an angled pillow beneath her hips lifting her ass, and a large buttplug fitted inside her.
I couldn’t speak, I just stared with my mouth open.
“This little girl wants you to breed her, but her pussy was murdered by your fat cock.” Amanda whispered into my ear, pouting. “It needs a rest. So you’re going to impregnate her ass instead.”
“But- I can’t-“ I said.
“Get her pregnant by fucking her ass?” She interrupted. “You should still try.” She giggled.
Her voice made my cock twitch, and I hurriedly climbed onto the bed in front of Kiya. She had her legs pulled back, almost behind her head, and she stared at the ceiling. I grabbed the base of the plug and gently began pulling it out.
“Oh fuck.” She cried.
I slowly worked it out of her, until it suddenly popped and came free. She grunted with relief. Her ass was slightly gaping open from the size of the plug.
Just the right size for my tongue.
Without hesitation I plunged my tongue inside her ass, pushing deeper and deeper, face fucking her hole.
“”FUCK DADDY.” She screamed. My nose embedded itself into her pussy and cream collected on my face. “Oh my god your tongue- I’m gonna- cuuuuummmm.” She let out a deep sigh as her orgasm rushed through her.
I pulled my tongue out and my face away, and saw Amanda was kneeling beside us holding a squirt bottle of lube. She pumped twice into Kiya’s gaping hole, that had been stretched slightly bigger by my tongue. Then she squirted some on my cock, and started stroking me up and down.
“Give her what she deserves baby.” She whispered.
She lined up my cock with Kiya’s asshole and rested the tip inside. I leaned forward, and the head of my dick disappeared past her anal ring. Kiya gasped with a huge breath.
Her ass was ten times tighter than her pussy, which had nearly cut the circulation off my dick when I first fucked her. I eased in slightly, and she winced. I pulled it slightly out, and back and forth massaged her ring with the head of my dick, willing her to relax. Amanda began playing with her clit, rubbing it in fast circles. Soon, Kiya began moaning deeply.
“Oh Daddy.” She groaned. “Daddy I want all of it.”
“Push. Push Daddy’s cock out of you.” Amanda ordered.
Kiya gave her a quizzical look, but began pushing. Her pussy leaked cream down to my dick, and suddenly her ass accepted half my cock. Kiya screamed in pleasure.
I fell forward, surprised, and shot my hand out to support myself. It wrapped around her throat and silenced her mid scream. I looked down at her face. Her makeup was ruined, tears had destroyed it. Her hair was a mess and her eyes looked at me in fear.
“You look so pretty with my cock in your ass.” I cooed to her. “You’re such a perfect little whore.”
Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and a moan from the depths of her lungs escaped her mouth.
“Oh.” Amanda said, surprised. Her hand was still between us, her fingers inside Kiya’s pussy, and her thumb massaging her clit. “Oh my god, baby girl, you’re squirting! You’re squirting from Daddy fucking your ass!” She said, excited.
I felt her fluid trickle down to my cock, and I released her throat. I leaned back, grabbed her thighs from the front, and fucked her asshole against my cock. I slid her halfway down my length before pushing her forwards, and back again. Her small, steady river of squirt was lubricating my dick as it penetrated her.
“I’m fucking your squirt and cream back inside you.” I growled. “I’m fucking your cum into your ass you filthy fucking slut.”
Kiya was now catatonic, her head lulled backwards, her mouth gaped, her moans uncontrollable. She twitched and spasmed, remaining in a perpetual orgasm. Suddenly, I heard snoring, and the resistance her ass was giving my cock ceased. I slid all the way inside her, filling her anal passage completely.
You fucked her to sleep.
I was so close. I slowly fucked my entire length inside her asshole, penetrating to the absolute depth and sitting inside her, pulsing back and forth.
“I’m so fucking close. It’s leaking out of me. Oh my fucking god she’s so tight. Mommy her ass is so fucking tight on my dick.” I moaned.
Amanda retrieved her hand from Kiya’s pussy, and slapped her face. Kiya jolted awake into orgasm, her cheek wet with squirt, and she wailed.
“Do you want it, baby?” Amanda asked her sweetly.
“Please-“ She cried. “PLEASE DADDY cum in my ass pleaaaaseee.”
I pulled her thighs against me as hard as I could, and fell over the edge, flooding her ass with cum. She clenched my cock and shuddered, whimpering.
“C- c- cum- mmm- mmminngg-“
She instantly began snoring again. I pumped her asshole ten more times, forcing and plunging my cum inside her. After my orgasm passed, I gently pulled my shrinking cock away. It slid out quickly, and I saw her ass gaping, seeping my semen onto the pillow.
I sat back on my legs, exhausted. “What do we-?” I asked, gesturing to Kiya.
Amanda jumped out of bed, ran to the bathroom, and came back with two small towels. She placed the towel between Kiya’s legs, covering her pussy and ass. Then, she pulled her legs together, keeping the towel in place.
“Help me.” She gestured to Kiya, now in the fetal position, fast asleep.
I picked Kiya up off the bed, cradling her in my arms. Amanda used the other towel to wipe off the pillow and the bed underneath. It was still soaked, but she got the majority of it. Then, she pulled back the covers and nodded to the center of the bed.
“But, shouldn’t we-“ I asked.
Amanda interrupted. “No. She wants to wake up dirty, sore, and used.” She said matter-of-factly.
I nodded. I set Kiya down into the bed, her head resting on a pillow, and brought the sheets up to her chin. Amanda bent over and kissed her tenderly on the cheek.
“Good girl.”
Amanda and I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She pulled me in for a kiss.
“That was hot. You are such a fucking stud.” She said in disbelief.
“So, is this the arrangement you two agreed with?” I asked as I fidgeted with my dick, swelling back up.
She looked down at my dick, beginning to grow large again. “Yes . . You belong to me, and she belongs to you. Pretty simple, actually.”
She put her hand on her hip and looked at me like I was crazy. “Are you really trying to go again?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know if I can cum again, but I can definitely fuck after a few minutes.”
She pointed. “Get in the shower.”
She methodically cleaned me, giving special consideration to my aching dick. Even though she was very gentle, soon I was rock hard again. It hurt. My cock was in pain after fucking Kiya’s virgin ass, but I couldn’t be bothered. Amanda finished rinsing me off, then embraced me, her wet soaking body pressing against mine.
“You ready cowboy?” She purred.
“Are you? You’re riding, Mommy.” I replied.
I reached under her legs, caught her knees with my elbows, and picked her up. She was a little heavier than Kiya, so I push her against the shower wall and held her there. She kissed me deeply as I reached down and guided my cock into her. I eased her down onto me, fully, completely, totally, absolutely.
We stood there making love in the shower for ages. We barely moved, I bobbed her up and down lightly, she squeezed my cock, I twitched and pulsed it back. We were eternally each other’s. She came countless times, all of them gentle and delicate. Every time she whispered into my ear, inspired by the orgasms permeating her.
“I’m cumming on your perfect cock.”
“I love you. You’re mine.”
“You’re Gods favorite. You’re my favorite.”
“Mommy needs your dick. Mommy needs you.”
“You’re such a good boy.”
“I- I- Oh my god I love you Mark.”
Her last orgasm has heavy and deep, it penetrated her soul as I penetrated her. Making her cum, the gentle friction on my aching cock, and her tender words were pushing me over the edge. I felt it boil inside of me, craving release into my lover.
“I- I- You- Your pussy feels like the walls of heaven.” I stuttered, whispering. “I’m so close Mommy. You’re gonna make me cum again.”
“Put me down, Sweetie.” She said, having recovered.
I lifted her up, and set her feet back down on the tiled floor. She reached for the bottle of conditioner, then slid down and squatted on the floor. She poured conditioner onto her hand and lathered it around her breasts, then onto my cock. I was so sensitive the feeling nearly caused me to collapse. She smiled and giggled. I threw my hands up against the wall the support myself.
She placed my dick gingerly between her breasts, then cupped her hands over her nipples and squeezed. Her full breasts against her palms cause magnificent ripples in the flesh, and I gazed in amazement. Her endowments slipped and slid around my cock, making me squirm and seize. She jiggled them up and down, then alternated, playing with them, and with me.
I dropped my head against the wall and stared down above her. “Oh my fucking god.” I whimpered.
“Cum! Cum! Cum for me!!” She said eagerly. “Cum for Mommy!!”
She looked down at her chest and opened her mouth, right as I erupted. She continued to manipulate her breasts, milking my cock as my cum jetted into her mouth. She caught three spurts and swallowed, the rest showering down into her cleavage.
“Good boy!” She said happily. “Mommy loves making you cum.”
I nearly fell against the wall I was so spent. I leaned back and against the wall, then helped Amanda up. She quickly washed and rinsed her chest, we shared one more loving kiss, then we got out and dried off.
We crawled into bed, Kiya sound asleep between us. I fell into slumber, peaceful, content, and loved.