My eyes snapped open when I heard her screaming. I sat up, half asleep and panicked.
“What- what’s wrong-“
“Oh my goooooddd.” Kiya cried. The sheets over her were moving, she was propped up against the headboard and moaning towards the ceiling.
She was intently, furiously masturbating. Amanda jolted awake, sat up, noticed Kiya, and smiled.
“Fuck! Oh fuck!”
My eyes snapped open when I heard her screaming. I sat up, half asleep and panicked.
“What- what’s wrong-“
“Oh my goooooddd.” Kiya cried. The sheets over her were moving, she was propped up against the headboard and moaning towards the ceiling.
She was intently, furiously masturbating. Amanda jolted awake, sat up, noticed Kiya, and smiled.
“You passed out and Daddy filled your ass with cum.” She purred sleepily. “Do you feel it? Do you feel his cum in your ass?”
“I feel it.” Kiya whimpered. “Daddy I love your cuuu- uuu- uuummm.” Her orgasm ran through her in waves, and she sunk back into the bed, content.
“Oh wow.” I whispered. “Did you like waking up sore, used, and filled?”
She leaned her head towards me, pursed her lips, and nodded affectionately. “Good girl.” I said, then leaned over and kissed her tenderly.
I slid my hand under the covers and palmed her small breasts, and tweaked her pierced nipples. She moaned into my mouth, then I pushed my hand down, caressing her stomach before landing in her lap. I spread her pussy lips gently and my finger found her clit, and I rubbed circles into it, using her fresh cum as lubricant. She clung to my arm, squeezing me into her, and clamped her muscular thighs around my hand. She started whimpering into my kiss faster and faster, and just before she climaxed I broke the kiss.
“Be a good girl and cum for me again.” I murmured.
Her thighs crushed my hand in a vice-like grip and she spasmed, bucking back and forth in the bed as she came. She kept her lips shut and peered up at me with doe eyes.
“Mmm- mmm- mmuhh- ohhhhhhh.” She finally gasped.
Her thighs released my hands. “Thank you Daddy.” She muttered, her energy settling back down to normal. “I have to go to school, ugh!” She whined, pouting. “Thank you Miss Amanda, I have to run back home and clean up.”
“Of course, Darling.” Amanda cooed. She was laying on her side, her thighs rubbed together lazily.
She enjoyed the show.
Kiya pushed up the covers and clambered out of bed, then searched the floor for items of her clothing. She quickly put them back on, then started tying her shoes barefoot, opting not to put dirty socks back on.
“I’ll see you later!! That was-“ She paused, looking up and remembering. “Nope. Can’t. I need to go!” She rushed out of the bedroom and close the door.
Amanda looked ready to devour me. “Breakfast?” She asked innocently.
I nodded eagerly. She threw back the covers, spun around on all fours, then slammed her pussy into my face. I hungrily ate her, lapping her wetness. She grabbed my cock and swallowed it whole as I found her clit. I grunted loudly into her pussy, my tip deep in her throat. She was aggressive, violently bobbing up and down my dick, and saliva streamed down my balls. I sucked her clit with the same fervor, flicking it rapidly with my tongue. Her pussy juice flowed readily down my chin, her thighs squeezed my head, and she grinded her pussy into my face. I felt our mutual orgasm building when suddenly, the bedroom door opened again.
“Hey.” Kiya said, breathless from the view and embarrassed she was interrupting. “Uh. Wow. Miss Amanda you’re so sexy oh my god.”
Amanda lifted her mouth from me. “Thank you Sweetie.”
“Um.” Kiya said. “I- well- Mark gave me a ride . .”
Amanda swung her leg over my head and lifted herself off. “Oh shit.” I said, coming up for air. “You’re right. Let me get ready.”
I gave Amanda a deep kiss, hopped out of bed, and ran to the living room to fetch my clothes. I hurriedly put on my pants and button down shirt from yesterday, and threw on my shoes and belt looking semi-presentable. Amanda came out of the bedroom with a black robe on, fetched her keys, and made her way outside with us.
“Bye you two.” She said, kissing both of us on the cheek. “See you at work in a bit baby.” I nodded as she got into her SUV to move it into the street.
She pulled out, and opened the passenger door of the Vette for Kiya. She clambered in, and smiled as I closed the door.
How did you get so lucky to be here?
I got in, pulled out, and started driving to Kiya’s apartment.
We were cruising down a side street when the display screen on the car lit up with a phone number, and the default ringtone started playing.
“Hah! No.” I hung up immediately.
“Who is- Oh.” Kiya said. She looked at me, clearly annoyed. “Why is she calling you?”
I shrugged. “Dunno. I thought she had a boyfriend now.”
The phone was ringing again. I stared at it for several seconds.
Why the fuck is my ex calling me?
I looked at Kiya. She shrugged. “Now I’m curious.” She said.
I let it ring for a few more seconds, sighed, then hit the answer button.
“Hey.” I said, deadpan.
“H— — Mar— Sorr—“ She voice was breaking up.
I couldn’t hear what she was saying. She was outside, it was windy, and I thought I heard cars rushing past.
“Hey, I can’t hear you at all.”
I heard some muffling, then her voice was clearer. She had cupped her hand to the bottom of the phone.
“Hey. Mark. Sorry I- Can you- I need help. Please.” She sounded frustrated.
“What’s going on?” I replied.
“My tire went flat on the freeway, and my dad is out of town, my fucking boyfriend doesn’t know how to change a fucking tire, I’m late to work, I know this is weird but I really need your help please.” She rambled on. She was desperate, nearly on the verge of tears. I’d never heard her sound like this before.
Might as well. It’s not that big of a deal.
I looked over to Kiya, who was listening to everything. She shrugged.
“Yeah, uh, I guess. Sure. Does your car have a spare and a jack kit? Mine doesn’t, it just has a plug-in air compressor and sealant.” I said.
“Yeah it does, I just don’t know how to do any of this shit.” She replied.
“Alright. I have to drop my girlfriend off at her place, then I’ll stop by the store real quick, then head to you. Send me your location pin, it’ll probably be like twenty minutes till I get there.”
She was quiet at the mention of my girlfriend. After a few moments, she spoke softly. “Okay. Thank you Mark.”
“No problem.” I hung up.
I looked over to Kiya who was smiling broadly.
“Girlfriend??” She giggled.
I laughed. “Yes.
She smiled, then her face got serious. “Listen. Be careful with her.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s going to try to manipulate you. She’s gonna see your fancy car and clothes and try to pounce. If you give her a chance, she’ll take it. And more.” She said knowingly.
I nodded.
I called Amanda and told her I would be late to work and why. She seemed very amused with the situation.
After I dropped Kiya off, I headed to an auto parts store between me and Alexis’ location. There I bought a tire plug kit, and a spray bottle. The employee let me fill the bottle with soapy water, thankfully. Quickly I headed toward where she was, I didn’t want to make her wait too long.
She was sitting in a beige sedan on the side of the highway. I pulled in behind her and parked, then set my hazard lights. I waited till the lane was clear, then carefully got out of the car. When Alexis saw me she looked stunned, then slowly got out.
“Mark?” She asked, and looked me up and down.
Alexis was my height, very thin, and dirty blonde hair. She was objectively quite beautiful, but my time with her let me see an uglier side. She was wearing scrubs, and on her way to the hospital when she got the flat.
“Hey.” I gave her a curt wave as I walked towards the car.
“You- you look completely different.” She stuttered. “You used to be like . . Skin and bones. Now you’re . .”
Her voice trailed off as she watched me roll up my sleeves, and intently stared at my muscled forearms with her mouth slightly open, oblivious.
“Beefy?” I finished for her. “The breakup was great motivation. Also, I actually started eating. Instead of, yknow . . Not.”
This is awkward.
She looked down. “Which tire is it?” I asked.
“The right back one.” She pointed.
“Can you get your jack kit out? I gotta grab the soap water.”
She nodded and opened her trunk. She deliberately bent over with her legs straight, showing her ass. It was small, but tight and perky. She wiggled it back and forth as she got out the jack kit.
Of course.
I turned, then went to the other side of my car and grabbed the soapy water bottle and the plug kit. I set them down next to the tire and looked at it. It was completely deflated, and the rim was pressed against the pavement. She finally fished the jack kit out of the trunk and handed it to me. I squatted down next to the car, and felt for the pinch point in front of the tire. When I found it, I slid the jack under, and began jacking the car up.
“So who’s this new girlfriend?” She asked without hesitation.
I sighed and continued rotating the jack mechanism. “Kiya-“
“Kiya Morris!?” She asked in disbelief.
I nodded.
“You’re seriously giving that ratchet little girl rides in this-“
Ice ran through my veins. “Watch your fucking mouth.” I spoke low, but with diction and power.
Alexis had heard me over the sound of traffic and froze. I’d never spoken to her that way in all the years we had been together.
I paused, looked up at her, and gestured to the work I was doing. “Choose your next words carefully.” I said simply.
She blinked, and swallowed. She decided not to say anything, which I was fine with. I went back to my work. After the tire was acceptably off the ground, I sprayed it and spun it around, checking for the leak. After a minute I found a shiny dot surrounded by foaming water.
I pointed at it and showed her. “There. Just a nail. I can plug it here, air up the tire, and you’ll be fine. Or I can put the spare on and you can take it to a shop.”
She hugged herself nervously. “I’m scared of driving on the highway on a donut.”
I nodded. “Same here.”
Since the nail was towards the far edge, I needed to take the tire completely off. Thankfully, the knuts came loose fairly easily and weren’t wrenched down. After removing the wheel I dug the nail out of the tire with one of the tools included with the kit. I cleaned the hole, and forced the plug inside. I walked back to my car, retrieved the air compressor, and began filling the tire. Once it reached the normal psi, I sprayed the soap water back on it, and found no more leaks. I put the wheel back on and hand tightened the lugs. I released the jack slowly, and once the car set back down on the road, I used the wrench to torque down the knuts tighter by stepping on it. I caught Alexis staring at my ass.
Can’t blame her, it does look good in slacks.
I stood up, turned around, and Alexis pressed herself against me and her car. She stared at me with demanding eyes.
“Let me take you out for a drink. As a thank you.” Her voice was sweet, but I wasn’t a falling for it. Not anymore.
I shook my head no. “We’re both seeing other people.”
She leaned back with a pitched laugh. “So? They don’t have to know.”
I stared at her.
I remembered how I used to be head-over-heels for her, and she barely gave me the time of day. I had doted on her, and gave her as much of my sixteen year old self as I could. Nothing was ever enough to earn her attention. I was desperate for love, and she took advantage by dropping scraps of affection that I devoured like a starving dog.
A year later, when she took my virginity, she acted as though she had provided a divine service, as though surely no one else would be willing to stoop so low for me.
I remembered her wrath. I was always to be available for her, but not her for me. The few times I dared to ignore her back, the consequence was her sharp, spiteful tongue that sliced through my soul. I was worthless to her. Less than nothing. Yet she was everything to me, and I clung to her like a barnacle on a vessel.
At eighteen, after graduation, I mustered my courage and told her I’d had enough. I wasn’t going to remain on her leash while she traipsed through college. She laughed in my face. I had done her a favor.
“You’re pathetic.” She spat at me. “You’re a burger-flipping loser, and that’s all you’ll ever be. You couldn’t even get into the free college!”
She knew. She knew I couldn’t go to college. That I had to work full time so I could escape my home life, but she used it against me.
She walked away, her face consumed with pity and disgust.
If she hated you so much, why didn’t she let you go until the end?
I stared at her.
“I just. .” She leaned closer, her fingers trailed up my chest. “I wanted to thank you for helping me. I knew that if I ever needed you to, you’d come running again.” Her lips played with a twisted smile.
This. Fucking. Bitch. Pop the spare and the other tire and leave her here. She REALLY fucking thinks SHE CAN JUST-
Hold on. What did Kiya say? She would jump at any chance?
I formulated a plan to bring her ego down a notch. If the world wasn’t going to give her comeuppance, I might as well collect on what was due.
“I mean . . How do you want to thank me?” I asked, feigning sheepishness.
“How do you think?” She stated, and she slipped her hand down to my crotch. My cock rose to her touch.
I oozed a smile, unable to contain my joy of what I had in mind for her. She smiled back, yet in her eyes I spied suspicion. She wasn’t a fool, and I had folded too easily. I grabbed her arms, pulled her into me and kissed her. She jumped, then fell into my kiss. I displayed the skills I had learned, convincing her physically. My tongue danced with hers greedily, sucking and nibbling and biting. She moaned into my mouth. After a minute, I released her.
“Oh.” She gasped, as she opened her eyes, transported from another dimension.
“Just . . Uh . .” I pretended to be nervous. “I mean . . We could skip drinks and you can come over to my place.”
“That sounds lovely.” She looked at me with hungry eyes. “And Keeya never has to know.” She pronounced her name incorrectly on purpose.
I turned and walked back to my car, smiling. She didn’t know that Kiya would be the first one I told.
“Are you kidding me??” Kiya giggled with glee. “I didn’t know you could be so evil.” She enunciated the last word seductively. “I’m wet thinking about it, oh my god.”
I laughed. “Good, I figured you’d be into it.”
“Is Amanda in on it yet?”
“Not yet, I’ll tell her when I get to work.”
I was so wrapped up in my plan that when I entered Amanda’s office, only then I realized my hands were so filthy from the tire. I walked in and paused past the threshold. I stood frozen, my white collared shirt tucked into my gray slacks. My sleeves were still rolled up, exposing my muscled forearms that popped with veins, accenting the black grime collected on my hands, proving the work I had done. When I closed the door, I opened my mouth to apologize and met Amanda’s struck gaze. She snapped her fingers to silence me.
“Nope. No. Hush. Lock the door. Right now.” She babbled, flushed, and she got up from her desk.
I spun to lock the door, and when I turned back around she walked towards me with haste. I met her in the middle of the office. She took a second to look at me up close, clearly she was enamored with my appearance. Suddenly, she dropped to her knees. She reached to my waist and expertly removed my belt, then grasped the front of my pants. With an unknown strength I had yet to witness, she yanked my slacks, snapping the button off and shearing the zipper away.
Oh fuck.
She quickly peeled my slacks and underwear down, loosing my cock with one motion. She grabbed it and viciously began orally pleasuring me. I creened my head towards the ceiling moaning softly; I couldn’t tell if this was for my benefit or hers. Her mouth was rapidly and sloppily slurping half of my dick while her hand pumped my shaft. We hadn’t finished what we started in the morning, and the surprise and intensity of her attack was forcing me towards the edge.
“Mommy if you keep going I’m gonna-“ I whispered.
She stopped abruptly, then stood up. Her mouth was wet and salivating, and her eyes were feral and wanting. She pulled on my arm urgently towards the couch and I walked half steps, my pants still around my knees. As we approached the couch, she turned me around and shoved me down onto it with surprising force. I scooted back into the cushions, and she stepped onto the couch, her feet straddling my hips, standing above me. I peered up at her. She seemed to be in a divine rage, and her lust consumed her mortal flesh.
I could worship her forever.
She shimmied the dress she was wearing up her hips, and slid her black thong to the side. She squatted down over my lap and grabbed my cock firmly with one hand, then rubbed the tip up and down her slit.
“Oh fuck.” I whimpered. I was still sensitive from the morning, and her pussy lips were warm and wet.
She stared me in the eyes while she used me to stimulate her clit, until she finally decided to bless me with herself. She slid my cock to her entrance, let her hand go, and slowly wiggled herself down onto me until my cock was fully inside her.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.” I groaned softly.
She took her hand that was covered in pussy juice and grabbed my mouth, sealing my lips with her cum covered palm.
“Don’t make a sound, baby boy.” She ordered.
I nodded slightly, and she bounced up and down my cock gently. I had to fight my urge to moan as I felt her lips grip my cock, the pressure of her walls stretching for me. She squat fucked me with a calm intensity. She was slow and deliberate, clenching her pussy around me at the base as she lifted off, then relaxing as she sat back down. She was milking me, and my cum would be hers soon.
“You need to cum, don’t you?” She said in a pouting voice. “You wanna cum in Mommy soooooo bad, don’t you baby?”
I nodded helplessly. I felt my cock twitch and pulse, my cum was on the edge. She felt it, and in response, she began going faster and faster. She was expertly stroking my cock inside of her, trying to fuck my cum out of me. I was breathing raggedly through my nose, about to enter my climax, when she pinched my nose closed with her other hand.
I trusted her, but I was surprised that I couldn’t breathe anymore. She was suffocating me.
“You get to breathe after you cum.” She whispered harshly. “Now be a good little boy and fucking cum for me.”
I tried taking a breath but was met with nothing but vacuum. My lungs were empty and the asphyxiation scared me, but the sensation combined with her orgasmic face and her words thrust me over the edge. I erupted with force inside her, my cum exploding into her abyss.
“My dirty little boy is such a slut for me.” She whispered heavily. She bounced on me several more times until she slammed her ass down into my lap, quivering and shaking, our mutual climax bonding us forever in that moment.
“Unnggghhhooohhhh. Fuck.” She moaned quietly, then released my mouth and nose.
I took a huge breath inwards, feeling lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, and from cumming so hard.
She leaned her forehead against mine, and caressed my cheek as she trembled, coming down from her orgasm. “Good boy. MY. Good boy.” She cooed.
I was so in love with her. She was everything I could possibly want or need and more. I wanted to stay in that moment forever. She kissed me deeply, and held onto my shoulders as she moved her feet off the couch and rested her knees on either side of me, my half hard cock still inside her. She began grinding slowly into me, my cum seeping out of her and into my lap as she stimulated her clit against me with it.
My cock was so sensitive, but I rode through the pleasure and pain, grabbing her ass with my filthy hands and pulling her deeper onto me. Her movements back and forth got faster and more desperate, until suddenly she whimpered into my mouth as she came a second time. She rode me gently for a minute, moaning, until it passed. When she was done she broke the kiss and breathed raggedly.
“Thank you Mommy.” I whispered to her.
“For what baby?” She asked, confused.
“For you.” I said simply.
She smiled, then kissed my nose and my forehead tenderly. “I have to get up now, Sweetie.”
I nodded, and she carefully lifted off and slid away from me, and quickly ran to her secret bathroom. I sat on the couch in a daze, and after a few minutes, Amanda came back out. She had cleaned herself, put her dress back, and brought a warm washcloth to clean me with. She wiped me down gently and stood me up to pull my pants back into place.
“Oops.” Amanda said, her hand covering her mouth. “Looks like you need some new slacks.” She giggled.
“Did I-“ My breathing was ragged and labored. “Did I really look that good to you?”
She nodded up and down dramatically. “Oh yes.” She pondered for a second. “If you had shown up to the interview like that, I would’ve skipped hiring you and made you my slave instead.”
“Sign me up.” I grinned wildly.
She giggled, her laugh ringing golden in my ears.
“Now, are you gonna tell me what happened? I didn’t give you a chance before.” She smiled warmly.
I told her about my eventful morning, and about the eventful evening I had planned.
She tapped her finger on her lip thinking. “Devious.” She cocked her head to the side, nodding slightly. “Deserved.” She grabbed my hands, and smiled wickedly. “I’m on board, it’ll be fun.”
“Before that, though, I need you to ship some paperwork. Gordon has it. While you’re out, go get a new suit from the tailor.” She ordered. “And.” She inspected my hands and arms, and smiled sadly. “Unfortunately, you do need to clean up.”
“Yes Ma’am.” I obeyed.
I got up and used her secret bathroom to wash my arms. I had to scrub four separate times because I didn’t want to dirty her towels. Once I was satisfied, I cleaned off, put my belt back on to secure my pants, and kept my shirt untucked in an attempt to disguise my broken button and zipper. I gave Amanda a kiss and left her office. Gordon was at his desk when I left, and gave me a quizzical glance.
“Rough start to the day, eh bud?” Chuckled Gordon when I picked up a large box from his desk.
“Tell me about it.” I laughed in response.
I set the box in my passenger seat, and made my way to the suit shop. This time, since the tailor already had my measurements, getting a new suit was considerably quicker. I decided I wanted to look extra sharp for tonight, and chose a pitch black suit that was pinstriped with a slightly lighter black. I chose a muted pink dress shirt and matching pocket square, with no tie like last time.
After leaving the tailor, I drove to the post office and shipped the package. I realized the part of town I was in was near Miranda’s hair salon after seeing my disheveled hair in a window. I needed a cut, badly. I made my way to her shop, and this time, the employee at the front was welcoming instead of dismissive.
“Do you have an appointment, Darling?” She asked sweetly.
“No Ma’am.” I responded, shaking my head. “I was hoping Miranda would be able to-“ I looked over at Miranda in the back pointedly. “Squeeze me in. Last minute.” I played a smile on my lips.
She blushed and nodded, and left me at the counter while she went to Miranda’s chair. Miranda was cutting another young man’s hair and looked up to me when the employee spoke with her. Her eyes flashed and she nodded affirmatively. The woman came back to the counter.
“Would you be able to wait about twenty minutes?” She asked, and looked me up and down. “After that, she’s all yours.”
I smiled. “Of course.”
I sat in the lounge area and waited, taking the opportunity to observe Miranda with her customer. She was extraordinarily professional, polite, and didn’t flirt whatsoever. Nothing like she was with me.
That means the way she treats me is unique.
The time passed quickly, and soon the young man walked to the front, paid, and left looking devilishly handsome. Miranda waved me back, and I strode to her area.
“Hey beautiful.” I said charmingly.
“Did Amanda send you to me?” She asked quizzically.
I shook my head. “I had to get a new suit, and figured I needed a touch up as well.”
I stood in front of her chair and she moved between me and the mirror. “So you came to me.” She trailed her fingers up my chest. “All.” She lifted my chin with her hand. “By.” She dragged her thumb over my bottom lip.
“Yourself.” She lightly pushed my chest, and I fell back into the chair.
I nodded. My dick steeled in response. She looked down at my lap, beaming with joy. She put her hands on my chair's armrests, and bent over. Her face got extremely close to mine, and I had a fantastic view of her large breasts.
Good lord. She’s just like Amanda but . . Different.
“If you’re not careful, I will fuck you.” She stated plainly.
I batted my eyes innocently. “Promise?”
She opened her mouth in surprise. She stood back up, and turned around towards the mirror. “You are a bad boy.” She said with mock disapproval.
“Punish me, then.” I mumbled under my breath.
Her eyes snapped to mine in the mirror and she smiled slightly. “I heard that.”
I flushed immediately and lowered my head, gazing at my lap. I couldn’t help it, she was pulling something out of me that I didn’t know existed.
I wish she’d pull something else out of me- Jesus Fucking Christ.
My face was hot with embarrassment, and my dick rock hard. Miranda turned back around with a pair of scissors when I looked up. She started cutting the top of my hair.
“You need to watch your mouth, young man.” She said through a smile.
“Make me.” I snapped.
“Oops.” Miranda said, then lunged forwards. My head was suddenly buried in her deep, warm cleavage. She had forced her massive breasts into my face on purpose.
Just as quickly, she stood back up and continued cutting my hair like nothing happened. While she worked on my hair, she frequently lingered her hands on my neck, caressed my ears, and drug her nails down my shoulders. By the end, I was shifting in my seat, my cock very hard and very obvious. I actively creamed precum into my underwear.
She gestured to the mirror. My reflection looked fantastic.
“Wow.” I said. “You’re incredible.” I said, and stared at her. I wasn’t talking about the hairstyle, and she knew.
She leaned against her counter in front of me, resting her head in her hand as she peered at me with eyes blue like the turbulent sea. “Were you fucking with me?”
I shook my head slowly. “I don’t know why I was acting like that, I couldn’t help it. I’m sorry.”
She smiled softly, her eyes turned to calm waves, and she glanced down at my crotch. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”
She reached for a pen and notepad that sat on her counter. She quickly scribbled almost ten items on it. She folded it delicately, began to hand it to me, then snatched it back before I could take it.
“Give this to Amanda, but no peeking.”
I nodded.
What did I get myself into this time?
She handed me the note. I placed it in my pocket, and adjusted my dick with the opportunity.
“Tell her . .” She licked her lips. Her face was flushed, her eyes foggy, and I could tell she was imagining a scenario with me. “I’m making a formal request.”
“Yes Ma’am.” I said without hesitation. Miranda wasn’t quite a Mommy like Amanda, but she was still very clearly dominant, and I had reacted instinctively to her.
I stood up out of the chair, and went to grab my suit coat. As I slid my arm by, I slowly and deliberately groped Miranda’s ass, and stared at her face while doing so. Her eyes snapped into focus, they sparkled and flamed at my touch. She responded by slipping the palm of her hand down the front of my pants, easing pressure down the length of my shaft.
She leaned over and whispered into my ear. “You really are a bad boy, aren’t you?”
All I could do was nod.
I drove back to the office in a daze, wondering what Miranda had in store for me.
I walked into Amanda’s office. She looked up from her desk and eyed me up and down.
“Oh you look stunning!” She exclaimed. “Working hard, or hardly working?”
I gestured down to my semi tented pants. “You tell me.”
“Working hard.” She grinned. “Your hair looks immaculate, you went to Miranda?”
I nodded, walked over to her desk, and fished out the note. “She said that she is making a ‘formal request’.”
“Oh.” She took the note and read it contemplatively. She looked up at me, wary. “Are you okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean she’s a lot to handle, and not everyone’s type.” She said carefully. I knew what she meant.
“I think she’s great. She’s beautiful and flirty . . She doesn’t compare to you but I certainly don’t mind her attention.” I said honestly. “I acted kind of like a brat with her . . I don’t know why but it was really hot, and I think she liked it.”
“Really?” She asked, fascinated.
I nodded in confirmation.
“Well this might be perfect, then.” She accepted. “Her and I made a sort of arrangement many years ago. Our fetishes . . Overlap, somewhat. If I were to ever find someone like you: submissive, trustworthy, sexy, and-” She rolled her eyes rapidly and blushed. “Just you. I would see if they’d. . You’d . . Lend yourself to her.”
Oh wow. No wonder Miranda didn’t flirt with that other guy. I guess I responded to her the right way.
I blushed. “I uh. . I mean yeah, I’m down.” I adjusted myself, blood was pooling into my lap again.
Amanda noticed and smiled. “It’ll only be one night. If you satisfy her, she might ask more often, though.”
I nodded. “So, what’s on the list?”
She looked over it once more. “Preparations. I need to buy some things, and they will take several days to ship, so don’t worry about it right now. I’ll let you know when we can start.”
“Okay.” I sighed in relief.
These women are going to fuck me dry.
“Are you still on board with tonight?” I asked.
“Of course, Darling.” She leaned forward and caressed my cheek. “Whatever you and Kiya need, I will follow your lead.”
“Thank you.” I smiled, embracing her hand.
The rest of the work day went by calmly, and we both eagerly awaited the night to follow. We were the first ones out of the office at the end of the day. After we left, I followed Amanda home. She rushed inside and came back out with a small box full of the items I knew she had, and that I had requested from her. I gave her a kiss on the cheek as thanks, then started towards my apartment. I called Alexis on the way, and she picked up on the first ring.
Oh. Poor girl.
I smiled to myself. “Hey. Are you still coming over? I just got off work.”
“Ummm yes! I’ll be right over, send me your address.” She replied quickly.
“Well uh, I need to get home and clean up and stuff.” I rambled, feigning a stall for time.
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t care.” I heard her eyes roll over the phone.
“Okay, I’ll see you in a minute then.” I hung up the phone, set it down, and kept driving.
How long is it gonna take her?
After exactly three minutes, she sent me a text.
‘???’ She sent.
I laughed. At a stoplight, I responded with my address.
When I got home, I took off my coat, rolled up my sleeves, and moved a wooden dining chair into my bedroom. I set up my stage with the equipment Amanda had lent me, then I sauntered back into the living room and waited. After about ten minutes, I heard a knock at the door.
I opened the door, and Alexis stood there, waiting in leggings and a t shirt. I stepped aside and she walked in.
“Hey.” I said. “This is my place.” I gestured to the room.
“Nice couch.” She said pointedly at the two lawn chairs I had in front of a my TV.
Condescending as ever, I see.
I gave a half chuckle. “Yeah.”
She raised a six pack she was holding. “I brought beer for us.”
“Good call!”
I walked to the kitchen, and she followed. I pulled a bottle opening gadget from a drawer, and cracked two beers for us. I sat on the edge of the counter, and pretended to sip my beer nervously.
“Hey so um” I stuttered. “Well, I know we never did anything too kinky, but there’s kind of something I want to try . .”
A grin formed on her lips. “Oh really?” She asked, and took a big drink.
I nodded shyly, then set my beer down and moved towards her. She froze, my apparent sudden boldness took her by surprise. I grabbed her hand, set her beer down on the counter, and pressed her against my fridge. I locked eyes with her, my lips inches from hers.
“Mark.” She gasped. “I like this side of you.” She was breathless as I planned: I had stolen it from her.
I kissed her hard, then grabbed her hips and pulled them into mine. She threw her arms around my neck and clung to me, as I reached downwards and squeezed her ass. She moaned into my mouth, then broke the kiss.
“Just fuck me already.” She pleaded with a crazed look.
Without hesitation her fingers found the buttons of my shirt, and she undid the top three before scrambling to pull my shirt over my head. She dragged her nails across my shoulders then down my arms as she admired me shirtless, then her hands found my waist and belt. Before she could unbuckle me, I grabbed her hands and stopped her.
I twirled her around and pulled her ass against my hard cock, while I traveled my hands under her shirt, up her stomach, and palmed her small breasts. She moaned with lust, and I slipped her shirt over head. She wasn’t wearing a bra.
Bet she’s not wearing panties, either.
With one hand I alternated between her nipples, tweaking them. The other hand, I slid between her legs and pressed the fabric of her leggings against her pussy, rubbing it back and forth as she moaned louder. I was correct in my assumption, as the material was wet and slipped and slid back and forth as I rubbed up her slit to her clit. She started bucking her ass against me desperately.
“Just. Fuck. Me.” She begged. “Please!”
I didn’t answer. I moved my hands from her breasts and crotch, found her hips, hooked my fingers into her leggings, and yanked them down to her ankles. She gasped, then bent over and threw her hands into the counter, bracing herself. I squatted on the floor and shoved my face into her tiny ass, plunging my tongue into the wet between her legs.
“Oh fuck!” She yelled. “Mark- Ungh-“
I tongued her entrance, and moved my hand around her thigh to thumb her clit. I could tell she was lying about a boyfriend, or an effective one anyway, because she was so touch deprived that my thumb circling her clit nearly caused her to collapse. Making her cum was effortless, and almost instantly her pussy squeezed my tongue, her legs trembled violently, and she started groaning with abandon.
“Uhhhhhhhhh- uuuuuuckk-“ She cried as her orgasm swept through her. I heard her voice break as she tried to talk. “Puh- lease- Mm- Marrkk- please-“ she sobbed. “Lease- fu- uck- me-“ She hiccuped.
I removed my hand and face, then stood up, wrapped my hand around her throat, and pulled her back into me.
“Tha- nk- you-“ She stuttered through a weak smile.
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” I whispered hoarsely into her ear.
She nodded, then I grabbed her arm and led her to the room. When we entered, she saw I had set up a wooden chair in front of my bed. There was a large, white vibrating wand that was taped to the seat, and plugged into the wall. Next to the chair on the floor were several thick leather straps with bright silver buckles. She turned her head to look at me, and her eyes widened.
“Mark-“ She uttered fearfully.
I put my finger to my lips and shushed her. She closed her mouth and swallowed. I led her to the chair and sat her down on it naked, with the head of the wand resting in her thigh gap, just touching her clit. I bound her wrists, then her arms beneath the elbow to the wooden armrests of the chair using the leather belts. I used another set to bind her ankles to the legs of the chair. She was completely immobilized, forced to sit and view the bed. I reached between her legs and switched on the vibrator, and she whimpered softly and bucked her hips against it.
I smiled at her warmly. “Are you comfortable?” I asked, genuinely concerned.
She nodded. “This feels so good.” She grinned back lazily, enjoying the sensation on her sensitive clit. “What are you gonna do to me, stud?”
I beamed back at her, amused, and bent over near the chair where a ball gag laid. I motioned for her to open her mouth and she obeyed, then I placed the ball between her teeth, and buckled it behind her head. Now, she couldn’t speak a sound.
“I’m going to do nothing to you, Alexis.” I smiled cruelly.
I turned my back to her, brought out my phone, and texted the girls. Within a minute, she and I heard the front door open. Both Amanda and Kiya walked into the bedroom and saw the state we were in. Alexis’ eyes widened in horror. Kiya covered her mouth to giggle, and Amanda gave the bound girl a look full of pity.
I positioned myself directly in Alexis’ view. My revenge wouldn’t be beating or whipping, she’d probably be into that. It would be neglect. She would watch two gorgeous women, one of whom she feels superior to, pleasure me while she can’t do anything.
Without saying a word, Kiya dropped to her knees and unbuckled my pants. Amanda followed suit, and Kiya pulled out my cock with a dramatic gesture.
“It’s so big Daddy. Do you think she wants it?” She glared at Alexis while she licked my head lovingly. “Too bad.”
Kiya opened her small mouth as wide as she could and started sucking me. She took the tip into her mouth and swirled her tongue, savoring my precum, then bobbed up and down trying to get it deeper. She managed to get about halfway before choking, and having to withdraw. Amanda gave her a knowing look.
“Let’s give her a show, sweetie.” She pulled my dick away from Kiya and bobbed halfway down, then throated me completely. My cock was slipping along her lips, tongue, and the back of her throat as she drooled saliva down my balls.
“Oh my fucking god.” I grunted, nearly losing my balance. Her mouth felt incredible, but I knew I needed to do something else or I would cum early. “Fuck. It’s too much Mo- Amanda. Hold on.”
Amanda pulled away, grinning like a champion.
I growled at Kiya. “Take everything off.”
She looked up at me, then started pulling my pants down. I kicked off my shoes and slacks, then waited.
She looked at me again, realized, then rushed to rip her shirt and bra off. Afterwards, she stood up, kicked off her shoes, and peeled down her leggings.
“Stay down there.” I told Amanda. She nodded politely.
I sat on the edge of the bed, pulled Kiya onto my lap, and she straddled my hips with her thighs. From Alexis’ perspective, all she could see was my knees, Kiya’s feet, her ass, her back, and my face over her shoulder. I lifted Kiya’s ass off my lap while Amanda moved between my legs and sloppily covered my cock in saliva, then positioned me at Kiya’s pussy. I let Kiya’s ass down onto me and entered her a third of the way, and she squealed. I lifted her back up, then back down halfway. She grunted, and her head dropped to my shoulder. I lifted her up, then slammed her all the way down onto my cock and she raised her head and screamed to the ceiling. Kiya bounced up and down, roughly, and moaned and yelped with exaggeration.
“Stop.” I whispered to her, and tilted my head back to meet her eyes.
She pouted.
“This isn’t for her. This is for you. Don’t fake it.” I said.
She huffed, but she settled down. Kiya kissed me softly, her hands pressed against my chest. She slowly moved her hips back and forth, grinding her clit into my pelvis. She squeezed her tight walls around me, and I grunted in pleasure. She smiled into my mouth, happy with herself.
She broke the kiss. “Daddy? Will you punish my pussy?” She asked as she pouted. “Pretty please?”
She threw her arms around my neck, I slipped my arms underneath her legs to get better leverage, and I stood up off the bed. I held her weight in my arms and lifted her off my dick.
I slammed Kiya down onto my cock hard and fast, over and over. I used most of my strength, I wanted her to reach her first orgasm quickly. Soon, I felt her pussy squeeze even tighter than it already was.
“Fuck Daddy oh fuck!” She yelled in my ear. “I’m- I’m- You’re making me cuuuummmmm.”
After she came, I relaxed a bit and slowly pumped her onto me. I heard a rustling, and peeked my head over Kiya’s shoulder.
Alexis strained hard, and fought desperately to get out of the chair. Unfortunately for her, the leather straps I had used were at least two inches wide, and the chair was an antique: not cheaply made and very stout. She wasn’t going anywhere.
If only I had horse blinders, or something to immobilize her head to force her to watch.
No, this is cruel enough as it is.
As bounced Kiya slowly onto me, she started moaning louder and louder. I felt hands on the back of my knees. I realized Amanda had moved backwards when I stood up, but still knelt in front of us, and she must have been using her tongue on Kiya while I fucked her onto me.
“Daddy her tongue . . Oh my goooooddd.” Kiya whimpered beautifully into my ear.
“Cum on my dick again while Mommy’s tongue fucks your ass.” I whispered low in her ear.
Almost instantaneously Kiya’s pussy squeezed, she groaned, and I felt cream trickle from her and down my legs.
“Good girl.” I praised her.
I slowed to a stop, then turned and deposited her onto the bed. I offered my hand to Amanda, pulled her up, and quickly stripped her of her clothes. When I saw her in all her divine beauty, her cream skin, her ass, her large breasts, I knew I needed to unleash myself upon her.
“Lay down on the edge.” I half ordered and half asked. She kissed my cheek as a response, then laid on her back with her legs off the bed.
I lifted my arms under her legs and took hold of her wrists. Kiya quickly leant over and slid my cock up and down her soaking pussy, then rubbed it in circles on her clit. Amanda purred with pleasure and anticipation. Kiya put the tip of my cock inside her, and Amanda gasped. I eased inside of her, quickly stretching her and penetrating fully. She moaned as I bottomed out.
“Ohhh fuck. Own my pussy. It’s yours baby, make my pussy yours!” She encouraged.
I pulled out almost completely, then slammed into her and pounded her mercilessly. I was so consumed by fucking her I almost didn’t notice her sounds had become muffled. Kiya had swung her ass over Amanda’s face and was riding her, cooing as the older woman ate the younger’s pussy. Kiya was facing me, straddling Amanda, with a look of pure heaven on her face. I leaned forward, and she met me in the middle with a deep, longing kiss. As my tongue intertwined with hers, she whimpered into my mouth, and I felt Amanda’s pussy contract around my cock as I fucked her. Both women came at the same time, their pleasure penetrating the fabric of the universe.
Kiya and Amanda came together once more before I noticed that Amanda’s enjoyment was waning. I motioned for Kiya to get off, and she gingerly, with shaking legs, removed herself. I unlatched my hands from Amanda’s wrists and cradled her head, giving her a loving kiss. She kissed me back, then broke it.
“I’m getting sore, Sweetie.” She whispered.
I nodded, then looked to Kiya, who had a hungry expectant face.
“Daddy can you. . Can you fuck me like that too?” She asked politely.
I nodded, and helped Amanda up and off the bed. Immediately, Kiya positioned herself beneath me with her ass on the edge of the bed. I stood before her with my cock at her entrance and entered her slowly. She moaned deeply as I pressed deeper. I lifted her legs up, put my elbows under her knees, and pulled her wrists down beside her ass, pulling her whole body back into me.
“Are you ready, Princess?” I uttered.
She vibrated with joy and nodded. I slammed my full length into her and she yelped. I pounded her harder than I ever had before, and was rewarded with two screaming orgasms. Amanda climbed onto the bed on her stomach with her head above Kiya’s, gazing down at her. I saw her perfect ass and behind it, she shuffled her feet in the air as I thrusted. She whispered to Kiya, guiding her through the intense course. She coached and rewarded the smaller girl every time she came.
“You love Daddy’s cock, don’t you?”
“You’re such a pretty girl.”
“You’re creaming so much for Daddy.”
“You’re pretty little pussy is perfect for Daddy’s massive cock.”
I was running out of steam, but I put the rest of my effort into fucking Kiya. She was breathing deep and rapidly, her pussy flowing cream onto my cock, and her eyes glazed over with satisfaction. I let go of her wrists, put my hands under her ass, and instead of pounding into her, I pulled her body onto me with all of my strength. I fucked her pussy onto me for less than a minute before her biggest climax rushed over her.
“Da- aa- dd- yyy-“ She cried and sobbed through the words. “Oh- uh- fuuuuuuuu-“ Her eyes closed, her head went limp, and her breathing calmed as she passed out mid sentence.
I slowed and stopped my relentless fucking. Kiya and Amanda laid on the bed. Kiya was curled into the fetal position, softly snoring. Amanda slowly spread on her back, and looked dazed while she stared at the ceiling. She probably couldn’t take any more, but I still had yet to cum. I was boiling over.
Give her some kind of reward.
I stood up, and looked over to Alexis. She appeared to be vibrating, with rage or pleasure I couldn’t tell. I stepped over to her, and my feet splashed against the floor when I got near her. I looked down, and saw a puddle had formed in and under her chair.
Oh, I didn’t know you could do that.
She glared at me, her eyes emblazoned. I stood before her and stroked myself calmly. I started pumping faster and faster, and felt precum dribble out of me, and it fell to the floor and mixed with her squirt. I stared at her face.
“Do you want it?” I asked teasingly.
If looks could kill, she would be a murderer. But then, she nodded.
“Hmm?” I asked again.
She nodded violently. I smiled. I leaned over, and with my free hand I placed a finger between her cheek and the leather strap, then tugged downward. The ball gag popped out of her mouth and fell down her chin. I slowly leaned backwards and leisurely took another step towards her. I was enjoying myself. Before I realized, she had thrown her upper body forward, which cut off the circulation in her arms, and flung her head towards my lap. She opened her mouth wide and her lips surrounded the tip of my dick. Surprised, I let go of myself, and she took the opportunity to devour me.
She throated me hungrily, eagerly, recklessly, enveloping my cock in her mouth. She was ferocious, like an inmate on death row; like I was her last meal.
“Oh fuck.” I looked down at her. “Fuck I’m gonna cum.”
She went even faster, back and forth as she quivered in her seat. I grabbed her hair and pumped her mouth deep onto me.
“I’m- ugh fuck I’m cumming.” I growled as I used her mouth as a toy.
I flooded her throat, forcing her to swallow. She greedily gulped several times as she suffocated on my cock. I looked down and realized her legs were shaking even harder, and I felt more liquid pool off the chair onto my feet and the floor.
I released her hair and pulled my dick from her. She took several massive gasps, and nearly passed out. I reached between her legs and switched the vibrator off. She started to settle down and breathe normally. I unbuckled the straps at her wrists and arms, and she rubbed circulation back into her arms while I unbuckled her ankles.
“You okay?” I asked.
She nodded, but kept her eyes down, and didn’t make eye contact with me. I stepped back and leaned on the bed to catch my breath.
You might have overdone it with the humiliation.
Alexis carefully stood up out of the chair, her legs wobbling, and without looking at me or saying a word she left the bedroom. I got up and stood at the bedroom door and watched her put her leggings and shirt back on, then, she walked out the front door without making a sound.
“Hmm.” I mumbled to myself. I checked the peephole to make sure she left, then locked the door, and went back to the bed. I laid next to Kiya and Amanda over the covers.
“Was that too much?” Amanda whispered, not wanting to wake Kiya.
I shrugged. “I doubt she’ll ask me to fix a tire again.”
“Kiya told me something while we were outside waiting.”
“What’s that?”
“Alexis told Kiya to stay away from you in high school.” She said pensively.
“What?” I had been surprised that Alexis knew Kiya’s name, but I didn’t know they had spoken with each other. “Why?”
Amanda shrugged. “All Kiya knows is that Alexis tore into her. Said she would never get to be with you. “
“Hmm.” I fell asleep wondering if Alexis deserved her punishment, and if I was justified to punish.
Woooooow no words but action. Too put a bitch in silence. Good job. Wish i was part of it love to take a hard cock in all my holes. Fuck i want more and i know there is more to go for. Fg.