Mark accidentally called his boss Amanda, mom. She loved it and claimed her for her own, but shares him with his gym crush Kiya.
Amanda and Kiya woke up early the next morning and kissed me goodbye before they went to get ready for the day. I slept in a little longer, then got out of bed to clean up the mess I made the night before. After I was finished, I checked the time and saw the date.
Oh. Did they forget?
Well, they can’t remember if you never told them.
I got into the shower and washed myself quickly. When I left the shower, I saw my phone had a few messages.
They knew!
I opened it, and saw they were from Alexis.
‘Happy Birthday, loser.’ She wrote.
The next message was a picture. She had taken a selfie, her naked body laid seductively on the bed. I could see her from the neck down, and one hand caressed her small nipple. Her stomach was flat and toned, and she was on her side, her hip exposed by the blanket, her thighs crossed, hiding her pussy.
Oh wow. Didn’t see that coming.
I walked in to Amanda’s office and she was sat at her desk, beautiful as ever. She looked up and smiled at me warmly.
“Hey, um . .” I said hesitantly. “It’s . . It’s my birthday today.”
“Oh my god. Baby, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know!!” She quickly got up from her chair, moved around the desk, and gave me a deep lingering hug. She looked up at me with gorgeous golden brown eyes. “Happy Birthday, Mark. I love you.”
“I love you too, Amanda.” I bent my head to kiss her passionately. After a minute, I broke the kiss. “It’s okay, I only just realized that I never told you or Kiya.”
She nodded, released me and leaned against her desk. “I’m going to take you out to dinner tonight. My treat.” She paused and thought for a second. “Is there anything else you want to do to celebrate?”
I shrugged. “Other than dinner with my beautiful beloved? Can’t think of a single thing.” I smiled.
She blushed, grabbed my hands, and squeezed. “I’ll get with Kiya and we’ll figure something out.”
“Oh shit, I still have to tell her.”
She laughed. “Well go on then, or she’s gonna get mad.”
She let go of my hands, and I pulled out my phone to call Kiya. She answered on the second ring.
“Baby my pussy huuuurtts I don’t think I can get another pounding right now.” She whispered in a hushed tone.
I laughed heartily. “No, I was just calling to tell you, today is my birthday. I guess it never came up before now.”
“EXCUSE THE FUCK OUTTA ME?!” She yelled. Her voice got quieter and she apologized to someone. “Sorry . . Heh. . Mark, what?” She resumed speaking to me. “Why am I only finding out about this today?”
I bared my teeth, and looked scared at Amanda. She gave me a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, it’s just, y’know, everything’s been so crazy and I forgot.”
She huffed. “Okay, I guess Amanda and I will figure out something to do in short notice.”
“Nothing too extravagant, please. She’s already gonna take me out to dinner.”
“Hmm.” She paused for a second, thinking. “I think I can work something out for after.”
“Alright. I’ll see you tonight, then.”
“Absolutely. Happy Birthday Mark!!!” She squealed.
“Thank you Princess.” I smiled, then hung up the phone. I looked at Amanda and breathed a sigh of relief. “That wasn’t too bad.”
After work, I went back to my apartment to quickly shower and change. I picked a black pair of slacks, brown boots, a brown belt, and a tight black polo shirt that left little to the imagination. I drove to Amanda’s house and she opened the door in a flowing, sheer black dress. The dress was shorter than knee length, had slits up both thighs, and her breasts spilled out the top. Her eyebrows were sharp under her bangs, and she wore cat eye makeup. She had stilettos with her cream colored toes peeking out the glossy black material, and her toenails matched.
I grabbed her waist, slid my hands down the dress and felt her ass unrestricted by underwear. My cock greeted her lap when I pulled her into me, and I realized she was slightly taller than me with her heels on. I leaned in to kiss her.
When our lips met, static electricity snapped between us. I recoiled in shock for a moment, then peered into her eyes.
“Let’s skip dinner and you can just . .” I paused, breathless. “Own me.”
“I’m still sore too, y’know.” She giggled. “C’mon. I’m hungry.”
I didn’t move an inch. I kept my eyes locked with hers. “I am too.”
She flashed me a sultry look, then put her hand on my chest. “Later. Promise.”
I facetiously pouted acceptingly, resigned that I couldn’t have her pussy and eat it too.
I took her hand and led her to the Corvette, opened her door, and helped her sit down. I moved over to the drivers side, got in, and we made our way to the restaurant.
During the drive, it was hard to keep my eyes on the road and not on her. I was hard as well. Her breasts jiggled with every bump, and threatened to capsize the vessels holding them. After a thousand glances, I made it to the restaurant and exchanged the car with the valet. She led me inside, and we were entreated with a luxurious affair. The place was much, much nicer than the one she had taken Kiya and I to. The floors were black stone, almost like obsidian. The walls and columns were decorated with red velvet plush and golden leaves. I was very much underdressed.
“I don’t even own any clothes nice enough for this place.” I whispered urgently.
“You are the tastiest snack here,” She declared proudly, “by every measure.”
I flushed and followed as she stated our reservation to the attendant. We followed them to our table and I pulled the chair out for her, then sat down. A waiter brought us a tray of fruit instantly.
I spied many of the other patrons looking at us. The men were all older, and looked at me either haughtily or with amazement. The women were mixed, both young and mature. They either looked at me with desire, or looked at Amanda with envy.
“This is too much.” I took her hand across the table.
“Not for you.” She said lovingly, then slipped a red piece of fruit past her black lipstick.
“I’m jealous of your appetizer.” I said in awe.
She swallowed, then smiled with her mouth open, and the tip of her tongue played between her teeth.
“Settle down, baby boy.” She teased. “If you’re good, you’ll get more than you bargained for.”
I nodded, devoting my fate to her caring hands.
After a few minutes, our waitress appeared. She looked about nineteen, and wore a crisp white button down shirt that tucked into extremely revealing black slacks. Her hair was pitch black, straight, and covered one of her blue eyes. She took Amanda’s order curtly, but took my order like she was catering to a king. When she left, she purposefully dropped her pen, bent over slowly, and effectively displayed her shapely, round, delectable ass. I looked a little too long, and I almost thought I could see the seam of her pants split her pussy lips down the middle.
When I looked back to Amanda, she rolled her eyes. “I can’t take you anywhere.” She said.
“I don’t know why.” I said weakly.
“Because you’re a magnet.”
I looked at her quizzically.
“Every girl that meets you wants a taste.” She explained. “Or, if they don’t want a taste, they at least imagine what it tastes like.” She said sweetly, and glanced below the table.
The waitress came back with our order and we ate lavishly. After fantastic food and conversation, the girl brought me the check, and winked as she left it with me. I pulled out my card and set it on the tray, got up, and kissed Amanda on the cheek.
“I’m gonna use the restroom before we go.”
Relieving myself was difficult as I thought about my date, but I powered through. When I came back to the table, the check was gone, and Amanda seemed annoyed.
“You okay?” I asked, worried.
She smiled at me with a territorial expression. “Yes. Someone was just a little too bold.”
She flicked her thumb, and on it was a small sticky note with a phone number. “The waitress pinned this under the check and thought I wouldn’t see.” She revealed. “Clever, but not clever enough.”
I walked around behind her chair and moved it as she stood up. She pointedly crumpled the note and left it on the table, then handed me back my card. “You make good money now, but not this good.”
She paid for it.
“Thank you, Mommy.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” She grabbed my hand as we walked towards the exit. “Disrespectful girls don’t get a piece of you.” She said plainly. “And I-“ She looked at me sharply. “Am your only Goth Mommy.”
I nodded quickly.
I opened the restaurant door for her, and held her soft hand as we walked out. As we moved past the threshold, I brought her fingers to my lips. I pulled her close to me as we stood at the entrance, our eyes locked.
“Have you ever thought . .” I hesitated. “About remarrying?” My heart raced.
She could have anyone in the entire universe. She is the universe.
Her eyes flickered, her face wistful. “Not until recently.” She said succinctly.
I wanted to smile, but I pulled her face in my hand and kissed her. “Back to your place?” I asked after our lips parted.
She nodded.
As we waited for the valet, our hands swung in the air like we were grade school sweethearts.
We were driving back to Amanda’s house when I told her about Alexis.
“Really?” She asked, and I handed her my phone. “Huh.” She said, looking at the picture.
She put my phone back down. “Poor girl. She was threatened.”
“Threatened by what?”
“By Kiya. In school.” She said, looking at me.
“That doesn’t make any sense.” I replied, confused. “I mean, Alexis was popular. Head cheerleader, rich daddy, drove a lifted Jeep, the whole shebang.” I shook my head. “Kiya was poor just like me. She wasn’t popular, she was a loner.”
Amanda nodded slowly, and waited for me to realize.
“So if the loner took the ‘it’ girl’s boyfriend . .”
“She’d be ruined.” Amanda concluded. “After last night she realized what she could’ve had. What she took for granted.”
“I uh . . I don’t feel good about last night.” I looked at her with guilt. “I know you weren’t very into it either.”
She rubbed my arm. “Revenge doesn’t taste as sweet as you thought, huh?”
I shook my head. “No, it tastes-“ I opened my mouth and squished my tongue a few times. “Like cabbage, actually. Weird.” I gave her a dumb grin.
Amanda’s laugh filled my soul.
When we arrived at the house, Kiya was waiting for us eagerly. “HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!” She bellowed as I exited the car, and ran into my arms for a big hug.
“Thank you, Princess.” I beamed at her. She hopped up and down.
“Come oooooonnnn.” She started pulling my hand towards the front door. “Let’s get you drunk.”
I looked at Amanda, and she smiled, then we all walked into the house.
Amanda had a few steaks in the fridge, and the girls had a blast watching me cook them up and drink whiskey from a glass shirtless.
After dinner, we lounged on the couch, and Kiya got Amanda’s attention.
“Are you ready, Miss Amanda?” She asked excited.
Amanda nodded, then rested her hand on my thigh. “Are you having fun, baby?”
“Of course.” I said, and eyed both of them with suspicion. “What else do you have planned?”
Amanda pulled my face to focus on her. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” I whispered breathlessly, without hesitation.
“Here.” She handed me two small pills, one white and one blue. “Take these.”
I looked at them in the palm of my hand. After a second, I threw them onto my tongue, reached for a glass of water, and swallowed.
“Alright.” I grinned faintly. “Now what?”
Amanda and Kiya sandwiched me on the couch, their hands rested on and rubbed my thighs. “Now we wait.” Amanda purred.
We all talked about nothing and everything for ten minutes. As time went on, I got drowsy, but also felt my cock get harder and harder. The two women kissed my neck and groped my painfully hard cock as I lost consciousness.
I woke up on the couch, groggy and disoriented. I looked down to see my pants were gone, and my cock looked massive; it was nearly purple. It was huge, veiny, and looked nearly an inch longer and thicker. Amanda lounged beside me, softly snoring. In front of the couch, four naked girls were cuddled together on the plush floor rug.
Holy shit.
They ran a train on me.
I looked down at my cock again. It was discharging precum, flowing semen every time it twitched.
I need to cum. Bad.
I looked over to Amanda, grabbed her leg, and gently shook her awake. “Babe. Amanda. What’s going on?”
She slowly stirred and mumbled. “Mmm. Good morning handsome.”
“What happened?”
“We wanted to surprise you, but it didn’t exactly go as planned.” She whispered, and gingerly sat up.
“The surprise was. . Them?” I gestured to the heap of girls.
She nodded. “I gave you a sleeping pill and a viagra. After you fell asleep, Kiya’s friends from the basketball team came and . .” She paused, staring at my cock. “Had as much as they could handle.”
I looked over to the girls and realized it was Sheena, Lin, and Mindy. Kiya was down there too, cuddled amongst them.
“Apparently, they have been pestering Kiya about you for a while. Both her and I are still quite sore, so this seemed like the best birthday present we could offer.” She reached over and stroked my arm. “How do you feel?”
My head was still foggy, but my senses were returning quickly. “I need to fucking cum.” I looked at her expectantly.
“The girls all took turns with you, and they spent-“ She cocked her head in thought. “Hours. Trying to make you cum. Once their pussies had enough, they all used their hands and mouths . .” She smiled as she remembered. “It’s rather impressive you didn’t cum. Any other man wouldn’t have lasted thirty minutes.”
Well fuck. If I couldn’t cum from that, now what do I do?
I looked at my dick, then at Amanda with a panicked expression. She raised her hand to my cheek and caressed it.
“It’s okay, Darling.” She settled me. “Don’t worry about it. I have a plan to fix it, I was just waiting for you to wake up.”
I nodded slowly at her. Her thumb rubbed my jaw.
“I’m going to run to the bedroom and get myself ready real quick. You go ahead and use the girls to get yourself as close as possible.”
“Use them?”
“Yes, Sweetie. We all fell asleep waiting for you to wake up. Kiya is out of commission, but the other three can still take a pounding. They want it, I promise.” She reassured me.
I nodded. “Okay. I’ll get as close as I can.”
Amanda nodded in confirmation, and I helped her get off the couch. She sauntered to her bedroom, swaying her hips and ass while she looked back at me.
I stood up off the couch and walked towards the pile of girls. One of them was face down on the rug, so I knelt down at her feet.
Looks like Sheena is first.
I grabbed her hips, and used my full force to yank her shapely black ass towards me. She grumbled as her knees folded under her. I spread her cheeks and spit on her asshole, then rubbed my cock head in it, down her slit, then back up between her lips at her entrance.
I pressed my tip inside her and she moaned heavily.
“Fuu- uuu- uuu- uuuck.”
I pushed and pushed until I my hips met her ass, and I saw a ring of cream collect on the base of my cock.
“Uh . . Uh- Mark? Oh fuck.” She moaned, waking further as my cock pulsed precum inside her.
I pulled halfway out then back in, fucked her gently, and watched her ass jiggle with every stroke. Lin laid on her side next to Sheena, and began to stir after hearing her friend.
“Sheena? You okay?” Lin asked, groggy.
“Mmm. Hmm.” Sheena mumbled, and she began shoving her ass back into me.
Lin moved and saw what was happening. “Oh fuck, he’s awake.” She said, half scared and half excited. “Am I next?”
Sheena nodded, and Lin gulped. “Okay. Um . . Will you. . Will you . . Get me ready?”
Sheena nodded again, unable to speak as I pounded her and she pounded me back.
Lin grinned, then quickly positioned herself on her back, her pussy in front of Sheena’s face. Sheena dove into her and lapped her pussy eagerly. After a few minutes, Sheena began to groan, muffled by Lin, and slammed as hard as she could onto me, cream dripping from her onto the floor. She lifted her head from Lin and gulped for air.
“Enough- enough- I can’t-“ She gasped between breaths.
Lin smoothed her hair as I removed myself from her. I moved over as Sheena laid herself on her side, and Lin got on all fours and backed her ass towards me. Lin was a very tall, very petite Asian girl, and her ass was small, tight, and firm. Her pussy was dripping wet from Sheena’s tongue.
I rubbed my cock underneath, stimulating her clit for a few seconds, before I plunged into her entrance. I got about halfway on the first thrust and she yelped.
“Oh fuck! Mark- Please- Gentle-“ She yelled.
I slowed my pace and massaged my tip inside her, inching deeper and deeper when I could. After she finally accepted all of me, I grabbed her small waist and pumped in and out of her. The consequence of her being so small was that her ass was quite bony, and it hurt my hips when I pounded into her.
“No.” I barked. “No doggy. Stand up.”
I pulled out, stood up, grabbed Lin’s arm, and yanked her to her feet.
“Oh- what-“ Lin protested.
I picked her up by her waist, and she shot out her legs and wrapped them around my hips. I reached underneath her and inserted myself back inside her.
“Ohhhhh fuuuuuuuuuccckkk.” She moaned as she sat slowly onto me, stretching her once more.
I wrapped my arms underneath her, dangling her knees from my elbows as I held her ass. I thrusted upwards, lifted her up, then slammed her back down onto me.
“FUCK! FUCK MARK FUCK-“ Lin screamed as I tore her apart.
She wanted ‘gentle’, but I can’t ‘gentle’ right now.
I fucked her relentlessly, edging closer and closer to my orgasm while she screamed in pleasure. I slammed her onto me over and over until I felt liquid trickle from her pussy.
“Uuuhh- uhhh- oh god what is that!?” Lin yelled.
She came with a shuddering climax, and I felt her squirt over my cock and down my legs. She had squirted for the first time. Her arms clung to my shoulders and her head lolled as her body vibrated violently.
She won’t take anymore. Next one.
I stopped, and gently knelt to the ground and helped Lin back onto the floor. I looked around and discovered that Kiya and Mindy were awake. Lin’s screaming woke them, and Kiya was busy fingering a whimpering Mindy to prepare her. I knelt on the ground next to Lin and Sheena and pointed to the ground.
“Now.” I ordered.
Kiya gave Mindy reassurance, and Mindy crawled on her hands and knees towards me, before spinning around. Mindy sat on her knees and bent her chest down to the floor. She kept her knees together, making her tiny ass into a perfect little heart. She was the smallest girl there, even smaller than Kiya. My cock was wet from Lin’s pussy, and I slid the tip into Mindy’s entrance.
“Oh!” She gasped as I entered her.
Kiya roused Lin and Sheena , and they sat up, unsteady. They saw me and the tiny black girl, looked at each other, then knelt on either side of Mindy, their hands grasping her hips. They put gentle pressure on her, forced her towards me, and she wiggled adorably until she finally took all of my cock with a cute little gasp.
“Oh! Uh- It’s- how did you two- uhhh is it even bigger now!?” She whimpered.
I moved my hands over her ass, and as I squeezed it my thumbs slipped down to either side of her pussy lips, engorging and spreading them as I pumped in and out of her. Her pussy left white streaks of cream on my dick as I massaged and stretched her walls.
Kiya got up, moved in front of Mindy and sat on her knees. She placed the small girl’s head in her lap, and brushed her hair and face as she moaned incoherently. I stopped moving, as Sheena and Lin took over for me, pushing Mindy’s ass onto me and pulling her back, over and over with perfect rhythm. I watched as her pussy lips gripped my cock, not wanting it to leave, then open back up as it was penetrated again. I was entranced with her ass as it gently slapped my thighs, then decided to wet my thumb and massage her anal entrance.
“Oh! Oh!” Mindy gasped as my thumb applied pressure.
I moved my thumb to the side, spit on her ass, then pressed harder with my thumb, and she relaxed slightly.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Sheena and Lin sped up the rhythm, and just as my thumb began entering her asshole, Mindy climaxed explosively.
“O- o- o- ohhh- huh- huh- huhhhhhh.” Mindy squealed, and pressed harder into Kiya’s lap after her orgasm passed.
I was getting close, seeing and feeling the tiny girl cum on my cock had sent me to the edge. “I’m so fucking close.” I growled.
Amanda’s voice snapped me into focus. “Darling.”
I looked over to her. She laid on the couch on her back with her legs spread and up, and she gently pulled a large buttplug from her ass with a plop. “Come.” She ordered.
I immediately pulled myself from Mindy’s pussy and she wailed as it collapsed without my cock inside. I walked over to the couch and crouched, then rested the tip of my dick at her hole.
“I know your kryptonite, Superman.” She purred.
“Your ass, Mommy?” I asked.
She shook her head, reached her arm under leg, and grabbed me. She pulled and I pushed, and I slid gently inside her ass. She was so tight I knew I wouldn’t last long.
“Fuck Mommy. Oh fuck it feels so good, oh my god.” I whimpered, my head dropped, and I nearly wept with pleasure.
I was so close. My cock was spilling precum inside her, making her ass even more slippery. Inch by inch crept deeper and deeper within. Amanda wrapped her arms around her knees, and pulled her knees together against her chest, squishing her breasts in an image I could barely comprehend. Then, she paired her feet together, rested the arches of her feet against my chin, and her black painted toes onto my lips.
“Suck them.” She cooed. “Suck my toes while you fuck Mommy’s ass.”
I parted my lips and her toes slid past my teeth. In one moment of perfect clarity, her ass wholly engulfed my cock, and I slipped my tongue through her toes as I sucked, my eyes pinched shut.
I exploded. I came with the force of a dormant volcano, destroying everything in its path. My gorgeous woman came as I came, our orgasms multiplied exponentially with each other. I pumped my sperm deep inside her anal cavity as her toes wiggled in my mouth, and I clamped down onto them to keep from screaming. Her wails pierced the temporary silence, and we touched Heaven, our bodies One.
“Oh my fucking god.”
That’s the hottest thing I can even fucking imagine.”
“And we got to see it!!!”
I heard the girls’ excited whispers as Amanda’s feet left my mouth, her legs opened, and I let myself fall, my face cushioned by her breasts as I lost consciousness once more.
This story is complete, read it here:
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I told you that this is so fucking hot. 4 women one man with a massive hardon. Being a fuck toy is what it is. What comes around goes around. He will get more of it i love it. Fg.