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A chance encounter leads Illysette - rich, horny and ambitious - to a valuable addition to her Second Favorite Toy's crew.
Following another grueling march toward bodily perfection with Abigail, Illysette made it a point to shower with Lyric the Leggy Lawyer. For some reason she had a good feeling about the onyx haired beauty. That went beyond physical attraction, oddly enough. They had several chances to shoot the breeze since first meeting. Each time, Lysette came away more impressed.

“Guerrero’s again? I’m buying. There may be some business involved, Lyric.”

Illysette already had a table when the gorgeous attorney showed up. The one they had shared before. It gave them some privacy and still let the two soak up sunshine. Needing the pick-me-up, both ordered the potent coffee while waiting on their orders.

“Much as it bothers me to sound needy, Lysette, I could use the business. The barbarians are at the gates. Have lease payments coming due on the office, my car, my damned soul, in the very near future. What can I do for you?”

“You could come take a short trip with us on the Toy this weekend, Lyric. Other than it being a pleasant thing, there’s a lot to share with you. Short version, Cody and I need a competent, discreet attorney. For a variety of reasons.”

“Not that I’m complaining but that is something that would take a weekend to hash out?”

“There’s quite a bit to unpack. Of course, you’ll be compensated for, what’s the term? Billable hours?”


“Actually, it’s more along the lines of ensuring discretion. If worse comes to worst, the guys and I can toss you overboard.”

They shared a laugh, then brunch. Lyric agreed to the arrangements. She was only half kidding about the barbarians.

“Ahh, good. You’re both here. How was your day, baby?” Lysette asked as she pecked Cody on the snoot.

“All good, Lys. Something going on?” replied Cody as she gave Dusty a hug hello and a quick kiss as well.

“The game is afoot, as someone said once. Sherlock Holmes? I forget. Let’s get a drink and grab the last of the sunlight.”

They took their drinks up to the sundeck. Illysette stripping along the way as best she could with one hand tied up carrying her Arnold Palmer. She put it down next to one of the lounge chairs to finish. When she was naked as a jaybird she sat cross legged on the chair, almost in a Lotus position. The candy pink of her inner puss lips peeked out. It took only seconds for her guys to get as nude as she was. Both sweet cocks were waking up as she watched the boys undress.

“Before Nature takes its course, we have to pow-wow some, fellas.” Which did not stop her from planting a soft kiss and playful nibble on the tip of each one before getting down to brass tacks. “We’re taking the Toy out this weekend, just the three of us with one passenger. I’ve mentioned the attorney I met at the Body Shop, Lyric Darden. She’s coming along.”

Neither of them had met her yet. Lys was looking forward to their reactions when that happened.

“It’s business, at least I hope so. It’s time to share some of what I’ve been thinking about the Toy. Ways to monetize her so we can literally and figuratively keep our heads above water. First things first. Dusty, Cody and I have discussed this. We’d like you to join the crew, permanently, as the Toy’s Captain.”

His expressive eyebrows arched as his dark eyes widened. He let a tiny grimace show.

“Season’s almost here, Skipper. Harry and Ronnie will be put in a bind.”

“That. Right there. That’s why I need you, why we do, Dusty. Loyalty is encouraged. To put your mind somewhat at ease, you said that itinerant crews show up during the busy times. I will make every effort to free you up to A) find someone to fill your shoes and B) to get them trained, presuming any of that’s necessary. I have no desire to screw your bosses, honey. Things will get busier for us; you’ll understand why in a moment, but it won’t happen overnight. Consider it, please.

“Going further, I’m going to stand up a business - actually, businesses, plural - based for the most part here on the boat. It’s a steppingstone toward some other things I’d like to do. There are already plans in the works to make Cody my co-owner. As one of the original ‘plank-holders’ Dusty, there will be considerable benefit to you as well. Over and above furthering your plans to pursue your nautical career. I don’t think I need to mention that the fringe benefits are terrific, do I?”

She sipped while her sparkly green eyes teased over the rim.

“Aside from what I said about Harry and Veronica, I’m good with it, Lysette. Thank you for considering me. Cody? You going to be able to handle me bossin’ you around?”

“How’s that any different from what you do now, Dusty?” He held out a fist to bump. “She may have been thinking of it, but I brought it up first. You’ve got your shit together, you’re motivated, you care for the Toy as much as we do, you’re a hell of an instructor. I just don’t see a downside unless absolute power corrupts absolutely, Cap’n Bligh.”


Lyric stepped out of the Gator that Harry had taxied her to the Toy in. Lys waved from the railing.

“Thanks, Harry. Give Veronica my best. Then give her yours!”

He was laughing as he waved while driving off. Lysette watched their attorney-to-be as she goggled at the Toy for a moment.

“Come aboard, Lyric. I told you the Toy was more impressive in person!”

She was dressed in ‘Toy Casual’, as usual. Tiny cutoffs, unzipped with the waist band rolled down her hips over a peach bikini that performed magic on her improving suntan, barefoot, and wearing a midriff baring cropped tee. Lys was thrilled when she saw the reaction as Lyric reached the top of the boarding ramp. Although, it was hard to see what the object of her comment was aimed at, Lys or her Toy.

“My god. It’s like a fairy tale.” Lyric stepped out of her tall, peep-toe heels so she could put on the tennies she held in one hand. “Sorry, I don’t own a pair of deck shoes, Lysette.”

“Perfect. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Come on, I’ll show you around.”

Illysette was feeling a little out of sorts. She was usually fairly immune to anxiety but today was one of the rarities. It wasn’t on the menu, necessarily, but she was seriously considering coming out of the closet, so to speak. It amazed her to no end that Rumor Control here in the marina had not tumbled to the secrets she and the boys kept. Lys fully intended to bring Lyric up to speed. She just was not sure of how or when. The attorney had a pressing need to know, if they were going to work together.

In the back of her mind, she wondered how things would go if she and Cody ‘accidentally’ got caught being at least a little intimate, just to toe the door open a touch. There was sort of a way to back into things, too. Lys and Dusty could just as easily be the catalyst that got the conversation started. Or would it be better to just throw the barn doors open? And when? She needed to talk to the guys.

After showing Lyric around, grinning at the ooos and ahhhhs, Lys brought her to the cabin the attorney would have for the weekend.

“Make yourself at home, Counselor,” flipping on lights, pointing out the amenities. “The Toy has three VIP cabins if you include the Master in the count. Do you like aquariums?”

Without waiting for the answer, Lys dove onto the bed. After pulling a couple of plush pillows out of the way she asked Lyric to kill the lights for her. Ambient light came through the large free form window cunningly curved to resemble a dolphin bounding along. From the outside, the effect was even more pronounced. There were three such windows arranged on either side of the Toy. They made it appear that a small pod of the sleek aquatic critters were racing the boat when she was underway.

“Come here,” Lys said, patting the mattress next to her. That took Lyric by surprise. She hesitated only a moment, hiking her skirt higher on her thighs before crawling up next to Illysette. Not sure what to expect, her anxious grin turned into a full-blown, dazzling smile as Lysette drew back a lower curtain to reveal another window that gave a mostly below the surface view. Taking advantage of the shade and protection from seabirds an astonishing number of tropical fish schooled under the boat. It was like being in a submarine or something.

“Will you look at that?” Lyric breathed.

More than a few of the many kinds of fish, large and small, swam up to ogle the girls as they ogled them back. “Illysette, that’s incredible! If you can’t find me this weekend, I’ll be right here. Communing with Nature.”

Lys flopped on her back, looking at the ceiling where dancing, fluid reflections from the window played. All three of the VIP quarters had the same design feature. She often did the same in her own cabin. Now and again, a curious dolphin or two would peep in at her while they were underway as they cavorted alongside. Once, a surprise visit from a hitchhiking octopus. Jellies, schools of quick, silvery fish, sharks or ‘cudas in the near distance. It was thrilling and relaxing at the same time. One of these days, Lys planned to dedicate a cruise to do some whale watching.

“Enjoy the show. Freshen up if you’d like. No water restrictions, it’s not ‘Navy showers’ aboard the Toy. Get changed. Uniform of the Day is what I think of as ‘Toy Casual’,” she said, smoothing the tee shirt over her breasts as she kicked her bare feet in the air. Lys had the attorney’s full attention.

That was something she hadn’t considered. What if it was Lysette and Lyric who were discovered fooling around by the guys? There was no doubt, from their first meeting in the showers, and every subsequent meeting, that Lyric would be ok playing with her. Something to kick around. Lys scooted her butt across the mattress then stood up.

“Take your time. The crew and I need to get this beast untethered then put some deep water under the keel. Feel free to explore all you want. We may be on the bridge, up one deck and forward if you’d like to join us. There will be at least one of us there any time we’re underway. Mostly, we spend time on the fantail if we aren’t.” She pointed at the door of the stateroom. “Through the door then follow your nose aft. It’s my favorite place to hang out.”

Lysette turned to the cabin door. She opened it enough to be backlit while she posed seductively, if casually, there.

“Before we clear the channel Dusty will need to get with you for a short but vital safety briefing. If we haven’t run into each other before, I’ll send one of the guys to get you. Questions? Anything you want or need?”

Maybe both, if the adoring look on the lawyer’s face was any indication, but she just shook her head after a few seconds.

“I’m fine. Going to frolic with the fishies for a few. I’ll find you soon. Is there a limit to ‘Toy Casual’? I’m not super bashful, and it seems a shame to hide Abigail the Inquisitor’s fine work.”

“Counselor, once we clear populated areas, you could come out nude if you’d like. It’s just that casual.” She gave the cutie a sassy wink, “The crew, present company included, would appreciate it. I know they do when I do that.”

There. That should set the tone. Lys smiled as she left.

Up on the bridge, Lys found Dusty watching over Cody as her boy got them ready to depart. When he noticed her, Dusty said he’d go take care of the mooring lines. Cody had taken them out a number of times. Lys’s heart didn’t even start beating faster as he used the throttles to hold it in place as Dusty got the Toy freed from the dock stanchions before hopping aboard to get the fenders stowed. By the time he returned to the bridge, Cody had the Toy easing out of the marina, trading friendly horn blasts with the few other occupied craft at the public end of the docks as he traversed the ‘No Wake’ zone. She stood between them, one thumb tucked into the waistband at the small of Cody’s back, long slim fingers resting on his butt. Lysette put her arm around Dusty who returned the gesture.

“Going to raise the tension level some, guys. We need an attorney. For a lot of reasons, as I may have mentioned before. If all goes well, that lawyer is aboard right now.” She got Cody’s attention. “Honey, we’ve been fortunate that scandal hasn’t reared its ugly head so far. But for Lyric to be effective in her role, she needs to be aware of what she’s getting into. It’s the right thing to do, on top of being necessary. Technically, if she takes the job, there are some legalities involved. You’re just a baby.”

Lysette giggled as he gave her a slight scowl.

“At some point this weekend, maybe early on, the cat is going to have to be let out of the bag. You get a say in that, you and Dusty both, but there’s really no getting around it, after all is said and done. You guys ready for that?”

“I trust you, Skipper. That call makes sense,” Dusty replied. Cody was only a few seconds behind him with his own agreement.

“Just the one question, Lysette. What if her hair turns white?”

Lys and Dusty both chuckled.

“She wore an itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie, yellow polka dot bikini…”

Lyric dressed in front of the full-length mirror, grinning at her reflection. Ma’s favorite song, she used to sing it under her breath or hum it all the time. Besides the sentimental value, the suit was the perfect complement to her olive skin tone and jet black hair and eyes. She fashioned her hair into a snug bun at the back fastened with a pair of chopstick looking things. It pulled her already almond shaped eyes into more emphasis. Lightly applying some coral shaded lip gloss to her wide, sensuous mouth, then puckering up to even it out a bit, she was ready.

She had no problem finding the bridge. Lysette and the guys all turned at the same time. Lyric was not unnerved in the least when all three stood, just staring, for a couple of seconds. She loved her body. Lyric worked hard to make it into something others loved, too.

“Ayde mi, chica,” Dusty whispered just loud enough that everyone heard him. “Miz Darden. Or do you prefer Counselor? That suit, and everything in it, is astonishing.”

Looking at Illysette she said, “Well, no one is prostrating themselves at my feet yet. I have more work to do before the Vatican visit, I suppose.” She sat on the back of one of the chairs arranged around a small chart table. “Please don’t mention that to Abigail. She’ll only torture me more thoroughly.”

With a small chuckle, Lys got the introductions taken care of, then added, “I think you just made everyone’s day, Lyric. Darlin’, I’ve seen you naked. That suit might just be better.”

With an appreciative giggle of her own, Lyric replied, “Who knows? Maybe comparisons are in order at some point.” She thought that might be a fine idea after seeing the buff crew all but in the buff themselves.

“Dusty, Cody and I have the boat. Give the cutie counselor the safety spiel and tour, ‘k?”

“Twist my arm, Skipper. Ma’am?” He held an arm out and Lyric took it as he stood her up then led the alarming woman off the bridge. Lyric drew a chuckle from Dusty as she gave his arm a playful twist on the way.

“Can I pick’em or what, baby boy?” Lysette asked with a pleased grin behind it as she pinched Cody’s butt.


After the brief, the lawyer and Dusty came back to the bridge. Cody teed up the auto-pilot, made sure the proximity alarms were set then joined the other three at the chart table. Even though Dusty was certain, he was still twitchy about not having anyone on watch. The view from the table was fine and the electronics were as dialed in as he could make them. Lysette winked at him when he got up to take a better lookout spot anyhow.

“Lyric, my original plans for this were ordered differently. I, we, planned to vet you and then hopefully offer you the position of family slash ‘corporate’ attorney. There’s a pretty ominous caveat involved that I’d planned to share with you later – but before you needed to make a decision.”

“Okay. So your plans have changed then? Have I failed a test or something?”

“No! Not at all and I’m sorry for giving that impression. What I’d like to do is sorta put the cart before the horse, as they say. Fair warning: Cody was concerned that the shock might make your gorgeous black hair turn white.”

Lyric grinned. “Uh ohhh.” She bent a knee, drawing one bare foot up to rest next to her butt in the chair. The swimsuit outlined a perfect camel-toe that all three could clearly see. Even Dusty took a step or two closer. She wrapped her arms around the knee, squishing her pretty boobs almost out of the bikini top, waited for Illysette to continue.

“Lyric, this is the hair-bleaching part. Cody, Dusty and I share an intimate, and quite physical, relationship. I’ve told you that Cody is my ward, somewhat legally I suppose, though you’d know better. He is not yet eighteen. Issue number one. The big thing is, almost everyone that knows us believes me to be Cody’s Mom.”

Illysette paused but when there was (surprising and somewhat shocking in its own right) no change in the alluring attorney’s expression, she continued.

“There are plans, pretty ephemeral ones still, but real plans to start a business, centered on my, our, Second Favorite Toy. An involved, obviously discreet, competent attorney is crucial to those intentions. My intent was to present the business aspects first, see if there was any interest, or if it was even something within your capabilities then before asking you to sign on with us, sharing this with you. Your, I don’t know, attitude? Your easy manner and comfort with us changed all that. Perhaps just as alarming is the fact that the Toy is, for all intents and purposes and quite literally, a free use environment. It’s entirely possible that some of your moral sensibilities will be tweaked when you’re aboard. Though your participation is not a job requirement. End of spiel. Your thoughts?”

The chair was large and comfy enough that Lyric could cross her legs in it. She drew both feet up, patted her sculpted thighs with both hands idly as she considered what she’d heard so far. Instead of a camel-toe, now the tiny bottoms were snugged even further. The sunshine yellow material almost bisected her plump labia, resembling a tiny thong. She paid no attention to that at all. Her audience did as they waited for her response. It took awhile. The crew of the Toy did not interrupt. The erotic display was enticing enough to fend off impatience.

“I wonder if we could stop some place for a while. Maybe sun a little while we continue?”

“Dusty? We’re what, an hour or so from the Pillars?”

“Affirmative, Skipper. I know a place that’d work for that. It’s not Gilligan’s Island but I think it’ll be just as good.”

“Make it so, Number One.”

They knew it was going to be alright when Lyric went forward, braced her thighs against the railing and stripped out of the bikini top while they were underway. She flashed the three of them a brilliant smile, shook her hair free of the bun and played masthead as they slid through the flying fish speckled Pacific.

Dusty showed Cody how to use the forward and stern anchors to keep them in place. Even going so far as to pull them up after the demo so Cody could do it himself. It took the First Mate a couple of tries to get the tension right, jockeying the throttles to snug things up. When Dusty was satisfied, he and Cody joined the girls. Lysette was completely naked and comfy in one of the deck chairs. The lawyer still wore the bikini bottoms but seemed just as comfortable.

The spot he’d picked was just outside a pair of miniature Rock of Gibraltar looking boulders sticking out of the ocean. The Toy would not fit through them but the Jet Ski would. He shuttled everyone into the small, protected cove.

Cody and Lysette had put together some finger food, drinks, stuffed the bag-of-many-things full and pretty soon the foursome was ashore. They found a spot that offered shade if they wanted it, sunshine when they didn’t. Leaving their things there, they explored what they could to ensure some privacy.

“Oooo, Captain Bligh. Nice choice,” Cody said.

Smaller than Gilligan’s Island, but just as picturesque, the cove was private, pretty and perfect for an admittedly provocative business meeting.

“You folks certainly know how to impress a girl. Wow.”

“Ohhh, you have yet to see the impressive stuff, Counselor.”

Lyric’s twat tingled. The thing was, she was not so sure of the boundaries yet. On the other hand, she knew how to clarify those. Not sure if they had the place to themselves, everyone had dressed. At least a little. They soon learned they had the small islet to their horny selves. As soon as they had a few large beach blankets laid out she stood in front of them and lifted the nearly sheer beach cover over her head. Lyric was newborn naked under it.

“Girl after my own..umm..heart,” Lysette noted with a grin. She was nude too, only seconds later. “Now, about that impressive stuff, Counselor.”

Lysette took Cody by the hips as Lyric sat cross-legged next to her. She leaned up to dab her tongue into Cody’s navel, her fingernails digging into his firm tush. Licking and kissing and nibbling her way south she slid her hands into the waistband of his board shorts to tug them over his slim hips. When his fattening pecker came into view Lys licked along the top of it with a flat tongue as she finished pulling his shorts off. Lyric’s gasp made her happy.

When she had Cody’s impressive dick free Lysette did what she had wanted to do for hours now. His spongy cock head slid between her lips. Everyone could hear the soft moan of pleasure as she put half of his delightful manhood in her damp and steamy mouth. Out of the corner of her eye she saw their stunning maybe-attorney slip a long nailed fingertip between the outer lips of her puss. Lysette worked Cody up to grow every inch of his impressive pecker before taking it out of her mouth so she could jack him off as she looked at Lyric.

Who did not waste a second getting to her knees. Illysette smiled real big as she fed her boy’s masculine cock into the lawyer’s mouth. When Lyric took it out, gasping, eyes as big around as poker chips, Lys took it back, licking and nibbling along the length of it before wiggling Cody’s pecker in front of Lyric some more. The two of them then shared Cody’s dick, taking turns sucking him deep, lapping up the dribbling, salty-tangy-sweet precum from it. The two of them giggled as they tried to figure out how they could each suck one of his fat balls at the same time.

“Jesus. I’m gonna cum! You two are...hell, I can’t even think of a word.”

Lyric giggled around Cody’s plump head while reaching for Dusty’s dick. Then the girls were sucking both of the guys off. Neither of the boys could keep their hands off of them. Titties got mauled, fingers poked into sopping kitties, thrusting hips sank stiffened cocks into willing women.

When Lyric’s long fingers dipped into Illysette she got a surprised and pleased squeak in response. She inserted another. Lys ground against her hand and mewed around Cody’s cock. Dusty slid behind Lyric, wiping the slippery head of his dick on her soaked snatch before grabbing her flaring hips as he poked her puss lips apart. Lyric leaned over Illysette to replace her fingers with her tongue. It lifted her butt higher into the air so that Dusty could plug her leak. He sank himself into her hot box until his belly was against her fine, fine ass.

They had to adjust positions a little to get comfortable but that only took a second or two. Lys tilted her head back so Cody could try to feed all of his mammoth meat into her throat. She still had not managed to swallow all of him. She was fucking going to though. One of these days. Practice makes perfect.

The tremendous flush/sizzle of an earthquake orgasm ignited in Lysette’s tummy. She locked her thighs around Lyric’s ears, her hands pulling the pretty woman even tighter against her spasming cunt. Lyric lifted Illysette’s legs with her hands behind her knees, spearing her with a long snaky tongue that seemed to touch every hungry bit of her dripping snatch. Cody began throbbing in Lys’s mouth.

“Wait! Wait, baby. Gimme one more sec.” Lysette kept jacking him off as she quivered under Lyric’s expert tongue. “Ooo, oh baby. Share this with me!”

Illysette pulled Lyric up her body making Dusty knee-walk behind the horny attorney to keep his dick in her. When they were cheek to cheek Lys gobbled Cody again as she fisted him fast, dragging his hot cum from his balls. Lyric rolled Cody’s firm nuts in her hand, waiting. But not long. With a long drawn out groan of ecstasy he began spewing. Lys put her tongue out to catch some before steering the spitting head toward Lyric.

While they were draining Cody dry Lyric got off. Dusty let out a surprised grunt as her twat clamped around his cock. He sped up his thrusts even more, his balls slapping against her wet puss then flooded her sooo-tight cunt with jet after jet of his own cum. By the time it was over everyone was quivering like beached jellyfish, splayed out under the warm sunshine.

“Your Honor, the Defense rests.”

“Not guilty.” Illysette had an ear-to-ear smile.

After recovering enough to feel confident they could walk, the group waded into the jade-colored shallows to clean up. That almost got them frisky again. Lyric’s smile was as big as Lysette’s. It got wider still when Cody’s fingers slid into her puss to help wash out Dusty’s cum. She reached for him, massaging his dick, hoping it would grow in her hand. Mercy, what a penis on this boy!

They nibbled snacks, swallowed cool Coke, chatted easily.

“I was sort of wondering, you know? I thought maybe you were into women, Lyric.”

“Ohh, I adore guys. The thing about being bi is mostly just hedging my bets. I’m trying to get the firm off the ground. Busy as a meth addled beaver so spare time is kind of a luxury. Playing for both teams doubles my chances of getting laid on any given, and rare, evening out. In case it isn’t obvious, I really like sex.”

“How’s that going? Building your law firm, I mean?”

“Honestly? I’m sort of wondering. I am not OCD enough, I think. Everything about Law interests me. I’m having a hard time trying to figure out what I ought to specialize in. Or even if I should. It’s complicated.”

“Is this a good time to discuss being our attorney of record?” Lysette grinned. “If your brains are still as addled as mine, we can put it off for a bit.”

“Still those marauding barbarians looming, Illysette. What’s on your mind? How do you folks think I can help?”


After laying out her ideas for the future, some of them new to both Cody and Dusty even, Illysette finished by asking for Lyric’s advice.

“And the billable hours clock starts from whenever you choose, Counselor. Is this something Darden and Associates can, or even would, take on?”

Sipping at her Coke, Lyric considered only a moment.

“It actually sounds like the answer to a prayer, Lysette. Let me explain. What you are really in need of is a ‘Family Office’. Are you familiar with those?”

“I know they exist. Jake is in finance. I have only the barest idea of what they are for.”

“By and large, the Office handles all of the ‘essential affairs’ of wealthy clients. The legal things, of course. But with the proper permissions the scope can involve much more. Oversee Trusts, handle contractual obligations, deal with the financial aspects, you know, pay the bills, taxes and such. What it boils down to is taking care of all the details the client knows need to be handled but cannot or does not want to deal with for any of a variety of reasons. The ‘Corporate’ aspect is pretty much a different kettle of fish but it isn’t unheard of. Especially with startups. A rough analogy is Circus Ringmaster. The Office coordinates things, finds the folks who can make the show run on time.”

“That makes sense. Yes. Question remains. Is that something D and A can do?”

“It is. In fact, it’s a God-send for an attorney with a wide and eclectic interest in the law like, say, moi. On top of which, it is somewhat insulated from normal Bar considerations that might otherwise bite that attorney in the ass. For instance, representing a client enjoying sex with an underage paramour or screwing them themselves?”

That got a laugh.

“It is all part and parcel of that discretion thing you said was so important. Insulation from official scrutiny to some degree.”

“You’ve given me lots to consider, Lyric. Thank you. I can do that better on a full tummy though. Let’s get back aboard the Toy. Cody and I will whip something up for din-din.”

“Got a suggestion, Skipper. It’s why I chose this spot. ‘Poseidon’s Oasis’ is close by. Do you know it?”

“Never heard of it, Number One. Isn’t an oasis a desert thing?”

“I didn’t name it, Lysette. It’s sort of a non-official marina. You’re in for a treat, Boss.”

Lyric had not brought any ‘going out’ clothes. Fortunately, she and Lysette were similar in stature. They had a fine time trying on different outfits after showering. Lys purred as the leggy attorney tried on an almost see through peach colored mini dress.

She stood behind her as Lyric inspected herself in the full length mirror. Lys cupped Lyric’s boobs in both warm palms, getting them situated to best advantage in the scandalously low cut bodice. The tops of her dark areolae were just barely visible. Her perky nips not disguised in the least.

“You have amazing breasts, Lyric.”

“Said the Penthouse Pet of the Year.”

She winked at Illysette in the mirror.

“If you’re feeling frisky, no panties are required, either. But I’ve found that teasing a little is worth its weight in gold.”

She dug around in a chest of drawers then came out holding a translucent thong of the precise same color as the dress. Lyric slid the panties up her long legs, checked the effect in the mirror’s reflection.

“Omigod. It’s like walking around nude but not!”

Lysette’s shoes would not fit Lyric but she had the black, tall heeled, peep toes.

“I can always take them off. But they do do nice things for my legs and tail, huh?”

“Going to have to put chastity belts on the guys, honey.”

Dusty had the con. He puttered into the unofficial marina, hunting a spot to tie the Toy up. Lysette was surprised to see just how many boats were around. She asked about it as the centerpiece, the ‘Oasis’, became visible. It was a bustling venue, quite a few boaters milling around, she was surprised to see that there were hardly any kids.

“Poseidon, the creator and proprietor of this lash-up, is a biker. He says it’s modeled on some of the places he’s familiar with from the Sturgis bike rally. During the day, it’s the closest place for visitors to the Pillars of the Sea to fuel up, get provisions, enjoy some food and entertainment. The standing rule is that kids aren’t allowed after sundown. That’s when the Oasis gets a little friskier. Plus, it’s still not ‘official boating season’ yet.”

“Huh. Wonder how this escaped my notice. Sounds like fun.”

“Fun starts in earnest a bit later on. Be listening for that old song, ‘Midnight at the Oasis’.”

He winked then gave Lysette the con as he and Cody went to get the Toy tied down. Once the boat was secured, Lysette and Lyric debarked to join the guys dockside. They followed Dusty as he showed them around. Several folks stopped them to gush over the impressive baby yacht. Several more to gush over the sexy new arrivals.

“Let’s go munch, y’all. Be advised: This early in the season we’ll only find bar food – pizza, burgers, things like that. Your dieting is going to take a hit. Once the season kicks off, there are quite a few folks who set up little food courts or whatever. The choices now are simple but well done for what it is.”

“I’m sure Abigail can fix all that later on, Dusty.”

She gave Lyric’s hand a squeeze, making the woman mock groan.

The foursome followed their ears to the ‘Oasis’ proper. An enthusiastic live band was belting out ‘Born to be Wild’ for the raucous and playful crowd. Poseidon met them almost at the door.

“Dude. You come bearin’ gifts, do ya?”

“Hey, bro. I don’t know about gifts but for sure I brought treats.”

The two bumped shoulders, clasped hands. “Pos, this is my boss and the owner of that mega pretty little yacht parked over there. Illysette, meet Poseidon, owner/operator of the Oasis.” He then introduced Lyric and Cody.

“Pretty boat, lady. Glad to meet y’all. Come on, I’ve got just the place for you. Show some o’these heathens that we ain’t completely classless.”

The burly biker made it a point to adjust his junk with one hand while wiggling his eyebrows, getting a laugh from the group. He took them to a table near the dance floor which was already full of smiling, enthusiastic folks digging the music. Poseidon got the attention of a cute waitress dressed in painted on, faded, jeans and a mostly unbuttoned sleeveless vest. Her very long, center-parted dark hair, almost waist length, had a couple of feathers in it.

“This is Apache, y’all. She’ll take good care of ya.”

He left to do other things, and Apache got them settled and took their orders.

It didn’t take long at all before the sharks began circling. There was almost a receiving line of them, each doing their best to get the girls onto the dance floor. Both Illysette and Lyric were all over that. By the time their food came the girls were glistening a little, wearing bright smiles.

“You’re a good dancer, Lyric. I don’t think there was a soft pecker in the room.”

“Lots of practice, Lysette. That’s how I paid for college at first, before getting into law school.”

“Will wonders never cease?”

Lyric chuckled around a big bite of her juicy burger. She dabbed her lips with a napkin then explained.

“I grew up pretty much dirt poor, guys. We lived deep in Appalachia, Ma, Papa and me. My mother couldn’t have any more kids after I was born. It was precisely the hard-scrabble, destitute kind of life everyone believes they know about Appalachia. Rural, dreary, insular, futureless. I would be the first to tell you, though, it was not all horror stories and psychological trauma or drama. Families were close-knit, loving, everyone knew everyone else and watched out for each other. A little racy. I was nine before Ma convinced Papa that three or four boys with erections chasing his nude daughter around the yard was ill advised.”

Lyric waited for the chuckles to subside. She paused long enough to get their full attention, putting the napkin and burger down.

“Not even the horror stories about incest. I gave my virginity to a second cousin when I was young but it was a close race between him and Papa. That’s just the way things were there. Small town, a village really, with at least half of the residents related somehow. A full third of my high school graduating class were relatives. All of them were having sex with their families, too. There just wasn’t much opportunity for anything different and it was, traditional and accepted, I suppose is the best way to see it. But not traumatic. Rape, sexual assault, those sorts of things were unheard of, for the most part.

“My folks weren’t born into that. Papa found work in the mines so we moved there from Southwest Texas, every bit as poor, rural and insular. He always wanted something better for his little girl so he and Ma made me keep my nose to the grindstone in school. Their dream for me was to go to college and the only way for that to happen was me earning a scholarship. That didn’t happen.”

She nibbled more of her sandwich as she got a distant look in her eyes. Followed by a pleasant smile.

“That cousin I mentioned? He got out by joining the Marines. We’d get together when he was on leave. One day he mentioned that as pretty and sexy as I was, I could be a dancer. I didn’t understand at first. He opened my eyes. Garth took me to a strip club near the small community college a county over. One thing led to another. I entered an Amateur Night dealie and ended up making more money that night than Papa did in a couple of weeks. A month later I moved there, took the job, enrolled in school. It took a couple of years but I made the grades to transfer, decided on Law. Still danced during the undergrad years until someone I studied with pointed out that the Bar Association might frown on my choice of employment.”

“That explains so much,” Lysette said. “And then?”

Lyric covered her face with both hands, laughing hard.

“I believed her. But the sex bug had bitten me bad. She almost peed when I took a job as an escort. It was on the up and up, at least on the surface. We were encouraged to consider “additional opportunities” as my employer put it. For a piece of the earnings, of course. I didn’t stop that until I entered the J.D. program.”

Apache came over to clear the table and refill their drinks. When she was gone, Lyric grabbed Cody’s hand.

“Mind becoming a spectacle for a minute, tiger?”

It was not yet midnight, but the crowd didn’t seem to care. Well lubed by pitchers of beer and margaritas, they got more daring and provocative on the dance floor. Lyric took Cody into the very center of that horny mess.

The band cranked out a fair rendition of Motley Crue’s ‘Girls, Girls, Girls’. Lyric’s smile grew as she began using Cody like a stripper pole. The leggy lawyer put on a show to remember. Cody wore a self-conscious smile as she spun and twisted around him. Rubbing his body with her own until her nips were tiny stones tenting the dress material and Cody’s growing erection got more obvious in his own snug jeans. When she slowly lifted one leg, resting it against his shoulder in a standing split with the dress puddling at her crotch exposing her legs to the hip, the dancers gave them some room, becoming cheering spectators.

Lyric ate it up. She winked at Cody as she bumped her puss against his growing boner a couple of times before going back to swirling around him, teasing the boy and their appreciative audience. Someone slid a chair from one of the tables toward them. Lyric turned away from him, reaching her arms overhead to run her fingers through his thick hair as she began a sensual bump and grind that got him backing toward the chair. Lyric turned around, slithered her body down his until she was crouched at Cody’s feet. She reached for his hips, leaned forward to give his now obvious hard-on a playful nip with her Orbit-gum-commercial teeth through the jeans before pushing him into the seat.

When she stood up again Lyric put one of her feet on the back of his chair, thrusting her hips into his face a few times. He reached for her and she playfully slapped his hands away, making a ‘no, no, no’ gesture with one wagging finger. The crowd laughed. With her hands tangled in her thick black hair, eyes half-closed and that delicious smile blazing she wiggled and wriggled her gorgeous ass against his chest. As she slowly slid down his body until her butt was in his lap, Lyric bent forward, all but spilling her tits out of the dress.

She gave him a heavenly lap dance first facing away, then straddling him facing forward, dry humping the smiling boy, dragging her breasts over his face and chest. Lyric let him get away with wrapping his lips around one tingling nipple for a moment making the audience shout encouragement. Too soon, for Lyric and Cody, as well as the captivated spectators, the song was finished. She stood, took Cody’s hand and waved to the cheering crowd as they went back to their table.

Poseidon was there, standing behind Dusty and Lys.

“You just gave me an idea for a cool event, Missy. Any damn body can do a wet T-shirt contest. Fer damn sure the Oasis is gonna have a Lap Dance contest. Holy hell, girl. That didn’t suck.”

“Awww, shucks,” Lyric said, giving him a kiss on his whiskery cheek. “Let Dusty know when. I’ll come back and try to win it.”

The sharks circled closer. A while later the band cranked out Midnight at the Oasis with the sexy Apache handling the vocals. The four of them danced with everyone who asked. Cody and his jeans filling dick were especially popular with some of the girls. Lysette coerced Lyric into giving her lessons on some of her more provocative moves, including that delicious standing split. They had the pick of the litter for stripper pole stand-ins.

An hour or so later they headed back aboard the Toy. Given that there were no kids around Lysette got out of her clothes at once. The rest followed suit. They didn’t even bother to dim the lights.

(To Be Continued)
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