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This is the second part in the series. More parts to come.
The trainer pushed the door open. Natali could imagine the smile on his face. Lucky had fucked her once more leaving the evidence to leak down her thighs and harden. The trainer grabbed her hair and lifted her head up.

“You look like you had a good time.”

He led the dog out. No quick footsteps or barking from Lucky, he must be worn out. Natali smiled knowing the dog had enjoyed her. The trainer then came back for her and began undoing her restraints. She move as though she was in a dream. Her body sluggish and slow. He grabbed her hair once again and dragged her back. He pulled off the blindfold and pointed towards the wet spot on the ground.

“I’m not cleaning that.” He shoved her face close. “Lick it up.”

Natali, too weak to argue, stuck her tongue out and got a slight taste. Salty warm cum. She forced herself to continue, wondering at how she was able to keep it down without puking. She must be more depraved than she had initially thought.

Once done, the trainer led her to one of the kennels and threw her in.

“Wait! You said you’d let me go.”

“No, I said I might if you are good. Tomorrow we will find out if you are any good at listening.” He gave her a sarcastic smile. “Get some rest. You have a long day tomorrow.”

He turned most of the lights off and left. She heard him lock the exterior doors. Now it was just her and Lucky in a nearby cage. Natali found some water in a bowl and gulped it down. Then searched for a comfortable spot to lay down. She discovered a dirty blanket, rough from all the use, covered herself, and fell asleep.

The sun had been long up when the trainer came for her. Once again, she followed on her hands and knees towards another room, this one contained tiled floors and a shower. He began hosing her down, which she didn’t mind. The dried cum had to come off at some point..

“I need to pee.” She said. The trainer eyed her.

“You will wait just like everyone else.”

Who is everyone else, she thought, but kept quite. They went back to where lucky was and let him out.

The man then leashed the two of them and led them to the big double door. This one led outside, into fresh air. Natali felt conscious of her nakedness and worried about unexpected visitors.

“Find a spot and pee, bitch.” His voice filled with mirth. “If you’re not sure how, your mate can show you.”

Lucky was back to his usual self, rushing left and right to check out every little thing. Natali could barely keep up. Her bladder straining to hold the pee in. She decided she could not continue this walk without relieve. She squatted by the side of a tree and tried to relax. It did not take long for her to release a steady stream of piss. The trainer scoffed, but otherwise, seemed uninterested in her humiliation. Lucky, however, was very interested. She guessed he wasn’t accustomed to having a human pee out in the wild. As soon as she was done, they continued. Eventually, they made there way back to the shop and into their separate cages.

“Wait here. I’ll bring you some more friends to keep you company. It is the weekend after all.”

Over the next two, more people dropped their dogs off. Natali realized that people were leaving their dogs and heading out of the city. Would she be expected to fuck them? Is this what he meant by being a good girl? Lucky was enough for her, enough to overwhelm her. She didn’t know how she could handle more than one dog. Her pussy didn’t seem to care. The wetness was starting to show. Every time a dog was brought in, she caught herself eyeing it’s genitals. Checking if it was male or female.

The trainer entered the kennels.

“Last one today.” Winking at her.

Behind him a Great Dane walked in. Holy shit. That dog was larger than all the rest. This brought the total number of dogs to seven. Lucky, two Labradors, one Great Dane, one tiny Pomeranian, and two other breeds she couldn’t tell. At least one was a female. That left a maximum of six for her.

The trainer let them all out, through the back door and into a fenced area where they could run and play. Natali was leashed to a post, while the trainer brought himself a chair to sit and watch.

“Now, listen close while I explain to you what’s expected of you. The owners of these lovely dogs want to see their pets taken care of. I want five star reviews.” He took her hair in his hand and used a hair tie to keep it in a pony tail. He continued, “ The best way to get them is for the owners to see how excited their pets are coming in and how sad they are leaving. That’s where you come in. I want you to make sure they are satisfied. I mean that physically of course.”

What could she say? She had put herself in this position and now she just had to get through it. At least, she didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant.

The dogs were very active. Playing together and running around, except for the Great Dane, who seemed to be older and slower. Occasionally, one would come by and check her out. Maybe, hoping Natali would play. At one point, the trainer brought two clamps and attached them to her hard nipples. Tightening them until she cried out.

“Put your tits on the ground.” He commanded.

Natali laid her chest down, until her face and nipples touched the grass. That left her ass up in a perfect position.

The two labs came running over, smelling her pussy and ass. She could see their dicks hard swinging around. One of the two labs humped her thigh, precum shot out and sprayed her. Natali rotated her lower half towards him. The smart boy figured it out and immediately jumped onto her back. A couple thrusts into the air and he was in. A moan escaped her mouth. She focused her attention on the feel of his red dick inside her wet pussy.

The lab thrust into her with speed that no man had ever matched. Natali had been waiting all morning for this. It did not take her body long to orgasm. The dog followed suit and shot his cum straight into her depths further increasing the intensity of her orgasm. He then ran off elsewhere, leaving her slightly dizzy. She was brought back to reality when she felt the second lab mount her, this time there was no delay. His member slid easily into her gushing hole.

Once again, Natali was plowed into. Another orgasm was building up inside her. Worried she might blackout, she pulled on her clamped nipple hoping the pain would keep her sane. She could feel the dog’s drool on her back and smiled at the thought of bringing him pleasure. Her moans grew louder as she came, releasing the pent up agony in her pussy. She was shocked when she felt something large slide into her hole. She tried to look between her legs but couldn’t see what it was. With a sudden realization, she remembered that dogs lock themselves into a bitch to ensure a successful mating.

Natali tried to move forward but stopped as soon as she felt pain. The knot was well inside her and wasn’t coming out. She looked ahead and realized the trainer was right ahead of her. His boots came close as he leaned over and placed a paper bag over her head.

“Not interested in seeing your depraved face.” He said.

She felt humiliated. The trainer had put her in this position. Oh well, at least she didn’t need to worry about her vulgar reactions anymore. Plus, there was something exhilarating about not having to worry about being identified. It took a good while before the dog was finally able to pull out of her. The mixture of dog sperm and her liquids leaked out onto the grass. She felt a big tongue lap at her open hole and thighs. The bag had no openings for her to see so she had no way of telling which dog was licking her clean. Natali used her fingers to spread herself wider for the tongue and stayed put. She hoped the man would take her back inside so she could rest. The other, indecent part of her hoped another dog would continue the job.


2024-08-25 13:45:07
I wonder how taking the part of being a bitch might work for us transwomen. Seems like all the genetic women love dog cock, why not a boipussy? Sounds like a great option.


2024-08-12 13:07:05
These dogs have great aim! As they say, one's practice, and the other is payday! Plus, she has a third hole to ensure customer satisfaction, neh?


2024-08-12 12:17:07
Great chapter.


2024-08-09 22:07:50
1000 dollars? Thats 35 cums into a thousand is 30 bucks a pop.
What additional charges will appear? Stitches,male dogs playing?
stitches for bitches and the dogs are free.( Dire Straight's)

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