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This story has a lot of slow burn, but if you enjoy stories that build, I hope you'll like it. All feedback is appreciated!
He was the embodiment of chaos. An unpredictable cartoon character. He represented everything Jennifer Laurent should have abhorred – crude, goofy, lackadaisical, kind of lazy, spontaneous… agnostic. Even the first time they met, Jennifer didn’t really think much about Alex, but clearly she had some kind of effect on him. It was some event where their respective colleges sent teams to research something together. The colleges paid for hotel accommodations and sent their best and brightest students. Alex was on his college’s team. Jennifer wasn’t even on hers – she was just the person they brought along to take pictures for the inevitable interviews the team would face afterwards. She didn’t feel like part of the team, but… she was there, so she still was representing her college.

Alex noticed she wasn’t participating much in the research and, as if it was a joke, involved her. He kept showing her charts and tables and going, “How about you, shutterbug? What do you think?” When Jennifer explained that she wasn’t part of the official team, he shrugged and smiled. “So? Got any thoughts anyways?”

Jennifer wasn’t easy. She didn’t blush or bite her lip or anything. She just smiled at his sheer tenacity and gave a tepid boring answer. That seemed to satisfy him and he turned back to discuss more with the group.

He was such a white boy. The kind her mother wouldn’t ever approve of. Tall, skinny, pale as a ghost, with short black hair, a strong jawline, and a big silly grin that had the unfortunate effect of being contagious. Whenever a conversation was happening, half the time he was leading it or voicing his objections clearly. He had no problem butting his way into the conversation. Again, such a white boy.

Jennifer’s mother wanted her boyfriend to be black like her. It’s not like her mom was racist, per se, she just had ideas of what white boys were like… ideas that Alex seemed to embody. Jennifer herself broke up with her black boyfriend the day before that trip, to her mother’s dismay. Her mother was equally hopeful that the two would reconcile and that Jennifer would find another boy. She was, after all, an incredibly attractive girl. She was short with an adorable smile (with a cute little gap between her teeth), hair and eyelashes that she took pride in taking good care of, and of course, good genetics. Even though Jennifer saw herself as too chubby, it meant that her impressive breasts were hard to hide. It wasn’t the greatest thing in the world to be sexualized by boys because of this, especially since she was a good girl that knew that sex came after marriage, but it was like having a coupon to free attention when she wanted it from boys, and… there were worse things in the world. Boys would be boys, so even though her breasts could sometimes get overwhelming (particularly on her poor back), it meant she’d always get that kind of attention.

Given Alex’s almost annoying jokes and bits where he’d get her involved, she figured he had a thing for her. She expected him to be like every other skinny tall white boy he knew where he’d either joke about her being black (point out how our skin color is different, hilarious, it never got old) or make some weird comment about her breasts but… she had to admit, it was refreshing how neither of those ever came.

What he did do, less than a day after he went back home to his college, was find her social media account and add her. It wasn’t surprising, but then again, Jennifer did get added by a few other people, and he did involve her in the conversation too. It was the least she could do to add him back.

Almost immediately, she was met with messages. “How did the pictures turn out,” “did your college really just drag you there only to take pictures of other people,” and intriguingly, “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable when I kept involving you. I thought you just might be bored.”

That last one gave Jennifer pause. She was used to boys hitting on her over text, but one thing she was not used to was a blatant level of care for how comfortable she was. She’d never realized it before, but he was the first boy to slide into her DMs, especially after meeting her in person, who expressed care for her comfort levels.

That was the turning point. Beforehand, she was being polite and enjoying this silly boy like he was some kind of exhibit at the zoo or something. But before long, she realized she was opening up to him. She kind of wanted a male friend that she could open up to about things, one that knew her just enough to be interesting but not enough to make her feel weird for being vulnerable, and she found one from the most unlikely of places. And of course, he lived nearly an hour away, so if it turned out that he was a walking red flag in disguise, she could just block him and be done with it without any fear of running into him.

That moment never arrived. Alex was run through the gauntlet – how did Alex feel about this one girl on his team (the easiest way to see if a boy was a red flag was to see how he talked about women he wasn’t interested in), what did Alex think about feminism, what was Alex’s love life like… and boy, was Alex honest. Jennifer hadn’t even heard of the term “polyamory” before meeting him, and when he described it, she knew her jealous ass could never accept her theoretical boyfriend having several other girls, but she oddly felt compelled to say “good for you though.” She had no idea why she said that. She certainly didn’t have a habit of saying it, especially to boys like him. Maybe it was because he had nothing but nice things to say about Tamsin, that other girl on his team that already had a boyfriend (a monogamous boyfriend). Maybe it was because he was an avid supporter of feminism, to the extent where he had been following a feminist page before he even added her. Jennifer hated how rare it was for boys like him to be like that. But maybe, just maybe, it was because when he heard about how recently she’d gone through a breakup before going to the event, his first reaction wasn’t to hit on her, it was to apologize. “Oh, sorry, you must have had a lot on your mind,” he wrote. “My annoying little jokes must have been the last thing you needed that weekend.”

That was the first time he made Jennifer blush. It was clear that his joking persona wasn’t the only thing to his personality, nor was it a bluff. He somehow was a complete comedian on the weekend she saw him and yet, a deeply caring guy underneath. What’s more, Jennifer felt comfortable now telling her college friends that Alex Leblanc from that one college summit was messaging her, and it was like telling them that an old friend was in town.

“Oh, Alex. What an absolute character,” one remarked.

“Where does he get all of his energy from?” another one laughed. “He’s like a character from an internet story, the kind that seems made up.”

“I heard he’s a bit of a manslut though,” yet another remarked. “He goes from college to college, leaving a trail of destruction and wild stories behind.”

Her friends just laughed. “Yeah, these events are like a rite of passage,” her friend Sachin would laugh. “You meet Alex, you sleep with him, you bear his child, you don’t hear from him for seven years, the cycle continues.” Sachin was a jokester himself, and it was clear that they all thought highly of Alex, but that remark was enough to scare Jennifer back into reality. Sachin was, accidentally, a hundred percent correct. That’s what Alex was, that’s what he wanted. He himself admitted he was a manslut. Polyamorous, too. For shame. He may have been kind about it, but he had an end goal in mind when it came to Jennifer… and it was up to her not to fall for it.

A part of her felt silly, but she was a lot colder with Alex the next time they talked. Alex seemed to pick up on it pretty quickly, asking if he said something that made her feel uncomfortable. Jennifer couldn’t help frowning to herself, upset that she was doing this to a guy that seemed to care about her as a person too, but she pressed on with the topic of how his lifestyle serves him. The lifestyle of casual sex and polyamory, a lifestyle that many in her community would consider “sinful.” She capped it off with a question that, to her, would settle everything.

“What’s your body count?”

She was expecting ten, maybe twenty. She was even expecting him to dodge the question and go into damage-control mode. Instead, she got her answer: fifty-four.

Fifty-fucking-four. Jennifer was floored. How did he even have the time?! Alex was twenty-two!! She couldn’t resist asking the follow-up questions. She knew for a fact that she could never settle down with a guy who behaved like that. She didn’t want to have sex outside of a traditional relationship – outside of marriage – and she sure as heck did not want to just be another notch in Alex’s bedpost, or his belt, or whatever the phrase was. There was no way he had sex with that many girls and still found them special. There was no way.

Even so… she couldn’t stop the questions from coming. How did he manage that, how early did he start, what was high school like, and when his last time was. Somehow, Alex was single right now – did she just think that, the word “somehow”?? – and he was actually in the middle of a dry spell. Then, it was her turn, according to him. She was reluctant, but Alex reasoned that he just opened up a lot to her, and it would be weird if she kept asking him all these questions but told him nothing about herself. She couldn’t disagree.

Jennifer didn’t lie. She talked about how much her relationship with God mattered to her, and how she knew she had urges, but was committed to only having sex after marriage. Even so, she couldn’t help but give everything but penetrative sex to her first boyfriend, thanks to her needy horny nature. Unfortunately, her neediness was the relationship’s downfall – they ended up breaking up, which Jennifer considered her fault. She was just too high maintenance. Even so, she was especially grateful she didn’t lose her virginity to him because of how fleeting it would have been. She wanted the feelings to be real, for it to be special, and she knew even then he wouldn’t be able to give her that.

She opened up to Alex about things she never told another soul. Her complicated relationship with God and the way she understood how God gave her her urges, and the healthy ways she explored those feelings. How she refused to have sex until after marriage but owned an embarrassingly large dildo and vibrator. How, at her horniest, she occasionally sent nudes to some of her male friends, but only ever the ones from high school that moved away, the ones that went to other colleges.

“The ones that go to other colleges, huh?”

That was the first time Alex made Jennifer’s pussy throb. She completely walked into that one. She went into this conversation expecting to confirm her biases that this Alex was a manwhore that she wanted nothing to do with. Instead, she was glued to the screen, eagerly awaiting the next message Alex sent. And Alex was Alex, so the next message was laden with confidence, admitting that he found her incredibly attractive but ever since learning that she went through a bad breakup recently, did not want to push anything.

Jennifer rubbed her legs together. He found her hot. What’s more, when she asked why, Alex began by describing her facial features; her eyes, her smile, even her nose, before ever describing anything about her body. He didn’t lead with talking about how big her breasts were. He was eloquent. Fuck, he was poetic. He was different.

Even so, she could never send him a nude. She told him as much, upfront. What if she saw him again at another college summit? She’d never be able to look him in the eye.

His response was suave and charismatic. “Would I be allowed to look at you while I talk? You can look down at the floor if you want. Whatever makes you comfortable. I’d never force your eyes to look at me, as beautiful as they are.”

She had to admit, that got her. Even so, she still declined, pointing out how he had fifty-three other girls to keep him company. She even playfully framed it as being out of consideration for him. She told him, “I couldn’t possibly compare to the other fifty-three girls you’ve been with.”

“No,” he replied. “Right now you’d be the best, because it’s you I want to see, and you I care about.”

She thought that was already smooth, but he wasn’t done.

“I’m throbbing for you right now. Nothing else matters.”

Fuck. Jennifer squirmed in bed, involuntarily moaning. That did it. She caved. She didn’t just send him a nude that night, she sent him several, trying to find the very best she’d taken and when she couldn’t find anything good enough for him, she got up out of bed and resolved to take the very best nudes for him.

She blushed as she took the nudes, being sure to keep her face out of the frame. Even so, almost experimentally, she pushed out her chest. One picture. Two. Then she started playing with a nipple. Three. She thought she was going to end with her chest, but the camera started to pan downwards. Four. Five. She slipped a hand into her panties. Six. She bit her lip, feeling so naughty… and pulled her panties to the side. Seven. She hadn’t even sent the first one yet, and she was already thinking about sending her pussy to him. Her bare, aching, wet pussy.

Alex reciprocated, and Jennifer learned very quickly that the stereotype about skinny white guys was very much true. Alex was hung like a horse, and it only looked even larger compared to his skinny body. She plunged two, then three fingers inside herself, wondering how good it would feel to have Alex’s cock inside her. She saved the picture to her phone’s gallery, and she never did that for any boy. She ended up bringing herself to not one but two orgasms before falling asleep without even messaging Alex so much as a “goodnight.”

Even so, after apologizing to him the next morning for abruptly falling asleep, she admitted that she was scared to get sexual with him so quickly. For the first time, Alex pushed back, insisting that if they were both having so much fun, it would be a shame to stop purely because of a few doubts. Jennifer reaffirmed her naive past, how the two would never work – she was jealous, he was polyamorous, not to mention an hour away – and above all, how her devotion to God meant that she was never going to have sex outside of marriage.

Alex took in all of the information, acknowledged it, and shifted his goals. He admitted that, above all, he did not want to stop doing this, and that he wasn’t lying when he said that Jennifer was special to him. She was openly skeptical, citing, yet again, his body count. After jokingly lamenting having ever said it out loud, Alex replied that a high body count didn’t mean that he couldn’t see a girl as special, and that he would be happy to prove to her through these conversations just how special she was. In return, he pledged that any sexual activity between the two of them would fall “well within” God’s guidelines for her. Above all, he sold her with his final message: “You’re amazingly attractive and I definitely don’t want this opportunity to pass by, especially considering the more I learn about you the more I admire and am intrigued by you.”

She grew to almost hate how charming he was. After some consideration, she readily accepted, and he replied to this affirmation with an infernally simple two words.

“Good girl.”

Jennifer needed to masturbate before going to class that day. She couldn’t help it. It was like Alex had a perfect view of everything that would drive her crazy, whether it was with his words or the pictures he would use to punctuate those very words. Even his nudes were a cut above – they were taken in his bedroom as opposed to a dingy bathroom, they used natural light, and they weren’t just ‘log shots’ of his cock – they always contained at least one other body part, sometimes shot from the most interesting of angles. Jennifer was hooked, plain and simple. She would talk to him during class, and she would let his cock be the last thing she looked at every night for several nights in a row. She told herself that she was just satiating her urges, but she knew the truth – she was needing to masturbate more often than normal. She was only getting hornier for him.

It seemed like the feelings were mutual. Jennifer was beginning to figure out Alex’s college schedule because he would always begin messaging her in earnest after class was over. Every time she teased him about how badly he wanted her, Alex didn’t flinch, nor take the high road. He didn’t deny it or play it cool.

“Of course I want you. I want to hold you close and feel your lips against mine. I want to figure out every way I can make you whimper.”

Well, he sure found one, and it was while she was on the damn bus to boot. Blushing profusely, Jennifer looked around, making sure no one was staring at her. She didn’t dare look between her legs – she was wearing sweatpants that day, and knew it was a genuine possibility that thanks to Alex, they were soaked through. Once she was home, her pants didn’t stay on long enough for her to confirm or deny that possibility. Instead, her legs were spread, her toy was out, her housemates put their headphones on, and she was messaging Alex oh-so-eagerly.

Alex loved how the good Christian girl had such a big dildo, though of course it was a thrill for both of them to realize that the dildo was basically the exact size of Alex’s own cock. Jennifer didn’t make a habit of taking the whole thing often – she used to see it as just a little too big for her, even though now she was warming up to the idea – but now it was fun to take it to the hilt, and if Alex was good, he’d get to see her puffy wet pussy taking the whole thing, accompanied by the message, “I wish it was your cock instead.”

Even so, it took a few more sessions of Jennifer fucking herself silly to admit it to Alex. She knew it would never happen, and what they were doing was still well within the accepted limits of what they could do together, but that didn’t stop Jennifer from desperately wanting to feel Alex’s cock filling her up, stretching her in the exact ways she craved. She wanted to feel Alex running his hands down her body. Embarrassingly for her, Alex was the first guy where she told him first that she wanted to feel his mouth on her nipples. They were big and sensitive and Alex was hot and clearly knew what she was doing. He couldn’t blame her for that, right?

Alex reciprocated gladly. He didn’t own a fleshlight but was happy to fuck his hand for her, or even just stand there and throb in front of a mirror for Jennifer’s pleasure. Pictures became videos, and videos quickly became phone calls. The first few were scattered with flecks of awkwardness – Alex and Jennifer beginning the call by saying “hey” and giggling and attempting to make flirtatious small talk – but soon the pretense was dropped.

“You’re such a good girl,” Alex moaned, getting into it, stroking his beautiful cock up and down. “Who do you think of when you finger yourself? Tell me, Jennifer.”

“You, Alex,” Jennifer moaned, three fingers in. “I think of your huge dick in my mouth. I want you to push my head down so that I can get all of it in. I want you to dominate me so fucking bad. I’m getting so wet thinking about it~”

She would have gone on, but at that moment, Jennifer approached her third orgasm of the night. The two rascals were starting to make this a more and more common occurrence – three went from unthinkably often to “a few less than usual.”

Worst of all, she loved it. Her relationship with her body had never been better – she felt more confident, more sexy, more desired – but she felt a secret shame building and burning behind her eyes. Her porn of choice was now skinny white boys… Heavens, her mother would have killed her if she knew. Not only that, but she was looking at porn daily. She didn’t feel farther from God, and if anything, she was praying slightly more often. Sometimes she felt like this was God’s answer, that he was letting her know he was happy she was finding herself. But every so often she’d worry that she was straying further and further from His light.

She meant to bring that up with Alex. She sure wanted to. And even though she liked him a lot more now, she would have been happy to throw him under the bus and blame him for cutting her off and telling her to start fingering herself again. But she knew the truth: she was cutting herself off. She was the one that kept suggesting more obscene things, to please Alex… but also to please herself. Alex was shocked the first time she suggested filming herself trying to get the huge dildo all the way down her throat. She sure as all get-out wasn’t going to show him all the times she attempted to film it and choked or made gross coughing sounds. She only showed him the last video… the video of this absolute cutie, this downright slut, taking a large dildo down her throat like a pro.

She showed off her face. She showed it off in a video of her choking on a dick like her life depended on it. and Alex saved it to his phone, and shot two loads to it that night alone. Jennifer had never felt so fulfilled.

The next week, some clueless boy hit on Jennifer as she tried to leave class. He spoke so casually, with no energy, and put in no effort into how he came across. When Jennifer point-blank asked, “So you like me?” to see how he’d respond, he shrugged and just replied, “Ha, I mean, Iunno. Just wanna see if you know what’s up, you know?”

She barely contained her eye-roll, and shut him down. That was the point Jennifer realized something. She was naive to the point of farce around boys, and she just saw all the signs of some college fuckboy and shut him down. All because he couldn’t meet a standard… a standard Alex created. She couldn’t help but smile in realization on the bus back home. Alex wasn’t a test from God, he was a gift. A part of God’s plan, a way to show her how boys, even fuckboys, should behave and how she should respect herself more by holding them to higher standards.

Alex, of course, wasn’t present for any of this, so when she started messaging him about how grateful she was that night, he thought she was just feeling kind. He could definitely tell it was no ordinary night when Jennifer was the one to suggest they try a video call (normally it was Alex who pushed for riskier and riskier things to do), especially when Jennifer happily turned around to give Alex his favorite visual. Both of the two were big fans of doggystyle, and here was this good little Christian girl, the shy little shutterbug who insisted she could never send Alex a moon, bending over in front of her webcam and moaning for Alex to jack off and imagine he was inside her.

Both Alex and Jennifer wouldn’t stop that night until they both achieved their nightly three orgasms, with Alex’s third load jumping out of his dick with enough force to coat the webcam. He laughed about it, but Jennifer only moaned, circling her clit. She wanted to taste that. Alex was so fucking hot. She wasn’t sure what she wanted more: to taste his load, or to feel it splashing inside her. Both sounded like Heaven.

The two were so obsessed with wanting more from each other that they didn’t even notice the next summit crawling towards them, day by day. Eventually, when it was just a week and a half away, they brought it up with each other for the first time, and it was like the spell was broken for a second. This was no longer some game where they could get out their urges in a harmless way. They were going to see each other in real life again. Jennifer’s heart beat like a drum. Even Alex looked nervous. For the first time in a long while, his resolve broke, and he asked a simple question.

“Are we gonna be okay?”

It may have seemed like an unreasonable question to some, but Jennifer deeply appreciated him asking. She wasn’t sure. Somehow, seeing him in person felt… wrong. Like it was going to go outside their limits.

So, Alex sprung into action. “Hit me with the ground rules,” he told her, “and I’ll follow them.” The two hashed out their limits, with Jennifer of course being the more vocal of the two. It was probably unwise of them to do anything together, so, no being in the same room together, alone. Alex was, of course, a bit sad to hear it, but he did promise he’d work well within her framework. He agreed. No nudes for the whole summit. Another agreement. And finally… if the summit was going to be that agonizing, Alex suggested they get out their frustrations in the week leading up to it. Jennifer readily agreed.

The following week was filled with the two attempting to get every ounce of depravity out of their systems. Of course the video calls were now a daily occurance. It was very common for Alex to be on Jennifer’s screen in some capacity every free moment she had. What’s more, if he was on her laptop screen, then she had both feet on her desk, several fingers in her pussy, moaning about how she needed his dick inside of her, no protection. Her cheeks burned the first time she said that… it wasn’t even his suggestion. This was all her. The “no protection” line was her, as was the suggestion that she play with her ass with the dildo inside her pussy, or her licking her own nipples just to get a rise out of him. She was behaving like a… like a…

Like a slut. For him. Alex’s slut. And fuck, did that ever feel good. Even with Alex not on the line, she was masturbating more. The idea itself of being Alex’s slut was captivating for her. And, of course, she needed those feelings out of her system, for when the college summit came.

And when it came, Jennifer and her team were whisked away to some college, and after a long bus ride and an hour of getting used to the new hotel room she and her team would call home for the weekend, she steeled herself, getting out her camera and going to meet the other teams.

She spotted Alex embarrassingly quickly. What’s more, she took a couple of shots of just him, smiling and nodding with some adjudicator’s point, before she caught herself. Sachin was the one to point out that she was bright red, but her friend Claire was the one to notice the last shot she took and laugh. Jennifer begged for her silence but Claire laughed it off, telling Jennifer that “she’s done the same thing” and that “that’s what summits are actually for.” Sure enough, her team started sharing stories of the people they’d “gotten to know” at summits and that they’d be happy to look the other way if Jennifer found a cute boy this weekend. Jennifer realized, to her own bliss and horror, that the only thing standing in her way was her, and she could make all this happen so very easily.

Her college got partnered up with a few other colleges – colleges Alex didn’t go to – and she didn’t see him until the day had wrapped up and all of the colleges’ teams had met in some dining hall for supper. Jennifer finished her meal early and, heart racing, she decided to be the one to seek out Alex. She found him and walked right up behind him, and did her best not to bite her lip before emitting a single, “Hey!”

Alex turned around and smiled like he was seeing an old friend. “Well hey yourself,” he greeted her. He turned back around and introduced his whole team to her, then offered a seat. Such a considerate guy. Jennifer took the offer hesitantly, shooting one last chance look at her team before sitting down. They were too into their meals to notice.

Alex never once looped his arm around her, never told his friends exactly how he knew her… he didn’t even make some cheesy flirtatious inside joke only the two of them would know. He was… doing exactly what she asked him to do, the idiot. Even sitting next to him made Jennifer wet. Her faith was slightly shaken again when she realized she was sitting next to a guy she told to not hit on her, hoping he would grab her by the shoulders and kiss her right then and there. What was she turning into, what happened to her?

Quickly, Alex noticed she wasn’t doing well and asked if everything was okay or if she needed some air or something. One particularly sympathetic girl from Alex’s college nodded along, admitting that sometimes the crowd anxiety could get to her during these events too. Jennifer smiled politely but exited rather quickly, not even noticing Alex following behind her until they were in some hallway together, away from the others.

Alex, voice full of worry, asked her if something was wrong or if perhaps he said something that made her uncomfortable. Jennifer didn’t respond much beyond one word responses, and Alex seemed to accept this, silently leaning against the wall next to her, letting her know that if she needed to be alone, he’d be happy to head back, but until then, he was here for her, with her. The next thing out of her mouth wasn’t shocking, per se, but she never thought she’d actually say it.

“It’s kind of nice to just be the two of us, huh?”

Alex laughed and pointed out the hotel guests walking back and forth, and couldn’t stop himself from noting that if they really needed to be alone, they’d go to one of their hotel rooms. Immediately after he shook his head and apologized, only then admitting that it was hard to get her out of his head but that he was trying to be as respectful as possible. Jennifer smiled, admitting she felt the same way, but that perhaps it would be nice if they were going to chat together to at least do it in private.

As they got in the elevator, Alex firmly insisted he would remember to keep his conduct well within Jennifer’s rules. As soon as the doors closed, Jennifer couldn’t help but ask a question that seemed so tame given their last few weeks of debauchery, and yet still somehow the flirtiest question she ever asked him.

“And what if my rules have changed? Are you still okay with keeping things well within some new rules?”

Alex caught on immediately, his mouth opening in shock. His eyes flickered to the closed elevator doors, then back to her, and soon their mouths were on each other. The pair attacked each other like animals, their hands desperately and almost clumsily clawing away at each other, making the best use of their precious few seconds before the elevator door opened. Though when it did they would not have looked subtle – in the few seconds that lapsed between their kiss, they somehow managed to make each others’ hair and clothes seem a mess, a trail of saliva was still barely connecting their two mouths, and now they were holding hands, walking with purpose towards Alex’s room.

Once they were inside, Jennifer’s back was against the door, with Alex’s mouth attacking her lips, cheeks, jawline, and neck. Alex barely took his mouth away from her skin long enough to ask, “So what are the new rules?”

Alex could have asked anything and Jennifer’s answer would have stayed the same, especially as she finally felt his hands cupping and kneading her big aching sensitive breasts. She reached behind her to take off her bra, only having the mental strength to whimper out the words, “I want you…”

That was good enough for Alex, who was clearly as swept away by his needs as she was. Jennifer’s proper button-up blazer was fully off now, as was her bra, and even though he had seen it so many times over pictures, videos and calls, Alex couldn’t help but stop and take in the sight.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he moaned. “I am so lucky to get to taste you.”

It wasn’t even what he said, it was the way he said it. Jennifer was moaning even before his mouth was on her, but once his talented tongue was flicking across her sensitive nipple, it was over. Jennifer openly moaned like a slut, desperately groping Alex, feeling his thick rock-hard dick throbbing in his pants. Alex sucked, bit and kissed Jennifer’s nipples in ways she’d previously only dreamed about (and they were dreams of him, of course), even as the two peeled themselves away from the door and got closer and closer to the bed.

There was no two ways about it: Jennifer was going to suck Alex’s dick. She already knew it from the moment he followed her into the hallway. Today was the day where she would finally get to taste it. It wasn’t something she hadn’t done before, and besides, she needed it. She wasn’t going to deny herself this pleasure now. She pushed him onto his back and grinned at him as she unzipped his fly, watching his impressive dick spring – and wow, could it spring – forth. Fuck, it was even bigger and more impressive in person. She could jack it off with both hands if she wanted, but touching it wasn’t what she wanted most at the moment. Savoring the moment of feeling like a slut, she bit her lip and stoked him a few times before opening her mouth and finally getting to taste the object of her desire for these past few months.

Whatever Alex tasted like would have tasted like heaven to her, and he sure didn’t disappoint. She felt her pussy throb as she registered his taste. It was like a taste of pure lust, a taste of need. She started to bob her mouth up and down on his cock, showing him just how much those sessions of choking on her dildo helped her to please a man. No… no, not any man. Alex. To please Alex.

Alex groaned and moved his hips to match Jennifer’s mouth and her movements, fucking her mouth like he was relying on pure animal instinct. This felt so right to Jennifer. So wonderful. Any rational thoughts of how far they should go were gone from her head by now, and she could only hope the same was true for Alex. She needed him like she needed air. She wanted to taste this cock every day.

Another thing she liked about Alex was that he lasted a long time. As much as she wanted to taste his seed, she also wanted to savor the moment and not have him cum in her mouth after a few pumps. To her delight, Alex lasted nearly ten minutes before grunting and groaning and letting out a last-second warning before blasting a load of cum into Jennifer’s mouth.

It felt so good to have a boy cum in her mouth again. Again, not just any boy, Alex. Her mouth felt like his property at that moment, and his taste was truly divine. She licked her lips and cleaned his cock with her mouth, diligently paying attention to make sure every inch had been serviced. She finally got to suck Alex’s cock and taste him. She knew she was good at giving head – she didn’t do it often, especially these days, but her older boyfriend let her know – and she wanted to please Alex for the amazing new worldview he had given her. And she knew he was a nice guy but even then she wasn’t fully expecting to hear him say the next three words.

“Alright. My turn.”

Jennifer felt vulnerable, shy, almost embarrassed. Her old boyfriend ate her out only once before, and didn’t do a very thorough job, and it felt almost silly to ever ask to be eaten out. But Alex didn’t need to be asked; he’d already flipped her over, the second he recovered his strength from his first load, and now he was looming over her, taking off her pants and spreading her legs. He bit his lip at what he saw, and smiled as he told her, “It looks even better in person.” He then leaned forwards and kissed her on the lips, asking her to reaffirm that she wanted this.

What a fucking gentleman. Jennifer could have cried. “Yes,” she replied in a whisper, her eyes misty. Alex smiled in confirmation and moved back, diving in and letting his tongue go to work.

Immediately Jennifer felt pure pleasure. Fifty-three fucking women indeed! Alex definitely knew his way around a pussy. Every movement of his tongue, every action, every swipe, flick, and nibble… every lick sent her closer and closer to salvation. She knew immediately that this was going to be the best oral experience of her life, and inside of two minutes, she’d receive confirmation. She thought it took her a long time to cum, and she almost felt a new wave of embarrassment wash over her, but here she was, cumming after only two minutes of Alex’s skillful tongue doing what it did best. What’s more, Alex seemed to know what was going on regardless of her telling him, and held her hips close and her legs open, doubling his efforts and ensuring Jennifer had a clear path to the first of what was definitely going to be several orgasms that night.

Jennifer grabbed bunches of his hair and moved her hips, openly fucking Alex’s face. Alex responded eagerly and in kind, gladly guiding her through a mind-bending climax. Jennifer at first tried to be quiet before remembering they were in a hotel room and openly moaning her pleasure to the moon and stars, realizing that nothing that could feel this could, nothing that felt this right, could possibly be a sin.

Right as she had that thought, a feeling invaded her. A tongue. Fingers. Oh fuck, Alex was starting right back up again, and her orgasm from just moments before had paved the way for yet another new oral experience. Jennifer openly moaned like a whore, singing Alex’s praises and telling him she’s his slut, as his tongue made lightning strike twice and brought Jennifer to her second orgasm of the night, and her first rolling orgasm she’d experienced from a boy. Christ, he was perfect. He was just perfect.

Jennifer could barely see straight and was still recovering from her second orgasm. She almost felt… dumb, but it was an attractive dumb. Like she was a dumb slut for this boy, and needed to be taught how to be a good girl. Alex was breathing heavily and, as luck would have it, his cock was fully recovered, back in full swing. Still, his face reflected a slight shyness, and he chuckled while looking at Jennifer. “Wow,” he murmured. “You’re, uh, amazing.”

“I want you inside me.”

Jennifer’s forcefulness shocked even her. Alex’s face fell somewhat as he gingerly admitted that he didn’t have a condom.

“I want you inside me.” Jennifer’s tone remained unchanged. Whatever thoughts swirled around in Alex’s head thereafter would be a mystery to Jennifer, but he just sat there, studying her for a few seconds, his eyes inquisitive, his cock throbbing. Eventually the feelings won him over too. He nodded, almost scared. Even so, he couldn’t deny what he wanted. Neither of them could.

Jennifer couldn’t stop from moaning even as she felt Alex align his cock up with her warm, waiting pussy. This just felt too perfect. Surely this was part of His plan too. It had to be. She nodded and he pressed forward, and finally the feeling of Jennifer being filled and stretched by Alex’s thick wonderful dick was no longer an empty promise. It was now instead their reality.

Despite their animal lust for each other, they didn’t begin by humping each other into oblivion. They started slow, looking into each other’s eyes, kissing on and off, and getting used to the feeling of each other. It was only when the moment was right and it felt like Jennifer had gotten used to Alex’s size that he truly decided to let loose the monster and give it to her exactly how the two had been describing for weeks: to put it bluntly, fast and rough.

Jennifer and Alex were grunting, heaving, and saying obscene horny depraved things to each other, both of their bodies moving desperately to meet each other. Alex grabbed onto her thighs and drilled her, and Jennifer moaned and covered his dick in her wetness. The room began to fill with the smells and sounds of squishy, perverted, needy, animalistic sex. The feelings just drove the couple een more crazy, and drove them to fuck even harder.

Alex was an animal, but still a gentleman. He knew that going fast and rough the whole time wasn’t as fun, and had his slower moments, moments where the two just looked at each other. Even then, as they did, both of them seemed to have an idea at the same time, though only Alex vocalized it.

“Flip over.”

Jennifer happily complied, gleefully arching her back and shoving her ass towards him much like she did on their video calls. This time it was real, and she could finally feel his cock ramming her from behind. It was almost surreal. This time there was no slow, easy entrance. Alex impaled her, making her squeal like a surprised slut, and rammed her with enough force to make the hotel double bed shake with every one of their movements.

She thought doggystyle was her favorite position before, but that was with previous boys, boys that didn’t know what they were doing but, bless them, were trying their best. This was like getting fucked by a Greek God. Jennifer was babbling, making incoherent noises she never thought she could make, and unable to process any thoughts except a need for more dick and ways to be even more of a slut for Alex. She could have fucked him forever like this and been happy. She needed nothing more than his dick inside her. She slammed back into him, worshiping this feeling and knowing this was perfect, this was ecstasy.

Of course, Alex’s talent for giving Jennifer rolling orgasms wasn’t just limited to his tongue. It must have been two or three orgasms before Jennifer realized, or at least remembered, what happens at the end of sex. Especially unprotected sex. The boy cums. Alex was about to cum in her unprotected pussy. Sure, she was on the pill, but this was still risky, something she agreed she’d never do before marriage.

Jennifer a few weeks ago would have snapped back into reality and stopped. Alex would have likely accepted this. But that wasn’t the Jennifer who was in control. This Jennifer was a proud slut that realized how bad it would be, how naughty it would be, how sinful it would be to let Alex cum inside her unprotected pussy. Her eyes damn near crossed and her tongue found its way outside of her mouth as she reveled in cock-dumb satisfaction, suddenly loving the idea of taking Alex’s load in her unprotected pussy. This was what she wanted. This was what she needed.

And thus she received. With not so much as a grunt, Alex flooded her pussy with his fertile potent seed, and the realization of such a taboo thrill sent Jennifer into her strongest orgasm of the night. Her vision nearly blacked out, stars prickled across her vision, and she very briefly felt like she wasn’t even human anymore – either she transcended beyond, or was reduced to a needy animal. Either way, she came back to the world of the living soon after just as Alex did, and the two collapsed, spent, on her bed.

Jennifer kept giggling. She thought any second now she’d feel the guilt wash over her, but it never came. She only felt happy, content, blissful… alive. This was what she needed, and maybe future her would have to grapple with that, but she could not find a single reason to regret what she had done.

This was only reinforced by Alex’s behavior afterwards. He pulled up a blanket and cuddled up to her, talking to her about what had happened, if she was okay with it, whether she’d want to do it again (of course she did), etc. He was still a gentleman even in the aftermath. Jennifer giggled again as she made her final realization of the night; if getting to fuck someone as amazing as Alex, raw, unplanned, at a school event, if that was not well within the guidelines of her life… then her life needed to change, because there was no way she was going to wait for a sensation like that ever again.


Author's Note: Thank you for taking the time to read this story! I hope you enjoyed it, and liked the slow burn. I wanted to get away from my normally dialogue-heavy stories, and I hope you enjoyed the new direction. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

These stories were made possible in part by the generous donors at patreon, dot com, slash BashfulScribe. If you'd like to support my work, get some cool perks, and help these stories come out faster, please consider supporting my work. Once again, thank you all for reading! Votes and comments, in any direction, are enjoyed and appreciated.


2024-08-25 20:46:20
this is really good, youre a good writer


2024-08-09 05:16:05
Outstanding!! Yes it is long, but well worth it ;-)

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