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Lots of homosexual stuff in this chapter. Normal people should skip several disgusting paragraphs
Falco and Arabella were back outside Thorsona’s townhouse for the second night in a row. They lurked in the same niche while they watched Thorsona lock her door and head off down to Fish’s muttering “he better be there.” Arabella felt sorry for Bauer if he was to let her down a second evening in a row.

“Okay” Arabella told Falco as Thorsona disappeared around the corner “just run in and get that bo staff...and all your stuff, of course.” She almost pushed Falco toward the door. “Just be quick. If anyone comes along stay chilled. I’ll use ‘Call of the Hero’ to teleport you back to me.”

Arabella had hung a magic medallion around Falco’s neck in order for the ‘Call of Hero’ spell to identify and call the correct ‘Hero’. Falco slightly resented Arabella explaining everything two or three times. It was as if she kept wanting to remind him all about how she had learned to cast ‘Call of the Hero’ like it was a big deal. Was he supposed to be impressed just because she knew one lousy magic spell?

The lock was easy to pick. Whats’er Name would be proud of how well she had taught him. The door swung inward and Falco entered, closing the door softly behind him. He locked it just in case.

Thorsona’s apartment was modest. A four poster bed was in the middle of the room and little else; a stove, a small night table and a huge wardrobe. There was a door on the far wall.

Falco saw no sign of his stuff nor the bo staff that Arabella was so anxious to get back. He had wanted to get in and be out in a minute but he spent some time looking for his things. Not finding anything under the bed nor in the wardrobe Falco opened the other door and found a large walk-in closet. He entered. His stuff must be in there.

The closet was jammed-packed full of junk, clothes and armour. If his stuff was in there, it must be buried under all the other junk.

As he started rooting through it all he found various whips, chains, buckled straps and handcuffs. Thorsona sure treated her prisoners harshly, he erroneously concluded. Over toward the far wall, he found a dildo which he wisely declined to touch.

Outside, Arabella was getting impatient. “Just grab our stuff and get out of there, you dizzy Feir’Dal” she muttered under her breath. She was thinking of casting ‘Call of the Hero’ and when he materialized in front of her she would yell at him for farting around for so long. She instead forced herself to be patient; Falco had lots of time. Maybe he was looking for some coins they could split. She could use some extra coins.

That was when a small patrol appeared out of the corner of her eye, to her left. They were walking slowly as if looking for someone. There were eight of them. She recognized that bitch Penley leading them.

She had not been vigilant enough. Had she spotted the patrol sooner instead of glaring angrily at Thorsona’s closed door she would have cast ‘Call of the Hero’. She and Falco could have huddled in the dark niche until the patrol went by. If they were seen she could pretend Falco was her casual encounter; paying a Lady of the Evening for a quickie.

It was too late to ‘Call’ Falco so she waited, hoping those Humans would not see her in the dark night. She dearly hoped Falco would not choose this moment to exit the townhouse, re-stolen booty in hand.

Everything would be fine, she told herself, just stay quiet. Then she saw that one of Penley’s subordinates was a High Elf. Arabella never hated High Elves more than right then with their night vision and their arrogance. He peered at every corner and recess as the patrol walked slowly along in what Arabella now realized was a methodical sweep intended to find someone. The High Elf’s eyes met Arabella’s. “There’s someone over there in the darkness” he told Penley, pointing right at Arabella. “A Teir’Dal.”

Arabella was caught. “Typical Dark Elf...” Penley’s voice boomed loudly through the neighbourhood as she stormed directly over. “...lurking in shadows like they always do.” Penley got right into Arabella’s face. “Up to no good tonight, Inky?”

Arabella said nothing. Penley towered over her, glaring down in an obviously bad mood. Her patrol had just dropped Williams off in jail. She had spent a maddening half hour arguing vehemently with the jailors that the murderer needed to be placed in solitary confinement. Finally prevailing, she was annoyed to now need to be investigating last night’s reports of a suspicious character lingering in the shadows of a decent law-abiding neighbourhood. She was not pleased to find another prisoner to arrest and drag in to the stubborn jailers. She vented her frustration on Arabella. “Perhaps we can start by seeing your Citizen papers, you ugly little cutpurse” she sneered.

“I am not a cutpurse” Arabella answered, deliberately curt. She hoped that in the resulting argument over who was a cutpurse and who wasn’t everyone would forget to ask a second time for her non-existent citizenship papers. “I’m just a freelance Lady, waiting for my next customer. I charge seven silver if your guards need a brief diversion. Heck, I can give a group discount of six silver each, now that I think of it.”

Penley obviously did not believe Arabella was there selling her body but pointed out to her, regardless, “it’s only five silver at Fiona’s and you can get an actual Human there instead of a scrawny little indigo whore. Now come clean, what’s a citizenless criminal like you doing hiding in dark corners? One of our good Citizens reported someone was prowling around here last night trying to lure men into the shadows so they can rob them. Was that you?”

“No. No, it wasn’t me.” Arabella protested indignantly. She mentally kicked herself. She should have known that Human passerby last night would report them.

Penley reached out and pulled Arabella’s dagger from it’s sheath. She examined the blade. “This looks suspiciously sharp, Blueberry. What’s even more suspicious is that you are wearing a nice set of leather armour. Law abiding citizens often wear armour, I concede, just not black, leather that you are neither seen nor heard as you skulk around in dark corners.”

“A working girl needs to protect herself” Arabella answered saucily then realized she needed to stop arguing. She needed to get Penley’s patrol to move on before Falco came out the door with his loot and got them both arrested for burglary.

“If you have any evidence against me” Arabella protested “I request we head to the jail so I can book an early trial time in the morning and clear my good reputation. Either that or please go on with your noble duties of protecting our good city from ne’er-do-wells. Standing here you are scaring my customers away.”

Penley did not like her tone. “You hear that boys? The little slag, here, is worried about you chasing away her customers. I guess she doesn’t consider you worthy enough to be her customers.” She looked at Arabella and smirked. “I think you need to apologize to my guardsmen.”

Arabella caught her meaning. At least it was an opportunity to get this patrol away from Thorsona’s home. She reached up to undo her jerkin. Her high breasts thrust out for the males to see. They were full and heavy with milk. The men all had a good look.

“As you suggest” Arabella conceded “five silver per man. There’s a good place down the way about a half a block. Nice and quiet. No one will disturb us.”

Arabella did not particularly relish a bunch of Humans doing her one after the other but once she got them down the road and into the trees they would not be able to observe Falco leaving the scene of the crime. She would convince them to each take her one at a time into the thickest part of the trees for some privacy then she would be able to use her invisibility spell and simply slip away before any of them fucked her. She would ‘Call’ Falco to her when it was safe. ‘Call of Hero’ had a range of several miles.

Arabella lead them to the spot she knew. It was a nice parkette a good distance away from Thorsona’s door. No one wanted to waste time having a separate, private time with Arabella so she resigned herself to being the main attraction in a gangbang. They would be placing their filthy Human hands on her, sticking their filthy Human cocks in her, shooting their filthy Human seed into her. It made her pussy tingle to think of the humiliation. Maybe they would shove her around a bit for added debasement. She could only hope.

The good thing was it would be some time before all the guardsmen were done with her. Falco would exit Thorsona’s home unhindered; if he would just stop messing around in there and get out with that bo staff in his hands.

Penley grabbed her youngest guardsman and pulled him to a private area away from the others. The lad had advanced rapidly since that day he had filled out his enlistment application in Vishra’s vestibule while the sounds of Cadwarra making love to Vishra had reached his ears. “I think we can have a little private time ourselves” Penley told him.

The youth did not resist his Captain’s suggestion. It was his first night assigned to Penley’s patrol. The Trainer Trandall had warned him that Penley expected to be frequently pleased.

Penley pulled the young guard’s penis out. He was nice and hard. “Are you a virgin, Guardsman, or have you already gotten your dick blessed by a willing wench?”

“Oh....certainly I have” he lied “often.”

Penley felt his hard cock in her grip. She squeezed it and pumped it a couple times. It was a lovely long one. Maybe it was a bit too skinny but it would penetrate nice and deep.

The young guard dutifully stood there. With his commanding officer’s hand gripping his prick so firmly, he was quite proud of the individual attention he was getting. He could hear his comrades a little way away arguing over who got the Dark Elf first while he got the Captain all to himself.

Penley knelt and was about to start sucking cock when the inability of the other guards to resolve in what order the gangbang should occur got to annoying her. “Just go in order of seniority, you idiots! You can all each have a second go around, you know, if you don’t waste all your time arguing. We just need to get that cutpurse skag to jail before our shift is over at eleven o’clock.”

As she sucked on that beautiful young virgin penis she heard the Dark Elf grunt painfully then one guardsman guffawed “by Marr, If you can’t take that High Elf cock, whadaya going to do when we Humans start stickin’ in the really big ones?”

“You think four inches is really big, do you?” Arabella retorted. There was a round of good-natured laughter in response to Arabella’s jibe at the loudmouthed guardsman.

The High Elf finished. “Okay, Reynolds, get in there, then. We’ll let the Teir’Dal whore tell us by her moans if yours is bigger than mine.”

“Right you are” Reynolds answered “here, Inky, have my ‘four inches’ and another four to boot!” As he mounted Arabella’s lovely, fit body he squeezed her milk-filled boobs. Her milk sprayed up for all to see. He thrust fully in and Arabella made a grunt of pain as he rammed hard several times, thick cock pushing her labia wide apart as he stretched her uncomfortably.

Reynolds came quickly. A third guardsman mounted Arabella as Penley’s young guardsman moaned and orgasmed into Penley’s quim in the darkness a short distance away. He had not lasted very long. Coming too soon while fucking your captain’s vagina was not a way to be promoted in Penley’s patrol. As he pulled up his leggings he heard one of the other guards over in the group remark. “Can you believe a tiny thing like her can take all our big wangs? I think she likes ‘em big.”


Falco was still looking through all Thorsona’s junk for his equipment, He was almost done rummaging through Thorsona’s walk-in closet without success. Only the corner behind the door was unsearched. He had to close the door to get behind it. To his horror, just as he closed it, he heard the front door lock turn and Thorsona and Bauer barged noisily into the main room.

Clearly annoyed once again, Thorsona tossed her door key on the table by the bed. “You drunk asshole” she snapped at Bauer in the now familiar angry tone she had “if I had known you were going to spend all your copper on ale instead of making sure you had enough to buy me dinner I would have stayed home and used my dildo.”

“Suga’ ips” Bauer answered in a slurred, very intoxicated voice “I was just abou’ da go home and get s’more silver coins so I could spen‘em all on you.”

“Don’t ‘Sugar Lips’ me, you souse! After you spilled that ale on my best top, I’m not in the mood.” There was a scraping of furniture on the floor. “My coin purse is hidden up in the third rafter, just climb up on this chair and get it for me while I change my top and then we can head back to the tavern.”

Falco remained completely still. Why hadn’t Arabella used ‘Call of the Hero’ on him when she saw these two coming down the road? She sure was fucking proud of it and all. He looked down at Arabella’s medallion and confirmed it had not fallen off. What was she doing out there?

He stood there silent, angry at Arabella’s failing. He could hear Bauer making a lot of noise stumbling around in his inebriated state as he got back down off the chair. “Here’s you purse, Suga’ips. And may I say, yuh look ravishin’ topless.”

“Stop leering at me changing, and I don’t need the whole purse, Stupid. I’m not going to walk around with a dozen plat in my pocket. Grab fifty copper and let’s go get some dinner to put in our mouths.”

“Yuh c’n put this in your mouth right now fer free, Babe.”

A drunk trying to seduce his lover with suggestive invitations never resulted in success. “Put that back in your pants, Dolt. There’s no cocksucking tonight. I’m mad at you.”

“Yer mad a’ me?” Bauer asked with the consternated tone only a drunk would use. His speech was barely coherent. “E’en when ya can clearly see how hard ya made me?”

There was a pause while, presumably, Thorsona took a look at the effects her female body had had on Bauer. “Well, I do feel that is quite a compliment you got there, Cupcake. I am surprised you can get it up with all that ale in your gut, though.”

“Ah c’n ge’ it up all night, Babe. Just ge’ on the bed and aw’ll dish something out fer ya the chef at Fish’s never...hic...will dish out.”

Again, there was a short pause and Thorsona said “Okay. Let’s fuck. But get the leather bindings. I want you to tie me up first.”

“Oh, Babe!” Bauer mumbled, clearly excited. “Ya ga’ it!”

Footsteps approached the closet and the door swung open. Falco stood in fear behind the door as it almost hit his nose. He stared at Bauer’s back as the drunk stood there trying to maintain his balance, unaware of the Wood Elf a foot behind him.

Bauer’s fumbling hands reached down and clumsily scooped up some leather straps. The buckles jingled as he waved his hands around trying not to fall over in his tipsy state. As he exited the closet he collided briefly with the door jamb . “Jus’ ge’ on the bed and spread wide, Suga’ips. I’m gonna hump you hard and rough like yer like it, then ah’ll buy yer the mos’pensive dinner in Fish’s.” He burped obnoxiously.

Falco stood and heard very little for a while aside from comments like---

--“Tighter, Cupcake. You know it needs to be tight.”

-“How’s’at, Suga’ips?”

-“Perfect, Cupcake, I’m helpless for you to take at your will. Climb on top and fuck me nasty hard like I want you to!”

The bed started squeaking. Falco stood there, actually embarrassed to hear them. He started wondering how he was going to get the heck out of there and could he sneak by in the dark? While they were fucking? He stood there, trying to get his courage up to try.

The squeaking of the bed slowed. After a few minutes there was silence.

“Cupcake?” he heard Thorsona ask after a bit. “Cupcake?”

There was no answer. Thorsona exploded. Her angry voice asked loudly “did you pass out, you asshole!?”

She got no answer. “Wake up, you stupid male! Wake up! Don’t you pass out on me, you stupid dickless cocksucker!! Wake up and get your little prick outta me, Bastard...untie me!!!”

Again, she was greeted by silence. “Son of a Bitch!” she huffed, exasperated. There was the sound of struggling.

Until then, Falco had thought he had already seen Thorsona at her angriest. Quiet for a few seconds, she suddenly roared in fury at her useless lover. “You drunken lout! Wake...UP!”

Bauer had left the closet door slightly ajar and, knowing how Humans had such poor night vision,Falco took a chance and peered out from the closet. With the front door closed it was pitch black in the room. As expected, they were on the bed.

Thorsona was naked and on her back. Her arms and legs were spread out with ankles and wrists tied securely to each post of the bed. She had nice big tits with huge nipples the size of a Barbarian gold piece.

Her nakedness was covered only by her drunken lover’s body weighing her down. Bauer lay between her legs with his pants down around his knees and his big ugly hairy ass exposed to Falco’s truly offended eyes. A drunkard’s snore reached Falco’s ears. By the look and sound of him, Bauer wasn’t waking up any time soon.

Thorsona, unaware of Falco’s presence, was struggling ineffectually to loosen her bonds while cursing at her snoring boyfriend. Falco grew a nice erection as he watched Thorona squirm around. He liked seeing her boobs rolling around on her chest while completely helpless under her loser of a lover. Completely helpless. He had a sudden urge to go jerk off onto her face.

He remembered the pummelling Bauer had given him and how Thorsona had urged him on to punch harder. She had kicked him hard in the side. He remembered the ache of his broken ribs and bruised kidney. He remembered how he lay there thinking he was dying and how no one had helped him. He remembered how he was beaten so cruelly he could not even get over to Cadwarra as she shook her gorgeous tits at him, tempting him.

Falco realized he now had both his tormenters at his mercy.He stood looking at them with the satisfaction of a man beholding his moment of revenge. No one treats Falco the way they had treated him.

He thought about that girl in his village so long ago. She never should have reported him to the Elders. He hadn’t hurt her. She likely wasn’t a virgin. Besides, she was passed out and didn’t even remember him doing anything. What was the harm? Then there was Cadwarra with the Sentry, laughing at his small cock. And Arabella screwing up and not pulling him out of trouble when Thorsona and Bauer came home. Lastly, there was Whats’er Name; getting him involved with that psychopathic Dark Elf M’Tun just because she thought he needed a bigger dick. Women always failed him.

Women had always been the causes of his misfortune, he realized, and he could have his revenge on one of them right there and a way, he could have have his revenge on ALL of them.

He quietly grabbed the handcuffs from where they had lain beside the leather straps and softly approached Thorsona and Bauer in the unlit room.

Thorsona heard Falco’s foot steps. She turned fearfully, trying to see in the dark. “Who’s there?” she demanded. “Get out! I am a Guardswoman!” She pulled frantically on the straps to no avail.

There was something truly arrogant about a helpless naked female still thinking she could give orders. Her imperious demand that the intruder leave pissed Falco off intensely and he answered Thorsona cruelly “You and your brute of a boyfriend should not have beat me to within an inch of my life...Bitch.”

Thorsone struggled, her expression angry and confused. “Who are you? Unfasten my bindings and then get out!” Seeing the intruder made no move to obey her her tone became less demanding, knowing she was in no position to bargain, “you can...leave...if you untie questions asked.”

That was more the tone she should be using under the circumstances. There was a candlestick on the night stand next to the bed. Falco lit the candle so Thorsona could see. As his face was illuminated, Thorsona stared then finally recognized him “You! You asshole pervert! Did you ever find a Human woman to screw? Untie me and then get the fuck out of my home, Perv-boy!”

Falco ignored Thorsona. He reached over to the snoring Bauer and handcuffed his arms behind his back. He laughed in a self-satisfied manner and reminded her “you and your boyfriend damn near beat me to death.”

He pulled the manacled Bauer off of her naked body. Bauer hit the floor with a damp thud. Falco sneered down at him then casually took his place on top of Thorsona. “Time for a real man to fuck you, Bitch. How dare you turn me down when I asked for a fuck so nicely the other day.” He pulled his dick out and aimed it at Thorsona’s spread open fuckhole.

He stuck it in. She was nice and slippery and his cock shone in the candlelight as he pulled it out to drive it in again. She snarled pure hatred at him as he fucked, baring her teeth like a harpy. She pulled on her restraints with renewed desperation, arching her back to try to get his tiny little cock to fall out of her.

This was a very special experience for him. It was the first time he took forced pleasure from a conscious victim. The girl in the village was passed out and Cadwarra, Arabella and Whats’er Name did not seem to mind so much when he had held them down and used them. He liked how powerless he made Thorsona feel.

He was careful not to get anywhere near Thorsona’s teeth as he went in and out on top of her. Falco had a pleasant fuck but he reflected how much he wanted one of those charms to make his cock big enough to really bruise Thorsona internally; really give her what she deserved. He continued fucking, notwithstanding his perceived lack of size

He would need to do this again with lots more unwilling temptresses, he thought as he drove repeatedly into Thorsona, trying not to come too soon. He liked humiliating her with his prick. He wanted the humiliation to last quite a while. ”I want you to remember this night and I want you to live to old age with the memory of my cock inside you” he told her. “Here...” he rammed his cock extra hard “feel...THIS!”

He came too soon despite his best efforts to last longer. His usual large amount of sperm left his balls and flowed out of his cock into the vadge he was fucking. Thorsona knew he was coming. She did not hide how pissed off this transgression made her. She looked at Bauer on the floor as if hoping he would not wake up and see her enduring the violation that was being foisted on her. Bauer remained unconscious in drunken ignorance of his girlfriend’s debasement.

Falco got off her as soon as he was done. His wet dick shone in the flickering light of the candle as it slipped out of Thorsona’s wet cunt and swung straight down. It swayed as he reached to pull up his leggings.

“Thanks for the fuck, Bitch, that was okay” he said derisively. “Not great, just okay“ he clarified. She growled back at him, unable to do anything else as she pulled at her restraints. He buckled his belt up as he looked down at her, feeling great satisfaction with what he had just done.

Catching sight of the coin purse on the night stand he grabbed it. “You mentioned something about twelve plat in here. I think I’ll just take it. As payment for doing what your boyfriend could not. I’ll let you get your fifty copper back from good old Bauer, there, if you still need dinner.”

At the mention of Bauer, he got angry all over again for the cruel beating he had suffered. He kicked Bauer, lying there with his pants still around his knees. Bauer’s unconscious body moved in answer to the kick. His limp cock flopped around. His balls rolled back and forth. He grunted but did not come to.

Falco knew he should leave now but Thorsona hadn’t yet paid enough for what had been done to him. He needed to do one more thing.

“Your boyfriend’s a real fruit” he taunted her. “I bet he likes it up the butt.” She only snarled angrily at him in answer as he went into the closet to get the dildo he had found, not caring anymore if it was clean. He let her see what he had in his hand. ”Pretty sad that Bauer isn’t enough of a man to give you a reason to throw away your little friend here.”

He loved the look of puzzlement on her face as she tried to figure out what he meant to do with the dildo. He leaned down and brutally shoved it up Bauer’s anus, deep. Bauer moaned in his sleep as if protesting such a violation.

“Look at that!” Falco chortled to Thorsona “your boyfriend can take it all, like a real fag! I bet he’s had a lot of practice.” Falco laughed vindictively.

“You fucking son of a bitch!” Thorsona growled, finally voicing her rage. He turned his back on her, still wanting to find that bo staff for Arabella.

It was in the walk-in closet, leaning against the wall behind the door where he has stood when Bauer poked his head into the door to get the bonds. He did not care to look for the cheap chainmail he had bought from Arabella so many days ago. He liked the leather armour he was presently wearing; it was light and tough and fit good. It was thick enough to turn away the slash of a blade, but comfortable and warm. He had enough money now to pay Sprockfuddle for it.

He came back out to check on Bauer and Thorsona. She remained angry, impotently struggling in her bonds. Bauer, with a dildo up his ass, was showing signs of coming around.

Falco used Bauer’s own belt to tie his feet together, then tie them to one leg of the bed. He slapped Bauer until his eyes opened. Bauer looked at Falco trying to think where he was and who this was. “You like being fucked up the ass, Bauer?” Falco moved the dildo in and out. “I bet you do” he told Bauer, moving closer to Thorsona. “Now, me...I like to fuck women. Here, Bauer, I’ll show you how to do it.”

Falco mounted Thorsona again and put it in. Bauer watched helplessly, trying to get up and stop Falco but only demonstrated how well constrained he was. “Mmmmm! Your woman’s pussy feels so good, Bauer. Watch while I enjoy fucking her.”

Furious, Bauer twisted helplessly on the floor. Thorosna whimpered to him. “Cupcake, Don’t get mad! I never said he could fuck me!”

Falco looked down at the manacled Bauer who was, in his drunken stupor, trying to comprehend if that was the truth.

“Don’t believe her” Falco taunted him “she begged me for it. I was just walking by when I heard her pleading for a good fuck so I came in and fucked her a bunch of times.”

He let Bauer watch Thorsona and him fuck for a good many ins and outs. “You should have finished me off when you had the chance down in the jail cells, Bauer. Now, you can remember how I serviced your fucking whore! You can see her take my cock while she pretends she isn’t loving every minute of it!”

Bauer, still drunk, was finally clueing in. “Get...get offa her! She ain’t giv’ yer her pe’mission!”

“Of course she did” Falco answered. “She was pleading for a hard cock Begging me for it! If you hadn’t been passed out you would have heard how she needed some hard cock.” He suddenly came loudly inside Thorsona, more globs of semen pulsing into her.

Done, he figured he had had enough revenge. He got dressed, grabbed the bo staff and left Thorsona and Bauer there in restraints, both angrily yelling expletives at him. “Untie us, Asshole!” Thorsona yelled as he locked the door behind him.

He paused outside the door. He heard both of them still swearing at him. He stood on Thorsona’s stoop peering around. Where was Arabella? There was no sign of her. No matter, he would deal with her later. He hefted Thorsona’s heavy purse, the weight most satisfactory. First thing he would do, he was going to use some of his newfound plat to get one of those Big Cock charms from that High Elf fudgepacker he had met a couple weeks ago in Fish’s.

Falco headed down the street away from Thorsona’s house. He grew angry and frustrated by Arabella’s disappearance. You just couldn’t trust females.

He guessed maybe some old boyfriend had happened along and Arabella had accepted his offer for a free meal and drinks at the nearest inn, no doubt followed by a good fucking. Forgetting any obligation to him, the bitch had just gone off with that jerk with a pocket full of silver and a big fat cock. By Karana, he needed one of those big cock charms so this would stop happening to him!

He would search for them in every tavern in Qeynos if it took all night. When he found her with her big-cocked boyfriend he would show him what were the consequences of stealing his slut. He really would.

He walked past a small parkette. The trees and bushes were too thick to see in but he heard the sounds of a girl being fucked hard and rough. Some young man, having successfully chatted her up over some wine in some tavern, was now enjoying his reward for all the drinks he had bought her. Falco stopped and listened. He surmised she had initially refused the young man’s needs because, having seemingly finally convinced her to put out, he was really riding her fast and nasty in retribution for her earlier reluctance.

There was a pained grunt from the female and more than one male voice laughed at her discomfort. Oh, so it was a gangbang. Some tipsy slut lured into the woods where the young men were now taking advantage of her, despite her protests. A sexually excited male voice said “By Marr, If you can’t take that High Elf cock, whadaya going to do when we Humans start stickin’ in the really big ones?” The girl’s reply was muffled but there was a round of good-natured laughter at whatever she had said.

He wondered if they would have a problem if he went over and joined in the gangbang but he doubted they would share; he knew he would not if he and his friends got themselves a nice bit of crumpet off into the woods. There was no reason to wait for your next turn while some asshole who did not help get the girl into a private spot was making you wait longer for your second and third turns.

The sounds of the fucking aroused him and he thought about going back and fucking Thorsona again. She needed more humiliation. He walked on, regardless. A voice in the trees asked “Can you believe a tiny thing like her can take our big wangs? I think she likes ‘em big.”

His pace quickened. It was dawning on him that he had just committed several major crimes and sooner than later someone would find Thorsona and Bauer lying there all bound up. It was great that the rescuer would see the highly embarassed Bauer with a dildo up his pooper, but they would then loosen the restraints and then ask what was going on. Thorsona, just like that lying bitch in the woods back in his village, would tell everyone Falco had forced her and everyone would believe her.

He felt no guilt to have done what he did; Thorsona and Bauer deserved it. But that did not matter; people would take the side of the woman. He would soon be wanted for sexual assault not to mention theft and breaking and entering. He never should have lit that candle just to show Thorsona his face. He knew he had been stupid to do that.

Another person would have gone right back and killed them to prevent them blabbing but he knew he could not do such a thing to helpless people no matter what they had done to him. He thought of Whats’er Name and feared she would think he was a fool for not doing away with them. Maybe he was a fool but letting them live to remember the incident was better revenge, anyway.

He was not sure what his next step should be so he did what all weak men did when they needed to think; he looked for the closest tavern to buy an ale. He hoped he would not find Arabella and her new beau in there, after all. He wanted to figure out what to do.

As he stepped into Fish’s several eyes turned to look at him. Any other resident of Qeynos would have been hailed by half a dozen fellows calling him over to their table but Falco had had no aptitude in making friends or even making a good impression and so most assumed he was a stranger.

They saw his expensive leather armour and a very nice looking bo staff. Most pegged him as a traveler entering Qeynos late in the evening and rightly having a drink before inquiring as to the price of a room or the direction to the local brothel. His black leathers told them he was a rogue and a troublemaker to boot so no one made a move to welcome the new arrival. They returned to their steins and arguments.

Ellister alone recognized Falco and correctly deduced he had recently come into some extra coins, judging by that well-made leather protection. He raised his hand to get Falco’s attention.

Falco immediately saw that fag High Elf sitting there across the room calling him over like the fruit he was. He was glad to have found Ellister so quickly. He had no idea when Thorsona and Bauer would be discovered but if they were found before he figured out where he should hide there would be no escaping from the hue and cry. He needed to have one ale, purchase that Big Cock charm Whats’er Name was so enthusiastic about, decide where to lie low, then scram. He did not have time to search for that bitch Arabella and her asshole boyfriend.

He sauntered over to Ellister, pretending to be all casual but anxious inside to be gone and safe in some hidey-hole.

Likewise, Ellister correctly deduced it would be best if he quickly completed any business Falco may have with him. There was something in the way Falco was guiltily glancing about as if scared someone would challenge him. The fool was letting everyone in the place know he was guilty of something.

Falco’s package showed in the crotch of his leggings as he approached Ellister’s table, even though he was unfortunately not hard. It’s attractiveness was accentuated by the semi-glossy leather molded around the mound, shining in the lantern light as he walked. Ellister found leather very titillating and he looked too long at Falco’s bulge, longing to reach out and fondle those masculine assets intimately.

The memory of Falco in the window pulling his lovely hardness out of Llisanya to show the crowd in the street below woke Ellister’s cock up. He imagined Falco’s perfect cock fucking Llisanya’s vagina repeatedly these past several days. Wafts of thick Falco cum would have laced her willing pussy, the thick hot sperm dripping from her, shining in the candlelight of the bedroom. It was too late now, but Ellister suddenly wished he had paid Llisanya to let him lick her snatch clean of Falco’s semen after Falco was finished pleasing himself inside her.

Falco sat down across from Ellister, unaware of Ellister’s twisted, perverted thoughts. He kept his back to the crowd so as to hide his face. The Wood Elf youngster was so handsome, with lovely broad shoulders and dreamy eyes. Ellister fought the fag urge to lean forward and kiss him.

Instead, Ellister waved at the lady bartender to come over with a round of whiskeys for him and Falco. He was still flush with the money Llisanya had paid him for those charms and, being tipsy, unwisely decided to buy the handsome Wood Elf a drink.

The girl bartender was disappointed Falco had shown up instead of that incredibly attractive, big-eyed Half Elf girl, Llisanya. Every time Ellister had come in her heart had quickened in hopes that Llisanya, too, would show up That potioned wine she had slipped Llisanya last time should still be having an affect and she wanted so badly to get Llisanya alone after the tavern closed; to feel Llisanya’s naked breasts crushed into her own as they passionately kissed and scissored, pushing wet pussies together. She promised herself she would make Llisanya forswear men forever after she had been given the pleasure of the expert clit-play only another woman could provide.

“How are you tonight, Falco?” Ellister asked as the Lesbian bartender set down two quaichs of whiskey. Her tits half fell out of her lowcut top, her areolas showing as the cloth fell forward. Falco got a nice look. She would have preferred Llisanya got that free look down into her cleavage, not this letch who had never once given her a tip all the previous times he had been in and eyeing her up. How she longed to have Llisanya lock down her blouse the way Falco was. If only Llisanya could lock her lips on hardening nipples.

Falco did not acknowledge Ellister’s generosity of a free drink. “Listen, Faggot. Are you selling any of those Big Cock Growing Charms?”

Falco saw by Ellister’s reaction that he had not been wrong in assuming this was the person about whom Llisanya was speaking when she mentioned she knew someone who sold such charms.

Ellister was offended by Falco’s brusque question and the rude appellation he had used, but he would be glad enough to finally unload the magic charm. Ellister had been carrying that cock enhancement charm around ever since he and Llisanya had made their deal. He had paid a lot of coin for the materials to make it and, as the days passed without a sale, was ill-at-ease with the advance outlay he had paid. He was beginning to think Llisanya had reneged on the agreement to get Falco to purchase one. He made a mental note to trust Llisanya better than that in future.

“Well, Falco” Ellister answered with affected casualness “since you appear so anxious, I can sell you one I happen to be holding...assuming you have six plat...”

Falco did not let Ellister finish what he was saying. “Yes, I have six plat” he interrupted. He had more than enough plat in Thorsona’s purse and there was also an uncounted pile of gold, silver and copper coins to boot. He felt a twinge of guilt that it was really Thorsona’s coin but that passed when he thought of that beating he had suffered.

He dug into Thorsona’s purse, pulling out six plat coins one by one. He willingly would pay that amount for a huge cock with which to please Cadwarra and all the other girls who would in future be grimacing under him as he stabbed the full length of his augmented manliness into them.

Ellister took note of the purse. He was no fool. The purse was pink with pretty embroidery. Given Falco’s revulsion for anything faggy Ellister knew this was a coinpurse Falco had not obtained through honest means. The moron had surely stolen it...or worse.

“Put it away” Ellister hissed. “Wherever you got that, any idiot in here can see it is not yours!”

He should have told Falco to fuck off...or just taken the coin and told him to get lost before he got drawn into whatever crimes Falco had committed. But he thought of how Falco’s cock curved so nice and how his cum had blasted out in long ropes of unbridled lust all over Llisanya in the window. He wanted to suck on him so bad and have all that jizz pour into his mouth. Against all good judgment, he let Falco stay and complete their business transaction.

“You didn’t let me finish detailing the full price” he told Falco impatiently. “The cost is six platinum coins, as I said, plus I get to suck you off and swallow your load.“

Falco was his usual homophobic self. After a second of shock he sputtered angrily “Piss off, you sicko. I don’t have time to go back to your place and pretend I’m a queer. I’ll pay six plat. Final offer!”

Ellister knew he was making a fool of himself, but he so wanted Falco thrusting his hardness into his mouth. “It’s six plat plus a blowjob. Forget going back to my apartment, we can do it here. No one cares what happens in this place.”

To reinforce his words Ellister motioned to what was happening a couple of tables over. One of the regulars, a Human named Greigh, was letting his naked wife ride another patron. Greigh and a host of others were cheering her on as she performed, grinning at her horny husband as her hips rose and fell on the huge shining prick sliding in and out of her pretty snatch right in front of hubby.

Falco looked on as the cuckold Greigh pulled his erection out and started jerking in full view of the crowd. His wife dripped pussy juice on the cock of a complete stranger. The bartender brought a pint over and set it down for Greigh, scooping up his empty stein. She did not even look at Greigh’s cock as he wanked away. She did rather like the way Mrs. Greigh’s tits flew around as she rode the stranger, though. They were very big and very round.

Ellister laughed. “See, Falco. No on will even care if I suck you off.” His voice betrayed his sexual excitement as he added lewdly “you’re very good looking, Falco. I want your pretty cock in my mouth.”

Ellister saw Falco was distracted by the show being put on by the cuckolding Missus Greigh. He was obviously hesitating to pay the price Ellister was demanding. Ellister decided to fabricate a diabolical lie “That little Wood Elf you like was in here the other night” he dissembled “she was looking around for anyone who had a cock big enough to please her. She sucked a few men off but left without finding one she liked enough to take to bed. As you know, she only likes big cocks. Maybe she’d like yours if it was bigger...”

Falco was fool enough to believe Ellister. He wanted Cadwarra and he wanted other men to leave her alone. He was desperate for the bigger penis that would make her want him but he had to let Ellister suck his cock first. Why did fags always come on to him?

His thoughts turned back to a time when he had been alone and friendless in the world, a week into his exile from his village and not sure where to go or what lay ahead. He had not eaten in three days.

A traveling merchant had caught up to him on the road. “It’s not safe to be alone along this stretch, Young Lad, you best stay with me until we reach the safety of the next town. I have plenty of food I can share as payment for your company.”

Only a fool would give away his food for free, but Falco thanked him kindly and fell in with him. He would stay until the food ran out then he would fuck off.

After dinner that first night they had turned in. It was a chilly night in early spring. The merchant was snug in his bedroll while Falco shivered for lack of a blanket. “No sense fighting the cold, Young Lad. I have room beside me.” He held the bedroll open for Falco to crawl in.

Falco felt very uncomfortable to be sleeping next to another male, but had been too cold to decline. At first, it was awkward to feel another male body lying against him. The merchant put an arm around him, protecting him from the cold. He accidentally brushed Falco’s crotch and apologized.

“Here” the merchant said, noting Falco was still shivering “let me rub your limbs so you warm up.” He rubbed Falco everywhere until he was all nice and warm. He touched him in places that concerned Falco. When Falco objected he stopped.

By way of apology, he got on top of Falco’s back and gave Falco a shoulder massage that felt quite relaxing after the long day’s travel. Falco moaned in pleasure under the merchant’s strong hands. His pelvis was crushed against Falco’s ass. Falco could tell he had an erection.

Embarrassed to feel another man’s cock, Falco turned over and told him he needed to sleep. The merchant could see Falco had a boner, too.

“You’re hard, Lad. Why don’t you humour me and pull your dick out so I can have a look?”

Falco was disgusted by the sick suggestion. He refused.

The merchant pleaded. “I want to see your cock.. Just let me have a look. No one will know you let me see.”

Falco lay there with his erection plainly showing in his pants. Oddly, he felt complimented by the merchant’s request, sick as it was. He remembered how much fun it was to have everyone see his hard dick as it fucked that passed out girl by the campfire. He wanted to show off his erection again.

The merchant was right; no one would know. He pulled it out and held it so it pointed straight up while the merchant leered at it.

Fa;lco liked being wicked. He got his jollies exposing himself, even if it was to some faggot. The degenerate merchant just stared at it, breathing deeply and saying nothing.

Bored with lying there just holding it, Falco started playing with it, letting the fudgepacker watch. He pumped it with his fist. He pumped fast.

After a while, the merchant leaned forward and kissed Falco’s cheek. “How pretty you are” he murmured. He looked into Falco’s beautiful eyes. He noticed Falco’s full lips. He admired his strong jawline.

The merchant rose up on his knees and pulled out his hard dick. It was average length but skinny and curved down instead of up. “Suck me off, Lad. Please? I know you know you like cock. I can tell.” Seeing Falco was about to refuse he added, a little pathetically, “I’ll even give you a silver after you are done.”

Falco, with no coin in his pocket, decided to do just as he was asked. He took the merchant’s fid into his mouth. He meant to just hold it there between his jaws without performing fellatio but he decided to actively suck on it just to get the merchant to cum quicker so he could stop the perverted act sooner. He sucked slowly, occasionally pulling it out to rub it on his face then sucked some more.

At last the merchant exhaled a big breath. Then Falco’s mouth was filled up by warm, sticky man-chowder. Not knowing what else to do, Falco swallowed. He swallowed it all. It tasted salty. A bit more spurted onto his tongue and he swallowed that, too. Even more came.

He licked the last few drops lingering on the knob. He squeezed the cock to get the last bit out of the shaft. He sucked on that cock long after the last of the merchant’s cum had been eaten.

Finally, the merchant’s spent prick slipped out of his mouth. For some reason he gave it a kiss.

Angry that the merchant had made him do that sick act, he rose and vindictively stuck his hard-on onto the merchant’s mouth. He would let the merchant know how humiliating it was to suck hungrily on a big hard prick. It was vengeful retribution; that was the only reason why he did it. Yeah.

The merchant spent a half hour kissing and licking Falco’s super hard penis while playing with his sperm-packed balls. Falco’s cock began to twitch. He grabbed the merchant’s ears and gripped them. He emptied long spasms of spunk all over the merchant’s tonsils. It was a large load and he watched it being gulped down. He liked the fact that his cum went down another man’s throat, though he knew it was only so he could humiliate the fag for his perversions.

For a second silver coin, he serviced the merchant’s needs the next night, too.

On the third day they reached the town. The merchant told him they could continue to travel together and he could learn the business. They could do naughty things every night.

“I am heading out” Falco had told the merchant. He wasn’t a queer. He had just needed the coin. He thought of that passed-out girl he had screwed by the fire in front of his friends. He had fucked her because he was straight. He needed to find a girlfriend like her so he could forget about what he had needed to do when desperate for a couple of silver. “Find a real queer to suck your cock, Hindgrinder. I’m going to find a slut to fuck.”

He had moved on the next morning. No one would ever know he had had a prick in his mouth and had kissed it and held it, reveling in the kisses the merchant had given him after the debauchery. Why had he kissed him back? He had told himself he needed the coin, that was all. He wasn’t a fag. He liked beaver.

Sitting there across from Ellister, Falco reminded himself that he had sworn he would never do faggot stuff again. Yet he wanted that charm.

Falco steeled himself to pay the demanded price. “Okay, one quick blowjob” he conceded, desperate to have that charm for Cadwarra. “Just make it fast. I gotta get going.”

Falco realized he should be hidden down in the Down Below while he reviewed his options, not in a crowded tavern. He needed to get that charm and get out quick. He did not fancy more jail time nor that bland porridge thrice daily.

He stood and took a half a step to Ellister. Disgusted by what he was about to do, he placed the plat on the table. Ellister swiped it out of sight as quickly as he had with Llisanya’s payment in Irontoes East yesterday. He stared again at the bulge Falco’s junk was making in his black leather leggings. He put his hands on Falco’s waist. He felt how fit the boy was. He ran his hands over Falco’s muscled chest then lowered his hands to touch Falco’s genitals lovingly. He reached to undo the lacings that kept Falco’s prick from his sucking lips.

Falco’s dick flopped out. He stood there feeling self-conscious. A few faggots turned and looked, watching with interest what Ellister was doing.

Falco was embarrassed that they saw he was soft and small. He should have thought things through. Belatedly, he asked Ellister “Can you give me the charm before you suck me off? I’m embarrassed by my size.” He was ashamed to have to confess his size to Ellister, forgetting that when they had first met he had blurted out in his drunken state that his girl had found him lacking.

“Alright” Ellister agreed. “I guess we can give you a demonstration of my jewelry skills”

While Falco stood with his little dinky swinging around, Ellister handed him a cheap looking ring. It looked like it was made of brass with a glass bauble in the setting. Falco regretted paying six plat for such costume jewelry and suspected he had just been cheated.

“It looks cheap so no one sees its value and steals it” Ellister explained when he saw the disdain on Falco’s face. “You slip it on your left index finger. Don’t worry, the magic will shrink or expand the ring to fit perfectly.”

Falco did as he was told, expecting to have nothing happen and for Ellister to start laughing at him for his stupidity.

The ring fit as if made to his size. The effect on his manhood was instant. There was a stabbing pain in the tip of his cock like some bitch had bitten on it hard, then it felt like someone was pulling on his shaft hard enough to yank his prick out by the roots. He doubled over in intense agony.

“You asshole. I’m in pain.” he gasped, barely able to speak. He sat down, unable to stand, grimacing in his torment.

“The discomfort should already be passing. Check the size of your fid. Let’s make sure it works.”

Falco looked down at his penis, still aching a little. He was very pleased to see the effects the ring had. His dick lay there at double its previous length. The girth was phenomenal. He could not believe how heavy it felt as it sprawled there across his thigh twice as long and twice as thick as he was used to.

“How’s that?” Ellister chortled, proud to see the effects of his work. Falco’s new cock was magnificent, soft though it remained. Ellister reached over and gripped it. He began pumping it, trying to make it erect. “Get nice and hard for me, Falco” he implored, forgetting his dignity. “I want to suck you off right now.”

Falco briefly considered fastening himself back up and leaving without letting Ellister have his blow job. But he had agreed to the price and he would keep his bargain. He stood there letting that deviant High Elf play with his big new penis because that was the negotiated cost. He did not enjoy it, however, and that was obvious from the way it remained limp.

Though Ellister was was running his hands up and down the full, immense length of his new manhood, he was unable to get Falco’s dick up for the proposed cocksucking.

Falco wanted desperately to get hard. He needed to get out of the public eye before someone found Thorsona and Bauer and started looking for him. He therefore needed Ellister to suck him off quick. One of the fags watching made a derisive joke at the expense of his unresponsive cock and the others laughed. That didn’t help.

He had a sudden inspiration. He looked over at Greigh’s wife, being a slut. She had yet another volunteer to show Greigh how to properly fuck her. She was cumming all over the prick of that latest volunteer. Greigh was furiously pumping his cock as he watched his wife give herself to the fourth stranger of the night. The sight of her humiliating her husband like that excited Falco. Finally, his new cock grew. It quickly reached it’s full magnificence. There was a roar of amazement from the fags watching him. He was exceedingly pleased with the size. He swung it’s bulk straight at Ellister’s mouth.

Seeing Falco finally rampant, Ellister slipped off his chair and down onto his knees. He began to happily suck on the huge thing. He was so very proud of how well his charm was working and so happy to be sucking on the success of his efforts..

He was thrilled that the new cock had the same elegant curve he had admired in Falco’s previous erections. He crammed as much as he could into his mouth, though hardly half fit in.

The gay folks in the tavern were making such a fuss over the size of Falco’s monster prick that everyone else came over to marvel at it, too. Despite the humiliation of a queer sucking him in front of all those people, Falco could not help but be aroused by his new cock and by everybody seeing it. He remained fully rigid for the entire blowjob. Everyone was watching and cheering and making ribald comments. He was very pleased and very proud as Ellister kept knob-gobbling him.

It took maybe fifteen minutes for Falco to blast his load because having a male suck him off did not turn him on. He tried thinking about Cadwarra and how pleased she would be when she saw his huge size. He fantasized as to how her tight cunt would feel as he stuck his entire length into her moaning body. That got him turned on. He felt his orgasm begin.

He pondered his future with Cadwarra while Ellister sucked. She would want him to marry her. He would lead her on about that while he fucked her brains out. Eventually he would have to agree to marry her...once her belly began to swell with his child. She would need to agree to have his child or there would be no marriage.

The thought of impregnating Cadwarra as he held her down...against her will...brought his orgasm to completion. He began to fill Ellister’s mouth with splurges of slathering spunk.

Ellister was delighted by how long Falco had lasted but was glad enough to finally feel Falco’s big immense cock writhe in his mouth and begin to flood his tonsils with yummy Wood Elf cum. The shaft of the penis did not just twitch the way it normally would when a pretty young boy came, Falco’s new hugeness thrashed around like a trout trying to jump out of a frying pan. He poured a seeming gallon of semen into Ellister’s mouth as he orgasmed. Ellister gulped it down but Falco just sent more out of his prick and down Ellister’s throat.

Ellister already knew Falco shot a lot, but the charm had further increased his volume. And why hadn’t Llisanya told him how good Falco’s cum tasted? It was wonderful. He swallowed every bit. He wished Falco would never stop cumming.

At last Falco pulled his spent cock out of Ellister’s mouth. Ellister was still holding him by the hips and tried to pull his pelvis back to keep Falco’s cock in his mouth a little longer, trying to get the last of the yummy cum dripping out of his cock.

But Falco decided he had fulfilled the agreement. He pulled free, yanking his cock away from Ellister, considering that full payment for the charm having been made. His prick was now soft and, free of Ellister’s lips, it swung down and slapped against Falco’s leg. The tip touched his knee. The sight of it hanging down that far occasioned a cry of admiration and a round of applause from the crowd, impressed by the size of Falco-the-Faggot’s cock, even when flaccid.

Falco was too embarrassed to stay, even had he dared linger and risk the authorities coming in search of him. Not even acknowledging Ellister’s pathetically sincere thanks, he did his leggings up, grabbed the bo staff and hastily excited the premises. He knew the humiliation of this public performance of homosexual debauchery would haunt him his entire life. He rushed into the dark street, glad to have the night hide his face.

It was a bit of a hike to the entrance to the Down Below in Elddar Grove. What’ser Name had mentioned another entrance just up the road. “It’s one of the many other Down Below entrances” she had explained “but the Elddar Grove one is more direct and more private to access.”

He decided he better get out of sight as soon as possible. He would use the closer entrance. He picked the locks, by now it was child’s play. He slipped down in and found himself in a twisting passageway. He moved forward.

He knew from his previous visit through the Down Below that some places were warm and dry. He would need to find a good place to sleep, then in the morning he would find Arabella or What’er Name to help hide him. He would need to get to 13 Tranquil Way and hunker down there until Sprockfuddle was let out of jail, but he had no idea where Tranquil Way was located. He would leave the Down Below early tomorrow and just ask someone for directions, maybe a guard. It took him a moment to realize how stupid that would be.

Falco moved further down the corridor. He quickly found it was not so easy to find his way. Surely he would eventually recognize a familiar landmark as he wandered around. When he was with What’ser Name it all seemed so easy to navigate the twists and turns.

After an hour he was disoriented. The place was bigger than he ever realized. Tunnels and chambers branched off into myriad vaults and galleries until he felt he was in a maze not a sewer system. Despite his night vision there was so little light in some areas, he was stumbling over huge insects and giant slugs. Outsized frogs croaked angrily and an immense centipede hissed at him warningly. A large bat hovered nearby showing its fangs before deciding he was too well armed to be a tasty meal

He passed crypts and coffins. And he was lost. Too late, he remembered Whats’er Name saying there were places in the Down Below a wise person did not venture into without several well-armed friends. She had mentioned ‘Vermin’s Snye’ and ‘Crypt of Betrayal’ but had not been more specific.

He wondered what else was down there. What other dangers lurked?

As if fate was playing a cruel trick on him, his fears were substantiated by the realization that there was someone ahead of him. Not a large toad or a giant snake. Some creature. On two legs. He held his bo staff at the ready but it was near useless in those close confines. He peered at the thing as it stood there in near blackness, eyes shining as it studied Falco. He recognized the canine ears of a Gnoll and he almost shit himself.

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