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Tristen blackmails her older sister into trading identities for the summer while their mother is away
Trading places.

When Zoey was little, she was a daddy’s girl, she remembered feeling as if she was his favorite. However, most of her memories of him were told to her from other people’s stories. Her favorite was he played computer games with her. Their favorite was Minecraft. While Tristen her younger sister was the mommy’s girl.

A few weeks after she turned ten, she accompanied her father on a day trip to visit with some of his friends. She knew it was a special trip just for the two of them since her mother and younger sister Tristen had not been invited. He drove his favorite blue car. it was sleek and aerodynamic. Though she could not remember what it was now. and no one who could, wanted to talk about it.

Though something always seemed cold when she tried to remember the last day with her father, she believed it was the car accident that made it so. What little memory she had was her sitting on her father’s lap helping him drive when bright lights appeared and the world twisted, she felt like she had the power to levitate, almost fly even, then the pain. Then complete darkness.

The sounds of a rhythmical beeping noise were the first thing she remembered. She had no idea how much time had passed when her eyes fluttered open. The brightness burned her eyes. She could only move one arm and could not cry out for help. The noises got louder and the beeping got faster, she felt the strange sensations of things in her nose and the back of her throat. She was not in control of her breathing she tried to get free from whatever had her as the panic set in. Then something was holding her free arm down as she tried to scream for help. Then the darkness returned.

Her next memory was when her mother, Rachel, and Tristen all dressed in black stood beside her bed. She learned her father had died that night when the car flipped and rolled several times before she had been ejected from it. And it was a miracle she had survived. Had she been trapped in the car with her father she would have been burned alive.

Her mother had set his precious laptop on the table beside her along with his VR Oculus set so she could play games and watch videos.

The second miracle was the fact she woke after only two weeks of being in a coma. The third was the discovery of the cancer that had spread throughout her body and they would begin treatment as soon as they removed the cast. She remembered when the body cast was removed, how Tristen had gotten her ice and held a bucket by the bed as she vomited everything up until it was just violent dry heaves. The painful psychical therapy to get her body movement back. Thanking her mom and the other nurses. Then the soft little voice whispering promising she would be okay.

The fourth miracle was when she was told the cancer was in remission after six long hard years.

The fight had been long and destroyed her body. Her doctor was not sure if it was the accident or the treatment that had delayed then slowed her puberty to a crawl. She was tiny. Four two and roughly eighty pounds on a good day. Her appetite was minuscule even after most of a year after treatment.

Tristen though only seven when everything had happened became her lifeline. She had become her sole friend and the only real child she was allowed to be with. When their mother was working Tristen was allowed to stay in her room with her. Their mother was a surgical RN at the hospital Zoey was in. Tristen always wanted to help and often the nurses would say she was one of the staff. She was always there anytime Zoey needed.

It was early evening as Zoey was curled up in her favorite round oversized bamboo wicker lounge chair in the family room reading her favorite book, still in her pajamas, when she heard the phone ring and a second later her sister's voice from wherever she was at. she had been expecting this call. “Zoey. Mom is on the phone and wants to talk with you.”

She dreaded this moment. An exasperated sigh escaped as she put the phone to her ear; “Hey, mom.” She said.

“How are you feeling?” her mother said.

Tristen’s Giggles could be heard in the background. They had made fun and bet their mother would pull this stunt on them.

“Shouldn’t you and Rachel be on a plane going on a romantic vacation to the tropics?” She said.

“I wanted to be sure you will be okay. What if something happens, and you relapse? Or another medical emergency? We will be halfway around the world and who knows what could happen in the time it takes us to get home. I am not sure I should go.” her mother said.

She did not mean to yell; it just came out before she could even think straight or tell her brain to catch her breath. “STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!”

Both Tristen and Rachel's voices could be heard through her sobs. “Samantha, Mother!” It was Tristen who she heard speak next. Her mother must have muted her line while Rachel admonished her. Zoey could hear something along with the anger in her voice.

“Mother, the whole staff including her doctor have already covered this. Zoey is in remission. Her next check-up was scheduled a month after your return. So, you can be there. And even if she was to relapse, no one would know till then anyway. So why don’t you say what's bothering you instead of trying to guilt-trip Zoey into begging you to stay.” Tristen said.

“Tristen. Don’t talk to your mother like that. Sam, just tell them, why you called so we can board our flight.” Rachel said. She sounded as frustrated as Tristen Did.

“Listen, you two. We’ll be boarding in a minute. I just got off the phone with Mrs. Jones, she will not make it till Wednesday. That means you will be home alone for two nights. Zoey your curfew is eleven Tristen, I want you home by eight pm sharp.”

That’s not fair! Why does she get to stay out late and I have to be home before it's even dark out.” Tristen said

Reasserting herself; “Zoey is Seventeen, you're thirteen young lady. That’s why! Mrs. Jones knows all the rules and what to expect. I have warned her about your manipulative ways. Tristen. If I get one word about you misbehaving… Home” the sounds of rustling and a small pause. “At any rate, my mother says she will come and get you two if there are any more issues. And we’ll fly home in a week.” Her mother said.

A female voice could be heard over the receiver “Last call for flight 420 to Hawaii.”

“Zoey, you sure you're feeling okay.” Her mother asked.

She was fighting back the anger and frustration, the tears of reliving this conversation yet again. The emotions in her mother’s voice, this was the woman that trained Tristen to be a master manipulator.

However, it was Rachel’s voice that spoke next. She must have taken the phone since her voice was the easiest to hear “Okay girls, Zoey’s in charge till Mrs. Jones arrives Wednesday. Have a good summer. Good luck Tristen.” Their mother’s voice was heard; “I love you; I’ll call when we land.” With a click, it was just them on the phone.

“What did Rachel mean by that?” Zoey asked after managing to recompose herself.

“Oh, I’ll explain later,” Tristen said.

“Well, whatever. Thanks, for helping with Mom.”

Tristen laughed. “You might not thank me later. But you’re welcome.” Again, she laughed as she hung up the phone.

Zoey returned to her chair nestling back into the oversized pillow cushion with her book. Losing track of the time as she got lost in the pages. When she looked up, to see Tristen standing in front of her with a tablet she could tell it was dusk outside. Sarah, Tristen’s girlfriend lingered in the shadows of the archway leading into the dining room watching them.

Zoey felt nervous as Tristen stared down at her. It was not anger in her expression but a power of dominance. “So, here’s the deal Tristen. We are trading places for the summer.” She had emphasized Tristen so Zoey understood she was talking to her.

The look on Zoey’s face showed her complete state of confusion. “What?”

“It's not fair, you don’t do anything and can do whatever you want. So, we are gonna trade places for the summer. We’re switching rooms and I am going to be you and you're gonna be me, Tristen. Till Rachel and Mom get back.” Tristen said.

You want me to move my stuff into your room and pretend to be you? Zoey asked still trying to understand.

“Did I say that? I cannot risk what Mom might have told her. I have been planning this since they announced their plans for their trip. We will be swapping our lives completely. I have some old clothes that should fit you and if need be, we can go to Walmart or Target and get some cheap outfits. I know Mom left you a credit card in case of emergency. And I can already match your style.”

Tristen looked her sister up and down judgmentally. Oversized plain shirt, and sweatpants with fluffy socks. “Well, most of your style. And We can dye your hair black to match mine.”

“And why would I do that?” Zoey said

Wide-eyed; her skin burnt bright as her mouth gaped open when Tristen turned the tablet to face her revealing the video she had made of herself masturbating several nights before. the camera had been placed between her ankles while she leaned back on two pillows. She had wanted to see what she would look like during sex.

Tristen pushed her back faster than it took Zoey to stand up. She had no chance; she was the size of an underweight twelve-year-old. And despite being thirteen Tristen was the size of a full-grown woman at five-four and athletic with broad shoulders she was the complete opposite of Zoey who was petite.

Zoey was the shy nerdy girl who got bullied in school for her size and being nerdy. Tristen on the other hand was aggressive and more often than not the bully of her class and school. She had always left Zoey alone until today.

Tristen Showed her several more nudes of herself from over the years that she had taken to document her development. Or the lack of it.

Tristen tossed the tablet between her legs before she continued to speak. “I have been your slave for years, having to take care of you and make sure mommy little princess is always taken care of. Well, guess what they are not here to protect you. And it's my turn to be free. And if you don’t or you try to fight back in any way, I’ll have to give these along with your journal. No not the one you write for your therapist, but your real journal. The one you think no one knows about. To everyone in school. I wonder what Christopher will think about you worshiping his cock like the whore you dream to be? Granted the privilege to take all your worthless hole's virginity. Do you think he will feel honored to be the first to use you like a filthy whore, slut?” she laughed.

Zoey skin burned brighter; her eyes stung as they welled with tears. “Why. How did you get these?”

“Because you wrecked my life. For seven years now. I always knew where you hid them Tristen. Don’t worry, they are not on the cloud. But I do have a copy on a flash drive that I have hidden. So, here's the deal, I become you and you become me and when Mom gets back, we return to normal and I give you the flash drive. I’ll give you a little bit to decide. But not long.” Tristen said before joining Sarah and leaving the family room.

Zoey watched as the two girls disappeared flabbergasted unable to speak. she just sat there for several long moments shaking and feeling betrayed, hurt, and confused. She thought maybe it was a joke till she searched through the tablet. she had her journal and her private pictures. Of her when she was little. She fought the anxiety attack to control the feeling of panic burning her soul and tried to reassure herself. She would tell her mother as soon as she called. Then it was, she would only play along till she found the flash drive.

After an eternity of stressing, she quickly ran to her room grabbed her most prized possession, her father’s laptop where she kept all her secrets, and quickly checked it, confirming the files had been opened and copied to an external device. Goosebumps covered her skin as she stared at the screen, all of her father’s files and pictures with her in them. All had been copied over as well. A fact she had already seen on the tablet. However, it was not real till she saw the violation of her laptop in person. She fell to her knees crying. She heard her sister calling demanding her immediate attention; “Tristen.” Changing the password, before putting it back into its place next to his Oculus set. She went to her sister's room.

Hearing Sarah's voice as she approached Tristen’s door. “Why did you give her the tablet? She can delete everything.”

Her hand froze reaching for the doorknob as her heart thumped, she heard the reply; “I told you I have been planning this for months. I have the flash drive and no I’ll not tell you slut.

Determined to put Tristen into her place. Throwing the door wide open Zoey entered her sister’s room. the two girls were giggling as they looked up from where they sat on the bed. She only stopped when she stood directly in front of Tristen; did you copy Dad’s files? “She demanded” The confused look on Sarah’s face showed she had not been privileged to that information.

Her slight distraction caused her to notice that Tristen’s bed had been changed back to her childhood Disney princess four post canopy. The room had been redecorated as well. To look like a child lived in it. Princess posters and old pictures of her were scattered throughout the room.

“Well, that took you long enough. I’d suggest you stay off Mom’s computer since she has cameras in there Tristen.” Tristen said.

“Why does your mother have cameras in her room?” Sarah Asked.

Tristen Laughed; Because she is a pervert and she thinks I am a snoop.” Tristen said.

Zoey latched onto the moment shaking some of the confusion off; “Give me the flash drive right now or…”

“Or what?” Tristen said cutting her off, forcing her to take several steps back as she stood over her older sister one hand raised.

Zoey flinched. She had never seen Tristen this red and was not sure she would not hit her. Tristen whipped out her phone and before Zoey could react touched the screen. Zoey turned her head to avoid any hostile reaction.

It took the chime of hers and Sarah's phone to grab her attention again. realizing Tristen was not going to be violent. There was an image received, a message from Tristen on her phone, she was on the verge of breaking down when she saw that Sarah and thirty others had also received a copy of the picture. The only other numbers she recognized were her mothers and Rachel.

“That was a random file sent, care to push it and have me send another little girl?” Tristen said.

The two stared hard at each other for several long moments. One with a triumphant stare of dominance and the other of hurt, horror, and hatred.

It was Sarah who broke the silence turning her phone towards her; “how did you go to the bathroom in that?”

Unable to hold back the tears anymore, seeing herself in the almost full body cast, her legs spread and held up by suspension cables at awkward angles and her upper body wrapped along with her left arm held out at a forty-five-degree angle, and only a towel covering her most private area. If the picture could have shown it, it would have shown how her jaw had been wired shut. However, her face did look bad with all the black and blue bruises and two black eyes. With defeat in her voice, she simply said; “I hate you.”

Tristen pulled her into her chest and held her for a long moment before whispering into her ear. “It's okay. I love you enough for both of us. I did not get pleasure out of having to punish you. but I need you to understand you need to listen to your elders and do as you’re told like a good little girl. Do you understand me Tristen?”

Tristen had sounded just like her mother and Rachel. Zoey nodded. Then when she was informed, she had to use her words like a big girl. She understood what Tristen wanted and with the fight knocked out of her, she said “Yes Zoey, I understand.” Before being pushed back a couple of feet. Sarah was circling them like a predator hunting its prey.

“Good girl, now strip.”

“What? Why do I need to take my clothes off?” Zoey said.

“Because I said so young lady. We need to get you ready for Mrs. Jones. Now take those clothes off and go get into the shower.” Tristen said

It took several moments and a light slap to her face that brought her out of her stupor she removed her shirt and pants. A raised hand motivated her to remove her panties and trainer bra with more haste. She ran as fast as she could to the master bathroom.

Returning shortly, she was still drying off her short blonde curls. When Sarah jumped up from the chair at the desk and grabbed the towel wrapped around her, running to stand behind Tristen. Zoey saw Sarah's eye focused on her breast and knew she would not escape it.

“You said she had small titties.” Sarah said.

Neither paid attention to Zoey as her pale white skin turned a bright crimson as her hand covered her chest and crotch. trying to hide her dignity as much as her body.

“I told you her tits were tiny,” Tristen said.

“Tiny would be something, she is flat as a board. Well except those nipples. Those suckers are huge.” Sarah said.

Tristen Laughed. “Anything under a b cup is flat to me.” She said as she squeezed her large firm C’s to emphasize her point. “It’s not her tits that are the problem. They help to sell the image.”

Tristen grabbed Zoey's wrist and pulled her arms to her side. Her eyes gave Zoey’s body a once over before fixing in on the bush between her legs before she continued. “it’s all this nasty hair. Jesus, Tristen. Didn’t mom teach you how to groom yourself?”

“That is the hairiest cunt I have ever seen. It's like those old women from seventies porn.” Sarah said.

Zoey did not realize she could feel more humiliated with her own body till this moment when these two were critiquing her so honestly in her mind.

Tristen reached into a shopping bag, pulled out a large Grey bottle handing it to Zoey. “Take this and go use it. I do not want to see any hair below your neck or I'll punish you.”

Zoey took the bottle and returned to the master bath. She read the instructions completely before applying the hair removing lotion all over her body liberally. Despite the slight burning sting, she waited the full fifteen minutes as it had instructed before she jumped into the shower.

The feeling of relief from the burn was lost as she watched as her perfect triangle of hair melted off her body and flowed down the drain with the rest of her body hair. Having only regrown over the last six months it was not even that long. She cried seeing the only thing that had been proof she was not a little kid taken from her. She tried to reassure herself that she would find the flash drive and fix her sister's good.

Like hunters Tristen and Sarah circled Zoey once more. Their fingers slid over her perfectly smooth skin. sending goosebumps across her still-damp skin and an electrical shock up her spine. Her nipples crinkled as her large nipple grew hard. Tristen stopped in front of her, Sarah behind.

Tristen had a large smile as she took a handful of pictures of her sister’s naked body. “Perfect, you will use the lotion every day till Mother returns. Or longer if you like.” Tristen said.

To avoid angering her sister and receiving more harsh treatment, Zoey spoke just beyond a whisper. “Yes, Zoey.”

“God she could pass for a ten-year-old with the way she looks. Not even her voice will give her away. And I have not seen a pussy that small since I was about that age. The only thing that gives her away is her eyes.” Sarah said.

“Well luckily for us, we only need her to pass as a thirteen-year-old. You horny slut.” Tristen said.

Zoey could see herself in the closet's double mirrored doors when she risked a glance up. They were right she barely looked older than her ten-year-old self. A little taller. She dropped her gaze again as she blushed.

“Look at how wet she is,” Sarah said sliding her fingers over Zoey's pussy lips before examining and then tasting them.

Both girls broke out in fits of giggles. Zoey hung her head in shame not wishing to look at either of them more than she had to. Tristen handed her one of her old nightgowns. Satin Frilly Disney princess with matching frilly panties. However, the shorts that had accompanied the outfit were nowhere to be seen.

I have a couple of outfits I have pulled out of storage. However, we will need to go to get you some more clothes tomorrow. So, we will be getting up early.” Tristen said while Zoey put on the night gown snapping a couple of more pictures with her phone.

Raising her arms as she was told revealed that the nightgown would show several inches of her panties. However, the satin material had an instant effect on her. tingles erupted in her naked pussy causing it to feel like it was on fire as it rubbed ever so slightly over super sensitive skin. Her nipples instantly grew hard and poked through the material causing two small tents to appear upon her chest. She blushed deeply hoping her sister would let it go.

Tristen used her phone to record Sarah as she seized her opportunity at once. Tracing her hands up and down Zoey’s body in small circles then larger ones as she teased the poor girl in front of her. Once she touched Zoey's nipples, she began to trace them with small circles before rubbing their tips and finally pinching them causing her to involuntarily moan. “Dam she is so hot,” Sarah said.

Tristen sat down on the edge of the bed with her legs spread as she watched her girlfriend play with her sister. Her fingers edged up her skirt till she found the fabric of her G-string. She watched as Sarah kissed Zoey's neck and her right hand slid down her sister’s tummy till it crossed the Rubicon of nightgown to panties. Zoey did not resist as Sarah pushed her up against the wall and her fingers started rubbing her little nub through the satin. Tristen heard her sister's slight mewing as she began lightly rubbing her slit through her panties as she watched Zoey’s face fill with pleasure.

Sarah pressed harder and each stroke grew longer causing the wet spot slowly to grow noticeable on the outside of the panties. Both the girls smiled when they heard Zoey’s whispered pleading. “Please.” Sarah moved the protective fabric to one side exposing the swollen naked sex to the watching audience.

“Oh my god her pussy is so tight. I can barely get my pinky into her. It's so hot.” Sarah said

Tristen slid her fingers into her pussy matching Sarah trusting finger.

Zoey glanced up at the mirrors, glancing at Tristen on the bed. Her legs started to buckle as she felt the building pressure inside her mounting. Her hips had a mind of their own thrusting back into the thrusting finger. Her own hands were groping Sarah in an unpracticed way, that had no hope of getting her off. But she had to do something. Then it happened, her body began to spasm. Her pussy clenched before exploding and gushing all over Sarah’s hand. Her legs buckled under her weight forcing both her and Sarah to the floor where she collapsed gasping for breath.

Zoey felt foggy as she lay there in the afterglow, she had experienced orgasms when masturbating. But never once had it been that intense. her body was refusing to respond to any of her desires. All she could do was gasp for air as she lay there feeling better than ever before.

Tristen stopped, pulling her hand away from her pussy, despite being so close herself. She got up and helped to get Zoey into bed. She told Sarah to go get ready for her in her new room, she had needs her slave would tend to. But she wanted to have a last word with her little sister before she went and took care of that need.

Once they were alone, Tristen had Zoey roll over onto her tummy and slowly rub her sister's back giving lots of praise for being a good little girl and telling her how much she loved her. Zoey did not resist when the back of her panties was pulled aside exposing her left butt cheek. It was not until she felt the needle penetrate her skin and the slight discomfort of something being injected into her did, she panicked. However, Tristen had been prepared and held her down till the tiny needle was clear of her little body.

“What was that?” Zoey asked.

“It's your new medication. Twice a day for two months. Don’t worry, I have cleared it with your doctor, and it's safe. It will not interfere with any of your other medications, honey. It’s going to make your pussy feel good. I promise.” Tristen said now easing the pressure and continuing to rub Zoey’s back along with her sore butt as she sobbed.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Zoey said

“I want to make you happy; I mean really happy. I want to give you your dreams little sis. I do not want you to have to pretend anymore.” Tristen said.

Tristen rubbed her sister's back until she finally stopped crying before kissing her on the cheek and heading to her new room where Sarah was waiting.

Zoey lay there confused. She did not like being blackmailed. But she could not deny she had enjoyed the way Tristen had taken control of her. And Sarah was right, she had gotten soaked as the two of them had degraded and humiliated her.

Her pussy started to tingle and itch in a way which required her to scratch and rub it. the images of everything that happened kept replaying over and over in her mind, and the satin felt so good against her bare-naked skin as she ground her pelvis into her hand. Harder and harder till she had several orgasms. The tingling itch was not satisfied with that. She rolled over and slid her hand under the tight panties licking her lips as her fingers touched bare flesh. She cumed instantly with the skin-to-skin contact with her little clit. She again started rubbing lightly adding more and more pressure as her strokes got longer and longer. She felt her juices lubricating her entire slit as her fingers slid between her folds. Then she did it. She pushed her middle finger inside her tight little cock sleeve. Her gasp was audible and she worried that the others might have heard her. but she could not stop. With one hand trusting a finger in and out in rapid secession and the other rubbing her clit as hard as she could as fast as her hand would move. She cried out in a final orgasm that caused her to lose consciousness.

Waking suddenly jumped out of bed, she hit the wall where the door should have been. It took her several moments for her thoughts to re-orientate and remember the events of last night and she was in Tristen’s room and not her own. She squeezed her legs together as she ran to the bathroom.

She found her sister laying out some clothes on the bed as she returned to her new room. she was surprised to see her fathers and her laptop on the desk with his Oculus set.

“What are you doing?” Zoey said.

“I told you last night, I would be helping you to dress so we can go clothes shopping for you today. Where are your panties, young lady?”

Zoey turned her gaze to the floor feeling fully embarrassed for having peed herself slightly and having been caught without underwear. “I took them off when I peed. I wanted to wear my own panties.”

“Put your panties back on young lady or you will be in trouble,” Tristen said.

Her voice was barely audible as she spoke. “I can’t. I peed a little before I could get to the bathroom. I forgot…”

Tristen cut her off curtly. “You peed yourself like a little girl?” she patted her sister on her shoulder with a look of pure sympathy. “Well, I guess I am not surprised. Did you clean yourself off or do I need to do it?”

She felt so meek to Tristen. Her lips pursed as her skin burned bright. She squeezed her legs together as her pussy started tingling at her sister’s touch. The cool air on her moistening lips sent goosebumps up her entire body. A whimper escaped her as she gave a weak answer. “A course I did.”

“Come here please and lay across my lap,” Tristen said patting her jean-covered legs.

Zoey slowly moved forward. Stopping right in front of her younger sister. “Are you going to hit me for wetting myself?”

Tristen gave a small laugh. She spoke sweetly “No honey, I’ll give you a more appropriate punishment for that.” And then with more authority; “Across my lap please.”

Zoey felt the hem of the nightgown lifted past her lower back. Her body tensed with anticipation of the expected slap. What she felt was the quick prick of a needle poke into her cheek and injecting its contents. She had forgotten about that from the night before. squealing as the needle withdrew from her skin. Tristen rubbed over the spot while telling her she was such a big girl for taking her medicine, her entire body felt warm in a good way.

Tristen smiled. “I laid out your outfit for today honey. Get dressed and come down to breakfast. So, we can go.”

Zoey picked up the cotton pink princess panties and slid them up her legs before she pulled the summer dress over her head. It was a little tight and the hem was higher than she cared for. She picked up the two ribbons and smiled at the taught of the last time she saw them. Tristen wore them to the salon where they had gone to shave her head for the first time when her hair was falling out. Tristen insisted she get to shave her head so her older sister would not feel so alone or ugly. She pulled her hair up into two nubs that stood about four inches off the top of her head and tied a pink bow around each of them.

The smell of bacon and eggs with toast hit her nose as she entered the kitchen and sat at the table in the breakfast nook. She did not remember the last time someone in the house cooked breakfast. Normally she just had toast with honey. “Good morning, Tristen. You look very pretty. And way cuter than I ever did in that.” Tristen said as she set the plate down in front of her sister.

“Good morning, Zoey. Thank you.” It felt weird calling her sister by her name. However, she had to find the flash drive before she could retake control. She knew all of Tristen’s hiding spots. However, something about how Tristen was acting was nice. It had been a long time since she treated Zoey this nice, maybe a week after she got home from the hospital about a year ago she ate quickly so they would be ready when the Uber arrived.

"When do you think mom will call?" Zoey asked

"She called after you went to bed. She was upset I refused to wake you. Accused me of hiding your not feeling well." Tristen said."

"Oh," she said. Tristen was on top of everything and she felt the loss of hope with getting assistance dealing with her sister.

She found herself biting her lower lip as she was prewashed her plate, the tingling itch was burning her little pussy again. She squeezed her legs moving them back and forth trying to give herself a little relief.

“Tristen. Do you need to use the bathroom?” Tristen said stepping behind her and setting her plate on the counter.

“no. It’s just an itch.” Zoey said.

The hot breath on her ear and neck send tingles through her as Tristen whispered into her ear. “Little girls who wet their panties have to wear diapers.”

She gasped as she felt Tristen’s hand glide up the inside of her thigh. She tried to will herself to not react. her legs spread on instinct to give Tristen easier access to her pulsating pussy. And moaned as she felt the palm finally touch her secret place. She lost the battle of wills as Tristen whispered in her ear; “show me how naughty little girls get off, sweaty.” Her ass backed and raised not caring that the wet spot was getting bigger as she ground herself on Tristen's palm.

She was so close. her whole body was rocking back and forth grinding faster and faster, her breathing was rapid and shallow as she felt the pending build-up. her moans became a sad whimper when Tristen’s hand was suddenly gone. Her body was consumed by its need, and without thinking her hand reached down to take its place to get the job done. However, Tristen grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her. “Please Tristen I need…” she found herself spun around with rapid force her arms crossed in front of her with her back pined to the sink.

Flinching in fear as she was spun around her legs felt about to give. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She pleaded.” Knowing she had screwed up.

“No. No. No. No. Good girls do not play with themselves and make a mess in their panties when they are about to go out in public.”

“I’m sorry Zoey, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. I promise.” Zoey said quickly.

“If I catch you doing it again, I will have to spank you on your bare ass that way you will never forget.”

The blue Chevrolet Equinox pulled into the driveway Tristen looked in and confirmed the female driver. They climbed into the back of the Uber and gave the female driver their mother's password.

After fifteen minutes or so of silence, the driver asked. “You girls got fun plans today?”

“Heck yeah. A sister’s day out. A movie, summer clothes shopping maybe some ice cream” Tristen said.

Zoey reached up and played with the nubs on the top of her head to avoid conversations she had become reclusive and hated interacting with people who always gave her sad looks and overdone sympathy when they learned she was suffering from cancer. It must have shown that she was not used to having her hair styled like this. She normally just washed her hair shook her head and called it good, having stopped caring about it years ago. Her hand and her eyes fell when the driver asked why she had cut her hair so short. Tristen clasped her hand over her own causing her to look up and over.

“Because she is the best little sister one can have. She shaves her head whenever I have to go in for radiation treatment. That’s why we have the same hairstyle.” Tristen said.

“I’m so sorry, I did not mean…” the driver said.

Tristen cut her off with a friendly smile as she squeezed Zoey’s hand. “It's okay. How could you know? And the doctors have given me the all-clear. So today is kind of a celebration day. We get to go and get summer outfits; eat junk food my diet normally does not allow for and see a movie. And our sister’s day has till eight pm.”

Zoey stared at her sister in awe, it only now occurred to her how many times Tristen stepped up to protect her from the outside world. Memories flooded her as she looked at her. Always the first to step up to help her when she was sick. She would stay with her at the hospital on the weekends during treatment wearing all the protective gear required just so she would not have to be alone or with adults she did not like. she helped bathe and clean her up. Tristen had sacrificed so much and she had not appreciated it like she should have. She squeezed Tristen hand back and smiled at her.

The driver dropped them off near the theaters and wished them a good day.

“What?” Tristen asked

“Nothing, I am just excited to get to spend the day with my older sister,” Zoey said still fidgety as the ever-present tingle burning in her pulsing crotch.

Tristen saw the hesitation and bent over enough so the sisters were looking each other eye to eye. She gave her sister a warm smile. “Its okay, I am right here with you. Tristen, I cannot undo years of pain or suffering. But for one summer, I can give you back your childhood. I want you to enjoy being thirteen without being scared or forced in and out of hospitals. Everything is okay. Okay?”

Zoey gave the biggest smile nodding her head. “Okay, Zoey.”

The two found two movies they wanted to see. before making their way to the food court and getting a large ice cream cone. They walked the halls seeing the different vendors setting up their stalls. Tristen smiled at Zoey's wide-eyed curiosity as she peered into the different shops windows.

This place was so big, multiple floors. And there were people everywhere even though the mall just opened. Why had her mother made her so scared of these places? Zoey thought as she stared in awe at everything she saw.

Panic hit her like a bolt of lightning “I.. I.. I.. g. g. g get out. don’t have a mask.” She said remembering her mother’s warning.

Tristen grabbed her hand and pulled her to the wall. Holding her tight. Whispering in her ear “It’s okay sissy, everything is okay. You don’t have to wear a mask anymore, remember. No more hospitals. Everything is okay sissy.”

Tristen did not mind Zoey refusing to let her hand go after they began searching for stores that would meet their needs. It only sold the illusion that Zoey was a child. The first place they stopped was a scented candle shop where they got several candles. Which helped Zoey relax.

It was not long before Zoey's anxiety was forgotten and her other senses started to tease her body. Tristen smiled seeing her squeeze and release her legs whenever they paused for more than a minute. Tristen then led Zoey into Target. they looked at all the girl's clothing especially those with super girly images.

With a cautioned whisper Zoey spoke; “Zoey, do I have to wear these? I don't like Disney stuff. I prefer anime. Mom just made us wear this stuff because she likes Disney.”

Tristen looked at her for a few seconds retaking her hand and led her to an alternative store. It was darker than most of the shops in the mall. A wall decorated with blacklights and things that seemed to glow underneath them. this was the store where the goth and alternative kids went to get stuff. There they found a two-piece swimsuit with Sailor Moon and her fellow sailor girls. Several cute shirts one with Gir on it, a red tank top with Asuka from Evangelion, and a purple nylon nighty with all the kids from the show sitting on the stairs in front of Tokyo three. There were several pairs of leggings Tristen approved of. They even got a couple of new posters of the shows Zoey liked. Tristen had Zoey stand by the register while she went over and grabbed several things Zoey could not see and several boxes with barbells and belly button jewelry. Zoey struggled not to fidget too much. The girl behind the counter told her the closet bathroom was just across the hall.

When Tristen returned to the counter, she reassured Zoey they would go there right after she paid. The girl behind the counter looked at her for a minute. “I need to see some ID for these.” Tristen smiled pulled out her ID and handed it over. A moment later they were walking out with three bags. One in Tristen's hand and two in Zoey’s.

After a quick stop in the restroom to allow Zoey a minute to scratch her itch. Tristen laughed to herself since she knew it would only be made worse as she stood guard at the door before giving her the signal it was time to go. She teased Zoey that the other women could hear her touching herself causing her sister to turn bright red.

As they walked Zoey, slightly fearful asked; “Zoey why did you get the piercing jewelry?”

“Well, I thought I'd get Sarah a gift so I got us matching Barbells with hearts and I wanted something flashier for my belly button piercing.”

Shocked “Mom let you pierce your belly Button?” Zoey asked

“And my nipples. Why?” Tristen said.

Without even realizing it she was pouting. “She made me wait till I was sixteen to even get my ears pierced.” Zoey said

With a glint in her eye and a broad smile, she teased. “Do you want your belly button and nipples pierced? Tristen asked.

“I. I. I have never thought about it.” Zoey said.

"Lying gets soap in the mouth Tristen. I have seen your journal, you dirty little girl." Tristen said laughing'

Stopping Tristen had taken Zoey to the Regis salon, looking into their window seeing several stylists standing around chatting Tristen led the way. “Hi, is it possible to squeeze in and get my little sister’s hair colored?” Tristen asked. The guy behind the receptionist's desk, who was clearly gay asked what she had in mind. the two stylists joined them.

Tristen turned to Zoey and asked. “Would you like red or purple streaks?”

Zoey stared at her for a moment, then said; “I can choose? red, please. so, I can match the best sister in the world.” She was not sure why she had said it. She should have been pissed for being blackmailed and forced to dye her hair to mask her true identity. Forced to pretend to be a child. However, she found she was enjoying their time together.

The receptionist had Tristen fill out all the paperwork and consent form, checking her ID while the two-stylist worked together preparing the colors after the quick consolation. The receptionist joined the four and they all chatted as the stylist worked. Tristen had told them Zoey’s story as if it was her own, Zoey told Tristen’s.

Tristen told them this was her way of showing appreciation for her sister’s support. Zoey cried bringing the stylist and the receptionist to tears. After checking with Zoey that she would be okay, Tristen asked if it would be okay to leave her little sister there while she went to a shop, she could not responsibly take her younger sister to, before disappearing for thirty minutes.

Zoey was laughing as the one stylist was shampooing her. Tristen smiled as she chatted with the receptionist and watched Zoey as the stylist trimmed the back of her now black with red streaked hair giving her an A-line cut. Before he showed her how to use a large curling iron to give her the Rei style from her favorite anime. The receptionist told her they would be busy after three when she expressed shock, they were so slow. Tristen gave each of them a twenty thanking them for everything after she paid.

Again seeing her sister’s anxiety whenever they left a shop, Tristen would make Zoey give her, her hand. Telling her she wanted to make sure she did not run off. It was clear it made her feel safe.

Zoey fought the urge to ask her about the ID. as the day was going so well.

They rode the mythical creatures Carousel’s two unicorns laughing. Tristen feeling hungry led them back to the food court ordering A large turkey sandwich and bacon cheese fries for them to share. Zoey had two bites from her half while nipping on the fries. When given the choice of finishing her sandwich or eating half the fries Zoey chose the fries. Her stomach felt so full.

“This place is bigger than the malls in the movies,” Zoey said. as they continued to explore.

“There is a mall where they have hotels in it and a carnival. It’s called Mall of America. Maybe we can go there sometime. Maybe even stay the night.” Tristen said.

They arrived ten minutes before their movie started getting a bucket of popcorn and some overpriced candy. Along with large sodas. Zoey's jaw gaped open when she saw how big their auditorium was. It was half the size of the one in her school, but there were sixteen in the theater. The seats were soft to the touch and could recline making their high backs almost a day bed.

They took their seat on the top row under the projector. During the previews, Tristen asked Zoey how she was doing. Pointing to her crotch. Zoey gave her the you know look. There were less than twenty moviegoers spread out in their showing which was not surprising as it was the first showing of the day in the middle of the week.

Feeling her sister’s warm breath on her neck as she leaned over and whispered. “If you promise to be quiet and not move around a lot, I will let you have some relief from that itch.”

Zoey looked at her with pleading eyes. “Please, I promise.” She closely watched as Tristen pulled out of her bag a small purple egg-shaped thing attached to a wire and a small control box.

“When the lights go out, I will put this where it will feel good. But you’re to sit straight and don’t let it move. Understand?” she said showing the egg which rested in her hand.

Zoey nodded curious about what it would do and happy to get any type of relief from the burning feeling. Once the lights went down Tristen pushed the egg under the hem of the dress and rested it between the seat and under her sister's swollen sex. Zoey grabbed Tristen’s hand as soon as she turned the vibrator on. It felt amazing as it nestled into her flower pedals only stopped by the thin fabric of her panties from going any deeper. She had no idea, but it was set on its lowest setting to keep her on edge the entire time. She managed to have two orgasms in the ninety minutes. Gripping Tristen’s hand each time.

Tristen teased her for being so red and blotchy as they left the theater telling her everyone knew what she had been doing. Zoey did not care; she was still in her afterglow with a large sheepish smile.

when they returned to Target Zoey felt disappointed, she could only see it as the most boring store in the mall. But she did not complain as Tristen picked out things for her to try on She was allowed to pick a few items as well. The common thing was it all made her look like a child. Zoey did not protest when she tried the things Tristen picked and modeled them gladly for her sister. Doing spins with the new summer dresses, skirts and shirts, and nighties. The only item she was not allowed was pants of any kind. And the two pair of leggings were spandex like to keep a tight fit.

Tristen led them in when they arrived at Victoria's Secret, Zoey turned red as she found the aroma intoxicating, the mannequins sexy as they modeled erotic lingerie. Tristen found things she wanted. It was her turn to model for her sister. She was bold and did not care if any one saw her as she tried on each of the dozen pieces or so getting her sister's opinions on each piece. The young clerk was only too happy to chat with them and give a second more professional opinion while helping to find the things Tristen truly wanted while giving her lots of complements on her body. Tristen saw Zoey constantly eying her jewelry, especially the ring between her legs. The clerk showed them a variety of perfumes till they picked three. Before they checked out Tristen asked the clerk if they had some satin or silk pajama-style panties and tops that were small enough and more age-appropriate for Zoey so she could have a nice nighty to sleep in. To both their amazement she did. each walk out with big smiles more items in their own bags.

“Would you like to get your belly pierced?” Tristen asked as they left the intoxicating smells behind.

“Really?” Zoey asked amazed.

Looking down at her sister with a twisted grin. “Would you like all the piercings you were admiring in there? Only naughty little girls get those kinds of piercings. Do you want to be a naughty girl like me?”

Emotions and thoughts raced through her, she visibly shuttered with desire as she blushed. These were the things she had fantasized about for years as they haunted her dreams like a distant memory. She nodded too scared to speak and show the excitement in her voice as she thought Tristen was just teasing her.

Tristen took them to the tattoo parlor and was warmly greeted. The guy behind the counter laughed and said they were not allowed to pierce minors especially those so young since their bodies were still developing. Leaning in Tristen showed him a lot of hundreds. Before she spoke. “She will be lucky if she gets breast, and the cancer treatment has stopped any further development of her body. I’ll let you search our bags and strip search me so you know we are not here to bust you.”

“She has to have a parent or guardian to sign the paperwork. Not just her sister.” He said. as his female coworker stepped beside him.

Then use my ID and say you pierced me. I have all the piercings. That’s two hundred and fifty per piercing.

“I’ll do it.” the woman said seeing the guy refuse.

He shook his head retorting. “You can lose your license if this is a sting.”

She took cash and guided them to a back room which was just larger than a walk-in closet. a reclining medical-style bed with a stool sat in front of it. a rolling medical tray sat next to the wall by the counter where everything was kept. She made Tristen stand outside reassuring her she would not pierce her sister till she was with them. but she needed to talk to Zoey for a minute. With genuine concern and clear willingness to help; “Is she forcing you to do this. Do you need me to call the police to help you. Are you sure you want to do this kid?” she let Tristen in and told her exactly what she had said with Zoey nodding to confirm her story. She showed them two cases of beginning jewelry. Hoops and bars. And a small variety of belly button pieces.

She did not make them fill out any paperwork, not wanting a paper trail, telling them she would deny ever seeing them after she was finished.

Zoey took Tristen's Recommendation and settled on three rainbow hoops. One for her clit and two that were slightly larger for her nipples. And a black butterfly that hung from a small chain for her belly button.

The artist had Zoey strip down and sit on the edge of the table while she prepped what she needed. Once she was ready, she had her lay back and spread her legs wide, pushing the clamp under the tiny hood. a moment later the needle was through and the hoop hung in its new home. She then moved to her belly button and inserted the jewelry as she pushed the needle through. Having her finally sitting up, she examined the girl’s oversized nipples which showed Zoey’s excitement from the woman’s attentive fingers and the marker before she placed the clamps on each before pushing the final two needles through her flesh. Along with their hoops.

Despite being annoyed by the piercing artist She held Zoey’s hand as she squeezed when each of the four needles pinched and then when pushed through. They thanked her and then she showed them out giving them a cleaning kit with the instructions for caring for her new piercings.

After which they went to a few more small shops when Tristen looked over to her sister. "What do you say we call it a day? I’m getting kind of tired. We can go home and order a pizza and bread sticks." she said seeing Zoey was struggling. They went and gathered their haul before meeting the Uber to go home.

On the ride home Zoey thanked Tristen for the best day of her life. Before laying her head on her sister’s shoulder. Tristen told her she was welcome and maybe they could do it again. kissing the top of her head.

Though it wasn’t even six yet, Tristen told Zoey to go take a shower so she could get ready for bed before the pizza arrived and they started their movie. Zoey did as she was supposed to and quickly washed the hair remover off. She was not surprised to see Tristen in her new room, having changed into her flannel PJs pants, and oversized t-shirt that had been their dad's.

“Okay up on the bed. On your hands and knees. This way” Tristen said patting the bed.

Climbing up onto the bed so that her ass was close to where her sister was standing, her swollen sex poking out between her thighs. Her little clit was swollen with the hood pushed back by the shiny new ring. Zoey did not flinch when the needle poked her. Almost purring as her sister rubbed her ass where the needle had poked it, her back arched as her sister's hand glided over the sensitive outer lips of her pussy being careful not to touch her angry clit .

“See how hard it is always being so horny, little one? anything and everything can set you off. A small soft touch or a glance. A typical teenage experience.” Tristen said continuing to tease the swollen lips.

Zoey pushed back trying a non-verbal method to get her sister to do more.

“Tell me little one, was your first public orgasm everything you imagined? Except it’s not a dirty little secret only you know about. The person beside you enjoyed your orgasms. Had a hand in them. look how wet you are.” Tristen said as she let her middle finger glide between her folds teasing her opening.

Zoey tried to move her hips to get the finger to slip in. Whimpers and soft moans of desire escaped her as her sister replayed her public experience.

“Do you want a man’s cock or a toy to defile you? Think about it for the next couple of days. So, I can make it happen. You will not be a virgin much longer little sister.” Tristen said. as she eased her finger into the warm depths.

This was it, visualizing losing her virginity as her sister's finger pressed against that very skin she was teasing to destroy. Her body convulsed and exploded sending her juices flying. She collapsed on top of the mattress, gasping for breath. The burning itch was temporarily satisfied.

When Tristen asked; “Which nighty do you want to wear?” all she could do was coo and smile as she lay there. Tristen set the new pink satin nighty on the bed next to her. “I think we will let you wear this one. I am not sure Mrs. Jones will approve of you wearing this one. it’s a little more adult than she might approve of. I mean an Eloise Knit Top with matching panties without a robe might seem a little too risqué for her. get dressed then join me downstairs.

Though it took her a few minutes she was downstairs near the divide when the doorbell rang. She froze as her sister opened the door and smiled broadly. Before she shamelessly flirted with the pizza guy.

“How old are you?” she asked.

He was nineteen. She told him her name was Zoey and she was seventeen. When he asked for her number, she let him into the foray before taking his phone snapping a selfie, and entering her number. She giggled when he pointed to Zoey saying that she was her kid sister. Zoey felt hurt when Tristen said kid sister but ashamed, he was cute, and she wanted his attention on her. maybe that was why she stood there. However, the embarrassment set in when Tristen pointed at her top showing her the two tent poles from her rock-hard nipples, and said he had noticed them, though he might have been staring at the butterfly. She giggled heading to the family room with the pizza.

Sarah arrived a few minutes later. Tristen reminded Zoey that this was their last night alone and she would be taking full advantage of it so it was going to be a pajama underwear party. Sarah stripped off her shirt and pants revealing a black collar with several d rings that had slut in silver letters, black panties with strings on the side, and a top kind of like Zoey's which reviled her belly button jewelry as well. Tristen on the other hand took the flannel pants and t-shirt off to reveal she was wearing the two-piece black lace corset top with the sexiest lace panties she had got from Victoria's Secrets along with a garter belt and nylon stocking that highlighted her already long legs.

Tristen brought out a large bottle of wine and two glasses setting them in front of the other girls, “where’s mine” Zoey asked.

You’re a little young for drinking don’t you think? Sarah said.

Zoey's shoulders sagged a little. We're the same age. She said through a clenched jaw.

“Tristen, do you think you can handle it? Okay, go grab a goblet.” Tristen said giving her sister a look.

They drank several glasses of wine and she was working on her third. Zoey had a single slice of pizza still full from the lunch. She had settled back into her favorite chair feeling extremely warm. The fire between her legs was red hot but she did not feel like moving much. Sarah giggled. Drawing Tristens attention to her.

“I think your little sister might be drunk.” She giggled again.

“Tristen. Zoey, Zoey! Are you okay?” Tristen asked standing up. causing Sarah to give her a funny look before saying relax. She’s just drunk.

Zoey nodded through heavy eyelids.

“Say it.” Tristen instructed with a tone.

Despite feeling sluggish, Zoey realized Tristen was concerned and checking on her. "I. I’mmmmm fine."

Perhaps I should put you to bed. Tristen said.

“Sisssssyyyy. The movvvvie isnnnn’t over yettttt.” Zoey slurred.

Soft moans and whispers slowly came into focus the burning returned with the sounds of wanton lust. Then the hint of apple cinnamon wafted over to her nose. Her head pushed into the thick soft cushion as her back arched when the tips of her fingers found the spot beneath the satin panties. the slight pain as the ring was squished only heightened the excitement the only light came from the soft glow of the TV and some candles in front of the girls. She was licking her lips between her moans.

She heard sounds of sex coming from the TV and Sarah begging her mistress to cum multiple times before she heard the cries of bliss as her orgasm was granted. She was so close herself. Her hand was moving in fast circles trying to bring her the same blissful ending. As she fantasized it was her begging for release.

Zoey’s eyes snapped open when her wrists were grabbed and pulled straight up. “What did I tell you, young lady?” Tristen stood over her while looking at Sarah. Her tits were hanging out of her corset. Bring me the black cuffs slave. She then instructed Sarah to stick one through the rattan and twist it so it wrapped around the cross piece before she pushed Zoey’s wrist into their clasp and locked her in place.

“What?” Zoey asked.

“I told you naughty girls get a bare-ass spanking when touching themselves in public. Tristen said.

Sarah giggled as she grabbed the belt and paddle for Tristen.

“Please sissy,” Zoey begged.

Tristen smiled seeing the two large nipples poking straight out behind the satin tops along with the rings she would not be able to hide without a bra. She let her hands trail down her sister’s arms and her front and over the two hard nubs which she pinched eliciting cries of pain and pleasure before moving to the hem of her panties.

To her surprise, she lifted her hips so that Tristen could pull her panties down when Tristen told her to.

Her voice became sweet as she took both the belt and paddle from Sarah. “I'll give you a choice. Ten swats on your butt with the paddle or 5 with the belt on your sweet little pussy.”

Zoey's mind raced trying to analyze which would hurt the most. The thought of her sensitive pussy getting spanked sent a shiver up her spine. “Can we do half and half?” she said hoping to minimize the pain in one spot.

“Do I need to bind you so you can keep your legs open or can you take your punishment like a big girl.”

“I’ll be a big girl,” Zoey said.

Tristen pulled her so that her ass was on the edge of her chair. “Spread your legs wide and don’t close them.”

Her legs instinctively closed but she was quick to open them as she cried out. The second blow was a bit harder. But was quick. She was told to turn around and put her ass in the air. Before each of her cheeks took two painful blows. This forced her arms to cross with from being cuffed. She beamed when Tristen told her she was a good big girl for taking her punishment, as she rubbed her butt and pussy.

“Your pussy is soaked, my little one. roll over again.”

“Come here, slave. Do you still want to lick Tristen’s little pussy.” Tristen said as Sarah got on her knees between Zoey's legs, smacking her lips with desire.

Tristen maintained contact with her sister as she walked behind her. whispering into her ear. “Do you want my Slave to give you an orgasm?”

Zoey bit her lower lip, as she looked down into Sarah's eyes.

“Big girls Use words Tristen”

“Yes Zoey, please.”

"Asked nicer if you want her to kiss your little pussy little girl."

"Please Zoey, please let your slave kiss my pussy and make me cum. please."

Zoey saw the phone recording as Sarah started kissing between her legs, her thighs, vulva, and the back of her thighs, teasing her into insanity. Her hands pulled on their cuff and was told to keep her legs open when they started to close. She convulsed and cried out when Sarah's soft lips kissed her outer lips slowly teasing her with her tongue. And finally, as she thought she was losing her mind, her clit.

Do not penetrate her pussy tonight. Tristen said when she saw Sarah’s finger.

“Yes, mistress.” She said. licking her fingers and Zoey's asshole.

Zoey squealed as her mind screamed out in utter confusion. A loud gasp as Sarah’s middle finger wiggled into her ass. Tristen changed the angle of the camera catching her sister’s facial expression as her ass was penetrated and fingered for the first time.

Zoey lost track of time and how many orgasms she experienced. As Sarah tongue fucked her pussy and fingered her ass. Managing to work a second one in before she passed out from orgasmic overload.

She found her wrist still cuffed as she would come to for a moment or two hearing her sister and Sarah’s lovemaking. before unconsciousness claimed her once more.

Zoey woke up to Sarah not yelling but being very loud. She sounded like she was holding back tears. She found her hands had been released. She looked over the edge of her chair. There was no evidence of the wine or pajama party.

“What are you hoping to achieve here? I thought you were gonna blackmail her so we could spend more time alone, not take her out. Wasn’t this to humiliate her and remind her of her place and that she was more of a child than you? I love you. You suffered enough at the hands of your bitch of a mother and her dog Rachel. It's not right.”

Sssshhhh. You woke her. I love you too, go to my room and wait for me. Tristen said.

Tristen helped Zoey to bed. Tucking her in before kissing her forehead.

“Sissy? How did you suffer at mom's hands?” Zoey asked.

“I see you were ears-dropping on private conversations like a bad little girl. Don’t worry about what mom and my issues are.” Tristen said.

Zoey stared up at her sister; the day had opened her eyes. Tristen had always been there for her, when she was in the body cast, she would help her with everything. She even wiped her butt when her mother was busy and she did not want the nurse to touch her. She cuddled with her when she had cried wishing to die during and after treatment, reassuring her everything would be ok. She would get better and how much she would miss her if she was gone.

At thirteen she had sacrificed most of the last seven years for her. She understood why Tristen felt like she deserved to be treated like an adult. She had been acting like an adult since she was seven. She had been there more than her mother and Rachel. it was not Zoey who watched Tristen. it was Tristen always tending and watching her. At thirteen she was more of an adult than she was. She was more the older sister than she ever was, she had realized how she failed to show her sister how much she appreciated all she did. No, she always used her condition for sympathy and to manipulate Tristen to do things for her.

She remembered how she was daddy’s girl and Tristen was mommy’s girl till the accident. Then it was all about her. her mother gave her all her attention while calling Tristen lazy and unappreciative and how she could accomplish more if she just put some effort into it. it was true that Tristen was highly intelligent and would get better grades if she did her homework. But Zoey realized Tristen had seen life differently. She did not need straight A’s for her career. She was trying to enjoy her life because she understood how short they were and in the blink of an eye be gone.

Tristen looked at her inquisitively; “What are you thinking little one.”

She wanted to say all of her thoughts. To confirm it all, but she was still struggling from the wine to articulate her them. “I wish I could make you the older sister. I don’t want you to have cancer. But you are a better big sister. I am sorry I said I hate you. I love you.” Was all she could manage to articulate from a day of revelations.

Tristen kissed her head again. “be careful what you wish for Tristen. being a child is not always fun.”

“I have to pee.” Zoey said. This caused Tristen to laugh as she helped her to the bathroom.

When she was back in bed Tristen had gotten some baby powder and a diaper from a basket from under her bed which she put on Zoey. While protesting she did not need it. she did not fight it either. Accepting Tristen’s authority.

She waved as Tristen turned off the light and said good night. Before sleep took her, she had decided she would accept her life as Tristen's little sister and not bother searching for the flash drive. Tristen had become her unsung hero.

The sun was bright as the warm morning light embraced the bed. Zoey stretched her arms and smiled. Tristen smiled as she opened the door seeing Zoey awake. “I am glad to see you finally awake. How are you feeling little one?”

Zoey’s smile widened. Something was triggered in her brain but she could not figure it out. “I feel ok, just not very energetic. I could stay in bed all day.” She said.

“Sorry, little one. Mrs. Jones will be here in a couple of hours and our mother is calling her right now to make sure you are not dying. So, it’s time to get up and get ready for the day. First, we need to check and take your diaper off.” Tristen said pulling down the covers. Turning Zoey on the bed like a baby doll.

Pulling a pad, wipes, and baby powder out from the basket under her bed.

Zoey lifted her butt and let Tristen slide the pad below her before pulling the diaper free. She was mortified when Tristen told her she had an accident and offered to show her. Zoey wiped her clean then cleaned her new piercings while she cried. She poked her with the first daily injection Before sprinkling fresh powder and rubbing it in on her bottom and pussy.

“It’s okay little one. nothing to be ashamed of. It was likely the wine and the medication reacting in your system. However, I think it will be prudent for you to wear a diaper for the next couple of nights to make sure your system is clean, just like when you come home from treatment. Maybe we should have you wear one today just in case.

“Please, Sissy. I’d be embarrassed.

“Would you be more embarrassed if you peed your panties today in front of Mrs. Jones? I’m not sure how it might have reacted with your medications” Tristen said.

She fidgeted as she laid on her bed waiting for permission to get up. Not sure how to reply. She did not want to wear a diaper, but she would not argue with Tristen. “Ok, Zoey. I’ll do whatever you say. But what do I tell Mrs. Jones if she asks?" Zoey said.

Tristen smiled. “Dam it. That’s a fair point. Okay, little one. no diaper. However, if you pee yourself, even a little. So, do you want to wear Gir or Asuka today?

“Asuka so it matches my hair.” She said excitedly getting up and putting the Invader Zimm panties on under the black skirt and her new favorite shirt. “I wonder what mom will say about my hair and piercings when she gets home?”

“Why do you care what she thinks, little one? How do you like it?" Tristen asked giving her a serious think about it look.

“I love it. and them. Where is Sarah?" Zoey asked trying to change the subject.

“She had to go home to help her mother before our date this afternoon. Why were you hoping to have her between your legs again? Need I remind you she belongs to me.” Tristen said winking

“Like me?” Zoey said not sure if it was a statement or a question.

Zoey’s body tingled as Tristen stepped in front of her lifting her chin. trembling as She returned the kiss parting her lips and letting Tristen's tongue guide hers. She tried to reach up only to have Tristen trap her arms between them. her legs felt like Jello as time froze.

“Was that your first kiss? Tristen asks licking her lips and savoring the taste as they broke apart.

Zoey nodded as she squeezed her legs as tight as she could. Nodding again when Tristen asked her if she had to use the bathroom.

We should put some eye makeup on you. Tristen said leading Zoey to the bathroom. She looked as Zoey pulled her panties down. “What do you say some red with a hint of purple and some black eyeliner.” Tristen applied the eyeliner first making two perfect points then added the purple so it was at the top before applying two reds.

When she was allowed to stand and pull her panties up, she looked in the mirror. And though she still looked like a kid, she felt pretty like she could be special one day. She looked almost like her sister. they used the curling iron to under curl her A-line back into place.

She sat on the island's stool as Tristen made waffles with strawberries. “Zoey? Why do you call me little one?”

Do you still not remember anything before the accident? It was what Dad used to call you. Does it bother you when I call you that?” Tristen said.

She shook her head. “Well, tiny fragments, like a time we were playing outside with some Barbies we were making them kiss, I think. Was I a bad child? The hospital reports said I had strange bruises around my limbs and my back looked like I was repeatedly hit when I was taken in after the accident.”

Tristen stared contemplating her sister for a long moment. “No Tristen. You were never a bad child; however, you were punished a lot. I won’t lie to you if you ask. But the truth might shatter anything good you remember about our family. And you will likely cry and ruin your makeup.” Tristen said.

“Zoey knew she had finally stumbled upon very sensitive topics, you used to call me sissy, didn’t you?”

“All the time, and zooy. I had a hard time saying Zoey. You were my best friend for years.”

"Why did we stop? I mean what caused us to not be best friends?"

"I think you needed to hide to feel safe. you stopped wanting to play and only wanted to read. you withdrew, and I grew resentful of you always being so perfect. then I made friends at school and while you sat in your chair reading, I was alone when we were home." Tristen said.

“Did you used to run around the house naked all the time?” She asked.

“Yes, we were both naked when we were home. no clothing allowed. You have one more question for today. Tristen”

Zoey knew she was close to opening a wound she would regret and wondered how far she should push it. Tristen had answers to questions that haunted her during her sleep but she could not remember when she awoke. She forced a smile “This weekend has been the best I have ever had. Thank you sissy. you can keep the flash drive. I will do whatever you tell want.”

"Tristen are you thinking of hurting yourself again?" Tristen Asked watching her sister carefully.

Zoey lowered her eyes before shaking her head no. She whispered, “I am sorry for wrecking your life Zoey.”

Tristen kissed her again. She kissed back more passionately this time.

They ate their waffles keeping the conversation light Tristien was going to take Sarah to the movie and would be home by six because Mrs. Jones wanted them all to have dinner together to get to know each other.

Tristen looked at her for a minute. “Tristen, I don’t think you should be a doctor. I’m not saying don’t do it. But I have read your writings. And I think you would be a extremely talented writer.”

Slightly horrified and partially curious ; “You don’t think I would be a good doctor? You have read everything I have wrote? Why”

“I knew where you kept your real journal, and after you sliced your wrist. I read your work every chance I had. To make sure you were okay. And I think you will lose yourself as a doctor. You would not be able to ave the lives of the other kids with cancer and it would destroy you. I my little sister to have a happy life. Not be tormented by pain.” Tristen said.

The silence hung heavy again. Zoey did not wish to remember her suicide attempt at fourteen. She was not allowed out of the hospital for three months and Tristen was limited visits.

"I still have one question right?" Zoey asked.

Tristen eyed her. "MMMhhhhmmm."

"How did you pay for everything yesterday? You did not take Mom's credit card." Zoey asked.

Tristen laughed as she fought to not spit up the juice she was sipping. "Tristen, well, most of it I paid for with my babysitting money. For the piercing and some of the clothing I used money from my monthly allowance from our trust. we get a thousand a month for whatever we need or want. did you not know this?"

Zoey shook her head in shock. no one had informed her of this. Tristen went silent thinking for what seemed like forever.

Seeing the time, Tristen had instructed Zoey to continue to write in her personal journals and to give her the new password to their father’s laptop. Zoey complied immediately giving up her secrets and promised to write every day.

Zoey was finishing dishes while Tristen was checking her phone when they heard Mrs. Jones's Car pull up.

“Remember, You’re a troublemaker. So, let's enjoy your summer.” Tristen said.

Zoey nervously tugged on her skirt trying to straighten it as she nodded.
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