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Back to the normal sex stuff.
The morning after Diamander, Amber and Cadwarra took refuge with the Antonica Docks garrison, Corporal Peckett had asked for a volunteer to check on the Griffin Tamer. Cadwarra had raised her hand, confessing she wished to mail a letter from the post box located at the base of the tower.

The Griffin Tamer advised her she could tell Peckett all was well and that the other two Griffin Towers in Antonica were also secure. She expressed relief, chatted politely, then took a few moments by the post box to write her letter. She had no doubt that the postal service was still functioning in the midst of Gnollish belligerency: the Norrathian Mail was of such high service that you could post a letter in a tornado and the Post would be picked up and delivered. Even those most learned in the arcane sciences could not discern how this was done.

It was laborious to scratch out a letter in Gnollish so she kept the note brief:

Hail Seeress Bloodhackle, I trust this letter finds you well. One member of the Darkpaw told me something that lead me to think the Underpaw are making trouble. I hope the Splitpaw are safe. Can you tell me if anything is happening up in Thundering Steppes?


Cadwarra, Groomer of Gnolls.”

She returned to report to Peckett then joined Amber who was bathing nude on the shore fairly near to the dock, rather pleased with how many men were looking at her. Cadwarra stripped off, too. Amber lent her a bar of soap she had scrounged somewhere.

When the ship from Thundering Steppes had docked, Peckett had pressed five tough men into service. They had not been happy about defending someone else’s dock but now with the show being put on by the ladies down in the water they had become more appreciative of the chance to be serving Qeynos and Queen Antonia.

“Can you believe those two?”Peckett asked Diamander as they likewise stood admiring Cadwarra and Amber’s lathered nakedness, “I’m inclined to think they are deliberately letting us have a good look.”

Even the dock workers had stopped at their labours and enjoyed the sight of two nubile females. Uncovered but for seawater and soapsuds dripping down their shining bodies, it looked as if Prexus had observed them from his sacred depths and lustfully soaked them with his foamy sperm.

“Are you fucking that pretty Wood Elf” Peckett asked Diamander, staring at Cadwarra’s big round breasts as she reached up with the bar of soap and started to wash them. They flopped around under her hard scrubbing hands, looking so soft as they gleamed in the mid-morning sunshine. Her large brown nipples looked so suckable.

“Yes, I’m fucking her” Diamander answered Peckett proudly. “Quite often. She likes to fuck. She’s a lot of fun in bed.”

They continued to watch the two girls washing. Cadwarra passed the soap back to Amber who took her time sudsing up. While she had been initially jealous by how much bigger Cadwarra’s breasts were compared to hers she got less envious when she realized her perky little twins were getting as many stares as Cadwarra’s girls were getting. She saw Diamander was staring at her chest as hard as any of the other men. She was sure he had a hard-on.

Peckett was acutely aware that all four nipples on those two exhibitionists were erect. There was no way they were unaware of all the male gazes turned their way; more modest women would have noticed a dozen men just standing beside their work eyes agog, and would have been finished bathing quite some time ago. He knew he should tell those little teases to quit wasting time and to get their armour back on and be ready for any developments but he figured everyone could enjoy the show a bit longer since the girls seemed so proud of the attention they were getting.

“What you did to those Gnolls was awesome.” Amber told Cadwarra as she scrubbed Cadwarra’s back. Deviously, she rubbed extra hard so that her own tits would jiggle for the men to see. “You and Diamander were unstoppable.”

“You did well, too, Amber” Cadwarra responded while looking up at the men watching the erotic motion of Amber’s puppies. Occasionally the hard nipples brushed softly against Cadwarra’s back. She suspected Amber was deliberately making them shake in front of the men. “Thanks for all those Gnolls you took care of. I was hard pressed until you started stabbing at their backs.”

“I don’t know that I did much. Diamander killed more than I did. Lucky for me you yelled at them and they forgot about me. Where did you learn to speak Gnollish? Those barks and snarls coming from you were scarier than the Gnolls themselves.”

“I picked up a little Gnollish from the Splitpaw Clan up in Thundering Steppes. I was their ‘guest’ for a while.”

“A guest?” Amber seemed puzzled about the term as relates to Gnollish customs. “So they didn’t hurt you?”

“The Splitpaw are as vicious as any other clan, just a bit more civilized. Pretty soon after I was abducted they found I had a full set of combs, brushes and clippers and realized I knew something about barbering. Believe it or not, Gnolls worry about how their fur looks. Next thing I knew I was shampooing the entire pack; trimming footpads and tails, filing claws, that sort of thing.”

Though she had been as frightened as Amber during the fight yesterday, Cadwarra could now laugh to remember the Gnolls’ irrational rage. “Those Gnolls...” She shook her head smiling “...vainest creatures you ever met. All I said to them yesterday was that they had a little mange and that their mothers were bitches. They all got insanely mad at me for that.”

Amber was still scrubbing Cadwarra’s back, still making her breasts jiggle for the men. “Would you massage my shoulders” Cadwarra asked, shoving her shoulders back such that her breasts thrust out. It turned out Amber was pretty good at shoulder massages.

“I think we should finish washing” Cadwarra reluctantly suggested as she finished a reciprocal back massage for Amber. “That Dockmaster seems annoyed that her workers aren’t working.”

Amber would have liked for Cadwarra to massage her a little longer. She knew they were putting on a show for the men. She liked how those males all looked at her young nudity. Except for that embarrassing moment in front of her Papa, this was the first time she had ever been naked in front of real, grown men, and she was beginning to wonder what it would be like to have an experienced male on top of her instead of those silly boys that she had been planning to fuck at Arleena’s birthday party yesterday. None of them would have bravely fought Gnolls the way Diamander had. Papa was right, she needed new ‘friends’...more experienced ones...with big hard cocks, nice and thick and long. Like the one she had glimpsed Diamander using on Cadwarra in the middle of the night.

While Diamander’s eyes lingered on Amber’s body, Peckett studied Cadwarra. She was perfect. Each curve was so graceful. Well formed thighs blended into curving hips, thinning to a small waist and inviting tummy, flat but for just a hint of roundness. Her ribs swept up into full, softly swaying breasts, round and full, sitting high on her chest and crowned by perfect diameter brown areolas.

Peckett fixed hungry eyes on Cadwarra’s trim bush. His loins stirred as he considered what she might feel like inside if he was ever allowed to enter her. “You mind if I stick my spear in your Wood Elf sometime?” he asked Diamander, too sexually excited to not ask “She’s really making me horny standing there nude.”

“You can fuck her” Diamander answered, equally blunt. Peckett was a decent fellow so he was not uncomfortable if he wanted Cadwarra for some physical pleasure. “You’ll need Cadwarra’s consent, though. She’s not my wife so I can’t just lend her to you.”

Hearing that, Peckett wanted so much to go down and slip it into Cadwarra right there as she stood in water up to her knees, but a non-commissioned officer in charge of a mixed group of fighters needed to keep discipline and Marr knew what would happen if everyone started thinking by his example that it was okay to set aside one’s duties to go ‘get a piece’ from one of those two naked nymphs.

Diamander was still looking at Amber, desirous of her despite himself. He felt ashamed that his thoughts were filled with speculation as to how it would feel to screw your own cousin. He owed Cadwarra more consideration than to be having such thoughts about Amber while regularly bedding Cadwarra but...he so wanted Amber.

He saw Amber was just fine with him watching. She was looking at him while washing between her legs. She seemed to be oh so slightly moving her hips to thrust right at him while their eyes locked. The act was so blatant an invitation that he knew he could have climbed on top of her instead of Cadwarra the night before last. Yet he was glad he had not; she was his cousin.

Knowing Diamander was watching, Amber took an especially long time shampooing her pubic area. The sudsy curls of her lady beard tangled in her fingers. The soap on her clit felt so good. She looked straight at Diamander, standing there beside that tyrant Peckett while she recalled how brave he had been yesterday. Bravery made her pussy wet. She so wanted her brave cousin to spread her legs and do something about that wet pussy.

She remembered Cadwarra’s barely suppressed moans of pleasure under Diamander. None of her schoolfriends had ever made her moan like that, not even Arleena’s older brother at that picnic in Oakmyst Forest last summer. She wanted Diamander to make her moan like he made Cadwarra moan.

As she continued to lave her clitoris, she imagined it was Cadwarra soaping and rubbing her between the legs, not herself. With the thought of Cadwarra’s soapy fingers washing her labia then slipping inside her, she climaxed, enjoying Diamander and the other men watching her. In her lustful thoughts she imagined Cadwarra talking dirty. “Cum, Amber, cum while you think of those men over there lining up to await their turn on top of you. Every one of them wants to cum hard inside you, Amber, every one. Especially my lover, Diamander...your big brave cousin.”

Cadwarra’s imaginary words were a mental aphrodisiac. The bar of soap moved faster. Everyone watched, knowing what she was doing. Amber came.

“If you’re done...” Cadwarra suggested from beside her, a little amused by the highly agitated stares the men had given Amber as they watched her masturbate. “...I think we should get our armour on.”


Arabella spent the night in jail. She had arrived just before 11:00 pm. Her leather armour and dagger were confiscated and would be returned depending on good behaviour. The same went for the 30 silver she had earned from fucking Penley’s patrol. She knew the score; she just needed to be co-operative and she would get it all back once everybody calmed down and realized they had no proof she had done anything wrong.

Unlike the accused rapist Cadwarra, the jailers had put Arabella in with Sprockfuddle rather than in the adjacent cell. “Maybe that’ll keep that angry little asshole from complaining about the food” they had reasoned. Sprockfuddle snored away, unaware of the gift they had left for him when he awoke come morning.

Well before breakfast would be arriving, Sprockfuddle had opened his eyes and rolled over to find Arabella snoring soflty on a neighbouring bunk. He could see she was naked under the bedsheet; she had removed her prison dress before going to sleep. It was neatly folded under her cot.

The thin sheet lay over her body as she lay there on her back It molded around her breasts, not hiding their exquisite form. Even her nipples’ shapes were plain to see. Her white pubic hair made a nice mound under the sheet as it fell revealingly over shapely hips and thighs. Sprockfuddle got horny and knew he needed to spread Arabella’s legs for a good fuck.

There were no other prisoners that morning, Sprockfuddle was thrilled to not have to share her. He woke her up by rudely pulling off her sheet. He leered at her naked blue flesh, goosebumps rising in sympathy with her hardening purple nipples as the cool air hit them. He climbed aboard while she unwelcomingly muttered curses at him for his sexual presumptions. She pulled the sheet back over them for warmth.

Sprockfuddle was going to fuck her right quick, but first he needed an update on any pertinent news from the outside world. While he sucked milk from her tits, Arabella dutifully updated him on Falco and the bo staff, then mentioned rumours of a murder that had happened over some little amateur whore in South Qeynos. There was little more news to relate.

Having dutifully updated Sprockfuddle on current events, she spread her legs accommodatingly as he positioned himself. She was only going to let him fuck her to get him to calm down over the missing bo staff. Why was he so upset about that stupid stick, anyway?

He stuck his big Gnomish prick in her, intending to hurt fuck her as punishment for having misplaced his expensive bo staff. After all those Humans last night Arabella found that ‘big Gnomish prick’ hardly felt like it was inside her at all. Even her tiny Dark Elf body could easily accommodate his two and a half inches.

Disappointed Arabella did not cry out in discomfort from his huge pecker he nevertheless kept fucking hard. Ever since Cadwarra had been released from the jail he had had no other female to pleasure him and his hips moved frantically in and out of Arabella as he enjoyed the opportunity to bury his huge Gnomish dick inside the warmth of a soft, juicy pussy instead of gripping it with his calloused hand and jerking away.

While having a good time on top of Arabella, Sprockfuddle summarized the situation. “So you think Falco has gotten my bo staff back but you have no idea where he’s going to go with it since you managed to mess everything up and get arrested?”

Arabella, who was rather bored with the physical limitations of a Gnome’s penis, wished he would hurry up and finish. He thankfully showed signs of an approaching orgasm which would result in the cessation of the tedium of his lovemaking technique. She did not know whose lovemaking was worse: Falco’s ineptitude or Sprockfuddle’s inadequacy. At least she could feel Falco’s cock penetrate a decent way in while all Sprockfuddle had accomplished was insult her for getting arrested. “You don’t see the irony of criticizing me for managing to get stuck in here?” she asked Sprockfuddle with cutting sarcasm.

“I guess I better not be too harsh on you in that regard” he conceded. He belatedly took a look around the spartan cell to ensure no one else had been dumped in the cell overnight and that they were truly alone. He wished Annie had been arrested instead of Arabella. Annie appreciated his huge Gnomish cock.

He could feel he was going to shoot a good big load anytime now as his balls tightened. Several large teaspoons of cum shoot out of his huge little dick and laced the insides of Arabella’s cunt, mixing with all that other cum from last night. “You still need to get that bo staff back” he told Arabella curtly as his orgasm subsided, thoughts already turning to business considerations.

Sprockfuddle pulled out of Arabella’s tight hole. That orgasm had felt good but he suspected she was so moist and slippery in there because she had had others recently filling her up. He did not care how many fellows had shot inside Arabella as long as he got to shoot, too, but he preferred not to leave his cock sitting in everybody else’s jizz. He rolled off and lay beside her, the cum of five Humans and one High Elf all over his dick.

Forgetting about that expensive bo staff for once he asked about the other bit of news Arabella had mentioned. “So what else do you know about that fellow that was murdered?”

“It was just rumours I overheard from the jailors’ conversation after Penley left and they were watching me change into prison dress” Arabella answered as she used her bedsheet to wipe up all the cum that had been pushed out of her by Sprockfuddle’s pistoning cock. “They kept talking about it while they had me give them all an introductory blowjob. One jailor heard it from a serving wench who’s ex sister-in-law lived nearby. Some bastard had murdered his roommate during an argument over a cheap whore selling herself for 4 silver or something like that. I would have thought nothing of it but it was near your safe house and it had caused quite the commotion amongst the residents. Judging by the fact all the neighbours knew about it, I am sure the gossip is all over Qeynos by now.”

Sprockfuddle mulled over the scanty details of the rumour uneasily. He had directed both Falco and Cadwarra to wait at the safe house for the chance for him to arrange their defection to Freeport. He did not think either would lose their tempers and commit murder; Falco being too stupid and Cadwarra being too smart. As for Bartrall and Williams, it was possible they would get to squabbling after being cooped up for so long while waiting for him to get our of jail. He comforted himself that neither of them had shown up here in the cells. He hoped, therefore, that the rumours of murder were untrue or at least that the murder was unrelated to his clients.


Llisanya had lain awake most of the night. She was unhappy over what she had done to Bartrall last evening and that likely explained the bad dreams she had had about Daddy. The nightmares had kept her from going back to sleep so she lay there until dawn, masturbating about Daddy’s big cock and thinking how the evil things Vishra required of her were not yet completed.

Williams, having been blamed for the death of Bartrall, now needed silencing, too. A public trial would lead to unwanted embarrassments for the powers that be. She idly conjectured what scandal or misconduct might occasion such embarrassment, but Vishra, of course, had not told her.

She dozed off just as the dawn sky was lightening. She woke shortly before noon to answer a knock on the door. It was Baltazar with the delivery from Ellister. “Nice to see you found a better neighbourhood” he commented, peering nosily into her apartment then looking back down at her sleepwear.

Llisanya was wearing only an oversized men’s tunic of thin cotton. The shirttails hung down to mid thigh, otherwise she was bottomless. The light from the window on the far side of the room backlit her such that her body’s outline was revealed as sunshine shone through the tunic, all her curves and recesses plainly showing. Baltazar could see he need only lift the garment and he would have unhampered access to all her female temptations. He knew she knew exactly what she was doing to him.

“You seem to be making a good living” Llisanya observed as she took Ellister’s package from him. ”All these folk hiring you for messages and deliveries and what not.”

“It pays the rent” Balthazar conceded and pushed a receipt at her. “Sign here. By the bye, when you allowed me your favours at your boyfriend’s flat, did I happen to leave an expensive handkerchief behind?”

His eyes flicked down to her chest while waiting for her answer. The tunic molded around her impossibly unjiggling tits, accentuated by the weft and weave of the thin material as it fell across them, failing to hide the bumps her nipples made. “We don’t want your boyfriend finding my ‘kercheif, do we?” he warned. It was obvious he knew he had lost it there.

“Never found any hanky of yours” Llisanya lied as she scratched ‘Llisanya Farquharson’ across the receipt. “Nor will I allow you to suggest I actually consented to you forcing me down onto my boyfriend’s bed and having your way.“ He was so transparent; trying to get her to imply by her lack of protest that he had not raped her. Certain clever Gnomes had the talents to build devices that would record brief conversations and Llisanya was almost certain Baltazar currently had one in his pocket. She handed the receipt back. “If I do come across your sneeze-rag, I will certainly let you know, Rape-boy.”

She checked the items in the package and confirmed Ellister had sent everything on the list. She looked up at Baltazar and waited pointedly while he stared into the box, scrutinizing all the charms she had purchased. Finally, he realized she was staring at him while he pried into her private business. He guiltily raised his eyes to hers. She sure had big peepers. He decided he should stare into them next time he fucked her.

“I suppose you are expecting a tip” she remarked as she set the box down, discerning by the way he ogled her body what kind of tip he wanted. She decided that that would be ok. She wanted a man, a real man, to take his pleasure with her. It would erase the revulsion she felt at touching those filthy men at 13 Tranquil Way last night.

“Do you want to wrestle me again or do you want me to be more co-operative this time” she asked, making a big show of theatrically crossing her arms across her breasts. “Whichever you like.”

Baltazar looked surprised at her blunt invitation but recovered quickly. He stepped toward her. “I knew you liked it last time. All that fake protesting and squirming around. You were actually begging me for it...” He lifted her by wrapping his arms under her cute butt and carried her to her still warm bed. “Let’s see how much of a struggle you pretend to make today.”

She landed on her back and bounced on the mattress. Her ersatz pajamas hid little from his eyes. She watched his bulge growing.

“Do me a favour” he asked as he looked down at her lying there complacently, his voice briefly tinged with annoyance “kindly don’t complain to Lord Vishra this time. It’s hard enough to stay in his good books.”

She uncrossed her arms and flung them wide. “Just hold me down and force it in” she told him. “You’re not working for Marshall Vishra today so do what you will.”

He said nothing further about Vishra. He climbed on top of her and thrust himself against her thigh, pushing the tunic up far enough to reveal her silky baldness below. He moved against her as she lay there with her legs spread wide, dry humping her.

She liked the feel of his erection crushed into her like that. She reached down to undo the lacings of his leggings. His dick popped out and she gripped it, running her hand up and down, enjoying the lovely sweep of the curving shaft. She pumped it hard so she could watch his heavy balls really swinging.

Baltazar pushed her tunic further up to reveal her unique tits. He bent his neck and sucked hungrily on them, first the left one, then the right one. Inside his mouth, her nipples quickly became erect and he flicked each in turn with his tongue. Llisanya squirmed under him, enjoying the attention he was giving her dugs. Her daddy used to suck and lick them like that, too.

Baltazar positioned himself above Llisanya. As he had promised himself, he looked into her lovely big eyes as he inserted himself slowly into her, loving the feel of his hard penis sliding inch by inch into her steamy, willing interior.

He went in up to the hilt and started a slow fuck, pushing pelvis to pelvis then apart again. She used her internal muscles to squeeze and grip his cock when he was all the way in then relaxed her grip to allow him to pull out and push it in again.

Baltazar began to move faster, brought to early climax by the way Llisanya was using her pussy muscles to squeeze him. “Oh, Llisanya...” he moaned and pushed his cock deep “here I cum!”

She felt the produce of his impressive orgasm exploding out of his prick, filling her. He pulled back and thrust again and more shot out in a second surge. “I can feel your cum warming me” she whispered and hugged him. His striated muscles deep in his pelvis spasmed a third time and more semen shot out of him into the back of her vadge, almost to her cervix. Finally finished, he collapsed on top of her.

She lay there under him, caressing his back for a long while, enjoying the embrace of a male who had regular baths. He kissed her breasts and sucked on them. “I assume” he finally asked, letting her breast drop from his mouth “there will be another man in your bed this evening.”

“What makes you say that?” she asked. She was not denying it, just curious as to how he knew.

“I’ve been around. I knew what those charms of Ellister’s were; magical sex aids. Plus I have another contract this afternoon with Copperpot’s to pick up and deliver some groceries to your door by six o’clock. You ordered two steaks of the best cut and lobsters this time of year are quite expensive.”

She snuggled into Baltazar’s arms. “Don’t be jealous that I have an important date tonight, Honey. No doubt soon the Marshall will send you to find me again and no doubt I will be obliged to allow you to make use of my body again. Just be patient.”

Baltazar said nothing further about it. He jiggled her tits for several minutes, amazed how soft they were despite hardly moving as he made them wobble back and forth on her chest. Llisanya lay there letting him play. He took them back into his mouth.

He had fucked his girl, Dorweena, twice that morning before starting work, and then Llisanya only a half hour ago, but his cock stiffened and became fully hard as he sucked on her thick nipples. Neither realized that the magic from the charms was leaking from the box and rekindling his desires. He got back on top of her willing body and soon shot a second load into her. Whoever was going to fuck her tonight was going to have his cum as a lubricant, he thought vindictively.

Baltazar departed soon after their second fuck. As he headed home. he ruefully pulled one of those Gnomish recording devices from his pocket. He was well aware of Llisanya’s ability to blackmail him for his ‘overindulgent’ lovemaking that other morning. The device was supposed to record Llisanya unwittingly accepting his statement implying that his previous pleasure with her was by permission. Instead it recorded quite the opposite. He broke the mechanism in half, thus destroying the incriminating conversation. He threw the individual pieces in the moat several hundred paces apart. “That was a waste of two silver” he grumbled.

Llisanya washed the smell of Baltazar’s loving from her body. His clumsy attempt to record her confirmed how vulnerable he felt on the matter of her rape. He had confirmed by that clumsy maneuver that he not only feared his ladyfriend finding out about it, he feared the authorities, too. She knew now that that favour she may need to someday blackmail him into granting could be potentially even bigger than she had initially thought.

She dabbed on the last of her expensive Frostfell perfume while pondering how she might convince Vishra that he should use Her Majesty’s discretionary funds to purchase more of it, seeing as how useful it could be. She then went over to the jail to call on Armstrong.

Armstrong had just returned from feeding the prisoners their lunch. He was getting tired of hearing Sprockfuddle exclaim sarcastically “Oh, good, porridge!” That new prisonerv that had come in during the late shift, the cutpurse, was in there with him. She was a rather beautiful Dark Elf with lovely almond eyes and milk-filled tits thrusting out under her prison frock. She hadn’t complained about the porridge. Nor had the murderer, Williams, in solitary confinement.

As he entered his office he was considering taking the Dark Elf into a private area where she could be served a better meal. Such a kindness would require a return favour from her, of course. He had never had Dark Elf pussy before.

He found Llisanya there, waiting for him. Her blouse was unbuttoned quite a bit, revealing a good portion of her high sitting tits for him to enjoy. The nipples were almost exposed.

He looked at her, ill at ease by her presence. What did she want? After his indiscretion with her in his office last week, he knew she now had an advantage over him. As long as she was willing to trade minor favour for minor favour that might be okay, but he wished he had not been so tempted by her. What a fool he had been to put himself into the position where he could not now refuse any requests from the whore, lest she report his on-duty transgression to the Guard. He felt acutely aroused to see Llisanya’s cleavage, notwithstanding his concerns.

As per protocol, he feigned ignorance of who she was. “How may I help you today Miss...Llisanya was it? I do hope your Good Friend Miss Cadwarra is doing well. I heard she was acquitted of all rape charges.”

“So I am lead to believe, Master Jailer. It was correctly determined that that male she had forced herself upon was fully erect and undeniably wanting her to pin him down and give him what he wanted. I am so glad that the truth has come out and she has cleared her good name. ”

“Indeed.” Armstrong said. He remembered how Llisanya had rapidly towelled off Cadwarra’s big boobies, making them bounce and fly all over the place. It was quite the memory, made more intense by the smell of Llisanya’s special Frostfell perfume as it wafted to his side of the room.

He knew by that perfume that she was here to seduce him. He forgot all about lunch for that Dark Elf girl in the cell area. Deciding one may as well be hanged for a beggar as hanged for a thief he walked to the door to close it. The lock clicked audibly.

Now in complete privacy, he became less formal. He reached up into her half open top to fondle those incredible breasts. They were so amazingly soft. He thought of the fried eggs of her youth, when he first became one of her regulars. He was still not used to Llisanya having so much in the way of breasts. He liked her with breasts, all grown up. “How may I help you, Piggy?”

Llisanya stood patiently allowing Armstrong to feel her up. She liked to have an older man’s hands on her. “Well, Daddy” she explained “I was missing your loving kisses and, also, I hear you have another of my good friends in jail. His name is Williams. Can you confirm he is in a separate cell away from other prisoners? My Good Friend Williams is prone to fits of madness and may utter lies against Queen Antonia and her government that are not accurate and could cause distress amongst her other loyal prisoners.”

She stood there as Armstrong played with her perky lady bumps. She saw Armstrong was not interested in Williams. He ran his fingertips over the smooth skin of Llisanya’s soft underboob. By Marr, he thought, these breasts are superb. He dug his fingers deep into the fat of her breasts, loving the feel. “I can confirm the murderer Williams is locked away in solitary confinement” he finally assured Llisanya. “I am the only one who sees him.”

She stood calmly with her breasts filling Armstrong’s kneading hands. “I’m so glad to hear that, Daddy. I know you will look after him.”

Her perfume filled his nostrils. The familiar fragrance stupefied him, clouding his judgment. What did she mean ‘look after him’? It did not matter. Armstrong pulled her blouse open to expose her nipples. He twisted the left one between his thumb and index finger, first clockwise then anti-clockwise. It rose long and thick. He pulled on it. It stretched out two inches before he let it go. Her elongated boob snapped back into its perfect shape. He leaned down and started sucking on it. He tasted that perfume on it. His mind clouded even more. Some part of his brain warned him that there were two meanings to the phrase “...look after him”.

Llisanya pulled Sechus’ poison from her hidden pocket, careful not to disturb Armstrong as he sucked loudly on her pap. “I wonder, since you are looking after Williams, would you mind making sure he gets his ‘medicine’?”

Medicine? Armstrong nodded, mouth still fastened onto her boob. The boob moved up and down in response to the nodding. Llisanya continued ominously “It will help him sleep, you see...sleep for a long time. It will be good for him to...sleep.”

She placed the small clear vial of liquid on his desk while simultaneously pushing her breast hard into his face. He kept sucking while he listened to her speak. Her voice was so soothing as she explained further “I am afraid my Good Friend Williams is such a typical manchild and refuses to take his medication. I suggest you just slip it secretly into his porridge next meal? Luckily it’s tasteless.”

Armstrong was shocked. His mind cleared slightly. The nipple slipped from his mouth. “Llisanya, do you know what you are asking?”

Vishra had been right that Armstrong would balk at such a felonious task. On cue, she pulled a weighty pouch of coins from the folds of her skirts. “I almost forgot. A mutual acquaintance of ours heard you have not been doing well of late at the card game over at Irontoes East and thought you would like to have these few coins so your somewhat impatient friends will stop being so rude to you over your tardiness in settling your IOU’s.”

She pointedly dropped the full pouch heavily onto Armstrong’s desk right next to the poison. It made an impressive ‘thud’. “Our mutual acquaintance has already explained to your friends that you are about to come into adequate funds with which you may pay your honest debts. He made it clear to them that he would appreciate them having a few more days’ patience with you. They do eventually want their payment, of course.” Llisanya kissed his forehead affectionately and concluded “this purse should cover it.”

Armstrong did not leave the poison on his desk. He slipped it into his pocket so that they would not need to discuss whether unidentified ‘medications’ should be given to prisoners. Likewise, the coinpurse vanished.

He was still hesitant, but a waft of perfume told him to stop thinking about anything but Llisanya’s soft, supple flesh. He kissed her lips. She answered with ardour, pushing her tongue into his mouth a second before he was about to do the same to her.

They kissed for a long time. He could taste Llisanya’s perfume on her skin. The familiar fragrance stupefied him, clouding his judgment. He had a vague inkling that what he was being asked to do was wrong. He tried to puzzle it out but the perfume...the perfume...

Her tongue danced all over the inside of his mouth. He sucked on it and she moved it back and forth, fucking his own tongue. Her saliva tasted ambrosial.

A leather belt appeared in her hands. “Before we get reacquainted” Llisanya said as she broke off the kissing and put her arms around him, pulling him close. “I also wonder if you could give Williams his belt. I am afraid he left it behind when he was arrested.”

It was an old belt someone had left behind in her apartment some time ago. Someone who would not need it anymore. Llisanya had scratched ‘Williams’ on the inside.

“Belts are not allowed in the cells.” Armstrong protested. The perfume filled his nostrils. It took him a few seconds to remember why that rule was there. “A prisoner might hang himself” he recalled.

Llisanya nodded pointedly. “Hanging would be bad.” She hung the belt around Armstrong’s neck and pulled it snug. Her meaning was clear. She patted him on the shoulder as if the discussion were done. “Just leave it with him...after he’s had his porridge with the medicine...when he’s ‘asleep’.”

Armstrong was not happy with what Llisanya was asking him to do. His mind cleared a little. “Llisanya, this is serious stuff you are asking of me.”

Llisanya kissed the inside of his mouth again. He smelled her perfume again. That perfume was befuddling his brain again. He needed to think how to avoid the serious crime Llisanya was asking him to commit but he just wanted to hold her body and smell her perfume. When he had gifted her that perfume, he had had no idea how powerful its effects were.

“I admit, Daddy, this is heavy stuff. That’s why I think you should come by my place tonight for a special dinner. You could update me on how my Good Friend Williams is doing and whether he took his...medicine. There may be much to discuss so perhaps you should bring your pajamas so you can stay late.”

She reached down into his pants and curled her fingers around his cock, limp from the knowledge of what he was being asked to do. It woke in her grasp, despite his revulsion at their discussion.

“Maybe you won’t need your pajamas” she amended as she let his prick grow to full glory in her hand. It was as hot as a branding iron.

Armstrong knew there was something he should not be doing but Piggy’s hand squeezing his dick felt so good. He gave up trying to decide what it was about giving Williams his medicine that was so wrong. He pushed it out of his thoughts; he was going to have sex with his favourite girl and he would get Bightn off his back about his gambling arrears. What was the down side?

“What time should I come to dinner?” he asked, surrendering to seduction.

“Oh, six o’clock is perfect. Maybe bring some breakfast rolls if you are passing by Voleen’s Bakery; to go with our morning coffee.”

Spending an entire night with Llisanya sounded divine. He imagined her soft breathing as she slept in his arms.

“As for anything else you might think about bringing...?” Llisanya mentioned as she pulled her hand out of his pants and licked a bead of pre-cum off her finger tips “ for anything else you might think about bringing, I think I have all we need.”

Her big eyes looked straight into his. “Ellister has sold me some...charms...” she explained. She paused and did a reasonable imitation of the painful gasp she always made when he ripped her hymen. She then added “...and I even got him to make me a charm that allows we say...more experienced Daddy to be able to please his little squirming Piggy-girl all night long.”

Lisanaya lowered her hand back to his hard cock and rubbed it through his pants. “...All night long...” she repeated.

When she left, when his mind cleared and his cock went back to its calm state, Armstrong was horrified at what he had agreed to do. Someone wanted Williams dead to such a degree that they were willing to pay for Llisanya to be his all-night whore, complete with expensive performance enhancing charms and enough plat to cover his crushing gambling debts.

But he had agreed and he knew he had had no choice. Bightn was at the end of his patience and he did not relish broken bones. Further, whoever Llisanya’s master was was clearly powerful enough to make it very bad for him if he did not do in Williams. He did not care to find out which of these two would punish him first if he failed to complete the task.

He pushed his guilty thoughts aside. Whatever Williams had done to make someone want him dead was not his concern, he reasoned. He thought of Llisanya’s perfectly formed breasts, stark white and sticking out for him to squeeze. He would play with them all night. His erection returned.
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