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Uncle Dan meets his newest neighbor and she has something "extra" tht peaks his interest in her.
`Uncle Dan: My Newest Neighbor

It was Saturday morning. Hannah had just been picked up by her dad. She had cheer leading tryouts that morning and so our time together was cut short. I sat in my living room watching the news when I heard a car pull up out front. As I walked to the window to look out, a pickup pulled up and backed into the space next to my car. It was loaded to the brim with furniture and a bed set. As I continued to watch, a young girl about mid twenties got out of a mini SUV and walked over to the truck. She had auburn hair down past her shoulders. She was wearing a loose fitting pair of shorts and a bright, yellow midriff that hugged her ample B cup tits She was kind of short at about 5'5” with shapely legs that were very tan and muscular. Two guys got out of the truck and started unhooking the tie down straps on their cargo. She spoke with them for a few minutes then headed towards Devon's apartment next to mine. I moved over to the front door and stepped out.

“You must be Morgan?” I asked.

She smiled and extended her hand out towards me. “And you have got to be Dan. Devon has told me all about you?”

“All?” I playfully jabbed.

She had a sly look on her face as she chuckled. “You'd be surprised.”

I just smiled at the playful banter. “Do you need any help getting moved in?”

“No, I've got Tom and Tim to help me. They can handle all the big stuff.”

I nodded my understanding. She then turned pointing towards her vehicle.

“Once my dresser is set, I do have a lot of clothes in my car to carry in. You can help with that, if you'd like.”

“I'd be more than happy to.” I replied. She turned and opened the door to her place, propping the screen door open. I walked out to the truck where the two guys were pulling items off and setting them on the sidewalk. I noticed that these two were twins. I walked over and introduced myself. They seemed like decent gentlemen as they began carrying items into Morgan's bedroom. I joined in and carried smaller items in as well. I carried the bed frame in and began assembling it. They brought the headboard and I secured it to the frame. Next came the dresser, night stand and mattress and box springs. It took about 45 minutes, but we had her all moved in. I saw the set of sheets she had set on the corner of her dresser. I began making the bed for her as I heard her thank them for their help and they headed out for the rest of their day. Morgan walked into the bedroom. She was amazed by what she saw.

“You don't have to do that. I can make my own bed.”

As I tucked the top sheet under the mattress, I just smiled up at her. “I know, but this is one less thing you have to do.” She walked over, put her hand on my forearm and kissed me on the cheek. “Devon said you were a sweetheart.”

I proceeded to put the bedspread and pillows on her bed as she retrieved a box from her vehicle. When she returned, she began opening the box and putting her clothes away either in the closet or her dresser drawers. I ventured to her car and carried the other 5 boxes in for her. I looked at her taut legs as she bent over stowing items away in the bottom drawers. I don't know what it was, but there was something about her. Something unique. She moved so gracefully. Her tits hung down and jiggled as she was bent over. I couldn't help but stare. I could feel the fire building in my loins.

“Enjoying the show?” I heard her ask.

I snapped from my dream world and realized I had been caught staring at her body.

“Uhm, a matter of fact...” cough “ very much.” My face was the color of Santa's suit. Morgan walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Come over here.” she stated. I complied.

When I sat down, she looked down at her hands in her lap. “Devon said you were a really nice guy. I was wondering if I could ask you something.”

I nodded my head. “Sure, ask away.”

She seemed a little hesitant. “I've never been with a guy.” she admitted. I looked at her blankly, realizing she confessed to being a virgin.

“Okay.” I muttered. “So what do you need?” I questioned, full well knowing the direction this was headed in.

“I want my first time to be special.” she said. “But there's something else.”

Again, I nodded, a sign for her to continue.

“I'm not like other girls.” Apparently she could see my confusion. “I'm trans.”

I sighed deeply as I took in and processed the information just given to me. “You're trans but you've never had sex with anybody?” I said, somewhat stupidly.

She grabbed my hand. “I've had a few relationships, but when I reveal my secret, things go bad. One guy was so upset, he beat me severely. I ended up with a broken nose and lost several teeth. So you can see why I'm hesitant to mention it.”

Again, I just nodded my understanding. I placed my other hand on her two that were holding my left hand. “Morgan, I am in no way a person to judge. You have come to me with a problem and it's my job to help you with it.:

She squeezed my hand. “Devon said I could trust you. So what do we do now?” she asked.

“Finish unpacking your stuff. I'll take you out for dinner and we'll see where it goes from there.” Now it was her turn to nod. “I'll be back in a second. “ I got up and went over to my apartment. I returned a few minutes later handing her an enema product. “Here. When you shower and get ready, use this. It will make the evening a lot more enjoyable for both of us.” She took the package from me. I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. I was going for just a light peck, but she threw her free hand around my neck and pulled me in tight. Her mouth opened and her tongue came darting out. I returned the fervor of her passion, shoving my tongue back at her frolicking mouth. A few minutes later, we broke our kiss. I looked her in her hazel eyes. “I'll see you in a few hours.” I then turned and headed to my apartment to wait for our date.

It was almost 4 that afternoon. I had just finished showering and getting dressed. I walked out into the front room to sit down for a bit. I heard a knock on my screen door. Morgan was standing there with a red cocktail dress on. Her hair and make up were done to perfection. She had a pair of two inch heels that made her calf muscles stand out and be recognized. I waved for her to come in.

“Are you ready?” she asked. “I hope I'm not too early.”

“No, It's good timing. I just got ready myself.” I stopped and looked her up and down. If she hadn't admitted she was trans, I never would have known it. She had curves in all of the right places and maybe just a hint of an Adam's apple, but you could only see that if you really looked hard at her throat. The dress pushed her perky tits together giving her a sexy amount of cleavage between the small mounds. I had never been with a “guy” before. I'd never sucked an actual cock, though I had deep throated my dildos a few times. She knew I was checking her out, so she slowly turned for me to get the full view. As she turned sideways, I could see a slight bulge on the front her dress at her groin. She continued to turn and showed me her shapely ass. Damn this girl was fine.

I grabbed my keys off of the counter and walked towards the door. I grabbed her hand and lead her to my Hellcat waiting out front. We got in and I drove us to the restaurant.

Not much was said during the drive, just idle small talk. We arrived at Napoli's Italian Bistro and went in. It was a quaint little place with dim lighting that allowed us a little bit of privacy. Being that it was before 5 on a Saturday evening, we had beat the rush and pretty much had the place to ourselves. Our waitress took our order and I picked a house wine from the list. The waitress brought the bottle and two glasses. She poured us each one, then headed off to the back.

I looked over at Morgan. “So how long have you been living as a woman.?”

Morgan sipped her wine. “I transitioned when I was 13, so about 9 years.” She took another sip of her wine.

“So tell me about it.” I requested.

Morgan scooted up a little closer to the table, putting her elbows onto it. “When I was a kid, I never did like the boy things. I'd rather play with my Barbie than G.I. Joe. I did play baseball, but sports just weren't my thing. Once puberty hit, I confided in my mom how I was feeling.” she took another sip of wine. “My mom is an old hippie type personality. She completely understood. My dad, well, that was another story. He couldn't believe his only son was a sissy. But mom convinced him it was okay. I started growing my hair out and we found a doctor to start me on HRT. “ She leaned back into her chair as she continued her story. “When I started junior high, it was rough. I was made fun of and picked on. I got suspended several times for fighting. I mean, I may be a sissy but I'm no pushover. One kid tried to rip my skirt off telling me boys don't wear dresses. I punched him in his nose dropping him to the floor like a hot potato.”

I couldn't help but laugh at this. She proceeded with her life events. “The next year, my parents bought a house across town. We moved, so I was at a different school. That was much better. It was hard leaving my friends behind but I was glad for a new start.”

I listened intently, getting to know the young lady in front of me. “So why the name Morgan?” I asked. “No offense or anything wrong with it. It's just that most trans girls pick out something exotic or very feminine.”

Morgan laughed at my question. “Morgan is my given name. I figured it would be easier just keeping it. It's unisex, so I wouldn't have any problems. It would have been different if I was David or Michael.”

“That makes sense. So tell me about the boyfriends?'

Morgan drank the last of her wine. I filled her glass back up again. “Not much to tell. I've had two serious ones. The first, Mark, knew about my condition. He thought he could handle it. When it came down to getting serious, he just couldn't do it. He told me he wasn't gay and no way would he let me butt fuck him or touch my penis. Jake was my second. I didn't tell him until we started dating. I told him I was trans and he went ballistic. He started punching me. Grabbed my hair and drug me out of the truck, kicking me calling me a fag. By the time he was done, my nose and cheek bones were broken, I was bruised from head to toe and missing a few teeth. Good news is, that since it was a hate crime, insurance paid for reconstructive surgery. On paper, the doctor did a rhinoplasty to repair my nose. What they didn't put down was that he also did feminization surgery. He worked on my larynx and vocal chords and did some work on my cheekbones and jaw.”

My eyes lit up with the realization. That's why she looked and sounded so female.. “When I first met you, I never would have guessed you were born male.” I picked up my wine glass. “Kudos to your surgeon.” Morgan picked up her glass, clinking it against mine as we toasted the man behind her miracle.

Morgan sat her glass down. “I've told you about me, now tell me about you.”

“I don't know how much Devon told you, but I'm semi-retired. I do a little bit of freelance consulting as an engineer. My wife divorced me a few years back running off with a coworker. I just mainly hang out and enjoy life.”

“And fuck my roomie and your nieces.” Morgan slyly added.

“I can't believe Devon told you that.” I said, trying to sound flabbergasted.

Morgan laughed at my embarrassment. “It's okay, Dan. That's how I knew you'd be the one I could count on for my little....problem.” She bashfully looked down, briefly glancing her eyes up to mine, then back down to her lap.

Our conversation was interrupted by the waitress bringing our food. Not much was said as we ate our meal. Once finished, we polished off the bottle of wine, I paid the check and we headed towards my car. When we got to the parking lot, I followed her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. As she went to get in, I grabbed her arm, pulled her in close to me and kissed her soft lips. I looked her in the eyes.

“Rest assured, that when we get home, I will not be telling you I can't do this or get frustrated at your girl cock. I'm going to kiss your sexy body all over and make sweet love to you Morgan.” I leaned in and kissed her again. She melted in my arms as I lowered her into the passenger seat. I shut the door and got in on my side. I drove home as fast as the law would allow.

Once we were back at the apartments, I got out and opened the door for her. When she stepped out, I shut the door then picked her up into my arms. I carried her to my place, opening the door and carrying her straight to the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed, climbing on top of her and began making out with my sexy new neighbor. Her hands reached up and unbuttoned my shirt. We continued to kiss as she pulled it off of me. She then dove for my belt, loosening it and pushing it out of the way. Her hands then went for the snap on my Dockers. Once undone, she pushed them down my thighs. I stood up, letting them fall to the ground then stepped out of them. I grabbed the hem of her dress. She lifted her bottom as I slid it up and over her hips. She then sat up raising her hands above her head. I continued lifting until the dress was completely off of her. I reached around and unhooked her bra. Her luscious tits fell free as they stood proudly erect on her chest.. I gently coaxed her back down on the bed, taking her right nipple in my mouth. My right hand shot up to her left breast which I gently massaged as I sucked and teased her hardening nipple. I spent several minutes going back and forth between the two. I finally moved up, kissing a trail from her breasts up to her neck, then across from ear to ear. Morgan just moaned and softly writhed at the sensuous touches from my lips. This was my first time with a trans girl. I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing, but figured it can't be much different from a genetic girl. She wanted her first time to be special. Damn straight, I was gonna do that. Her breathing was becoming more deep and labored. I slowly began kissing back down toward her breasts. I stopped here for a few minutes, then continued on. As I reached her belly button, I stuck my tongue into her cute little Inny as she moaned with pleasure At this time, I maneuvered myself in between her legs. As I continued kissing her belly, I reached up and pulled her black lace panties down her thighs. I could smell the pheromones emitted from her aroused sex organ. The whole experience had me horny as hell. As the panties cleared her hips, her petrified woman hood sprang free, popping up inches from my chin. This is the first cock, other than my own, that I had seen in real life. It was magnificent. It was above average (in my opinion) at about 6 and ½ inches long. She was circumcised and her shaft was fat and thick. Her engorged head swelled out looking like a large mushroom on her groin. Instinctively, she placed her hand over her privates, somewhat embarrassed. I gently removed her hand, looking up into her fearful eyes.

“Don't do that, Baby. You've got nothing to be ashamed of. This is a beautiful cock.” She smiled slightly at the encouragement. To further her boost of confidence, I took her into my mouth. Like I said, I have sucked on a few of my dildos before. I thought that experience was fun, but shit! Having her cock in my mouth was so much better. She had quite a bit of girth to her fuck stick. My jaw was stretched to the max trying to keep my teeth off of her sensitive skin. I felt the head touch the back of my throat which caused me to slightly gag a bit. I readjusted and was able to overcome the gag reflex and now pressed my nose into her pubic bone. Morgan moaned loudly at the feeling of my warm throat wrapped around her meat. I moved my tongue back and forth inside my mouth along the underside of her shaft. The action was too much for Morgan. She screamed out.

“Oh fuck Dan!” She thrust her hips upwards. Her dick swelled up and I felt a warm, gooey liquid entering my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could. There was way too much. I pulled back with just the head in my mouth. Her cock was still convulsing and filling my mouth with her semen. I swallowed again. It was still coming. I swallowed a third time as it finally began to taper off. I could feel small amounts still oozing from her pee hole. Morgan just laid there breathing hard. I removed her cock from my mouth and slid up beside her, putting my lips on hers. I shared what little cum was left in my mouth with her. She greedily kissed and savored the orgasmic offering. Still breathing ragged, she muttered. “Holy fuck that was intense.”

“I take it that was your first blowjob.”

She nodded. “I hope that wasn't a bad one. I don't think I could handle anything better than that.”

I rubbed her small breasts. “Truth be told, that was the first one I'd ever given.” She looked at me in disbelief.

“That was your first too?” She couldn't believe it. “That was amazing. I can't wait to return the favor.”

“In time, Baby, In time. Tonight is all about you. Now roll over onto your stomach.” She did as I requested. I stuck two pillows underneath her hips, pushing her sexy ass up into the air. I gently spread her legs apart and put my face down by her toned buttocks. I inhaled the sweet scent of her perfumed ass as I spread her cheeks apart, revealing her virgin asshole. I wet my forefinger and gently slid it against her puckered anus. Without much trouble, it slid right in.

“I thought you said you were a virgin?”

“I am.” she replied. “I didn't say I've never had anything up my ass before.”

I pulled my finger from her hole and reached over to grab the lube off the nightstand. I squirted a little on my fingers and went back to rubbing her inviting rectum. It didn't take long until I had three fingers inside of her. I ventured for a fourth. I figured as easy as she took all my fingers, if I wanted to, I could have probably got my whole fist into her. I decided not to this time. I knew she was decently lubed up, so I repositioned myself over her, sticking my cock into her crack. I slid right in and easily buried my schlong into her. As I pulled out, I felt my head hit a small bump inside of her. I positioned myself so that I kept hitting it with each stroke. My long slender pecker rubbed against her prostate. Morgan was shrieking with pleasure. All of a sudden, she began to gyrate her hips back and forth. Her legs began to quake and her body shuddered. She tensed up and quit breathing for a few seconds, then inhaled deeply letting out a guttural growl afterwards. “Fuck, Fuck, fuck!” was all she could say. I had been going slowly, making love to her sweet ass. I picked up the pace and began long stroking her rectum. Her body continually quivered at the sensation of rubbing her g-spot. I finally reached my climax. I thrust deep and hard, shoving every inch of penis into her gorgeous ass. I shot load after load deep into her bowels. After a few seconds, I pulled out and rolled over to her side. She rolled over onto her back. The empty spot between us had a massive pool of her cum lying on the bedspread. She looked down at it. “Is that from me?” she asked inquisitively.

I reached over taking her hand. “that's the good thing about prostate orgasms. You can have several and the jizz just keeps on flowing. “ She reached down, sticking her fingers into the puddle. She scooped up a big glob of her cream, taking it to her lips. She repeated the process again. Not wanting to be left out, I intercepted her hand and brought her cum-soaked finger to my mouth. Her taste was slightly salty but with a hint of sweetness. We laid there for several minutes before I reached over and grabbed a few tissues. I began cleaning up the mess on the top cover. Once I had successfully eliminated the wet spot, I put my arm under her head and drew her close to me.

Morgan let out a long sigh. “I've got to say, that was an amazing first experience for me.”

I kissed her on top of her head. Her silky smooth hair smelled of fresh strawberries. “I agree. My first time with a trans girl was not what I expected.”

She pulled away, propping herself up on one elbow. “What did you expect?” she demanded.

“I don't really know. Maybe a more masculine body. Some armpit hair or a little 5 o'clock shadow. “ I paused just a little. “I didn't expect to find someone as sexy as you. You may have a cock but you are a hell of a sexy woman.”

Morgan blushed at the compliment. “You're just saying that.” She playfully slapped my chest.

I pulled her back into my chest. “I'm fucking my 18 year old niece, her friend, her 39 year old mother, your 23 year old room mate and now you. You don't believe me when I say that you easily compare to anyone of them?”

“But I'm not the same as them, I have a cock.”

I could tell she had a bit of a confidence problem. “Okay. Let me put it this way. If I took pictures of the five of you, used Photo Pro to blur out the crotch where just your figure and your breasts were visible, I guarantee you that any guy I showed them to would be jerking off later thinking about your body.”

Morgan developed a mental image in her brain. “You think my ass and tits are as good as anyone else's?”

She needed more convincing. I grabbed my phone, covered her lower body with a sheet and took a picture of her beautiful face and tits. I opened up messages and texted her pic to my friend Robert. Morgan asked me what I was doing.

“I'm proving my point.” a few seconds later my phone beeped to alert the response to my text. I opened the message and showed it to her:

Please tell me she's looking for a Daddy! Holy Shit Dan. You fucking her?”

Morgan looked in awe at the message. “You see? Robert is very much a heterosexual man. I guarantee you that right now, he has his dick whipped out and is jacking off to your picture.”

“No way..”

I texted my friend back. Bust a good nut on this one?

It took several minutes for him to reply. Mother fucker! I shot jizz all over my recliner. Who is she?

I'll tell you later.

I showed Morgan the text. She still found it hard to believe that men found her that sexy. She always felt like a boy in girls clothing. Was this guy right? Was she a sexy woman? A switch finally flipped in her brain. She began to see herself as the sexy woman that others saw. On the street, people couldn't see that she had a penis. They saw the outward female body. They accepted her for that. Now she finally could too. As she thought about it, she began to get more and more turned on by the man who had just shown her who she really was. She motioned for me to come back over to the bed. I walked over and sat down on the edge. Morgan pushed me onto my back and reached down taking my cock into her mouth. She slurped hungrily on the penile flesh. Licking and sucking the way I had done her. I grabbed her hips and nudged her around so that we were in a 69 position. I took her cock in my mouth as she continued to ravish mine. She pulled her mouth off and violently stroked my cock, letting out a sadistic growl. Something had awakened in her and she just had to have this cock. She went back to sucking it, taking me as deep into her throat as she could. The stimulation was too much for me. I pulled her hips down forcing her deep into my own mouth as I let out a torrent of cum. Morgan lapped up every ounce. She was still not satisfied. She rolled off of me, swinging around to get between my legs. She pushed my knees back, lined up her cock with my bung hole and started pushing inside. My sphincter was a little tight at first but quickly loosened up, allowing her to slide fully inside. She began fucking with a passionate fury that neither one of us had ever experienced before. She frantically kept up her quick pace until all of a sudden, she let out a squeal and I felt the warmth of her ejaculate coat my insides. She held still, deep inside of that ass as she came. She briefly pulled back then shoved in as she shot another wad into ne. After a minute or so, she fell on top, totally exhausted.

I just laid there with her still between my legs. I slowly lowered them to the bed, causing her to pop out of my now dripping asshole. She was motionless on ny chest. Just the sound and the movement of her breathing. When she finally looked at me, I asked her if she was okay.

“You were right. I have always thought of myself as a girl, but had never seen myself as one because of this dick. Thank you for convincing me.”

I put my arms around her. “And thank you for giving me a wonderful experience. I can't believe I came as much as I did while you fucked me.”

Morgan suddenly felt the cool, sticky residue of my orgasm stuck between our abdomens. She lifted up to a sizable amount of goo in between us. She leaned down and began to lick the cum from my belly. When she was done, I rolled her over and did the same to her. I then laid back down beside her. She snuggled up against me again.

“Dan?” she timidly asked. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

Dan hugged her tight, kissing her fore head. “Morgan, I've got five and you are the most special of all of them.”

It was true. I loved each of the girls deeply. Would go to the ends of the earth and beyond to protect any one of them, but Morgan? Morgan was special. I wanted to keep feeling what I was feeling with her. I just hoped it didn't ruin the relationship with the other four.

Upon hearing this, she was pleased. She wiggled in even closer and closed her eyes. We drifted off to sleep in each others arms..
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