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I write under a different pen name and post my stories on another web site. So if you find this on the other web site it is not plagiarism, just posted under a different pen name.


This story is mostly true. The location, the boats, and the time frame this takes place are accurate and true. How quickly things happened has been condensed for the sake of storytelling.

By Laser-Bay-One

I write under a different pen name and post my stories on another web site. So if you find this on the other web site it is not plagiarism, just posted under a different pen name.


This story is mostly true. The location, the boats, and the time frame this takes place are accurate and true. How quickly things happened has been condensed for the sake of storytelling.


Her name was Debbie. She's a cute blond with short hair. She is also thin. I don't mean model skinny, who look like they have starved themselves, but she was not curvy. She doesn't have a big chest, nor is she flat-chested, but what she does have is a lovely shape for her. She says she is a "B" cup in bra size.

I call it a "Perfect handful." Her nipples stand out, just the right size to grasp between fingers or capture with your lips. She had let me play with them on our first dates. I got to play with them anytime I wanted because later, she married me.

We went to high school in Key West, Florida. We lived on different islands up Highway US1, several miles from Key West. I first noticed Debbie in our junior year when we had a class together. Other than her blond hair, I gave her little thought.

It was the last year of the 1960's. 8 track tapes, tie-dyed shirts, bell bottoms, free love, hippies, "Hair," and "Aquarius -Let the Sunshine in" were the top songs on the radio. It was also the last few days of high school for us.

In our senior year, we had several classes together. We were both 18, and I began to see her in a different light.

In History class, I would sit behind her, and in English class, she would sit behind me.

Our minds weren't really on class or the lessons, and our teachers knew it and didn't press it too much; as long as we weren't disrupting class, they mostly ignored our daydreaming or note passing.

It was Friday, a half day for seniors; when our three classes were over, seniors got released from school at 12:00.

Our History class was in third period, and English was today's first class. Debbie was sitting behind me in English. The week prior, I had been water skiing, snorkeling, and swimming most of the weekend and had gotten sunburned. Now, dead skin on my back, neck, and the back of my legs had started to peel.

I felt some tugging on my neck, and I turned around. Debbie had started peeling my blistered and dead skin from my neck and then rubbing my neck. "Your skin is nice," she whispered in my ear. It felt good.

I turned back around and let her continue. After class, we both had to rush to our lockers to put away books and grab things we needed for the next class.

The third class was History, the last class for the day. Sitting behind Debbie, I leaned forward and asked if she would like to go out with me. She said, "Sure I would. Do you have a car?" I told her I had a pickup truck. "Meet me after school in the south parking lot. We can go have lunch somewhere if you want."

She told me she would have to call her mom first and tell her she wouldn't be coming home on the bus. There were no cell phones back then. She had to phone from the school's pay phone near the front office.

I had to wave to get her attention when she got to the parking lot. As she walked up, she said, "I must be home before dark. Is that a problem?"

"Shouldn't be. Let's grab some burgers and drinks at the A&W and then go to the beach." I suggested, and she agreed.

The A&W was on the other side of Key West from the high school. The beach was along the A1A side of the island, which was again on the other side of the island from the A&W.

It took little time since if you drive from one end of Key West to the other and catch every stop light red, it will take 15 minutes, less if the lights are green. At the A&W, we got our food and then went to the beach.

I parked on what was known to us as "The bridle path." A dirt road that ran parallel to the beach but separated by some brush. We took our food and walked until we found a secluded spot up from the beach surrounded on three sides by mangroves and brush.

We sat in the grass and sand, eating our french fries and burgers and talking about our classes and teachers. She finished eating first, then asked something no one had ever asked me. "Can you remove your shirt so I can peel your back?"

"Ya, I guess so." I took off my shirt and turned so my back was to her. She started to pick at my skin. She liked to see how big a piece she could remove at one time. It did tickle some, but it actually felt nice.

After she had been at it a while and we were making small talk, she mentioned how, with her fair skin, she would burn very easily and then peel just like me.

"I got sunburned last week when we were on my father's boat. I've also started to peel. I don't understand why, but I like pulling big pieces of skin off. It makes me..." She trailed off from her talking.

She told me, "Turn around and let me do your front." So I turned around. I had little burned skin to peel off, mostly on my shoulders, and she finished quickly. I didn't think first, or I wouldn't have said it, but it just came out. "If you're burned and peeling, can I do your back and...front?"

She giggled and then got quiet. "Yes." She unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it open. She then took it off, folded it, and placed it beside her. I was looking at her pale blue bra and white skin with light brown freckles.

"What's the matter? It covers more than my bikini top. Start with my back." She then turned around. I was looking at her back, and indeed, her skin had just started to blister. I began to rub off small pieces of dead skin from her shoulders.

There wasn't much that would come off, but I liked touching her back, so I continued as if removing dead skin.

She shivered under my touch as I moved further down her back. "Cold?" "No, it just feels good, very good, don't stop." I continued until I got to where her bra was across her back. Even though there wasn't any skin to remove, I moved my hands below it.

"Wait." She said. She then reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She shrugged her shoulders, and making a show of it, she held it to her side and dropped it onto her blouse. She let her arms go to her sides. Even though she had her back to me, I was surprised she didn't use her hands to cover her chest.

"Go ahead and get it all off."

I couldn't help myself. "The dead skin or your clothes?" She took in a deep breath and softly said. "Which do you want off?" I hesitated. "Both would be nice."

She didn't answer me. I continued like I was pulling off little bits of the dead skin from her back. I enjoyed touching her. "That's all," I told her.

She turned around, facing me, and looked at me. She made no move to cover her naked breasts. It took everything I had to stay looking at her face and not stare at her chest.

She looked at me as if studying my face. "Go ahead and look, I don't mind." I did look. Her breasts were not big but firm. They were milky white with light brown areolas and slightly darker nipples.

She had freckles where the sun had not tanned her skin. She was right. Her bra did cover more than her bikini top. She reached up with her hands and cupped each breast. "I know they aren't big. I'm a B cup, and boys like big boobs. I don't have them. I'm more like my mother. I hope they'll get bigger someday, but for now...oh well. They are what they are. But my nipples will stand out really far if you play with them." She took each nipple between her fingers and rolled them around. As she dropped her hands and pushed her chest towards me, she asked, "Want to play with them? Go ahead, I don't mind."

"Are you sure? I don't want to do anything if it makes you uncomfortable." I said, hoping she wasn't just teasing me.

"It's OK. I said you could play with my nipples."

I reached for her chest and felt her soft breasts for the first time. Her's were the first breasts I had ever touched. My fingers crossed her nipples, and just as she said, her nipples stiffened and turned a darker red.

"See, I told you they would stand out. Go on and touch them."

So I did. As I ran my thumbs over them, they did indeed get bigger and harder. Debbie pushed her chest more into my hands. She put her hands over mine. "Squeeze them, my nipples; squeeze them between your fingers."

Again, I did as she asked. She shivered as I played with her nipples between my fingers. "Harder, please do it harder." She begged. So I did.

She closed her eyes and pushed her chest harder into my hands. She then put her fingers over mine. She clamped her fingers down hard over mine. I know it must have hurt, but she started pulling on her nipples and squeezing even more.

She moaned through half-open lips and closed her eyes, then shuddered all over. She pulled my hands away from her nipples.

She looked into my eyes, leaned into my chest, and kissed me. She put so much intensity into it that I was surprised. I did like the feel of her nipples on my chest, so I put my arms around her and pulled her tight into me. She responded by hugging my neck and pushing her tongue between my lips. I had never French kissed before, so I didn't know how to react. After a bit, she pulled away and looked around.

"I've never shown my titties to a boy, much less let one touch me. You're the first one ever. I liked it. Did you?" I told her I did, I very much did. Then I asked her why now and why me? She said she wasn't really sure, but I had always been nice to her; she just wanted to know what it was like to show her small boobs to someone who wouldn't make fun of them as some of the girls did in gym class.

"Why did you let me touch them?"

"I guess after you had looked at them, I owed it to you to let you at least have a feel, and I wondered how different it was to have someone else playing with them besides me." She looked through the mangroves and saw more people on the beach than when we arrived. "We better go." I nodded my agreement and looked down once more at her breast.

"You like looking at them, don't you? You can have one more feel if you like."

I couldn't resist, so I ran my hands over both breasts and her nipples, and again, they started getting hard. Looking at my face, and with a big sigh, she told me, "If you keep doing that, we won't leave here until after my curfew."

We put our clothes back on, picked up our trash, and returned to my truck. I asked on the way back to her house. "Would you like to go fishing on my boat tomorrow? We could pack drinks and lunch and make a day of it."

She smiled at me. "Is that what you want to do, go fishing? Or is this just some way that you think you can get me out of my clothes and look at the boobs of a flat-chested blond girl?" We both laughed.

"I like you and want to spend more time with you, and if you want to show me more of your boobs, I'm not going to stop you."

Debbie laughed and said, "If we go fishing, we better bring back some fish, or we'll be in trouble."

We got to her house, and she leaned over and kissed me several times. I was beginning to get the hang of this tongue gymnastics and liked it.

She got out of my truck and, before closing the door, leaned in and said. "Tomorrow sounds good if my parents don't object. Who knows, you might get lucky besides seeing my boobs, I might let you see everything. Now, before you leave your truck, you better take care of that problem in your pants." She closed the door, turned, and walked to her house. I looked down, and my pants had a big tent sticking up.

I called her that night, and she said she could go. I told her I would pick her up at 9 AM.

I had loaded the family cabin cruiser with all the fishing gear last night and put bait, drinks, and some snacks in the ice chest that morning, so we were ready to go as soon as we got back to my house."

My family's home was on a different island; we also had a house on a canal. To get to where we could fish, I had to navigate through several canals, channels across swallow water, and other channels that wound their way through mangroves. If you want to go to the Atlantic Ocean, you go through the southern channels, or if you go to the northern channels, you will get to the Gulf.

We had three boats in the family. The largest boat was a 24-foot inboard/outboard cabin cruiser with V berths and a toilet, which we used to go fishing in the Atlantic Ocean and out of sight of land. Also, there was a 16-foot inboard jet boat we mainly used for water skiing, and last was my 14-foot runabout with an outboard motor.

I had picked the cabin cruiser today, telling my father it was because it had a toilet onboard, and this would give Debbie some privacy if she needed to use it.

I picked Debbie up promptly at 9. She wore jeans, a loose pull-over wrap, and a T-shirt under the wrap. She also had a big bag and a fishing rod and reel. Then I had to meet her parents.

They wanted to know exactly where we were going. Her dad rolled out a chart of the area, and I had to show him where I planned to go and what I would fish for. Her mother wanted to know how long we would fish. They also asked what type of boat I had. How long had I been around boats. When would we be back? They asked for my home phone number to call my parents if necessary.

Before we left, her mother made her promise to call them as soon as we got back to my house from fishing.

Debbie said goodbye and picked up her bag. I put her rod and other things in the back of my truck, and we left.

When we arrived at my house, I had to introduce her to my parents, and they made a big deal about going through the same routine as her parents. Where I was going, when I would be back, etc.... She gave them her parents' phone numbers and told them where she lived.

Debbie and I got on board the cabin cruiser. I went through the startup routine, untied the boat, and pushed off. I pulled out from our seawall, headed down the canal, and out to the channel that went to the Gulf side.

There was a small step you had to use to sit in the cockpit chairs. They had to be tall enough to see over the cabin roof. The step also provided a place to put your feet while riding.

Navigating the canals and mangrove passages took about an hour to get to where I was heading to fish. Bottom fishing would be better than trolling. Then, I could shut the engine down and put the anchor out.

With it being quiet, we could talk, and I wanted to continue with our exploring from the other day. I was too naive at the time to realize she also wanted to continue with our exploring.

While we were heading out and once away from houses and other boats, Debbie hopped down from her chair. She picked up her bag from the deck. "I'm going to go below and change."

She then went down the three steps into the cabin but didn't close the folding door. With the door open, I could see into the cabin. As she removed her wrap and began to take off her T-shirt, she turned around, facing me; she slowly pulled her shirt over her head. She wasn't wearing anything underneath, and her nice firm white tits and hard nipples were on display. Her aureoles were a light brown, with her nipples in the center. The bouncing from the moving boat also made her breasts bounce. The wind played across her chest and made her nipples erect, and so was I.

She smiled up to me. "Like what you see?" She had to shout to be heard over the engine. I nodded yes.

She looked in her bag and pulled out her red bikini top and bottom; glancing up at me, she smiled as she put her top on, covering up her erect nipples.

She then turned around and pulled her jeans down, exposing her very cute butt clad in pink panties. She wiggled her butt while she took off both her jeans and her panties. She had an adorable white backside. I knew the show was for me cause I didn't think girls would do that if they were by themselves. Taking her bikini bottom in hand, she stepped into them, and, once again, wiggling her butt, she pulled them up around her waist.

She came up out of the cabin and joined me. Turning around in a circle, she asked. "Like it?" I wondered if she meant the bikini or the show she had just put on.

All I said was, "Yeah!"

I was sitting in the captain's chair, which made her head reach the middle of my chest. She smiled up at me, and then we both laughed. She reached up to my face, pulled me down, and kissed me. I kissed her back. We did it some more until one time, I looked up and found I was out of the channel and headed for the shallow flats. I quickly turned the boat and got us back inside deeper waters. Debbie laughed at that.

She went to the ice chest, got us drinks, and handed me one.

She started to say something but stopped.

"What?" I wanted to know. She tilted her head and shook it no. "Not now, maybe later when we stop." She answered. But I noticed her eyes were on my crotch, which had a tent showing how hard I was from watching her change her clothes. She got back up into her chair. We drank our sodas and didn't try to talk until we got to our destination.

I chose a spot to anchor the boat behind one of the numerous islands that put us out of sight of other boats that might be headed out into the Gulf.

I shut down the engine and secured the boat with the anchor. Debbie helped me get the fishing tackle out and baited the hooks. She was no stranger to fishing and did not make a face or act "girly" about handling bait. She reminded me that she had been out fishing with her family and brother since she was a little girl.

Once we made a few casts out and set the lines, Debbie turned to me and, catching me completely by surprise, asked me. "Do you masturbate?"

"What? What do you mean?"

She leaned over the side of the boat and washed her hands off from handling the bait. I did the same while trying to get a good look at her bottom in her tight-fitting bikini that showed off her cute butt.

As she stood up, she asked. "Well, don't all boys masturbate? I think they do. My brother does. I can hear him in his bedroom at night when our parents are gone. I can hear slap, slap, slap, and then he moans kind of loud. I can smell it on the towels when I do laundry. So, do you do it?"

She had such an earnest look that I could tell she wasn't trying to be cute or put me on the spot, but she truly wanted to know if boys did that.

"Yeah, sometimes I do. But not very often." I told her. "Do you?" I was just as curious as she was. She answered quickly. "Yes, like you, not very often, but yes, I do."

I wanted to ask how girls do it but didn't because of the look on her face. She looked puzzled.

I was surprised how unexpectedly she started talking about personal sex habits. "You look like you want to ask something else. What is it?"

"Can I see your penis? I've never seen one up close." At first, I was both taken aback and surprised, but why should I not comply? After all, she had seemed very comfortable with getting bare-chested with me and letting me feel her breasts and nipples.

I stood up, unbuckled my belt, and pulled my zipper down. Just as I was getting ready to let my cut-off jeans down, she stopped me by putting her hand over mine. She looked up at me and asked. "Can I do that?" I just nodded.

She slowly took hold of each side of my cut-off jeans and tugged them down. She pulled my jeans down and followed them down until she was bent over. My dick sprang forth once free of my jeans. Debbie just looked at it, bobbing in front of her face. I stood there with my cut-offs pooled around my feet. I stepped out of them and pushed them under the captain's chair. Then I took off my T-shirt. I stood there as she looked at me. Her eyes never left my dick.

Because I was nervous, I wasn't hard but not entirely soft either. Looking up at me, she asked. "Can I touch it?"

"Sure, you can touch it." Boy, did I want her to touch it! I wanted her to do more than touch it, but I had no idea how to ask her. Besides, I didn't think she would want to do the things I had read about in porno books.

"Why don't you wear underwear?" I thought about how to answer her without embarrassing me, so I hesitated a bit and then just said it.

"Cause when I'm in the water and grabbing things off the bottom, I stir up the sand and coral. It gets into my jeans, and if I wore underwear, it also gets into them and would cut and scratch me around my balls and dick and get caught in..other places. So I don't wear any. It's easier to flush the sand and crap out of my jeans."

"Oh. I never thought of that, but it makes sense. It also gets into mine, but it's not easy to flush it out of my bathing suit. If I'm at the beach, I have to go into deep water and pull my bottom down to get the sand out of my... other places."

Again, she surprised me by asking. "Would you like to play with my little tits and nipples some more?"

"Would it be OK? Of course, I would, if you want me to." I said to her.

"Silly, of course, I want you too. That's why I asked. I thought that was why you anchored the boat behind the island. Wasn't it? So we can, you know, look at each other without being seen by any other boat that goes by. I didn't know you had a boat with a cabin."

Debbie turned around and leaned her back into me. "Go ahead and untie me." I undid the ties on her top. She turned around again, facing me. She was holding her top next to her chest. Then she handed it to me, exposing her white breasts with her light brown aureoles and nipples. I put the top up on the dash and just looked at her. "Go ahead and play with them. I like it when you play with them."

I had just touched her breasts when she stopped me.

She smiled at me and asked, "Can I explore you first?" I just nodded. She asked me to get back up into the captain's chair.

Once in the chair, I watched as Debbie came up to me. Her eyes riveted on my dick which was getting hard. Putting her hands on my legs, she lightly pushed them more open. She was looking at me and not touching my dick yet. "You have more hair than I thought a boy would have. I don't have as much as you, at least not as thick as yours. Not yet, anyway." She lightly reached for my pecker and put it in her hands, which were cool from the water.

"Oh, it's so hot. I didn't expect that. Does it always get hot when you have a hard-on? Hard-on, Isn't that what you boys call it when you get stiff?" I nodded yes to her. She wrapped her hands around me and slowly moved them up and down. "Oh, I didn't think the skin would move with my hands. I thought your skin would be stretched tight. Does that feel good? Is this how boys masturbate?"

I looked at her hands moving along my now completely hard shaft and told her. "Pretty much that's how we do it. Is that how girls do it?"

She stopped moving her hands and looked up at my face. She then smiled her pretty smile. "Something like this. Do you want to watch me do it?" I stammered. "Ya, sure. I've always wondered if girls really do it like in X-rated movies."

"Aren't you going touch me?" She wanted to know. I had forgotten all about her breasts because of what she was doing to me.

I reached for her chest. Her breasts were so soft I couldn't believe it. Her nipples got harder when I ran my fingers over them. I was amazed at how much they pointed up and how hard they were. I pushed one down and watched as it sprang back up when I let go of it.

She replied. "That feels so good, much better than when I do it. I've never seen one of those films, so I don't know what they show. Let me play with you first." She continued moving her hands up and down my shaft.

It wasn't long before I could feel the first tingling in my stomach of an orgasm. "Debbie, you better stop."

"Why?" she wanted to know.

"Cause I'm getting close to going off. I don't want to surprise you and..." She interrupted me. "Oh, I didn't think it would happen so quickly. My brother seems to take a lot longer." But she did stop moving her hands up and down my shaft but didn't remove them. She watched me as I slowly got myself under control again.

"Your penis pluses and moves. Did you know that? And so did your hips. Do they always do that when you get close to...? What do boys call it anyway."

I continued exploring her soft chest.

I looked at her looking at me. She still had her hands wrapped around my dick. At first, I thought she was playing mind games with me, but she was so earnest in her quest to know. I didn't see anything that said she was mocking me.

"I call it 'getting off.' But some boys say 'blowing your load, cumming, most anything to describe it." She still had her hands on me, and she looked down at my dick and started to move her hands up and down again.

Debbie continued, "I heard some girls call it a 'hand job' but didn't know what they were talking about until I asked. They explained it as 'beating a guy off, or 'jerking him off' and then told me what it was. I guess I'm beating you off right now." Smiling, she said. "My first time beating off a boy, I'm actually doing it."

"Well, you haven't gotten me off, so I don't think it qualifies yet."

She looked at me again. "Do you want me to beat you off right now? I will if you want, but I want to explore you for a while and not rush our first time."

I agreed with her. I didn't want to rush it either. I lightly pinched both her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. She shuddered and then smiled at me.

She took one hand from my dick, placed it under my balls, and gently lifted them. Looking at how they moved in my sack, she asked. "Do you know what 'backseat kissing' is?" I told her no, I had never heard of it before.

"Linda K. was bragging about doing it when she goes on a date. She says she will give him some 'backseat kissing if she likes the guy.' She says she puts the guy's penis, she calls it a prick, in her mouth and will suck and lick him until he has an orgasm. She says if he has given her a great time, she will keep her mouth over him when he gets off and swallow his cum.

She says she has gotten used to the taste and doesn't mind doing it. Why do they call it a "Blow Job" if you don't blow but only suck and lick? Have you ever tasted yourself after you got off in your hand?"

"I don't know why it's called a blow job," I told her. I guess calling it a suck job sounds more like using a vacuum cleaner." We both laughed at that.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" I asked.

She nodded while slowly moving her hand up and down my stiff dick and massaging my balls with the other.

"Yes, I've tasted my cum a couple of times. It's salty but not much else. That doesn't mean I'm gay or anything; I was just curious about it. I had heard about Linda K. but didn't know if it was true or not. I guess that's why she has all the boys after her."

"Have you ever tried to get a date with her? I hear she'll go out with almost anyone."

"No, I'm not her type. She seems to like the jocks and the gorilla type of guys, and I'm just a nerdy book type."

Debbie put both her hands on my dick and resumed moving them up and down my length. She stopped. Some pre-cum had formed on the head of my dick, coating her finger. She was looking at it. I was surprised when she took her finger and wiped it off me. Then she put the finger in her mouth. She licked her finger clean and said. "Not bad. I could get used to it." Without warning, she bent her head and took my prick in her mouth. She bobbed up and down twice and then pulled off. I wanted more of that and said so. She just ignored me.

Without missing a beat, she said, "You're not the nerdy book type. Maybe a little shy but not nerdy. Besides, the jocks don't go asking girls like me out. Girls with little boobies, I mean."

I pulled both her nipples gently out from her breasts and let go, fascinated with watching them bounce back. I did it again. "I like what you have up top. Your boobs look just fine."

She closed her eyes and got a strange look on her face. "If you keep playing with me like you're doing, you will "get me off" standing right here."

"Would you like me to get you off?"

Instead of answering me, she bent over, and taking my hard prick in her mouth, she began bobbing her head up and down while sucking and licking me. It took about one minute. Before I could warn her, I exploded. She surprised me by not taking her mouth off me but began swallowing everything that came out; through it all, she still kept moving her hands up and down my dick. Once I quit moving, she raised her head and licked her lips.

"Debbie, I'm sorry. I should have stopped you before it happened."

"Why, I wanted to do it, and now I have. I can officially say I've done some "Back seat kissing," and you know what? I liked it."

Letting go of me, she stepped back and said. "Let's go in the cabin, and I'll show you how I do it, and then we can do it to each other."

She took my hand and, stepping down into the cabin, laid on one of the "V" bunks. She rolled on her back and lifted her hips. When I just stood there, I was unsure what to do until she told me. "Don't just look, take them off. How else are you going to watch me."

I took hold of her bikini bottom, half rolled, and half pulled them down her legs. As I did, I got my first look at her pubic hair, and just as she had said, she didn't have a thick amount. It was a light brown like her hair.

I finished taking her bottom off, and she relaxed. She smiled at me. "Like what you see?" I nodded. She opened her legs some and, pointing to her pussy said. "You can touch me there if you want."

I sat on the edge of the bunk, reached for her, and got my first feel for how soft her pubic hair was. I was surprised as this was my first time looking at a real pussy and its softness.

"Do you want to see how I play with myself?" She asked. She sat up and, piling some of the life jackets behind her, she leaned back.

"Why don't you lay down next to me." I started to get on the bunk with her, head to head, but she stopped me. "Not that way silly. We can't see as we play with each other that way.

"Turn around; I want to show you how I do it and play with your stiffy at the same time." I turned around and put my hip near hers while facing each other. "Now watch me so you will know how I like it done."

As she brought her right hand down to her pussy she opened and lifted her leg. I was looking at a girl's private area for the first time. Using her fingers, she rubbed them up and down between the folds of her vagina, bringing moisture to the outer lips. As she moved her fingers, I watched one disappear into her folds. Each time she brought it out again, there was more wetness on it. I could smell her, and I found it pleasant, not what I expected. She put two fingers into her and then opened herself to my eyes.

"See this? It's my clitoris. If you rub it just right, it will make me have an orgasm. Sometimes I rub it up and down like this." I watched as she used her two fingers, one on each side, and moved them up and down with her clitoris in the middle. "Sometimes, I like to move my fingers in a circle like this. But don't do it too hard cause it wouldn't feel good." I was fascinated by her movement and how her clit grew even bigger as she massaged it.

"Now you try it. Just be gentle at first, and it's not a race, so rub my pussy slowly." She gave a small giggle. "This is the first time I've said pussy to a boy. It's also the first time a boy has looked at it. Not counting my doctor."

"That's the first time I ever heard a girl say pussy, or anything else about sex," I said.

I reached forward and touched her pussy. It was surprisingly soft, and I liked it. I rub her clit and surrounding skin softly and gently around and around, just like she said too. I was surprised as her clit became harder, just like a boy's dick. I also noticed her pussy lips had become wet looking and redder in color. Her hips started to move up and down, her eyes closed, and her fingers opened her pussy more. I was fascinated by how pink she was inside.

As I rubbed her, she pushed one of her fingers into her and moved it in and out. "This is where a boy puts his dick when he wants to..wants to do it with a girl, you know, fuck." She giggled some more. "I can't believe I'm saying those words. Would you like me to use those words? It feels dirty to say it, but I feel naughty with what we're doing."

"Yeah, I'm feeling naughty too. I've never heard anyone talk like that. I've only read about it. But yeah, you can say them. It's okay with me if you don't mind me using them."

"Will you say them to me? I think with us touching each other, we could also say those things." She asked me as she pushed her finger in and out.

She was full of all kinds of surprises to me. I never in my wildest dreams thought a girl would like sex as much as a boy, much less want to do it. The fact she wanted to use those words I had read about had me stunned but intrigued. It also had me with a very hard-on.

"Am I rubbing your..pussy the right way?" I wanted to know. She giggled and told me I was doing it like she liked it. She reached for and took my dick in one hand and again started moving it up and down.

I couldn't help myself. I leaned forward and put my mouth on her pussy and quickly found her clit with my tongue. Her taste was something I hadn't expected to be so pleasing to me. I used my tongue to flick across her clit. Using her fingers, she pulled herself more open to my mouth.

"Ooh, right there. Do me right there." She moaned to me. I felt her hips start to buck against my mouth, but I didn't stop sucking her. I certainly didn't want to stop, but she was bucking so much that I had to pull away. She moved her fingers over her very red clit and rubbed it in a quick circle. When she raised her hips and clamped her legs together, I knew she had gotten off. She relaxed and lay there panting with her eyes closed. Her whole body was covered in a light sheen of sweat.

Being the geek I was, I asked a stupid question. "Did I do it right?"

She opened her eyes and smiled; getting up on her elbows, she said to me, "Yes, you licked me in the right way. Is that what's called 'eating pussy'?" I answered her with, "Yes, 'eating pussy' was what I called it, and you have a very tasty pussy."

With a big grin, she said, "If it's always that good, you can eat my pussy anytime you want."

She looked at me and my erection sticking up between my legs. "Maybe I should eat you again," I told her. I would love for her to do me again.

Before we could do anything else, two things happened.

First, one of our fishing lines began running out of the reel, which meant a fish was on the line. I had to leave the cabin and get to the rod before all the line was pulled out. I thought it would be a fish we could take home to prove we were fishing.

Second, I looked up and saw a boat that was fast approaching us. I thought 'fuck', there goes our fun.

"Debbie, get your clothes on quickly. We have company coming." I also grabbed my jeans and ducked down to put them on. She quickly came out of the cabin with her bathing suit mostly on. I had a last look at her white tits being covered up as she came up beside me.

I pulled the rod out of the holder and set the drag, then began reeling the fish in. It was a black-tip shark, not very big, but not one I wanted to keep.

I soon recognized the other boat as belonging to my best friend, Chuck. As he maneuvered his boat beside mine, he saw Debbie. She didn't know him other than seeing us together around the school.

We exchanged greetings, and I introduced them. "Catching anything?" he wanted to know. I told him the only thing so far was a shark, It was still on the line. I pulled the shark up to the boat and cut the line.

"I've been looking for you. Your mother told me where you would be. You want to go Snook fishing tonight?" He asked.

If I said yes, that would mean camping for the night since Snook fishing was a nighttime thing. We had been going camping and night fishing since before we were both teenagers. I looked at Debbie, and before I could say anything, she said she had to be home soon and would be busy tonight and tomorrow, so if I wanted to go, I should. I know I looked at her with disappointment, but she was right.

Turning to Chuck, I told him, "Sure. Let's eat supper at my house before we leave." As he shoved off from my boat, he said with a big grin. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." As he throttled up his engine, he waved to us and left.

Once Chuck was mostly out of sight, Debbie turned to me and kissed me with more passion than had happened before. She pulled away and told me she had to pee. I said to her there was an onboard toilet up in the cabin and started there to show her how to use it.

When I turned around, she had taken off her bikini bottom and was taking off her top. "Why can't we just jump over the side? I've never swam naked before. I think now is a good time to try it." With that, she climbed up onto the transom, smiled at me in her naked glory, and jumped in. I soon followed her in the same state of undress.

I moved onto the dive platform on the back of the boat, and she moved in between my legs, holding herself up by putting her arms over my legs. It was strange sitting there, naked with her between my legs and, for once, not having an erection even though my crotch was in her face.

"This really feels different, swimming with nothing on." She told me. "Have you ever done this before?"

I replied that yes, I had, many times. She wanted to know when. "When Chuck and I go camping on the outer islands, we sometimes go for the whole weekend. When no one else is around, we don't wear clothes." She thought that was strange. "Why?" I asked, "When my parents go camping, they don't wear clothes either." She was amazed when I told her that.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"One Sunday, Chuck and I returned from camping all weekend, and I was sunburned everywhere. My mom gave me some lotion to use. She told me it would help ease the burn. When I looked at her, she said that was the stuff she used when she and Dad got sunburned all over. So I asked if she and Dad go naked when camping?" She told me yes, they did.

Debbie laughed and told me that her mom would never say anything like that to her. She asked me what time was it? I looked at my watch and told her. She said we better get dressed before we burn all over. If that happened, her parents would be mad knowing what we had been doing.

We got out of the water and got dressed. We both did some touchy-feely and a lot of kissing with each other as we put on our clothes. I pulled in the fishing lines and anchor and went through the startup routine with the boat, and we headed home.

About halfway home, she was leaning on my leg, playing with my dick through my jeans. She pulled me down and said in my ear. "Make sure you have some condoms with you on graduation night." That night was six days away. I couldn't wait.


Debbie and I were married just over a year later. It lasted through two kids and twenty-six years. Then, I lost her to cancer. In all those years, she stayed as sexy and as adventurous as that day after school, when she first let me peel the sunburned skin from her. I miss her every day.
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