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This story upload is a response to a prompt posted on r/dirtywritingprompts :

"It's not commonly known that in the Elven homelands, elves go around naked. So the rest of the adventurers are pleasantly surprised when their sexy elf party-mate strips."

Everyone he is of legal age.
The wooded clearing quickly filled with the stench of blood and sweat. Five exhausted adventurers staggered into the area, sucking wind and leaning on nearby trees and boulders. After a moment of silent breathing, the sound of vomiting split the air as Wizard spilled the contents of her stomach.

“We’ll set up here,” Ranger spoke to the group. As their De Facto leader, she always made the call of where to make camp. “We’ll need a long rest. Wizard needs to gain some spells back and -... bury that will you? Bears can smell it - and we all need some sleep.”

Barbarian lay against a stump, her chest heaving with exhaustion, and her furs drenched with her own blood.

“Ah don’ think ah can take another step. Twas the roughest dungeon ever cleared,” She exclaimed.

“And for the worst payoff,” Fighter agreed, turning up her boot. A disgusting line of semi-coagulated blood drizzled slowly out, pooling on the ground. She’d taken the worst of the attacks, and her skin bristled with dozens of tiny darts, giving her the appearance of a porcupine.

“Aye, what kind o’ shite was that?” Barbarian asked, “Two measly silver coins? Have ya lost yer touch, Ranger?”

“I didn’t know the dungeon had already been cleared,” Ranger defended herself, “None of us did.”

“Wizard nearly died for those two coins,” Fighter gestured to their exhausted mage, who was still laying face down in the grass of the clearing, “You guys couldn’t even fight in the same direction as me.”

“None of us fought as one!” Ranger’s harsh tone silenced the whiners.

“Barbarian ran ahead on her own. Fighter couldn’t do anything but stand right next to Wizard, who fired off every one of her spell slots indiscriminately,”

Wizard raised a thumbs up, accepting her portion of the blame.

“And Rogue - you killed everything you touched, which I guess is your job.” Ranger glared at her party, each more physically destroyed and exhausted than the last, save one. Their newest member, the slim, quiet, elf Rogue. He crouched on a rock, his piercing eyes roving the woods around the camp. From the look of him, he hadn’t taken a single hit.

Wiping sweat and blood from her own face, Ranger spoke again.

“Everyone just rest. I’ll get started on a fire and some supper.” She offered.

“Oh, Aye miss, aye!” Barbarian cried, jumping to her feet in a manner contradicting her earlier claims of exhaustion. “Ah’m starving!” She shouted. The big woman sat cross-legged on the ground, salivating and watching the Ranger as she effortlessly kindled a fire. Her ready woodcraft skill and love of exotic spices made her the obvious choice for camp cook, as well as team leader.

By the time Ranger had gathered water from the nearby stream and set out their meager meat rations for preparation, Wizard had crawled miserably over to the campfire. The waifish young woman was pale and weak, and collapsed on her side, eyes staring distantly into the flames.

“You okay, kid?” Fighter joined her, nudging the younger woman affectionately. It was an open secret that Fighter had a thing for the talented young wizard.

“Today was a lot,” Wizard admitted, “I’ve never pushed that hard.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The party settled into silence as Ranger prepared their evening meal. None of them could find the energy to speak or move, quietly staring as Ranger laid strips of salted meat across a pan. The sounds of the daytime forest calmed them none at all.

“I’m going to bathe,”

Everyone was surprised to hear Rogue speak, and their eyes all snapped up to the elf standing at the edge of the clearing. His armor lay in a pile beside him, and the midday light struck the full height of his naked body. Though he was thin, he was lean and wiry, and the muscles of his abdomen and chest appeared carved from stone. His long blond hair was tied back behind his neck in a ponytail, showing his ruby earrings.

Ranger, Fighter, Wizard, and Barbarian all stared at the handsome, nude young man. He didn’t seem to notice their lustful gazes, instead turning to walk down to the nearby stream. Four sets of eyes closely followed the movement of his firm, taught ass. As he disappeared from the clearing, it was Barbarian who spoke first.

“Bloody HELL,” The big woman cursed, “Ah’ve seen no ass like it in me life. As if ‘e’s smugglin’ two slabs of chiseled marble ‘neath his trousers.”

Ranger chuckled to herself, but couldn’t help but to agree.

“He is a good looking elf. Don’t make him feel uncomfortable,” She chided.

“Don’t make him feel uncomfortable?” Fighter cut in, “He just stripped to his skin right in front of us.”

“He’s bathing,” Ranger argued.

“Could have stripped closer to the river,” Fighter argued back.

“No, no, twas fine there!” Barbarian snapped, indignant. Even the sickly Wizard laughed at the lusty Barbarian.


Spiced meat and roast vegetables were being laid across wooden plates for the party as Rogue strolled back into camp, still completely naked. His comrades watched him come in, some making more of an effort not to stare than others. It surprised them to see he pulled up a rock beside the fire and reached for his portion of the meal, still entirely nude. They chewed their food silently, slowly recovering their strength and energy.

Ranger tried to appear like she wasn’t looking and wasn’t bothered, but she was both.

Wizard was focused on her meal. The young mage was beginning to regain her

complexion and vitality as she ate.

Barbarian alternated eating her meal and staring straight across the firepit at the dangling cock and balls of Rogue, who rested his elbows on his spread knees while he took his meal.

Fighter finally had to say something.

“Do you usually eat dinner naked?” She asked, a hint of indignance in her voice.

“Yes.” Rogue answered succinctly before sinking his teeth into a strip of roast squash. The conversation could have ended there, but Fighter wasn’t satisfied.

“It’s a bit rude, isn’t it?” She asked, fighting hard to keep her angry glare locked only on the eyes of the elf. Try as she might, even her righteous indignation couldn’t keep her gaze from wandering down to his clean shaven penis and testes, dangling freely below him. She allowed herself to look only briefly before snapping her eyes back to his.

Rogue chewed his food thoughtfully for a moment.

“From my perspective, it’s rude to break bread while guarding yourselves with armor.”

Fighter had enough. She dropped her meat onto her plate, standing up.

“You think you can get me out of clothes that easily, you arrogant litt-,”

“It’s Elvish tradition!” To everyone’s surprise, Wizard interrupted. She had regained much of her strength.

“They consider it a sign of mistrust to wear clothing during a meal.” She explained. Fighter’s shoulders sagged, and she looked back and forth between Rogue and Wizard, still trying to find an excuse to be upset. Finally, Wizard grabbed Fighter’s arm and pulled, begging her friend to sit back down. Fighter inevitably relented.

“Well, no reason t’ give the wrong impression!” Barbarian stood, quickly dropping her furs and strapping to the ground. The dark-skinned Barbarian stood nude before them, her massive muscles framing her equally massive breasts. Besides her wild, unshaven crotch, her body was specked and crossed with scars and tattoos. As she sat and resumed her meal, now entirely naked, Rogue nodded in her direction.

“Thank you,” He said. Barbarian smiled back at him, winking.

“Like whatcha see?” She asked.

“Your body is very beautiful,” He replied, casual and easygoing.

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Fighter mumbled, rolling her eyes. She startled with shock when Wizard stood, pulling her robe top over her head. The pale young woman dropped her robe top and unfastened her skirt, revealing her tiny, pale breasts and clean shaven vulva. Her clear, porcelain skin seemed to glow in the bright sunlight. Like Barbarian, she simply sat down and resumed her meal.

Fighter was at a loss for words. She gaped quietly at Wizard, her brain misfiring.

“What?” Wizard looked at Fighter quizzically, “I’m being polite.”

“I appreciate your shows of etiquette,” Rogue spoke, his voice as calm and clear as ever, “However, I do not wish anyone to be uncomfortable for my sake. I am aware that the traditions of our lands are different.”

“Ah’m never more comfy’n me birthday suit,” Barbarian explained, licking spices from her fingers with a smile.

Wizard smiled at Rogue. “I’ve visited your lands. It’s how I’m aware of your culture. I grew accustomed to it,” She smiled, and Rogue nodded in appreciation.

“You are very kind friends.” He said.

Ranger’s eyes darted about the clearing, her face flushing and her head filling with confused, bisexual angst. Normally calm and collected, the very aroused woman struggled to be the model leader.

“I, uh, suppose, uh, if it’s in the sake of, you know, of making everyone feel welcome, I’ll uh, well, me too, right?” She said.

Their stoic leader removed her clothing in a formulaic pattern, unfastening the leather strap which held her quiver, and setting aside her scabbard and sword belt. After losing her breeches, the toned, mature woman was showing off her tight, flat stomach. The normally olive-skinned Ranger blushed, turning her cheeks the same ruddy brown color as her nipples.

Soon, the noon meal was finished. The party continued to laze around the fire, chatting and making small talk. Everyone was happy and comfortable, except the grumpy and still fully clothed Fighter, who frowned persistently. As the group regained energy, the food and the sunlight improved their moods, and finally, even Rogue seemed to smile at one of Barbarian’s jokes. The big woman couldn’t control herself any longer.

“Ah know Ah’m being forward with ye, lad, but you’re round ‘bout the most handsome young man Ah’ve ever seen. Would you fancy a quick fuck? We can ‘ed to the river, to keep our fair Fighter from faintin’.”

Wizard gasped, and Ranger raised her eyebrows in surprise. Rogue was entirely unfazed.

“Madam, I’ve noticed your body as much as you’ve noticed mine. I would enjoy that greatly," he replied.

Before Fighter had time to register an indignant complaint, Ranger’s pent-up nerves burst through her dam of decency.

“Threesome?” She asked quickly, “I mean, if, like, if there’s room for one more,” She clarified nervously. Though she spoke with a sheepish smile, she quickly made a serious face, attempting to maintain her facade of the cool, collected leader.

“Aye! I’ve wanted yer tits in me mouth from the moment ye popped’em out!” Barbarian shouted. With an uncharacteristic subtlety, she deferred to her soon-to-be coital partner.

“Ah mean, if it’s fair to ye, elf.”

“Both of you have my full consent. Indeed, there’s no person here I would reject.” His answer was concise and accurate, subtly inviting the other two members of the party to the orgy.

Wizard spoke next, the petite woman eagerly accepting.

“If we can’t fight unified, maybe we can fuck unified.” She laughed. The rest of the party laughed with her, and even the stoic Rogue betrayed a slight grin.

They grew silent as all eyes fixed on Fighter. Still clad in her blood-smeared armor, the grumpy woman peered through slitted eyelids at the rest of the party. She took a deep breath.

“ Alright, fine,” Fighter conceded with an eye roll, “I am pretty horny.”

“AYE!” Barbarian cheered.

“Yay!” Wizard squeaked.

Fighter undressed herself, letting the metal plates of her armor crash to the ground, clanging loudly on the rock. Once free of her armor, she tossed aside her chainmail hauberk with a single motion, showing off her well-muscled body. Fighter’s abdomen was thoroughly defined, her breasts were nearly flat, and the muscles of her shoulders bulged almost as much as Barbarian’s. Though she was thin like Rogue, Fighter was not wiry - Her muscles showed her to be quite strong and bulky, a contrast to the lithe muscularity of the small elf male.

“‘Bout time!” Barbarian cried. She leapt across the fire, apparently having no fear of burning her sensitive bits on the tall flames, and scooped Rogue up in her arms. The thin man almost disappeared beneath her massive breasts and biceps. He happily accepted her tongue as she crammed his mouth full.

“Don’t hog!” Ranger objected, moving next to the two lovers.

“Aye, sorry, you go below,” Barbarian shifted Rogue in her arms, holding him in a bridal carry. With his legs spread, Ranger could lean over Barbarian’s arm and suck his cock. She slurped him happily, sucking the tip of his longer, thin penis and dragging her tongue across his testes.

While she cradled Rogue, Barbarian craned her head down to his, kissing him with an enthusiasm that bordered on violence. He happily accepted, wrapping one arm around her neck and fondling her big, round boobs with his free hand.

Fighter watched in disbelief as her adventuring party turned orgiastic. She almost couldn’t believe it as Ranger’s hand came up behind Barbarian’s ass, sliding into her crack, dragging up and down between the big woman’s muscled cheeks. Wizard’s hand on hers drew her attention.

“Where should we join?” Wizard asked, smiling up at Fighter. Fighter wasn’t sure how to respond, but turned back to face the threesome in front of them.

“‘We’?” She asked.

“Of course,” Wizard replied, “Let’s stay by each other,” She smiled. Fighter smiled too, and bent down to kiss her. The two women kissed affectionately for a moment, pressing their bodies together. When the kiss finally broke, Wizard tugged Fighter toward the orgy again.

“Let’s get in there! You pick a place. I’m with you,” She said.

“Oh. I pick? I suppose. I’ve always thought Barbarian had a nice ass. We could lick it,” Fighter suggested.

Wizard pulled Fighter over to where Barbarian stood. The tall woman still cradled Rogue like a lover, holding the elf’s legs slightly lower so Ranger could reach his cock and balls with her mouth.

Dropping to their knees behind Barbarian, Fighter and Wizard kissed once more. Wizard reached for Ranger’s wandering hand, removing it gently from Barbarian’s ass. Their leader didn’t object.

Wizard used both hands to pull apart Barbarian’s massive, muscled cheeks, pushing her face between them. Her lips met Barbarian’s asshole, and the tall woman let out a surprised exclaim.

“Oh, aye!” Barbarian bent at the hips, keeping her legs straight and lowering Rogue to the ground. “Sorry lad, what I’m getting ‘round back is too good tah ignore!” She apologized.

Fighter watched with pur lust as Wizard’s lips pressed against Barbarian’s anus. The petite pale Wizard let her tongue push into the big, dark skinned Barbarian, frenching the big woman’s ass. After a few moments of heavily tonguing Barbarian, Wizard withdrew, leaving a strand of spit to connect her mouth to Barbarian’s asshole. Fighter hated herself for it, but the allure of Barbarian’s beautiful backside was too much, and her arousal crushed her chastity. She pushed her face between the big woman’s cheeks, dragging her tongue across Barbarian’s anus.

With Barbarian now bent over, hands flat on the ground, Rogue was no longer being held like a newlywed, and Ranger had to release him from her mouth. The two watched for a short while as Fighter and Wizard took turns giving Barbarian annilingus. Eventually, they turned their sights on each other.

“Do you want to fuck me?” Ranger asked, reaching down to gently tug on Rogue’s cock.

“Yes,” Rogue replied, crossing his arm across hers to run his fingers over her labia. They shared several gentle kisses, tongues in each other's mouths, before Ranger dropped to her hands and knees. She arranged herself so she was behind Barbarian, watching Fighter and Wizard eat the big woman’s ass. Rogue knelt to the soil behind her, rubbing his cock’s tip between her pussy lips, smearing her juice across the head before slowly pushing himself into her. Ranger groaned with pleasure as Rogue bottomed out inside her and began to fuck her cunt. With a firm grip on her hips, Rogue began to drive in and out of their leader.

“Och, I can’t do it forever!” Barbarian eventually had to straighten her legs, pushing the two women away from her ass. She turned to face Fighter and Wizard, who looked up at her with lustful faces.

“Suck me tits instead, will ye?” Barbarian asked. She knelt next to the two of them, and each of them happily took a breast into their mouth and sucked. Barbarian’s nipples were large and dark, so large that when the very petite wizard opened her mouth as wide as she could, sucking Barbarian’s nipple into her open mouth, her lips still did not cover the areola.

From this position, Rogue and Barbarian were kneeling next to each other. While Rogue pumped his cock in and out of Ranger, and Barbarian gently cupped the heads of the women sucking on her tits, they took the perfect opportunity to resume their salacious kiss. Barbarian forced her tongue into Rogue’s mouth, and he sucked it happily while still humping Ranger. Barbarian withdrew for a breath, but kept her mouth open, and Rogue spat onto her tongue. The large, muscled woman smiled, adding her own salvia, and then pressed her lips to Rogue’s and dropped the mouthful of spit back into his mouth. They swapped the load of spit back forth between their mouths several times, finally leaving Barbarian’s mouth full.

With a mouthful of saliva, Barbarian threaded her fingers into Wizard’s blonde hair and pulled the young woman’s mouth from her nipple. Wizard looked up, her mouth still agape, and watched as Barbarian’s slightly parted lips dropped a sizable dollop of spit into her mouth. Without thinking, Wizard leaned across Barbarian’s chest to Fighter. Fighter ceased sucking on Barbarian’s nipple long enough to kiss Wizard, who used her tongue to push the spit into Fighter’s mouth.

“Give it to her,” Rogue spoke cooly. He bent down over Ranger, his chest pressing against her back, and grabbed a fistful of her hair. Ranger’s face was twisted up with pleasure as he held her head up. Fighter leaned over to Ranger, meeting her lips, and forcing the spit into the panting woman’s mouth. Rogue’s hand came up between them, and still humping Ranger from behind, he clamped her mouth shut.

“Swallow it,” He said, his thrusts increasing in speed.

Ranger groaned. She came as she swallowed the party’s collective spit, her pussy tightening with her orgasm. She quivered across her whole body, grunting and moaning with pleasure.

Barbarian, Fighter, and Wizard all watched as Rogue slowly withdrew his cock from Ranger. Though she was the only one who had orgasmed, they had all watched as their leader, drunk with pleasure, had swallowed a mouth full of their mixed saliva while orgasming. A feeling settled on them, as if they’d completed an ancient rite or ritual. Without speaking, they felt a sense of completion.

The party was one.


2024-08-28 05:12:19
I'm seriously loving your stories so far. Awesome concepts and expert writing

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