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There is a land where all the women have been infected with a vampire disease, but instead of blood, they need cum. Men who travel there dress as women to pass unmolested, but sometimes they are found out and a feeding frenzy breaks out.
“If we are approached, do not speak.”

The dark hair of my bodyguard blew in the wind, and she turned her head against the breeze to shield her eyes from the drifting sand. Sonya was rugged in appearance, with a scar across the corner of her left eye. Beneath her white cloak, her rough, muscular hands lightly fingered the pommel of her shortsword. The woman had grit to her, born from a lifetime of hardship that I had never known.

She’d better have grit. I was paying her well enough.

I nodded, poking our campfire to stir a swirl of sparks that drifted into the cool desert evening. Nearby, other travelers huddled around their campfires, sharing songs and stories in women’s voices. Fortunately, a veil was a common piece of gear on a breezy desert night, and a good number of the women wore face coverings to match my own.

“Do you think any of them are vampires?” I whispered, leaning over the fire.

“Almost certainly. We’re three days' ride to the nearest town, I’ve no doubt these hills are filled with Queenlords. They may not need the water,” She gestured to the well nearby, “But many will linger here, hoping some man will be foolish enough to trek through the heart of their territories… and stop for a drink,” Sonya’s condescending glare had been constant for the last week, and I had long since ceased to care. She clearly thought I was a fool to be here.

“May I share your fire?” A woman’s voice breached our conversation, and my hand shot foolishly to the trunk I sat on.

I ran a palm over the lock. Sonya had chided me about publicly displaying where my valuables were kept, but I did not have the lifetime of mistrust that had been beaten into my bodyguard.

“It’s so cold, and so quickly,” The woman who approached us wore typical desert clothing, a white cloak tightly wrapped around her body and a cowl about her head. She smiled with her lips closed, a sign I wasn’t supposed to trust.

“We’re not sharing, sorry.” Sonya was brusque. I appreciated her for it.

“And what about you, cutie, do you mind sharing? My wives and I could keep you warm tonight.” The woman looked into my eyes, and I looked away quickly. I shook my head silently.

“She’s not interested,” Sonya spoke for me.

‘My wives,’ she’d said. A harem was not a certain sign that she was a vampire Queenlord, but it didn’t help her case either.

“But she’s so cute. I love a woman with… manly hands,” The stranger ran her tongue over her lips, eyes locked on me. I began to sweat, which was not good. The more I sweated, the more they could smell me.

My bodyguard stood, pulling the hem of her cloak back to reveal her sheathed sword.

“I said she’s not interested,” Sonya repeated.

The stranger’s eyes fell on the hilt of the blade, and a look of disgust flashed across her features before being replaced with a sneer.

“Suit yourselves,” She said. Without so much as the crunch of sand, our visitor disappeared silently into the night.

I swallowed, thankful for my loyal bodyguard. The silver hilt of her blade would give as much pause to a Werewolf as a Queenlord, but the message was the same.

We said nothing for the rest of the evening. We cooked and ate in silence (I slipped the food beneath my veil without removing it), and laid out our bedrolls beneath the stars. As I moved to douse the fire, Sonya stopped me.

“I’m going to pee, leave the light on. And don’t do anything stupid,” She said, strolling off into the night.

I sat by the steadily dimming fire for what felt like an eternity, waiting for the return of my bodyguard. As the stars moved across the sky, the sound of the wind slowly died, indicating the passing of dusk into the true night time. As my eyes grew heavy, I yawned.

“What a deep voice you yawn with.”

I snapped my mouth shut. The stranger from before had appeared almost out of thin air, sitting across from me at the campfire. I didn’t reply, silently begging Sonya to return quickly.

“It’s not unusual for women to hire mercenary bodyguards for protection in the desert.”

The stranger pretended to stare into the fire, but her eyes continually flicked to me, an unpleasant mixture of both wild hunger and heavy-lidded seduction.

“It’s not unheard of for men to do the same.”

I did not reply. Logs shifted in the fire. I stared into her hungry eyes. I felt a pit form in my stomach, a heavy feeling of dread and regret. She knew.

“They always run into the same problems though.”

She smiled, baring her vampiric fangs. Her demeanor shifted in an instant. With a single movement, she unclasped her cloak and tossed it aside. As she stood naked before me, the wind whipped up again as if by magic, carrying her cloak into the night.

“Mercenaries can be bought!” She yelled, her animalistic voice splitting the night, her guttural laugh fading into a howl of delight. Instinctively, I backed away from her, falling backwards off of the trunk. The laughter surrounded me now, and I heard many voices joining the Queenlord’s.

“My wives will drink you!” She cried, leaping across the fire. Her bare foot came down on my chest, and I looked up in awe at her naked form.

She was pale beyond imaging, with skin as white as porcelain. In shape, her body was perfection. She had a thin waist and wide hips, with large round breasts and a slender neck. Her nipples seemed to want to be pink - but a lack of warmth in her body gave her areolas a gray hue. Her black hair blew wildly around her head, and her features - a short, pointed chin and high cheekbones - were as sharp as her unwavering gaze.

“But I will drink you first.”

Hands clawed at my body from the darkness around me. There must have been half a dozen vampires in the Queenlord’s coven. I saw flashes of them in the waning firelight. Some were sickly pale like their mistress, others had been dark skinned in life, cursed now with a deathly ash black. All were naked and horny and beautiful, slavering over me. Were it not for the potential permanence of my situation, I would have enjoyed the attention of such lovely creatures.

“Have fun girls, but remember… he’s mine.” The Queenlord stepped back into the shadow, and her coven swarmed me.

Their claws hurt as they tore at my clothes. Blood welled from shallow cuts and scrapes along my torso and legs as they hungrily ripped my cloak from my body. Normal vampires would have torn me apart in a feeding frenzy to expose more of my blood, but with the Desert Maidens, blood was not their goal. I felt hands groping blindly through the melee, squeezing my penis, pulling on it, fingers cupping my balls eagerly, excited to feel the touch of manflesh.

I tried to fight, to stand to my feet, to roll over and throw them off of me, but I was overwhelmed. A single vampiress straddled my shoulders, and with demonic fury she pressed her cold, wet cunt against my face.

“Lick!” She ordered. The protection of my veil was long gone, and I was too frightened to defy her. I thrust my tongue between her labia, tasting her pussy. She held my head with both hands as he mounted my face. As I licked her, she began to rock her hips back and forth, fucking my mouth. Her face twisted with pleasure as she stared down at me with a fanged smile.

The vampiresses about my torso were growing aggressive. I feared for the safety of my fragile genitals as they scuffled, pushing each other aside, thirsting to fulfill their own lascivious needs. I could see nothing but the plump breasts of the one who was using my mouth, and could only feel the sensations of the other vampires violating my lower body.

A cold, wet mouth enveloped my cock, sucking desperately. I was quickly becoming hard and was beginning to enjoy it, before she was suddenly and violently removed by a rival member. Another mouth enveloped my cock briefly, before a sound like a shrieking cat split the air. Both women fell into a tussle, spitting and cursing as they tumbled about in the sand. A third contestant happily took their place as they fought, fondling my balls aggressively as she took my cock in her throat. She fellated me, sucking powerfully, then focused her attention on the tip of my hard cock, rubbing her moist lips around the head. Despite myself, despite the situation, the sensation of ice cold moisture electrified my cock.

Other women were less violent, though no less eager. The vampiress using my mouth was joined by two eager submissives. They cuddled closely to her, sucking her tits with vigor, lifting her large plump breasts off her chest with the force of their affectionate suckling. She happily accepted their mouths on her tits, pausing them only to run her long, thin tongue into their mouths. She let them each suck on her tongue only briefly before violently forcing their heads back to her nipples. The entire display took place while she rubbed her cunt on my mouth, aggressively dragging her clit across my tongue and lips, fucking my face.

Through it all, the Queenlord was nowhere to be seen. As the vampiress fucking my face neared her orgasm, I neared mine as well. But a single commanding voice ceased the action.

“Enough!” The Queenlord called, “My turn.”

Her harem scattered. Crawling off of me and leaving me alone on my back in the sand. The one who had fucked my mouth dragged a strand of spit and juice across my face as she fled, coating my forehead and filling my hair. My body was covered with shallow cuts and minor bruises, as well as plentiful saliva and other fluids. I lay completely still, breathing hard. My cock was erect, glistening with vampiress spit in the firelight.

The Queenlord stalked forward, her perfect, naked body surrounded by fawning submissives. The lesser vampires pushed in close, tongues extending to her skin, each hoping to claim but an inch of her flesh for their own taste. They fell over each other constantly, painfully driven by lust to lick and fondle their Queenlord, but equally driven by fear not to impede her slow march towards me.

The mighty Queenlord came to a stop in front of me, staring down her nose in an impossibly condescending manor. Around her, submissives quivered and whined, tongues and hands extended for a touch or a taste of their mistress’s porcelain skin.

“Now let’s see. Whom shall I choose?” She asked, still staring at me as I fought to recover my breath. The coven fell completely silent. Vampiresses surrounded their mistress, puffing their chests out and lifting their breasts with their arms, each trying to impress the Queenlord.

“Lillith,” She finally said, laying a finger on the top of a submissive’s head. “You were such a good girl, sniffing him out at the well. Prepare him,” The dark-haired submissive quivered with pleasure at her mistress’s touch, while the rest of the harem seemed to deflate, slinking to the edge of the firelight.

Lilith eagerly stood over me, her feet in the sand on either side of my hips. She began to lower herself on my body, but the Queenlord corrected her.

“Ah ah ah, Lilly, do not face the little mortal. Face your goddess,” She ordered.

Lilith quickly corrected herself, turning and pointing her ass at me. I watched her perfect cheeks as she lowered herself over my erection. The Queenlord’s cold fingers wrapped slowly around my cock. With one hand, she directed my erection, gripping me tightly. With her other hand, she stroked and opened her slave’s cunt, fingers prying apart Lillith’s labia. They kissed as Lillith covered me, taking my cock inside her body.

She rode me quickly, eagerly, fucking my cock hard. My shaft pressed against the walls of per pussy, squeezed almost beyond bearing by the pressure of her cunt.

Lillith and her mistress kissed passionately, smearing each other’s breasts and necks with saliva, fondling and groping each other’s tits while Lillith hammered down on my pelvis. Lillith may have been copulating with me, but she was making love with her Queenlord.

Despite the temperature of Lillith’s pussy, she was tight and wet, and the erotic visual of the gorgeous women’s debauched passion was forcing me toward orgasm. I moaned, and began to tense my hips, preparing to orgasm.

Lillith recognized the signs and dove off of me in a flash, throwing herself to the sand out of fear for her mistress. Her cunt was quickly replaced by the cold, wet mouth of the Queenlord, who slurped greedily on my cock, her lips and tongue working me fervently. The pleasure of her mouth overwhelmed me, and I thrust with all of my might, burying my cock deep between her lips as I came, spurting rope after rope straight down the Queenlord’s throat. She held me gently between her lips as my cock spurted, the ejaculations slowing to lazy twitches against her tongue.

The Queenlord swallowed it all. Her flesh seemed to glow and redden as she took in my cum. A new vigor rushed through her body, and as she took her mouth away from my softening cock, she smiled with her eyes closed, a look of pure enjoyment across her face.

I lay quietly in the sand. I dare not move or speak.

The Queenlord opened her eyes, flicking them down to my soft penis. With one hand, she lifted my flaccid head, and ran a finger across the tip. A tiny amount of cum was still stuck on the urethral opening, and she collected it.

“Lillith,” She called, “Come here, pet.”

In a flash, Lilith was at her mistress’s feet, begging like a puppy for scraps. The Queenlord lowered her finger to Lillith’s mouth, inserting the pitiful drop of cum between the vampire's hungry lips. As Lillith eagerly sucked on her finger, the Queenlord looked at me.

“You belong to me now, cutie.”


2024-08-28 04:58:56
Absolutely fantastic! keep up the great work!

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