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Feeling let down from constant refusals by my wife, I went online looking for some satisfaction. I didn't expect what I would find and to where it would lead to.
Part I

This whole story, in six parts, is about a four-hour read, give yourself some time if you want to read it all.


A rather boring night was well under way. The wife Beth was at her sister’s house, my fifteen-year-old son Mark was wrapped up in some video game with his online friends, and Jennifer, my seventeen-year-old daughter was holed up in her room doing whatever it is teenage girls do for hours with a hairbrush and a make-up kit. I was on my own and completely unmotivated to pick up any of the outstanding household chores that each needed some level of attention.

What I really wanted to do was fuck my wife, but as noted, she was already out for the night and that was no option. As long as my dick was nagging me to get frisky I decided to go into my home office and check out any online sites to see if I could find something that would inspire a boner that I could stimulate to a moderately satisfying release.

I decided to check the emails first, just in case there was anything to take care of but there was nothing but a spam message that was touting ‘LOCAL LIVE CAMS FOR HOT GIRLS NEAR YOU!!’

‘My ass’, I thought, local to them meant half a country away. I looked at the link and recognized the site, I knew it for having a variety of porn pics and videos but I never knew they had live cams. I didn’t click the link though – can’t trust the shit in your emails, I typed in the site name myself into my browser and scrolled the main screen to find the live cam link there.

Clicking that button opened up a new page with a bunch of pics of girls to scroll though that could be ***********ed for live action viewing, at a cost. I rolled the mouse wheel to move the page down and scanned the images for anything that might peak my interest. A bunch of the girls were all overdone with their make-up and hair, more than a few had some rather expensive boob jobs that left their tits taking up more than half of the pic. They all had exciting or de***********ive names like ‘Starfire’ or ‘OralExpert’ or ‘BentOver4U’. Keep scrolling. I got to the end of the list and clicked on Next Page, more of the same. I sped up the rate of moving down the page, no longer considering each image for erotic potential but just looking for something to jump out at me. I got about three quarters of the way down then I suddenly stopped and backed up. There was a blonde hottie with the screen name of ‘Coed Dream Girl’ who caught my eye and I wanted to check her out, subtle but alluring eye liner and shadow, her hair was done nicely. You could see her tits were out but the image was basically from the mid body and up, every few seconds the pic updated and you could see her moving or turning her head as she talked into a headset. After one update I got a clear, direct look at her face and realized it was my daughter Jennifer. I didn’t know what to do, I froze in my chair not sure if I should click her JOIN link to truly verify it was her or if I should close the page and get the hell out of there.

That couldn’t be her, maybe just a girl that looks like her, but I glanced over her shoulder and recognized the poster on the wall behind her for one of Jennifer's favorite bands. That was certainly my daughter, no doubt about it. I was still in a state of shock and I was debating what to do. Rather than click on any more links, or bail from the page, I got up and quietly left the room I use for my office to sneak up and listen at her bedroom door. I stood as still as I could manage, I was afraid my pounding heart was going to knock me off balance and make me fall over. I strained to hear anything for a few moments and then I heard her talk.

“What would you like to see? I charge fifteen for that, once I get the notice that you’ve paid I’ll do that for you.”

I went back to my office and closed the door again, feeling certain that I just heard something that confirmed she was the girl online, but I wanted to know for absolute sure. I clicked on her JOIN button and the first thing I got was the pop-up wanting me to log in or join the website. Fuuuuck. I was anxious to get onto her page but there were forms to fill out, all sporting bold text notes about ultimate privacy guaranteed for members, and a list of various pricing options. Membership was cheap, the real costs would come if you got onto a girl’s page and made requests for different things, and because of all that you had to provide credit card info as well. I didn’t really want provide a credit card but they assured the billing was discretely listed as ‘Personal Supply Services’; at least with that I wouldn’t have to worry about my wife seeing the credit card bill and asking some difficult or potentially awkward questions if she happened to check my business mail. After a few moments to conjure up a generic sounding screen name I was automatically added to her page of viewers.

The first thing I saw was a holding screen that was pretty much a waiting room for her to finish her last request and get back to the live action request line. It only took a moment before I saw her sitting there. I had no doubt that the girl there was my own daughter. Age of consent in our state is sixteen, she was certainly old enough to choose to have sex, but she wasn’t old enough to get onto a web page like this that required you be a minimum of eighteen, she must have lied to get onto the site. As soon as she saw my name on her list she welcomed me through the microphone on her headset. “Hi, thanks for joining my page ‘CarGuy’. I’m open to any requests you have, your time and costs will vary, depending on what you request.”

There was a chat entry line at the bottom of the page that I was glad to see, I didn’t want to do a live response and have her recognize my voice. There was also an option to go two-way live cam, but there was no way I was going to do that either. I gave her thanks for her greeting and started a conversation.

“Wow, you’re beautiful.”


“Would you mind standing up and turning around? I’d like to see more of you.”

I saw her smile, “I’ll do that one for free.”

I could already see her 34C breasts and slightly firmed nipples, when she stood up I could see her flat tummy and the fact that her pussy was shaved clean, I nearly choked when I saw her slit. She turned around slowly, letting me see everything from mid-thighs to her shoulders. Her waist narrowed slightly and she had a tight ass, I was waiting for her to face me again so I could see more of her pussy. It was like she read my mind, when she was facing the camera again she stood still for a few moments so I got some extra time to see where her slit disappeared down between her legs. I stared at her with some defined interest, the whole ‘daughter’ concern went out the window as I imagined seeing more of her pussy and I realized my dick was starting to get hard. I reached into my pants and moved it to come up and lay against my stomach to give it some room to grow.

“Thank you, you’re a stunning woman.”

“You’re welcome. Is there anything else you’d like to see?”

I was hesitant to answer. I knew what I wanted but I was almost too afraid to ask.


The tension was killing me, my fingers were shaky and I typed in my request, “Would you let me see you where you get wet, up close?”

“That’ll be twenty dollars, but I’ll make sure you get what you want.”

I felt like I went blind, I couldn’t see the entry box to put in the dollar amount even though it was prominently featured in a fixed window on the upper right portion of the screen. Once I caught my breath I typed in the amount and hit Send.

“Thank you. Give me a moment to move my camera, I want to make sure you get everything you paid for.”

I watched as the image on the screen changed from a top of the monitor view to where it was down on the desktop, she adjusted the angle a little then stood up. She moved her chair to the side and put her left foot up on it. The camera was positioned well, I could clearly see into her pussy when she spread herself open with two fingers of one hand. My dick went stone hard. I slipped the button at the waist of my jeans open and undid my fly to set myself free.

I heard her doing something with her mouth, some kind of wet sound, then I saw the tip of her middle finger of her other hand come down and start to circle her clit, you could tell it was wet from her mouth.

“Can you see that? Do you like it?”

“Yes, I like it a lot.” I typed in response.

“Keep watching, I’m going to get wet just for you.”

She slid her fingertip down to her tight hole and dipped it into herself a few times, I could see her getting wetter as she played with herself and I heard the wet smacking of sound as her finger moved in and out. She pushed her finger in to the first knuckle and held it there as she thrust her hips forward and gave me a close-up view of her finger fucking herself. My dick was about to pop.

“See that? My pussy is wet for you. I’m going to play with it a little more for you okay?”

What could I say? This was one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen. I’d asked my wife any number of times to do something similar, but she was only interested in having sex under the covers and with the lights off. Now I was getting what I had been refused before. That thought that this was my daughter Jennifer was still in the back of my mind, but watching her show off her pussy and play with it was a powerful image and long sought after interest. I didn’t want her to stop.

She moved her hips around to make sure I got a complete view of her wet slot, I could tell she was genuinely soaked. She pulled her finger out and used both hands to fully spread herself open. I saw all of her wet pussy, her little pee hole and her clit standing proud, all on the wide screen of my monitor.

“If you want to pay a little more I can make myself cum for you.”

Just like the interest of having a woman spread herself open for me and really letting me see her, I also wanted to watch a woman cum up close, but I was going to hold back on that for the moment.

“I’d really like to see that, but let’s save it for another time.” I hit the Enter key and sent the text to her screen.

“No problem, I’d love to have you visit again.” She pushed her finger into her pussy to the second knuckle and worked it in and out of herself a couple of times, I could see her finger glistening from her juices. “Time’s about up.” She moved her hips around some more to let me see all of her again then she sat down and put the camera back on the monitor. “Was that good for you?”

Was it good? I was afraid to touch my dick for fear it would instantly go off, I was at the point to where I was either going to explode and shoot cum everywhere or having a perma-hardon that was going to last for an hour.

“Yes, that was perfect thank you. I’ve really needed that.” I looked at her again and saw her nipples were rock hard, she got turned on by showing off and playing with her pussy.

“I don’t have anyone waiting right now, you’re welcome to stay and chat if you like.”

That was perfect, I wanted to get more of the story about what she was doing on this site. “Have you been on here long, this site?”

“No, just a day or two. I don’t have much of a client list yet so I end up with some free time.”

“What brings you here?”

“Well, you can guess from my screen name, I’m in school and I just need some extra money for books and things.”

“You’re beautiful, and very accommodating. I’m surprised you don’t have a guy that takes care of those things for you.”

“I don’t really need a guy full time, and most of the guys my age are really just boys anyhow, more trouble than they are worth.” She was open in her responses and her story was reasonable. She turned the tables and asked me a question. “You said you really needed that? Has it been a while for you?”

I told her the way it was, “My wife doesn’t give me a lot, sex is rare and always under the cover of darkness. I never get anything as intimate as what you just shared. Honestly, it’s disappointing and a letdown, you end up feeling uncared for and, frankly, lonely, and that really sucks to feel that way when you’re married.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that, it must be difficult for you.” She sounded truly sympathetic.

“I think it is, but I try to push it to the back of my mind so I’m not always reminded of it. It’s not always about the sex stuff either, sometimes you just want to be held and be close. Intimacy isn’t always about sex you know.”

“I think you’re right and I like the way you think. I’m sorry it’s that way for you.” She took her camera and brought it close to her breasts, “Here’s a hug for you.” She giggled a little and wiggled so her tits moved side to side before putting her camera back.

“Wow, and I don’t think I can say that enough. You’re really something special. Thank you.”

“You’re quite welcome. You’ve been very polite and I appreciate that. Most of the guys that come in here are pretty crude in the way they talk and the things they want, but you’re not like that at all. I’m glad I could give you what you want.”

“Are you on every night?”

“No, my schedule isn’t that open, but I’ll be on again, uh, Tuesday if you want to visit me again.”

“I’d really like that, I think I’ll have some free time then as well. Can I look for you again about this time?”

“I’ll be here, and I’ll be wet again, just for you.”

I was about to log off and make my dick squirt but I noticed on the payment screen there was an option to provide an additional tip, I sent her an extra thirty dollars in gratitude.

She saw the tip pop up on her screen and caught her breath, “Oh my, that’s very appreciated, Thank you so much! Do you want me to cum for you now, because I will.”

I almost wanted her to do that but I also wanted to save it for another visit, “No you’ve been great, we can do that later.”

“Well here, let me do this.” She moved her camera down between her legs and gave me another close view of her spreading her pussy open, she massaged her clit and I could see her juices wanting to flow out of her. I had to grab a tissue and cover my cock as it shot out a load of cum.

When I was done catching all my goo I sent her another text, “You just made me cum really hard.”

“I’m glad I could make you feel that way. I need to make myself cum too, I’m going to think of you when I do it.”

Hearing that made my dick want to spring back into action, my sexual tension was at an all-time high and all I could think about was seeing her, and seeing her pussy up close again.

“Oh, what’s your name?” She asked.

I paused as I came up with something other than Jim, “Burt.”

“I like that name, I’m Trina.” She was playing it safe by using an alias as well.

“Nice to meet you, I’ll be looking for you on Tuesday.”

“Good. I hope I can make Burt ‘spurt’ once again then.” She giggled a little at her euphemistic comment.

I logged off and had to catch my breath, what was initially some shock and surprise about finding my daughter on an online sex site turned into an intense sexual experience for me. That something I always wanted with a woman was just given to me by my daughter, and I found myself wanting more. Tuesday was going to feel like a long way away. I went out into the kitchen to find something to snack on, as I passed Jennifer's bedroom door I paused to listen again, I couldn’t hear anything right away but after a few moments I heard her let out a gentle moan. She really did make herself cum.

While I was pulling together some chips and salsa, Jennifer came into the kitchen. She was wearing shorts and a tee shirt and I could see her nipples pressing against the thin cotton fabric of her tee. Without thinking about it, I caught her and pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead, “Love you honey.”

She responded by pressing herself into me, I could feel her tits against my chest and her nipples as well, “Thanks daddy, love you too.”

When I logged into the site on Tuesday, I went to the live cam page and started looking for Jennifer again, but after scanning a few pages I couldn’t find her.

There was a knock at my office door, it was Jennifer, “Daddy? Can you help me? My computer is acting up.”

That would explain why she wasn’t on the page, I minimized my screen and went to see the matter. I spent some time clearing her browser history and the excess of cookies that was slowing down her system. I saw the references to the cam site but didn’t say anything. Once she was up and running again I went back to my own computer. I took the time to look the main screen over and I found the search bar that would let me look for her by username. I also discovered I could set her as a favorite for future visits. It didn’t take long before she was online and I was able to join her page again.

“Hi Burt, I’m glad you’re back!”

I saw Jennifer on the screen again, her tits were out and I suspected she was as naked as the last time I found her here, that thought made me think of seeing her pussy again, my dick was already starting to stir in anticipation. I sent her a text greeting, “Hi Trina, I’m happy to see you again. I didn’t have to wait to get in, slow night?”

“Tuesdays are always slow,” she told me, “but I have to get my time in whenever I can. You might be my only customer tonight, some of the girls have been here a while and they see most of the action. Do you have any special requests for me?”

“You know, I really liked seeing you wet for me, it made me feel desired and appreciated.”

“I was happy to know you came because of me, it made me feel the same way. After you got offline I made myself cum and I did think about you when I did it. Would you like to see my pussy again? It’s already kind of wet just from thinking about you.”

My dick was steadily growing since we started chatting, the idea of seeing her pussy, wet and spread open again, was already getting me hard. This time I was ready for what was going to happen, I had my pants off so I wouldn’t have to struggle getting my cock out when it was fully hard and I was glad I did because it was already standing out on its own. “How about just a peek? I liked that we could talk the way we did, and I wouldn’t mind being able to do more of that as well.”

“I can do that,” she told me, “with that tip you gave me last time, you deserve a little extra anyhow.” She brought her camera down to her chair again and spread her pussy lips for me. I could tell she wasn’t soaked, but she was getting wet. My dick twitched at the sight of her.

When she put her camera back I got an idea, “Here, I thought you might like this.” I hit Enter to send the text then stood up and took my shirt off, then I clicked on the two-way camera button. On my screen, I could see what I was sending to her screen, a view of my body from top of the thighs to my chest, and my dick pointing straight out.

“Oh wow Burt, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything that large inside of me before.”

I never thought of myself as having a ‘large’ dick, if I pressed real hard into my stomach with a ruler I could measure about eight inches in length. I twisted my hips a little so she could see it waving about. I let her get a good look, then turned to face the other direction for her to see both sides. After a moment I turned off the active cam.

I sent her a text, “I thought you might like to see what you do to me.”

“I think you just made me wetter Burt. I like knowing I make you feel that way.”

“I like that you make me feel this way,” I told her, “I really appreciated all you said and did last time, it made me feel relieved to know that there was someone willing to listen and to care enough to even give me a hug the way you did. The past few days have been some of the best I’ve known in a long time.”

“I’m happy I could do that for you, like I said, you’re the nicest guy I’ve get on here so I don’t mind. You’re respectful and polite, you make me feel like a person instead of a piece of meat like everyone else does on here does.”

I think she may have been sincere about that because I saw her nipples perk up a little, that made me wonder about what was happening here, we seemed to be building a mutually appreciated rapport. I had to remind myself that this was my daughter and not just some random online girl, yet at the same time, I was feeling things I hadn’t known in a long time and I wanted to experience more of that.

“Hey Burt, I’m really sorry, but can you excuse me a moment? I’ve got to go to the restroom.”

The image flashed in my mind, her sitting and peeing, it was another turn on that I wanted to experience. I wasn’t as nervous as I was the last time with her and I got my text to her without too much excited energy making me misspell my words, “Wait. Can I watch you pee?”

“Oh. I never thought of that before, but I guess I can do it. How about if I say twenty-five dollars?”

I sent the money as my answer, I would kind of get to see her pussy again, and satisfy my curiosity about watching a woman pee. That image in mind made my dick throb in response.

Jennifer looked around and spotted a water glass that was about half full, she downed what was left in the glass and set it on her desktop and stood to move herself close to it, the setup would work. She moved her camera down but the viewing angle was wrong, “Hold on.” She collected a couple of books to set the camera into a higher position then she moved close to the glass again and checked her screen. “This should work,” she commented. She was about to start but had another idea. She moved the glass to the side and reached down to spread her pussy open, “I know you like this.”

I did like it, seeing her pussy again made my pulse surge and I had a strong desire to put my dick deep into her and feel her slick warmth.

“Okay, I’m ready.” She put the glass back in position and used both hands to spread herself, after a second she started flowing.

I watched as her stream came out and shot into the glass, she held herself steady as she peed and raised the level of golden liquid in the glass. The whole thing lasted all of five or ten seconds, but I was so focused on her it seemed like a moment of eternity frozen in an instant of time. When she finished with one final spurt I sent her a text, “That was hot! Thank you so much!”

She let out a slight moan, “That was the kinkiest thing I’ve even done. I can’t believe how wet I am right now.”

“Really? You don’t have a boyfriend that’s willing to explore and do things with you?”

“The guys I’ve known are idiots, they just want to get their dicks wet and shoot their wad. None of them want to take the time to try anything that would be sensual or erotic,” she lamented.

“I really want to put my mouth on you right now.” I confessed.

“Ohhh, I love being licked. I just wish a guy would do it long enough to let me finish.”

“You’ve never cum in a guy’s mouth before?”

“No, but I want to.”

“Those guys are idiots then, given the chance I could show you a couple of ways to do that.”

“A couple of ways? Like how?” She was genuinely curious.

“Well, the easiest way is just for you to lay down and let me lick you. But you could also sit on my chest so you’re real close to my face and cum in my mouth that way.”

“I like the sound of that, I want to try it.”

“You could also stand up and lean back against the wall with me on my knees in front of you, you’ll find yourself pressing down into my mouth when you cum.”

“Even that sounds hot, I’d probably cum really hard that way.”

“I like the idea of making you cum.”

“Did you cum from watching me pee?”

“No, but I’m ready to do that, you made me really hard.”

“Can I ask you for a favor?”

I was curious at her request, “I guess so, what’s on your mind?”

“Can I watch you when you cum? I want to see it come out of you, sort of like you watching me pee.”

“You want me to cum for you? I’ll do that.”

“Let me play with my pussy some more for you first.” She busied herself moving the glass of pee away and lowering the camera again to let me see her up close. When she spread herself open again, I could tell she was soaking wet. “My pussy is so hot right now thinking about seeing you cum, just tell me when you’re ready.”

I watched her with intense fascination as she played with her pussy, sliding her fingers into herself and occasionally thrusting her hips forward as she touched a sensitive spot. At one point she reached around from behind herself and slid one finger in as far as she could while she kept herself spread wide open with her other hand, that was what set me off.

I had my monitor set near the edge of my desk to get the built in camera as close as possible to where I would be standing, I wanted to give her a clear view of me as I spewed. Seeing her pee made me hot, and watching her play with her pussy for me brought me to my peak. I clicked the two-way button so she could see a close view of my dick. Checking the screen, I saw I needed to make a slight adjustment, I moved just a little and started stroking my dick, it didn’t take long before I began shooting my load into a wad of tissues in my other hand, I made sure there was a clear gap where my cum would shoot out into the air for her to see.

I heard her start to moan, and when I looked and the monitor and saw she had a finger pushed deep into herself and held tight there. All of a sudden she blurted out, “Oh my god I’m cumming.”

When I could tell she relaxed some, I reached down behind my balls and milked the last of my cum out so she could see it drip onto the tissues before I turned my camera off.

“Now it’s my turn to want to put my mouth on you, just to suck the last of your cum out of you. That was really hot Burt, I can’t thank you enough for sharing that with me.”

“You realize that we just came together.” I messaged her.

“And because of each other. I like that.”

“I came so hard, my balls ache, but in a good way.”

“I came really hard too Burt.” She sounded a little out of breath from her exertions.

“I’m glad I could do that for you, I like you and I like that I could make you feel good.”

“Thank you Burt.”

“Will you be on again soon?” I asked her, I wasn’t done cumming to the sight of her yet.

“I don’t know yet.” she told me, “I kind of do this when my mom isn’t home, she’s been busy with some family stuff that takes her away overnight. I saw you put me as a favorite, you can set your notifications to send you a message when I’m online if you like.”

“I’ll do that, thanks for the info.”

“And Burt, thank you for letting me watch you cum, that was really special of you. That’s twice you gave me more than expected, I just wish I could do something more for you.”

“You’ve done a lot Trina, seriously you’ve made my day again. I’m looking forward to seeing more of you.”

The fact that she was working to her mom’s away schedule really fit my needs, that way I didn’t have to worry about my wife popping into my office and catching me jacking off to images of our daughter masturbating. Before I signed off, I sent her another twenty-five-dollar tip because I wanted to make sure she’d come back for more. She gushed her appreciation again and did another spread pussy show for me. Seeing her soaking wet hole again made it difficult for me to want to leave.

It was a few days before my wife would be gone again. She’d been helping her sister take care of their mother who was going through the last stages of a difficult illness. My mother-in-law was basically in hospice at my sister in law’s house and my wife would stay over a couple of nights a week to help out with the night time activities to keep her sister from having to be active twenty-four hours a day.

I was headed to my office space in anticipation of Jennifer coming online again, as I passed her room I heard something crash. I knocked on the door and asked if everything was okay.

“Just being clumsy dad, I dropped a light, that’s all.”

I turned the knob and peeked into her room, not really sure if I was going to catch her naked as she prepared to get online. She was dressed but the room was in disarray, her chair was by the bed and the computer and monitor were stacked on it, there was a desk lamp laying on the floor.

“You rearranging the furniture?”

“What? Uh, no, just some cleaning, dusting everything off you know.”

“Okay, let me know if you need any help with anything.”

“Alright dad, close the door would you please?”

I knew she was up to something, and I figured I’d find out shortly exactly what it was. I went into my office and it wasn’t too long before I got a text from the website saying Coed Dream Girl was online. I was already parked on the page, waiting for the notification to get me to log on.

When I saw her on the screen, I could tell she was sitting on her bed, now I knew why she moved her computer and things, she needed the cords to be long enough to reach her while she was on the bed. She was nude from at least the waist up but I noticed this time her nipples were hard; she was certainly had something planned.

She saw me join the room and welcomed me “Hi Burt, I’m glad you’re here, I’ve got something special for you tonight.”

I was curious to see exactly what that was going to be, “What have you got in mind?”

“Well, I know you like seeing me when I’m wet. I’m going to show you that, and I want to cum for you, like you did for me last time.”

“I like that I idea,” I texted my interest, “what should I give you for this activity?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I kind of was thinking of giving it to you as gift.”

I was stunned, she’d already shared some things with me that I always wanted to see or do and now she was about to fulfill another of my long-term interests, letting me watch her orgasm, I wasn’t going to refuse her.

“That’s very generous of you,” I told her, “will you want to watch me cum again? I’d like to do that for you if you want it.”

She let out a little smirk, “You know what? Yeah, I’d like to watch you cum again for me. Would you?”

“I’ll turn my camera on when I’m ready.”

“Okay. Hold on, let me get ready here.”

The image on the screen bounced around a little as she took her webcam and moved back onto her bed, she had some pillows stacked up to lay back on, she spread her legs and set the camera between them, it gave me a perfect view of her pussy, her tits and her face as she laid there.

“Do you want me to use any toys?”

Truth was, no, I didn’t want to see anything going into her pussy other than her fingers, or my dick for that matter. “No, just your fingers please.”

It didn’t take long for her to get started, I could tell by the gap in her pussy lips that she was already wet. She slid her hand down and opened herself, showing me exactly what I asked for the first night we met online. It was really something to see her laying back and showing herself off to me as a matter of an act of giving to me. It was a gift of generosity and caring, performing this intimate act as a matter of wanting me to feel good, without any expectations of anything in return. In the nearly twenty years of being refused such intimacy I was deeply moved by her act.

I watched her as she gently ran her fingertip around her clit and then let it slip down to slowly slide into her pussy, she repeated that action several times and I could see her getting wetter as she pressed her finger into herself. After a few minutes, her hips began to rise with her motions as the sensations began to build in her, she rolled her hips a little as the sensual pleasure of touching herself for me continued to build.

The whole thing made me wanted to be with her in ways that I’d never done with any other woman. I was hard, but it wasn’t about lust anymore, or the taboo burst of intrigue that came with seeing my own daughter nude and exposed. It was a desire to be together in the deepest possible manner of two people coming together to share a closeness that no others could match.

I heard her start uttering a series of soft moans, she was close, and I couldn’t help but watch as her hips rose up from the bed and she moved her knees further apart to give me a good view of herself. She was sliding the length of her finger over her clit as she moved it down to penetrate into her wet spot. Several of her fingers were wet with her juices, and the whole of her crotch was wet from her leaking out.

“I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum for you…” she was nearly breathless as she told me.

All at once her hips were completely off the bed and she pulled her hand away so she could spread herself open and let me see into her pussy. I watched as her contractions came, powerful pulses, one after the other as she came hard and deep from within. She relaxed some as the contractions ended, but there were still some aftershock contractions that made her pussy pucker some more like she was kissing.

When Jennifer fell back onto the bed she looked spent and satisfied, her eyes had a dreamy look about them; she kept her legs apart so I could see her if I wanted. One by one she sucked the juices from her fingers as she looked at the camera.

“I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard. That was for you, I wanted to give that to you for the way you make me want to feel.”

“That was beautiful,” I sent her the text, wishing I could just use my microphone to say all the things I wanted to tell her but I couldn’t afford to give myself away, “and you’re beautiful. That was the most erotic and significant thing anyone has ever given me. When you’re ready, I’ll cum for you again.”

She smiled and giggled a little, “Just let me catch my breath.”

After a minute or two she asked me to show her again, how my cum would shoot out of my dick. I flicked my camera on, this time I had my dick pointing directly at the lens, I wanted her to see cum spray out as if she were directly in front of me and it was shooting toward her. I already had a message typed in, and just before I began stroking myself I hit the Enter key.

“I’m thinking of you as I do this, I want to show you how much I appreciate what you have given me. I want to give you the things that you’ve wanted or been missing.”

I slid my hand along the length of my cock, making sure I was keeping it pointed at her. I could see she was focused on the screen, watching every motion in anticipation of seeing my cum spurt out for her. I thought about how it would feel to be in her mouth, or to be inside her when she was so wet. I wanted to touch her in any way I could, just to make her cum. My hips gave me an involuntary thrust forward as I got close, I let the pressure build up and then let it go. I could see her view on the screen of the hot streams of cum flew out of me, she couldn’t see the tissues that caught the spray but she could see everything else. She let out a deep moan as she watched.

When she saw I was done she spoke again, “Do that thing again where you make the last drop come out.”

I ran my fingertips from my behind my balls and up my shaft to get the last bit to come out of the hole in my dick.

“I want to suck that out of you and swallow it.”

I turned my camera off and sat down again, I noticed she was lightly teasing her clit as she thought about sucking me.

I sent her a chat text, “I wish I could do more for you, anything that would make you cum, or just to make you feel good.”

“Mmmm, I like the sound of that.”

We both sat in silence for a short time while coming down from our sexual highs. I got an idea and broached a subject.

“I know this site says people are ‘local’ but is that really true? I mean, we could really be thousands of miles apart and never know the difference. What part of the world are you really in?”

“I’m in Balliton.” She gave me an honest answer.

“Really? I’m only like twenty miles from you in Farley. If you wanted, we could get together some time and do for real what we’ve been doing here. I’ve got some work to do in Balliton, I could get a hotel room for a night and we could share time with each other, I’d do all the things the guys you’ve known are too stupid to do with you, anything you want really. I could make it worth your while for taking the night off of your cam site.”

“Hmm, I like the idea, well, for at least with you but I’m a little nervous about meeting someone off site. What do you call ‘worth my while’?”

“What would you think about a thousand dollars for your time?”

“Are you serious? That’s more than I’ve made here for all my time on this site.”

“I think you’re worth it. You’ve given me so much of what I’ve wanted and needed, and I really want to give you the things you’ve been looking for.”

“I want to, but I’m still not really sure.”

“I tell you what. I’ll get a room and message you the number through this site, you come and check things out, if you don’t like anything or you’re uncomfortable for any reason then you can turn around and go, no hard feelings.”

She didn’t say anything right away, then she came back with, “Okay, I’ll agree to check it out. If there’s anything I don’t like then I’m going to go. When do you want to do this?”

I already knew my wife’s plans for the upcoming week, and I was pretty sure Jennifer knew when her mom would be out as well. I suggested a night that was two days away, “Monday night?”

“Alright, I’ll wait for your text with the hotel and room number.”

I found a nice hotel and made a reservation for Monday. I planned to go there during the day to check in and get a room key, later in the afternoon or early evening I could text her the details.

Monday afternoon I sent Jennifer and Mark a text saying I’d be out late and to get dinner for themselves, Jennifer texted back saying she was going to visit a friend that evening and that her brother Mark probably would be so wrapped up in his video game that he wouldn’t even know that anyone else was out of the house. Her message made me think that she really planned on going to the hotel since she gave me a reasonable excuse to be out of the house.

We usually found each other online around 9 pm. At 8 pm I sent a message through the cam site giving her the hotel name and room number, followed with ‘I’m looking forward to seeing you’ and a smiley face emoticon. About ten minutes later I got her response. ‘Be there soon.’

I wasn’t really sure how this was going to play out, all I knew was I had strong feelings of finally being able to explore the long-term things of my interests, curiosity, and sexual lust that had been denied to me for so many years. And there were also feelings of gratitude for having felt accepted for my personal desires.

The knock came at the door, and when I opened it I was hit with the shock of reality of seeing my own daughter standing there. She looked at me and her jaw dropped. Her face blanched and she started to stutter, “D… dad?” She looked mortified, nervous and afraid all at once.

I held my hand out and told her, “You have to come in. You can’t stand out there in the hall, and you can’t leave right now.”

She moved slowly, probably certain that she was going to be chastised or punished for the things she had done and the situation that came from those things. I sat on one of the beds and Jennifer stood with her back to the wall while she stared down at her shoes.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

“Me? I’m not going to do anything,” I told her, “but you’re going to strip down to your bra and panties.”

Her head raised quickly and stared at me, color from a deep blush flushed her face, “I… I…”

“Just do it Jennifer,” I put a little bit of authority in my voice to spur her on, “I’ve already seen you naked, and more. You can do this.”

She moved with wooden motions. She was slow to undo the buttons on her blouse to let it fall open. She undid the button on her jeans and started to unzip them, then she slid her shoes off so she could remove them.

“Take your top off.”

She stood there in her underwear, staring at the floor again and still uncertain about what was going to happen.

“Sit down.”

She chose to take a seat on the other bed. She still had her head down and her hands were in her lap.

“It’s obvious that we need to talk.”

I saw her subtly nod.

“It was an accident when I found you on the website. I joined just because I wasn’t sure it was really you and I just wanted to know for certain. The things I told you were true, I really don’t get to share the intimate things that I’ve always wanted to do, and you were very forthcoming and openly sharing with me the things that I have wanted or even needed.

“When I told you that I wanted to touch you and give you the things that other guys weren’t doing, that was also true. Even though I knew who you were to me, what I wanted to give you was in response for the things you shared with me. I still want to do that with you and I want you to do the things like you did on the site. Are you open to that?”

She was quiet a moment before she spoke, “I don’t know. I mean, can we really do this? You’re my dad.”

“You’re right. Jim and Jennifer can’t do this, but I think Burt and Trina can. Do you want to try?”

“Maybe?” Her voice was soft, while it was difficult for her to say ‘yes’, she didn’t say ‘no’.

“Then stand up and come closer to me, I want to pull your panties down to see you.”

She stood before me and I reached out and gently started working both sides to pull at the elastic waistband of her panties, after nudging it down and inch or two I quickly jerked them down to mid-thigh and stared at her nude pussy directly in front of my face.

Jennifer caught her breath at the unexpected move and she blushed a little, knowing that I could see her sex. She seemed to have a thought and told me, “Wait, I know what you want.” She pressed her legs together so her panties would fall off, then she moved her legs apart and reached down to spread herself open.

“Wait.” I couldn’t see anything from where I sat, I moved down to the floor so I’d be looking up at her. “Okay, do it now.”

She didn’t hesitate, she spread her pussy open again and let me look at her, she even took a step forward to bring herself close to my face as she pushed her hips forward. “Do you like that? Does that make you want to get hard for me?”


“Can I see it?”

It was my turn to start removing clothing. I stood up and her eyes were fixed on my hands as I unclasped my belt and pulled the zipper down. I reached down into my briefs then brought my cock out for her. I wasn’t fully hard, but my dick was swollen and ready to come up for her.

“You’re going to get to see me cum up close while we’re here.”

Her eyes flared open a bit at that, it was certainly something of her interest to see and share.

“Let’s get the rest of our clothes off.” I told her.

Her bra came off and she was totally nude. I had already seen that she was wet and now I could see her nipples were prominently standing out from sexual excitement. As I took off the rest of my clothes my dick got fully hard in anticipation of feeling the wet, warm depth of her pussy.

I sat near the edge of the bed and made a space between my legs for her. I patted the comforter and told her, “Sit here.”

I brought my arm around her and pulled her close, the softness and warmth of her skin against me felt good. I reached up to cup her breast and slid my thumb over her nipple and she let out a soft sound of pleasure. I brought my head forward to kiss her neck, then I whispered in her ear.

“You’ve been very generous with the things you have shared with me, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. I want to do something to make you feel good as well, I’m going to make you cum.”

I felt her lean back and press into me, she parted her legs to give me some room to touch her when I slid my hand around her waist and down to her crotch. It only took a quick second to find her clit and I could feel that she was soaking wet. I circled her clit with my fingertip then slid it down and pressed it into her pussy. She let out a tiny groan of pleasure and moved herself, trying to get me deeper into her. I pulled back, sliding my finger up her slick lips and back to her clit, then moved down to penetrate her again.

“You’re a beautiful woman. I want to share everything I can with you, all of you, not just your body, but everything that’s within you as well. Feel me touching you, I want you to cum for me.”

She was already lost in the moment, she was pressing her back against my chest while pushing her hips forward to receive my touch as I played with her pussy. I could tell the tension was quickly building in her, she was going to cum soon.

“Do it baby, feel me playing with your pussy, let it cum for me.”

I felt her tensing up across her whole body, I pulled her tighter to me and took a firm grip on her breast as I pushed my finger deep into her and clasped her so the heel of my palm was pressing against her clit at the same time.


She came, and she came hard. I kept her pulled tight to me as her pussy clamped down on my finger. When she finally relaxed, I gently held her close to me and kissed her neck and the side of her face.

“You came for me. I like that, and I want to do more of that with you while we’re here together.”

She muttered an accepting sound and told me, “I’ve never cum so hard, I want more with you too.”

When she relaxed she leaned forward and turned to look over her shoulder, “I want to see you, up close like you do with me.”

I released holding her and let her move. She turned around and got down on the floor to be face level with my dick, it was hard as a rock from the sexual tension and having been pressed tight between us while I played with her pussy. I edged closer to her to let her see me. She reached forward and gently took me in her hand, moving my dick from side to side as she looked it over. She lightly stroked it along its length and even felt my balls as she explored this body part that she didn’t have but was certainly curious to see. It wasn’t a sexual or sensual touching, she was exploring and learning, doing the things that any guys she’d known before hadn’t given her the consideration or time to do. She moved close and kissed the shaft, then tried licking it up and down the length of it. She changed and held it to it was pointing directly at her face, after a moment she brought herself close and put her mouth over the head of my dick. I felt her tongue moving around and searching the feel of me, then she took me deeper. This wasn’t a blow job, or her sucking my dick, it was her exploring the sensation of having me in her mouth. I leaned back a little to watch, I liked seeing my dick going into her mouth.

When she came off me I told her to get up onto the bed with me. As she got onto the bed I moved back and laid down.

“Sit here.” I patted myself high up on my chest.

She giggled, she knew what was coming, I was going to lick her pussy and make her cum in my mouth. She straddled me and worked her way up to get herself close enough to me to put my mouth on her. I could see that her pussy was gushing wet, and I could smell her fresh scent. Just as I moved my head forward a little she stopped me.

“Look.” She raised herself up and showed off her pussy to me. “I’m wet, I’m wet for you. Do you like that?”

“I love that, cum in my mouth baby.”

She sat back down and I pressed my mouth against her, using the tip of my tongue to circle and tease her clit, she moaned from the sensual touch of my tongue against her. I reached up over her thighs and spread her open a little and then sucked her clit for her. She immediately bore down into my mouth, wanting more of that intense feeling. I alternated between licking her clit and sucking it, a couple of times I moved my tongue down and pushed the tip of it into her slick pussy as I searched out her reactions to see what she liked the most. She liked me sucking her clit as much as she liked feeling my tongue in her pussy. I sucked her some more, then when I moved my tongue into her again I used a fingertip to brush against her clit with short quick motions that made her want to tense up. I kept up with that, knowing it was going to make her cum again. I sucked on her some more then put my tongue back into her, I increased the speed of my finger brushing over her clit and I felt her thighs tighten up. She began moaning and groaning and all at once she reached down with both hands and pulled my head tight to her pussy as she pressed into me and let herself cum again.

When she let me go, she was nearly in a sweat from the depth of her orgasm. She was leaning back a little and I looked up at her, she was panting and looked almost giddy. I saw her nipples jutting out and reached up and gave one of them hard flick with my fingernail. She let out a ‘yipe’ and then she gave me a long low moan as she felt the full sensation of that act.

I worked on sitting up and she started to get off me, but I pushed her back to be laying on the bed then I moved around to be next to and over her. I brought my face down to hers and gave her a long deep kiss. When she opened her mouth to receive my tongue I put a finger into her pussy, pushing it in the same way I was doing with my tongue in her mouth. When I pulled my tongue back, I slid my finger back at the same time, when I moved my tongue deeper into her mouth I pushed my finger back in. She got the gist of what I was doing and pressed her face closer to me so I would play with her pussy more. I kissed her while I finger fucked her. There were times that I slowed down and circled the tip of her tongue with mine, and at the same time I brought my finger out of her and used it to circle her clit. Her tension was building again and she started stabbing her tongue into my mouth, wanting me to do the same and to match that motion with my finger in her pussy. I pulled back from her and told her I wanted to watch her cum up close again, she nodded and moved some to give me space to get between her legs.

“Do you want me to do it?”

“No, I want you to lay back and let me do it.”

She raised her knees and let them fall out some to give me a clear view of her pussy, she was so wet she didn’t have to spread herself open for me to see her. I got close to her and started sucking her clit again, this time I used a fingertip to dip into her pussy, she liked that. It wasn’t too long before she was starting to press into me again.

“Daddy, I’m going to cum again.”

I moved my mouth off her but kept teasing her pussy with my finger, her hips were raising in a rhythmic motion as her orgasm began to build. She reached from under her thighs with both hands and pulled herself open,

“Watch, I’m going to cum for you again.”

I saw her contractions and nearly came myself. Seeing a pussy cum up close was one of the things I always wanted to experience and she was letting me watch her, spreading herself open and showing herself off to me. It was a deep emotional release for me, something that was fulfilling in a way that brought together acceptance and trust and caring all together. Her stomach muscles tightened as she came, it was a strong orgasm and she was enjoying it as much as I was.

“I’ve never cum so much in my life,” she sounded breathless, “no one has ever taken the time to give me so much.”

“I’m glad that I can make you feel so good, I like that you’re letting me do this and share these things with you.”

“Uhhh, I need moment to catch my breath.”

She’d been through a lot and needed a break, I laid back on the bed and pulled her up to lay beside me so she could put her head on my chest, she put one leg over my thigh to be closer to me. I caressed and kissed her face and talked to her in a soft voice, giving her thanks for all she was doing with me and giving to me.

We laid together for a while and let things wind down, talking with each other softly and sharing light touches. At one point she moved her leg off me and laid back, then she told me, “I’m ready.”

I knew what she meant, and I was ready too. I rolled over onto her and reached down to guide myself into her. I just got the head of my dick into her and I could feel how hot and wet she was. I thrust into her hard and deep and kept myself there, pressing in to get myself as close to her as I could possibly be. She caught her breath when I pushed into her and wrapped her arms around me to pull me tight, trying to keep me in her. She raised her hips a little to get the best angle to keep me deep in her pussy. I didn’t move and neither did she, we were locked together, sharing something deep and close in a way that neither of us had done before.

I didn’t pull back at all, but I did do some little pushes to keep me in her and use my pubic bone to press against her clit. She was responding to me with similar small motions, the combination of our actions was going to make her cum again, and I wanted her to do it.

“Cum on me baby. Feel me in your pussy and cum on me…”

That triggered her orgasm, she pulled me even tighter as her pussy let loose with another wet explosion of pleasure. We both relaxed but I kept myself in her.

“I need to cum honey.”

“Do it daddy, use me to make yourself cum.”

“I will, but I want you to watch me when I cum, I know you like that.”

“Mmm, hmm,”

“Lay still while I fuck you, I want to know how your pussy feels to me.”

She did what I asked, she simply gave herself to me and let me do what I was going to do. Her pussy was so slick there was hardly any friction to heighten my sensations.

“Put your legs in between mine, keep them together.”

She felt me when I drew back and pressed into her again, she liked it when I moved all the way into her and I was pressing against her clit. I knew if I took my time she’d cum again, but the extra pressure on my dick of having her legs together might not let me last that long in her. I slid in and out of her and felt the tension building in my cock, I was getting close. Right before I was about to cum I let her know.

“I’m going to cum, sit up so you can watch me.”

I pulled out of her and got up onto my knees, she sat up so her face was directly in front of my dick. I started stroking myself but she stopped me.

“Let me do that.”

She reached up and wrapped a hand around me and began stoking me, she kept me angled down a little so my dick was pointing directly at her face, she wanted a close-up view when it happened. I let her keep control so she could get what she wanted.

“I’m close baby.”

It was easy for her to slide her hand up and down the length of my shaft because I was so wet from her pussy juices. Feeling her jack me off was pleasurable, the tension was building quickly.


She stared at my dick and my cum began shooting out, the first splash went across her lips, the next few flew out to land on her cheek and chin, She never pulled away from being sprayed, she even moved a little closer. I wanted to push into her mouth but I knew she was enjoying watching. She opened her mouth and moved me a little to shoot in and onto her tongue. When I was done she looked up to me and told me how much she liked doing that.

“Do you want the last drop?”

She didn’t say anything but she took me into her mouth. This time it wasn’t just exploration, she was sucking my dick and with some intent. Even though I just came, she felt good to me. I let her suck me for a bit and then I told her she’d get the last drop.

She held still and let me milk the last bit of cum out of my dick, I felt her suck it out.

“Let me see it on your tongue.”

She pulled back and opened her mouth, I could see my last blob of cum there. I watched as she swallowed it.

“Thank you dad, I wanted to do that, I liked it.”

“I’m glad you liked it, I like doing things that you want.”

“I’ll be glad to suck on you for as long as you want.”

“You might have to give me a moment, I get kind of sensitive after I cum.”

I pressed her back to lay down again then I got down to look at her pussy. I slid a finger into her and licked her a little before I moved up to lay next to her.

“Did we do everything we wanted?” I asked her.

“I don’t know, I feel like I could do this for a couple of days. I really don’t want to stop.”

“Me either, but we have to go home sometime.”

“I know,” she lamented, “it’s just that no one has ever been willing to give me so much. I’m sure there’s more we could try or do together.”

“Like what?”

“Well, you said there was that other way you could lick me.”

“Maybe we should save that for another time. Are you up for that?” Time to find out if this was a one-time thing or were we going to choose to keep being with each other.

“We could do this again,” she showed me an inviting smile, “besides, I’ll bet there’s other things you’d like to see or try.”

“That could be something to talk about.”

We checked the time and found we’d been busy with each other for nearly four hours, it was after midnight, we had to get going.

As we were getting dressed I gave her thanks for all that she had been willing to share with me, she said the same thing in return. At the door I leaned over to kiss her again, she opened her mouth so we could share a deep kiss. As we kept our mouths together I reached down and slid my hand into her pants and worked past her clothing to get my finger into her again. She let out a little giggle but didn’t’ resist me. We broke off from out kiss but I kept my finger in her.

“That’s kind of hot to stand here while you’re playing with my pussy dad.”

“I like it too.”

I pulled my hand back and deliberately sucked my finger clean while she watched. She grinned and made to get even, she unzipped my pants and pulled at the waistband of my boxers and got my dick out. She kept her eyes locked with mine and she knelt down and took me in her mouth.

“I do want to watch you suck my dick and make me cum in your mouth.”

She moved back from me and let me deal with getting myself zipped up again. “We can do that.”

“Alright, let’s get out of here before we end up losing the rest of the night fucking each other.”

I gave her a peck of a kiss and opened the door.

Jennifer got home before me, I took my time so the two of us wouldn’t show up together, just because.

Mark was already asleep and Jennifer's door was closed, I went to my room and decided I needed to take a shower before going to bed because I knew I smelled like sex and I didn’t want to leave that scent in the bed for my wife to discover. Just as I got my clothes off I heard the other shower turn on, I realized Jennifer must have had a similar thought. I was about to go into my bathroom but I got an idea, I grabbed my bathrobe instead and went to where Jennifer was.

She didn’t hear me come in and she was a little surprised when I pulled the shower curtain to the side. She hesitated at first, then she turned and moved her legs apart and reached down to spread her pussy open for me.

“Did you want to see me again?”

I didn’t say anything. I let my bathrobe fall off and I got into the shower with her. She was going to turn herself so we could make use of the length of the tub but I pressed her back against the wall then I got down between her legs.

“Wait, I have to pee.”

“Do it.”

She was still holding herself open, I watched as her hot stream came out and I moved over so it was splashing off my cheek, then I turned slightly so she was peeing into my mouth.

“Uhhh…” that was hot for her, she liked doing it.

When she finished I let her pee run out of my mouth and I rinsed with the water coming down from the shower. I began sucking at her like I was getting the last drop out, even that was a turn on for her. I changed my tactic and began licking her clit for her, when she pressed into me I sucked on her some more. She moved her hands to pull my head close, and I slid a finger into her again. I heard her stifle a moan as she tried to keep quiet. I kept at her until she started pressing down into my mouth as she came.

I didn’t say anything, I was hard again and I rose up and guided myself into her, she was still soaking wet from all of our activities earlier and from just cumming again. I was taller than she was, so I picked her up while I was still inside her, using her own weight to keep me pressed deep inside of her.

“Are you going to cum again?” she whispered into my ear.

“I think that can happen.”

“Let me suck on you instead, you can watch me do it.”

“Do you want to watch me cum again?”

“No, I want you to cum in my mouth.”

I eased her down and slid myself out of her, she got down on her knees and took me into her mouth. She took her time, she was still exploring a little about having a dick to suck on. I stood still and let her find what she liked. After a minute or two she tried to see how much she could take, she progressively worked me in deeper until she hit the point where she gagged.

“What will make you cum?” she asked.

“Take me about half way, suck on it and use your tongue underneath it.”

She picked that up right away and she felt good to me, enough so that I was soon ready to release.

“I’m going to cum baby, suck it all out.”

She jolted slightly at first when she felt the first spurt but then she focused on sucking me to get it all. When I was done she pulled back and I watched her swallow my seed.

“Hold still.” I told her.

I milked the last bit of cum out to well up at the head of my dick then I rubbed it across her lips. She let me do that then took me back in her mouth and sucked me a little more, just to get it all.

Both of us knew we needed to quit, we took turns using the shower to get ourselves cleaned up. When we were drying off I playfully got my hand between her legs and put a finger into her again. Her eyes lit up at my teasing, then I told her I want to do that sometime, both of us standing there while I play with her pussy and make her cum.

“We can do that. I like when you make me cum.”

I put my robe on and kissed her before I went to my room.
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