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Two couples cuck their spouses!
My wife and I are in our 60’s and have been married for over 40 years. Our sex life has never been what you might call exciting, but it has been satisfying, at least for the first 30 years or so. Over the last decade, what spice there was, has gone out and sex has become something that my wife feels like is another chore on her list of things to do.

She has her regular routine of household chores, from laundry to dusting and vacuuming and some outside work in her flowerbed and other landscape areas. All of these chores have a sort of regular schedule. Sex has become one of those things, something that she feels needs to take place once every so often to keep me from being “grumpy”.

She says that she judges the timing based on my actions. I have given up on trying to initiate sex when we go to bed or any other time during the day for that matter, but if she feels like I am patting her butt or giving a little bit longer hugs, or wanting to kiss a bit more than regular, than it is time to have sex. It has nothing to do with her being in the mood because that just does not happen on its own.

The only times that she is really in the mood is actually during our sexual play, and that is not a guaranteed thing. It may happen, or it may not. Her mind does not always reflect what her body is telling me either. There are times when she is very wet and her nipples hard, and she is enjoying me sucking on her tits, but then her mind just sort of shuts things down.

At that point it is the same routine, I finish by hand with her providing whatever assistance she feels like. Sometimes that is very active participation, playing with my balls and even sucking on my nipples as I jackoff. Sometimes she even slips a finger in my butt, which she knows I like, however she only does it from time to time. The end result is the same, with me stroking my hard cock until I cum.

My 50 year high school reunion was coming up (she graduated two years behind me from the same school), and we started to go through some old pictures and scrap books to take to the reunion. As we were going through things, many old memories came up. We talked about our dating years more than we had for a very long time.

Many times in the past 10 to 20 years when I would bring up things about those times she would have very short comments and change the subject. It was different this time, she was actively involved in reminiscing. We had lots of fun during our high school years. I knew when we first started dating that she was the girl I wanted to marry but it took some time for her tom come around to that same feeling.

Part of that hesitancy was simply her age, she was just a freshman in high school when we started dating and I was a junior. She had led a kind of sheltered life up to that point, being the oldest child of five, she did not have anyone older to sort of show her the ropes. Her parents hardly talked, and thus she had no knowledge of what to expect from anything as she matured.

Now, she was not totally naïve because she knew how to flirt and she knew she was attractive, based on the number of boys that liked her and wanted to be around her, that was obvious. There must have been about five or six of the dozen or so boys in her class that liked her, as well a some in the grade between her and I, as well as a couple of other boys in my class. She and I had made a connection a couple of times long before we started dating, images that have stuck in our minds ever since, so our coming together at some point was not really a surprise.

I had dated some other girls, one or two that I was more serious about, but none that I had the feeling that she was the one. One of those happened to also be in the same friend group as my future wife and when she felt I was moving a little too fast on the sexual contact, she broke up with me.

I know that she still liked me a lot and I liked her, but she was just afraid that things might get out of hand and she could not handle it. She actually sent another person to tell me that she was breaking up with me, and ironically that other person was my future wife. As I mentioned, we had a couple of those connection points in the past, and so when she talked to me after school one day, telling me that the other girl wanted to break up with me, I was not all that upset.

I started to realize that the messenger was actually the person I was meant to be with. I was kind of shy by nature and even more so when it came to talking with very pretty girls, and my future wife was one of the prettiest girls in our entire school. What I am saying is that it took some time for me to actually ask her out or even try to be alone with her to talk, we were always in her friend group.

She flirted with me as she did with other boys, so I knew at least she was not put off by me. However, it still took some time. Between the breakup with my last girlfriend and when we finally got together, it was over three months. When we did get together, I was 100% certain she was the girl. We had been dating less than 60 days when I told her that I was in love with her. It was another seven months before she told me that she loved me.

We have talked about those days before and I knew that part of the reason she took so long to come around was that there was one other boy that she had feelings for. He was in her class, and they had been sort of a couple through junior high school, but he never seemed to be all in. He was always playing the field, flirting with other girls, etc.

I am certain it was his hesitancy to commit that opened the door for me to build my relationship with her, especially in those early months. Even as we dated and were becoming closer and closer, she had this feeling about him in the back of her mind. It was approximately six or seven months after we started dating that she told her next younger sister that she felt like she liked me more than the other boy.

Even though she had made that statement, I knew there were still feelings there. I would see how she talked to him and find out about times that the two of them were flirting. Nothing ever really happened due to his lack of commitment, at least not yet.

We continued to date and my attraction to her only increased and my desire to marry her got stronger every day. Even while I was still a senior and she was late in her sophomore year, we actually started talking about marriage. Over the next several months we had a few more of those conversations, but then in the fall I went away to school (only about two hours away, but it meant living there and not commuting.)

In one of our last conversations before I moved to the city, I told her that I loved her, yet was also concerned about what might happen with me being away. She did not understand my concern at first, but then I specifically said that with me away, not seeing her everyday at school, the other boys would increase their efforts in trying to date her. I said that one boy in particular would see this as his opportunity to “hustle” her as I called it then.

She said I nothing to worry about because she loved me. She was very sad the day I moved into my apartment in the city. She had gone with me in my car and my parents brought more of my stuff in another car, and they all helped me get set-up in my apartment (which I shared with three other guys.) When it came time for her to leave, she was going to ride back home with my parents, and she did not want to leave. It was difficult to say goodbye.

Of course, my parents probably thought it was rather over the top since I would be home every weekend to see her. I guess they had kind of forgotten about their dating years! They were correct in that I was planning to come home every single weekend.

It did not take long before I realized that I needed a job. My parents were paying tuition and such for school, but I had to pay my rent and buy food, gas, etc. My savings were starting to get depleted rather quickly and so I searched for a job. One stumbling block was that I would not be available to work on the weekends, which limited the jobs I could get.

I finally found a job that I worked afternoons Monday through Friday. I was done on Fridays at 5:00 PM and would drive the two hours back home, directly from work. Generally, I would drive straight to my girlfriend’s house, without even stopping at my parents.

Those weekends were generally the same, I would drive home, we would go out on Saturday night, usually to a movie and to The Pizza Hut, then go parking. Not seeing each other during the week meant we had to put all of our affection into the weekends and parking was a big part of that.

However, after several weekends the realization that I was not made of money started to hit. My wages from during the week were not enough always for our weekend dates, with gas, etc. We discussed that I might stay in the city a few weekends to work extra hours to help cover our dating expenses.

The decision was made and the following weekend, as I prepared to head back to the city, our parting was a bit more emotional than normal. It would be 12 whole days before we would see each other again, and that was the longest that we had been apart since we started dating over two years prior.

We wrote each other at least once every week and sometimes twice, even though the second letter was usually hand delivered on Friday night. This week we decided that on Wednesday night I would call her. We did not call each other very often due to the cost of long distance in those days. If we did talk on the phone it could easily end up being a very long conversation and end up costing a day or two of my wages, just to pay for long-distance charges.

We kissed goodbye that Sunday evening and I headed for the city. I missed her immensely before I was 15 minutes down the road and considered turning around to go see her! I did not, but rather just kept driving. As normal, as soon as I got to my apartment I would start my first letter to her. We would usually get a letter from each other by Wednesday’s mail, Thursday at the latest.

I mailed my letter on Tuesday and she got it on Wednesday. I did not get her letter that day, but figured maybe she was thinking since we were going to talk that night she would tell me things on the phone rather than in her letter.

I called her, we were both telling each other how much we missed and loved each other, and then she said she had something to tell me. I was immediately thinking there was some family news that she wanted to tell me instead of putting it into her letter, so I was a little surprised with what she did tell me.

She said that Jeff, (the other boy I have been telling you about), on Monday at school had asked her out on a date for Saturday night. Now, I was not really surprised that he asked her, after all, I had told her he would put his moves on her with me not around, and I said that to her. She simply agreed that I was correct but then stated that she was not sure if she should go out with him or if she even wanted to go out with him.

It was at that point that I became truly surprised. Surprised to understand that she had not just told him no, but was actually considering going out with him. Our conversation lasted over a half an hour, and she told me over and over that she was torn about going out with him. She felt like because of our relationship that maybe she should not. Of course, I whole-heartedly agreed with her on that point.

I actually do not remember what she said or if it was just that she kept talking about going with him and where they would go, etc. but I finally just told her to go. I don’t remember exactly what I felt at that moment, but probably figured there was nothing I could do to stop her anyway. When I basically gave her permission to go out with him, she said that I had nothing to worry about, adding that she would be a good girl and that she loved me.

Of course, after the fact, as I thought back on the conversation, I was not happy at all. Her even considering going out with him meant that we did not have the relationship that I thought we had at that point. I know that I got very little sleep that night, or the next.

On Friday I got her letter for the week. In that letter, among the normal I Love You’s, and I Miss You’s and other news, was a very long paragraph in which she talked about this date. She said the same things, “I am still not certain if I should go out with him, or if I even want to go out with him.”

However, in the next sentence she told me what they had decided to do. She then wrote what she had told me on the phone, that I had nothing to worry about, that she would be a good girl and that she loved me. She ended the letter by writing that she would tell me all about it when I got home next Friday night, and she wanted me to come directly to her house.

I worked on the weekend, both Saturday and Sunday to make extra money. The following week I wrote her a letter which I mailed right away on Monday, saying that I would not be calling her, but would see her Friday night. On Wednesday I got her letter and she opened it by writing that the date with Jeff was not very good and she would tell me about it on Friday.

I guess I was a bit relieved that it may have not gone well, but still upset that it even happened. At this point I had not even thought about the timing of everything. I worked until just after 10:00 Pm at the restaurant on Friday night, then drove two hours to her place. She was still up when I got there, and we talked. She told me what they had done, went to a movie, went to The Pizza Hut and then he took her home and he kissed her.

Naturally I was upset about the whole thing, especially that they had kissed. We argued and then I went home. I went to her house on Saturday night, we did not go out anywhere. I also went to her house on Sunday before I left to go back to school. We argued more, and I left.

We worked things out after that, and that became one of the hallmarks of our relationship, being able to talk and work things out. It was many years later that I started to think about the timing of the events of that weekend.

He asked her out on Monday, knowing that I was not going to be home that coming Saturday. When did he know I was not going to be home. Did only learn of it on Monday and asked right away? That did not really fit his MO. Did they talk about this the previous week?

What did she tell him when he asked, since she did not say no. They had obviously talked about plans since she told me of two possibilities during that Wednesday night phone call. Then, when I got her letter on Friday and she knew what they had decided, had she called him after talking to me or did they talk right away on Thursday morning and she got her letter in the mail yet on Thursday early enough for me to get it on Friday? Lots of questions and very little answers.

Many years later, after we were married, had two kids and actually had moved to the same city where I had gone to school, I learned a little more about that date. We had been discussing our experiences, sexually, and she had always made it out that she had no experience except with me. I pressed her on the topic until she admitted that on that date, she and Jeff had felt each other up, but she insisted it was over their clothing.

We ended up arguing and I slept on the couch that night and maybe even the next. After some time, things got back to normal. We raised our kids, we loved each other, and as I mentioned previously, our love life was good. Nothing fancy or adventurous, but good.

We did a few things that pushed the envelope for her through the years. One time before kids, we had gone camping and we messed around just outside of the tent during the day, because we felt we had a fairly secluded campsite. That was fun. Another time when the kids were little, we had sex on the back deck under the stars. We had a few other times of having sex in somewhat public places, but never really out in the open, only where we felt secure.

So now, here we were reminiscing about our dating years, looking at scrap books prior to my high school reunion. One of the topics that came up in conversation was adventure in our sex life. My wife still made it seem like she really had very little experience outside of our relationship. We did talk about some conversation we had shortly after we were married when we talked about having a threesome.

At that time, the topic came up because her next younger sister stayed with us in our apartment one night and while she was sleeping on the sofa in the other room. We were having sex in the bedroom and my wife kept telling me to be quiet so her sister would not hear. After she said that for about the third time, I suggested we just have her sister join us. She did not really say no to the idea of a threesome, but rather just said it would be weird with her sister in bed with us.

Over the next few weeks we had similar conversations about threesomes with the end result being some pretty hot sex! We even named what other person we would want in a threesome. Of course, she made me come up with a second choice since my first choice was her sister! Meanwhile, she named Jeff as her choice. At that time, I only knew about the kissing on that date and I was long over that, and Jeff was my friend as well.

We kept having these conversations for a bit and had some very good sex during the conversations. We even went so far as to try and ask Jeff one night, but got cold feet in the middle of the conversation and it never happened. Thise conversations ended, and we never talked about threesomes after that.

From time to time we would have conversations about different actors or actresses that we each liked and kind of hinted at what it might be like to be with them, and those conversations led to some good sex.

So now, when the topic of threesomes came up, she did not come right out and shoot down the idea. She seemed to reminisce about our previous conversations with as much interest that I had. We started hinting to each other about having a threesome. As we had in the past, we ended up having some nice sex.

I had my reunion, we had lots of fun talking with old friends, and it was a wonderful evening. Shortly after that, my wife was talking to one of her classmates and they started talking about their 50 year reunion coming up in two years. They discussed all of the different things we did at mine.

Over the next few weeks we started talking about her reunion and I asked about what people she was looking forward to seeing the most. She had a small group of girls that was very close, her and three other girls, and we talked about them quite a bit. One of the other three was the girl I had dated before starting to date my wife. Her, along with one of the other girls I had fantasized about at different times.

Soon, my wife started talking about some of the guys. There were really only two that she seemed excited about seeing, and one of those was Jeff. The other was someone that we had seen every so often, so she did not seem as excited about seeing him. She went on to talk about other people and we did not dwell on the topic very long.

Time went on, and my wife and a few of her girl friends kept in contact as they planned their reunion. They had all of the details in place about six months prior to the actual reunion.

Now, I need to add that some time ago I had found my wife’s diary from our dating years, and I learned of numerous times that she had been alone with Jeff, while I was gone away to school. Sometimes it was at school, and they just flirted, other times it was on bus rides to sporting events, and he tried to kiss her and told her that he could love her, and yet other times she had ridden with him (and others) to events. I also learned that on their date, she wrote that they went parking. She had never admitted that to me.

So, heading into this reunion I had some reservations. How would I react seeing him, and more importantly, how would she react seeing him? My thoughts were all over the place.

The day of the reunion came. We drove to our home town, going straight to the school for a tour. We talked with many of our old friends. Since I was part of her friend group through most of high school, they all seemed as close to me as any of my classmates, if not closer. Then I spotted Jeff and I got a lump in my throat.

I was in the middle of a conversation with someone else, so I did not go over to greet him, but I saw my wife go. She seemed to be walking at a very rapid pace heading toward him and they embraced for a long hug. As I stood a aways away from them I noticed the look on his wife’s face, it was one of concern.

It was kind of funny, because Jeff had married a women with the same first name as my wife, they had two kids, a boy and a girl, and their names started with the same letter as our two kids, in fact their first born, a son, like ours had the exact same name! Do you think he was thinking about someone else when he married her??

They parted and I saw Jeff introduce his wife and that is when I finally made my way over there. I was introduced to his wife, but just then another old friend came up and the conversation shifted to that person. I took my wife by the arm (gently) and we moved on to another group of old friends.

After the tour we had a happy hour during which I think I had a few more beers than I normally would, just because I was kind of nervous about the whole situation relating to Jeff. I was pretty lubricated, and kind of became the life of the party for a while.

The meal could not have come any too soon from my wife’s perspective. She was glad to get me sat down and away from others as we ate. It was an enjoyable meal and program, and I seemed to settle into a normal evening with friends. My wife was glad to see that!

After the meal, again we started reminiscing with friends and looking at yearbooks and scrapbooks, etc. Then one of the other male class mates of my wife came up to me and we started talking about the car he had in high school. It was a big old Buick with wings, and we called it the Batmobile!

He then said that he found it many years later in a junk yard, bought it again and refurbished it. He said that he drove it to the reunion, and it was sitting outside. I told my wife that I was going out with a group of guys to look at the car. I ended up being outside for quite some time with that group, looking at car after car and talking about old times.

When I decided I wanted something more to drink, I headed inside. I grabbed another beer and then looked around for my wife. I did not see her anywhere. I had not paid any attention to how long I was outside, but there still seemed to be a pretty good group of people there, so it took a bit to look around, and finally figure out that she was not in the building.

As I stopped to think about who she was talking to when I went outside, and I tried to figure out how long I was out there, I realized that one of the other people I did not see was Jeff. Now, that was not a big concern at first, that is until I saw his wife sitting and talking with some other women. When I looked at her, she was not really engaged in the conversation and I noticed that the look of concern that was on her face earlier when Jeff and my wife were hugging, was all over her face again.

I made my way over to that table and I tried to get her attention without drawing the attention of the other people sitting there. When she saw me sort of motioning toward her, she excused herself from that group and came to where I was standing. I asked her if she had seen my wife, and she asked me if I had seen her husband. We both answered in the negative.

I turned to leave the building to look for them and she followed me. I told her what kind of car we drove, and she told me what they drove and so the first thing we did was look to see if our cars were still there. When we found both cars, we seemed a little bit relieved.

I told her that since this was my hometown, and I would have a better idea of places they may have gone, I would lead the search. It was dark and she seemed a little hesitant to just start walking around, but I assured her I still knew this town like the back of my hand.

We started by walking back up to the school, about three blocks away, and went around the back of the school to the playground area. We did not see them anywhere around the school building. We walked from there to the football field and did not see them anywhere.

I said we should go to the city park next, and that was about four blocks away. Neither of us said a word as we walked. I wondered what she was thinking, if she was as worried about what they may be doing as I was. When we got to the park, we walked all around, even going to a clearing in the trees behind the shelter house, which was a spot that I had taken my wife back when were dating to make out. They were not there either.

I told his wife that I could think of only one other place in town to check. There was a spot under the water tower that my wife and I went to many times parking. Many times, we would climb into the back seat and other times we would throw a blanket in the ground and mess around under the stars. I did not say what we had done in this spot, but I think his wife understood.

We walked up town, went to the alley behind the bank and made out way toward the water tower. As we got closer, she started talking, telling me what Jeff had told her about his high school days and that he had even told her about this girl he liked. She said he even told her a little bit about me, as his rival for this girl, and how I won her hand! It was kind of like hearing the plot line of a movie.

Then, as we got closer, we both stopped when were heard voices. We both knew right away whose voices they were. She grabbed hold of my arm and squeezed. She said she was afraid to go any further, but we kept going. As we got closer, we could make out what they were saying, and it was very obvious to both of us that our spouses were having sex.

I led her to a spot where I knew we would be able to see them, without them seeing us. We stood there, concealed from their sight, and watched. They were indeed having sex, they were both completely naked, on a blanket, and were indeed very passionately going at it! We watched them, then looked at each other, turned back to watch them, and then I turned and pulled her away with me.

When we got father away I asked her if she thought we should go back and confront them, or wait for them at the end of the alley where they would come out and find us. I told her that if we confronted them, that I would most likely lose control and there would be a fight, which could result in a lot of pain, and I may go fucking nuts on both of them.

She said we should wait for them and see what they have to say. She added that it was already too late to stop them from doing anything! We walked to the end of the alley and there was a bench beside the bank. We sat down on the bench and started straight ahead saying nothing. I think we were both kind of stunned. I don’t think that either of us were really surprised by what we saw, just kind of the circumstances.

As we sat there waiting, I think we both felt uneasy. I finally spoke saying, “Maybe we should just go back to the firehall and act like we did not see what we saw.” She looked at me, and without saying anything she got up. So, we walked back to where the reunion was being held. When we got back, we both had a very stiff drink, whiskey straight up!

We sat together at a table away from others as we drank. After we had finished our drinks she started just asking about our kids, what I did for a living, etc. Just normal types of things that two people who did not know one another very well would ask. We kept talking, and it seemed to take our minds off the waiting, as well as what we might be thinking about the whole situation.

After what seemed like quite a while, I said, “Well, obviously they must be off in their own world that they are still not back.” His wife just shook her head yes to that. I then told her that I had actually had a couple of dreams over the years of me finding those two together, so this did not shock me. She then told me that she had found some letters that Jeff had written to my wife over the years but had never sent, so she was not surprised by this either.

After a short silence she said, “Maybe we should just go find a place to fuck too!” I started laughing, but then I looked at her and she did not seem to be joking. I stopped laughing and asked, “Are you serious?”

She said, “He made a cuckold out of you and so I think I should make a cuckold out of him!” She added, “Besides, I want to get even, don’t you?”

I said to her that we should grab a blanket and go to that spot behind the shelter house in the park that I had shown her. I said that maybe when they come back and see us missing that my wife might think to look there and find us!

We got up and headed out. I grabbed a blanket from my car, and we walked to the park. When we got to the spot, I laid out the blanket and we both sat down on it. We sat there for a bit looking at each other, not really knowing how to make the first move. After all, our spouses had known each other since they were kids, and had a history of romantic involvement, where we had just met.

I then broke the silence asking, “So did watching those two together turn you on as much as it did me?” She replied, “Absolutely!”

She went on saying, “At first my blood was boiling, but then it was like I was watching a movie, a very romantic movie with two people that had deep feelings for each other coming together after a very long separation and making love under the stars.” “I mean, what woman would not find that scenario romantic and a turn on.”

I then told her about the threesome conversations that my wife and I had when we were first married, and that Jeff was the person my wife picked for a threesome. I told her how we had actually attempted to ask Jeff, but it got all flubbed up and we got cold feet and called it all off.

She kind of chuckled at that saying, “I am certain he would have jumped at the chance if he understood what you were asking.” “He told me about another girl that he liked in high school, that he really wished he would have been bolder to take action.” She went on saying, “He did tell me that the two of them did go out on a date, but he never told me the details, and he said that by that time she was already in love with another guy.”

She continued, saying, “I did not know who that girl was until now, and I can see why he was so smitten by her, she is very pretty!”

I said, “Yes, she is, and you can imagine that in her younger years she was a cheerleader and had a great body. Not that she is not in good shape now, but in her teens and 20’s she was absolutely fucking hot!”

There was a bit of silence before she spoke again, saying, “You know, all of this talk of watching them and about your wife when she was younger, has made me a bit horny.” “Would you mind if I kissed you?”

I did not say anything, just took her in my arms. We kissed rather gently at first, but then the passion started kicking in and we were all over each other. Clothes were flying and we were soon having passionate sex. We were not making love, we were fucking, and we were both loving it!

In the meantime, my wife and Jeff had finished their liaison, they headed back to the firehall, hoping that no one had noticed their absence. As soon as they walked in, someone asked where they had been, saying that his wife and her husband had been looking for them. They told them that they had left, were gone for a while, came back, sat and had a drink, then left together again about 20 minutes ago.

Jeff and my wife looked at each other with questioning looks on their faces, then turned and left the building. My wife asked Jeff if he thought they had found them, or if they had just given up looking and now went out looking again. Jeff said that he was sure that they had not been found but added that since I knew the town so well, that I was probably looking in all of the locations that were known for two people hooking up.

He then asked my wife if she knew of places they could look to try and find us, where we might be looking for them. Neither of them had the faintest idea that their spouses might actually be hooking up!

My wife listed off a few locations and the two of them headed out on foot looking. One of the locations she thought of was exactly where we were currently at having sex, his wife an I. From where they were starting at, they decided to check this location first. Now, my wife said it had been many years since I had shown her this exact spot, she just knew it was someplace in the woods behind the city park.

Fortunately for all, it was a full moon, or nearly a full moon, so there was plenty of light, not only for us to see each other as we fucked, but for Jeff and my wife to see us when they found the spot.

His wife and I had been going at it for about 15 minutes (remember, we had talked for quite a while first), when I heard someone say, “Oh my God!”

Of course, I recognized the voice of my wife. She seemed to be shocked to find her husband fucking this other woman. She just stood there, like a statue, unable to move. Jeff was also motionless. The two of them stood with their eyes wide and their mouths open as their spouses fucked each other in front of them.

There was nothing romantic about what we were doing, it was pure hot-blooded sex, and we were too far along and much to into it to stop just because we had an audience. We fucked that much harder!

Our spouses just stood there watching in disbelief, while we kept fucking. Having the audience actually enhanced the stimulation for us and it did not take long before we both came. I started shooting deep inside of her and she started screaming as her orgasm hit!

When we were finally finished, I rolled onto my back, leaned up on my elbows. I looked directly at my wife and said, “Turnabout is fair play, right!”

I really thought she would get mad and start yelling at me, but I guess she realized that we obviously knew what they had done, and she instead started apologizing. I told her to hold her breath, we were all four in this together, so just relax and see how it feels to be the cuckold!


2024-10-20 19:45:50
Nice story. I’d like to read the next chapter. Foursome? Continue to fuck each other’s spouses? Divorce? Next please!

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