This is a pretty depraved work of fiction and should probably not be read by anyone. Enjoy.
Despite its regal name, 'The Royale' was a dump.
It had originally been built in the 1920's as a mid-range hotel for lawyers and doctors visiting the south side of town. The area had gone drastically downhill over the last 100 years, now the Royale was living out its twilight years as a low rent brothel catering to the city's cheapest Johns. There was only one way to stay afloat on such meager profit margins; a constant stream of customers, with minimal turnaround time. Fortunately, many of the clientele worked odd hours, and so the Royale was open and busy 24/7.
The Royale had been Rag's home for more than 18 years. She had been born in the Royale, and had spent almost every day since within its walls. Now that she had come of age, she was excited to begin her apprenticeship as a 'Hoe-in-Training' so that she could finally lose her virginity.
Ironically, opportunities for sex inside the brothel were almost non-existent. Every John who enters pays at the door and is provided a worn and battered 'menu'. From this, he picks the ideal hooker to satisfy his particular desires. Over 100 whores, all trained in the various carnal arts, made up to look like goddesses and willing to perform the most depraved of sexual acts. For a price.
So what man would forgo that, to bang a slightly plump, inexperienced girl in a knee length skirt and a tattered tank-top? If she'd have even tried it she would have been considered a 'poacher', not to mention a ‘scab', as she wasn't even an official whore. Both she and her Mother would be kicked out.
Now, the men leaving, they were fair game. However, given they had all just been thoroughly drained by highly trained professionals, they had neither the means nor the motivation to provide her any dick. Worst of all, there was no escape from it. Everywhere she looked, she was constantly reminded of all the sex she wasn't having.
She had become so frustrated that she had even tried discreetly offering herself to a few of the rent-boys she knew from the 8th floor. They all turned her down at first, of course. But, after some haggling, one of them reconsidered. She offered to let him start and finish in her ass, so long as her cunt got a solid 10 minutes in the middle.
Unfortunately, there was a catch; he wasn't allowed to give out freebies, as it was against the rules to 'undercut the house'. If she wanted to go through with it, she would have to go down to the front desk and pay, just like everyone else.
She tried to imagine standing in line with all the other Johns, walking the halls with her ticket number, stepping off the elevator at the 8th floor amongst a crowd of gay men. She thought of the humiliation of everyone she knew seeing her, knowing what she was about to do. Knowing that she was about to let some semi-flaccid twink bend her over and butt-fuck her, all so he'd pop her cherry. No, worse than that. That she would pay for the privilege of getting bent over and butt-fucked by a twink.
On top of that, even with the family discount, she would not have been able to afford it. There was only one viable solution; to become an apprentice and rise through the ranks until she could qualify as an official whore. While that might take a while, it was not all bad; she had heard that some men would pay extra for a girl's first time, so that would be nice!
Rag made her way quickly through the halls of the brothel carrying her basket. She had been assigned her first official role as a laundry girl. She stopped at each door as she passed and listened intently. At the first three she heard the familiar, reassuring grunts of men getting their money's worth, and so she passed on by. As she approached the next room a John opened the door and exited, she knocked quietly and entered. Inside the air smelled sweetly of fresh sex and old perfume.
The whore within went by the name of 'Bubbles', but to Rag she was Mrs Johnson. She was not married of course, the 'Mrs' was simply an honorific, symbolizing her seniority. Being 45 she was one of the oldest (as well as meanest) whores in the place. She lay on her back in the center of the bed wearing nothing but an expensive, faded pink bra. She gradually recovered her breath from the rough plowing she had clearly just received. "What the fuck you want?"
"Momma sent me, they startin' me off on laundry" said Rag. "Then you're fucking late, do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you to get here?!". Rag knew that the truth was 'about 15 seconds', but she also knew better than to say it aloud. Rag carried on "You got any Boob-Bags or Cum-Catchers you need laundered Mrs Johnson?".
The lecherous old whore gave an evil grin "that I do child, that I do..." before tossing her the bra. "Them Cum-Catchers though, they're in too deep. You gonna have to pull 'em out o' my Jizz-Bucket youself..." she said, before leaning back to spread her legs.
Rag peered inside, but saw nothing. "That Officer Cooper, he always pays $5 extra so he can ball 'em up and stuff 'em inside before he gets going. I wouldn't mind so much, but they sure do suck up the moisture in there..." Approaching slowly, Rag slid her fingers into the woman's cavernous cunt. She felt nothing at first, just her thick, gooey cunt slime. She began to dig deeper.
"Careful you useless bitch! You give me so much as a scratch in there and I'll woop you harder than you momma ever did!" Rag could feel that Mrs Johnson's cunt was tough and leathery. It had, after all, been pounded 12 hours a day by cocks of every size and shape for the last 25 years. She would have bet a Cock of Gold that 'Bubbles' wouldn't have noticed if she was being violated with a cactus.
Nevertheless, Rag made a show of gently sliding the rest of her fingers in, past the knuckle, until she finally felt the slimy silk slide between her fingertips. Due to the suction it took three attempts before she was able to dislodge the drenched pink panties from the whore's cervix. Mrs Johnson moaned with relief when the moist lump plopped free.
As Rag held it up to her face, she saw globs of still-warm semen pooled near the center in a way that resembled a half eaten Sno-Ball. The similarity almost made her laugh, but she held it in for fear of pissing off Mrs Johnson further. She dropped them into her basket, along with several other pieces of soiled underwear she found around the room.
Rag absent-mindedly licked her fingers clean as she entered the next room. To her surprise, inside she found Ms Martinez a.k.a. 'Candy' in the bathroom, bent over the toilet puking her guts out. From the doorway she could see that a fresh load was dribbling from Ms Martinez's cunt into her purple panties.
"That motherfucker... that goddam son-of-a-bitch..." she said before retching again. Rag approached quickly "Did your last John get rough with you? I can go pull the bell and he won't make it out of the building". Ms Martinez grabbed her arm "No, it's not that... it's my boy Max".
Rag had known Max from around the building. He was six years her elder, so they had never been particularly close. In spite of this, she'd always had a huge crush on the tall, dark boy. Ms Martinez stopped to clear her throat and spit "He came of age a few years back and left to go make his way in the world. Well, the last few weeks he's been coming back to visit, turns out he's just like our Daddy".
"You say 'our' Daddy?" said Rag, confused. "I was a runaway," Ms Martinez explained "After some time on the street I ended up finding a place here at the Royale. Couple years later Daddy found me here and started making weekly visits. That sick bastard would pay the extra $10 each time so he could go rawdog on me."
She drank some water from the tap. "He just kept filling me up with baby batter, week after week, month after month. He didn't stop until he knew I was knocked up. One day he walked in the door, saw the bump and just laughed his ass off for five straight minutes. Then he left, and I ain't seen him since."
Rag didn't understand what she was hearing. "But if you ain't seen him since, who's Cock-Snot that drippin' out your coochie Ms Martinez?" She spat again, "Goddam Max of course! Ever since he started his new job a few weeks back he's started visiting 'The Royale' as a customer. But unlucky for me, it seems the only fuckhole he wants to cum in is the one he come out of! I'm certain he's been trying to plant a sibling in me, and since I've been bent over this toilet all morning, looks like that motherfucker got his way" she said, seemingly without irony.
"It was bad enough having a Brother-Son, this poor little bastard's gonna be my kid, my niece or nephew and my grandkid all in one! And the worst of it is that because Max was born and raised here he qualifies for the family discount, so I haven't even been getting the extra $10!"
Losing out on the money was the only part of the story that made any sense to Rag. Having vented all her frustrations at her situation, Ms Martinez finally noticed her and the basket. "I'm so sorry for going off like that Rag, I can see you're busy, here..." she said as she removed the sex soaked panties. She held them beneath herself as she squatted down, doing all she could to push out the last of the incestuous seed.
Passing them to Rag, she continued, "Anyway, I'd better get down to the 'Spa' to get cleaned out proper. An' you'd better get going before you catch some trouble from your Momma" Rag gave her condolences, collected several stained night-gowns, and left.
The corridor was becoming more crowded as it was approaching the lunch-time rush. As she walked along, she tried to puzzle out everything that Ms Martinez had told her. She stopped at several other rooms as she did, adding to her basket each time. She finally came to the last room on the left, the room she shared with her Mother. Making sure that no one was paying attention to her, she entered.
Finding the room empty, she quickly closed the door and lay down her basket. Her Mother must have been down in the spa after her 11am regular. Privacy was a rare and precious treat in the Royale, a thing to be treasured. Rag flopped onto the bed and decided that she would rest for a while. She had already collected three baskets of laundry that morning and her feet and arms were aching. The building was so busy, no one would notice if she went missing for 10 minutes.
As she relaxed and considered her options, she let her gaze take in the room; the vanity covered in perfumes and make-up, the mini-bar, the little trash can with a small pile of used condoms and the bedside table. Finally her eye came to rest on her mother's toy drawer. Making her decision, she rolled over and pulled out a dildo.
It was not one of the big ones her mother sometimes preferred, nor did it have any fancy settings or features, but of all of them it was her favorite. It was the ideal length and girth to give her the gentle stretching that she deeply desired, without being uncomfortable. Its motor vibrated at the at just the right speed, giving her the sensation that she was levitating.
Rag removed her panties, tossed them into the basket, lay back and lowered the dildo beneath her skirt. As she did so she switched it on and immediately started running it up and down along her lips. At the same time, she slid one hand up her tank-top and started to gently pull and twist on her nipple. It had been over a week since the last time she had pleasured herself, she was so horny that it could not take long. As her clit throbbed and pulsed from the anticipation, her cunt began to salivate.
Rag rubbed the toy directly into clit, and it rewarded the attention with a sudden rush that almost took her breath away. As she became accustomed to the sensation, she started to pinch and pull her nipple more firmly. The image of Max standing above her entered her mind, she pictured him leaning down and placing a kiss on her ear, she imagined the weight of him laying on top of her. She brought her knees up and repositioned the dildo, placing the tip at the mouth of her slobbering fuckhole.
As she plunged the toy deep into herself, she felt Max fill her up and stretch her out in a way that made her feel divine. Slowly at first, she pumped in and out, coating it with her juices. It quickly became slick and she gradually built up the tempo, feeling the first tingling of an orgasm kindle between her legs.
She maintained a steady rhythm, pounding her box over and over as the pleasure intensified. Imagining him pinning her down, she spread her leg to let him get deeper, she could feel his balls slap against her asshole. She pinched down and twisted her nipple as hard as she could, she could feel the climax rapidly approaching...
Suddenly the battery died. Rag almost screamed aloud from the combination of shock and sexual frustration. Ms Martinez didn't know how lucky she was, Rag thought bitterly. Imagine having such a sexy, virile young man choose you as the object of his desire, to get to fuck him on the regular, and be paid for it besides.
She wished that she could be Ms Martinez, the mother that he drained his balls into; if only she could be the one that he bent over the bathroom sink and fucked raw. She was suddenly struck by a deeply depraved and dirty thought. She dismissed it at first, but the more she tried to ignore it the more it persisted, causing the embers of her orgasm to rekindle.
She dug through the laundry pile and unearthed the panties Ms Martinez had handed her. While the purple cotton had absorbed most of what had oozed out of her, there was still a thick puddle of spunk in the crotch. She sucked up a small glob from one corner and held it on her tongue. Rolling it around her mouth, she savored Max's salty tang, even though it was slightly tainted by his mother's musky cunt cream.
Rag positioned the tip of the dildo directly under the pool of jizz, and then draped the panties over the head, stretching the underwear down to the base. This effectively created a skin tight cotton bodysuit for the beloved sex toy.
She then ran to the bathroom, bent over the sink and spread her feet slightly apart. Lifting the hem of her skirt for easier access, she looked into the mirror, picturing Max behind her, ready to take her. She positioned the head just inside the entrance of her sopping wet cunt, made eye contact with her reflection and lunged it forward into herself.
There would be no slow build up this time. Her body had been denied its release and there was nothing she wouldn't do to satisfy its needs. She pumped the dildo harder and faster than before, letting Max use her body like he did his mother. "That's it baby, fuck Mommy's Jizz-Bucket."
Rag squeezing her cunt down again and again, milking it as hard as she could, smearing their incestuous fuck-sauce into every nook and cranny of her cunt. "Anything for my big strong boy!" she said, maintaining eye contact with herself.
The lust burned through her as her orgasm approached, her pussy began to quiver; her entire body felt like a struck gong. "Fuck, I'll never charge you ever again, I swear it..." As she plunged herself closer and closer to the edge, the panties suddenly came loose and became lodged halfway inside her. So close to the crescendo, she neither noticed nor cared.
"That's it, Mommy's close now. Use me baby, fill me up." Pounding herself as hard as she could, she only pushed them deeper and deeper. "Mommy loves you Max!" The final thrust filled her up more than any other, the head of the dildo squeezing the sodden panties up against the opening to her uterus. The sensation pushed her over the edge. Rag came so hard that she lost the power of sight, her cunt clenching down like a vice as she let out a long, guttural scream of pleasure.
She moaned over and over as she came down from the orgasmic high, the relief quickly turned her moans to laughter as she felt her whole body relax. She gave the dildo a gentle tug, but her vagina wasn't ready to give it up yet, like a dog with a chew toy. Her reveling was cut short, however, as she heard the familiar click of a key entering the lock. Her Mother had returned and would be inside within moments.
Quickly lowering her skirt back into place, she waddled back to the bedroom as fast as she could. This was not easy, as her 'lover' was still lodged firmly inside her. She had just made it back to the bed when the lock turned and the door began to open. Rag did the only thing she could think of; clamping her legs together to hold the device in place, she stood up straight and tried to look normal.
Her Mother had not expected the room to be occupied, so gave a small yelp of surprise. "Fuck! Are tryin' to put me in an early grave?! You scared the shit out of me..." her eyes narrowed "Cumrag Jezebel Brown, you in here slackin' off? On you first day?!" Rag knew she was in deep shit if she was using her full name. She responded with the first thing that came to mind "Oh no Momma, I just come in to see if you needed anything laundered after you 11 o'clock John!"
As she spoke she felt her pussy, exhausted from the intense orgasm, slowly relax it's grip on the slick, wet dildo. It began to slide down. Her eyes went wide and she squeezed her legs and ass together as tight as she could. "I Swear Momma!"
Fiona 'Foxy' Brown could see the fear in her daughter's eyes, and softened her face. "I'm sorry Rag, you just gave me a start is all..." She suddenly stopped. "Jesus, child are you OK!?"
In her surprise she hadn't noticed at first, but something was wrong. Her daughter was out of breath, her face was flushed and she was sweating profusely. "You ain't getting sick are you?" she said as put her hand to her brow. "I promise I'm fine Momma, just been workin' hard like you told me." The sex toy slid down another half inch. "Girl, your sweating like a first time John, sit down. How many baskets did you get through already?"
Rag considered her options. What she wanted more than anything was to make her excuses, pick up her basket and leave as soon as possible. The flaw in that plan was that it involved bending over, which in her current predicament would result in her accidentally giving birth to her mother's dildo, right there in front of her. She needed more time.
"Sit Down child, before you fall down! I'll get you some water." Her mother's order reduced her options to one. As her mother walked over to the mini-bar, Rag sat down as gently as she could on the edge of the bed. The dildo slid back in easily, but even with the soft mattress beneath her, a significant portion of her weight was being held up by the silicon cock.
It stretched her insides in a way that was deeply uncomfortable. Her mother returned and handed her a water, "Rag, are you OK? Has your blood come early this month?" she said, seeing strained expression on her daughter's face.
The state of her vagina was a topic she desperately wanted to avoid. She tried as hard as she could to think of some way to change the topic of conversation. The only thing she could think of was a question. It was something that had been bugging her since she spoke with Ms Martinez. A question that she had been pondering from the moment she had left her room.
As her body weight forced the invading sex toy further inside, compacting the semen soaked panties deep into her birth canal, she spoke it.