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Teaser- "When we open this door, we fight like hell and we fight dirty" she told herself. She snapped the towel rack bar loose of it's little screws and armed herself.
June Mondragon watched bemused as the other women struggled to pull their chins up over the bar. She hated the idea that the physical standards were lower for females. She herself had trained for this for years and could do 18 pull ups before she had to take a break, with the only actual requirement being that she pull her chin above the bar and hang there for 60 seconds. This was the base requirement for all women in her age group, yet here were most of the women in CLB-8 (Combat Logistics Battalion 8) struggling to do even that. Mondragon winced as she thought of all the men watching her fellow women struggle. This was the burden you had to bare as a physically competent female in the military. Listening to all the men talk shit and downgrade your service because most women did the bare minimum. She dropped from the bar with a light thud and got in line to do the crunches portion of her PFT (physical fitness test). This segment was as easy as the rest for her, she could do 100 crunches faster than most of the men in her company, her 3 mile run time was better than half of them at least. She would put out extra hard today, today was special to her. In fact, other than receiving her eagle globe and anchor this would be her next most special day of enlistment thus far. Although it had only been 2 months since MCT (Marine combat training) and she was still considered the new girl in her unit, she would be getting promoted to Lcpl today. This was not something most Marines looked at as highly significant, after all, it's still only E-3 and the pay raise is minimal. Mondragon was never in it for the money though, she thirsted for the glory. She sought only to be a part of the worlds finest fighting organization, and she was just that. The morning after the PFT came and went quickly for her, doing the menial tasks she had been presented upon arriving at the shop (a logistics Marines place of daily work). When noon finally arrived she was ecstatic to be pinned in her very own promotion ceremony. The company was called into formation with June Mondragon front and center, eye to eye with their company command. The promotion warrant was read allowed and she stuck her chest out and sucked in her stomach. She felt 10 feet tall today. With a sharp salute she was dismissed and rushed by all of her company to congratulate her, as was the custom. Eagerly they lined up to show a new found respect for their fellow sister at arms, though the boys all seemed a little more eager than the girls. It had not escaped Lcpl Mondragon's notice that every man in the company wanted her, she understood it. The other women weren't all the best looking, and the ones that could compete looks wise could never hold up to Mondragon's physical prowess. She was what the other women referred to as a "muscle mommy". Lcpl Mondragon liked the sentiment, but she was never planning on being anyone's "mommy". Children would never be in her future unless she decided to adopt one day later on in life. This wasn't due to a lack of ability, rather a lack of desire. While she did secretly find some of the men and women in her unit attractive, she never quite figured out the dating thing in her younger years and so she had more of less given up the idea of a partner. Besides, she had a career to focus on. One day she would be one of the very few female sergeant majors in the Marine corps, this she knew for certain.

Later that night she found herself outside of the barracks back on the pull up bars, this time by her own choice. She loved keeping herself strong while the other Marines relaxed and played their video games, or drank themselves silly. A little while later and she stepped into her barracks room to clean up and change for bed. Her roommate, Emily Martinez informed her that she would be staying off base with her boyfriend that night, so Mondragon didn't bother waiting to strip out of her soaked training attire. Her clothes were so wet they made a smacking noise when they hit the floor. Lcpl Mondragon stood in front of the bathroom sink brushing her teeth before her shower. She caught her own gaze in the mirror above the sink, her hazel eyes stared back at her and she took a moment to admire the pump and had gotten from her vigorous workout. Her triceps rippled, beads of sweat ran along and between the outline of her abs, her heart still beat so hard that her left breast jolted with ever pump. Her bronze Spanish body glistened in the dim light, even she had to admit she was truly a sculpture to behold. As she stepped into the shower and adjusted the water to her liking, she surfed Spotify for some good tunes. je te laisserai des mots covered by a french girl signing in the rain. A classic and one of her favorite songs to shower to, so peaceful. She hummed along and let her mind drift into happy and relaxing thoughts as she soaked in the steaming water.

What Lcpl Mondragon didn't know was that she hadn't bothered to lock her barracks room door. CPL Thereu (Corporal) a rank above Lcpl and also Mondragon's direct squad leader had had an entirely different evening routine. As soon as he got back to the barracks he twisted the top off of a brand new bottle of Jamesons distilled Irish whiskey, drinking a quarter of it in his first gulp. The bottle bubbled as he turned it up, he decided to meander out to the smoke pit and have a cigarette with whomever might be out there. To his surprise it was a quiet night and he found himself alone on the bench. The liquor had set in well and he was powering through his pack of Newports, an odd choice for a hillbilly from Southern Ohio. But he liked what he liked and no stereotype would change his mind on that. Of the many out of line things he enjoyed that most of his folks back home would disagree with, was colored women. And I mean women of any color, they struck him as exotic and interesting. All the redneck girls back home fuck the same and talk the same. Boring. He realized his thoughts were becoming more and more arousing, liquor often had this affect on him. He was horny as hell most of the time actually. Liquor just brought it out in an insatiable way. He compared it to the transformation of a werewolf, he'd kill for some pussy right about now. As his thoughts wandered and his bottle emptied, he reflected on the day. When suddenly his thoughts lead him to the earlier formation. That new girl, Mondragon. When he had shaken her hand and congratulated her he definitely got the "fuck me" eyes. He was sure of it. He smashed his empty bottle on the table and returned to his room to retrieve another. Jamming to some stone temple pilots while he started on his new bottle of liquid gold. He had downed nearly half of it when the courage finally struck him. I have to go make a move he thought to himself.

Lcpl Mondragon stepped out of her steaming shower and began to dry off before unlocking her wall locker to retrieve some sleep attire. She produced a pair a green pt shorts and stepped into the--

What was that? Her mind shouted at her. Her door handle had turned. As the door swung open she tried frantically to cover herself.

"CPL Thereu!?" "What the FUCK are you doing in my room!?" "CLOSE YOUR EYES CPL!"

Thereu could barely believe what he was seeing, a goddess stood before him shouting commands as she tried to cover her breasts and groin. Her nipples could barely be covered and he could see the dark brown outlines. He knew she was attractive but this woman looked as if she had been chiseled from marble by a Greek God. He could see her screaming at him but between the alcohol and her beauty he couldn't hear a word at first. " I'm sorry Lcpl, I just came to--"his sentence stopped. This is an act of Providence he thought to himself. Something told me to come here tonight and now here she is completely nude. Part of her must have been waiting for me in here. He moved toward her quickly.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!" she screamed. She quickly came to her senses and realized the situation at hand. This was danger, she had heard the stories of some of the female service members being raped but that would NOT be her legacy. She grabbed her clothes and bolted into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Rapidly dawning her attire she did a quick breathing exercise to gain her composure and think clearly. The door knob jiggled behind her. And she reached down for her phone. Nothing. "FUCK" she said allowed, realizing it was laying on her bed. "Okay girl, this is it, we've trained for a situation like this for 10 years now" she gave herself a quick speech and reminded herself that she was quite capable in hand to hand combat. The Marine corps martial arts program otherwise known as MCMAP had taught her well. "When we open this door, we fight like hell and we fight dirty" she told herself. She snapped the towel rack bar loose of it's little screws and armed herself.

Immediately after undocking the door she kicked it open as hard as he could, Thereu was sent stumbling backwards and slammed into her wall locker. She thought to run or grab her phone but adrenaline and rage had taken over. Her heart pounded like a war drum in her chest. She sprang forward taking full advantage of his imbalance and started bludgeoning him in the head with the rod as hard as she could. The aluminum rod bent after only a few swings. She screamed with rage and fear as she discarded it and continued her assault. Punching the top of his head and utilizing her knees to his face anytime he tried to sit up. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF HUMAN SHIT" she shouted, among other insults and obscenities. CPL Thereu was indeed dazed and she was feistier than any woman he'd ever witnessed outside of the UFC, but he had been in worse fights with grown men twice her size. He admired this woman. She could have run out and screamed for help or grabbed her phone to call the police, but here she was risking it all for a fight. This must be another act of Providence by the universe he thought as she continued wailing on him. She wants this he thought to himself, so I'll give it to her.

As June Mondragon delivered what she was sure would be the finishing kick to his chin, sending him into an involuntary slumber, she was surprised by his quickness and recovery. He caught her leg under his arm and stood suddenly. This threw her off balance and she barely kept herself upright, catching herself and hopping on one leg. She threw a mean left hook to counter. Just as she had been taught. It landed square and true on his chin. Yet noting happened. She threw it again but this time, seemingly with ease, he leaned back and weaved it. How was this possible!?! She thought to herself. Without warning he stepped forward still holding her leg, knocking her flat on her back. Her head bounced off the tile of the floor hard and she saw stars. Her vision momentarily blurred with the blow but she quickly utilized her upkick aimed directly at his chin. Another weave, he stepped out of the way with ease. " You truly are the hardest female Marine I've ever met" he said, praising her. He reached out a hand to help her up before she could strike again.

"What the fuck is he doing"? She thought to herself. Was this a test or some kind of initiation tradition!? Had she made up a scenario in her head and over reacted? She crawled backwards creating space between them and stood. "What the fuck just happened, why did you come in here!?" She said demandingly. " I came here because I wanted to make a move and try to seduce you" he said calmly. " ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" she shouted. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY--" he slapped her so hard she fell sideways on the floor. Her head spun and she saw stars again. The sting of the slap was incredibly potent. " I now realize that whether or not you could be seduced, you've been brought to me by the universe". she could barely comprehend what he was saying in her daze, blood trickled from her mouth into the floor, she spit hard and stood up fast ready to defend herself again. Her hands raised high protecting her head. The blow came to the stomach this time though, and wasn't fast enough. He uppercut her in the midsection so hard she doubled over and audibly gasped for air that she could not receive. " The universe brought you to me so that you can finally be appreciated and fulfill both of our purposes in life" now she really couldn't hear him. Her mouth opened wide, gulping at the air like a fish out of water. "Stand up straight with you hands above your head" he instructed. It'll help you breathe sooner. She remained doubled over, her head still reeling with adrenaline, now with added fear, pain and desperation. He firmly grabbed her wrists and moved her into the position. She tried to resist but even at 100% he would've early overpowered her feminine frame. Her rippling triceps and firearms counted for nothing now. Her breath returned after only a moment. "Let me go" she said, using all the strength she had to sound confident and commanding. "From the moment I saw your perfect body, that was never an option" he released her arms and they fell by her side. She started to raise them ready to fight again, he would not break her warrior spirit she told herself. With a swift motion he wrapped her long black hair around his left and and tightened his grip so hard her head was forced back and her neck strained, exposing her well toned shoulders and bulging neck veins that pulsed hard with fear and a mix of other emotions. He began guiding her toward the bed.

She dropped her weight on the floor in spite of the pain he caused by holding her hair. He continued to drag her toward the bed. She kicked and screamed to the best of her ability. Clawing at the floor and cursing him in her native tongue. Suddenly she had a plan again. " Punch him in the balls" her brain told her. "YES" this was his one weak spot. She had seen men crumble from a groin shot plenty of times. Ignoring her pain, she put everything she had into a left hook, turning her whole body into it as best she could. She felt the impact and knew it was successful. He stopped abruptly and yelled in pain. Falling to his knees but not releasing her hair or his grip. She pulled away from him so hard she thought her hair might be ripped off. " Goddamn" he coughed. "You are a bad mother fucker aren't you" he said with admiration. She spit blood in his face and told him she would kill him. " Maybe, but not tonight you won't" she screamed in frustration at his words. He stood again and she tried to repeat the strike. He caught her forearm and gripped it so hard she thought it might feature. "AAAGHHH!!" She screamed in pain. It was a high pitch scream. "So there is a vulnerable side in there somewhere" he remarked. He picked her up by her hair and punched her in the abdomen harder than last time. She fell forward onto her bed, her forehead hitting the brick wall on the opposite side and dazing her further. She could barely feel the warm blood streaming down her face from the cut it gave her. She held her stomach and gasped for air once again. Her thoughts were muddled and she just kept hearing herself repeat "no,no,no"

She was too dazed to feel or perceive much for a few moments, but she could tell what was happening behind her. She felt her green pt shorts being pulled down to her knees, exposing her round tan backside and unshaven womanhood. She used all of her strength to reach back and cover herself. He gripped both of her wrists together with one hand and clamped tight on them. Still she struggled to free them. "Kick" her mind told her. Another adrenaline spike, her wind is back and she sucks in air hard. It's a wonderful feeling to breathe again and she kicks hard aiming for his manhood. It misses it's mark and she cocks her leg for another strike. Before she can deliver it, he punches her between the shoulder blades hard, but he holds back this time. A sharp pain rings through her chest. Her legs fall still once again, knees on the floor, arms pinned and all her vulnerability exposed. She feels him grip her hair once again and pull her head back, this time it's much gentler than before. Leaning down and getting his mouth next to her ear he tells her calmly " from this day forward, you will be mine" "you may hate me, you may hate yourself, but you will know who claimed you"

Realizing that she has no options left, she stoops to pleading. Her voice is soft and shaky now. "Thereu, you're drunk, please don't do this, think about your career, think about me, please, I'm begging you, I don't want this" her body shakes with sobs as she prays her will come to his senses and end this nightmare. He pauses briefly, and she can't see behind herself but she wonders if maybe she's gotten through to him. She persists " please, you don't understand, I've never, I mean, please, I......"

"You're a virgin?" He asks rhetorically. "Then truly the gods have sent you to me" he says with pride and appreciation. It is now that she realizes the pause was not born from his reconsideration or sympathy, he's undoing his belt and taking his pants off. "PLE-ASS-SE NOO-OO-OO" she cries out between sobs. His cock is out now, and pulsing With anticipation at the prize to come. He stops himself though, thinking more clearly now that he fully controls the situation. This should not be rushed he thinks to himself. Before him lies a goddess, every moment of this should be savored. For himself and for his new lover. He takes a moment to admire her private areas, probably never seen by any other man, her dark brown asshole puckers and winks with every sob she let's out. Her pussy is perfect, surrounded in hair as black as coal, the perfect light brown with just a tiny bit of pink showing inside. Her round athletic butt shimmers and jiggles as she cries and begs and kicks her powerful muscular legs. "Listen to me" he says firmly. She continues to cry and beg. "LISTEN TO ME!" he shouts as he places a hand on her throat releasing her hair. He chokes her until she struggles hard, watching her asshole and pussy wink and pucker and admiring her perfection, HIS perfection. He waits until her tan facial complexion turns a hint of red to release his grip. She gasps and sucks in air desperately once again. "I'm going to let your arms go now, if you resist me in any way I'm going to hurt you again" "do you understand?" He asks. "PLEASE DON--" he tightens his grip again and cuts off her plea. This time releasing her arms and punching her in the ribs just hard enough to hurt and take her breath away, being careful not to fracture one of her perfect ribs. Tears running down her dark, red face, blood and saliva running down her chin and forehead she makes a series of gutteral animalistic noises and he releases. Not wanting to cause any real damage. "Do you understand now"? She nods her head shakily and in defeat. "Good, then we can finally begin"

Releasing his grip on her throat and letting her arms fall to her sides she lies motionless, still silently sobbing and breathing heavily. Her heart beat is pounding so hard it's the only thing she can focus on. "I'm going to give your body the worship it deserves" he tells her softly. Kneeling down behind her he begins lightly kissing her shoulders, and proceeds to do the same to every inch of her dark tan back. She shudders at the feeling, inside she wants to vomit and struggles not to. Her mind is blank now, she does her best to drown out the sound of his lips on her skin. To ignore the sensation of his unwanted affection on her unwilling body and mind. She knows now that any moment he will penetrate her, robbing her of her power and individuality. She can see herself crying in the Sexual assault response team office. Being told this doesn't define her. She feels sick. His kisses make their way to her arms and all the way down to her hands. Then he's tracing the roundness of her butt with his repulsive violation. Kissing tenderly and licking the undersides where her butt connects with her thighs. She tightens her holes because she knows that's where his mouth will be any second now. "Roll over" he commands.

Confused, she hesitates to obey. He helps her body make the adjustment. She lies on her back now and stares at the ceiling, doing everything she can to avoid his eyes. "How many men have you kissed?" He asks. She is too numb to answer. A quick and decisive slap to her face shakes her response loose. "None" she responds after a moment. "Please just take what you want and leave me be, don't make my first kiss be during a rape" he runs his hand through her jet black hair, he realizes how soft it is now. "Is that what you think this is?" "This is so much more than rape" "I'm going to make you my everything, and I'm going to own you completely. She shuts her eyes and continues to cry.

He leans in and softly kisses her lips with a closed mouth at first, they are so soft. Even with a little blood on them she tastes like coconuts and everything that is pure in the world. His urges take him now, he kisses again, and again, each time with more passion and desire. "Follow my lead and try to copy what my mouth is doing" " if I have to hit you again I will". Utterly defeated and tortured, she complies. He opens his mouth now and she does the same, locking their lips together as she feels his tongue slip into her once virgin mouth, entangling her tongue. She tastes the liquor and nearly vomits. "Oh, I didn't even think to ask about that" he says, noticing her discomfort at the smell and taste. "You've never really been drunk before I'll bet" " that's just the thing we need huh. He leaves her lying there and grabs his bottle from her window sill. He takes her hand and pulls her sobbing body into an upright sitting position. "Here, chug this as fast as you can" there's still half a bottle and she's fairly certain she can't do it. " If I have to ask again I'm going to choke you until you pass out, but I'll wake you up right after, so you don't miss anything" she wishes more than anything now that he would kill her. He holds her hair and leans her head back, bringing the bottle to her light brown voluptuous lips. She swallows the horrible liquid as best she can, gulp after gulp. What is only a few seconds feels like hours as she struggles not to vomit for fear of him causing her more pain. Eventually she can't stop herself and chokes on the Irish whiskey, spitting a mouthful onto his face involuntarily. She's sure he'll hurt her again, but he just licks his lips and brings the bottle back to her mouth. He force feeds her until the bottle is empty. "Now if you've never drank like this, you're going to SUPER fucked up pretty soon" "trust me, it'll make everything easier to handle tonight. He kneels in front of her now and keeps kissing her, interlocking their tongues once again and only pulling away to swallow her liquor flavored saliva. He keeps violating her mouth until the liquor begins to set in. She can feel it now, and it's at least helping her not hate the taste of his mouth to the point that she vomits. The whiskey gives her a new volt of courage and she sparks a new idea to end this quickly. " If he deflowers me tonight I'm going to kill myself as soon as he lets me go" thinking quickly she pulls away from him and looks him in the eyes. "May I speak"? "What's on your mind"? He asks politely, as if he's not torturing another human being in the worst ways she can imagine. "If I offer you my ass, will you just use it and get this over with for me"? "I'll do anything you ask if you leave me with my virginity, please, I'll moan for you, I'll beg for it, I'll suck you, I'm begging you not to take this from me, if you do it'll kill me".

"Wow, that's unexpected" he says, looking genuinely surprised. She's numb now, much more so from the liquor. "That's a brave offer" "I accept your proposal June" "tonight I swear on your life and mine I'll not take your virginity" "now thank me" she swallows hard, holding back tears and mustering her strength again "thank you" she says under her breath. "No no no, thank me properly, kiss me with passion between every word and tell me how badly you want me to fuck your tight virgin asshole" "this is it"she thinks. She's never done this but she knows he'll cum quickly, she's heard the stories about how rapists cum fast and either kill you or leave you with your shame and wounds. "Maybe I can make him cum with my mouth" she thinks. If I can make him finish without him Fucking me I could get out of this un spoiled. "Please- she opens her mouth and seeks his tongue once they are locked together- fuck- she sucks his tongue gently this time and bites his lip like her girlfriends told her about when they talk about boys- my tight- another sloppy kiss, this time making out with her would be rapist for a solid minute before resuming-round butt" "stuff yourself inside me and fill me with your semen" "please Daddy" she kneels and looks up into his eyes. "May I please suck your perfect dick daddy "? She knows this is going to save her. She can see it's working, he's mesmerized. He leans back and spreads his legs. She's never imagined doing this and always found the idea repulsive and humiliating. But this is what her survival looks like right now and she is going to do her very best. She kisses his legs all the way down to his feet, she licks his feet and bows to him. Putting her hands out in a mock worshipping pose and arching her backside as sharp as she can before shaking it just enough to make it bounce. He leans forward and slaps her right cheek with his big hand. She yelps in surprise and pain. "Thank you" she says keeping her head down at his feet and kissing. He slaps again, this time she's not shocked but it still hurts. "Leave your handprint on me daddy, please" she says, whimpering a bit on purpose. He shakes with excitement and keeps hitting her poor sore violated bottom. She can tell it's working "he's going to cum the second I put it in my mouth, all I have to do is not vomit on it so he doesn't knock my teeth mouth or beat me to death. She sits up and meets his hungry eyes with hers "here goes noting" she thinks to herself.

His penis pulse, inches from her face, shaved and veiny, she realizes now that he is a good 8 or 9 inches. "I have to keep that out of my holes" she thinks to herself. Leaning down, she kisses the throbbing head and keeps kissing all the way to the base. She repeats this on both sides and underneath, noting the musky smell this is all she can focus on at this point. "I might kill myself after this honestly" he grips his balls with his right hand and presents them to her. "Very gently, you're going to suck both of these, so open wide." She does as he commands and opens wide. "Stick your tongue out" she does this too. His testicles fill every inch of her mouth and she struggles not to hurt him by choking and accidentally biting or causing pressure. "Now roll your tongue around them " she feels every hair and vein on his balls as her perfect Spanish tongue massages her attacker. He reaches down and takes her hand in his, she doesn't resist, guiding her to his cock she understands. Her hand fits perfectly around it and she feels it's pulsing sensation now. "I'll jerk him off"! "That's it, she thinks, I'll jerk him off and all I have to suck is his balls. She rhythmically strokes his dick and does her best to worship his balls, trying frantically but calmly to produce an orgasm. She moans, still fighting her gag reflex while trying to please his balls and cock. She can feel his legs tightening. "Any second now" she thinks to herself. "I'll kill this mother fucker after he cums. "Make him think I'm so drunk I want him to sleep with me and kill him in his sleep"

Minutes seem like hours, his legs continue to twitch and his cock seems to just get harder and more swollen. His balls seem to get fuller and she's starting to feel the ache in her jaw muscles. "What the fuck" she thinks. "Fuck it let's end this" her mind tells her. "Daddy" she pleads as she gently lets his balls fall into her waiting cupped hand and continues to roll them softly with her fingers. "Can I please suck you now"? "Only if you suck it like my cum is the last protein you'll ever get" he commands. "Yes Daddy " "thank you Daddy" she internally complements her acting ability under this much stress, the whiskey certainly helped she thinks. Wanting to end this fast she wastes no time figuring out what to do and puts as much as she can in her mouth quickly. "That's half, now the rest" he says lovingly. "Daddy I can-" her head is forcefully shoved down and she feels him penetrate her throat violently. The pain is horrible, the smell potent but worst of all is the gagging. Her throat choking around him, squeezing and massaging her attacker with every attempt her body makes to repel him. For the first time she feels panic set in again and struggles hard, just trying to get it out at first but eventually after what feels like eternity resorting to punching and scratching his thighs. "Oh fuuuuuuuck look at you fight baby" "struggle for air you beautiful bitch" her vision is getting blurry now and her nose runs as fast as the fresh tears. "Dying, fading" she thinks.

He rips her hair back and she tries to gulp air only to choke again on

Her own spit. A long thick string of her drool connects her chin to this cock and she crawls backwards breaking it. "Get the fuck back over here and clean it off bitch" she hesitates, holding her sore throat and heaving. "Fine, I'll help you babe" she watches as he gets up and heads towards her. Her eyes close waiting for the blow that's to come. Instead he takes her hands in his, gently, and leads her back to her bed, her prison, her loss of all the things she held in such regards, her nightmare.. "now, lie on your back and hang your head off the end of the bed, open wide and stick your tongue out" she does as he instructs, knowing she is about to suffer horribly but not knowing exactly how. He positions himself over her with his big, pulsing, wet cock right at her mouth. " You fight back and I'll punch you in the stomach while you're trying to swallow my dick" "neither of us want that I promise" "just breathe through your nose and try to stay calm, don't let the panic control your body" then slowly he plunged himself into her mouth again, only going in half way and pumping rhythmically. After a few minutes he gripped her thighs and told her "get ready to take it all and maybe I'll let you fill your belly with my cum baby" "please cum in my throat " she both thought it and said it with his cock still in her mouth, she meant it too, if this was the pain it caused being in her throat she couldn't imagine making good on her promise to give up her ass. Without a response he slowly forced himself deeper into they both felt his dick pop past the point it needed to to be completely lodged in her throat. Panic set in immediately and she felt her instincts kicking in "deep breath through the nose" she told herself, forcing air past his manhood and feeling sweet relief. Her view from here was the least pleasant part of this experience once she managed to accept his girth. "While you're body is forcing you to pleasure me by constantly constricting, I want you to think about all the things you've ever said in defiance" "how many times you've rejected a man or told your friends you'd never stoop to their level" "how you cursed me earlier and told me you'd kill me" "your throat has been used for pride and defiance your whole life, now it is just a cock sleeve, milking me against your wishes, ask yourself where your pride is now, would it be fair to say you've swallowed it"?

The comments threatened to break her mind and spirit, he had broken her body and will to fight back and now he was working on her sense of self. "Classic torture technique she thought" ignoring the fact that everything he said was true and she was currently serving him to the best of her ability. For a moment she thought to bite down and end it. Her self preservation prevented her, she was positive that before he bled out he'd beat her to death or she might even choke to death on his dismembered cock. She pictured her roommate finding her lifeless exposed body with a dick stuck in her throat. At least they would know she fought hard based on her bruises and cuts. "Tap my leg and I'll pull out so you can catch your breath, I know you're built like a goddess but you're only human" She tapped before he even finished, making sure to be as gentle as possible even though she was sure she would go unconscious any moment now.

The sensation of his thick member pulling out of her throat was her only respite, as the very act of breathing was painful at this point. Still, she took all the breaths she was allotted. "When I do something nice like that it's because I care about you, so I expect a thank you" "thank you Daddy" she muttered with her battered throat. The pain of his reentry to her throat was excruciating, and her jaw would stay locked open every time he withdrew himself to allow her to stay conscious. Any hope she had of manipulating him into sparing her slowly faded ever time he re inserted his pulsing cock back into her. She resorted to begging everytime he withdrew, all she could muster the strength to say "cum" "please Daddy" "cum inside"

"Goddamn you're so FUCKING good baby"! He shouted, still deep dicking her throat. Her neck was horribly sore from hanging off the bed for what seemed like hours, in reality it had probably only been minutes.... The only silver lining is that her throat went pretty much completely numb, she can't remember when though. Suddenly he scooped her legs up in his arms and began pumping harder than he had yet, she let out moans and groans of sheer pain, further pleasuring his cock. He squatted and thrusted vigorously, pounding her into a stuper. She fought through the tears and the pain, sure he was finally going to finish inside her. Managing to mutter an almost understandable request. "Cum" "cum" "please" he couldn't make out the words but knew exactly what she was asking him. He ripped himself out of her violently, it brought back the pain from her numb throat, her mouth hung open, jaw stuck agape, she wasn't sure if it would ever close again. She sucked in air like she was still serving an invisible cock, her chest heaved rapidly and her heart pounded so hard her titties could be seen bouncing through her green shirt. "You want cum"? He asked cheerfully. At this question she managed to force her jaw to work again, thankful it would end soon, still partially bent on revenge but more desperately a lack of suffering. "Yes Daddy" "PLE-ASS-SE" she began to sob as she tried to beg. Through her wallowing she begged whole heatedly. "I'll drink it all" "shoot it straight into my belly" "PLE-ASS-SE"

"You've done amazingly for your first time my love, but you owe me something else don't you"? The words were like knives stabbing her very soul. "PLEASE no, I'll suck it out of you Daddy, I'll be yours forever, I'll keep sucking until my throat stops working, I'll suck until I can't speak Daddy, PLE-ASS-SE " the crying made it hard to speak but he relished every moment of it. "Haha, come here baby, let me hold you, let's take a break and let you rest" He said comfortingly. "I don't need a break daddy please let's keep going, I want to suck more"! *WHACK. The slap hurt more than any of the previous ones, her sore jaw cried out and her ears rang loudly. "Get the FUCK up and come here" he commands, laying down in the bed and pulling her toward him. Her neck ached horribly in this new position, her own name brand pillows hurting her more than she thought possible. "You just need a good massage honey, lie on your stomach" she immediately rolled over, still silently sobbing. His hands kneaded her screaming muscles and joints. She hated how relieving it felt. She desired the comfort his hands were bringing her. He added soft kisses to her neck, they brought the feeling back and the first pleasure she'd felt all night. It made her stomach churn but she found herself welcoming it all in comparison to the assault she had suffered so far. Her neck reacted on its own when his kisses turned to tongue kisses. Her whimpers of relief were blissful trade offs to begging or really talking at all.

"Babe, hey, you passed out for a minute" she awoke after a brief minute of rest, realizing again the nightmare she was enduring. Tears streamed again as soon as the realization took hold of her mind. "shhh shh shh shh shhhh" "hush now, nothing will stop this" "I know you still harbor hatred and resentment, I know you still want to kill me baby" " I can only promise you'll be so broken in by tomorrow, so utterly humiliated and devoid of your past self that it won't be in you to fight anymore" still lying facedown she didn't even feel her arm responding to him lingering over her. She elbowed him hard in the chin and heard his teeth smash together followed by a loud grunt of pain. "Run" "run" "run" her body told her. She scrambled out from under him and despite her injuries and exhaustion. "Phone" she thought. She snatched it off the bed and sprinted to the door. Turning the knob and feeling the cool breeze of the night air rush against her bare womanhood, shaking legs and bruised face. She ran faster than she ever had into the night. Screaming like a wild woman and pounding on the nearest door to her room. CPL Thereu stood in the door way glaring, anticipating his prey and her frantic attempt at escape. As he started towards her, she ran into the nearby woodline of Carolina pines, disappearing into a dark silhouette. Her running was sloppier than usual, she guessed the whiskey had helped to ensure that. He raced behind this Spanish goddess, trying so desperately to deny her fate.


2024-09-01 22:05:31
Hey guys I would love some feedback to go with the votes! If you can drop a quick comment I'd really appreciate it! Thanks

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