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This is the first chapter depicting the transformation of a straight professional woman into a submissive lesbian pet, driven by lust and a desire to please her mistress at all cost. There are elements of reluctance that ultimately lead to complete submission. If you choose to continue, please enjoy.
Margaret (Maggie) Turner was a strong willed, feisty professional woman. The youngest high school principal in the know history of the Arkansas Public School System at the age of 27 or so she was told. She was a home-grown resident of little rock and truly had no desire to live anywhere else. Her family was close, and her career was on the fast track. And now at the age of 33 she was on the short list of candidates for the role of superintendent.

She would be responsible for five high schools, seven middle schools and over twenty elementary schools. She labored long and hard to get to this spot. A dedicated teacher, in fact she always taught at least on class per semester even as an administrator. First and foremost, she loved teaching and making a difference in the lives of young people. She attributed her success as a principle and hopefully soon to be Superintendent of Schools, to the fact she maintains a connection to the students and their point of view.

Maggie met her husband on the campus in Fayetteville. Sam was a diehard Razorback Football fan and made the trek to every home game with his frat buddies. Maggie enjoyed it but never would be considered a diehard fan of anything. Her mind was almost always focused on bigger more important things. Sam was a successful salesman of high-end motor homes. He had been a top one hundred salesmen nationally for eight straight years.

They met in college, although Sam discovered the world of RV sales in his sophomore year and by the end of his junior year, was making more money than the average business grad and did not see the point in incurring more debt when he could focus full time and make even more immediately.

Maggie was not happy with that decision, but he has out earned her ever since. She could not honestly say he made the wrong decision, but she has always harbored a hint of resentment for his shortcut to success. In moments of honesty, she would even say part of the decision to put off having kids was due to her fear, they would follow in his footsteps and forgo college for the fast track and though Sam was an exception, he was not the rule. College was the path of most likely success.

In fact, tonight She and Sam were having dinner with a former student that was a perfect example and she looked forward to Sam meeting Taisha. She was a strong willed, tough, sometimes troubled student in high school. But she had a confidence level and determination that could be unrelenting. She overcame the many obstacles that were put before her, managed to get accepted to college and had just completed her Master of Special Education at Howard in Washington D.C.

Maggie had maintained contact with her from time to time, offering advice and encouragement when needed. She had just come off a semester abroad in Nigeria. Unfortunately, she finished after all the positions were filled for newly started school year. So, there would be no opportunities for her, other than possibly subbing this year.

It was a truly impressive path she followed. Growing up in the Geyer Springs area was tough to begin with. She had a single mom and two brothers who both had run ins with drugs and gangs. She herself had some issues with fighting and disruptive behavior in school but managed to keep from crossing the line to expulsion or criminal charges.

Maggie invited her to dinner when she found out she was back, to reconnect and encourage her to be added to the substitute list until a more permanent opportunity would arrive. Someone of her background and subsequent success would be a great addition to her team and would have a unique ability to reach some of the high-risk student in Little Rock.

She arrived wearing a bright colored halter dress with a distinctive African look. It was primarily orange with patterns of bright blue, yellow, green and red throughout. The color was so bold and vibrant it was nearly blinding.

The color was in sharp contrast to her dark lustrous skin. Her shoulders and arms were a flawless ebony shade with a dainty silver bracelet on each wrist. The halter top cut low revealing the gap between her ample breasts. Her smile was bright white, and her teeth were perfect. Apparently, she had braces while in college as she had an overbite in high school and her lower teeth were crooked back then as well.

Maggie was instantly jealous of her skin. She wondered if she applied some sort of cream to make it shimmer like that. She wore large oversized silver hoop ear rings that dangled about an inch off her shoulder. Her hair was long, straight and pulled tight into a pony tail. Her lips were dark pink and appeared to be her natural color with lip gloss. Her nose was wide rounded and perfectly symmetrical, and her eye were deep brown and almost black, in sharp contrast to her pure white sclera.

Below her breast the dress hugged her slender abdomen with rolled wraps of the cloth from the dress. Below that the pleated dress flared out from her waist down to just above ankle length. The bright colors and saw-toothed triangle and square patterns reminded Maggie of some western native American designs only brighter.

Maggie greeted her with a hug almost instantly. "Taisha, it's so good to see you. I love that outfit. It so fits your personality."

"Thank you so much for inviting me Ms. Turner. I just can't thank you enough for all you've done for me." Replied Taisha, hugging her firmly and not letting go.

Maggie felt a little uncomfortable but grateful for the affection. Taisha and Maggie had butted heads on more than one occasion over the years.

"Taisha, this is my husband Sam. Sam, Taisha." Maggie stepped back to let them greet one another.

Maggie nearly laughed out loud when Sam, not known for hugging, gave the beautiful young lady a bear hug. "Pleasure to meet you Taisha, Maggie's told me so much about you. I can't wait to hear about Nigeria."

Taisha smiled with grace and returned the hug.

"Come in and have a seat. Dinner should be ready in about 20 minutes. Would you like some wine. We have chardonnay or rosé. We're having baked chicken breast for dinner." Said Maggie leading her to the living room.

"I'll have some chardonnay please." She replied walking toward the sofa.

Maggie understood the wraps on the dress as soon as Taisha walked in front of her. The halter top consisted of very long sheets of fabric that were rolled into one-inch diameter straps that hugged her neck wrapped each other twice between her shoulder blades, before spreading out and down around her sides and across her abdomen. Then they wrapped around her back and tied in a bow at her lower back. She could not help but notice Sam's eyes light up at the sight of Taisha's exposed back. And of course, flawless skin.

Her hair hung in a pony tail two thirds of the way down her back, banded every 2-3 inches in orange scrunchies. Sam thought she looked like an African queen. He was visibly flustered by her beauty. When she sat down a slit on the left side of the dress revealed a view of her leg from ankle to mid-thigh. It was toned and shapely and like the rest of her, flawless, perfectly smooth and lustrous.

They listened to her stories of her spring and summer abroad teaching English to underprivileged children in Nigeria. "What I was most amazed by is they have so little, but they have such bright spirits and high hopes. Sometimes we in America don't understand that satisfaction comes in many forms and happiness is ultimately just a state of mind." She smiled and held out her glass. "To happiness and satisfaction in the little things."

"So true." Replied Maggie, touching glasses. "I think dinner is ready."

As dinner began, Taisha tried the chicken. "Delicious Ms. Turner. You'll have to share the recipe."

"Gladly, but please call me Maggie."

"I'll try, but that just doesn't seem right. You're my mentor and my inspiration in so many ways." She said sincerely. "I would never have made it this far without your influence Ms. Turner."

"You got yourself here Taisha. Don't sell yourself short..."

"No, it's true. Without your firm hand when needed I would have made some very poor choices. Don't sell yourself short. You make a difference in so many lives and that's why we love you so much." She stared into Maggie's eyes.

Maggie was speechless, and Sam tried to break the silence with an attempt of humor.

"Easy Taisha, we don't want her head to get too big." He smiled.

She turned quickly to Sam. "I'm Serious! Don't you sell her short either. This woman saved my life!"

Sam looked down afraid to talk as Taisha looked back to Maggie. "You really did, Ms. Turner. I was runnin' with the wrong crowd. Smokin' weed and drinkin'. You made me stop and think. I could be livin' in the projects with three or four kids right now. Trust me, most of my friends are there. You made me feel like I could do better and make a difference. Thank you."

Maggie teared up and fought to hold back a full out blubbering cry. Taisha got up also teary eyed and bent down, hugging her neck firmly cheek to cheek. "I love you Ms. Turner."

They hugged and cried, and Sam redeemed himself. "Damn now I'm cryin' too." He said sniffling.

Taisha held the hug and whispered in Maggie's ear. "Damn, you still smell wonderful too."

She broke the hug and sat back down wiping her eyes. "Sorry, I told myself I wasn't gonna do that."

Maggie dried her eyes. 'Well now that you made me out to be a saint, let me tell you one of the selfish reasons I asked you here tonight."

"OK," said Taisha skeptically.

"I'm not sure of your job situation at the moment. Do you have something lined up yet?"

"No, frankly I was so busy in Nigeria I didn't have the time to look in earnest. I sent a few resumes this week but nothing yet. Do you have something in mind?" She asked hopefully.

"Unfortunately, all the full time slots are filled. But I hoped I could add you to the substitute list and get you some part time work until something opens up. Where are you staying right now?"

Taisha looked a bit disappointed. "I'm staying with my Bibi. Grandma." she clarified. "But she's on social security and really can't afford a free loader."

"I hope you'll listen to a proposal I have for you." Said Maggie. "We have a fully loaded motor coach with two slide outs in back. You are welcome to stay there for free..."

"I can't do that Ms. Turner. Where's the selfish part you were talkin about?" She looked at Maggie exasperated.

"As I was saying, you can stay for free under the caveat that you put yourself on the substitute list and give me the right of first refusal to match any full-time job offers you get."

Taisha smiled. "My caveat... We agree on a fair rent and I pay you back for unpaid rent once I land a job. She turned to Sam. "And you're OK with this?"

"Absolutely." He replied, eyeing her dark glistening cleavage.

As they finished desert, Taisha perked up. I almost forgot. I got something for you from Nigeria. I'll be right back." She went to her car and brought in a small shopping bag.

She sat the bag on the table near Maggie. Maggie placed it in her lap and pulled out and gold colored ornate picture frame. The picture was a cartoon like painting of what stuck Maggie as an African queen standing on the water in a river. The colors were vibrant and bold.

The queen had a tiara of gold with and orb shaped crown topped with a point. Resembling the shape of a mosque dome. A "V" shaped gold band wrapped down over her forehead. She had gold wonder woman like cuffs on her wrists and forearms and one around her neck. Her hair was long and flowing down past her breasts.

She had a bright yellow wrap around sleeveless bikini like tube top with a matching full-length skirt that V'd in the front, exposing well below her belly button. The waist band of the skirt appeared to be a wide gold belt that followed the same V pattern in front.

She was a beautiful back skinned woman with toned abs and shapely hips. Her left hand was raised above her head to the left with her fingers spread and curved down. She appeared to be magically pulling several fingers of water up and wrapping around her. Her right hand was down and to the right, palm up and fingers spread helping pull the swirling water with her powers. Behind her was a waterfall as she stood on the water in the middle of the river.

"Fascinating." Said Maggie. "Is this a significant cultural figure?"

"She is the Yoruba Goddess Oshun. She rules over the rivers and lakes that sustain life. She also rules over love, flirtation, sensuality, fertility, beauty and the arts. She dwells within the sweet or fresh waters and helps heal the sick and brings prosperity and fertility to the needy." Said Taisha looking knowingly at Maggie.

Maggie had shared with her on a recent call that she and Sam had been trying to have a baby for about six months with no luck.

"Thank you so much. I have never heard of this before. Thanks for sharing the culture with us." Said Maggie.

"There's more in there." Said Taisha, pointing.

Maggie pulled out a carving of an African woman, Kneeling with a basket in her lap. She was topless with her hair pulled back in a large pony tail pointing off to the left. On her back was a baby in a shoulder hanging wrap.

"The carving is a depiction of a follower of Oshun giving thanks for fertility." Said Taisha.

"It's beautiful. The detail is remarkable." Said Maggie handing it to Sam.

"Impressive, thank you Taisha." He smiled warmly. "Can I show you the RV? I sell them for a living."

"I recall Ms. Turner telling me. You are tops in the nation, aren't you?"

He grinned as they passed through the kitchen and into the back yard. Sam had set up the RV for full sales pitch mode. Almost the entire passenger side was a slide out which included two recliner theater chairs, the kitchen counter and appliances all the way back to the bedroom dresser and closet. The other side had a slide out for the sofa and dining counter. It was far nicer than any place Taisha had ever lived. The cabinets were deep cherry and the counter was beautiful marble with a corner sink.

Taisha held her hand to her chest. "Honey, this is too much I can't possibly..."

"Taisha, it is just setting here. No one is using it and we don't have any trips planned. It costs us nothing. This was my bonus for being the top salesman in the southeast last year. And believe it or not, I haven't had to sleep in the dog house in years. We would love to have you as long as you can put up with us. Let me show you the bedroom."

It had a king bed and Taisha was in awe. She had a twin bed her whole life and had no idea what she would do with a bed that big. Sam showed her the controls for adjusting the bed. He raised the head, the feet and even made it raise up at the knees.

"The only thing it doesn't do is vibrate." He joked standing awkwardly close cornering her in the bedroom.

"Well that's good to know." She looked at him awkwardly and slunk into the corner.

Sam stepped out and said. "Let me show you the bathroom." He opened the door and Taisha looked in.

"Roomy." She said amazed by the double sink vanity.

Sam opened the shower door. "Room for two." He said not thinking how perverted that would sound. He had to admit he was smitten by her dark beauty and whatever perfume she was wearing was stirring.

Taisha was relieved to get out of the RV and head back to the house with Maggie. It was approaching 10PM and she needed to take Bibi to her doctor's appointment in the morning.

"Thank you both so much for dinner, it was delicious. After seeing the RV, I really don't think..."

"Taisha please. It is not an inconvenience. It would be wonderful to see someone using the RV for a change. I promise, if you're not comfortable working for me I won't be upset. I just want to help you get started. I was there not so long ago and got help form a friend of my mothers. It's my chance to pay it forward."

"Ms. Turner, I would be honored if it turned out I could work for you. That's not it. I just don't feel right taking advantage of your kind heart." She said tearing up.

"Taisha, it would make me so happy to show you the same hospitality that was shown me when I was starting out. So, let's call this settled and you can move in as soon as you want." Said Maggie, hugging her tightly.

Taisha hugged her back-stroking Maggie's back with her open hand as their cheeks touched. Maggie too noticed her distinctive perfume with possibly a hint of Jasmine. "I like your perfume, Taisha. What kind is it?"

"It's Rogue." She replied

"That's apropos for your personality. You were a bit of a rogue back in high school." Smiled Maggie.

"Still am Ms. Turner... Still am." She smiled wickedly.

Maggie noticed Sam was mesmerized and grinned at the thought. But looking at Taisha, she understood why. She was beautiful, exotic and smart. Men would be lining up for her. That was part of the reason Maggie liked her so much. She did not take the easy predictable route. She chose education and independence, when so many from her neighborhood got distracted by drug, gangs or a boyfriend that derailed their lives and sent them into the spiral of poverty.

"OK we call the RV Rogue One and you're good to go." Smiled Sam.

"Easy Director Krennic." Replied Taisha.

"Ouch and Holy Shit, you're a Star Wars Geek?" Asked Sam.

"Absolutely." Replied Taisha.

"Oh boy, don't get him started or you'll never get out of here." Laughed Maggie. "So, you'll think about the RV?"

"Yes, I will. Thank you for everything Ms. Tucker, Mr. Tucker. Dinner was delicious." She hugged Maggie and whispered. "You're my hero you know. I promise I will find a way to repay your kindness."

Maggie whispered back. "So, you'll stay in the RV?"

"Yes." She hugged Maggie tight. "Thank you, Ms. Tucker."

Maggie noticed her perfume and thought, she might have to get some for herself. "When would you like to move in Taisha?"

"How does Saturday sound. That gives me a few days to get Bibi settled."

"That will be great Sam will be at a show in Memphis this weekend. I can help you get settled and we can have dinner when we're done." Smiled Maggie.

"Great, I'll cook." She said quickly.

"I meant I would cook..."

"You have done enough. Let me try to pay you back at least a fraction of what I owe you." Said Taisha sincerely.

"Sweetheart, you don't owe us anything. But sure, you can cook. Thank you." Said Maggie graciously. "Another perk, the pool is all yours to use any time you like.

Sam stepped in and got another hug from Taisha and she left. That night Maggie got the benefit of Sam's little crush. He went to bed feeling a little revved up and they had a rare two banger.

Sam had gone to the bedroom first while Maggie started the dish washer. Sam slept in his underwear and was climbing into bed as Maggie began to undress. She was in her bra and panties removing her earrings in front of her vanity mirror when Sam stepped up behind her and began to kiss her neck. She always had a sensitive neck and his kisses sent an immediate warm tingle to her pussy.

He unhooked her bra and gripped her breasts as his kisses to her neck continued. She tilted her head and closed her eyes loving the feel of his warm hands on her stiffening nipples. She opened her eyes and watched in the mirror as he excited her more with each kiss. She hadn't really seen herself naked lately and smiled at the sight.

Her diet and exercise plan had paid off. She was in the best shape she had been in for a few years. She had never been out of shape, but she was definitely firmer and more toned than ever. She watched as his hand slid down her belly and into the front of her pink panties. He sighed as his finger found her wetness.

Maggie gasped, surprised how wet and wound up she was already. She felt Sam's six-inch hot rod against her lower back and his balls against her ass. She reached around and felt his naked hip and slid back to grip his ass. She wondered how he got his undies off so fast. But she was glad he did.

His finger worked it's magic as he continued kissing his neck. Maggie moaned with pleasure and pushed her panties down. His left hand caressed her breasts and his right had two fingers bending up and inside her soaked pussy. She needed his cock inside her but didn't want his fingers to stop.

She bent forward trying to push the panties down without breaking contact with his fingers. He took his hand from her breast and pushed her panties down one side at a time but couldn't quite reach. So, he pulled his fingers out, gripped them with both hand and slid them past her knees.

Maggie stepped out of them as he abruptly stood up straight, grabbed her boob and shoved his fingers back in a bit brutishly, sending a jolt of pain through her pussy. But when he moved them slowly in and out and returned to kissing her neck, the pain quickly subsided.

He moved to the other side of her neck and she tilted her head to encourage him. She spread her feet apart and Sam slid his stiff cockhead up and down her slit.

"Oh Sam, you are so hot and hard." He pushed his head slowly in and out. "Oh, yes push it all in baby." He did with a thump. "Yes!" She grunted, wanting it hard.

He pulled out slowly and thrust it back in hard picking up the pace. She loved the feel of his hot steel all the way in. She could not ever recall getting fucked at her vanity before. She gripped the chair and watched in the mirror as he pounded her faster and harder.

"Oh, Sam that feels so good... Aaaaahhh! She screeched as he slammed his cock home. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She grunted in time with his thrusts. She could feel an orgasm building as Sam's face turned to the familiar, I'm cumming look.

She hoped for one more moment as her orgasm was building. She howled as it hit home in a loud high pitch. "Ooooohhhhh! Ooooohhhhh! Ooooohhhhh! Yeeeeessss Saaaammmmmm."

She felt his cock throb and unload his hot cum inside her. Grunting in unison with her. His pace slowed but he kept sliding his length in and out as they panted and caught their breath. He slid out and moved to the bed and held back the covers.

"Be right there." she said removing the second earring. He had distracted her before she could.

She ran into the bathroom and brushed her teeth thinking about how Taisha's presence effected Sam. This may be an added benefit to helping her out. She recalled his reaction to her shapely exposed back. Not to mention her bare leg exposed through the slit in the dress.

She found herself still quite stimulated when she crawled into bed. She was hoping she might coax him into round two. She was pleasantly surprised when she slid into bed and found him at attention.

She gripped his boner and snuggled against him. "Well hello, what do we have here..."

She thrust her minty tongue into his mouth and he quickly rolled himself on top of her and kissed her long and slow. He moved to her neck and slid a hand between her legs. She heard him hum when his finger hit her hot wetness. She met is finger by pushing him all the way in and moaned her pleasure.

She was excited at the thought of him entering her as hard as he still was. He would definitely last longer for round two. She spread wide making him know she was ready. This time he slid in teasingly slow. He really knew how to tease her sometimes. He penetrated to the hilt and she groaned and gripped the back of his head. Sam continued kissing her neck ever so slowly sliding in and out. Maggie was ready and revved, so she rocked her hips trying to speed him up.

He got the message and began to rock his whole body up and down rhythmically pulling out to the head and rolling back in. She closed her eyes and gripped his head with one hand and his back with the other, relishing the feel of his heat moving in and out.

He was really rocking, and she could feel her excitement building along with his. He groaned and grunted, and she panted, "Uh huh, uh huh..."

Then he pressed his hips up and forward, to a position she called in her head, "high fucking" her. It was from more of an upward angle stimulating her clit more directly. Her volume increased "Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!"

"You Like that Baby?" he asked breathing more urgently.

"Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!" She gasped. "Cumming Sam! Aaaahhhhhh Yeeeesssssss! Yeeessssss! yes!"

He unloaded inside her again, right on cue. "Oh Babyyyyy!" He grunted wildly. "Uuuhh, uuuhhh, uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh."

He slowed his pace and kissed her neck gently and after a few moments slid out leaving her feeling empty. They snuggled together and he drifted off to sleep. She lay there thinking about the picture of Oshun, the Goddess of love and fertility and her well tone abs. I wish I knew her workout secrets she thought jokingly.

As she lay there she thought about Taisha and getting her started as a substitute. She decided she would call her in the morning and help her get things rolling. She really liked that dress. "Such a great young lady." She thought as she drifted off.

The next morning Maggie didn't get chance to take a breath until lunch time and saw Taisha in the office. She went out to say hello and found out she had already filled out the paperwork. She wore a bright red short sleeved jumper with a V-neck crossover top with a pleated ruffle and bow in the front right.

Against her black skin the bright red popped. Maggie thought the outfit was a school boys dream. Professional but the V-neck dipped just low enough to show the gap in her full breasts. The teenage boys would not be able to focus. She had black thick healed high heels. The back was modest, but the boys would like the fit on her shapely backside.

"Glad to see you Taisha. So, you already met my assistant Ronda?" Asked Maggie.

"Yes, she's taken good care of me." Taisha smiled.

"Yes, Mam. She has all the paperwork in and paid the background check fee. A drug screening is set this afternoon." Said Ronda.

"On top of things as usual Ms. Smith. Welcome aboard." Maggie smiled. "Can't wait to see you at work.

"I'm so excited. It's so good to be back." Taisha grinned. "Well off to the clinic."

Taisha waved and walked down the hall. Maggie laughed as two young men walking the other way nearly broke a neck looking back at her.

On Saturday Taisha called around 10:00AM.

Maggie answered. "Turner residence."

"Hey Ms. Turner."

"Hi Taisha, you can call me Maggie."

"I know... Does your offer still..."

"Of course, it does Taisha." Maggie interrupted. "Are you coming over? Do you need any help?"

"No, I'm good. I only need clothes and groceries. Is now a good time?"

"Come on over. The RV is ready and I'm available it you need anything."

"Great, On my way. See you in twenty minutes" Taisha said happily.

When she arrived, Maggie met her in the driveway and helped her with her bags. Taisha wore black yoga pants and a tight yellow crop T-Shirt with the Nigerian flag on it. Maggie recognized it from some work one of her students did as part of a school project. In fact, it may have been Taisha.

"Is that the Nigerian Flag?" She asked.

"Yes, it is." Replied Taisha.

"Did you do a report on Nigeria in my geography class?"

"Wow, yes I did. Your memory is incredible."

"Thanks, I recall you acing it." Said Maggie grinning.

"Yes, I did. I had a good teacher." Taisha smiled contently. "Remember, I've got Dinner tonight."

"I remember. Looking forward to it. I've got lunch. There were left over sandwiches from the staff luncheon yesterday." Said Maggie.

"Ms. Turner, you have done too much already..."

"I wish you would call me Maggie. I don't want the food to go to waste. It was left over, and I knew you would be coming today so I brought it.

Maggie gave her the grand tour of the RV showing her where all the dishes and utensils were and all the nooks and crannies. After Taisha unpacked, she went to the grocery store while Maggie did some yard work.

Maggie took a break for lunch with Taisha and worked till dinner. At 6:15 Maggie had finished mowing and put the mower away.

Taisha, stepped out of the RV. "Dinner's ready whenever you are."

"I am hungry, but I just finished up and I'm kind of sweaty..."

"You look fine to me. I'm not exactly dressed for dinner either. But if you prefer, I can keep it warm, It's jambalaya in the crock pot." Said Taisha. Maggie wore a pair of waist tie khaki shorts and an old tan pull over crew neck T. Her light brown hair was in a ponytail to keep it off her face, neck and shoulders as she worked. It hung to just below her shoulder blades.

"Sounds great, lets, eat!"

Maggie followed her into the RV. As Taisha stepped up and opened the door her ass in the yoga pants was remarkable. Maggie was instantly jealous, at the sight of her toned legs and ass in the skin tight cloth. It was smooth and round and, as they say, you could bounce a quarter off of it. Maggie hoped she would not wear them to school or the boys would never focus in class again.

The Jambalaya looked amazing. It had chicken, shrimp, sausage, and crawdad along with the vegies and rice. It had a great kick but not too hot.

Maggie took her first bite." Wow! This is incredible. Is this a family recipe?"

"Yes Bibi learned it from her mother who got it from her grandmother from Baton Rouge."

"Are you willing to share?" asked Maggie with pleading eyes.

Taisha smiled. Maggie was stunned how bright her smile looked. She had perfect bright white teeth contrasted by her dark full lips. Even her eyes seemed to smile. "Well, for you I would share anything. But you have to make sure Bibi never finds out or I will be disinherited."

"Cross my heart, I'll never reveal your secret."

They finished dinner and had some wine.

"Refill?" Asked Taisha.

"I don't think so. I woke up early and it's been a long day. Another drink and I'll be asleep." She rubbed her neck. "I think I'll hit the shower, put on my PJ's and watch lifetime."

"Sore?" Taisha asked.

"Yeah, a hot shower will feel great."

"I can help you if you like. I'm actually a certified massage therapist. It helped pay for college."

"You don't have to..."

"I want to. She walked over to one of the rotating pedestal chairs. "These are perfect. Come, sit just like this." She spun the chair with its back to the counter. The chair backs were a post with a curved oval shaped padded back. She straddled the post with her thighs between the seat and chair back. Then she leaned forward with her belly against the back. Her breast hung over the top of the chair which made them seem huge.

"That's ok, a hot shower..."

Taisha jumped up off the chair and put her hand on her hips "Ms. Turner, stop being so stubborn. You're the first one in line to help others, but when someone wants to return the favor, you shut em down. Well I'm not gonna let that happen. You're gonna sit that pretty little white ass on that chair and let me give you what you need. Trust me, you're gonna feel much better." Taisha gave her a vexed look.

Maggie stood looking at her, stunned at the tone and the words, trying to take in exactly what she just heard. She looked at Taisha who darted her eyes toward the chair, raised her eyebrows and bobbed her head signaling her to sit. Then she gave a knowing smile

"Ok, if you insist." Maggie assumed the position.

"So, your neck is sore on the left side. Anywhere else?" Asked Taisha.

"Actually, both sides and my lower back right at the waist."

She gripped Maggie's neck near the base and pushed a thumb on the left and two fingers on the right. Maggie jerked from a shot of pain.

"Oh yeah, we've got some stiffness there to deal with. And lower back..." She pushed her thumbs into her back near her waist line. "Pain?"

"Nope." She moved out closer to her hips and pushed again. "Yeee!" Maggie squealed.

"Ok spot two." "Sit straight up and raise your hands over your head." Said Taisha like a doctor to a patient. Maggie raised them up elbows out to the side. "Straight up all the way."

As she did, Taisha grabbed her shirt tail and wisped her shirt up and off in one swift motion. "Good now lean forward, assume the position and relax."

Maggie leaned forward, breasts resting on the chair back and elbows on the dinning counter. Taisha began a gentle gripping rub of her shoulders. "Ok, now I'm going to give you a nice gently surface rub and find all your trouble spots. Then we'll work them out one at a time ok?"

Loving the feel on her shoulders to that point, Maggie closed her eyes and said softly. "Ok, anything you say." She leaned her head forward rolling it slowly side to side.

"Good, just let your arms dangle at your sided for the moment. Excellent, let them go limp.

She worked her shoulders and moved to her upper back and shoulder blades. "Oh, my that feels great." Said Maggie softly.

"Just stay relaxed it will be a little tougher when we really start to work your trouble spots. I can sense some real tightness in places." Said Taisha as she moved toward her middle spine. She hit a tender spot on the right and Maggie twinged. "There's another." She continued all the way down sliding her fingers under the waist band of Maggie's shorts working the tender spots on her lower back and hips.

"OK, we've got them identified. Now we can go a little deeper. You need to relax; this is going to be a little shocking at first. I'm going to work the deep tissue. Trust me it will be worth it." She said as she gripped the front of Maggie's should with her left hand and pressed the heel of her hand firmly in the back. Maggie gasped in pain. "Just breath slow and easy..." Said Taisha calmly.

Maggie did as she told her, and the pain did quickly fade in intensity. She followed with some gentle massage and repeated the process twice. That whole routine was repeated for each pressure point. After the shoulders Taisha let Maggie place her elbows on the counter, resting her chin on her palms to support her head while she worked lower.

When she worked her middle back, Taisha asked. "How do you stay in such great shape, Ms. Turner? You have like no body fat."

"I swim laps just about every day. Usually 5:30 AM for about an hour." Said Maggie. "Probably why my shoulders are sore."

"That makes sense. Did you swim competitively in school?"

"No, I actually started swimming for exercise in college."

Taisha dropped to her knees and worked her lower back. She pushed inside the waist band of her shorts and used her thumbs. It was excruciating at first but eventually it was better. It felt like she was jamming a thumb into her pelvic bone. As she worked it, she gripped Maggie's hips and pulled her ass out to overhang the edge of the seat

"You gotta little junk in the trunk for a white girl Ms. Tucker. I guess swimming payed off in that area too."

"Thanks, I think." Said Maggie trying to be careful. She was always a little uncomfortable when it came to body issues or hair with people of color. She did not ever want to come off as offensive.

"It's a complement Ms. Turner, trust me." Taisha felt awkward too.

Back in high school she was in the school late one Tuesday after track practice, a little after 7:00PM. She was the last to leave. It was Ms. Turner's first year as principal and Coach Jackson was moving away to take a coaching slot in Chicago. Taisha happened to notice the light on in Ms. Turner's office and decided to say hey. When she approached, she heard Coach Jackson's voice coming from inside and found a place to peek in. The blinds were pulled down, but she found a gap in one window that gave her a view without being seen from the dark admin area where her assistant normally sat.

She saw him standing in front of her desk telling her how much he appreciated all the support she had given him. "You will be one of the people I miss most." He said sincerely. He was about seven years older than her and at 6' 2" tall a good six inches taller.

She walked around the desk and gave him a hug. "The feeling is mutual, I assure you. The connection you've made with the students has been impressive to watch. I just pray your replacement is half as good."

They hugged, and it struck Taisha they were lingering a while. When they were done, he looked down on her and the look in her eye was more than gratitude. It was lustful desire. The fact Coach Jackson was black, and she was white added a level of excitement. Further, the fact they were both married made it more shocking.

Taisha pulled out her camera phone and shot photos. Maggie reached for his face with both hands and pulled him in kissing him passionately. Then she wrapped her arm around his muscular back in his coaches polo. Their heads rolled side to side kissing deep and hard as her hands moved to his ass. He had tight fitting coaches shorts and she was wearing a skirt that hung past her knees.

Taisha watched in disbelief. Ms. Turner was always the picture of professionalism and control. To see her in a frenzy of passion was exciting beyond words. His hands moved to her ass and Ms. Turner leaped up, wrapped her legs around his hips and clamped onto him. He stepped her toward the desk and sat her ass on the edge. She reached for his belt and pulled at it frantically.

Taisha felt a wave of warm wetness in her pussy that was the most intense she'd ever felt. Maggie got the belt unclasped and slid both hand down his pants gripping his cock. Coach Jackson groaned and slid his hands up her skirt. As she snapped photos, it occurred to her that the pictures could ruin both careers and both families. Just then, the phone on principle turners desk rang.

They both nearly jumped out of their skin and Taisha nearly dropped her phone. It was surreal to Taisha as she watched Principle Turner struggling to pull up her panties while she ran around the desk to answer the phone. Taisha caught a flash of Principal Turners ass in the process and instinctively snapped a pic. "Hi Sam, hold on..." She pushed the hold button. She exhaled hard and loud. Coach Jackson, I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into me..."

"Me too Ms. Turner, I've never done anything like that in my life..."

"I've gotta take this. I'll see you tomorrow." She picked up the phone and pushed the hold button. "Hi Sam, what's up?"

Taisha ran for it just in time to turn the corner before coach Jackson came out. As Taisha recalled those events, she never would have imagined that she would spend many nights scanning those pics, not wondering what coach Jackson's cock would have looked like or felt like. But what it would feel like to have Principal Turners hungry tongue lunging into her mouth after seeing her with that hungry lustful look... Oh how she wanted to direct that hidden passion of Ms. Maggie Turner onto herself.

Maggie sat, head in hand and eyes closed as Taisha masterfully kneaded her muscles. She felt, on one hand like a piece of meat tenderized by a wooden mallet, but, on the other hand, relaxed and as loose as she could ever remember. Taisha's hands were inside her waist band, with the heels of her palms working relentless little circles on her haunches. Her fingers extended down inside her shorts and panties touching and gripping her upper cheeks.

She was acutely aware Taisha had become uncharacteristically quiet. She just tried not to tense up and let Taisha work her muscles loose. She completely lost track of time, feeling much better. She really hadn't noticed how tense and stiff her back and hips really were. She was in a fog, as Taisha's warm hands erased her tension, when suddenly she realized her pussy was warm and moist.

"How are you feeling Principal Turner. If you feel like you need more attention, we could move to the bed and do a full body?" Taisha stood back up and gently traced her finger tips up Maggie's back.

Maggie began to nod before it hit her, that would be a bad idea. "No, I'm quite good. That felt amazing. I had no idea I was carrying that much tension in my body." She stood up and moved toward the RV door. "Thank you so much, I hope for my sake you don't let word of your talents get out. You may decide this is more lucrative than teaching. Thanks again, now I really need to shower and get ready for bed. I'm gonna sleep like a baby. By the way, no need for rent. You can do that once a week and we'll be more than even."

"Night Ms. Turner. Come back tomorrow for another session if you like."

"I just might do that. See you tomorrow."

Maggie went in the house and up to the bedroom. "Damn, Sammy where are you when I need you. I could use a double banger night tonight."

As she stood under the hot pulsing water, she maneuvered her back under the shower head letting the pulsing jets work her muscles further. Then she removed the hosed shower head and held the massaging jets against her lower back and hips. Liking that she turned around and ran the shower head over the front of her shoulders and stomach. Without much thought she moved the pulsing showerhead between her legs and pressed it firmly against her clit. She held it there letting the jet stimulate her directly.

The vibration of the head along with the stimulating jets was remarkable. She whimpered."Ooooohhhhh!" She instantly felt an orgasm cumming. She thought about her session with Sam.

She leaned back against the wall, pushed the showerhead against her and rocked her hips. "Oh, Sam Baby! Oh, that's so good, I'm cumming already."

Maggie's mind flashed the image of Taisha's ass in the yoga pants stretching into to crack of her perfect round muscular ass and the hint of a camel toe in front. She chased the image out but as the orgasm built, it returned. Her body spasmed as the jets continued their assault on her clit and she released a series of controlled whimpers with each wave of climactic bliss.

The shower seemed to take the edge off, and she slept like a baby. She kept busy on Sunday until Sam returned and he got a warm welcome that evening.

Monday brought some exciting news for Taisha but not so good news for the Ms. Sheryl, the regular high school American History teacher. She had an early case of strep throat. Sam delivered her the good news at the RV door. She was awake but not showered.

"Good Morning, we just found out there's a need for a sub today. Congratulations your first day teaching at your old stomping grounds! If you can be ready to go in thirty minutes you can ride in with Maggie." Sam noticed her form fitting pajama bottoms and did a double take at her nipples poking through her night T.

Her face lit up. "I'll be ready! Thanks Sam!"

She closed the door and he heard her run for the shower. Taisha had long since decided on her first day outfit. It was a professional grey skirt and suit jacket with a red blouse with some black kitten heel pumps. She practically had it ready to jump in like batman.

She was ready with five minutes to spare and over the moon excited. As she closed the car door, a blast of her perfume hit her hard. In her haste, she sprayed it on heavy.

"Wow, I think I overdid the perfume this morning." She said waving her hand.

"It's fine." Maggie looked at her and smiled. "You're gonna be fine Taisha. The kids are going to be happy to have you. I'll be there to introduce you."

Maggie was amazed how good Taisha's hair looked this morning. It was combed out straight well past her shoulders. It looked like she spent the full thirty minutes just combing her hair.

Maggie's brown hair was pulled back in a bun and clipped. Taisha was drawn to the shape of her exposed neck. Even Ms. Turners ears seemed attractive. She could hardly believe she was riding to work with her. She really was instrumental in keeping Taisha on the right track in high school and now she was bringing her on board to be part of her team.

"I think you're really gonna like this class. Ms. Sheryl thinks it may be the most well-behaved class she's ever had. So hopefully you won't be tested too much today. Nervous?" Asked Maggie, smiling. "You will have four classes and a study hall today."

"Honestly... A little, but class time was part of the training and after teaching in Nigeria. I feel I'm ready for anything." Said Taisha confidently.

"Her home room is 232 and you get a break first period. She has a lesson plan in place, so do your best to get up to speed. But you know the drill, when in doubt, reading time can fill the gaps."

"I got this Ms. Turner I won't let you down." Taisha's smile brightened. "You taught me well and I promise, if you'll let me, I can teach you a few things as well."

"There the Taisha l know and love. We're here!" Maggie made the turn into the parking lot.

Taisha jumped right in and found the lesson plan file In Ms. Sheryl's desk. She saw they were discussing the early European colonies. She quickly refreshed on St. Augustine established by Spain in 1565. The first English settlement in Roanoke Island North Carolina in 1587 and of course Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.

She was amazed how quickly it came back to her. Principal Turner was there twenty minutes before home room and engaged with the students as they arrived introducing them personally to Ms. Smith. She introduced her for the first two classes and her assistant principle Steven Haskins was there for the other two.

Maggie saw her in the teachers' lounge at lunch. "Judging from your smile it looks like things are going well?"

"It's great. Thank you so much for the opportunity Ms. Turner. I'm so excited!" Taisha's grin was remarkable.

"Thank you for your service Ms. Smith. We're lucky to have you. Let me introduce you to Ms. Richards. She's been with us for three years now and another great find." She placed a hand on each woman's elbow and guided them together.

"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Richards." Taisha smiled.

"Very good to meet you. Hope you have a great day." She said cheerily.

Principal Turner stepped back. "I need to make a call. See you about 4:45 Ms. Smith?"

"I'll be ready. Thanks!" Replied Taisha.

"Great idea on the new shifted schedules this year Ms. Turner. Another homerun." Ms. Richards smiled.

"What's at 4:45?" Asked Ms. Richards, politely.

"Ms. Turner gave me a ride this morning."

"Aren't you special. Curb to curb service from the boss." Said Ms. Richards with an eye roll and attitude.

Taisha was stunned but took it in stride. "Ms. Richards is probably leery of the newbie." She thought to herself.

Her last class finished and 3:10, so Taisha reviewed tomorrow's material just in case. At 4:45 she went to Ms. Turners office. She noticed she still closed the blinds at the end of the day and closed her door. It was her time to get some work done.

She knocked and Ms. Turner yelled. "Be right with you."

Taisha could hear her talking with someone. A moment later the door opened, and Maggie was showing Ms. Richards to the door.

"Thanks again, Principal Turner. Have a great evening. Ms. Smith." Ms. Richards smiled at Taisha.

"Have a good night Ms. Richards." Taisha nodded.

"Come in Ms. Smith. I'll be ready in a minute. It looks like good news for you. Ms. Sheryl needs to stay home another day to get past the contagious stage. So, you're back again tomorrow." She said smiling. "Have a seat and tell me about your day."

"It was great. You were right. Every class was respectful and seemed pretty open to learning. It was a little too easy, I'm afraid."

"Good idea to keep perspective. Like life there are good days and bad days. I'm glad today was a good day." Said Maggie sincerely.

Taisha could not shake the run in with Ms. Richards earlier. "How is Ms. Richards? I think I might have done something to tick her off today."

Maggie smiled. "Don't worry Taisha. She can be a bit... abrasive at times. It's no secret she is vying for my job if I should become Superintendent. She did slip in a comment about us riding together today. I subtly made it clear you were not a threat to her... Yet anyway. Are we ready?"

"Yes mam. Whenever you are."

On the ride home they discussed the next day. Maggie reminded her Tuesdays were her late night at work. She stays until 7:00PM to get work done.

"Would you like to join us for dinner?" asked Maggie.

"Thanks for the offer but, two things... One you've done too much already. Two, I want to prepare for tomorrow. So please don't be offended, your hospitality is greatly appreciated." Taisha looked at her pleadingly.

"Don't worry Taisha. I'm proud of your commitment. Most subs don't make that kind of effort. Thank you. So, it's probably best if we drive separate tomorrow. Is that ok?"

"Sure. I think that's best anyway. I don't want people to think I get special treatment." She smiled. Maggie rolled her head feeling a tightness in her neck. "Uh oh, I could work in a massage treatment before dinner. Are you still sore?"

Maggie paused thinking about their last session. "Tempting, but Sam's home tonight. If he discovers your talent, you'll never get him out of your RV." She was also a little concerned about her body's reaction to the previous message. It scared her.

Taisha laughed but was intrigued by her comment. Clearly Maggie noticed Sam was a little too flirty with Taisha. She wasn't sure if it was good she was aware, or if it meant she was aware and was OK with it. Taisha really felt uncomfortable with his behavior alone with her in the RV.

"I love Sam to death, but he can be a little over the top sometimes, and he's clearly a little smitten with you. So, I apologize if his flirting makes you uncomfortable but he's pretty harmless. Let me know if he bothers you." She said embarrassed.

"It's fine Ms. Turner. I can handle a little flirting. He's not the first white man a little intrigued by a black woman. I'll shut him down."

"Not too much, I did have a great night after our dinner if you know what I mean." As the words came out of her mouth Maggie regretted saying it. Taisha put her instantly at ease.

"Ms. Turner, I knew there was a wild side in there somewhere." She laughed with a high pithed giggle while her mind played back that evening with Coach Jackson.

Maggie felt a huge sense of relief, laughed with her and felt a real connection to Taisha at that moment.

That evening, Taisha had a microwave dinner and studied the next lesson. As she lay in bed that night she thought about that conversation. She was a little sad that a woman as beautiful, intelligent and passionate as Maggie, had to settle for a man that needed to get excited by someone else to give her the attention she deserved. She drifted off to sleep thinking about the incident with coach Jackson. It seemed like there has been trouble for a while between Ms. Turner and Sam.

Tuesday did not go so smooth for Taisha or Maggie.

Maggie received word that her social studies teacher Mr. Cheswick, failed a drug test for the second time. He was near retirement and she was forced to make him choose between being fired for cause or retiring immediately. He chose the latter. He was allowed to finish out the week but no more.

Taisha had an argument between two young ladies in her second class that escalated into a hair pulling tussle and they were sent to the assistant principals office for discipline.

At lunch Maggie pulled Taisha into her office to discuss the day's happenings.

"So, you got your first fight out of the way. I heard you handled it well. Are you doing OK?" Maggie looked genuinely concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine. I was a little shocked how quickly it blew up, but I used the old book slam on the desk to get their attention. I'm not sure a few bystanders didn't pee their pants. I think I even scared myself. That book sounded like a bomb going off." She smiled.

"Got their attention though. Whatever works. Well, I've had a morning too. It turns out one of my teachers decided to take retirement starting Monday and another is at the hospital with her husband who had an apparent heart attack. Sounds like you'll have steady work for a little while at least.

Ms. Richards is coming back tomorrow, but Ms. Kolinsky is going to be out. How does Government sound for tomorrow? "

Taisha smiled and nodded. "Sounds Great. Does she have a lesson plan?"

"Come back at the end of the day and I'll have it for you. Also, Mr. Cheswick just announced he is retiring effective next Monday. How would you feel about being the interim Social Studies teacher, until we find his permanent replacement?"

"Awesome. I would welcome the opportunity. But, can't we just lose the interim title?" Asked Taisha pleadingly.

"Not that I wouldn't like too but we need to open that position up and go through the process. As you can imagine, there are a few on the waiting list with more seniority."

"I understand. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ms. Turner!" She said shaking Maggie's hand excitedly.

The second half of the day was better for Taisha, but Maggie's day continued to stress her out. School lets out at 3:30 and the place is usually quiet by 4:30 with complete silence by 5:30. Tuesday seems to be the quietest after school day, so Maggie uses it as her late night. She tries to adhere to it so she and Sam can have most evenings free.

At 3:45 Taisha picked up the lesson plan. "Thank you, Ms. Turner." She leafed through it. "I think I'll go to her room and study up on this for a while."

Maggie looked flustered and rubbed her neck. "Dedication, I love it. I've got a lot to do with this retirement paper work. The timing is tight. You have a great evening Taisha." Her focus went back to the papers on her desk.

Around 5:30 Taisha took a break and went by Maggie's office. The blinds were down and closed but the light was on. She did not bother her. She grabbed a snack from the vending machines in the Cafeteria and went back to work.

At 7:15 Maggie was still there as Taisha was heading home. She paused wondering whether or not to disturb her. Ms. Turner did not like to be disturbed when the blinds were down.

She decided the potential suck up points for being seen here this late would be worth it and knocked gently.

"Yes?" Said Maggie impatiently.

"It's me. Gotta minute?" Said Taisha confidently.

"Sure, come in." When Taisha entered Maggie pointed to the chair across the desk.

Maggie looked at her in awe of how fresh and together she looked after a twelve-hour day. Taisha's hair was back in a ponytail and scrunchied. Her skin was smooth and shimmering. She wore black slacks and a tan button-down blouse. Here full lips were dark with a touch of pink and her smile bright and confident.

"Thanks for the lesson plan, I am ready for tomorrow. But I was wondering if I might be able to spend some time with Mr. Cheswick this week while he's still here."

"I planned for you to shadow him on Thursday and Friday." Replied Maggie rubbing her neck again.

Taisha stood up and walked toward Maggie. "Do you need another treatment Ms. Turner?"

"No, that's ok it's just been a long..."

"Nonsense! Trust me I can loosen you right up." She said definitively.

Taisha stepped behind her and gripped her shoulder and worked them gently causing Maggie to moan subtly and sway her head from side to side. Taisha smiled when she noticed the picture of Oshun on Maggie's desk.

"See, feels better already, doesn't it?" She asked, not waiting for an answer. "Let's see, same tension points?"

She pressed her thumbs into Maggie's upper back just above her shoulder blades. "Yah!" Maggie jerked.

"Oh yeah stiff as a board. Let's see." Taisha looked around. "Let's move you to a conference table chair."

Maggie was never crazy about the conference table. It was a large thick Marble rectangular table with thick legs. She felt like you could park a car on it, and it wouldn't give way. The chairs were more like dining chairs. They had ornate wooden legs, with no arms and high narrow leather padded backs.

Taisha grabbed the end chair, turned its back to the table and tapped the seat. "You know the drill."

As Maggie straddled the chair back with her legs and sat down, Taisha pulled another chair around and sat it in position behind her. Maggie's breasts were pressed against the chair back forcing her to sit with her back perfectly straight and legs spread wide.

Taisha, stood behind, reached around and sat her phone on the table next to Maggie. She reached a hand around each side of Maggie's face and slid her fingers across Maggie's cheeks and neck pulling her light brown hair gently off her face neck and shoulders. Her warm fingers caressed her neck sending chills down her spine. When she got it all pulled back, Taisha held the ponytail in her hand and worked a scrunchy off her own ponytail with the other.

"You're hair so soft Ms. Turner. I bet it's hard keeping it tangle free." She worked the scrunchie on it and let it hang down the center of her back. "That's better, I don't want to pull your hair in the process. This still looks uncomfortable..."

She placed a hand on either of Maggie's hips. "Can we scoot you out until your ass hangs just over the edge." She pulled as Maggie raised up and wiggled back on the chair. When her butt hung-over, Taisha patted it. "Perfect, now lean forward and rest your forehead on the padded seat back. Good, stay relaxed..." She ran Maggie's ponytail through her hands a couple more times. "I'm jealous."

Maggie wondered what Taisha's hair felt like. It always seemed to have a perfect amount of shimmer too it. But she heard stories that you should never touch a black woman's hair and you should definitely not ask them if you can. She could sense Taisha shaking her hair out gently after giving Maggie her scrunchie. She tossed the other two scrunchies onto the table.

Taisha began to rub Maggie's shoulders again and Maggie sighed. "Mmmmm."

Taisha sat down in the chair behind her. "We gotta get rid of this blouse Ms. Turner. I can't give a proper massage with that on..."

"I can't do that here..."

"Ms. Turner, Did I not do you right the other night?"

"Yes, but someone could come in..."

"Really?" Taisha stood up and walked to the door and looked it. With new lockdown protocols the office doors all had locks and sliding bolts in the event of school shootings. Taisha locked and bolted the door. Her hand trembled as she replayed principal turner and coach Jackson in her mind.

She sat down behind Maggie and pressed her thighs against Maggie's hips. Maggie was now sitting upright, and Taisha pressed her body against Maggie's back. Taisha felt a rush of tingling heat between her legs and had to remember to breath. Maggie felt the same as she tried to talk.

"I, I, a, don't think this is appropriate in the..."

"Ms. Turner, you need to stop fighting me and let me give you what you need. You are tight as a tick and ready to pop." Said Taisha matter of factly. "Now relax your body, lean back against me and close your eyes."

Maggie was uncomfortable, anxious, heart racing all at the same time. She felt almost powerless to resist but didn't know if she even wanted to. The massage the other night was incredible, and she really was "tight as a tick." She leaned uncomfortably far back before her shoulders landed on Taisha's chest. She landed with a sense of relief. Taisha's beasts were full, firm and warm against her back.

Relax your arms and let them hang. She did and they rested on Taisha's thighs, also warm and very firm. Taisha brought her head forward resting her chin on Maggie's right shoulder, her hair rubbed Maggie's cheek. It was softer than Maggie imagined. It brought to mind a soft wool, not moist but not dry. She moved her head subtly to rub it with her cheek. Then Taisha's perfume sent a jolt through her body.

"You have your Rogue on today." She said softly.

Taisha laughed having just noticed Maggie's perfume. She breathed deep. "And what do you have on?"

"Dior." Maggie answered.

"I like it." Sighed Taisha.

Maggie hardly noticed Taisha had unbuttoned the top three buttons on her blouse, she did it so subtly. Maggie moved her right hand to the next button. "We can't do the massage here. Let's go home and we can do it in the RV."

"Ms. Turner we've already started, and besides, you don't want to risk Sam finding out about my hidden talents. Now just relax and do as I say please." Taisha's hand slid gently up the back of Maggie's hand gripped it softly and placed it on Taisha's knee.

She continued to work her way down the buttons and when she undid the last one, she pulled Maggie's shirt tails out of her slacks. Taisha felt Maggie's fingers gently caressing her knee as she slid her fingers back up her unbuttoned blouse, letting the back of her fingers felt Maggie's skin on the way. She wondered if she may finally get to live out some of her high school and college fantasies of Ms. Maggie Turner.

She wanted to kiss her neck and have her way with her on the table, but she couldn't risk her friendship and career unless she was certain. She gripped the blouse near the collar and pulled it off her shoulders, turned her head so their cheeks would touch and whispered.

"Ok, assume the position and let's get you what you need Ms. Turner." She slid the blouse off Maggie's arms and laid it on the table to Maggie's left side.

Maggie leaned forward with her forehead against the padded seat back while Taisha gently placed Maggie's hands back on her thighs. "That's it Ms. Turner just relax and let me work out all this tension.

She started with softly massaging her deltoids, as she did, she slid the shoulder straps of her bra down over her arms. Then she began the deep tissue shoulder work that caused her to feel uncomfortable.

"Relax, it's all gonna be worth it.

Maggie did her best to not tense her body. She focused on the warmth of Taisha pressing against her butt and thighs. But when she applied full pressure there was serious pain. Taisha was right, the end result was remarkably good, but the process was painful

Next, she began working the shoulder blade area and with remarkable precision had Maggie's bra clasp unhooked before she could think about a protest.

"Just let it fall, it was in my way." Taisha's right hand had come around gripped the front of the bra and pulled it down. In the process her knuckles managed to gently brush both of Maggie's nipples, causing her to gasp. She pulled it away from Maggie's body until Maggie dangled her arms and let it fall off. "Isn't that better?"

The air on her exposed breasts at the end of the day was always a delight, but in the office, it was awkward to say the least. Maggie nodded; in disbelief she was topless in her office with her head planted against the chair. But the magic hands of Taisha were heavenly, and she let the massage continue.

As Taisha worked her way to Maggie's hips, she pressed her thumbs into her upper gluteal muscles producing a wince. "Still sore there, I see." She tried to push her hands inside the waist band of Maggie's pants, but could not. "Lean back a minute Ms. Turner."

Maggie did but brought her hands up to cover her breasts. She sensed Taisha was leaning further back than last time making Maggie feel even more exposed. But as she settled back on Taisha's breasts the thought of how this would feel if Taisha were topless sent a wave of warmth to her pussy that scared and excited her at the same time.

She imagined the warmth of her full breast pressed against her naked back. She leaned her head back against Taisha's shoulder and rubbed her cheek against Taisha's hair.

Taisha's heart raced as she thought of gripping Ms. Turner's breasts and kissing her neck. She had to be absolutely sure and take it painfully slow if her fantasies of Ms. Turner were to come true. She could barely control her emotions but convinced herself to stay in control.

She gripped both of Maggie's hands and gently pulled them back to her thighs. "You need to relax and trust me Ms. Turner, she whispered softly, with her bottom lip ever so slightly touching Maggie's cheek. Taisha slowly pushed Maggie's hands down dragging her thumbs across Maggie's skin as she pushed them back to her thighs.

She saw a wave of goosebumps on Maggie's belly as she released Maggie's hands and moved to her belt. "We just need to loosen these a bit."

She unbuckled the belt and lowered the zipper and could feel Maggie still subtly rubbing against her hair. Taisha was fairly certain; Maggie was willing but resisted the urge to make the next move. She slid the belt off her and sat it on top of the blouse. Then she slid her finger tips of both hands into the waist band of Maggie's pants and traced them around her waist.

Maggie leaned forward. "That's it Ms. Turner, assume the position."

As she did, Taisha worked her hands on her glutes to finish off the massage. When she finished the deep tissue massage on her glutes, she said softly. "The tough part is over. Now I'll finish with a gentle rub, over the whole area, OK?"

"Uh huh," Sighed Maggie.

"Ms. Turner, can I confess something to you?" Her hand rubbed gently on her glutes with her finger tips inside her panties.

"Of course, Taisha, you can tell me anything." Maggie said, pussy tingling wondering if Taisha would be confessing similar feelings.

"Please hear me out before you jump to conclusions." She said tentatively.


"My senior year, I was hear one night after practice and saw your light on..."

"Go on." Said Maggie wondering why she was hesitating.

Taisha took a big breath and blurted our quickly. "I saw your... encounter with Coach Jackson." Maggie tensed. "It's OK, relax." she moved her hands to Maggie's shoulders to calm her and keep her in place. "I know nothing happened, but I saw a passion in you that night like nothing I have ever seen... Can I show you something?"

Maggie's mind and heart raced. She wondered what she was getting at. Was this blackmail? Unsure how to respond. She said. "Sure."

Taisha continued to rub her neck with her left hand and pickup up her phone with her right. After a moment she slid it between Maggie's legs laid it on the seat. "You can scroll through if you like." She rubbed both hands on her neck and shoulder, and slowly worked all the way down to her ass. "Your will power was impressive Ms. Turner. I could feel the heat from you two from the next room and you were able to just turn it off. I spent many nights looking at those pictures. So much passion pent up and just as it was about to explode you pulled it right back in."

Taisha's hands rubbed up Maggie's sides, fingers teasing the sides of her chest along the outer edge of her breasts. Maggie's breathing was slow and deep, and her throat tightened. The images of her kissing Coach Jackson brought back that evening and the feel of his hot hard cock in her hands as Taisha's soft warm hands kept in motion over her back and shoulders.

"I've often dreamed of what it would be like to feel that passion erupt. I wonder how much pressure has built up in you Ms. Turner." She hesitated. "I would like to do a little experiment. Please lean back against me again." Said Taisha softly, her pussy hot and tingling.

Taisha sighed audibly when Maggie, complied. "Thank you, Ms. Turner, now close your eyes and relax." She rested her chin on Maggie's shoulder again. This time she pulled her own hair back, so their cheeks touched. "You smell wonderful, Ms. Turner." She gripped her sides gently.

"You too Taisha." Her eyes remained closed taking in her scent and the feel of her warmth on her back, again imagining them both naked.

"I think that passion is still inside you Ms. Turner. I think the pressure builds every day and you carry it in your neck, shoulders and back." Said Taisha as she moved her right hand slowly from Maggie's side, tracing her middle finger softly toward her belly button.

Maggie felt paralyzed as the finger touched her soft delicate skin. In the remote parts of her mind she was shouting. "Stop and go home!"

"I think one little finger, can burst through the dam holding that passion in you and let it out." Her finger swirled the outer edge of Maggie's belly button.

Maggie's belly twitched at the intensity of Taisha's touch.

Taisha's body was electric as her biggest fantasy appeared within reach. Her finger traced its way toward Maggie's right breast, circled the base and spiraled up to her nipple. Maggie gasped and pressed her chest upward to meet her touch.

Taisha bounced her finger over to her left nipple tickling it. "These areas are a little stiff. We may need to come back to this.

Maggie, wanted to be strong, but couldn't summon the will to move or even open her eyes. The tickle of the finger exploring her body was all that mattered.

Suddenly the finger slid down her breast, past her bellybutton and pushed its way under the waist band of her panties. It swirled in her bush, slipped between her soaked labia, and moved down and back up her slit.

"The dam may have sprung a leak Ms. Turner. Maggie squeaked as her pelvis spasmed upward. "I've thought of a thousand ways to pleasure you Ms. Turner." Her finger reached Maggie's clit causing her to tremble at Taisha's touch. "Oh, there's some real stiffness here, I'm gonna have to really work this out."

Maggie's body spasmed again, sending a jolt of excitement through Taisha. Her own pussy was screaming for relief and she could barely breath. She began working her finger in rapid little circles on Maggie's clit.

Maggie, gasped uncontrollably, "Aaaahhhhh, hah aha aha hah." In rapid succession.

"I think I've found your trouble spot Ms. Turner." Taisha said gleefully pressing harder.

In a cloud of unbridled pleasure, Maggie surrendered to a tidal wave of climactic pleasure that completely consumed her. In less than one-minute Taisha's finger overwhelmed her entire body.

Principal turner let out a series of high-pitched squeals that sent tingles through every skin cell in Taisha's body. She kept her finger mercilessly stimulating her stiff little pleasure button.

"Oh! hah! Oh! hah! Oh! hah! Oh! hah! Oh! hah!" Maggie's body spasmed in time with her squeals.

"One little finger brings a climax so quickly Ms. Turner. So much passion in you..."

"Oh, Ta, Ta, Taish, a! Oh! hah! Oh! hah! Oh! hah! Oh! hah! Oh! hah!" Maggie succumbed to unbridled pleasure.

Taisha pressed herself against Principal Tuner's trembling ass on the verge of cumming herself as her finger brought her fantasies to life. She fantasized countless times about moments like this, but reality exceeded her imagination. The warmth of Ms. Turners body against hers, the scent of her perfume, the feel of their cheeks touching, the sensation of Ms. Turners body spasming from head to toe from the touch of just one finger, were all more than she had imagined. She feared she was soaking through her pants; her pussy was ablaze with desire for the woman who had surrendered herself to one of Taisha's fingers.

As she felt Maggie's climax pass, she slid her finger back down the length of her slit slowly dragging it up and down. "Thank you, Ms. Turner, for the sexiest encounter of my life."

Maggie panted, catching her breath and speechless. She had never let herself go like this, ever! But even as she tried to get control of her thoughts, Taisha's finger continued to slide up and down her pussy. She found herself gyrating in rhythm with the finger, feeling her warm cum rubbing against her mons.

"Ms. Turner, my greedy little finger has a mind of its own. It wants more." Whispered Taisha as her finger curved and lunged into Maggie's pussy.

"Huh!" Barked Maggie. Thrusting herself against the penetrating finger.

"Oh wow, Ms. Turner. There's some real tightness hear we'll have to deal with." She moved her finger slowly in and out, Maggie mindlessly gyrated her hips in rhythm. "I've fantasized about being inside you Ms. Turner and once again you exceed expectations."

Suddenly Taisha pulled out. "No, please." Panted Maggie opening her eyes for the first time since Taisha told her to close them.

Maggie saw Taisha raise her hand toward her face and insert her wet finger into her mouth. "Mmmm." Sighed Taisha tasting Maggie's cum. "You taste even better than I imagined Ms. Turner." Her hand lowered and the finger returned to her warm wetness, sliding up and down her crack again.

Her back arched and she moaned thankful to have the finger back where it belonged. "You like that don't you Ms. Turner?"

Principle Turner's head pressed back on Taisha's shoulder. She tried to make herself say no, but she not only liked it but had to have it. She let out a long pulsating breath in a series of audible whimpering gasps.

"You're soaking wet and hot; I feel that passion bubbling out of you." Said Taisha in her own gasping whimpering voice. "I wish you could feel how wet you make me Ms. Turner..."

Maggie's hand instinctively slid up Taisha's thigh to feel it.

"No, you may not Ms. Turner. Put your hand back on my knee. This is about me pleasuring you. Do you understand?" She removed her finger again.

Maggie's blurted. "Yes!" She gripped Taisha's knee.

"Now that we have an understanding, would you like my finger back?" Asked Taisha tauntingly.

Maggie didn't answer but pressed her ass against Taisha's pussy and gyrated against her slowly. Taisha let out a grunt as the pressure smeared her juices against her swollen clit sending a jolt of pleasure that nearly made her cum in her pants.

"I need to hear you say it Ms. Turner..."

Maggie sensing, Taisha's excitement tried to turn the tables pressing harder against her.

"Say it Ms. Turner..." She panted.

Maggie remained silent trying to maintain a tiny semblance of control.

"If you don't tell my you want my finger back inside you, I will leave, and this will never happen again." Taisha said sternly, hoping beyond hope she was right.

"I want your finger inside of me please!" Said Maggie desperately.

Taisha responded. "I can't..." The finger slid back into her slit and they both sighed. "...Tell you how happy that makes me Ms. Turner."

Taisha continued the finger sliding up and down between her lips without pushing it inside. Maggie's hips gyrated hungrily begging for the finger. Taisha was also fighting for control as she knew if she let herself go, she would cum in her panties. She curled the finger and pushed it back in.

"See what happens when you ask nicely Ms. Turner?"

Maggie trembled and gaped "Y, Yes, ah, ah yyeesss." The finger plunged in and out firmly and steadily. She felt Taisha's cheek and smelled her perfume. Taisha felt like a heating pad against her back and she could feel the heat from Taisha's pussy as she ground her ass against her.

"This is just one finger Ms. Turner, and I can feel that dam springing another leak. A thousand ways to p, pleasure you" Maggie sensed Taisha struggling to speak from her grinding and picked up the pace. "Imagine what I could do with two." Maggie moaned loudly. "And the things I could do with my tongue."

"Hoah!" Maggie herd herself wail at a shocking volume, hips moving wildly.

"Oh shit." Said Taisha just loud enough for Maggie to hear. Taisha knew she would cum herself if Maggie kept grinding. She stopped moving her finger hoping it would slow Maggie down, but Maggie just gyrated faster and harder. That pushed Taisha over the edge. "Your gonna m, make, me, cu, Oh, Ms. T, turn, er!"

Taisha's finger never changed pace, despite her building orgasm. She wanted to demonstrate total control to Principal Turner, but the fluid sexy motion of Maggie's hips as she rubbed her ass against Taisha's pussy, while simultaneously fucking her finger, was too much to take. Her fantasy was coming true and she didn't want to hold back any longer. She needed Principle turner to make her cum.

"Oh fuck, Ms. Turner you're, gonna, make, me..." Taisha braced herself with her left-hand fingering Ms. Turner with her right. "Cu, cum with me Ta, Ta, Taisha. Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh!" Maggie squealed gripping Taisha's knees firmly.

Taisha's whole body stiffened but her middle finger never slowed as she spread her legs wide and pushed her pussy against Principal Turners firm ass. She exhaled short strong gasps onto Maggie's neck and ear, sending goosebumps down her back as she came a second time in just a few minutes.

Taisha panted, whispering as she came in her pants, "Ms. Turner, Ms. Turner, Ms. Turner..." Keeping time with Maggie's ass.

Maggie's orgasm passed, but she kept moving, making sure not to cut Taisha's orgasm short. When both climaxes passed, Taisha pulled out gently rubbing Maggie's slit again, and still only using her middle finger. Then she took it back to her mouth and licked it clean again.

Maggie leaned fully back against Taisha breathing slowly and deeply. She did have to admit, she felt very relaxed with no neck or back pain.

Taisha raised up pushing Maggie upright, so Maggie leaned forward. Next, Taisha slid her chair back, stood up and headed toward the door. Maggie sat there stunned, trying to figure out where Taisha was going.

"Ms. Turner, you are the first and only person to ever make me cum in my pants. I need to go home and shower, so I will let you get back to work. We made great progress today, I think we successfully released some of your tension. You should feel much better tonight. But, it's gonna be a long process to get you where you need to be." She gripped the knob and unbolted the door. Then she opened it, peeked out, and turned back to Maggie.

"Same time next Tuesday and I'll bring all my fingers." She wiggled them before sucking "the finger" again. "A week is a long time... Well, you know where to find me if you would like another session before then."

Taisha smiled and closed the door behind her. Maggie sat there sticky and wet, topless and ironically, more relaxed than she could recall. She sat there, in shock, trying to regroup and contemplating what to do next...

To be continued...


2024-10-24 16:10:11
Wet sloppy dirty hotty love yours Fg

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